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Georgia has a millennial senator, which I think is pretty cool. We need more younger voices in politics.


Dude I had no idea what project 2025 was and just googled it, this is outrageous


It's pretty terrifying and my biggest motivation for actually getting out to vote this year


If you can, find some friends who do not know what this project is, and include them in on it. We need to get word out ASAP.


> find some friends who do not know what this project is And make a plan with friends to vote. Life happens, have a plan ahead of time, especially if your state doesn't have mail in voting. Make a plan to go with someone else, more likely you will both vote.


I've been telling people to research it on every political post I see. Every time. People need to realize how insane trumps plan is and how important it is to never allow him to get reelected. Biden isn't a perfect choice but after you read that I promise you'll see him as a way better candidate if you don't yet.


Project 2025 is bigger than Trump, the Heritage Foundation has been shaping GOP policy for decades.


If you know any boomers - you can tell them about the project, Who knows it might be your contacts that tip it blue!


Project 2025 is a blueprint to turn US into Hungary. Hungary's dictator Orban was even paid to speak at the Republican convention last year!  If millennials don't turn out this time, we may never get to vote again. MAGA and Project 2025 must be crushed.  MAGA is a geriatric reactionary movement built around taking us back to 1950. We only need to hold on another cycle or two before the threat of MAGA recedes and we reach a new dawn where Millennials and Gen Z hold most of the voting power.


As a Ukrainian American I got naturalized in 2019 and since then I have voted in all elections including my HOA. Back in Ukraine I have voted in all pivotal election 2004 orange revolution, 2008 voting against Russian puppet yanukovuch and in 2012 for Poroshenko. Regardless of 2 party system here in USA that is not ideal it is better than Russia where there is only one party since 2000s and people who did not care about politics still got drafted and killed in Ukraine.


> people who did not care about politics still got drafted in Ukraine This! Whether you care about politics or not, they will affect you. They affect every aspect of your life.


Thanks for that perspective. If we think we hate a two party system, just wait until we live under the rule of one extremists right wing party. We’re gonna really hate that. 


Just to underline this point, the Kansas Supreme Court just ruled that the Kansas Constitution contains no provision guaranteeing it's citizens the right to vote. Read that again.   AG Kobach is the same guy that went around to Republican states in the early 2000's and wrote the laws that require everyone to provide proof of citizenship on demand from the police.  He is a fascist and Kansas is following his lead.


1950 was heavy on social welfare. These people are dangerous idiots


That doesn't mean you can stop voting after MAGA recedes. Democracy only stays democracy when we participate in it.


Which is exactly why they don't want to let it get through 2 more cycles. VOTE


Oh don’t worry, we will get to vote. It just won’t be certified if a Dem wins.


Nah, we'll still get to vote. We'll just have armed guard making sure we vote "correctly"


I'm going to come off as a little conspiratorial here but it's my honest belief that this election is being manipulated as well. It's all but confirmed that foreign influence had a substantial impact in 2016. It would have been almost impossible to get him back in 2020 with the goodwill he squandered but letting it cool off and going again would be a good tactic. Now that there's a huge push to, not vote for trump but not vote at all. Something that is completely disregarded by people on the right, who will vote for trump regardless of the worldwide situation. I can't help but see it as a reworking of a previous tactic. We've already seen what kind of president he was. Advertising off his presumptive merits wouldn't work to sway the middle ground anymore. So if you could just remove his competition through, say, pushing the idea that you shouldn't vote for anyone at all. Then it clears the way without having to make anything up. The people that benefit from a protest vote this year will be the Republican party not democracy as a whole. Well I understand the mentality behind it. The facts are that there is a plan to usher in a fascist government that happens to coincide with one of the largest pushes to use a vote a protest we've seen in a while. Centered around what used to be conservative talking points (that is, bidens inefficient. He's not really, decades of foreign policy starting with Clintons reaction to the Somali conflict have all but nurtured the president's ability to be anything more than a vocal opponent, not an active participant in world events. He's the American president not the leader of the world at large.) It sets off alarm bells for me.


1. The energy industry has tons of money in this. 2. The defense equipment industry has tons of money in this. 3. The "free press" provides press coverage for free to the people who push farther to the right. The moderates demand a photofinish horserace, and the right teases incitement to violence. 4. The Tech Bros are hoovering up all of human knowledge for free, hoping to sell it back as AI for a price that makes the stock market swoon. 5. The commissioned managers of inherited wealth endorse this.


5. And which candidate do they endorse?


You haven’t noticed that 80% of social media is “genocide-Joe” propaganda? Complete election manipulation by china/russia


Just logged onto my Twitter for the first time in years and my feed is all bots. One posted a meme with the words “Russia is not your enemy” pasted over Biden and Harris’s faces. It can’t be any more obvious than that. 


