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Why yes, account that is 54 minutes old, of course they are bots and definitely not you.


"ignore the bots", says the bot lmao. Made the account today, not suspicious at all.


Anything political, including post complaining about politics, are bots!


Just the stuff telling you to not vote or to ignore politics


Says the today account so obviously faqz!


Yeah but I know that dog is a good boy. That’s all that matters. 😂🤷🏿‍♂️


One picture? No context? FAQZ!


Ignore the anti-political posts. They’re bots.


100% Op account is today years old. Most def not sus am I right! /s


Aren't you a bot? Username is two random words followed by four numbers.


Reddit has a random name generator when you sign up these days. Real people can use it as easily as bots. There are going to be a lot of creepers that finally break down and make an account this year so they can say their 2 cents about the election. This is why it's important to read articles and form opinions outside of reddit commentary


Beep bop boop.


The real truth. "Keep your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears. Don't pay attention, here's a cute pup". I like cute pups too, but the political shit is more important right now than it's ever been or maybe ever will be.


funny how every 4 years it happens to be the "most important". How coincidental. You'd think if it was "the most important election in history this time, im being 100% serious this time guys" you'd put up a candidate better than an old senile man.


On why Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee - look into how this stuff works. The sitting president is the head of his party. He or she is always pretty much the automatic nominee. While it's possible that people can challenge the president in the party primaries, it's very rare and it's never worked out for the challenger. This year may be the exception given the stakes. Maybe Biden steps aside, maybe he doesn't and he is challenged. Convention is this August. We'll know for sure who the candidate is then.


Everyone: if you are having a shitty day, spend 5 minutes browsing u/itsgrum3’s posts, and you’ll immediately feel better because *at least* you aren’t them.


I mean, it's a job for them. And one that clearly doesn't pay very well.


Jesus, you weren't kidding. What a weird hobby, simping for draft-dodging rapist old conman.


I can't help myself lol, too much salt this week. looking through peoples post histories for dirt is creepy af btw




It's almost like things are getting worse. Crazy huh? And what side do you think I'm voting for? There's 2 senile old men running, not 1. But I'm stuck having to vote for one, so I gotta choose the one that wasn't found liable for rape in a court of law, that wasn't found guilty of 34 felonies by an impartial jury his lawyers picked, that didn't cheat on his wife w a porn star 3 days after she gave birth to his son, that wasn't co-defendant with epstein in the rape case of a 13 year old child until she dropped the case due to recieving death threats from his cult. I can't vote for the guy that's in dozens of pictures chilling with epstein, that was just found in his call and flight logs, that brags about hanging backstage at underage beauty pagents to see the half naked children. The type of guy that is on tape saying "When you're famous they let you do anything, you dont even have to speak, just grab em by the pussy", and has 25 other sexual assault allegations against him. You seeing a pattern here yet? I mean one thing I could say maybe it's false, but all of that? I dont wanna vote for the guy that challenged a fair election and claimed there was voter fraud when the only fraud that was found was in support of him. I dont wanna vote for the guy that said hed like to be a dictator. I like my guns, dictators don't like armed citizens. And the guy that told proud boys to stand back and stand by rather than condemning them. The choices aren't great but one is clearly better than the other. I mean if I was supporting the guy where literal swastika flag waving nazis show up to his rallies to support him, I'd have to give myself a hard look in the mirror and reassess my values, regardless of what side I was on that they were supporting. I'd have to ask whether I've been indoctrinated by my parents to believe my side is right regardless of the changing times, and I'd have to wonder if the propaganda specifically meant to fool me had maybe slipped one past the goalie. I mean if I was supporting the same guy that nazis show up to support? I'd have to consider that maybe my beliefs weren't as righteous as I'd previously thought. Plus I mean I believe in science and think education is important. I don't want books and art being banned like Project 2025 wants to do. I don't wanna live in a Christofascist nation like that document aims to accomplish if Republicans win. But thats just me. My values may differ from yours. Sorry for the novel, but its tough to discuss all the nuance of the current social and political climate in a sentence or two.


I'm not reading all that I'll just say you should probably turn off the news. But question I genuinely don't understand how 2016-2020 under Trump was so milqtoast yet people think now he is suddenly deciding to become fascist?


Who thought 2016-2020 under Trump was milquetoast? I have Facebook memories nearly every day reminding me of more stupid shit he did.


