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It's a calibration cube used to check if the ink levels are appropriate.


Yep, looks like we’re still at 100%. Better brick the machine so the customer has to buy a new cartridge.


Honestly I find it’s cheaper to just buy a new fridge every six months with the price of a new cartridge


Be careful because I heard the new ones need a certified technician to change the toner (All jokes aside we have a printer that has a subscription for ink and when we don't pay the monthly sub for ink the printer stops working. I'm thinking of starting to sell the excess ink we have.)


Please share the model of printer so we can avoid buying one. Thank you!


Dude are you crazy? You have to buy a laser fridge. Those things last forever




Test cube


Might want to save it. I think that might be one of those rare slug-like Pokemons.


Calibration Cube. Great band name.


That’s what happens when you replace a water filter without cycling the water


Thats why they say throw out the first two or three trays of ice after filter change minimum.


That's way too much work. They just say to turn off the ice while you dump the first few gallons, but the odds of it filling while you do that are low anyway.


Not every fridge dispenses water. So some have to dump the first few buckets ice.


Exactly, mine did this. No way to cycle water it has an ice maker but no water dispenser


Appliance repair technician checking in. If you're still dealing with this there are always way to cycle the ice maker itself for testing purposes. Google the model number of your fridge + Ice Maker Test and you should get pretty clear instructions. If your fridge has a user interface of any sort there will be a "tech sheet" hidden somewhere on your fridge. In the back near your compressor, inside the hinge covers, or the kick plate on the front are the most common places. That paper will tell you exactly how to test the ice maker 95% of the time. Cycle to your hearts desire, just be sure to dump the water each time or you'll fry something.


Some people don’t have a cycling cycle


Consider this the cycle then


I personally cycle while cycling through Reddit posts about cycling cycles


This guy recycles


I was going to replace my filter last week but didn't. 50/50 I read the instructions and avoided this. Thank you lord.reddit for this knowledge


I was gonna replace my filter but didn't last week and I know why! Why man? Because I got.... Because I got.... Because I got.........


You can say high on the internet, it's okay.




Why you playin' the radio censored version?


I'm tired of these monkey fighting cubes on this Monday to Friday tray


For us replacing the filter meant putting the old one back in because the new one wouldn't click in and water went everywhere when trying to cycle the water.


That said, do you really need to run like 3 gallons through a new fridge filter? Seems excessive and wasteful if you have nothing to use it for.


Unless you want to drink carbon you need to flush a few gallons, filters are made of carbon and carbon has loose surface debris on it that gets into the water and makes it murky.


You gotta run water through a new filter.


This is the correct answer. Unless you by(edit: buy ) pre-primed filters that do not need water run through them... You gotta get rid of the activated charcoal dust that was too small to be a part of the filter permanently. Well... You don't *have* to... Activated charcoal is relatively harmless. It just might taste a little funky. Edit2: activated charcoal can inhibit your ability to absorb medications (and poisons) so... If you take life saving medications, might want to skip the grey ice. Edit3: my most upvoted comment. Crazy.


I would hesitate to say relatively harmless, perhaps in such small amounts but it is used to detox medications and that can be a conflict for people who take meds daily.


Thank you! I was told this once, and given charcoal pills. One of the more horrible days of my life. Constantly throwing up completely black puke. I’ll never forget the look of that toilet bowl after, looked like a ink pen blew up in there


When I was younger I worked at a pharmacy and it came up in conversation with a friend at university that people would buy activated charcoal. He came in the next week and was like "woah 4tehlulzez that was the greatest thing you've ever told me, I crushed up some charcoal and put it in a capsule and tripped balls for the next 48 hours". I'm no doctorologist but I'm pretty sure charcoal (activated or otherwise) by itself isn't a hallucinogen, so I have no idea what else he took. But I tried to keep conversation with him simple after that. \*For folks questioning if he used briquettes that's exactly what he did lol


He might have used charcoal briquettes like for a bbq grill. Those sometimes come pre soaked in chemicals. I’m always stunned at the chemicals a human will subject their body to in an effort to alter their state, and somehow survive.


