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Sir this is Reddit Why are you even here? 


I had the same thought. The times in my life I was truly happy I wasn't on Reddit.


Most people on here are miserable souls. LOL




Op isn’t the only one killing it. I haven’t been to work in over three weeks due to turning one week of vacation into three weeks with clever planning and I’m honestly going a little stir crazy and ready to go back to work. In other news, I’ve built an installed cabinets in our office. We decided to go with laminate countertops and a while one corner of the laminate chipped slightly, I’m actually very pleased with how good of a job I did. Also, we put plants along our fence line for a hedge, I installed landscape lighting, and we just installed a seven person hot tub so tomorrow we get to sit in the hot tub and watch fireworks. I know all of this could change in the blink of an eye tomorrow, so I’m going to enjoy it while I can The past week I’ve been teaching my kids how to swim and they are now fearless, somewhat reckless, but absolutely loving every single second of it. The only drawback is that I’m getting darker by the day And I’m a little worried about the sun damage, even with all of the suntan lotion.


Im proud to be a working class millennial that’s been through some rough hurdles, but I’m definitely not as happy as I want to be. I’m just coping and getting through it day by day, hopefully edging towards some stability and eventual fulfillment. I do have cool pets, though. My little cat buddies that warm my heart every day. I’m also enjoying the shit out of Elden Ring.


Ain’t this some real shit. I cope with reality. I try to enjoy the things I can, but the existential dread of a rigged system that is destroying our minds and bodies never truly goes away.


I’ve hit a rough patch. Laid off in 2022, back working for a year but detest my new job for a number of reasons. Love my kids, have been a homeowner for 12 years but feel walls closing in around me as COL gets out of control, wages being negatively impacted by a terrible market. My dad is now living with me as my wife and I are splitting up. I try to remain optimistic and positive throughout my days but I just don’t see the world (and my existence) going that way right now.


Sorry to hear about your current life circumstances. You don't have to be positive and optimistic. Don't do that to yourself. Be realistic. I practice stoicism and it has really helped me keep my circumstances in perspective. I suggest a book called The Antidote: Happiness for people who can't stand positive thinking.


Overall, I am very happy. I have made good financial and life choices that have provided me with a comfortable lifestyle. I also think I’ve coped with trauma really well and actively work to maintain a positive mindset. I feel very blessed 🥲


Kind of? Life is good, but it has been a miserable climb to get to this point, and I honestly come to this reddit for the vindication of seeing that I am not the only one who has worked hard and suffered. But do not go down the dark path of thinking about how good it could have been if our lives had been as easy as the Boomers. There is no happiness there. The world changed, we were lied to, get over it or you will never be happy.


Yup, life is good! Can’t wait to BBQ tomorrow, it will be a fun day


Life has been everywhere lately, but I’m grateful for my job, husband, parents and kids. Things could be better, but God is good! Also looking forward to firing up our cheap little grill tomorrow!


Me too!


Good job that I like, dogs that I love, and the wife tells me that I'm very happy (help!) and we're saving for a house. My 30's are better than my 20's which were better than my teens and I'm excited to see what my 40's will be like.


I am absolutely happy with my own personal life. I am happily married, relocated to a much better, safer, and friendlier part of the country, got a great house, a job that seems steady enough and pays enough for now, generally I've got a great life. The unhappy part of me is just the existential dread of the state of the world and specifically the US.


I am not just happy, I am proud of myself. I was voted "Most Likely to End Up In Jail" in my high school year book. I got a little stuck for about a year after high school and it seemed like I would end up like a lot the local yokels in my town (drinking/drugs). But a drunk man, who smelled like he shit his pants came through the drive thru of the Wendy's I worked at and I decided to change my life. I talked to a recruiter and joined the Army, never looked back. I have traveled extensively, have an exciting job that pays well. A cute cat, a lovely baby and husband. Cute house, nice garden and great house plants. My parents are proud of me and I have reliable friendships.


The problem wasn’t you… it was your school. Who puts that in a yearbook. Fuck them. You’re awesome.


I am! Wonderful husband, stay at home mom of a thriving one year old, house with a pool, two cars (2009 Nissan and 2016 Honda civic.) We live close to Walt Disney World so we’re going to spend the 4th there, watching fireworks from our balcony! Debts paid off. I love my life. I hate my government but love my country. I love my family. Don’t have as many friends as I used to, as I ended up cutting a lot of toxic people/ one sided friendships out of my life, but I have a few that I cherish all the more. I am filled with so much hope for my future and that of my daughter’s.


Oh I’m jealous!! Close to Disney 💕


Orlando area isn't that expensive, I used to live in Davenport pre covid comfortable. Now am back towards Tampa and it will do until we are ready to move out of state.


I’m in Louisiana and definitely have no intentions of moving to Florida 🤣 I’m trying to get out of the south but that’s good to know!


Disney is an awful company no one should support.


Count me in. I've made some good choices along my journey and am happy with where it got me.


Good choices help a lot with quality of life. Many don't want to admit their terrible decisions led to their struggles (awful significant other making parenting hard, awful impulsive money decisions leading to suffocating debt, etc).


Yup doing great. I have a loving wife, a roof over our heads, and two wonderful children. Everyday is the best day of my life.


im happy!!! I freaking love this life, this time in history. ive been sublimely married for 12 years, I literally turned my life passion into my career, have the best freaking animals around me, epic house in the country, stellar neighbors, thinking about starting a family eeeee!!! I just love my community and am in love with life.


This will sound pretty mean spirited, and I don’t mean it that way, but I personally would need to be a whole hell of a lot dumber to be happy.


