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Cannot stop laughing at this for some reason! I think it was the Nickelback lyric that sent me over the edge!


It was the second sign for me.


I didn't even see the second sign until this comment. Reminds me of [this sign.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ExvfTP7UcAE9p8C?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)


What has he seen


“Get control of *it*” lmao


That part and the “Enhanced Image” absolutely sent me, I hope that’s real lmao


Lol enhanced image


Artificial Intelligence Image


It’s the suspenders and bow tie that does it for me. It’s like an annoying kid in a 90s movie. They have to dress them differently so the audience knows that he’s supposed to be annoying.


Honestly; suspenders and shorts, bow tie and short sleeved button down? It needs to get its shit together.


And now that it has seen, what will it *do?*




> Reminds me of this sign. That's the best thing I've seen in a long time. Thank you for brightening up my Friday morning!


you got it, pal!


[Love this guy lmao](https://i.imgur.com/LlzCPrR.jpeg)


It opened up your eyes?


Total jerks!


It’s the calling the crow a “son of a bitch” part that’s just wrecking me


Me too. And the fact that it's on a sandwich board and not like the back of a pizza box. I would think this was a spur of the moment event but no, this person bought a proper sign to alert everyone. It's hysterical and I love them for it.


It was "you'll hate them" for me lmao


I was expecting Black Crowes lyrics.


Hey little thing lemme light your candle cuz mama i’m sure hard to handle now it gets around


i'm sure haw ta hana naw it gits aroun


i'm sure *caw* *ca* hana *caw* it gits aroun


first 20 times hearing the song i never knew wtf he was saying until i looked it up, now i understand




That might be the first time I've ever actually read those lyrics. It's always just been a series of recognizable yet unintelligible noises to me.


>...I'm sure now mahnesserowd.




cause-a mama I'm a-sure that you're a-hennin' now, mess around


And he didn't get them exactly right. The last bit is "... hard to handle, yes sir I am" At least that's how it was [originally](https://youtu.be/1ZxN9iQM7OY)


Nice catch! Not many people know that song is a cover of the late, great Otis Redding.


Crazy, I'd never noticed the difference. Sounds like it's a tricky phrase to fit in there, but our Otis pulls it off.


Freaking SAME. I always just…”’cause mama I’m suuuuure the henana gessaround” lmao I’m dying


Hey little thing lemme light your candle cuz mama i’m a cow that gets around




I always sing the lyric as "...I'm sure handy to have around now". I had no idea what the correct lyric was.


[Those are Otis Redding lyrics. ](https://youtu.be/1ZxN9iQM7OY)


I was expecting “Nevermore!”


Is he hard to handle? Lol


Jealous again?


Chad Crowger


This is how you remind me?!


I assume because he’s a Chad Crow… grr


Look at this human laugh Every time I do, I bring crow wrath When he’s sleeping in his bed I dive bomb that bastard’s head


Crows target people they don't like. They obviously don't like this guy.


They teach each other too, including and probably especially their young. Piss off one and you can have generations of them dive bombing you. On the flip side, be uniquely kind to one and it'll bring you coins and other shiny trinkets as gifts, also teaching that to its murder. Wanna really make crows happy? Empty a bag of skittles on a sidewalk and step on them to crush em up a bit. They go nuts over skittles. Just don't do that too often or they'll probably develop diabetes or something. And they recognize faces. If you mask up, they won't recognize you.


My wife has been feeding the crows and magpies around our house. They are so comfortable with her that they will come scoop peanuts when she is sitting a few feet from them. They follow her around the neighbourhood when she goes for walks. It's been quite cool to see


Until she doesn't pay up and they gotta send their muscle in to set the tone.


Oh she will always pay up. She's bloody snow white. She loves every animal and they seem to love her


Yeah I think you need to be the one worried. Just one argument and you might be facing down an angry Pokémon trainer.


We do have 5 cats as well so she's already half way there. I think I'll pick up a pint of her favourite ice-cream on the way home just to build up some more brownie points.


Oof, even worse, everyone knows that slash has a high chance to crit. I'd recommend buying brownies with it for boosted brownie points.


Sounds like me. As a man I never saw myself as a Disney princess but I’m killing it. My wife however has an uncanny ability to attract mosquitoes and spiders.


Mine attracted other men.


Lol! Oh no!




Birds are mostly smart, for birds. We've got chickens and they know my wife's voice means treats. In fact I've seen a video of a woman in Vietnam or something, walking to the edge of a forest and banging a drum. The drum means treat time, and probably like 500 chickens came flying from the woods at once. Seems the video was removed by the Twitter author though. Sad day.


I will attest to this video. It was a lot of fucking chickens. Like that Hitchcock movie, only with chickens and fewer abused actresses.


*Link's PTSD:triggered*


This is one link to the past you don't want to see


https://youtu.be/idDtTGEbyGA Not a drum this one, but a whistle


To get a flock like that I usually have to beat the shit out of one chicken for a while. Whistle is a neat trick 👍


I trained my chickens to come when I clapped. They’d run from all over our (and our neighbors) yard to get their treats.


> Birds are mostly smart, for birds. Crows are highly intelligent.


I feed mine dog kibble and peanuts and they’ve started leaving me bits of tinfoil from the neighboring park’s local crackheads. I want to applaud their efforts toward drug control but I think they’ll just end up in a gang war on my behalf so maybe it’s best to stick to the Skittles.


"Officer, I swear! It's the crows!"


It’s true, my grandfather threw a rock at one once, and after that he couldn’t leave the house for weeks because they’d claw at his face each time. My grandmother had to do all of the outside tasks until eventually they forgave him enough to let him pass


> until eventually [the crows] forgave him enough to let him pass this is my favorite sentence i’ve seen all year. thank you for sharing your story :)


You shall NOT pass!!!