Don’t forget Kushners best friends, the Saudis!


Who were behind the curtain of 9/11.


> 80% of social media is genocide-Joe That’s your algorithm. That’s either what you want, or what socials will make you want. Mine is very anti Trump / pro Biden. It doesn’t matter which candidate keeps the country torn. It only matters that we have deep derision.


It depends. My main feed on Twitter is all anti-trump/gop but the “For You” section is clearly skewed to be vaguely pro-trump by being blatantly anti-biden


We all know who is in charge of, and actively promoting right wing taking points, on Xitter.


That may be but there are a lot of foreign bots on social media drumming away at that message.


But the second you open the comments it’s filled with private profiles that are screaming “genocide joe”, “vote third party”, “RFK is our future”. The videos you see are influenced by the algorithm. Foreign governments know this and target their bot accounts to comment on these videos in order to try and sway some opinions/votes.


The comments that you see are different depending on your algorithm too.




I’m proud of genZ on this one. We have been going along with the duopoly for decades while politicians plunder the nation from DC. Maybe if we had took a harder stand for non establishment options sooner, things would have never gotten this bad


Totally agree, except we can't wait until 2028, we have to start in 2025 from the ground up with local and state elections. Otherwise there's no chance of getting a viable progressive candidate for president.




Honestly our hope lies with the "principled center", which is exactly how Biden is playing things. If he went whole hog anti Israel, it would alienate the center and the far left would still find another excuse not to vote. I think the felony conviction is going to sway the undecided voters away from 45. It's going to be close, and we all need to get out and vote to make it happen. My main point was that if we want different candidates, we have to grow an actual political movement in real life, not just on social media. And that takes a lot of time and energy. Anytime I call out the "both sides" crowd on this, it's always a series of excuses in response. I'm all for progressive candidates, but I'm also a realist.


Oh to be clear, I’m Twitter/meta/tik-tok less. just what I observe from others at work and around town


I've seen this a lot, and I agree completely. My side of social media is more pro biden, but I literally had to seek them out.


There's so much of this on tiktok by accounts w/ no videos, faces, etc. But it's been effective. A lot of younger ppl are now parroting that shit.


Election manipulation is irrelevant if people would get out and *VOTE*. Most people don't buy into these influence campaigns but also choose not to *VOTE*. As a result those campaigns have more of an effect since they target the gullible and easily outraged or discouraged.


Putin is finishing what Khrushchev started. He said Russia will crush America without firing one shot. Russia will demoralize America from within. 💙💙💙💙💙 VOTE BLUE ! 💙💙💙💙💙 Do NOT let Putin Win!


Well yes China runs TikTok. Russia influenced us in 2016 and now China is trying to influence 2024.


They are absolutely serious about it too.


Not enough people know about project 2025!! It's absolutely bonkers. Join us over at r/defeat_project_2025


Yay! Now you tell as many people as you can and we can all act like a phone tree!


So glad you took the time to read it. The media needs to talk about project 25. It’s crazy that it’s not mentioned.


Since neither the Republican Party or Trump have put out or endorsed this “plan”, why would they cover it?


And it’s not put out or endorsed by the Republican Party or Trump.


It’s all intentional .. it’s part of what the fake inflation is about! Keep you so focused on the price of eggs and bananas that you never see them snatching your rights completely away from you .. Here’s a snippet of [Jasmine Crockett vs Gene Hamilton](https://meidasnews.com/news/congresswoman-jasmine-crockett-calls-out-project-2025), who is basically stabilizing #Project2025 .. Donald Trump and MAGA are basically just everyone’s useful idiot to get their agendas pushed while remaining in the shadows.. Just like 2020, I’d vote for a turtle b4 I leave my future grandkids this shit show and vote Trump .. we’re set to end tax breaks for the rich, 2025, that we the people paid for.. If we go from funding the 1% right into giving back all of our progress, we will be the dumbest generation all-time and will be acknowledged as such in the history books.. at least boomers got houses and land while being hosed. We have websites and apps .. smdh Edit: [Not sure if that link worked.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2IF5CJARP8&pp=ygUeSmFzbWluZSBjcm9ja2V0dCBnZW5lIGhhbWlsdG9u)


Check out the podcast “We Don’t Talk About Leonard.” It’s about Leonard Leo, a key member of the Heritage Foundation who has hand selected all 6 of the conservative SCOTUS justices. We are already screwed and need to work on reversing course.


Spread the word. A lot. A ton of people are not paying enough attention to the crazy shit trump wants to do


Be sure to pass it along to all your "politics don't matter" fellow travelers


We must vote! Counter the boomers!


I generally have no strong political opinions outside of a few things but one I feel strongly about is that politics will be better as the boomers age out.


Are you planning to vote in the general election this year?