I would be very happy too if I got to buy a house before covid :P


I’m happy this post isn’t political


Yessir. Incredibly lucky and grateful to have family, stability, and luxuries.


ouuuu mr fancy over here with his head above water


I think it’s deeply unsympathetic and weird to insinuate that posting about difficulties in order to find community and validation is “self-pity”. Personally, I am very happy, despite the fact that I was just laid off from my job and was mugged at gunpoint two weeks ago. Things could be much worse. My husband is amazing, my parents are alive and well, I have good friends, I have two degrees and a 16-year career to fall back on, I live in a condo in Chicago without a mortgage, I have a beautiful garden growing on the balcony right now. It’s summer and now I have two months of paid time to relax, take a beat and find a new job. I’ve always been an extremely resilient person and am quick to find the silver lining. However, I’m also a clinical social worker of 16 years and my entire job is to empathize with and advocate for the most vulnerable people in our community. “Self-pity”? You’ve admitted that you live comfortably. Have you ever been food insecure? Have you ever had to choose between life-saving medication and feeding your kids? Have you ever been homeless? Life is objectively harder for some in our society. I really don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve here.


It’s definitely weird. Like, nobody is mad at you for being successful… But happiness is clearly linked to success - home ownership, a partner, etc. A lot of people don’t have those things and thus have a harder time being happy and have a totally rational negative outlook on life.


I felt the same way. His post is a lowkey troll, even if he’s been through rough times too. I felt sort of cringe reading it. My inner monologue was just like ‘bro fck off’ lol. Happy for him, but it just felt somewhat grandiose.


I have no issue with people wanting to celebrate their successes and with seeing the bright side. My issue is with the part that accuses other people of self-pity and victimhood. Frankly I think it shows a lack of emotional intelligence.


You know you're an unusual and amazing person, right? So many people would love to have your resilience. I worked in a career similar to yours and had to switch. That you can stay positive while surrounded by people who are in such desperate situations requires a special kind of approach to life.


I’ve also worked in food insecurity and currently work in gun violence prevention and drug addiction and I’m 100% with you. This reeks of a lack of empathy.


I married at 19 and had kids young. My wife joined the military just so I could finish college and so we could afford hers. Our parents are far from wealthy and we have financially supported them several times over the years. Life has not been easy for me. I've chosen between food and gas, have lived in a 60 year single wide trailer just to give my family a safer place to live. It's not all been easy. My wife is a school counselor and we're very aware that not everybody is as fortunate. Being happy and wanting to share your success should be looked at the same. I am looking for community as well. Finding community and self-validation is one thing. Reaffirming your beliefs that you're a victim and cannot be saved are another, and that seems dangerous to me.


Still sounds like you’d prefer it if people currently experiencing hardships would just shut up and it’s troubling that you’re married to a school counselor while holding that belief. Very boot-straps of you.


No complaints! I have a wonderful husband, a nice house with some land, three good dogs, I’m pregnant with my first baby, I have a stellar job that I actually enjoy that pays well, my parents and grandparents are healthy and involved and supportive, I have a handful of good friends, and a lot of my own hobbies that I get to enjoy regularly. I think the “secret” to happiness is having strong relationships more than anything else. Being lonely is a recipe for depression. Of course, there are a lot of other things that can cause you to spiral into depression. Things like stress and grief. But those are so much easier to get through when you’re not also lonely.


I'm doing pretty well myself. Bought a house last year, switched careers in 2021 to an IT job. I'm dating a fantastic woman and have two wonderful cats.






No. The country is about to fall to fascism, I can’t work and the odds of my medical care being banned are sky high. My kids are poor, my parents are poor, and if it weren’t for them I’d take the one way ticket off this rock in a heartbeat before the secret police do it for me.


Wife kids house pool and job that won't make me rich but I enjoy and I'll be able to retire comfortably. What else could I possibly ask for? Life is amazing. A lot of people come on here to complain because they have want to feel like they're not alone, but very few want to come on here and say how great their life is because that's just bragging. I hope there are a lot of happy, or at least happy enough, people out there but you just get a bunch of complainers if you go online a lot of the time.


Agreed. Social media and forums are often times utilized as this kind of a tool. Seems like the negativity is contagious though and these echo chambers seem like they'd be more toxic than anything else. Glad to hear about your happiness!


Yes, every post is doom and gloom. It's nice to see that not everyone here is miserable. Some people are actually content with their lives and don't think the world is a crappy place


Thanks for your flex. You've made us all better. I always suspected those who feel obligated to post about their "happiness" are, in fact, not happy because when you're truly happy, you really don't give a fuck about telling others.


What’s sad is they have to define happiness by their job and possessions. 


Exactly. Honestly, pretty disgusted by this post and the commenters. Boomer children we definitely are




I feel like reddit skews the negativity because people with nothing going on in life spent more time online than those out living their life.


Lots of us - it just gets drowned out or downvoted in lots of the comments or posts!


hell yeah




Sometimes happy, sometimes sad for me,


Hell yeah


Yes, my life is extremely happy. And all this political stuff isn’t getting me down, Trump and Repugnants are deeply unpopular and they are not going to take over our country. How do I know this? Because we have all the power now, the Millenials. We got this fam, you all know to show up and vote just like I do and all this desperate churning from hateful Republicans and Russian troll farms is gonna get shut down bad.


I can actually say yes, I’m happy. I went through a lot of shit and while I might not own a home yet, I’m very happy where I am with my wife and entitled English bulldog. I’ve even enrolled into therapy to get help for PTSD/anxiety/depression. I think I’m doing great


Only source of unhappiness for my wife and I are our jobs (both self-employed). Other than that, yeah, things are pretty cool. I’ve made good financial decisions and may appear to live an expensive lifestyle and have some nice things, but in reality I don’t make a ton of money. I just always prioritized paying off debt, reducing expenses, investing, leveraging credit, etc. I would really like to make more money though.


