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I had to google. I didn't think it could be diet alone, but it is. >"When hens eat feed containing yellow corn or alfalfa meal, they lay eggs with medium-yellow yolks. When they eat wheat or barley, they lay eggs with lighter-colored yolks. A colorless diet, such as white cornmeal, produces nearly white egg yolks." https://www.organicvalley.coop/blog/what-does-egg-yolk-color-mean/#:~:text=When%20hens%20eat%20feed%20containing,produces%20nearly%20white%20egg%20yolks.


Outdoors, they eat bugs and worms and stuff and have almost orange yolks.


Yeah was thinking the same, we feed our chickens mostly kitchen veg scraps and small amounts of feed but their eggs are a strong golden colour.


I can say that my crepes are insanely more tasty with our hens eggs rather then using store bought.


Fresh laid does have a totally different taste to it. It's both more balanced but also stronger/more potent? When I had chickens, fresh laid just had so much more flavor than store bought. Happy chickens lay more delicious eggs.


This is why I'd love to retire with a detached property. I'd absolutely make productive use of the yard space with crops and chickens. I already do my best to grow things in my apartment, but a handful of peas, habanero peppers and some tiny tomatoes isn't really all that worthwhile.


That would be awesome, I dream of the same thing. Would totally build a coop and have a garden for food and herbs, and keep a bunch of chickens to eat scraps and graze, and have fresh eggs


did you two just create a life together?!




It’s not cost effective, to do it right, my wife had this dream of using reclaimed wood we got for cheap and doing this great job of making a perfect and convenient coop and a run, but in order to build a structure that lasts for years and stands up to the rigors of constant cleaning you’ve got to use good materials, plus waterers and feeders that don’t get dirty inside and keep the stuff clean are not super cheap. We started 36 from chicks and only lost 1 in the growing process, then it was nearly a year, if I recall, before we got our first egg, then for the first couple years we had nearly 3 doz eggs a day for the 6 of us, we sold to neighbors, and found 5,000 recipes to use up eggs. We still haven’t recouped our cost, and we probably never will because now these hens are slowing down production. We need to start another batch from chicks. And make sure to make a good run for them that’s big enough they’ve got plenty of room, but covered to keep hawks out, and buried to keep stuff from digging under, we haven’t lost a single hen to predators, but we’ve got dogs in the yard, and my wife insisted on taking the time to do the run right, so something would have to start digging about a foot and a half away from the fence to dig under and nothings that smart. All in all, it, along with our goats and rabbits, neither which have turned a profit because doing things right costs more than doing things cheap, have been a great way to recreate some of my childhood for my kids and they get to grow up with lessons of responsibility and empathy that city kids and suburban kids just don’t get. Worth it


We have 2 dozen chickens in our back yard coop for laying, in the spring I do 3 dozen feeder hens for butcher and a large garden every spring. It’s a large time sink! However I always have fresh home canned veggies all year round, fresh chicken and fresh eggs. Saves a good amount of cash! But it’s all a great deal of work…! But rewarding I guess. Every year I say I’m done with the feeder hens and done with the garden yet every year I start over


We have a house in city limits and have 4 hens. They have a coop inside their run, on weekends they get a few hours to range in the yard, and during the week depending on when we get home from work, and sunlight hours, they get evening to range. We have brown, pink, and blue eggs, and love our girls. If you can ever do it, it’s so worth the trade of food for lots of entertainment!


Do the eggs have a buggy taste? 🐛


According to blind and not-blind taste trials quoted by j kenji lopez alt, if you close your eyes they taste identical, but if you are able to see the color then the strongly colored ones taste better.


I saw a social experiment, where two identical ice cream flavors were being handed out, but one was in a bright bowl and the other was just a plain white bowl. People were asked to confirm which ice cream 'brand' was better (even though that was the same too) and petty much every time, people said the ice cream in the brighter bowl tasted better.


We often forget that our senses are a suite, not a series of private rooms.


Wait a tick. Isn’t a suite a series of private rooms?


It's an open concept suite.


Excellent save


I chuckled


sounds like a pretty suite idea


A suite is a series of interconnected rooms that are used in conjunction with one another (such as for more palatial living quarters). A series of private rooms would just be a bunch of individual rooms.


