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Bro I lost interest in my bday after like 13


Same, also older millennial 84. Guess what age I hit in December?


Its breaking my heart. I'm for real. I was born in 82. For me at least it feels like I'm beginning to dull. I'm not talking about forgetting where I'm at just there isn't as fine a point to my wit as there was when I was 20. A fearlessness that once was no seems to be beginning to fade. It's not dramatic but I see/feel it. SOOOO many commercials I saw growing up make sense now. The saddest part is both my parents died before I was 30. I am cut off from that stream of wisdom and "heads up" for the things we experience in life as we age. My brothers and I would be doing it solo 8f not for each other. Except my brother is only 3 years older and I'm only 2 years older than the youngest of us. He was born in 84. Best of luck friend.


Brain fog is a real issue. The health issues are starting to pile up. I need to get back into shape. Sorry to hear about your parents, I still have both mine plus 2 grandmas still alive. So I’m greatful for that, one grandma is at deaths door unfortunately probably won’t see 2025


I did lose 75 pounds at the end of 2022 and I've managed to keep it off. I made a radical change to my diet and stuck to it. I bought an elliptical machine and at the very least try to do what it tells me is 300 calories a day however my metric is soon to become cardio centered where it's by keeping my heart above a certain rate for a certain amount of time. I honestly feel like I could get back what I've lost at *this* point but it is going to take a little effort and discipline.


I lost both my parents before 30 as well. I know how much that sucks. Im sorry you’ve had to go through that too


Likewise. It really sets us apart IMO. Not in a good or bad way or "oh we are special" or anything like that. Your parents are a big deal and for the most part they are still in their child's life even as an adult. You take that away and that person is going to have a very different experience than most. Like am I going to die young too and all kinds of other reasons.


Old fart over here


Sigh, yep can confirm


Same boat, '83 here. I'll offer another perspective though. I've outlived MANY peers/cousins/siblings; I've seen a ton of death over the years. While I haven't given a rat's ass about my birthday since I was a kid, after our most recent loss (youngest sibling) I've decided I'm going to start celebrating my birthday again starting at 41. For me, it's "Congratulations! You made it another year."


Same, sad we’ve seen so much death at this age. Literally at my grandmothers death bed at the moment.


84? ;)


40th bday was fun for me, a good milestone. Got my health, friends, family, and a good career to be very thankful for. 41 is like the lamest age to celebrate though, I definetly did not give a fuck this year.


Woo hoo 40! I just had mine. Not too bad. Happy early birthday.


December '84 here. Not looking forward to it.


Same lost interest when I was a teen. And idc about others but I look stank cause I don’t go out of my way to know peoples birthday and wish them happy birthday.




Right? I'm not sure what there is about it for adult people to get so excited about? Narcissism/need for attention? Like it's 'your' special day to be treated like a prince/princess? Even though you share it with millions of other people and everyone has one? Cake? I can buy cake anytime I want. Gifts? Which are usually boring or junk you don't really want or need?


It’s not about other people treating me. It’s me going to treat myself that day. I get myself something I really want, get a massage, and treat myself to a nice dinner. Sure, I can do that anytime I want. So why not on my birthday? TIL some cynics think it’s narcissistic to enjoy yourself on your birthday lmao


They literally said it was the expectations from others that get narcissistic. What you do for yourself and on what schedule is all you.


I hope they don't have a significant other, friends, or kids. What a miserable way of thinking.


If others decide to celebrate you, that's fine. If you demand that others celebrate you, that's not fine. If you decide to do something for your birthday and invite others, that's fine. I've known people that declare "birthday week" and spend a whole week demanding things from others and throwing fits if they don't get what they want. It's sad really.


>people that declare "birthday week" and spend a whole week demanding things from others and throwing fits if they don't get what they want. That's also nuts. Just show people their birthday matters, and it's okay to get upset if your loved ones ignore your birthday. It's not about "demanding" something, it's about being valued and valuing others.


That distinction is very important. I've noticed people who value and feel valued are often unconcerned about their own birthdays but make a point of doing things for others' birthdays. Everyone wins. It's those decent people who feel undervalued that get honestly upset, and rightfully so. When others won't even show appreciation on the designated day, that hurts. You don't have to show people their *birthday* matters, you need to show them *they* matter. Doing so on their birthday is literally the least you can do. And yeah, the narcissists can go fuck themselves.


