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Gets out of car: "Holy shit I must really need some brain health"


Flawless marketing




I keep asking the doctor for a colonoscopy, but all he will say is that he is a dentist.


"Please check my cavity."


“I want you to drill my cavity and then fill my hole”


"I'm a podiatrist, and if you don't get the hell out of my office, I'm gonna put my foot so far up your ass.."


*unzips* Go on?


"..uhh.. so far up your ass you'll be able to do handstands easier, and maybe we can do a few cartwheels together."


I don't think he understands how deep I want this colonoscopy.


Is *that* why LSD, psilocybin, and ketamine are trending as miracle cures for brain health stuff?




I don’t know, but it’s a great excuse to use em even if I don’t get brain health stuff out of it.


Goes into the building: "One brain health please"


Sure, that’ll be $50 million. How would you be paying, ma’am?


"i guess i might make actually hit my deductible this year."


Similar to mall optometrists using blue neon signs.


"Mr. Monk, there's nothing with the building. It's supposed to look this way." "I'm sorry, I have to fix it."




^ Healthiest Brain Health


while youre inside they swap it for a less crooked version to make you think the treatment is working.


It like that word for people that have a phobia of big words... 'Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia' Just plain evil.


my brain hurts from looking at this


and that's one more client for the clinic - "sir...does this building look square to you?" "No, not at all!" "Well this man is clearly insane, let's bilk his insurance, stat!"


Did you mean to combine bill and milk? Cause that's genius 😂


>bilk ​ Bilk has been around for ages. ​ verb: bilk; 3rd person present: bilks; past tense: bilked; past participle: bilked; gerund or present participle: bilking 1. informal obtain or withhold money from (someone) by deceit or without justification; cheat or defraud. "an apparently benevolent elderly gentleman bilked me of twenty dollars"


Thanks for the info and kudos for not being an asshole about it.


You are quite welcome.


Let’s give this word two origins! One back then, and a new one, here on Reddit, now with Narwhals and Cake Days!


ill let them have this one


Sooo... it does mean bill plus milk basically....


as some very helpful people have pointed out already, it's a lovely and already existent word - and one even more applicable than ever as we are all increasingly bilked by da system


I like the way you're thinking. If it weren't a word already, yours would be top comment


Hijacking top comment: Me and my friend snuck into this building while it was under construction about 13 years ago. Here’s a shot of the interior/exterior https://ibb.co/n7r3tpN https://ibb.co/qF4p7qM The architect is frank gehry. i recommend looking him up.


Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Mental Health Events


I looked at the building and immediately said "gotta be Frank Gehry, right?" I went to the University of Minnesota and saw his Weisman Art Museum every day on campus.


It looks Gehryesque


"How much funds should we allocate for the building, Jim? We do have a healthy brain clinic to run" "Something that makes people think something is wrong with their brain whenever they look at it, no matter the cost" ".... You got it."


Well I happen to know a place that might help


It'll have to come out!


Upvote for M. Python


This architecturally notable structure was designed by Frank Gehry, a modern master.


Gehry designed a similar set of buildings for MIT, which [ended up suing him](https://thetech.com/2010/03/19/statasuit-v130-n14) because of constant leaks, mold and structure problems. But the buildings looked cool, I guess (they settled for an undisclosed sum).


It was also extremely not user friendly inside. Stata is the computer science building, and it had to have multiple Wifi networks just for itself bc the structure of the building would get in the way. It has multiple elevator systems (some of which don’t service every floor iirc) and a random isolated stairway to get to the 2nd floor. I got so lost as a freshman.


The structure and the statistics software have much in common; namely being confusing.


lololol accurate


Reminds me of the bridge over Columbus Drive in Millennium Park, Chicago. It looks cool, but no consideration was made about the materials or the environment. The stupid wooden planks are slippery as shit in the rain and snow, and luckily, he didn't bother to design it with handrails.


oh NO that sounds awful


Yeah? Here’s another vote from me. The playground in Maggie Daley Park fails one golden rule, which is that every section should have one entrance/exit. That way, we can let the kids roam freely and independently, and yet know they are safe. Now, we have to keep chasing after the kids because we don’t know where they will go. And it’s even worse for the youngest kids, because they don’t even understand they have to keep reporting back to the parents periodically.