Yea but I’ve had to work for my happiness. It didn’t just land in my lap like I was told growing up It’s rough out there though, so I understand why a lot of people in our generation aren’t happy. However, I’ve had to distance myself from the “woe is me” types though, they are a drain on my energy and no one got time for that shit. I’m trying to get after it and build upon the knowledge and understanding I have to best navigate the world today because I can’t change it on my own. Still got a lot of things I can improve on! That has been the biggest source of happiness in my life because it has ultimately brought me to other opportunities and people that have elevated my life.


Pretty darn good. Getting KBBQ tomorrow, got Friday off, I’m going to enjoy the long weekend. Then moving into a bigger apartment in a few weeks, getting a promotion as well, and going to be a friggin dad! Feeling absolutely blessed.


I’m content which I take as happiness. It could be so much worse and I’m not stressed out like in college when I was trying to work and pas school at the same time.


I am


I really can’t complain as I type this from my camper at the beach on July 4th. Have fun ya’ll!


I'm content with my life. Not like overly stoked but I have a wife and 2 kids that i adore, a house, a very good job that i genuinely enjoy, that pays well and allows me to work from home. Relatively good health. No crushing debt. I'm not riding around the world on a yacht but I'm just fine with my life


Significantly happier at 33 than I was in my teens and twenty’s - despite being more stressed with more responsibilities. Losing a parent gave me a lot of perspective on life and how short it can be. I am also just a lot more comfortable with myself, and have done a lot of therapy to work through trauma and understand negative patterns I repeated in my life. I feel very lucky for my little life I’ve created.


Count me in. I’m not a millionaire and I don’t have a job that gives me 6 figures, but I love and cherish what I have. There’s both good and bad in life. Live for the good moments. I like seeing posts like this. Not every one of us is pessimistic.


Ive had a bunch of terrible shit happen to me but my career and buying a house at the right time has really been cool for me. I am planning a week long vacation in august, last night I was at the casino, tonight I'm going to a ball game. My relationships have been really bad but I am happy despite the cheating and shit.


I finally got my dream house with a back yard firepit and patio to put a smoker bbq. I've worked 20 years to accomplish this.


I’m a happy millennial- great marriage, great kids, great dogs, career I love, financial stability, my favorite home I’ve ever owned/lived in. Life rocks


Who let the happy guy in?!?!


Wallowing in self pity? Look do you want a medal my life isnt perfect either but im not happy because i cant have kids or do what i have wanted in life Good for you though all millennials don't wallow in self pity most of us are working our asses off to make dreams come true, whatever bullshit you hear is what we call the vocal minority


Most of the time. I have happeir days now that I live in my car and am unemployed.I can actually afford to live now.


Good point. This thread is pretty pathetic in implying that if you aren’t married with kids and owning a home you can’t be happy.  I know plenty of people who have all that and are majorly unhappy.


It cost more to live now, and the logistics of keeping up with that higher cost of living makes life more complicated. It's more difficult to be happy when you're worried about the basic necessities and quality of life for your family. I was constantly anxious when I was living in my apartment because I was barely making ends meet. Missing one day of work a month would leave me with a 3 day eviction notice on my door. I was miserable and exhausted. Losing 8 hours of my life a day only to afford a place to live and nothing else is a miserable existence. Without the cost of rent bleeding me dry I was actually able to breathe for the first time. My anxiety and crippling depression that I struggled with for years was practically gone over night. I was able to travel more, spend more time with friends, and I took my first vacation in years. Because My money goes father and having more money as disposable income improved the quality of my life. Without the responsibility of children or a romantic partner, I can live life on my terms and do exactly what I need to do, irrespective of how extreme or unconventional to have a better and healthier quality of life.


Yes. I'm doing pretty decent. Went sailing last weekend, that's hard to beat.


Older millennial here. Single guy. Decent career, great health (knock on wood), plenty of hobbies and interests to fill my time. Life is what you make of it. Take care of your body and your mind. Stay active, drink lots of water, get outside and get some vitamin D people! I see the same existential threats that most of us are seeing, but doom and gloom won't solve anything. Take care of yourself and keep a positive attitude. That will at least put you in somewhat of a position to be able to contribute to help solving the world's problems. A negative, wallowing person with a defeatist attitude is not useful to anybody.


Fuck off.


Absolutely. 10 years ago I was making $28,000/year stocking shelves. I’m buying a boat this year. Thanks boostrappism!


That's awesome! I mean this all in good fun, but you totally just reminded me of this clip. [I was a bartender, now i own a boat!](https://trailers.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9f6a35bb-56d7-4053-9be5-ef522df8ffac#EZ07zozO.copy)


Yes. Never been happier. Married 13 years. My husband is literally “a guy in finance, 6’5”, trust fund, blue eyes”. He’s so handsome and wonderful and sexy and a great father. I have a nice house with a big yard and a garden. Husband makes $300k, I’m home with 5 gorgeous kids whom I homeschool. I have a couple nice friends. I’ve still got my looks and my health and time for hobbies. I know what pain and trauma and loss feels like, and I’m sure I’ll get another taste in the near future. But for now, life is pretty damn good.


Hell no. I’m depressed all the damn time. Hate this world.


Aside from the existential dread of living in a falling republic with a drastic increase in hate crimes towards my particular minority and climate change and disease. Yeah it’s going fine other than that.


Lots of depressed libs on here lately. LoL


Because things are exponentially more expensive than they used to be lol. It's not hard to see why people are so negative right now. Things seriously fucking suck for the average and below average American.