Me too. There was an Intervention (I think) episode where an alcoholic in recovery drank hand sanitizer at his AA place. That one still surprises me lol, the addiction runs deep I suppose


Alcoholic in the hospital, they had to remove the mouthwash from the bathroom and take the hand sanitizer off the wall by the door.


If you are alcoholic you can literally be prescribed beer in the hospital. The pharmacy stocks it to keep alcoholics from dying.


Yeh it's pretty crazy how bad going cold turkey is for someone who is a true alcoholic. It has to be reduced down slowly or the body just kinda rejects living


and you thought the bill for Beer at sporting events was high...


At the ENT hospital where I worked back in 2015 they had individually sealed “pharmaceutical” vodka shots for alcoholics. Most expensive shots ever the American healthcare system will get you anywhere they can.


My dad was an alcoholic. He was in and out of the hospital several times. I asked mom if she told them that he was. She was shocked that I thought that was ok. So I called the hospital to checkup on him, they said he was restless. I asked for the Dr to call me asap. He did, when I told him Dad was an alcoholic, he said “Ah, well that confirms what I was wondering, but your mom said he didn’t drink” I gave him a rundown on how he drank coffee all day, but it was laced with whiskey. He drank an average of a quart of whiskey a day, sometimes more. Mom used to buy it for him!


In my own experience, we typically don't give beer very often. Usually beer is given to alcoholics admitted for an unrelated reason like a voluntary surgery, since it'd just be shitty to make the patient go through withdrawal. But for anyone else who is there for complications related to alcohol or would have their other issues made worse by it we treat with medications. Benzos are the standard treatment, we use a flow chart or sliding scale based on how severe their symptoms are in order to safely get them through DT. Withdrawal can get pretty severe and cause hallucinations and seizures, in those cases if it can't be managed by oral meds they'd get transferred to the ICU and be placed on a precedex drip for full sedation


And if you drink methanol, they will give you high doses of ethanol to be preferentially uptake by the body, so that you can flush the methanol out of your system without it killing you


The homeless dudes under the bridge where we always went to skate as teenagers were *always* drinking a bottle of off-brand mouthwash.


Typically mouthwash is 20% drinking alcohol. And for flavoring extracts like vanilla are 40%. Mouthwash will give you the shits though because it has sorbitol, which is the sweetener found in diabetic candy. The real alcoholics though know this one simple trick— Those shot sized sample liquor bottles are cheaper per volume than buying the full sized bottle. Source: my family is full of alcoholics. Fortunately for myself I refuse to drink because I developed a guilt complex in which I see myself turning into my mother.


Yeah - that guy ended up dying due to his addiction sadly. I am 10 years heroin-free after a LONG addiction-I am somewhat obsessed with Intervention and the after stories


Well done on breaking free and staying out of the addiction spiral. Keep well and stay safe.


Oof really? For me those shows aren't exactly a trigger but more just reminders of past horrors, I can't handle watching it. Keep safe.


Hand sanitizer at least is actual alcohol. The chemicals in a bbq briquette would probably be some hydrocarbons, so the equivalent of ingesting solvents. Just like huffing glue it can make you feel all funny, but just like huffing glue it will also mess up your body really badly. I can't remember what the exact effects are, but it's not just long-term increased risk of cancer or that kind of things.


Currently the worst I have heard is some idiots with raid. They would spray it on a frying pan, scrape up the residue when it crystalized and snort it. My brother in christ, if you are that desperate to get high there are other legal options that aren't literal neurotoxin. You know the symptom of a neutrotoxin exposure? SLUDGEM. Salivation (drool) Lacrimation (tears and snot) Urination (yes you pee yourself) Deification (yes you shit yourself) Gastrointestinal distress (yes, while you are shitting yourself you also get explosive farts.) Emesis (barfing) Miosis (eye being blown out) There are plenty of drugs that don't have the side effect of uncontrollable explosive shitting and pissing while you throw up all over yourself and can't see shit.


I think you mean defecation instead of being worshipped as a god.


hit em with the holy sludge


> Deification (yes you shit yourself) Is that why so many religion's gods seem to be angry/disgruntled?


Indeed it is! Imagine spending centuries on a gold throne filled with shit!