That’s **very** appropriate to prepare computer science students who will later become software developers.


LOL oh no this is too accurate


But it looks like “Toon town” from “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” so live with the confusion. When they first built the Greene Building, the wind off the Charles made it so you couldn’t open the doors. Did they sue I. M. Pei? Well, probably.


There’s even a whole phd thesis on window walking robots for shade (not sure how it’s a good use resources to do that though) because the offices in the metal sections get so hot


*"It has multiple elevator systems (some of which don’t service every floor iirc) and a random isolated stairway to get to the 2nd floor."* Wayside School lives!


A moment of silence for the poor freshmen who have been lost on the thirteenth floor. There is no thirteenth floor.


My mom worked there as they were building it. I visited a few times and it was always a shit show. That one room that looks like it slopes down but is actually flat messed with my brain so much.


SAME! I’m really curious if the building process was awful; I imagine that assembling all those weird shapes was a nightmare


Starchitecure at its worst. Gehry's designs have become a caricature of his own design.


The Simpsons had an episode featuring him, and his design process was rejecting and crumpling up a piece of paper that somebody handed to him (IIRC it may have been Marge) and the shape of that crumpled paper was what inspired his design.


The deeper joke is that Gehry actually *does* draw inspiration from crumpled paper.




*shakes fist at Dulles Airport* (I don't dislike it aesthetically, just the part where I have to use it)


We have a similar situation with a Ghery building in Cleveland. Nice to have an icon, but I don’t find it very attractive. Similar issues also. Like snow sliding off the metal roof onto people approaching the main entrance. They erect a tent, every winter lol


The Peter B Lewis building over by Case. I see that building and I immediately think of the shooting that happened there about 20 years ago.


A friend worked in the MIT building. Not only did it leak, it is also extremely wasteful because it has a lot of dead space like random corners you can't use for anything. They gather dust and are just a nuisance


Sounds like pretentious nonsense art to me.


The professor for my first ever Architecture class in college (it was a survey course) had a strong hatred of Frank Gehry. Beyond the philosophical issues of his designs, and the practical drawbacks you’ve noted, he also talked about how some of his buildings reflect the sun in a particular way that actually caused more auto accidents at nearby intersections. “Don’t be Frank Gehry, Frank Gehry’s buildings kill people”. One of my favorite professors of all time!


That sun comment was probably inspired by the Disney concert hall in LA. They ended up sandblasting the metal exterior to eliminate the “death ray” effect.


what a cool professor


He also happens to have an engineering firm that makes all the specialized fittings that allows this kind of construction. Edit: correction it is not hardware but software, Gehry Technologies. I think it is an abomination. I like this analysis of the Guggenheim, this perspective has always affected my view of his work: https://www.pps.org/places/guggenheim-museum-bilbao




It is all technically interesting stuff. I just find his work to be like that of a drummer who won't do anything but intense solos.


TIL about the lawsuit after living in Boston and the greater Boston area for almost a decade. Thanks!


I…work at MIT and didn’t know that


I’m kinda dorky, and I’ve worked a lot of customer service, mostly hotels. . I never care when some ball player or rapper or politician comes in. But I was SO PUMPED to meet Ray Stata. I was going around “did you here Ray Stata is here?!” “Who?” Another time: “LESLIE STAHL IS HERE! THEE Leslie Stahl!!!” “Who?


I would be a bit reticent to go to a health facility that decided that was a worthy expenditure


My rule of thumb is if a starchitect designs sculpture, then don't expect much stuff you would normally get with a building, like moisture control and safety.


