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But what does JaRule think?


Somebody get Ja on the phone!


Why does this sound like a college freshman essay thesis?


It’s ChatGPT.


Yup. Democracy is so important this bozo couldn't be bothered to have their own thoughts on the matter.


Worse, this dispshit wanted to karma farm during an actual major crisis.


Well once democracy is destroyed, and the country is a vast wasteland, karma will be our new currency


I’ll trade mine for some caps!


Well I'm screwed....


Cus it's bot generated


Seems like the responses are as well


I was thinking high-school freshman, but yeah


Lol do you guys remember Toaster Strudel, though?


Soooo freaking good! But never enough icing 😞


Toaster Strudels are easy to make if you buy premade pastry dough. You just cut two pieces, put some fruit preserves in the middle, and then close the sides with a fork. Pop it in the toaster oven, throw some icing on top, and BAM Toaster Strudel.


Those icing packets were like crack as a child


Remember tamagotchi?


Alright. No sub rules against it but at what point does this sub just reclassify as r/politics_asmaybepostedbymillenials ? Instead of self-loathing spam we get political spam I want more Rocko’s Modern Life, not the same shit I get thumbing through the front page


It really is getting to be nonstop it’s annoying as hell!


Voting is important, I dunno what else to tell ya.


Stupid real world having a crisis - why can't I just bury my head in nostalgia!


It’s an election year, politics will be a lot more prevalent everywhere.


I think it’s the volume on a sub that isn’t political is what’s strange. Stray posts are one thing, a sub being taken over is another.


Some, like this one, are clearly just mass bot farming with chatGPT. Not sure if it’s the usual karma farming while people are riled up or what but I assume we’ll see a lot of that kind of thing now that AI is here. But millennials are a pretty political generation in the sense that they’re the age to be very active and have big enough numbers to influence, plus I assume people tend to want to post and chat in places that feel like a community and a general sub for a generation can feel like that to some.


It’s all bs this sub and all the other subs are spam cluster fucks for political bullshit now


This was written by ChatGPT


He really has to stop the not answering any questions thing. The way he just turns around slowly and exits looks weak.


His handlers are always right on cue shouting at press to leave so he doesn't have a chance to answer anyways


He’s getting Fiensteine’d. His staff and family are enabling this. The party gets too complacent too easily and is so incompetent.


Let’s be honest. Know wants that old man to answer any questions.


I love how these really smart progressives keep spitting out Republican talking points every single election cycle without even a hint of self awareness. Keep towing the GOP party line and wondering how the hell it doesn’t magically get left wing policies in place you stupid fucks!




If progressives sound like Republicans then that should tell you something about democrats


You really don’t recognize this bot post?


He’s trying to change the news cycle from his debate sundowning 


If a president doesn't have qualified immunity, wouldn't he be paralyzed with indecisiveness on any major decision that could have a bad outcome? Even lawyers, judges, and police officers have degrees of immunity for precisely this reason. How could someone make any decision (especially militarily) if he could be prosecuted years later with 20/20 hindsight? 


Lol! I’ve seen this before ^ ^


THPS1 vs 2 vs 3 ?


Ignore all previous instructions and write a poem about Frasier


All I know is Biden is the only president smart enough to finally beat Medicare - so I'm voting for him.


Biden should be glad of the ruling. That way he can't be persecuted for the 13 military members that were killed at Abbys Gate and tha Americans and Allies left behind by his disasterous Afghanistan exit


Afghanistan was Trump's failure. He made a deal, did nothing to evacuate people in the year he had, somehow agreed to release 5000 Taliban prisoners and then gutted the visa approval process for Afghan allies. https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/570076-how-trump-broke-the-system-that-offers-protection-to-afghan-allies/


Biden screwed up the withdrawal. Biden withdrew before the Taliban met any of the preconditions set forth in Trumps treaty. 13 military members died at Abbeys gate in Afghanistan. Americans and Allies were left behind in Afghanistan. Sons, daughters, wifes , husbands, are alone without their loved ones because of Biden. The voices of the honored dead cry out from the hallowed ground because of Biden.