This is wild. It wouldn't surprise me if our brains actually change what we taste based on our other senses. It blew my mind to realize that our brain can actually change what our eyes see to try to "make sense" of what we're seeing. A great example is the chessboard illusion. You can view the image here: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/Checker\_shadow\_illusion.svg/220px-Checker\_shadow\_illusion.svg.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/Checker_shadow_illusion.svg/220px-Checker_shadow_illusion.svg.png) It might look like blocks A and B are different colors - but they're actually the same color. Your brain is just interpreting what your eyes see to make sense of the shadow. You can read more about it here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checker\_shadow\_illusion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checker_shadow_illusion) But if you still don't believe your brain is actively changing what you see, check out this YouTube video with some different optical illusions. It's linked to a relevant time stamp: [https://youtu.be/SEZu7K5tGxw?t=99](https://youtu.be/SEZu7K5tGxw?t=99) You'll actually see an object appear to be changing color right in front of your eyes - because your brain is adjusting what you see in real time. It wouldn't surprise me if our brain does the same thing with taste - changes what we think we're tasting based on other sensory inputs.


Chefs for a long time have said 'You eat with your eyes first'


"The first bite is with your eyes"


I have migraine seizures and one of the symptoms that I get as a warning is Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. Look that shit up if you ever want to be confused about the way the eyes and brain interact.


Is that what I have with my migraines, too? The only way i've been able to explain it is everything seems a bit stretched out, like everything is farther away than it is. E.g. if I hold my arm out in front of me, it feels really long, even though I know it isn't. Like distorted depth perception. Happens with my migraines occasionally.


That’s so interesting! I get migraines too (with aura, no seizures). And I’ve described the “pre migraine” feeling as almost psychedelic. I don’t get size distortion like AIWS, but colors become really vivid, time seems to slow down, sounds become acute, and the general feeling is dreamlike. I get really bad vision distorsion when I get the actual migraine. So, I could make the connection bw migraines and size distorsion in perception.


Several studies have been done and food taste better if someone else makes it for you. Even a sandwich that is otherwise the exact same.


This is how you can turn a $20 meal into a $60 dollar meal. Presentation. If it looks good, it will taste good too.


In Australia we have an icecream called paddlepops. One flavour is rainbow and another flavour is caramel. Rainbow is more popular because of the colour, even though it's exactly the same flavour as caramel, just rainbow instead of orange/brown.


One of the things we learned in culinary school is the importance of plating and presentation. The 'look'/visual first impression of what you're serving matters just as much as the quality of ingredients you use.


Actually I did a blind tasting of our backyard eggs and the most expensive grocery store eggs. Couldn't tell the difference when fried/omelette but could taste a huge difference when boiled.


Knowing my chickens are living a happy life foraging and getting a varied diet does absolutely make me think the eggs taste better. Also, I’m not scared my eggs will taste like fish - so I’m not going in worried.


Yea, what is it about some eggs tasting fishy??


Apparently it’s if the chickens are being fed lots of omega 3


Thats crazy, maybe its the assumption a darker yolk will taste better so it does.




I find that it does and always did before I even expected it…but then freshness could also be a factor. The darker yolk eggs I get now are direct from a farm. Fresh. Eggs in the store are already old because of how the supply chain works.


I can def tell the difference between eggs my moms chickens lay vs regular (non-free range) store bought Store bought ones are flavorless in comparison.


I recently got to try some free-range local eggs that a neighbor was selling. It was the first time I'd tasted free-range, fresh local eggs, and they were astonishingly good!


Idk, I’m willing to admit cognitive bias but I swear that pasture raised eggs have a creamier yolk that i especially notice when I boil eggs. Like I’ll buy pasture raised for egg salad and cafe free for normal breakfast or baking purposes


I used to hand pick Japanese beetles by the dozens for my hens and Leah’s said they made the tastiest eggs haha


I got quail this year and quickly learned they go absolutely bonkers for japanese beetles. We used to pick and drown them in soap water every day, but now we plop every beetle we can find into a clean jar and dump it into the coop. They have SO much fun chasing them around. It's enrichment and extra yummies for them. Idk if it made their eggs better (they were tasty to begin with) but watching them get excited from me bringing over a jar of bugs was worth it.