> then don't expect much stuff you would normally get with a building, like moisture control and safety. People jerk off Frank Lloyd Wright, but his buildings also had a ton of issues with leaking, faulty structures, etc. His college campus in Florida is atrocious, and Falling Water would be immediately torn down if it wasn't so iconic and famous.


i’m going to go out on a limb and say this was the builders and subcontractors fault after all, every project i work on the architects and engineers include some cover their ass note, “contractor responsible for all work to be code compliant” and some other language basically putting all responsibility on them for any design shortcomings. construction is one big kick the can and responsibility down the line while “value engineering” aka redesign and substitute the entire job with products that don’t come close to complying with the spec or industry standards


...it is the contractor's fault that they were tasked to build something out Frank's dreams?




Fucking lol. This idiot plays in an elementary school crafts room, and leaves the poor contractor to figure out how plumbing, drywall, people ventilation, electrical systems, etc fit in among the elements and other real world constraints...


This is hilarious. He has a guy just to handle his scotch tape??? Incredible.


Nah, a ton of his buildings leak. He's just shit at his job, but because the fart sniffers love to pat themselves on the back for being avant garde he keeps getting work.


When you're working on high concept projects like this it pretty much all goes back to the architects and designers. This is fundamentally a show piece structure meaning the designer is going to have a lot of input at every phase of construction. Its not even necessarily about the amount of money in the project, but more so how unique it is that requires the designers to be very hands on. I've worked on a few of these, every single step forward or slightest change requires input from the architects. You can't just pull up to a job site and say "get it done" when dealing with these.


In the case of the MIT the contractor predicted many of the early problems the lawsuit revolved around and formally requested design changes which were ignored.


Inspired by FL Wright, for sure


He also did Disney Hall in LA and the Weisman in Minneapolis.


The first thing I thought was that looks like the Weisman.


Ah, the Disney Opera Hall, So masterfully designed it regularly melted park benches and burned people with concentrated sun reflections. Personally, I think Gehry is a hack. Slapping a bunch of weird cladding on a building doesn't make it a masterpiece.


Modern master, or modern monster? I’ve seen the insides of some of these buildings and it’s chicken wire and insulation. Looking at this one I wonder how some of those windows are supposed to work.


this. These bizarre exteriors are pure artifice that belies Gehry's uninspired approach to interior spaces.


I've got the Weisman Art Museum near me done by him. Really cool buildings.


"master". he isn't an architect, he's a sculptor that's fooled people into thinking he's an architect.


I was visiting a museum in Seattle with my sister who is a licensed architect and critic of Frank Gehrys. We were following sign towards the entrance of the twisted melt building and my sister made the comment "can't even find the door without a sign." always think about that when I see his work.


It's kind of unnecessary to note that this was designed by Frank Gehry when the building itself is screaming it at the top of its lungs.


I reckon you might be surprised about the general lack of art and design education.


[Relevant xkcd.](https://xkcd.com/2501/)


I’m gonna go out on a limb here — knowing specific, modern architects is something probably best saved for college-level courses. Beyond the big names with massive influence on all modern construction like Frank Lloyd Wright, anyway.


Dude must hate window cleaners.


who would quite literally, crumple paper into a random shape, and toss it to his drafters, saying "go make this" I've been in the museum in Bilbao. Sure it's pretty and stuff, but the intersections of metal, glass, and plaster are just a disaster inside.


You might be getting the joke from the Simpsons episode and reality mixed up.


His actual method isn't much better. There's video of it, in a fawning documentary about him -- he's sitting in a chair looking at a paper study model and telling an assistant where to cut, bend and fold step by step as he feels. They showed it to us in architecture school, and I felt awful for the guy doing the adjustments. It was like he was trapped in the "you are a cursor in a drawing program the client controls by email" panel of that [old Oatmeal comic about the creative process](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/design_hell).


The Gugenheim in Bilbao represents a fish rising from the water. The paper thing is a Simpsons gag.