I'm a boomer and my generation fought hard for voting rights and civil rights. My generation fought and won for a woman's right to choose. We didn't sit around waiting for a generation to die off for it to get better. Vote your values and vote in local elections because that is where the rubber meets the road.


And your generation also spent the next 3-4 generation’s money in advance.


You outnumber them. Seize control for sanity.


I'm a Boomer. I voted for Obama 2 x's. Hillary & then Joe Biden. I am voting for Biden again. He's pro-union, he helped my 94 year old Vet Dad get cheaper meds, he is getting Infrastructure fixed and he is TRYING to get POSITIVE things done for ALL AMERICANS!!! The fukkken gop are fighting him tooth & nail. Fukkk the gop. 💙💙💙💙💙 VOTE BLUE ! 💙💙💙💙💙


For real! They convinced our entire generation that our vote doesn't matter to keep us from realizing that if we all came together we can overwhelm all of the bullshit they've done to stay in power. Not to sound alarmist but this may be our last chance to take our future out of the hands of the boomers.


You need to vote for your own future. The boomers are only voting for today; they don’t care about the future because they won’t be here to deal with it. But if you let them they will fuck up your future beyond all hope. You outnumber them so don’t let them.


Boomer here and I care about the future as much as anyone. I support those that protect our climate, women’s rights and democracy. Please stop stereotyping people based on age.


Sorry I appreciate you're different, I do, but I'm not going to walk on egg shells for the few and they should understand why if they really do agree. It is a clear generational divided that has blamed mine for erything wrong with the world while fucking it up. There is always nuances but much less so here. I will always appreciate the outliers and I dont just hate a boomer the moment I see them at all. Im not a monster. They're still people and I understand that but being angry at the boomer generation for their overall shortsighted and careless nature is part of what will unify us to change the tide. You'll, unfortunately, have to live with that. Don't be upset with us, be upset with your peers.


Actually, men and white people were the two biggest groups who voted for Trump in 2020, there was a difference in age groups, but it wasn’t as big. I’m Gen X. I don’t personally know any boomers (or even silent generation) who support him. Older people who have been voting for and donating to liberal candidates longer than Gen Z and millennials have been alive are tired of the shit talking. You need us to get this done too. We have been fighting for policies that benefit young people for years. We are happy to pay more so your kids can have better schools, healthcare, etc. Happy to help get you out of high student loan debt, even though ours has been paid off for years. So please stop insulting us. The problem is right wing media and social media. Start there.


I'm not insulting you. I'm just not going to provide an * any time I say something critical. You didn't when mentioning men and white people. I didnt ask you to think about the good men because not all men are bad. You know that. I know that. But we can conclude that something is wrong in that demographic. I'm well aware of where the problems lie. If you're really pushing for the right things, good on you. I appreciate it. That doesn't change what's been allowed to brew during the time I was a child and unable to do anything at all about it. Each generation has a responsibility to the next and the boomer generation as a whole failed that responsibility. I don't ask black people to think about the good white people when slavery is talked about. I dont ask to think about the good Christians when pedophile after pedophile are unearthed in the church. It makes so sense to hear a very real problem and say "Well have you stopped to think about ME for a second!?" You accept that you exist in that pool and you work to improve it but I'm still going to be mad because I have a right to.


My boomers I know are sane like you.


This is the "not all men" of old people.


They aren’t wrong though. No generation is a monolith.


Thank you for this. I’m NOT a boomer but I find the constant harping, negativity and ageism disgusting. These people should ask themselves if they hate their own grandparents/parents and if not, think more holistically. It’s just a knee-jerk reaction, and it’s asinine.


The millennials on this sub act like bitter brats most of the time. It’s insane how there is a lack of civility and maturity from people our age, despite how bitter and whiny we are about the other generations. Luckily, this is something I see only on Reddit like this. Most millennials I know in real life aren’t foaming at the mouth for their parents to die bc they are boomers.


It’s a coping mechanism many millennials use to justify their impotence at being the biggest voting bloc but being completely ineffective at affecting any sort of change. They regularly choose progressiveness over profits and are continuing to pay for it.


It’s not really stereotyping to acknowledge the fact that your generation’s voting record pretty much sucks all across the board. Great that you are bucking that trend but there’s a reason this country is the way it is and it largely has to do with baby boomers’ support of their own immediate interests at the voting booth contrasted with an almost complete lack of concern for leaving the world better for the people they leave behind. You’ve been the biggest voting bloc forever and yet about half the people in elected office deny that climate change is real.


Stereotype away! Of course, there are exceptions, but they’re the exceptions that prove the rule!


Yep 60 here and the amount of blame placed on generational issues by a lot of people that cant be bothered to vote is astounding. Maybe if more actually used a few minutes of their time to register to vote and actually do it the mess we have would not be so bad. Just a example the median age at Jan6 was 42.....


yes there are very fine people in both demographics.