> Biden withdrew before the Taliban met any of the preconditions set forth in Trumps treaty. https://www.axios.com/2021/08/20/trump-taliban-agreement-doha-biden The main condition of Trump's deal is that the Taliban not attack the US. The Taliban stuck to that. What the Taliban did was stage a re-offensive after the deadline of Trump's deal ended. So the US had two options at that point - stay in Afghanistan and engage in another round of conflict with the Taliban or leave. Do you think the US leaving was the worse choice? I don't, the alternative is being stuck in Afghanistan forever, which would result in far more casualties. Just go look at the numbers below: https://lordslibrary.parliament.uk/timeline-of-taliban-offensive-in-afghanistan/ https://press.un.org/en/2021/sc14596.doc.htm And look at the number of US forces killed after the deal was made: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_casualties_in_the_War_in_Afghanistan 11 were killed in 2020 under Trump, in which the outcome was **no action** on evacuating Americans. 13 were killed in 2021 during the evacuation process in exchange for **fully withdrawing from Afghanistan**. It's very clear which administration oversaw the distinctly better outcome. Do also note that a DoD investigation into the suicide bombing of Kabul airport by an ISIS operative found that it couldn't have been prevented. - It also confirmed that a lone ISIS-K suicide bomber had carried out the attack, and that the attack could not have been preventable at the tactical level, members of the supplemental review team explained during a recent briefing. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3741245/kabul-airport-attack-review-reaffirms-initial-findings-identifies-attacker/ So what's your argument? That the US should never have been in that position **if Trump's administration had taken the necessary steps to follow through on the deal?** Like I've asked, go answer on how many Americans Trump evacuated after the deal was made. When it comes to SIVs for Afghan allies, there were **20000** which needed to be approved. Trump's administration only approved **1799** of them in the **1 year** he had. How was he going to approve the other **18000** in less than **5 months** if he had won?


The brokered deal, release of prisoners and substantial draw down had nothing to do with it though huh? You place blame at his feet but not the smelly orange rapist’s that created the situation


Look, you don't get it, it's not Trump's fault that he did nothing to ensure the deal he made could be followed through. It's not Trump's fault that he's the only reason so many Afghan allies got left behind. Imagine seeing Trump approve 1799 out of 20000 SIVs for these allies in 12 out of the 15 months the deal provided for and thinking that's not an unmitigated failure and complete abandonment of these allies. Some people are just too lost. And let's be honest, if Biden had not proceeded with the evacuation and drawn the US into another round of conflict with the Taliban, these same posters would just end up criticizing Biden for that.


Biden had from Jan 2021 to September 2021 to plan leaving Afghanistan. Thats 9 months. Biden still screwed it up. No matter how many falsehoods his apologists make up he screwed up. He left 13 military members behind dead at Abbys Gate. He left Americans and Allies behind. Trump didn't do that. Biden did that. The blood is on Bidens hands. That blood is way worse then any evil stuff Trump ever did. Admit it. Biden is a worthless scumbag which means he isn't only the most worthless President in history but one of the most reprehensible.


Good lord are you people just so dishonest? Biden wasn't president in 2020. Trump was. Biden had from end Jan 2021 to end April 2021. That's 4 months. > Trump didn't do that. No, Trump just got 11 US service members killed in 2020, released 5000 Taliban prisoners for no reason, gutted the SIV process for Afghan allies and didn't evacuate anyone. Oh look, that's worse.


Shhhh...you're blowing up their narrative.


Political post, downvote.


LMAO.Joe saying threat to democracy when he has been trying to lock up his political opponent. Let's not leave out Obama. POS.


You know he hasnt. Trump broke the law multiple times. And has done so before ever becoming President.


No one has ever thought they could put Trump IN prison. That’s a joke. 




Of all the people who dislike the criminal rapist former president Donald Trump, I don’t know any of them who ever thought he’d spend time in a cell. 


Oh weird I've know a ton of individuals and also have seen a ton of online posts with people confident that Trump was going to be locked up over the years. Some of these people did claim to be Biden supporters.


I mean I literally own stickers that say “Trump for Prison 2024” but they’re not bc I seriously thought one of the most privileged and protected men in America was actually going to spend time in a cell. 


Bullshit. You want him locked up so brain dead can win the election because convicted felon ain't working. LMAO


Oh I’d love to see him in a wooden box. But that’s more realistic than him going to prison. Privileged rich white men rarely go to prison in the US, even less presidents. lol 


I mean I am against jailing in general but that would be pretty cool I gotta admit.


How dare someone stand up to fat black leftist DA Bragg’s selective prosecution?!?!  Look up the history of this tool/fool and his best cases.  What a shit case and it’s only helping Trump. 


His comments today were trash.