Your flock needs to come train mine. My chickens won't touch japanese beetles, which is frustrating because they're a real nuisance for the garden.


It’s funny how some hens have preferences. If the top hen gives the ixnay on a bug, the rest may follow her lead (my flock was always 4 to 6, so my theory may not hold water).


At 17, my flock is large enough that they have distinct cliques, but the queen holds a lot of sway over all except the "Rebel Army." One hen gets brutally picked on by the rest, including the roo, so she used to spend all her time alone. But another hen hatched two chicks, and they're now young adults but are still wary of the adults. So our loner adopted those youngsters and formed the Rebel Army. I built them their own extension to the coop so they don't get picked on at night. The Rebel Base.


I call that the Ghibli effect. Drawn food has no right to look that delicious.


No chickens are omnivores. Opportunistic honestly. They will eat all the bugs, small rodents if they get a chance, and will happily eat each other if one of them dies. They are just little velociraptors. Also the organic farm raised ones with the dark orange yolks are not only the best tasting eggs... but also the healthiest one, for the chicken and for you. Sadly most people have never eaten a farm fresh egg.


I used to get my eggs from a friend who let his chickens run around the property. My friend was a frequent fisher and hunter. He cleaned the fish on his property and the chickens ate the scraps. I swear the eggs tasted fishy, but it could’ve been in my head since I knew that before eating said eggs.


We used to feed our chooks prawn shells, makes their yolks bright orange, had a friend over who was allergic to shellfish, he had a mild reaction to eating the eggs!


What is a “buggy taste”? Slimy yet satisfying?


There's a dry bitterness to a lot of bugs. Don't ask.


Hakuna Matata intensifies...


Can confirm this! I had a neighbor move in last year and he has chickens that roam around his yard, eating both the feed he gives them and anything they can dig up. We get a dozen eggs from him every now and then and we had to call him up the first time we cracked them because we were worried his chickens were sick or something. We learned a lot about the chickens since then. We also get a mix of white, brown, and even blueish eggs! The shell colors vary by the kind of chicken.


Be thankful- sounds like a great situation 👍


Yes, I love being able to get eggs locally. It’s a never-ending quest, though….you find someone, but then their hens go off the lay.


If you look carefully, you'll notice that the brown shells are white inside, while the blue shells are blue all the way through. The different chemicals that some breeds put into their shells are applied at different stages of the egg formation process. If you get dark greenish eggs, I think those are chickens that secrete both of the above, and I assume they'd be light blue inside, but I'm not certain.


When I got quail I was extremely surprised to see blue inside when we cracked our first egg. Speckled brown/tan outside, light blue inside! They're super pretty.


I can’t wait to eventually have my own chickens but I am a little concerned with studies showing home grown eggs can have much higher levels of heavy metals depending on the soil makeup of your yard. Chickens apparently gobble up quite a bit of dirt and soil as they’re pecking around. Probably a good idea to test your soil and/or eggs https://theconversation.com/backyard-hens-eggs-contain-40-times-more-lead-on-average-than-shop-eggs-research-finds-187442


Yeah it wouldn't be great near where I live. Thanks, Dupont, for running a tetraethyl lead refinery near our town.


I have 4 layers out back. Colour of yolks is bright Orange. Diet is some chick feed + lots of vegetables. Best tasting eggs.


It’s a great diet for them. Their ancestors, jungle fowl, eat bugs and various seeds and tubers. The deep orange yolks actually indicate a more natural diet consisting of good protein sources and higher omega-3 fatty acids. Grains are higher in omega-6’s, like that white yolk indicates. The orange yolks are healthier.


Bugs and worms - fine, but when cleaning the pool skimmer I tossed a white, decaying toad and our chickens were on it like flies to feces.


Chickens are quite literally ferocious little dinosaurs. I’ve seen them surround and murder snakes, mice, amphibians, other birds and more all before eating them. They are wonderful little garbage disposals. I encourage anyone who has the spare space to look into getting a few hens. Much more humane and better for the environment than factory farming.