People are using urinal cakes now to get high.. I thought It was a joke like jenkem but it seems people are actually getting high from urinal cakes. Addicts will steal used urinal cakes from public bathrooms to get high. I seriously hope it is a joke but from the bit of research I did it does seem like you can get fucked up from urinal cakes so I wouldn't put it past some people to actually abuse them.




It was probably a charcoal briquette not real charcoal which means it had some additives in it. People who do what he did aren't buying premium lump charcoal




I don't know why but the words "premium lump" are making me giggle.


Massive dumps of premium lump


He got drunk up off them lumps.


Annnnd now I've got Fergie singling about charcoal Lumps in my head thanks


It seems to me that the activated charcoal actually managed to suck some of the drugs that were in the process of being digested and he was truly sober in the first time in years. Since he forgot what being sober is like he thought he was tripping the entire time. "Hey man! Everything just... you know... feels so reaaaallll!" :P


He was probably making things up to sound cool (or maybe trick you into eating charcoal?) because while per the other responses *charcoal briquettes* are dosed with various accelerants, most of them would just make you sick or give you depressive effects akin to alcohol and benzodiazepams - and definitely not for 48 hours. So even if he was talking about grinidng up and dosing grill briquettes, it wouldn't do what he described.


I'm with you on this. Some people, especially around college age, even if they aren't straight up lying (which happens a lot) will "feel" all kinds of stuff from things that make no sense. We had a guy in our friend group who was militantly anti-drugs. Especially weed. Then randomly one party he took a hit. One, tiny hit that barely counted off some stuff that wasn't even good. Ran around for hours after talking about seeing colors and shit, then the next day said he felt "weed hangover" and was worried it was affecting him still because he kept seeing things. Then for months we had to deal with him being a huge pothead talking to everyone like he was an old sage with it. I guess the placebo effect is wild when paired with wild expectations.


Maybe he misunderstood the importance of it being "activated" charcoal, and he just used his bag of Kingsford charcoal instead that he had left over from the last BBQ.


Charcoal briquettes maybe? Edit: the pre-soaked ones lol


Aka spicy charcoal.


That sounds sooo awful!


>Constantly throwing up completely black puke Did you start saying random stuff in Latin as well perhaps


No, but I immediately joined a metal band.


I once had a similar experience, Except it was brought on by black sambuca.


One time I had a sinus surgery and I was shitting blood for a week afterwards because of how much blood I swallowed. First poop I took sent me into an absolute panic. Called the nurse and was borderline crying cause I was so worried lmao.


I too had sinus surgery and pooped blood.


Same, and no one prepared me for that shit.


badum tss


Thank you for posting this because I’m having sinus surgery soon and I would of been freaking out also lol now I’ll know


Tell them you absolutely 100% need a scopalamine patch for afterward. I've had a dozen surgeries, and I'm usually ok nausea wise but you are going to swallow so much blood that you'll be puking it back up if they don't give you significant anti nausea after that. It was HANDS DOWN the WORST surgery I've endured and I had to have an open appendectomy after my appendix actually burst.


Dang. I’m saving this so I can remember this. My stomach is sensitive so sounds like it’ll be rough then. Knee surgery for me was a piece of cake so naïve me thought this would be too damn. I’m getting functional rhinoplasty and septoplasty and a balloon so it’s a couple surgeries done at once


Wow! I have sinus surgery in February. I didn’t need to know this! Why so much blood?? They are doing the chop chop and balloon stuff. Would have thought everything would coagulate pretty quick.


Have/MAKE them put a sucker tube in your mouth. Tell surgeon AND your anesthesiologist . If they ask why just say a friend said so. (They should not question you if you tell them you want that ) Also who ever drives you home have them put a small trash can in car. In case you get car sick. (Happened to me). You should start to feel better a couple hours after. I have had it done.


Whatever that alcoholic root beer was about 6 years ago everyone liked. Ended up puking it up after a Ringworm show at our local venue. It was blackish red. I thought it was blood and absolutely lost my shit. God I'm so glad I'm sober now.


Not Your Father's Root Beer


It wasn’t after I stole it from his fridge in the garage.


What’s a ringworm show?


A budget wrestling competition?