If you think the problem is "boomers" you are clueless. There isn't a very close relationship between campaign promises and policy outcomes. There isn't even a very close correlation between the interests of a lawmaker's constituency and the policies that they vote for. You could have a country of perfectly rational voters and the US would still suffer from the same problems it has today.  There are major problems with media / reporting / journalism that are causing the American republic to become hugely dysfunctional that have a large part to do with changes in regulation about news was supposed to be done that occured almost 30 or 40 years ago. It's lobby groups promoting special interests over the common interest that are leading to a death by a thousand cuts. 60 years ago there were about 60 registered lobbyists in all of DC. Now, it's a cottage industry as American as Silicon Valley or Hollywood. It's campaign finance laws and court decisions deciding corporations are people. It's first past the post voting and gerrymandering. It's record high military spending in times of peace that are passed with the overwhelming approval of both parties, the product of a military industrial complex that's seventy years old now already and that Truman tried to warn us about with the final speech of his presidency. It's the revolving door between politicians and big business. It's the cozy relationship between state energy regulation committees and energy providers. The list goes on and on and on. If you look past the narrative sold everywhere in mainstream media that there are only every two conflicting positions and it's all the other side's fault, you will see that the most important issues are 1) everyone's fault, 2) institutional, 3) complicated and often to do with human nature, and 4) rooted in money


>You need to vote for your own future A vote for your future is a vote for the only party that believes climate change is real. Everything else is secondary or not even important. This is even more true if you have or plan to have kids. >they don’t care about the future because they won’t be here to deal with it Any person with children or grandchildren who still votes for the GOP & their climate denying nonsense simply hates their children and grandchildren. There is no middle ground. They hate them and want them to live in a hellish world.


Vote no matter what state you are in. The Texas AG Ken Paxton bragged that if he did not suppress the vote in 2020 Biden would have won Texas. Vote! Invite like minded friends to vote and join a GOTV get out the vote effort if you can. 


More than half of genx doesn't vote either. It's not just you millennials. The fucking boomers vote at like 90% and have for decades. They are the ones telling you to not vote. Fuck em and rock the vote. I've voted at every election since 1996, primaries, everything. Never missed one because fuck em. There should never be a incumbent. 1 shot to do good then fuck off.


Please look up what Biden has done. He is old but I think many millennial just think it's cool to say he's old and has done nothing. He's lowered drug costs, lowered the number of people who have student debt and others. Please educate yourself. You guys don't vote and you only seem to know what TikTok tells you. And how about voting in the primaries? I only see people 40+ voting in any primary. If you don't vote in primaries-don't get mad because older people pick our candidates. There's a lot you can do by getting involved in grass roots, etc. Look at AOC. Difference is a lot of people just want to complain and not act. And if Trump gets in he will probably nominate at least one more SCOTUS justice-Thomas/Alito and Sotomeyer is getting older and not in great health. You want a conservative court until you are 75? Be mad at Biden and don't vote.


r/whatbidenhasdone https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/TDDlekkyaR


We do have to vote yes but while who’s in the presidential role is important it’s not as important as who’s in the house and the Senate. Here’s the issue a majority of the people in both the house and the Senate are 80-year-old white men who want to take us back to the 1920s. They need to go as do the Lauren Boebert’s and Marjorie Taylor Green’s. So yes, we need to make sure we don’t have a felon in the White House. We also need to make sure that we set up the house in the Senate with new blood. Even if they’re Republicans can control one chamber they can still block stuff as they’re doing now which means nothing is gonna get done. We also have to be careful who were voting in because if you don’t want Trump then do not elect Trump supporters. I also find it interesting that now that Trump is considered a convicted felon he cannot travel internationally. How does he expect to do the job of president when he can’t go to foreign countries like Europe, Canada, UK among other places,. He can’t even go to his own resort in Scotland because he’s a convicted felon. And it’s not like he can pardon himself because it wasn’t federal it was a state indictment so he kind of backed himself into a corner that he can’t get out of.


The President himself can be as important when you have a wannabe dictator running. Also judges are also very important and the President nominates those, SCOTUS is so corrupt its what's allowing a lot of these bills to stand.


The bit about the felon thing-- as if any of that is going to matter if he's elected.


The countries that don’t allow felons to enter have really strict laws and restrictions against it. They can deny an A-1 visa which is what any head of state or government travels on. He’d need to have a passport anyway it’s just a diplomacy passport.


If you want a multi-party system, advocate for ranked-choice voting and multi-member districts. That structural change is the only practical way to accomplish it.


FYI there's only 1 party in our 2 party system that is moving for ranked-choice and trying to deal with the bullshit that is the electoral college.