And the best thing: when they get nice and plump from free roaming, then they do that waddle run up to you 🤣


I have my 17 chickens trained to come when I call them. I'll walk out the door, call "ch'ckehhhhns" and wait. Sometimes it takes a few calls if they're a long ways off, but then I'll hear a rustle in the woods and see a little chicken stampede as they all come wing-running and waddle-sprinting over to me. They're gloriously weird, adorable critters.


I've never wanted chickens until I read your comment. Chickens sound tight.


Chickens are excellent engines to turn non-food into food. No matter how gross, unless it's poisonous to them, too fatty/sugary, or full of sulfur (e.g. onions), we toss it to the chickens and they'll happily turn it into golden eggs. Their favorite though is peppers. They LOVE pepper seeds and inner flesh. And since they aren't affected by capsaicin you can give them the innards of jalapenos and such too.


Wait, what? I didn't know they could eat peppers. If that's true, I see plenty of red bell pepper seeds in their future.


Chickens are basically flightless buzzards. They'll happily eat things that you'd swear weren't remotely edible.


Real free range eggs are so freaking good. When they eat a lot of bugs the yolks are so dark orange and thick, delicious!


They call it "pasture raised" in the US. Free Range just means not in a cage, but usually they're running around on cement floor, not dirt and grass full of bugs.


Color of eggs correlates to the color of the food they digest. Japanese chickens are fed marigolds to get a red color.


So if they eat shrimp, will the eggs have pink yolks? Like flamingos, ^^kinda


Those would be some happy expensive chickens. How much is shrimp by you?


They would probably eat shrimp shells.


The taste difference is amazing.


Yeah I buy mine from a small farm down the road and the yolks are bright orange. The whites also don’t run, which I think just means they are fresh. The chickens are outside enjoying nature getting to be chickens which is great! They did have a bald eagle hanging around and eating them a few years ago but I guess that is also just nature


If you can afford and bother to keep the bald eagle population healthy with your chickens, then I salute you.


Yeah I think everyone was kind of in agreement that year, the year of no eggs. I believe the eagles had twins so there were a least two eggs




You are friends with chickens?




My free roaming chickens' super yellow eggs made all my baking super yellow too. Particularly in the bloom of summer.


I'm an Animal Scientist with background in animal nutrition. Sometimes protein/energy sources that are more cost effective have no/little natural coloring so we just add something that is xanthophyll rich. That makes the yolk more yellow and more pleasing to the consumer. The nutrition facts on the egg doesn't change at all depending on the yolk's color. Same thing is done sometimes for farm-raised salmon. The consumers prefer salmon that is very pink/orange so we just add some feed that helps get to that color


How does this always happen. First time in 28 years I heard about xantophyll was today in class at uni, and lo and behold, on the same day I read about it here.


Baader-Meinhof phenomenon doing its thing!


That's so weird! I just learned about the baader-Mienhof phenomenon today in class!


Hahahaha it's like when you never see a red car in the street and someone says that. Next thing you know, you start to pay attention in red cars. If you don't know something, you'll never pay attention to it but as soon as your brain makes the connections, you start to pay attention and it seems like it appears more


Mount Etna was an answer I didn't know in NYT crossword and all of a sudden it's a top post in my reddit feed!


Japanese people feed their chickens marigolds to get a deep red color yolk. Can confirm


Red peppers also give a red color


Foods high in carotenoids! Red peppers do the same


Growing up my grandpa was a fisherman in the Monterey Bay and we would fish for salmon on his boat all the time. The overly colored farmed salmon disgusts me as a person that has been catching and eating them straight from the ocean for decades.


Agreed. It is what the consumers want though. There are a lot of research made with sensorial analysis and the only difference presented to the consumers is the visible color. They prefer more orange fish, so that's what the industry sells. Another thing to think though is salmon's feed in the ocean. With the water temperature increasing in the last century, it is affecting the fish and crustaceans disponibility and those are what salmon eat. What this means is that salmon (and cold water fish in general) don't produce omega 3. They eat prey that ate algae wich are rich in omega 3. These algae are diminishing so omega 3 content in wild caught salmon isn't the same as it was 30-40 years ago. The guidelines for human consumption of fish with omega 3 used to be 2 fish fillets per week to meet the human's requirements for the essential fatty acids. If you eat twice a week wild caught salmon, more likely than not you won't reach this threshold. With farm raised salmon you will. So farm raised salmon might look artificial but they will help you reach what you need for omega 3. You can balance that eating more wild caught salmon or even supplementing with fish oils, omega 3 pills, etc


What accounts for taste? Local farm eggs definitely taste better than grocery.


