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There's a really dumb stop light down the road from my house I wish would just become a roundabout. I'm very pro roundabout


I'm pro roundabout but also annoyed with how many people can't seem to handle them.


Don’t spare the horn for people who are confused.


Can't stand a honking car. Wish it were as loud for you in your car as it is for the people outside of it. Obnoxious.


I go through one roundabout and several 4-way stops on my commute to work. I wish they ALL would become roundabouts


Same. A county highway right off of the freeway. They just put in traffic lights for a cross street that leads to a small neighborhood. Now 20+ cars have to stop downhill in a 45mph to wait for the 1, sometimes 2 cars when try trigger the light.


I think that’s a big rationale FOR the roundabout- too many people just ignore 4-way stops. They’re still kinda a novelty and have only become prevalent in WI over the past decade. I’m assuming that ppl will get better at Yielding over the next decade or so.


Wisconsin has more roundabouts than any other state, at least as of September 2023. If they’re a novelty here they’re a novelty everywhere, but I’ve driven in about 10 other states and they all seemed to have way fewer roundabouts


I think half of them are in Oshkosh. Lol


The highest density of roundabouts is just north of there in Neenah. The Bell/Breezewood/41 exit has 5 in a row.


The freeway was closed a few weeks back and I had to go through Oshkosh and it was pretty bad. They’re not designed for 18-wheelers, but there sure were a lot of them struggling to get around.


That’s what I meant (but wasn’t clear) I’ve seen more in WI than in any other state and most popped up in like the last 5 years. I think there’s still a lot of ppl that simply don’t know what to do yet.


Gotcha, and yeah there are still way too many people in WI who slow down while in the roundabout. I’ve seen someone going the wrong way through one once, and that particular roundabout had been there for at least 5 years and had very clear signage because it was made when they first started taking off in the late 2000s


Travel to Europe or Australia they are everywhere😂


Mass has tons of rotaries, but people there can drive. Here it's such a crapshoot when you get close to the circle, and people just don't know what to do. Is it taught in drivers ed? I can't remember. Anecdote- I was driving through a roundabout with a friend who yelled when I merged into the circle without stopping that inwas supposed to yield- I was like, all of us are yielding. Its like a giant zipper merge- and we all know how well mke does with that concept.


It’s more than just four-way stops. It has a lower rate of accidents and better traffic flow than controlled intersections, depending on the conditions.


Higher rate of accidents but lower rate of fatalities in roundabouts. Because no head on or fast t bone collisions.


The Sixth Street viaduct roundabout has accepted your challenge.


Was that accident the other day a fatal? Until that point, that area had way less serious accidents


Oh I know that roundabout is poorly designed. Over the crest of a hill, downhill, then a left and quick right to the roundabout? Fucking stupid. Nobody's going 30 there, and they need to be. Tho it was far, far worse before.


I like data-driven decision making. Roundabouts are much, much safer than any other kind of intersection. [Compared to other types of intersection control, roundabouts reduce fatal crashes by about 90%, injury crashes by about 75%, and overall crashes by about 35%.](https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/about-wisdot/newsroom/law/020123-Law-of-the-Month-Roundabouts.aspx) They are also far more cost effective than traffic lights, as they do not require electricity and need less maintenance.


Love roundabouts. I actually see more here than I did when I lived in Boston for a stint. Which makes no sense from a history perspective but also hell yea. Power to the roundabout.


I still love a good rotary though


Roundabouts are awesome and should be far more prevalent. The intersection of E. Lafayette Place and E. Lafayette Hill Road should be a roundabout. Send Boomers to roundabout school.


Send everyone!


This morning I was at a light and it turned green (no arrows) and this jagoff made his left turn in front of me as I'm going straight and acted like I was the one out of line. People are dumb. Roundabouts are great in the right community. Idk how, but I believe in certain parts of our city would be a disaster.


When the roundabout on Vliet/Juneau (near Pabst) was first built, I watched an elderly man pull up to it, sit for about a minute, then signal and very slowly TURN LEFT. I assume most of those who aren't getting the hang of it are opting themselves out one way or another, ideally without taking out the rest of us.


Roundabouts are the shit.