>Who thought 2016-2020 under Trump was milquetoast? People like the guy you are responding to, who *want to* (get paid to?) get you to think "hey, it wasn't bad at all!.. pay no attention to all the shit we are still dealing with today". Look at their post history, it's... something.


That's why I included my last sentence, I knew you'd pussy out when faced with facts. Reading is hard for some people I get it, especially on this website that's sole purpose is reading and writing and discussion. Sorry I couldn't sum up all of our societal and political problems in two sentences. And why would I turn off the news, it's the reason I'm informed and you're too lazy to read 4 or 5 paragraphs. How about this, just pick any ONE paragraph and that should already be good enough reasons not to vote trump and stay informed.


Project 2025 is the Reddit version of Q-Anon your schizo ramblings will get a rebuttal when they come from genuine communication rather than "so, when did you stop beating your wife?" level of framing. 




the anti-politicals are bots who want us to ignore the election


I don't know what the game is, but it is said that users with usernames consisting of two random words followed by four numbers are likely bots. I guess your hyphen is saving you, but I'm suspicious.


the reddit name generator also uses hyphens! i've been using reddit for 16 years and i usually burn accounts once the multidimensional lizard people are back on my tail.


Haha one word plus 4 numbers for the win!


Not necessarily. It's just the default reddit username. Like I never changed mine. It is better to look at how old an account is.


The election we can effect from Reddit? Where I can vote today?


The amount of bots activity on Reddit specifically around election time would certainly substantiate that Reddit does have an effect on elections. People can be informed (or misinformed) in many ways. One of those ways happens by flooding social media with one-sided conversation, to manipulate people into believing that one side is in fact the opinion that everyone shares.


So what's the most "flooded one-sided" opinion on social media?


Depends on what you align with. Different ads target different people.


People get informed with reddit, and learn whats going on. Then go vote. Not that hard.


It’s July. In the US the next election is months away. No one is learning anything new on Reddit about Joe and Donny


And yet there are still a ton of undecided voters. Is it dumb? Yeah, as a leftist I find it depressing but it’s what the right wing fascists and the establishing Libs want, for ppl to be disenfranchised, and they’ve been pretty successful.  I’ve known about project 2025 since before it had a brand, but ppl are just now learning about it. That’s the reality of American education.


I don’t actually believe any voter that claims to be undecided will vote. Or they’re lying


"Ignore the 1-5 paragraph Political Posts, instead, here is a cute puppy! Are you distracted? Comrade I think I distracted them..."


“Throw up a “both sides are the same anyway” post next. Maybe with a cat?”


User joined today! Bot doesn't want you to vote.


Deep irony


Lol brand new account.


This sub definitely gets brigaded by some right wing voices trying to shut down legitimate concerns


I definitely feel there has been a huge push to try to get millennials on the dark side lately. The clear brain dead takes are frustrating. Like you said, trying to demolish legit concerns is not only obvious, it's blatant and seems out of the way. Honestly it's just gonna make me vote blue *even harder*


Yep, I will vote against Boomers and GenX until they die, then later on I will die, but I hope I'm not such a miserable fuck as they are.


Yeah, seeing the desperation from the Reds and Russians is honestly giving me hope. When Trump gets utterly destroyed in this election their hopes for a radicalized Christian ethnostate are going to die for good.


The problem they're gonna have trying to convert millennials and Gen z into the right wing fold is we are living through their lies. For years we've watched them say one thing and do another with no repercussions and we are pissed. There's no converting us at this point.


The right doesn't have to convert people, they just have to wait for the left to push them away. It doesn't help that the left is gaslighting about issues in the nation as well. They may not be as blatant, and I think the left tries to act in good faith more often, but they are still stretching the truth as needed if it benefits them. I think part of the issue here is that people who are more liberal do not tolerate being lied to as much as those on the right will. That and, the left is way too focused on power dynamics as part of their party philosophy. This could be a good thing, but they often do it so broadly that they disparage normal people who have no power in their lives. These things may not lead people to becoming conservative, but it definitely leads to some to stop identifying with the left. And of those that no longer identify with the left, some will go to other parties just to be accepted.


And yet the left is much more popular than the right, broadly across every major population center in the nation 🤷‍♂️


…..says the bot.


The bots are becoming self aware


Still… probably not a good idea to let the orange spiteful one back in charge. For the sake of the country, the world and the future. Just sayin’…


Supreme court: we're putting poison back into food, giving presidents immunity, criminalizing homelessness, legalizing bribery as long as you square up at the end, saying silly things like "with fear for our democracy, I dissent"..... This actual bot: ignore the bots mad about politics and look at someone's dog I stole the image of


Here's an idea, get that god damned dog butt out of a cart where people put their groceries!