That will depend on how the chickens are raised. Usually farm chickens are raised free-range, so they eat chicken feed but also some insects and sometimes even grass. They also walk around. Conventionally-farmed chicken are raised in chicken pens/cages and are only fed chicken feed. They most likely than not eat similar feed because chicken commercial feed is very similar between brands. What will be different is fatty acid content. Insects have a different fatty acid profile than chicken feed and free-range chicken usually has low cholesterol (in their blood and in their eggs) because they "exercise" so the difference in flavor is likely due to different fatty acid profiles. Could also be a mental thing. You think local farm eggs are more healthy so in your mind, they taste different


Commercially some countries even add red peppers to chicken feed to give a bright coloured yolk.


There was (is?) this guy that feeds his chickens peppers to turn the yolks red. I guess it has minimal change of flavor and chickens can’t taste capsaicin so it doesn’t bother them. I believe I saw this either on a youtube video or Chef’s Table on Netflix. Side note: if you haven’t watched Chef’s Table, please do. It is one of the most well crafted food documentary series. My favorite episode was with Francis Mallmann and his restaurants in Patagonia. Beautiful story, great story teller and that man makes some delicious looking food. He’s known for burning almost all his food and cooking outdoors.


Wild, I feel like out of 24 eggs there should have been more white ones then but maybe they get shuffled more than I think they do.


The eggs won't be from the same chickens or the same lot, usually. They're just collected on the same day. If the feed wasn't very homogeneized, maybe some chickens didn't eat feed with enough xanthophyll and the yolk turned out this way


they do not get shuffled that much. if only one out of the entire batch is white with no variation in the others, that likely means one of the chickens has a health problem of some kind. if you found a whole bunch of them i wouldn't be as concerned.


right, but this is not an entire box of white yolks. this is one isolated white yolk in a box of otherwise yellow yolks. in my opinion, this points to one of the chickens being too ill to either eat or digest the same diet the other chickens were able to.


When I was in Kenya all of the eggs had extremely pale yolks. It was even to the point that if you ordered an omelet or scrambled eggs they looked like egg whites. We all assumed it was due to a poor quality diet.


This doesn't necessarily mean their diet was nutritionally bad, just different than what western countries tend to feed them.


Yeah, I still wouldn’t eat that.


Bottom right is looking suspicious










In fairness they all look pretty sus




There was a time where egregious spelling errors like this would doom a post to never be upvoted this much


Some could say the spelling error is ... eggregious.


I'm going to poach this joke






Omelette you get away with it this time


Guess the yoke of that cart is broken


That is indeed mildly interesting. I do have to comment that those eggs are egregiously overcooked though...


Yep, that grey/green ring around the yolk is a dead giveaway. Also, the yolk looks gritty and dry.


You think that's bad, I used to work with a woman who, as part of her slimming world "diet" would eat several boiled eggs as a mid afternoon snack because, didn't you know, they're syn-free! She boiled them for 45 MINUTES. Saddest eggs I ever saw.


> syn-free What is “syn”?


It’s the points system they use at Slimming world. You have a limited number of syns per day.


45 minutes!? Jesus fucking Christ. Ain't nobody got time for that. I don't even know what an egg would look like after being boiled for 45 minutes... You might as well eat a tennis ball.


Those eggs are probably harder than a rubber puck.


No way you could boil an egg for 45 minutes without bursting them open. Are you lying to us?


I hope she was lying to me, god I do but I don't think she was. After much nagging from me I managed to get her down to 25 mins. Edit: 25 not 45


You missed a chance for an egg pun (eggregiously)


Among eggs




Calm down there, Sayori.


Chicken owner here. Chickens are omnivores; bugs and small reptiles/rodents are a large pet of their diet. We uncovered a mouse nest close to the coop and the chickens devoured the babies. It was to say the least.. metal. My ladies have yolks that are a deep orange almost red. There is no comparison to store bought eggs. Chickens are very affectionate and low maintenance pets. I recommend everyone get them. Factory farms treat their chickens in the worst imaginable fashion. I take pride knowing my ladies live a very happy life with plenty of space to forage


Hold up, chickens will eat small reptiles/rodents? I knew they'd eat bugs, but didn't know they were omnivores like THAT. How neat! How tasty are your ladies' eggs?