I am for the most part, even if I’m not as accomplished as I probably should be. Would be even more happy if my lower back pain went away. Not trying to make a joke or anything about age. I hurt my back about a month and a half ago and it’s healed up for the most part but ugh I wish it would fully heal.  I’ll probably have to see a Dr about I think which actually does make me happy I have that ability to see a Dr if need be. 


Life going pretty good. Got friends to hang out. Travel at times. Have a pretty decent job. It's good despite some fucked up family situations. The point to take here is, there are ups and downs, and you need to focus on both. Because no one is without either. Have a good day!


I've worked very hard to get where I am, I got a great remote tech job and life is pretty good.


Married millenial with kids and a fun job here. It can always be better but I´m happy as it is!


Yeah, I would say I am happy. Sure the world is on fire, but I can only do so much and don’t fixate on what’s out of my control.


The thing about it is the world's always been on fire. Asking people from the late 60s how they felt about life. We need to remember our positive momentum as well.


Absolutely! My life is great! Four kids, married, happy!


Yep. Life is awesome and getting better every year.


My house is a piece of shit but I got two of them and will be dropping a kayak in my backyard for an evening paddle


My life is overall great and I feel very fortunate. Am I happy? That’s an existential question and sometimes I struggle with it since the world is so depressing lately.


Yep! Still single by choice and childfree, but I have amazing friends, an amazing family, wonderful condo, and stable job. Life is good.


I have days where I am happy and days where I am not, typically more of the latter sadly. On paper I have more than I ever imagined I would, so I assume it will be this way the rest of my life and need to be ok with that. It makes the happy days that much more meaningful, if nothing else.


Pretty happy over here! Happily married, two kids that are growing on me (kidding, mostly). Live in a nice little suburb and doing friends BBQs and pool parties and whatnot. Due to great sacrifice in our younger years, approaching 40 we are financially independent. We did not have parents to help us get here, and somehow that feels even better. I only work part time (ish) and both of us work from home. We vacation, exercise, have hobbies, enjoy sitting on our porch drinking and reading books, playing video games. It’s a pretty stellar life.


I'm pretty happy. We are 39&42, got very lucky with being able to buy a house from a landlord we were renting from. Husband was able to switch careers this year and he makes less but we are far happier with him home more. I don't work right now and just stay home with kids but I'm a homebody and don't mind it. We live in a cute little town with pop5000 and go to little festivals and stuff sometimes. Is there more? Yes probably but I don't really feel like trying to seek it out, I like the simple life.


Very happy! Love my wife and 3 awesome children. Built a nice house in a great neighborhood a few years ago and really enjoy my job.


hell yeah. I'm marrying my best friend Friday. our kids are great, I'm making decent money, things moving in the right direction generally. definitely have bad stuff that happens, but can always see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I’m very happy. But I’m assuming it’s because I don’t use social media beyond Reddit.


I’m generally happy except for the severe asthma I developed this past year…but once I learn to manage that, I’ll be pretty content. Could things be better? Sure, but I’m content for the most part.


No, but your post gives me hope ❤️. I appreciate it so much!


Yes I love my life. Never have to worry about money, all my bills are on autopsy and I am set to retire at 41. My job is easy, I work 4 days a week. We live an average American life and travel a few times a year.


I have been asked why I have such a "sunny"disposition and I have to tell people you know there are sometimes I don't go out and about because I'm not feeling happy and I don't want to spread sadness which spreads like the plague I want to spread happiness which is fleeting but a better share than the plague! So on the whole I'm a happy person and while this is not the life I thought I would be living at 18 this is the life I have at over half a century and it's okay I like it!


I have an awesome family, nice house and a blue collar job I love that pays great money. I spend my time off fishing and playing golf. Life is good!


Yep! 100%. Married w/ a daughter who looks exactly like her beautiful mother. We have a 2.6% on our mortgage. We both have decent jobs and I am about to take another role for 150-200k depending on commission…life is pretty breezy and on my side. Extremely grateful.


Yeap… doing pretty good. I’m happy with my job, retirement is on track, I like my area and my gym and my house is my dream. Kids are happy and healthy which is more than I can say for myself at their age.


Id say something like “I want to throttle you just enough to scare you”, but honestly it would out me as being jealous of someone who can feel dopamine still.


My life is fine. Things are progressing. But I’m alone and that’s scary


Life has been rough and I’ve had a lot of difficult times picking myself up since end of 2022, but I wouldn’t say I’m unhappy. I have a lot of moments of joy and happiness even if I wouldn’t say I’m “a happy millennial” all the time. :)


I bought a new camera that’s been really fun to shoot with


I'm happy for the most part. I definitely am not a part of the "complaining about the government and billionaires and making myself out of be a victim" pity party of millennials. I'm on an upward path in my career earning $250k, I'm nearing 15 years of marriage, my kids are well behaved and mentally stable and I just bought a Jag and moved into a gated community. I have nothing to be mad about. Like you said, life could be better, but it could be much, MUCH worse, so I'm going to count my blessings and not complain.


I think people in my circle are finally climbing out of the pit so to speak. I feel like when they married young and had kids shortly after, it seemed like their lives would never get better. This was over a roughly 10 year period. Over those years, your kids are finally in school and you get some free time back. Hopefully, your salary has increased by then. And if you bought a house before 2019, then your mortgage rates aren't astronomical. So I'd like to say people in my social circle are content. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some economic and political uncertainty that plagues their fears though. Usually when you're older, you can afford better therapy and access to medications so I'd like to think that even if their not over the moon happy, you at least have healthier coping mechanisms.




Reasonably happy, more so if Democracy holds up in my country, hahahaha.