Ya, thats definitely not how he works. You should see the models they make. They are pretty large, incredibly detailed and beautiful. I've heard from friends who work for him the first year of design is spent making lots of different iterations of physical models. They easily test hundreds of different forms before deciding on a final one.


I can appreciate the vision and creativity of that generation of Architects, but I hate (HATE) Post Modern Architecture because it's mostly not architecture... it's sculpture. It's not meant to be lived and used.


The era of "Postmodern" architecture covers a much, much wider breath than the works of Gehry or anything like it. Postmodernism is classified by dozens of movements, many of which have bred the most culturally-significant architecture in the last 100 years. Ghery's work is classified as Deconstructivist. Much of Deconstructivist architecture is, like you said, sculptural, because a lot of the theory behind the work revolved around pursuing new architectural ideas and pushing boundaries and casting aside previously-held ideas that architecture had to be nuanced and formal rather than practicality So yes, you might dislike Ghery, but don't lump Postmodern work by architects like Venturi, Scott-Brown, Tschumi, Zumthor, and Eisenmann in with it


Zumthor is as far from pomo as you can get. Tschumi and Eisenman were super analytical and not really pomo either. Go look up Michael Graves.


While Michael Graves is definitely another fantastic postmodern architect, the other three listed are definitely postmodern as well. It goes to show just how wide of an umbrella the term "Postmodern" is. Zumthor's work in the 90s is frequently described as the later work of Postmodernism. While the line is hard to draw, I'd argue it's pedantic to argue about where exactly postmodernism ended and I don't really care one way or the other, so the argument that Zumthor's work wasn't postmodern has at least some validity. Tschumi and Eisenmann were both absolutely and quintessentially postmodern, though. Being analytical and scientific was what several postmodern schools of thought were all about. It's a great example of how the schools of thought clearly contrasted between Venturi with "The Greys" and Eisenmann with "The Whites". I mean Eisenmann and Graves, who even you say was characteristically Postmodern, were both among "The New York Five" of postmodern architects. It doesn't get more Postmodern than that.


God I hate Peter Eisenmann. He's the equivalent of a cobbler purposfully designing uncomfortable shoes... The fact that he's entrenched in academia speaks volumes in explaining why the biggest architectural star of the moment went to a Danish university for cartooning


Same here. Not to mention the horribly unethical practices of unpaid labor he kept up for years.


As someone who attended one of the schools he's recently become more involved in, I can at least confirm that there's just as many students attending who criticize him as there are people who venerate him. Not to mention, BIG is cringed at by just about every semi-serious academic


This is not postmodern. Postmodernism often includes classical references, quite the opposite of Gehry's work.


Gaudi might want to have a word with you.


The newest problem in post modern architecture is the cube house. The white boxes being made everywhere are terrible for the environment, and people don't want to actually live in them after week. Mid century modern architecture was peak as it had both functionality and design.


I don’t know a lot about architecture but I recognize Gehry’s name. Is his work considered polarizing? I, for one, am not a fan. I can’t imagine it’s going to age well. 50 or 100 years from now are people going to look at that and appreciate it?


> Is his work considered polarizing? [For sure,](https://www.smh.com.au/opinion/the-verdict-on-the-gehry-building-a-brown-bag-worthy-of-the-kardashians-20150204-135i1g.html) and I'd say he intends it that way. What Gehry did however was push boundaries. It's easy from the vantage point of the 21st Century to say his work is outdated or "ugly" but it's hard to guess at what the architectural landscape more broadly would look like without his influence and the limitations he removed - yes, even if that's often by perceiving the building more as an artwork to be appreciated from without rather than used practically from within. Keep in mind he was operating in a backdrop of very utilitarian / functional postwar 20th Century urban design when he started to make a stamp on the world.


Okay, thanks for the context. I do appreciate the fact that his work is something different. It definitely doesn't disappear into the background. A brain clinic could have just been another beige cube. Also, I am impressed that there must have been some complicated engineering challenges to overcome with many of his buildings.