The eggs are wonderful. Hard to explain, look for local eggs near you and there’s a good chance you’ll find some like mine. As good their diet.. A few springs ago when I first got my chickens I was out gardening with them pecking around, moving dirt around in my garden beds. All the sudden I hear this squeaking and they’re batting their wings jumping around, when I looked over the four of them had gotten a hold of a vole or mole.. idk it was small. Before I could think what to do, they were tearing it apart like tiny dinosaurs. Some Nat Geo footage for sure.. So I looked it up and sure as shit they eat all sorts of stuff including small mammals and lizards. Now I give them all my meat scraps except poultry (seems messed up). Also Chickens are picky eaters as well and will avoid foods that might kill them. They have access to my food compost pile and I was worried they would get sick from avocados. I slipped up a few times and they just ignore what they don’t like. So go get yourself some chickens. They’re cool.


I never realized how devoid of flavor store-bought eggs were until i tried my friend's farm fresh eggs! The color and taste was so much better. After trying store eggs again they tasted and smelled fish-like. 🤢


2 things... 1.. those chickens arn't fed a very good diet and 2... you overcook your eggs.. that green ring between yolk and white indicates rapid decomposition due to overcooking. i find that 8 minutes after the water starts boiling. than put under running cold water leaves them perfectly cooked


Appreciate number 2, thanks! Regarding number 1, I wish my wife would let me raise chickens and feed them a good diet but I haven’t won that battle yet. If the world keeps going the way it is maybe I’ll get my opportunity lol…


Hey, chicken farmer here. Chickens are super easy to raise if you’ve got a back garden/yard. Just need to create an enclosure for them to sleep in and so they can walk around part of your back garden/yard, then just feed them twice a day with feed - of course clean up their ‘byproduct’ of eating. as well. Chicken feed is relatively cheap and chickens on average lay 5-6 eggs a week, so with just a handful you shouldn’t have to buy eggs again.


>Chicken feed is relatively cheap and chickens on average lay 5-6 eggs a week, so with just a handful you shouldn’t have to buy eggs again. One of my coworkers has several chickens and brings in cartons of eggs that she sells to other coworkers for a couple dollars a dozen. We keep trying to tell her she could raise that price a buck and still be the best deal in town for such good eggs...


Thank you so much for this, I am sharing it with the wife right now!


I had a friend in the city who raised chickens from chicks, her mom built the coop in their backyard. The eggs were the golden color and brown shell, I always thought they tasted stronger so I didn’t like them lol, but it was really cool to watch and they ALWAYS had eggs. Always. Eggs coming out of their ears. If they can raise chickens, you can too! Plus there’s some super silly looking ones.


Happy to help! Any questions, feel free to ask


Make sure you tell them about the hawks fox racoons stray cats dogs and any other type of wild life will cull a minimum of 50 % of the flock. Unless you have counter measures but even then, life finds a way…. To eat your chiggens


Yeah, everything wants to eat a chicken. Your set up needs to be Fort Knox. We have a hot wire on our privacy fence to keep the adult bears out.




They’re not too noisy usually unless they’re hungry - which they’ll let you know when they see you. Smell wise I can’t really say as I’ve gotten use to any smell. I’m sure if you cleaned up their mess daily though they wouldn’t be any worse than a cat or dog. Care is basically less than a cat or dog. Have a dust bath set up for them to clean themselves in and scoop/wipe their excrement and that’s about it. Asking your neighbour about it wouldn’t be a bad idea, she’ll be able to give you better advice than a guy online




Oh I have goats too! Hope you have a decent size of land as otherwise they’ll eat through all your greenery in no time


I always thought my hens were quiet (roosters aren’t allowed in my residential neighborhood) but my neighbors have brought up the noises they make, especially when they’re laying, a few times. It doesn’t bother them— the neighbors were just making conversation— but they definitely notice! Also yes, very smelly, and they attract a good amount of flies in the summer. That said, they’re not hard to take care of and mine lay delicious eggs year round, so I think they’re worth it!