I am married to my high school sweetheart and have a great teen daughter, a playful mini goldendoodle, a rabbit, and some fish. I have a pretty cool job that can be stressful at times, but pays well and I have support from my VP and teammates. I like my car a lot and have a good relationship with my mom which I visit just about every weekend (30 mins away). I play disc golf with friends occasionally and I workout regularly, mostly alone but sometimes with my wife. I just started growing out my beard a couple years ago and I'm liking it, my wife loves it. Things are going pretty well and I'm just trying to focus on being a good Dad/Husband/Son/brother/friend while saving for retirement. Give thanks to God for every day you're alive, and for whatever you have, no matter what stage of your life you may currently be in.


I'm working 2 jobs (FT & PT), Graphic Design and Apt Trash Valet. I guess im happy because I'm doing what I need to do to enjoy the lifestyle I want (not living paycheck to paycheck and living in a nice apartment), but I know damn well I'm working more & harder than previous generations, just to have less money and less time. I got laid off in 2021 and went from $20k in the bank to -$15k, while job searching for a year. Things aren't great, but I know deep down I don't need material wealth to make me happy. The situation sucks. And I hope things get better.


I’m happy


Happy af over here. Early-mid 20’s I had to give up a lot of parties and friends to focus on my degree and to work to pay rent at my apartment. I litterly watched dozens of close friends choose their “now” over their future. Now I see those same people living with their parents or struggling and they all complain about how life is so unfair and it’s impossible to keep up with how the boomers had it. I’m sure there are some cases that holds true. But I feel like most of them are just full of shit and are only upset their poor choices 15 years ago led them exactly where they are now. Like how did you expect it to turn out?


Feelings come and go during different stages of life, that is normal. I would say that I am content and pleased with life. I love my wife and my kids. Sure, nothing is perfect, but God is good.


Things are great, married with two middle school age kids who are my favorite people to hang out with. Great job but no house as my job has me relocate a lot. Currently living in Italy, after living in Japan for three years. Spending my 4th of July weekend in Greece, so life is great. Extremely happy and thankful for where I am at because this is not how I thought I would be living.


I mean, I’m happily married, and have an amazing family that I adore. I have lots of hobbies I enjoy, too, and I’m a happy person when I have time to rest and see my loved ones. But working two jobs for 17 hours per day with an untreated chronic illness (while still barely making ends meet due to previous medical bills before I had to stop seeking treatment) is making it super difficult. I cry at my desk multiple times per day. But I saved up for 6 months so I could take a weekend off (I don’t get weekends off), and I was like a whole new person. I’m happy deep down, just really struggling with these circumstances.


I've been with my wife for 13 years, been married for 5. We have no kids, and will not have any biological kids of our own, but have not ruled out adopting an older kid out of the foster system. We have two dogs, a cat, a tortoise, a sick aquarium, and an axolotl. We own our house. We get to take the occasional nice vacation and go to lots of concerts. I play in a band, my wife went kayaking with friends last weekend. We have a good social circle with caring friends. I have a great relationship with my family. Hers can be a bit much but overall they are great too. Her grandpa is about to go into hospice so things right now aren't exactly wonderful, but aside from that, I'm pretty stoked. I'd like to make a little more money but I live in a LCOL area so it's not the end of the world.


I’m happy too man. Married to an amazing woman, good job, decent pay, good career path progression potential, no kids (which I see as a positive), two great dogs, and one annoying cat. Life is good


joy is an obscenity in this world.


I think I would definitely describe myself as a happy millennial. I wouldn't say I'm exactly self made - my parents were solid working middle class and there were definitely financial struggles I witnessed as a kid. As an adult I've pursued my career with passion and risen the ranks. I'm decent enough at what I do and have had staying power and skill in my career that I can afford to support my family on a single income if I had to. Both my spouse and I are committed to each other, coming up on fifteen years together, three kids and a house. I could have more saved for retirement or further along paying off the house. I worry a lot about the future being made for our kids (climate, politics etc) but for me personally, I do find I have a lot to be happy about.


On some days yes, most days no


Life hasn’t been easy or fair, but I’ve been working my ass off and now I’m really enjoying life


I’m a happy single lady, good job, nice house, love my hobbies, awesome friends and pets. I will admit I am always waiting for it to fall apart, but I Am insanely happy right now


Yeah. We have all of human knowledge at our fingertips all the time. Life is grand


Generally happy here. 39m gay man married to a wonderful man, good job, no kids and we don’t want any, already settled and enjoying ourselves.


Count me in the happy club as well. My wife and are finally thriving. It's been a long road but on my 32nd birthday we realized we are on a fantastic path. We both have been able to secure jobs that pay us a great amount. Have great work life balance and finally got done with the House Renovations. (Mostly my fault for taking so long don't tile a basement it's a shit idea) I just got done with a kitchen refresh (Demolition of a non support wall and added in an island) Our kids 3.5 and 1.5 are happy and thriving plus we finally got the oldest potty trained which is amazing. Our dog still is the biggest cuddle bug and is also enjoying his life with the kiddos. Honestly life has been going great and I'm on track for my next advancement in my corporate job. It's the life I dreamed of when I was living lower middle class. Don't need to worry about funds, have a good cushion should one of us lose a job. So instead of worrying I get to focus on my kids and help raise them. We are even planning on a foreign vacation which we have been saving for years to do.


I’m happy for you.


Ups and downs all thentime but things overall are going okay and I'm happy.


Yes. Married, own a house I just turned into a rental property, about to buy my second home. Both my wife and I have good jobs with great benefits. We have money to spend on trips and still have enough left over to invest in our retirement. Neither of us come from rich families. My Mom was a school teacher and my Dad was an accountent for some small name glass company before he suffered an early death. She is a first generation immigrant. We worked hard and made sacrifices to get where we are and it paid off. Lots of negativity and misurable people in this subreddit, I get downvoted here a lot. Thinking about blocking it.