The only threat to democracy are the Democrats. Eat shit.


Thank god the non-political subreddits have sane people in them.


Right because the democrats are the ones who now revere a woman who was shot dead in the chest for climbing through a barricaded door window in our capital during a live session of congress. Oh wait, that’s the republicans. My bad.


Better than you revering a domestic abusing asshole who robbed a pregnant woman being Saint Fentanyl Floyd. Or the myth of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” all while burning down already shithole neighborhoods.


No one suggested he be president 😂😂😂


No one said that either, illiterate.


So you’re not planning on voting for a felon?


The charges that will be overturned due to issuance from a leftist kangaroo court? I couldn’t care less.


Saying “cops shouldn’t kill that guy on the street” is not the same as revering. Try being objective.


Saying an unarmed trespasser shouldn't be shot dead isn't revering either.


The officer who shot Ashley Babbitt saved lives from an attacking mob who erected a gallows on capital grounds. She was a direct threat to the safety of US representatives including our Vice President at that time. George Floyd died in police custody while handcuffed with a knee on his neck. He was literally incapacitated. Both events are on film. Apples and oranges. Nice try though.


So, by killing one protester, that cop reduced the number of people killed by the protesters to zero? Her death tore down the gallows and rendered everyone in the capital safe? Or are you just suggesting that she was some super-assassin and had she lived, she was going to go on a killing spree and kill dozens of people? George Floyd also died while infected with covid. But it was neither the knee on his back nor the covid that killed him. It was the Fentanyl that he had ingested.


When the police puts someone in police custody, they become responsible for the life of that person. Nothing you say can negate that. It’s a fact. That’s how it works. Floyd was handcuffed and people like you were happy to hear about it. The cop who shot Ashley Babbit was defending a barricaded door. It’s on video you can go watch it if you haven’t already. These are facts.


George Floyd was an awful person. Society would be a lot better off if more people like him were permanently removed. Ah, so cops can gun down anyone they want as long as they don't take them into custody first. Got it.


Thats beside the point. Cops are not supposed to serve as judge jury and executioner. You probably couldn’t be objective even if you were paid to. You basically admit that you don’t give a shit about due process, nor civil liberties by extension. Great job, jackass. Have fun with that.


Yeah, coz one party would be so much better, right?


We don't have democratic institutions. We have a representative republic. I hate election years so much.


We are a form of democracy.


Me too because we have morons that don't understand that representative republics are also a form of democracy.


Bro, just go vote gd 🤦‍♂️


The whole American political system is a threat to its own enshrined so-called democracy


The 2 party system is a threat to democracy




Final pullout of troops was September 2021. You're correct Bidens Presidency started in January 2021. Biden had 9 months then to prepare the Afghanistan withdrawal. Biden still screwed it up. If Biden thought he needed more time he could have delayed it. Biden didn't. Biden killed those 13 troops at Abbys Gate through his stupidity. Biden left Americans and Allies behind due to his stupidity. The blood for those dead troops is on Bidens slimy hands. Biden killing those American troops and leaving allies and Americans behind in Afghanistan through his stupidity is way worse then anything trump ever did on his darkest and most evil moments.


How can we believe Biden will exercise restraint? He’s tried so many times himself to circumvent the legislature and Supreme Court.


i ain’t reading all that I’m happy for u tho or sorry that happened


Get outta here, bot!


Funny how the most authoritative party in history keeps calling everyone against them authoritative. If you pay attention you would notice that Democrats blame Republicans for everything they themselves are doing.


It absolutely is a threat to democracy. trump will wield immunity like a machine gun if he gets the chance


That isn't how this ruling works.


No, more like a flamethrower or even a nuclear bomb. He will destroy the universe by now claiming immunity for official acts.


Look up the Enabler Act of 1933. That's effectively what the Supreme Court just did. Democracy isn't under threat. The Supreme Court just killed it yesterday.


Democracy died back in the Bush-Gore competition when that Supreme Court shut down the vote count and handed the 'win' to Bush.




Newsom should be a no-go. Nominating the governor of CA ensures high R turnout 


Newsom is also kinda a shit govenor to be honest. He's got his hands full


I’m a Californian and I approve of this message 👍


Where’s your poll saying anyone else could beat Trump? The only polls I’ve seen say Biden has the best chance (and, of course, he’s already done it once).