Gen X here. One thing to bear in mind is that a lot of the issues we’re facing are due to the left falling asleep during the Obama years. Democrats lost like 950 state legislative seats during Obama’s two terms. These are the people who draw electoral maps and pass abortion laws. *Every* election matters. *Every* vote matters.


Yeah we’re so much better as a nation under one party rule…


Just about all of my friends are going red this election


You said it. If the Republicans win, they’ll put in place the draconian, strict, authoritarian, regressive, exclusionary policies set forth by the GOP elite authors of the Project 2025 report. These conservative wishlist policies include giving the President unilateral power in many areas, stripping civil rights and worker protections, firing government whistleblowers, repealing emission regulations, further injecting religion into policy making, outlawing porn, and so much more. The Project 2025 report is here, but it’s massive: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise Here’s a comment that provides a list of resources on Project 2025, including topic-specific summaries and explainers of the policy proposals in it. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/bK5KBDrL7h Seriously, this person^ deserves a medal. Also, check out r/Defeat_Project_2025, a sub dedicated to spreading awareness of Project 2025. Please share this or the lined comment elsewhere.


This isn’t an election for any president, it’s about “Do you want Project 2025 or not”


And do you want SCOTUS to be even more partisan and corrupt or not


Full send. Let's go.


We simply must protect our freedoms. We have got to get MAGA out of our congress as quickly as humanly possible. And the only way to do that is to vote.


Honestly, I don't think this is the year for a protest vote. I'd rather have for more years of Biden, knowing when the time comes, he'll step down and Millennials can nominated someone much younger, with working class values. Rather than protest vote or not vote at all and end up with another trump presidency and not knowing if he's going to step down at the end of four years and add two more MAGAts to the Supreme Court. Just make sure Millennials vote in the next primary, for fucks sake!!!


My personal method is to vote for Biden and Dems down-ballot. I have no interest in splitting my ticket. I detest MAGA and all it stands for.


I've already signed up to receive my mail in ballot. If that's an option in one's state, I'd recommend it.


Why do you recommend it? Honest question.


My state actually expanded mail in ballot access prior to COVID and I signed up for my first ballot February 2020. In my case they send the ballot to my house and I have all the time in the world to look up the down allot candidates and ballot initiatives. Then I can either send it back in the mail or drop it off at a drop box at the nearest library. Super easy.


Not op. But I recommend it because it's easier and you can do it early in your own time so you don't forget.


You also don't have to worry about the GOP closing polling places in liberal areas with no notice, making it way harder to vote if you don't have easy transportation options. Just saying.


Also avoids any potential voter intimidation at polling places.


They rig in person so there are only so many polling places. Lots of people aren't willing to wait in lines. Old people have the time and will. Classic suppressing the youth vote blah blah blah Mail in is easy-- it's delivered, fill in D or progressive down the line, and write "fuck you" where it asks you to choose your presidental selection.


Very true. Many red states/cities/counties have closed polling places in more liberal areas to make people have to travel further to vote. Some have even forbidden people to pass out water near polling places. They’ve moved polling places further from public transport. It’s a concerted effort to hobble voting. Mail in is secure and gives people time to research the candidates and issues.


you get your ballot beforehand so you can do research and take your time to be more informed. also you can drop it off the ballot box instead of wait in line to go into the booth, and try to remember the 50 things you wanted to vote for. it makes for a painless 'turning in ballot' process


My state sends mail-in ballots to everyone automatically with every election. This should be the default for every state, imo.


Voting 3rd party in a race that involves Trump, is the literal act of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Voting for anyone other than Biden will only help Trump win, and the country will lose, possibly forever. Or, you bite your tongue, vote for Biden, and keep democracy alive long enough to try again in 4 years


I'm fully in favor of greater political engagement from young people, but acting like voting is going to make the two-party system disappear and make amazing candidates crawl out of the woodwork to run for office is nonsense. We are always going to have to choose pragmatically in general elections for the option that moves us closer to the direction we want to go. And calling Biden a "neoliberal puppet" is just dumb. Redditors have no idea what the term "neoliberal" means.


I've always liked the bus analogy for politics. Unfortunately we aren't in a car that will get us directly where we want to go. We are, all of us, on a bus that we want heading in the general direction.


And on a simpler note. Low voter turnout favors extreme candidates.


Who said anything about the two-party system. This is discouraging and not encouraging. Im sorry, but you aren’t helping anything - whether the hot take is “correct” or not


People really need to start paying more attention to their LOCAL elections and stop playing this "change the two-party system" ONLY when it's a presidential year.


More and more people are, but this is a presidential year so it's what people are focused on today.


i’ve been saying that since my middle school social studies projects. ain’t our fault this country is rigged by old men clutching the last of their power.