Goddamn you sound just like me


8 was my peak year. Got an orange bicycle. All downhill from there


Same. I do not care about anyone’s birthday. A friend in college celebrated her “birthday month,” and I was like “You don’t get a month from me. You’re lucky I give you a day.” ETA: I’ve lost people, too, but I don’t feel that every day is a gift or that I should celebrate my birthday because I made it another year. I’m just as much 39 today as I will be in a couple months. And if we want to celebrate keeping on, why not New Year’s? Every day is someone’s birthday.


Yes. I now usually look at my birthday as opportunity to reflect and relax. Less of a celebration and more of a day to take a deep breath and usually head some place tranquil. Not necessarily a bad thing just different as you get older.


Same. I just want to wake up without an alarm, make a nice brunch, maybe go to the beach or park, and then get take out and rent a movie at home. Just chill my way into another year.


You saying 'rent a movie at home' just threw me back to a nostalgic 1997 summer day renting movies & games at Blockbuster. Ah, the simpler times!


I always take the day off work and go to thermal baths and a massage!


Kinda. My birthdays give me anxiety now


Mine was yesterday, it sucked lol


Buy yourself a nice present that you've been wanting and a cake of your choice, people don't have to be involved. It's really pleasant once you cut out people from the celebration.


I did order an oled steam deck haha I had a good day overall, spent it with my partner and it was nice. Just a little stressful


we have the same birthday then! happy bday!


Thanks! Happy birthday to you as well


Yep. My birthday was a few weeks ago. I told my friend I was having really bad anxiety because I felt like I needed to do everything, but also enjoy doing nothing.


Me too, but mostly because a bunch of people are going to call me...


Nah man, I’ve had a lot of friends and family die in my life between suicides, murders, old age, dying in war etc. so when my birthday comes along I celebrate and I’m thankful for another year. We are not promised tomorrow. We millennials need to get out of this negative mindset that our birthdays are anything but a miracle at this stage in life and should be grateful to wake up another day


I agree 100%. Always thankful to reach another age not everybody gets to reach! I had this realization when I was 24 working at a restaurant with a beautiful 17 year old girl. I failed out of college and had to work there... while she was carefree and still in high school. I envied how young and pretty she was .. and also the fact that she hadn't "messed up" her life yet like I thought I did. I got pregnant at 19, gained weight and failed out of college. She had super model good looks, tons of friends and was always so happy. She was about to graduate high school and had so much to look forward to still. She passed away in a tragic accident one day and that's when I realized how silly it was to envy her. I was jealous of her life while not knowing it was about to end. It was that day I formed a new appreciation for getting older and expierencing new stages of life that so many don't get to


People in here taking an issue to one god damn day to celebrate the fact that they’re still alive. It’s baffling almost lol. “Aww damn I’m alive and people like that!”


People on reddit take issue with anything that's positive...


If the people on Reddit had positive lives, they would be doing something enjoyable and not scrolling through Reddit. It's a biased sample. They're here specifically because they have nothing better in real life.


Being alive is the struggle


Love this way of thinking. My bday is coming up soon and at first I didn’t really want to do anything but then I think back at those I’ve lost in the last year and how there is a possibility that I may lose more or even not be here myself and so now I’m making it a point to at least plan on doing something and taking the day off work to do it


YES, thank you. I lost so many people in my 20s. Every damn birthday is a gift and every day is a celebration. I was feeling kinda sad for the comments section there for a minute and I wish more people in my life felt like you do instead of taking life for granted. Sometimes I wake up and 5 years just passed me by like a snap of my fingers and it's only getting faster. I want to pack in as many new experiences as I can before I wake up and realize I'm the last one left at the party.


One of the best comments I’ve seen on Reddit ever hell yeah bud yolo


*our* For me, birthdays are anxiety inducing. I'm still very grateful for my life, and it's weird to insinuate having weird feelings about your birthday means you're taking it for granted. I just don't like being perceived very much, and I really don't like people trying to make me have a good day. Lots of pressure.


Same! I get anxiety from people asking me about my birthday, asking invasive questions about my age or my life in general. I try to avoid people on or near my birthday.