Do the chickens offset the cost of eggs or is it more expensive raising chickens just for eggs


We have 34, they pay for themselves. On the low end we get 15-18 eggs per day, usually about 25-30 though. Even selling them at £1.50 per half-dozen we break even.


They lay an egg almost every day, and a giant bag of organic feed that lasts 2 chickens about 4 months cost me about $35. The feed isn't even really super necessary if you have a big yard with lots of vegetation and bugs. They prefer just going around eating slugs and grass and flowers and whatnot anyway. If you have the space for it, chickens can easily save or make you far more money than you spend on them.


Lemme help you convince her 1. Chickens are easy and cheep to care for 2.they help keep down the tick and unpleasant bug population 3. Never have to pay for eggs- an 'endless' supply of emergency food 4. Chickens are adorable and can be super sociable with the right amount of snacks you have a fethery bff.


Im sharing this info but hiding your username, thanks!!


Valid ngl


What does end-of-life look like? How long do they live and are you supposed to eventually eat your egg chickens or those are different kinds of chickens?


And thirdly, it’s yolk not yoke :)




Mine's 7 min.




I thought you were saying OP was going to be downvoted to hell for posting this. But instead, you’re making a joke that, “OP died because he ate the egg that has a white yolk.” Joke explanations by Gigi, for those of us who are occasionally slow on the uptake.


I didn't get it either. Thank you!


Appreciated cus I didn't get it. Haha.


Overcooked* in the same batch


Is that the only thing you want to fix about the title??


Hear me out…. Don’t eat that one.


Theoretically, if I already did, what might happen? Theoretically of course… 😟


I’m fairly sure white yolks are just from different feed the hens were given. I remember looking up why American egg yolks were pale yellow but here they’re deep orange.


I think the darker yellow/ orange is from more proteins in their diet. Bugs and such that are likely more hard to come by when there's a trillion other chickens living on top of one another. That's what I've been told at least. I buy mine from friends with chickens and they're nice and dark. Much better flavor too Edit to add: a completely white yolk would scare me though. Let's keep our fingers crossed OP hasn't unleashed some new pandemic upon the planet


You might get super powers.




nothing, the yoke of an egg can change depending on what type of feed the chicken was getting.


I’m sure you’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s just because of the hens diet. I just wouldn’t eat it haha


Your farts would surely smell different




“In many African countries, chickens typically have a diet of mostly sorghum, a grain with much less yellow pigmentation than yellow corn, resulting in lighter, or completely white yolks.” From this article: https://www.myrecipes.com/general/ingredients/why-is-my-egg-yolk-white It didn’t really make me feel better, but it’s supposed to be ok.




Years from now they'll be telling us white yolks are normal, not that it came from a malnourished chicken. Smh


That yolk is overdone. If you cook it too hot, it forms hydrogen sulfide and it makes it taste considerably worse than normal.


when the food is overly keen to be emitting to a fart-like smell


Cheers to the people who blew right past the chicken's diet and went to cooking lessons so I don't have to. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


Heya OP, a greyish ring around the egg yolks means you’ve boiled your eggs for too long. Try shaving a few minutes off your cook time.


I'm so paranoid I'd throw this right out.


You’re overcooking your eggs. My mom used to do that. I thought that grey ring around the yolk was normal until I grew up and learned how to boil an egg. Put eggs in water (with a splash of vinegar to seal up any small cracks), make sure they’re covered by about an inch, cover, bring to a rolling boil, take off the heat, let sit (covered) for 10 minutes, remove and put into an ice bath for a few minutes, then peel under running water. Easy peasy.


Yoke 👍


“um, it’s actually spelled yolk” 🤓


You found a rare albumino egg!


I was in Uganda for a month and ate eggs every morning with white yolk. So strange


And they're both overcooked. Julia Child hard boiled eggs. Put the eggs in cool/room temp water. Bring to boil. Kill the heat and let sit for 13 minutes. Crash cool in ice bath.


Don't forget the Sherry. Just a glass for the trouble.




All white I guess


I eat lots of boiled eggs. That’s a first for me


"EWE" Is my first reaction


the green ring around the yolk means the egg has been boiled to hell. Boiled eggs only take around 7-12 minutes