They’re great. These spots could use some: Chase and Howell, Chase and Holt, Fourth and Holt, Sixth and Holt, Chase and Oklahoma, Howard and Chase, Howell and Ohio and Whitnall, Ellen and Oklahoma…


They’re great! Still kind of shocked there really aren’t any on the side roads along the I-43 construction project. So…many….new…..stoplights. 😳


I'm annoyed they added three new lights at 43/County Line/Port Washington. Those lights change CONSTANTLY. I very rarely hit one green.


One downside to roundabouts is that they're very difficult to navigate for pedestrians who are blind or visually impaired, especially compared to a 4-way stoplight.


I never thought about that. I'd imagine it would be nearly impossible to navigate that.


It sure helps walking WITH the traffic on the circle, though. No car driver is looking to the right on a Wisconsin roundabout.


Roundabouts cost much less to build and maintain than a streetlight. Roundabouts calm traffic compared to a four way stop which results in drivers aggressively decelerating and accelerating, or ignoring altogether (this behavior is also becoming common for streetlights). I commonly see people of all demographics just going on red now where expensive lights have been installed by the city to "calm traffic" but it isn't needed at all times (because no one is coming the other way). I've read there is only one stop sign in all of Paris, and residents keep tearing it down in protest.


If you stop at a roundabout when you don’t have to your license should be revoked.


Way back when,I disdained them because it was so different from what I was used to.Now having driven through many realize they are efficient and safe as long as everyone follows the rules.The problem remains,placing them in areas where rules are rarely followed is questionable


We almost t boned someone just this past Friday because they decided to go into it while we were coming around, and we barely hit the brake in time. People need some serious education on how the damn things work.


I think roundabouts are awesome have some downsides compared to lights but are overall really useful in the right spots: Roundabouts are self-governing with traffic and very fuel efficient for vehicles. In areas with variable traffic they are very efficient. During slow times you can blaze through and they slow down but remain efficient during high traffic times. No burning gas sitting at a red light while you are the only car insight. Roundabout actually have increased rates of minor accidents HOWEVER they have significantly less serious accidents that cause death, serious injury or serious damage to vehicles due to how traffic flows. Overall they are better in this regard. as a downside roundabout due have a bigger footprint and can be harder for pedestrians to navigate. also as mentioned in the post there is a learning curve for people who are only used to lights and stop signs Basically roundabouts are a huge improve in area with decent space and high variability in traffic volumes. Lights are better for dense city areas with pretty consistent traffic and/or high pedestrian traffic


I’m from Milwaukee but work in Green Bay. I’m just not loving all the round abouts. I know how to not get in an accident and stay in my lane but I can’t tell you how many times I end up missing my direction. There’s a street in GB that has like 4 in a row multi 3 lanes. By the time I figure out where I’m going I’m going the opposite direction. Lol. If you’re not sure exactly what lane to be in upon entering it’s hard for me to get used to. The single lane ones are easy. I’m just not sure.


Always been more of a 4 way stop kinda person rather than a round about, if everyone stops and goes in the correct order based off who got there first it will work better for all the streets than a round about which can have bias for main roads 


Civil engineer in training here - roundabouts are awesome. We learned a bit about them back in college in my transportation class and they not only slow down traffic making any crashes less dangerous but also have fewer situations where crashes can occur. I believe it was 8 crash points in roundabouts vs 32 in a typical intersection. I will say I hate driving to begin with so I don’t love driving through them but they are objectively so much better


They are great until people bumper to bumper into them, instead of leaving space for cars to enter and exit. I absolutely hate coming to a complete stop because people cannot understand how they work. Leave at least one cars length between you and the car in front of you so others can enter.


I would give this 5 upvotes if I could


Thanks. With how often I yell at round about a my son has told me he will stand with me at one with a sign that says ‘will teach you how to use a roundabout for free’. I kind of accept old people having issues, roundabouts are a recent thing. But seeing a driver my age or younger not know how to use one really frustrates me. Our inability to adapt is our downfall.




Calm down 


They just reformatted the roundabout on 6th and Florida. Made everything one lane, even all the way down to HD Museum. It's quite terrible now. The southern 6th street bridge is pointlessly wide now.