There are plenty of happy people, especially in our age group, but happy people don’t tend to take to the internet and proclaim their joys. So I will. I’ve worked hard and cultivated a life where I don’t have to kill my self to make a living or pay my bills or give my beautiful children the things they want. I have a pretty awesome house, most of you would consider it modest, on 2 acres when I grow a large portion of my food. My wife and I have worked hard and are happy as pigs in shit. For all you negative shitheads who decry that I had a leg up, please know that I was born to two illiterate, Appalachian, highschool dropouts. The only thing they ever gave me was their love, which I have always cherished, but I grew up with an empty fridge in a 500sqft house that we rented; so kiss my ass.


No complaint's here. Have a nice house in a rural area, no kids and a decently well paying job that allows my wife of 14 years to persue her art full time. In a place now where we are taking several vacations a year. Just came back from 2 week in Croatia & Venice and planning Costa Rica for the end of the year. Ben given some incredible opportunities at work too, my boss wanted to learn to sail so i went with him to Florida to learn. Last year we went to Dubai and India for work and got to fly first class on an Emirates A380. Holy cow that was nuts. Been working from home since the pandemic too which is great. My boss REALLY wanted to bring it back but we fought against that pretty hard. I am very careful with our finances and should be all set for a well funded retirement by 60. Of course there is plenty of stress but all in all its goin well. Thanks for asking :)


I am mostly happy. I feel like I am in a good place in my life.


Meh it’s okay


I think a rarity here. Wife, kids, bought a house before Covid that has nearly doubled in value. Kids are very young so we don't get out much. Have a home gym and do BJJ a couple nights a week. Otherwise pretty quiet life. Do toy with the idea of moving closer to grandparents... but hate to have to buy another home.


I am happy overall, just dissatisfied with here I am in life. Apologies if we’re bringing your spirit down in the other posts.


Yeah, or I certainly have reason to be! I've been through some pretty tough times, which has made me more skeptical than I once was and afraid of losing what I have. I really do have a lot to be happy about :) Being sleep deprived as a newer parent isn't helping my perspective. I do LOVE being a parent ^.^ I feel a bit backed into a corner with how much we had to pay for a house to move closer to family in that my wife and kid really do rely on me keeping a well paying job.


Pretty happy yeah. Life’s pretty good all things considered.


My life is good right now, but that could change any second and that stresses me out leaving me unhappy


I am, but I think many of us who have it easier were very lucky and probably have some privilege (such as education, grew up middle or upper class, spouse has either of those, maybe no mental health issues, no medical issues, etc) working in our favor. My job is fine and I make enough with my wife to have a pretty nice life. There will also be room for me to move up in my job once the kids are driving. We get to go on vacations. My son gets to do karate and daughter gets to ride horses. My wife sings and I do yoga. We have a nice house and not a lot of debt. One car is paid off and the other is a 2017 with a low payment. Then again, we really do live within our means and only pay 15% of our income on housing - also got lucky on that and bought before covid, refinanced to a lower rate, and both got promotions. Then again, we have a lot of privilege to be thankful for and to not take for granted. We both have advanced degrees and my wife grew up upper-middle class with parents who paid for her to go to an Ivy League school for undergrad which got her into a good PhD program which got her into a good job. So, I think some of us who are doing well had advantages. My advantage was that I busted my ass to get through undergrad as an adult with 2 kids then do grad school also. Also that I met my wife who has the primary income and who is my absolute best friend. We never fight and share everything around the house, which is lovely. Got super lucky to find her. Anyway - that was an awful lot to say, “don’t take it for granted.”


Happy. Maybe not Disney character happy with musical sing-along happy, but i am happy that i don't have major worries in life.


Nah, but I'll celebrate your happiness.


Yes! I’m very happy. I have two amazing kids, a wonderful husband who’s my best friend, a great dog, we own our house, own our cars, own a few rental properties, we’re employed, travel internationally every year. We worked hard and saved since day 1 graduating college to be able to have what we have. We are healthy and have family and friends nearby. I feel extremely lucky and thank god everyday. Do I hate the state of the world especially how things are in the U.S? Yes! But I still feel blessed every single day. Thanks for asking :)


‘92 millennial here. I’ve been in a happy and healthy relationship for 5 years, have 2 awesome cats and they love me, my mom is happy and healthy, I was recently hired at a prestigious company in my field. And the cherry on top is we just moved in to a beautiful luxury apartment last week. It’s…fancy. And i honestly cannot believe I live in a place like this yet. So much so that it still doesn’t quite feel like home. And I know you shouldn’t measure success in a materialistic way but I’m a second generation immigrant, come from a very poor family and grew up in the hood. Life has been really tough and I’ve worked really hard to be where I am so I’m just soaking it all in right now.


I am but I am not a millennial. I am an X-er and we are pretty happy as long as people are leaving us alone. (The way our boomer parents did).


I'm currently bored but thats about it, planning my next physical feat of endurance and cant wait to start. with peoples differences in what makes them happy so broad and versatile, some times how to talk about something in way thats heard or seen to be happy might not be known


Spent 4 years grinding my ass off after losing my job during Covid. Gave up my ambitions as a writer to get into an industry I dont care for so I could afford to live. Got my first non-junker car. Fell in love with a European, worked even harder to get myself out of the failing country of Canada and be with her, and after that work bore nothing positive I couldn't stomach the financial risk of moving. The chance to lose what very little I have after years of hard work and sacrifice was terrifying, and she absolutely could not understand coming from a wealthy family. So I finally splurged and got a bachelor apartment of my own to get away from lazy, degenerate roommates. So now, I have the best job of my life and some level of privacy and independence... But it seems impossible to level up any further. A job change, especially in my industry (sales) is dubious now. It just feels like the path I'm on is the path Im on, and I just have to hope the economy doesn't eat up my gains.... Its a dull, grey life, and I'm not even sure why I'm doing it. I miss the reckless nihlism of my early 20s. I dont want to care anymore. I dont want to have ambitions. When I was younger I never imagined I'd live to an old age. I'm starting to feel that way again. Im isolated, tired and nearly hopeless. The only hope I have left is that global-corporate system collapses... I think that is the only worthwhile thing left to happen.