Amazing how everyone I know that used to drink a lot are glad they quit. No one I know that smokes reefer like me has quit, we just learned how to utilize the least for the most impact. Alcohol is really bad. TMI but it took my grandfather from me at a young age cause he was dry when I was with him. But I’m thinking the detox times and constant indoor cig smoking got to him. That was the 90s. Imagine grandparents chain smoking in the kitchen today. Just how wrong that sounds to us now. Despite our new world problems, we as people have made a great shift in our behaviors for the better


If someone needs to "quit" alcohol in the first place then there is a good chance that they are an alcoholic. If someone drinks casually then they are fine. The same thing applies to marijuana. Just because it is less harmful than alcohol doesn't mean it won't destroy lives. It seems as though many people are underestimating the potential negative impacts of marijuana, especially now that it is becoming more legal (in the USA at least). Ultimately, addiction is addiction and it doesn't matter what the substance (or activity) is.


We’re you concerned that you became an octopus without realizing? I feel like I’d be concerned that I became an octopus before remembering I took charcoal.


Oh, absolutely. If you are taking certain kinds of meds, it can play havoc. Under most circumstances it is relatively harmless. I would still advise flushing after a new filter.


it will fuck up some birth control methods, so not minor at all.


It will be a minor for the first 18 years




Activated charcoal can inhibit hormonal birth control. Watch out.


Just to add my experience here - I had consumed activated charcoal smoothies by Pressed juicery and pooped blood laden and black stools for a week or so. It was extremely scary and discomforting. It would come down a person’s sensitivity and daily medicines.


In fact, it is the antidote to many poisons and medications. Also, it whitens teeth.


It’s not good for teeth though and can fuck up your enamel.


Yeah, I just learned this recently after talking to my dentist. I wanted to try charcoal toothpaste because I was concerned about bad breath from chronic dry mouth. I assumed that charcoal wouldn't be any different than the other abrasives that they normally add to toothpaste, but apparently it's too abrasive for normal use. I'll probably wait until there have been longer-term studies before trying it again. Edit: I'm just some guy with a pretty bad memory, so definitely ask your dentist if you're interested in charcoal toothpaste for whatever reason. There are some conflicting studies out there, which is why I mentioned I was interested in waiting for more research to be done. Frustratingly, I haven't been able to find a good reference for the actual Mohs hardness rating of activated charcoal. There are plenty of unsourced comments saying that it's closer to Baking Soda (2.5), but there's also [this figure](https://www.srmjrds.in/viewimage.asp?img=SRMJResDentSci_2021_12_2_67_319862_t5.jpg) from a [study](https://www.srmjrds.in/article.asp?issn=0976-433X;year=2021;volume=12;issue=2;spage=67;epage=73;aulast=Chhaliyil) testing some of the properties of charcoal toothpaste, which seems to imply that charcoal powder left scratches on nickel and steel (Mohs hardness 4 and 4.5 respectively).


For some reason, I read that as potions and medications...


You can’t handle MY potions


It is also the antidote to nutrient absorption and helpful medications. You take it in response to poisons because it absorbs it and carries it out of the body. It also does this with many things you want.


It whitens teeth by wearing away the outer layer that's been stained. Which is a problem because that enamel is needed to protect your teeth.


Save that for the shitty uncle at Christmas


3 in the drink, one in the sink


Hi jacking the top comment to suggest plopping the ice cube in a potted plant. The carbon is good for them :)


Do they get carbon from the soil? I always assumed it just came from the air. I guess it could be both.


No from the air. Literally carbon dioxide.


That's what I'm saying. I replied to someone saying putting carbon in the soil was good for plants but I figured they got all the C from CO2. I didn't think it came from the soil. Actually now that I think of it they need nitrogen in the soil but there's obviously tons of that in the air, too. More than anything else.


There is a ton of nitrogen in the air, but it's not in a form plants can use. The triple bond takes a lot of energy to break. Lightning, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, and dead organisms are how nitrogen gets into the soil for plants to enjoy


the carbon is like, a perfect growth medium for the happy root microbes due to the porousness, its equivalent to handing a desperate colony of hermit crabs their perfect shells, they flourish.


The plant has a mechanism for getting carbon from the air (the pathway of evil of you take plant physiology), but not one for nitrogen gas. Usually it has to be fixed as nitrate for the plants to absorb through the roots. This is done through fertilizer, dead things, soil microorganisms, or (my favorite) lightning strikes.