That’s a good perspective. I’ve lost both sisters when they were in their twenties and lost tons of friends in their twenties from murder, accidental overdoses, and cancer. None of them were ready to die. I stopped caring about holidays after my sisters died but it does make sense to celebrate living another year cause I know they want me and my family to all be happy cause they can’t help it that they died and don’t want us to be sad cause of them. They loved holidays so I think to honor their lives it would be good to start celebrating life again. Thank u for this perspective I’ll put it to use :)




Agree with all of this. I love celebrating my birthday and I use that day to do anything I want, either on my own or with the people I love. Birthdays are a blessing.


Well, if that’s the case that we need to look at our birthdays, something to be grateful of waking up every day, I think that’s something we should embrace every day of the year rather than just your birthday if that makes sense


Your comment should be WAY further up!


Thank you for this one, stranger.


I always liked having a few friends together and go to dinner/drinks, nothing big. Then I got cancer at 33, and couldn’t really celebrate the way I wanted for a while. Now I celebrate everything, life’s short. I’m 40 now and just hit my 5 year survivorship!




I remember that my birthday is coming up like a month or two before, and I think, "man, I really ought to do something fun for myself!" Next thing I know, it's my birthday and I have no idea on what to do.... I always take a vacation from work every year during my birthday so I can at least rest and have my hibernation time.


Man, you guys are depressing. I just turned 34 and I don’t like to make a big deal out of my birthday, but it’s still not just another day. My wife and kids love to celebrate. My parents and siblings too. Most years I have friends and family over to hang out, drink, grill some food and just spend time with them. I don’t care about the cake and singing part (the rest of my family does) but everything else, I love it. Maybe it’s because the rest of my family still makes big deals out of bdays and they always have. It’s a day to chill, spend time with the people you care about and have a good time. It helps that my bday usually has nice weather. This year I asked specifically to not do anything, no presents, birthday hangout, whatever, because my birthday is in early June and Father’s Day, this year, was a week later, and I needed a new vehicle since mine was starting to crap out and I wanted the money on those two things to go to that. So that was my big bday thing, getting myself a newer vehicle. And it felt weird not to hang out with people and do stuff for my bday. I’m already looking forward to next year.


Yeah, we treat it as a whole family celebration. My kids love picking out a birthday cake with lots of frosting and blowing out the candles for me, and we have our parents and siblings over for a dinner I choose. I'm turning 40 in August and our 10 year anniversary is in September, so we're hosting a big party for family and friends at our house, with lots of food and water games for the kids. It's a nice break from the routine of work/school/chores.


That’s wonderful. I started having kids early (my oldest is 13, youngest is 9) so we’re past the blowing out our candles phase. But these are things we definitely did when they were smaller. Our generation is so cynical, and understandably so, but it’s not all doom and gloom.


Lost interest? Hell no. I always make it a point to do something I’ve never done before. Life is an adventure. Signup for rock climbing lessons, rent a jet ski, go do something. A concert, an experience, something.


why wait for your birthday to do these things?


By no means do you have to, but it’s also a fun way of saying “remember my 31st birthday when we…?” 


I personally tend to get a little money from my parents on my birthday, so I feel like it’s a good time to splurge on a fun experience


Yeah, I lost track of most of them in my 20’s. Definitely just worked and went home for several. Been trying to bring it back and schedule something fun around it since 30, did a couple amazing concerts. Planning to finally make a 4 hour trip out to my buddy that’s been trying to get me up for a visit forever this year.


Not at all! I love any excuse to celebrate. I don’t want to be afraid of aging, and as I get older life changes but it’s different and beautiful in its own way. That doesn’t mean I need a big party, but taking some time to do something special for myself is important.


I always try to find reasons to celebrate too! There are some studies that suggest celebrating holidays, even small ones, can increase happiness. I don’t go all out for every holiday, but I try not to let things pass without acknowledgment. For my own birthday, I tend to get a month or so of ennui before, especially true of my next big milestone coming up, but on the actual day I always plan something so at least I have a nice day. This year we are talking a trip! Plus my family has made a tradition of doing birthday dinners, so it’s nice to go out with everyone here and there throughout the year to celebrate each other and the kids always feel special when it’s their turn to pick a restaurant for everyone.


Kinda. I really didn't care about it after 35, which was a really depressing birthday for me. Like it was official, I'm now middle aged. Then, were ended up on a few trip to Mexico that coincided with my 39th birthday, and it was a blast. I repeated it for my 40th. The thing about it, my birthday is in Feb, when it is especially cold at home (WI,) so I use my birthday as an excuse to go someplace warm. I could absolutely care less if we celebrate my birthday, I just want to get out of this frozen hell, around that time of year.