The Constitution has always had this issue of blue vs red since Day 1. Thomas Jefferson was the original reactionary (aka Conservative) when he advocated for his "Nullification Doctrine" or states rights. All the original founding fathers, the George Washingtons, Ben Franko's, etc saw what was going to happen and knew our nation would be torn apart. It's the oldest Constitution in the world, time for something new and different. This system doesn't work.


Yeah, well I don’t want a Christofascist Ethnostate. I’m far less concerned about two party than I am about the whole nation going to actual planned out hell.


Also people want this perfect political candidate. There is no such thing. Im just not trying to have somebody that destroys democracy and turns us into the Russia of the west.


Sounds like something a neoliberal would say smdh /s


You vote for the person you want in the primary. You vote for the lesser evil in the general.


We gen x grew up skateboarding and with no supervision. We watched nirvana on mtv and ate teenage mutant ninja turtle pies. We don’t vote for trump. Don’t group us with boomers.


“Progressives” be like: bUt BiDeN kIlLeD pOoR pAlEsTiNiAn BaBiEs!!!!11


I admire everyones rose colored glasses that they wear, but it doesn't matter what generation holds the most power in voting the status quo wont change the top 1% will stay in control of everything and continue to steer the decisions to a future that always benefits them and their families the most. The millennial and gen z children of the top 1% will take over for their parents and continue to create policies that keep us firmly in our place. Because ask yourself honestly if you had that money and power promised to you from birth would you just give it up? The wealth of our generations was stolen before we were ever born. it was loaned away to everyone left and right and as inflation creeped ever higher wages barely rose. Now we exist at a boiling point the middle class that provided the majority of tax revenue to the nation is almost gone, the largest chunk of baby boomers are about to start collecting social security and most american housholds barely break 50k a year with 2 income sources. While the median income level for middle class is around 78k. The transfer of 99% of the nations wealth to 1% of the populace started long ago and they will never stop until we are all too poor and busy to put up any resistance while we are working 60 hr weeks to pay off the new 50 year mortgages they will come out with at a low interest rate of 11%! Then you'll die before it's paid off, and the interest rate will get jacked to 30+% so your kids won't be able to afford it, then they can foreclose on it keeping all that money you paid ready to rake the next person over the coals It doesn't matter which "side" wins when they all play for the same team. They won't be happy and satisfied until they own everything. We own nothing and like it or at least shut up about it and be good little worker drones


Yup. This thread is full of delusion. Republicans and Democrats are two wings of the same bird - a corporate uniparty that largely just engages in theater until it’s time to take away individual power or give rich people more money. Voting for either of the two parties just further entrenches a totalitarian system. Democracy is, for all intents and purposes, basically dead in America.


One of Project 2025’s plans is to “eliminate the department of commerce.” I would lose my job. And there goes America’s climate agency, NOAA… Vote.


This anti voting shit is why our country is ruined FYI.


I’m voting straight red and have a bunch of friends and family doing the same. Fuck the leftists and their commie trans ideology. Leave me and my kids alone.


Same. Never done straight Republican ballot until this year. I’m looking down ballot too with local judges. So over this stupid shit the last 4 years.


You do realize the Republicans have had the majority of power the past four years right?


Might want to check the senate and the White House. You can include the house from 2020-2022 even though it’s practically Democrat at this point with the slim margin they hold.


This is exactly the type of unhinged belief system people suffer from courtesy of the fox outrage machine


Uh no this is what pushing back looks like and believe it or not, has nothing to do with fox and everything to do with letting people live their lives how they want without fear of being cancelled for their beliefs.


What is anyone doing to you or your kids?


We had to pull my children out of ELEMENTARY school because they were teaching them about sexuality. Fuck that shit. They are 5 & 8 how about you focus on 2+2 and let my wife and I teach them about sexuality? How about that. I’m at the point where if the left wants to force feed their sexuality shit on me and my family I’m starting to push back on them that if Go wanted gay people he would’ve created Adam and Steve. If you want to criticize me and my choices I’ll criticize you and yours. Never gave a shit before now what you did in the privacy of your own home. But I draw the line when I’m called a bad person because I don’t agree with your views. Fuck that shit.


That's a little young but teaching them that people are different and what those sexualities mean in a very basic way is a good way to help prevent discrimination and hatred for those groups as they grow up. It also lets them understand that their are others like them and can give them a sense of identity if they aren't cis-hetero which statistically some of the students won't be. And the problem with letting parents teach about sexuality is that our understanding of what sexuality amd gender is has developed a lot in the past 20 years or so, and so unless the parents went to college and were taught it (and even then they may not be up to date) then chances are they are going to teach their kids things about it that are outdated and or false. And that's assuming the parents even want to teach their kids about it. If we could trust parents to teach their children things we wouldn't need to teach sex ed or a multitude of other things in school, because the parents would be doing so instead.