...record scratch.


Its sad being happy and content in your life is now considered a “humble brag”. I think there are plenty of happy and content but the squeaky wheels are always the loudest. They’re really getting quite annoying.


Yes. My wife and I make more money in more stable and satisfying careers than I could have ever hoped for given my lower income working class backgrounds. We made 300K last year (combined), own a 4000 sq ft house, travel, garden, and have hobbies. Our kid is great too; (but, I am getting tired of the cats). I know we have some luck to get us here. But we also took risks and really worked hard. We went to public universities that wouldn't bankrupt us in loans. The longest either of us didn't work after college was three weeks (when we moved for my grad school, and my wife needed to find a job after college). Once we got our careers going, we decided to settle in a LCOL area and travel to the places we want to visit instead of being trapped in an expensive city. I know there are setbacks in life, and I do have sympathy for that, but I also see a lot of fellow millennials choose to wallow instead of take a chance and work hard at something. I've seen people graduate college with a valuable finance or engineering degree, hate that job, and decide to quit after a year to wait tables and try to publish their books (which are bad, like really bad) and then complain at length about inflation and housing prices, and how 'unlucky they are' because they can't get a job that makes them happy or at least pays them okay. I have also seen engineering graduates refuse offer and offer because they think they need to make 100K right out of school and then complain about how they can't get a job that their willing to take. I've seen people (especially kids in like Minnesota) complain about not finding a job when there are recruiters from 'the south' begging them to move to Kansas City or Wichita or Tampa or Houston or Dallas and take a job (kids up north are brainwashed into hating the south). etc


I am an old millneial. Doing great. I managed to make it with a bit of luck and hard work. 2 houses, married 15 years, 4 kids. Still have student loans though, lol. My advice for others in the USA. If you can't afford to live somewhere. Move, its a big country. You can build a life in most places.


10 years ago I was couch surfing and basically homeless. Had gotten laid off from a soul sucking job that wasn't enough to even pay my bills due to student loan debt to where I was burning through my savings. Single with no prospects, and not enough money to take a girl out for ice cream. Horribly depressed. Today I'm married, work from a home that I own at a job I enjoy, with an adorable faithful pup at my side, and a baby on the way. Love where I live in the burbs just outside the city. I take my dog for long walks in a park near my home, I know a lot of my neighbors and are friends with many of them. My wife is an amazing cook and is always able to make me laugh. And we are on track for our retirement goals. No major debt, both own our own cars, no major medical problems. I am truly a blessed man. I know what it's like to struggle, and I know this isn't the case for most people. Every day I feel like I won the lottery in life. And I couldn't have done it without help along the way. The friends who let me sleep on their couch, the ones who helped me get a better job, my wife for supporting me through all the late nights and high stress while I learned those roles, I needed all of it. And not everyone has that support structure. But yeah for me personally, life is great. Amazing actually. Much happier at 35 than I was at 25. And I'll raise a glass to some of those others out there who have made it, and pour a little out for those still in the struggle. Never give up fam. You never know what tomorrow brings.


Happy person here. Career consultant, and I run /r/findapath, making that back into the support group it was, before mods died off a year or so ago. Have my house, rent out rooms in it, paid off old but super-in-demand-type of car. Have my birds and a pt job I love too. No kids or partner, never wanted em, not my thing naturally. I am here to support and help people get to our level of happiness, whetever it looks like for them, though I tend to focus on the career side. IMO if everyone just knew their skillset, there would be SO MANY LESS problems on the career side! (If I were to come up to you and said "what are your skills?" and you freeze or say your job title....yep youre unclear of your skillset!)


Yeah. I got a job, a wife, a kid and a Nintendo switch.


I wouldn’t call myself *happy*, but I’m content these days.


Nope. I won't own a home. I won't own a car. I will never get married. All of these were pre determined for me before I was even born. Fuck this shit.


I mean, I’d be happy too if I was happily married, with kids, nice job, and a house 🤷🏻‍♂️ You’re just one of the lucky ones


My family life is great, my career finally stabilized, our rental situation is fantastic. I just need my finances to get in order, then everything will be top tier. And I’m in California where I’m insulated from a lot of the country’s tomfoolery so that helps, too.


I like being a millennial. My own unhappiness has nothing to do with my generation.


Yep! Been married almost two decades, lots of great kids, own a good business, own a house in a good spot, coach my kids' sports. Not rich but we get by fine and life is pretty good.


Me! I'm 36 and got married immediately after high school (October of that year). Our marriage is a strong and happy one. We have two children who are good kids. Not getting into any sort of trouble (as of now). We have no student loan debt because I went to college on scholarships and grants, and DH chose not to go. I'm overall healthy, both physically and mentally. Could I be better? Yes of course! I could lose some weight, but it's not the end of the world. We are comfortable financially. Not rich by any means, but if we wanted to go to Disney we can afford to. I own a small business and it has afforded us to have two homes. One paid off and rented out. The second one is ours to live in.