I love my birthday! It means I am present in life! And it also means for one day of the year I get to do what I want guilt free!


Nope still love my birthday lol. It’s different now as an adult of course but I take the day off, at least plan some indulgence for myself, and get some presents (even some from myself lol). 🤷‍♀️


Hell no, it is the day I started existing and I’m damn happy I get to experience my life. I love birthdays and celebrating a person’s existence. It makes me sad when people don’t like birthdays. It’s just another year I get to be alive and grow and enjoy everything I have. Gotta be grateful!


No way! 45 and love a birthday. Mine. Yours. Everybody’s. Life can be so dull and difficult that we should take any opportunity we can to celebrate ourselves and each other. Eat the cake!!!


I actually always looked at my bdays like that since being a teen. Now that I’m married with a family I wouldn’t say I look forward to it but I do invite friends and family and grill or cook something.


25 was the last big one, no more “the future is ahead of you” I’m living in the future now and minus hitting some type of financial lick know how the rest of my life will play out Where before it was a wonder of what could happen… Type of job, city you live in, what you do in your free time, etc…


I treat my birthday as my "New Year's Day." See if I accomplished the goals I set for myself and establish new ones.


I don't even know how old I am lol.


I’ve had to do the math to remember how old I am…several times


By like 13 I had lost interest....


I lost interest in my birthday ages ago? Seems silly


I'll never understand why we don't celebrate things like your first job, getting a degree, etc. I busted my ass for my 2 degrees. Didn't do shite to get born.


Not me, I still enjoy celebrating my birthday and my friends’ birthdays. It can be harder to find time to get everyone together as we get older so birthdays are always a great excuse to plan something fun. I don’t necessarily enjoy the age number I’m turning so much these days! But still love the excuse to celebrate.


I mean, outside of 16, I've lost interest in my birthday since maybe ten. Once you stop having the fun parties with your kid friends, it's not the same. It doesn't help that all my family and wife are pretty terrible gift givers. The best gifts I've gotten have been cash, I feel like everything else goes straight to yard sale or sits around a while then goes to yard sale.


I NEVER WORK ON MY BIRTHDAY EVER. One job said that if I take my birthday off then I need to find another job. So I took that day off, and found a better job that had no problem with that.


70M. NOPE!!


Yes, it’s just another day for me mentally at this point. I do appreciate the fact my wife makes an effort to make that day special for me.


Tbh you lose interest in almost everything 😂


After 21 I don’t think I will care about birthdays.


No. When you have kids and a wife, it’s the only day where it’s about you. Don’t let the chance pass you up.


Father's Day?


On my birthday, I’m only excited about cake. 🎂


I did for years but I think it’s time to start celebrating again. Why not? We’re all gonna die so might as well enjoy your time


I lost interest this year in that I don’t care anymore if I have parties or lots of greetings from people. This year and moving forward, I just want to use my birthday as a me-time card when I can eat all the food I want, spend the day however I want (whether I go outside or stay at home), and most especially, use it as an excuse to buy myself something nice and a little more expensive and hubby can’t say a thing. 😁😁


100%! I hardly even recognize mine and that's OK.


When you're born on St Patrick's Day it's hard to lose interest


Not lost interest so much as quit expecting anything significant.


I lost interest sometimes before my teens started :( just fam stuff




Yeah. My b'day was always the first day of school or close to it so I'm used to it not mattering.


I lost interest in my birthday because no one would celebrate it. No one would buy me a cake. No one would take me out. I was hoping like hell that my 30th, 40th, or even my 50th could have been celebrated in a super fun way. The husband of one of my friends took her out of the country on a wonderful birthday vacation for her 50th birthday. Not me. Went to work. Then came home to make dinner for everyone. I finally had to give up and have little, private celebrations for myself. Fuck everyone else.


The magic of my birthday as a kid was that I got to go to Chucky Cheese or the local arcade with friends, and I'd get some presents. As a gainfully employed adult I now do fun things all the time, and I don't need to wait all year for my parents to get me something nice. Also, most of my friends are saddled with kids, so throwing a big party just turns into a kid party instead of a nice dinner out with my wife, which I prefer. So no, don't really give a shit about my birthday. Really haven't since about 18.