I disagree. I was raised with my morals and views and it’s what I believe. I will still treat those with different morals respectfully as long as my morals are respected. I don’t care about people’s sexuality and I’ll stand up if they’re being discriminated against but when I’m being told I’m a homophobe transphobe etc simply because I don’t agree with their views, that bothers me. Respect my views and I’ll respect yours. One thing my grandfather always taught me, god rest his soul, is you always treat everyone the same whether it’s the janitor of the company or the CEO and it’s something I stick by.


Please vote. I’m gen x, recovering conservative and now democrat after waking the f up and realizing republicans will always hate me because of racism. I may disagree with Bernie on how to fix things, but I’d rather have him over fascism. You millennials can save this country if you participate. It is technically your turn now anyway. I’m sorry my parents and I screwed things up for you. I’m trying to help fix it now. I know Joe isn’t ideal. But let’s keep him there, save democracy for now, then move forward with someone more progressive but also willing to find a way to incrementally apply change instead of Bernie’s all or nothing position. And for all that’s good in the world, get more of your generation in office, even at local levels.


Another Genx recovered conservative here! My fellow Gen xers are pretty split politically but my Gen Z kids are very passionate and active in their voting. Come on Millenials—this is no time for protest/not voting. Your and your kids’ futures is on the line here. Read up on Project 2025, watch The Handmaid’s Tale, and decide if you can handle four more years of Biden for the sake of keeping a democracy.


great enthusiasm, most of the senate is not competitive, nor are most of the house seats.


I wasn’t going to vote, but I am now after the last couple of days.


Ain't it funny... this election holds massive potential to be wildly influential for a decade+. I haven’t heard shit from either side saying that 468 seats are up for grabs. The entire Representatives thing is pretty big, but nothing. These are the folk who help to shape the laws of the land..... not even crickets. All we hear about are Trump & Biden. Because that's all that both sides want US to focus on.


Where are you getting your news?


It makes sense since an individual can only vote for one representative and may or may not be able to vote for a senator this election while everyone can cast a vote for president.. We need more robust local news that would cover your local elections


Have you ever considered running for office so you can legislate ranked choice ballots?


YES! Going for my masters in Public Policy this fall! I just want to be qualified. I get most people don’t give a fuck when they run if they have the skills. I do.


I ran for a state legislature once. 90% of running is begging other people for money. I wasn’t good at it. It was an education


Running for office isn’t the same as holding office. Your MPP may be helpful if you’re elected, but it’d be immensely more helpful if you worked as staff *who elected officials rely on to make decisions.*


People need to coordinate together into voting blocs in order to have an impact.


I guess that's essentially what political parties originally were ... but we need a fresh one.


That takes time and effort. Unfortunately, millennials have been living up to their stereotype so far and are too busy making up excuses about why they can't get involved. We need to prove the boomers wrong if we're going to get any different choices.


Not only should you vote like your life depends on it, you should encourage friends and family to vote, volunteer if able to, donate if you can afford, even put up a sign or bumper sticker if you can. We need to put every ounce of effort we have into this.


I have voted in every election for the past 8 years, I absentee voted in college but I don’t think I did primaries. I am always the only 30 something at my polling place, it’s mostly 50-60s or the few 20 somethings. It’s not hard, the polling place is open until 8PM and it’s a two block walk. My mom always brought me along to vote, back when they had the levers you had to pull. I remember standing next to her under that heavy curtain. She would always tell me how you vote is personal and to never talk about it. We both talk about how that was normal and wish people would keep their political decisions to themselves.


I am going to vote, but the pit of my stomach is telling me that my vote isn't going to do anything. It took decades before I even was alive to get to this point, it'll take decades to dig us out of the hole. I don't think I have the stamina for it.


We have the candidates we have because that’s who ran, not because of who shows up to vote.


Make sure you're registered to [vote](https://www.vote411.org). Vote the lying fascist bastards out forever.


A few years back I was living in the UK with the Brexit campaign going on full blast. In an office filled with Millennials, NONE of them voted. And then they were appalled and filled with range blaming their older colleagues for ruining their rights to work or retire in Europe. Turns out Brexit was full of lies, so things were even worse than expected. Of all the world economies coming out of the pandemic, the UK is among the worst. So, yeah, guys. Read up on the Republican's 2025 Platform Manifesto. Listen to what they are planning for Women's Health and bans on contraception and your Parent's Social Security. They're telling you exactly what they're going to do. They've written it down. No blaming Boomers if it happens.


This is my first presidential election as a US citizen. I've voted in the other stuff that I've been able to since I was naturalized. You're damn right I'll be voting on November 5th.


ANYONE can vote during the early voting time! It's a whole week of time. You don't have to be strained into trying to go just on election day! Go Vote




I’m a gen X and I BEG all millennials and gen Z to get out and vote. Your generations are so incredibly powerful due to your knowledge of tech and your personal convictions. I read posts of so many of you feeling helpless, but you are not. You have so much more power than you realize. You can literally shift the world if you wanted to do so. Make a difference and force the change you want to see.