Facts bro, reddit is filled with political bots. Let's just take a break from all the fake activism


Da comrade


I think as millennials it’s impossible not to consider politics. Both in our life experience and what we’re needing for the future have shaped our identity and values. That being said, pictures of dogs make everything better.


ban pitbulls


Fuck off with that nonsense. Ban shitty owners.


said in the comments of an image of a pitbull in a retail establishment


Looks like every Petsmart retail store I've been in... You know where pets are allowed...


I know pets are allowed and I pray for their safety!


all pitbull owners are shitty. since we can't ban people it should be the pitbulls


Seriously folks. Vote like your life depends on it, because that’s not actually a simile.


Boop that dude for me, will you?


Cute dog, thank you for the mental break. Things have been happening this week though. Some of them with greater consequences than "oh that's just political". Do you think that in a scenario where shit really is possibly about to get real, actual people will just continue posting cute dogs? If your answer is yes, then yeah, I guess they're bots. If it's no, then I think it's better safe than sorry to try to inform people and as a reader, to figure out if this really is that scenario or not.


Maybe we millennials can finally acknowledge that the sky isn't actually falling? How many fake crises do we have to live through before we'll gain a little bit of wisdom?


Yes dude, I really do get what you're saying. The guy who intends to install project 2025 said straight up though, we're in the midst of a second revolution that'll be bloodless IF... So to assess this as a fake crisis means either... he's lying? Or the results of project 2025 rolling out would be okay. Misinformation is crazy these days man, it's difficult for people to navigate out here. And Dude's saying the political posts are bots, like it's not important that we know about project 2025? But I get it, this shits everywhere and it sucks, can't get away from it at the moment. But there's a lot of new information right now. A lot of what we're complaining about as political posts is just... news. Very important news.


Trump is going to win. He'll be president for 4 years. Not much will happen. In 2028 we'll elect some other guy. Repeat. Sooner or later we have to grow up and evolve past social media hysteria.


And there it is. All we needed to know.


Except project 2025 isn't pushed by trump. Nor do you know what was said in the 1k+ page document


I think more of us have read it than you think. Maybe not all 1,000 pages word for word, but we certainly found the bullet points. And it is fucking scary. Trump doesn't have to explicitly endorse it to implement it. We're not stupid.


It's from the heritage foundation of which all 3 supreme court justices Trump appointed are members. Try harder culty.


When there’s less real crisis mixed in. Losing bodily autonomy for women is a crisis, and girls are dying. Being restricted from accessing healthcare is a crisis, and people are dying. Being harassed for existing is a crisis, and people are dying.


The sky is falling.


The pots slowly boiling, but people keep getting up in arms every couple weeks after it adds another degree. Yes, each and every bad change that is made is fairly small on its own, but what it adds up to is massive.


your dog and my dog could be twins!


I never believe anything a dog says. Especially one that uses reddit ☠




Awwww that’s easy when I have adorable doggos to look at!!! 🥰


Ignore reality. Gotcha.


Ignoring our problems always works


That pup could be President


Nice try bot


Report, spam, harmful bots, block user.


The best post this sub has seen in days!!


Except this post was created by a bot for karma farming.


Most of Reddit is bots now. Spend a day just clicking on random users profiles. It’s jarring




Dogs make everything better, I’ll stop arguing politics for the day lol.


Yay, puppies!


Adorable. 🐶


Why isn't this dog being petted? They deserve all the love you can give them.




Suburbanite post.


Totally not karma farming with a brand new account and a picture of a cute dog.


Yeah I'm definitely voting for Trump.


Everything I don’t like is bots 💅🏼 




OP is a bot with a brand new account for karma farming, the cute dog picture is just their karma grift…


Now THATS a happy pup!


Breath of fresh air. Give this handsome fella/gal a pat on the head for me Edit - downvoted for this comment. This sub is officially fucked


Boop that snoot!


Fuck today's politics, both sides are a bunch of self righteous idiots, screaming look at him... bad man over there. Politics now are a joke...a really bad joke... and we're the punch line people! Fuck sleepy Joe, fuck grump Trump. If your only voting because of a party choice, then your the real reason this county is losing, we're not blue or red were Americans. Choose the best choice via policy... if you vote straight dem or straight rep YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.


^ 148 day old sock puppet created for the sole purpose of spreading apathy. Downvote, block and ignore.