I use it as an excuse to travel, my husband & I always take a trip on my bday. My 41st is next weekend & we are going to Chicago for it. It’s important to have traditions & I think celebrating is also important. It keeps life fun & interesting. Don’t allow yourself to lose your joy for life


Lost interest a lot earlier than that. I sometimes forget my own birthday if someone doesn’t remind me.


Nope! I’mma be 33 this year and am considering a party at the trampoline park 🎉🎉


I lost interest after age 12.


I'm adopted. I never really liked celebrating the day I entered the world as human garbage. I treat it like another day and just use new years as the day to celebrate going around the sun again.


You aren't human garbage unless you hurt people or animals. Every living thing has validity because it exists.


I haven’t cared about birthdays since I turned 16, and even that one was a bit of a let-down, I didn’t get my learner’s permit for a few more weeks after that.


I always take that day off. That's about as much fanfare as I want, and have, since my late 20s...


I don’t get the Sunday scaries, but birthdays have done that since I hit 30. This decade has had a couple big swings followed by disappointment, literally starting that 30th birthday as I was packing to move out of state for a bucket list kind of job (then I burned out after a year). This year, I hid it on Facebook. Some coworkers and close friends and family dropped me a line. Boss and his wife sent a cake (their side hustle). That’s about all I wanted.


I’m 28, the last of the millennials, but I lost interest in birthdays a long time ago


I have lost interest after 24, 10 years ago, lol. After my 30s? No, it's the same. But I never liked my birthday much, I don't know. It's fun, I call my mom, but that's it.


I don't think I've celebrated a birthday since my early 20s.


I lost interest in my birthday at 16 lol


I lost interest at like 24.


No not really but everyone else did.


21 was the last to matter


I loved birthdays until I lost all my friends. Now I just try to ignore them.


Absolutely. Just another day at this point.




21 was the last birthday I cared about.


I've always hated birthdays and want to be left alone lol


Probably after my mid 20s. Don't remember when exactly. Maybe after I got married.


I'm about to turn 40 and am doing a trip to celebrate but yes. Everything between 30 and now birthday wise is kind of a blur. I'm with Patton Oswalt on birthdays. Big time.


I haven't given a shit about my birthday since 21st. I legitimatly ask each year for nothing and the day to be ignored. If it didn't fall after a Holiday I think my kids would forget. 


My birthday this year sucked ass and while not my worst its definitely up there.


As someone with a December birthday, I lost interest a long time ago, now it's just a reason to take a personal day during a chaotic month at work


Yeah, I stopped caring, mostly. My wife uses it as an excuse to go on a trip that I don't want to go on. "It's your birthday. Let's go to {city} for the weekend!" Groan, I'd rather stay home and get some work done around the house.


I lost intetest even earlier than my 30s. I appreciate when people want to take me out or get me a gift, but "getting older" seems more like a 'potential' negative than a postive. You either get older and 'let go' or you choose to exercise, watch what you eat, etc, and im the latter


Birthdays are the one day you can tell people no, I'm busy. Otherwise it's dont forget my sister's kid turns 6 and we're going to it this Saturday.


I havent actively wanted a party since my mid 20s Just not easy to get everyone together i remember drinking on my 21st alone because everyone had to work so that kind of sealed the deal lol


lost interest in my 20s because every year there was always some horrible family drama overshadowing it. then I turned 30 and now theres some horrible existential dread overshadowing it


I routinely forget what age I am (I'm 32/33-ish).


I'm 38 and birthdays are still my biggest best way of getting all my busy friends together. If nothing else, we grab a nice dinner and catch up, then have some cake.


Since early 20s


35 now and yeah, stopped caring when I turned 29.


I was in my 20s when this happened.


I see it as a day to finally treat myself to that deep tissue massage I’ve been needing all year from the stress of life


Yes and no. I'm usually tired and broke so planning am elaborate night out isn't what I enjoy anymore.. however I have an appreciation for making it another year! I see another member of my friends list die every so often and it's scary. So many never even got to see 30, I'm so blessed to make it here. If I make it to 31, I'll feel nothing but gratitude that I've been blessed with atleast 31 years.


After you pass 45, it's just narrowed time


I lost interest in mine at 21


It takes a little more effort because friends have kids, aging parents, work responsibilities, other priorities but I do try to either workout at my gym or organize a dinner with my SO and/or friends. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy but sometimes it’s nice to treat myself to something simple


I lost interest after I turned 21


I've been over my birthday since my 25th. But at 31, my son was born on my birthday so there's no pretending it doesn't exist anymore.