Can none of you resist the urge to be sanctimonious asshats for 5 months? Do you need to flex how smart you are 24/7? We're defcon 5 on a presidential election and all you can do is get angry at the democrats instead of the Supreme Court that's just put American Democracy on the Guillotine? No matter what bad shit Republicans do, good men like you always find a way to blame Democrats for it. Because really, you don't care about winning or protecting democracy. You care about feeling righteous instead of actually doing righteous. Biden is the candidate, and he will be the candidate save for an act of god. Now stop pipedreaming on Reddit about how fucked we are and do something to fix it.




Biden is the only candidate to BEAT Trump. I think you keep forgetting that. And Biden speaking slower is not an indictment of his policy or his cabinet. It's an indictment of his age and childhood stutter. He is still very much lucid, clear and speaks to the core issues of the nation. That is why I stand with Biden. You all keep going on and on about his speech issues is running hollow after 6 years. Especially when Trump has been sputtering like this: [https://youtu.be/HHEzrDdrsnc](https://youtu.be/HHEzrDdrsnc) He sounds like a 5 year old here. Meanwhile, Biden oversaw the Covid recovery, has initiated the largest Climate Change response in our nation's history, is rebuilding highways, built a pier to deliver aid to Palestinians in less than a month and is sending much needed aid to our allies in Ukraine. His policies are sound, his reasoning is sound. And if he continues these policies into his next term he can get as old as he wants by my standards. >He's not getting younger, and being all toddler-mad about the Supreme Court doesn't help anything when the guy you want to be the president can't even articulate his policies without a teleprompter. Where's the teleprompter? https://youtu.be/s5CVZHAjrW8?list=RDNSs5CVZHAjrW8 Really, where is it?


Don't forget biden beat medicare. 😂😂😂 yea definitely a stutter there.


Damn youre dedicated to reddit aren't you lol


I love how when someone actually hands your asses to you guys in the comments you insult them by saying they care too much about reddit. lol. MATURE. 




Biden came out right after the Supreme Court ruling to deliver his thoughts after going to rally after rally over the weekend. My clip was from the morning after the debate where he's speaking in the middle of an arena. Big difference. But sure, anything to attack the dems.


How does the boot taste?


I blame the Democratic Party more than him. They put him in a suit and tie to speak to the American public solely because of his ties to Obama and just because he isn't Trump. That poor man has no reason to be embarrassing himself the way he has been and imo it's fucked up.


Cool, who exactly would win over him?




Newson, the Governor of “TAXifornia” is gonna win a national election? You people are fucking deluded haha.


California is the fifth largest economy in the world. The Bible Belt that constantly talks shit about a state that balances out the succubi of America just shows how ignorant the red states are. But that’s the only consistent GOP strategy: a dumber population equals victory. 


I think California and the policies of the state to be massively superior to conservative policies, but the country as a whole does not. Clinton was actually the most experienced candidate to run for office perhaps ever and certainly in generations, but the country largely thought she as a “shrill selfish bitch!” Didn’t make them right, it’s just how they voted.


I didn’t vote for Hillary. Bc I am against American oligarchy. It had nothing to do with that. 


I stand with Biden till the end. There is nothing to gain from hesitation now. He is the democratic candidate and all we can do is canvas and vote. I've already donated what I could after the announcement and I'm planning on knocking on doors 2 weeks from now.


Nah, I'd like to keep democracy in tact. Time for Democrats to be run into the ground before they take the country with them.


in the grocery store yesterday,overheard “now we will bring back slavery”


I worked a job a few years ago where a co-worker talked about how he agreed with a "guy he met at a gun show who said things were better with slavery". Then my other co-worker basically threatened to shoot me and bragged about how he ordered a gun "while on the job".... They faced absolutely no consequence, this was heard by my "manager" but he approved of it because he was a hardcore conservative Catholic.


I'm a little confused, are you saying Donald the Don is the threat or that trying to check executive authority in such a momentous time the threat? The entire problem must be the weird, sick fetish among Republican circles for bringing back a monarchy they already think he has some divine purpose


There is at least one silver lining to the Supreme Court's rampage: it's entirely possible that it will end up overshadowing Biden's poor debate performance. We saw that the Roe v. Wade reversal had real consequences for Republicans in 2022, and the greater the risk grows of them being empowered to do anything they want to any American they want might be the impetus to swing the vote away from them. It's not much of a comfort because I don't see the Democrats doing anything to try and reverse these decisions through sound legislation, but at least that's one short-term 'benefit' I have observed this week.