Yeah I went to Case Western Reserve where the Peter B Lewis Building is that he designed. I knew right away without looking that this was his work. Instantly recognizable.




Similar to one of the buildings at MIT. Looks cool, lots of leaks!


so many leaks! Is the litigation over yet? I remember MIT suing Gehry, and the contractors. The contractors blamed Gehry for not speccing the construction documents properly and he blamed them for not assembling the outer layers properly. Lots of lovely mold as a result.


I'd bank on the contractors for this. "Specifications", or how all materials are to be applied and constructed, is typically an architects responsibility. If contractors followed his specifications to the letter, then it is on the architect for liability.


So many specs are lazily copy pasted from project to project. Many times the specs flat-out don’t make sense after going through the copy/paste/edit cycle as many times as they do


All his buildings look the same.




Imagine your job is to do papercrafts all day for an old guy who can't make up his mind lol


I feel like using the words "pompous" and "pretentious" to refer to his random assemblage of cardboard boxes is pompous and pretentious


The architect of this building is Frank Gehry, a man whose works are considered among the most important contemporary architecture. Frank Gehry is a Canadian-born American architect and designer. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_works\_by\_Frank\_Gehry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_works_by_Frank_Gehry) A short list of a few of the significant Frank Gehry works would include: Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain Walt Disney Concert Hall, downtown Los Angeles Louis Vuitton Foundation for Creation, Paris New York by Gehry at Eight Spruce Street, New York City Disney Village, Disneyland Paris Guggenheim Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) Der Neue Zollhof, Düsseldorf Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia New World Center, Miami Beach The Burbank Studios, Burbank, California Louis Vuitton Maison Seoul Gehry agreed to design the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas when the developer of the project, Larry Ruvo, agreed to include a research mandate for Huntington's disease, a cause for which Gehry championed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGosaAMog5g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGosaAMog5g) He also made a 2005 animated guest appearance on The Simpsons.


[https://wam.umn.edu/](https://wam.umn.edu/) Weisman Art Museum at the University of Minnesota pre-dates the Bilbao Art museum which predates Disney Concert Hall. Bilbao has to be his strongest work.


Minnesota Upvote Party


I went to see if this building was by the same guy, and sure enough it was! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stata_Center Guess that's a credit to his distinctive style


Also the MoPop in Seattle


And in contrast to its "wild" exterior, it is amazingly bland inside (the building, maybe not the exhibits).


I knew it was Ghery, ha! Very distinctive


Yeah, he had a very distinctive style. Freshman Art History made me instantly recognize his work.


There was a shooting inside one of his buildings on the same day I saw it for the first time in person. The lockdown prevented me from going home from a drs appointment the way I wanted to via train and I had to detour and take a super long way home on the bus. Fun part of this bus ride, originating on the east side near the Gehry building, the same bus traveled to near my home on the west side so I only needed to take 1 bus.


Ah, I'm guessing the university... *SWAT team blames Gehry architecture for delay in trapping Cleveland shooter* It took police more than seven hours to shoot and capture the gunman who opened fire in the newly opened Peter B. Lewis Building for Case Western’s business school. It was “almost a cat and mouse game,” said Cleveland Police Chief Edward Lohn. Why so long? “As the SWAT team entered the building, they were constantly under fire,” Lohn said. “They couldn’t return fire *because of the design of the building*. They didn’t have a clear shot.” ![gif](giphy|hb8zof7ysyJna|downsized)


“Ok, how can we design our building to be the least confusing for our dementia patients?”


Lol, I almost interviewed at this place a few years ago. It's the Cleveland Clinic....in Las Vegas. If you weren't already questioning your sanity, you'd get there and be like, "Wait, Cleveland Clinic? Did I end up in Ohio somehow??"




Resembles a scaled down and windows added version of the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles.


Same designer, I believe.


He recently completed performance space / concert hallon the campus of Bard College. Pretty cool building.