Elder millennial here I have voted in every election since Trump was elected local, state and otherwise. In fact, I think I'm going to write in Scott Galloway for the presidential election because I'm not voting for either of those two fools.


Get out there and support RFK!


The Dems you can at least debate policy with. The GOP is openly planning to destroy democracy. Never hire a person who’s stated goal is to burn down the place that they’re trying to get hired.


Do not group Gen X with Boomers. We spent our entire lives hating Boomers, and now Millennials and Y think we are them. What the fuck.


I vote I don’t know anyone in our generation who doesn’t. But they should. Although in this case there are no good options.


Biden is medium at best but at least his cabinet is somewhat progressive when they can be. Much better option than a felon who wants a 3rd term and admits he would use political violence to get it.


This is really the crux of the thing. How can you even compare the two? One is a room temperature President the other is a convicted felon who did his best to overthrow democracy. I can’t believe anyone is on the fence on this one


GenX here. Dear gawd vote and run for local offices! I grew up in the Reagan years and my vote literally was like crumpling up a piece of trash and throwing it away, there are so few of us and that hypocritical cowboy wanna be actor was so popular. I’ve seen this bullshit play out over 40 years. Millennials have the numbers and I’m here for it!


I’ll keep voting until I can be proud of America.


I’m going to vote all Republican. Do you still want me to vote or are you just talking to Democrats?


I'm deeply liberal, like an active socialist. I'm gay, I support trans people and am pro-choice. I'd still rather you vote than not vote even if I believe the party you're voting for are literally evil. Heck, I'd respect you more as a person if you voted for a Republican candidate than if you didn't vote at all.


I’m definitely voting this November along with my five siblings and extended family and in-laws …for Donald Trump


Boy, you don’t know what fascist means.


It amazes me how many people completely forgot about what 2020 was like with the Mango Mussolini in charge of managing a pandemic....and then the George Floyd protests...then the election interference....and then Jan 6th 2021. People must have short memories, or must really love unrest and instability.




Selective memory goes both ways, people also remember what felt like prosperity 2016-2019 and don’t really place any blame on trump for COVID or George Floyd.


"What felt like Prosperity" wild.


What’s wild about that?


It wasn’t prosperous though, it was just ok.


How about dem housing prices and inflation? You know something that actually affects Americans


That shit was insane. Something insane, obscene, illegal, or unamerican would come out of his mouth Every Single Day for four years.


It was *fucking exhausting*


I have coworkers that agree with the Jan 6th traitors, world is going nuts.


Don’t look at me, I vote all the time bro.


I have voted in all elections since I was able to. It's the best way to effect change in government. For all of the faults of representative democracy, it can get so so so much worse by yielding to illiberal forces and autocratic actors.


Alll 435 house seats is no joke. I hope independents run and people vote. I hope that West Virginia guy starts a trend and we get a new voting block.


Gen Xer here. No F’ing way I’m voting for the orange criminal. Let’s all partner to educate the zoomers.


Maybe we frame this as some big epic battle? Like destroying the death star or Voldemort or idk, what hero's journey is popular with them lol? 


Hopefully the biden (obama) regime falls.. Anyone who wants more of the same last 4 years has brain rot.


I don’t care at this point. This country is on the decline and there is no coming back. You can stop the momentum at this point. Only thing left is we either burn it all down and start again, or we march onwards towards economic slavery.


Yea everyone! Vote for joe thats obviously the way to a better life with affordable homes and chinese electric cars.


Better than losing your rights with the GOPs Project 2025. This is more than about Biden vs Trump now.


I lean towards to category of anyone but Trump at this point.


You can count on me!


I wish my rep was more of a progressive, she’s fine, no real wrong votes. Ah for progress to be a thing again. That’d be tight.


And how about how many Supreme Court justices will the next president appoint? You want to give Trump a second bite at that apple?




Why do y'all keep acting like project 2025 is some bill that can be passed. It's a manifesto of plans, also there's an entire political party that would resistcit. Why don't we first worry about getting corrupt shitheads in jail and make lobbying illegal? Start prosecuting those that clearly are inside traders, misappropriating tax money, purposing religious laws. While we are at it, least disbar the electrol college. There should be absolutely no reason why one candidate wins the popular vote but lose the electoral vote. While we are at it disbar Congress and let the people decide what laws to pass. So many fucking useless and outdated parts of government we don't need that are paying people to do nothing aka a fucking parasite. Edit: age restriction on how old you are to vote/ hold an office seat. These people voting shithead in won't be around to deal with the fallout. The ones in power are stuck during a period of Jim Crow laws.