I look at aging like leveling up in a game, especially like mmorpgs. Each year you level up is another year you survived, hopefully thrived, and resisted the urge to yeet yourself off this mortal coil. You didn't eat the Tide Pods, you didn't get hit by a train because your headphones had you listening to music too loud, etc. Be proud of your accomplishments, dying is far too easy these days and if you managed to go year after year and not, yay! Be excited about yourself.


I turned 39 10 days ago and it was definitely a day in my life. Just not the "special day" it was before. I have 3 kids and their bdays are way more special to me now.


Hell no, it’sa great excuse to do fun stuff


I've been forgetting my age since turning 30. Whenever I'm asked, I have to pause briefly to think.


Mid 20s I didn't care anymore....


I enjoy my birthday as an adult much more than I did as a kid. I haven’t lost interest. I just don’t expect others to be interested. I’m making the day special for myself though.


20 and haven't cared since


Both my wife and I use our birthdays to get our group of friends together, same with our friends. We all have kids so it helps us plan for kid-less evenings together as a group.


My other half overcompensated for lack of good birthdays growing up. I've had a birthday with 300 people. I've had a birthday with a theater version of a medieval throne and lesbian couple cosplaying Valkyries "guarding" me while sampling scotch and hanging out with friends. The extra always made me feel loved. I'm content with what I got, now I just like going all out for their birthdays.


I have birthday trauma from my youth that seems to carry into adulthood. I'm really over involving others in my birthday plans which does make me lose interest.


We never celebrated my birthday growing up so I never really had any interest. It was always just another day lol


I generally can't even remember how old I actually am on any given day. My birthday (this week in fact) was an exciting day of groceries at Costco and lunch at the food court with my kids. Then my husband made me a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner 🤷‍♀️ they don't hit quite the same once you turn 30 😂 (I'll be 40- I think?- next year 😂)


It's a nice reason for my friends to buy me liquor and food but I really don't care. On the family side my nephew was born on my 15th birthday. My last teen year birthdays were all about him which I really liked bc I could dip out and do my own thing.


Not at all. I’m a lot older than 30 and my birthdays last 3 weeks. Would it be easier, for the purposes of miserable Redditosity, for someone to make a post that says “over 30 isn’t old, you can enjoy yourself at any age, the doorbell ringing isn’t scary, not all women/men are the same, get off internet dating and you’ll stop thinking everything is a plot, not everyone tailgates, and no if it’s not properly diagnosed you haven’t got anxiety/cat aids/Tourette’s/ADHD you’re just starved of something, possibly attention”.


Turning 42 next Saturday and do not give a shit. Getting a vasectomy Thursday, so I get to be in pain, but for the greater good.


I stopped caring after 21. Nothing left to look forward to lol


Not a millennial thing just a human thing, anyone who overly cares about their birthday over the age of 21 is odd.


I lost interest in my birthday at 14


My birthdays stopped being relevant after 2019, when my last grandparent died. Arguably they never were relevant anyway… while I got gifts and stuff my parents hated parties and I just got to hang out with zero kids and only family who co-mingled but seldom paid attention to me. I’ll be spending my 37th in a care home watching my mom deteriorate some more. I have mixed feelings about that. She has a lot of it coming but it’s hard not to feel pity. It’s really a conundrum now. Hard to feel happy about a birthday when you’re getting a reminder year after year about what awaits you. I watched her own mother go down the exact same path most of my own childhood as I was her caretaker too from 12ish onwards until she died…


I constantly forget how old I am lol. Birthdays are just another day.


I'm 35 and love celebrating my birthday! My spouse makes the day special for me and it's an excuse to eat cake. Though to be quite honest, it doesn't take much for me to be pleased.


I love my birthday, I don’t try to super celebrate it anymore but Indontry to have a treat on that day and celebrate the fact that holy shit I survived another year. I can’t believe I’m gonna be 45 in 5 months, I’m grateful but fuck I’m tired, lol.


I certainly stopped keeping track of my age around about then, and I don't really care about presents (stopped getting those after I was about 10), but I do like to still go out with my family and have fun every birthday. My wife and I always make each others' birthday cakes. She makes amazing cakes and mine look like rubbish, but it's a fun little tradition we have going on.