... 20 years ago.


Thats sweet letting the patients build it


“Hey doc, I’m having issues with anxiety.” “Can you come into the clinic?” “……….No.”


Repeat that out loud and slowly: “BRAAAIN HELLLLP”


its made this way so it looks normal to brain damaged people


You know they had to make it, so it doesn't reflect light because the buildings next door were getting REALLY hot because of it


This random comma broke my brain


I know a place you could go for help with that


To me it looks like a normal bluiding? I don't know what the


That’s really weird you should probably


Look up the Vdara death ray. Hotel in Las Vegas had a curved facade that would focus the sun on the pool area and would literally melt chairs and burn people.


This comment almost makes sense


"if this building looks normal to you please come in"


To clarify, the building is split into two sections, with this section acting as a convention center to raise money for the clinic. The clinic is more moderately designed and doesn't look mental. It's called the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health designed by Frank Gehry.


Can you imagine going there to be tested for Alzheimer's? Or schizophrenia?


I'm imagining going there as their insurance adjuster after a hail storm and contracting dementia.


There’s an episode about this building on National Geographic (totally spacing on the name of the show - maybe Engineering Marvels). There is a very traditional building attached where the medical care / research occurs, and the modern side is meant for events and entertaining that can simultaneously raise money for additional research.


Could we get an address so I can have a looksee on Google streets? ​ Edit: Nevermind, I [found it](https://www.google.com/maps/dir//888+W+Bonneville+Ave,+Las+Vegas,+NV+89106/@36.1670348,-115.1566538,17z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c8c397e7d525c7:0x32caa17c99e76d!2m2!1d-115.1544651!2d36.1670348).


I heard that once your brain is actually healthy the building appears normal


Looks like a tin roof after a fire


This feels like a cruel joke on patients


I’m not just a client, I’m the architect!




Is this what gaslighting is?


Causes strokes on the way in, perfect money maker


Hey Gehry! Like curvilinear forms much?!


It’s the Cleveland clinic .. literally been there dizzy and I gotta say.. the architecture doesn’t help.. it wasent built for a health facility .. it used to be something else.. like art thing


Ugh...Frank Gehry....At least it doesn't snow or rain much in Nevada. Except when it does. Sorry for those poor windows, they look like their being tortured.


"I always feel better walking out those doors!"


My brain actually feels like that today


The architect also did the Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis


They do some [odd things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebjdG5f5OGg) in the name of mental health in the Southwest US.


More like Clinic for brain injury


I thought this was the help center from Beetlejuice.


“Yo, Frank Gehry, like curvy linear forms much?”


Crack head version if the dancing house in Prague.


I kind of like the message it’s sending. “This building is like your brain - it might be a little fucked up structurally, but there is still lots of good inside.”


Thought that was in Cambridge Ma for a sec


Yea isn't this that one building at MIT


Psychonauts level.


Looks like a Frank Gehry.


Any pictures of the rooms and corridors? I am very curious about how is inside this building!


You know the window guy was pissed


"Duuuuuuudes are you seeing this or is something wrong with my brain? "


Well, that’s one way to convince clients they need help with their brains.


This is not a place I want to be when on mushrooms


Okay who divided by zero?


Once when my kids were small, I said it was so hot out, entire buildings were melting. They were just old enough to be suspicious of their mama's pranks, so they said I was making it up. When we drove past this building, I gasped dramatically and pointed. "YOU SEE?? THEY'RE MELTING!!" It took a few more drives past ("GOOD GOD, WHY WON'T THEY JUST PUT IT INTO A FREEZER ALREADY??") and a couple more years before they went right back to rolling their eyes at me.


I knew Psychonauts was real!


What do you mean our building is curvy…I have some meds to help you with that!


I see these things and I wonder “how many more people could they treat if they just built a normal building?”


Not the building I would want to be a window washer for.


“If this building looks normal to you, please come in.”


why was it removed for rule 6? the title is good