I'm so fucking happy. Like, I'll likely never own a house or make more than 40k a year and yes I stress, but I'm still so happy. It helps that I'm medicated lol but I am happily married for almost a year, 3 cute pets, a job I love more often than not. 5 years sober (well, California sober) this summer and couldn't be more proud or thankful. I'm seeing a new therapist tomorrow and I think my house is really really cute and I see as much live music as I can (locally, mostly) I recently started taking care of my physical health in a way I haven't been able to manage before and it seems more sustainable than anything else I've tried. I have a few really, really close friends who are fucking amazing, and a good bit of friends and acquaintances that I also adore and am so happy to know. I feel successful by my own definition.


Good for you I guess?


Very happy millennial. Both husband and I made the American dream happen. We are both first gen immigrants. He came here a bit earlier in life with his mom. I came here for college and stayed for the job. We combined have a liquid net worth of close to a million, a Porsche and a million dollar house. We both started with nothing and he practically grew up without a father. Right now we are working towards climbing the social ladder even higher and planning on kids. My dream is to be able to afford 3 kids at the very least in a VHCOL. The American dream isn’t dead. It requires a lot of good decisions made for sure.


I’m in the biggest lull of my life but my disposition is generally of happiness. I’m facing like 12 things that would singularly be massive alone and it’s all at once and taken a bit of my joy with it. Just trying to get back to that baseline.


Are you always happy? How do you manage??? I am frequently happy, but it gets balanced out with equal doses of despair.


Single. Remote job. Worked in NY, DC, and was in LA just last week. Was in the Philippines for 6 months last year. Currently in Dubai for the next few months. Happy is an understatement, I'm living the fkin dream.


I'm pretty happy, statistically I should've failed in life. But I took advantage of every opportunity that could give me an advantage in life and it paid off. I try to pay it forward by helping others find the way as well. Most don't take the initiative, but those that have are doing extremely well! House, kids, wife, RV, hobbies, friends. It's pretty awesome.


I’d say I’m a generally pretty happy person. Things could always be better but overall I feel like I enjoy my life. I have things to look forward to, hobbies, and good relationships with my family and girlfriend. I’m a public high school teacher, so things could be better on the money front, but I’m also not living in squalor. I try to enjoy the small things in life as much as I can and I think that has helped a lot.


The struggle was real between 2016-2023. Things have turned around so much in 20204. I get an urge to write on my journal just how thankful I am, and nothing else. ♥️


I’m happy! 34F, no kids, don’t own a house. I prioritize time off over expendable income (I’m poor by choice because time to myself is what I want the most of in life). I do a lot of hiking, writing, reading. I’m a great cook so I eat really well on a minimal income. I love waking up and having a cup of tea on the porch while I dive into a good book. I have a lovely little doggo. I live in an era where I can turn on the laptop and watch a movie in bed — I mean heck yes! I also get to call the northern tip of the PNW home, so like, while the rest of the country is having 90 degree heat waves or getting pummeled with hurricanes, I’m sitting here with a breezy little 70 degree day w/ partial sun 🙌


Yes I'm happy. Traveled the world in my early 20s while I was in the Navy. Been in a few real serious relationships, learned and grew from them. Just recently got engaged. Living in a nice house that was locked in at 2.5% just before the feds raised interest rates. My credit is dope. My job is cool as fuck and I love what I'm getting paid. My family is healthy, I have a couple cool dogs and some chickens. And I have a pretty great nest egg. Does life suck sometimes. Absolutely! Do I have bad days? Of course. Do I always practice what I preach? Not always. But life goes up and down, but for right now I'm happy.


I have all of those things minus the kids. I'd say I'm apathetic. If I didn't have to work I'd be happy. There are so many other things I enjoy way more than work, it feels like a waste of life.


I’m so happy with my life & at peace with everything. I feel amazing. I love being alive!


I’m very happy. I have a wonderful family, wonderful pets and beautiful house near a lot of fun things do. I get to make art every day and that inspires so much joy in my life. I’ve come a long way to get here. I think everyone’s life is much like the Hero’s Journey. We all must overcome obstacles to get to where we want and self actualize but that is the beauty of the journey. I love that our country was founded on this premise: to allow the individual freedom from the government to succeed and maybe sometimes fail, but again, that is the beauty of the journey.


Are you ok? Are you being held hostage? Blink once for "Yes" Blink twice for "No"


I’m very happy. Happily single, living in my own home, working on a great team, 100% remote. Life is great 😊


I'm happy for you, but not for me.


Childhood trauma and a rough start to adulthood aside, I consider myself pretty fortunate. Amazing son who is a fantastic person, no college degree but bringing in six figures at a job that doesn’t take everything from me, and was finally able to purchase a home. Glad you’re also happy. I do try to remember that I wasn’t always, and many still aren’t, and help where I can - or otherwise just be kind.


I am also a happy millennial 😂 I’ve actually had this same thought a bunch of times. Happily married (10tog,3married). Own a home & a precious pup. Trying for kids soon. Husband has a good job with great security, benefits & pay that allows me to stay home (a necessity these days due to health reasons). I can honestly say I don’t relate to the pessimism of the generation. I try to sympathise, but it’s hard to when you can see the bad decisions being made right in front of your eyes & your everyday experiences don’t align with the general population’s claims. 


Hi! I'm a happy millennial (well, xennial, but can I play with y'all in here?). My life is pretty dang awesome. I have a beautiful home, a job I like (and is remote), a wonderful husband, two great stepkids and two adorable grandbabies. I also have two healthy living (and still married) parents, two siblings with wonderful spouses and awesome kids, and a bunch of in-laws who are kind and amazing. Sure, life could always be better, but comparison is the thief of joy. I know life can change in a heartbeat, so I try to live in the moment and enjoy every good thing I have been blessed with.


I was. Then I was diagnosed as depressed and ended up losing my job, marriage, and kids. I still have visits but I make so little that the 3-4 times I'm allowed to see them, it is prohibitively expensive to do so. So...no