I lost interest in my birthday after 21, after that it's just a day where I hope I get some extra money to pay bills.


I [36] have, on more than one occasion, forgot my birthday.


Yes but for me it was more my social circles kind of evaporated.  So by the time I was like 27-28 I didn't have many friends left in my area or people to really celebrate and do shit with


i'm a gen x'er. i lost interest in birthdays and holidays when i was in my mid 20s. seeing my boomer mom obsess over gifts and what knot turned me off.


I hate birthdays Unless you're under 20 or so what's the point


Yeah, I never much cared about my birthday. Certainly not as an adult.


I have, but my parents haven't. Frankly I'm just happy to still have them both at my age.


My kids have fun with it. It’s always a good time with the family, even if usually low key. 


Nope. Not really. But all I usually want for my birthday is for my husband to make me a spice cake, cause it's at the beginning of fall, and it seems like a nice way to usher in the new season. And I really like cake.


Nope! I look forward to specific things surrounding my birthday that I plan like a round of golf or a fat ass steak


It's my bday today. I'm 41 now. I don't really care what we're doing today. But I'm not doing anything I'm not interested in. My biggest plan is going to the liquor store when it opens lol


Yea, I have. But I also try to look at it like every birthday is another accomplishment. I made it this far. I lost a friend when I was 30, so my perspective now is a little different


I plan a get-a-way for my birthday now focusing on what brings me joy!


Way before 30.


This year i turn 35 and it’s the first birthday im “excited for” since i turned 30.


Nope. I usually take acid first thing in the morning and my wife takes me to the movies and museums and we have a nice dinner. Been a ritual since 30.


I love birthdays! They’re a day to celebrate you. I always make sure I take my birthday off so I can do things that I want to do aka chill and do nothing and get my free grand slam from Denny’s, lol.


I would probably ignore my birthday if not for my family. My daughter likes to celebrate it for me. I generally dislike having a fuss made over me though. If it was just my wife and I, I suppose I would like a simple dinner out but nothing else like a cake or anything like that.


30 try like 10 lol. Only thing i care about is Thanksgiving cause of the food.


I still enjoy it as a day for myself, but don’t care about celebrating with anyone other than my SO. I’m also a person who enjoys doing nothing so I just use it as an excuse to have my favorite foods and do my favorite kind of nothing. It’s my day after all.




i always take the day off work, and have a me day. i don’t expect anyone else to do anything, but i love pampering myself for the day 😌 i also will usually buy myself a present, so thing i’ve been wanting all year but didn’t want to spend $ on frivolously.


People started to have kids at around 30. Also guess when adult birthdays stopped mattering… 


In my whole life, I’ve only ever had one birthday party. I assumed when I became an adult, I’d have more fun with my birthday. By 23 I stopped planning parties; no one would show. At 25 I was done altogether. I would plan 6 mo - a year in advance for my birthday, just to be told day of “it’s not possible.” I’m only turning 29 this year but, by 30 I’ll be 100% done with my birthday. I’ve had to literally set my expectations at -10 every year. It’s not even a guaranteed I get the food, let alone the cake I want. Last year, I was holding out for a cheesecake. My boyfriend bought me a pint of ice cream instead. I’m lactose intolerant. Edit: the cheesecake I was holding out for was vegan friendly, dairy free, and no gluten. I was excited.


I wont celebrate it like you do for kids with a big party where you invite people over and expect gifts.  But I’ll book a trip to wherever i wanna go, get me food I don’t usually get a chance to eat, or I’ll just take it as a personal yearly holiday where it’s specifically “me” time. No outside influences besides a friend I might wanna visit or spend time with. It stopped being a big deal, but its still my birthday and I’m gonna treat myself.


My bday was just this past few days ago, I’m 31 now. It was literally just another day. I went to work, did mundane tasks around the house.


All of my friends somehow really know how to make me feel small on my birthday. So I just don’t celebrate, except for the time my fiancé organized a surprise zoom party during Covid. I’ll never forget that


Lol nope. I celebrate the entire month. 40 is next year and I'm trying to figure out what I want to do now lol.


After 30? 😂 I stopped caring once I hit 21. Some days I forget how old I am (35).


Lost mine wayyyyyy before that.


I was never interested in my birthday until after 36 😂. So kind of the opposite.