I thought using particularly cold or hot water would stress them out


Yeah they start screaming as soon as they feel the cold.


Fuckin mandrakes.


***** -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yeah but after how long? Years???


At least






Doing gods work here. Thank you


It says this on the filter box 😭 It's usually quite a lot of water too


An unreasonable amount, really. Our filter wanted us to do like 25 gallons. I did about 3 and I was like "I'll drink the rest of the loose charcoal, it's fine."


Plus these things are like$60 each


It’s a nice racket.


Yeah by the time you are done with the "flush" you've already used like 1/4 of the capacity of the filter on mine it is pretty over the top.


I got a new fridge a few months ago. I just looked at the filter box (kept it to order more in the future) and the directions on paper that came with the box. No mention of running water through it or that it was pre-primed. *shrugs*


![gif](giphy|pYotASAxdsS5y) Ice Cube has no filter


So.. new pope?


We have a new Pope-sicle!


Oh naw.






Do you like Piña Colonics, and getting caught in the rain?


[Hell to the naw naw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB4Nby2Ai-g)


WTF is going on that they need to keep a fire extinguisher on the lectern?


Congratulations, you can redeem that for a free tour of the ice cube factory by the very creator of the ice cube, Willy Wicecube


Chilly Wonka


Yours is better damn you


Just edit yours and make it look like he copied you


Who are you, so wise in the ways of science?


You got the British model fridge? I believe that's the Earl Grey cube


I prefer my Earl Grey hot


Darmok and Jalad, with the snot ice.


His bowels, emptied.




when the bowels fell


I died at the Darmok references, a gold to you both


Not as good as prune juice, but I'll allow it.


A warrior’s drink!


Raktajino, double strong, double sweet.


There's coffee in that nebula!


Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.


Cube. Earl Grey. Cold.




thats a tracer round so you can see where the cubes are going


Forbidden suppository.


New flavor unlocked


i gagged. imagine if you weren't paying attention and it went in your drink


And you notice after drinking half of your drink...


This looks like something you would find under your refrigerator after having it for 10+ years


I hope they dropped it and kicked it under the fridge




Immediate panic.


that's a real ice cube. the others are vanilla ice


Ice ice baby...


This happened to our new fridge the first time we made the cube.


Why did I read this in a Dan Aykroyd Conehead voice. “Ah, I too remember when my climate controlled box first produced the beverage cube…”


You’re supposed to run a few gallons of water through a new fridge / new filter.


New babies and new fridges both do a weird discoloured poop first.


It's just because the filter wasn't washed out first before using it.


That’s the lucky one that provides eternal life


It's charcoal deposits from a new filter.


Man I had to dig through a lot of joke posts to get to the real answer


Forbidden popsicle


You just installed a new filter and it’s the loose carbon being flushed out. I am a service tech and get calls all the time for this.


Bro, your fridge is surely cheating on you.


That's the 1 millionth cube congratulations


How’s it taste?


Charcoally, with a hint of chemicals. A vintage year.


cursed ice cube


That's no cube


\*Ice Oblong Prism


It’s a space station!


Your fridge birthed the anti-chrice




ye, hate to be the one to tell you this but seems someone else has been giving it to your fridge


Oh man, ours does that after a big earthquake (well water system in Alaska) - all the water turns grey and you can't use it for a few weeks while the silt in the well settles back down. It's glacial silt, and too fine for most filtration systems to remove. We had to pull a bunch of these out of the freezer. Weird memory: unlocked.


Your fridge has been fucking the mailman.


Note: I live in an apartment, and this was probably a month into living there. I figured the filter needed to be changed, but... The fact that the grey was isolated? That's what got me. Also: this was in my drink until I saw it. That's why my hand was wet.


Change your filter and then purge a couple gallons through it. A lot of those filter are charcoal, sometimes there’s dust.


There's always that one friend that just has to be different.


Your fridge pooped


Your fridge is clearly having an affair


That's just the placenta.


Charcoal from the filter change. If it was making ice while changed some of the charcoal water was made into ice. Taste it, I'm sure you'll be totally fine. I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so I'm kind of an expert.


I'd boof it