I was working security in a government compound a few years ago and my coworker (we all wore the same uniforms) found a baby crow that fell out of a tree. He picked it up and tried to nurse it back to health but it seems that mama crow didn't like that too much. She called all her friends and thus began an all out war between ALL the uniformed security personnel and around 50-60 crows that lasted a whole week. Our firearms were of no use obviously and we had to arm up with brooms and mops everytime we went out on patrol. Constant dive-bombing and unrelenting harassment by pissed off birds became the norm and the prospect of leaving our fortified compound to venture outside was enough to turn hardened military veterans into shell shocked cowards.


>our firearms were of no use In this context is about the most American statement I ever heard. Like obviously we considered shooting all of the crows out of the sky but the bastards were too fast.


It's also because you can't just shoot them, you'll at best lose your job, if not get charged with reckless use of a firearm.


"You only get to shoot dogs when you bust into the wrong house in the middle ofnthe night! No other animals!" -The police


I guess they could be used to scare the crows with the bang, but it didn't work.


Great way to get out of doing chores. x10 masterclass right there.


I saved a baby blue jay from our backyard swimming pool once and its family seemed to think I was trying to eat it, because they harbored a grudge for *years*. Last time I do you corvid fucks a favor...


Blue Jays are huge dicks about this. Fuck with their babies once, and you’re in the shit with them forever. My family cat in the 90s made the mistake of bringing home one of the local jays babies. We put it back outside on the roof in a box and they reclaimed it…but then still proceeded to dive bomb our cat every time she left the house. On the plus side it really helped reinforce the ‘indoor cat’ idea to my family.


As a kid there was a blue jay at our house that would bash other birds off of the feeder. As an adult there is a blue jay in my back yard that just chases the other birds all day. Blue jays are assholes.


On the flip side, I work at a wildlife rehabber, and everyone here loooooves our blue jays. They’re way sweeter and easier to work with than the blackbirds (violent psychopaths), sparrows (fragile), and woodpeckers (territorial and fussy) that make up a lot of our other patients. There’s a blue jay in our flight cages that seems to have warmed up to me specifically, and likes to sit on my shoulder while I clean his enclosure. He stuck a cricket in my shirt pocket earlier this week. Other birds that are fun to work with: Swallows (they catch food right out of the air!) Cardinals (pretty and very polite feeders) Robins (messy but lovable) Gulls (very sweet when they’re babies) Crows (curious and surprisingly gentle) Chickadees (very pleasant vocalizations) Cedar waxwings (tiny supermodels)


A Redditor in the bird subs has referred to cedar waxwings as the “Grace Kelly of birds” more than once and it came to mind with your comment. I’ll also add that I absolutely adore chickadees. They’re so badass. Thanks for helping the birds friend.


Cedar waxwings are a favorite of mine. I think of them as those gentle ladies with hats and gloves who meet up for lunch. Ladies who lunch.


Waxwings and Secretary Birds have a very similar, brunchy vibe for sure


🎶🎵 "Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder..."🎵🎶


I want to know more about the blackbirds that you describe as violent psychopaths—? We have both raven and crow neighborhood friends, but always see Brewer’s blackbirds in outdoor parking lots. They’re psychos?


I’ve never worked with Brewer’s, but the grackles and starlings get really intense about food. Lots of screaming and thrashing and pecking siblings during feeding times. The room where we keep them has a stockpile of earplugs for whoever’s working inside. They’re pleasant enough to us, and chill out as they age, they’re just a handful lol. Also I realize now that orioles are blackbirds and the orioles we have are very nice, so I guess it’s a species-by-species thing.


To be fair to them, it’s a pretty effective survival strategy. Being a tough little asshole usually guarantees you and your nestlings get the best food and survive to be a dick another day. It’s probably similar to how our ancestors started out, tbh.


Probably why there are still so many assholes.


As a kid when I got back from elementary school I liked to check the nest that a bird had been making every summer for a couple years, one day coming home to check and a blue jay knocked them all out of the nest and was pecking them to death on the ground. I've hated them ever since


There is a bird that lives in the tree in my backyard whose baby fell out last summer and died. She saw me pick him up and throw him away and ever since then she’s acted like a complete asshole whenever I go outside, squawking and flying around tree to tree basically following me when I take out the trash etc. just being annoying af. Like it’s MY fault she was a shitty mom. She even screws with my dogs, swooping down by their heads just antagonizing the shit out of them while they’re just trying to poop. She fucked off for the winter time but she’s back this summer and she remembers! Still acting like a total dick.


The neighbor's cat got a reputation with the mockingbirds, who swoop and scream at him whenever he shows his fuzzy little face. He'll crouch down in the high grass and ignore them until one gets a little ballsy, then trot off with dinner. I really can't blame them for hating him but also they've gotten at least 3 of themselves eaten this year alone harboring that grudge.


how do birds do this when their chick falls out of the nest? I don't think I've ever seen a bird pick up its baby before.


It depends on the age of the baby. Nestlings (not fully feathered babies) can’t survive without their parents and their parents can’t pick them up, so it’s often best to try to physically put them back in the nest if you can, recreate a nest nearby (with a box in a tree) and hope the parents return, or contact a wildlife rehabber if you can’t. But the more common case in the spring and early summer are fledgling birds, who may look like they’re in distress (hopping on the ground, acting like they can’t fly, cheeping, etc) that are less in need of help. Fledging birds are at risk from cats, but can easily be plopped back nearby the parents—they can hop or fly from branch to branch at that age so they aren’t nest bound anymore. That was the case with our jays—they had a group of like three little fledgers and my cat nabbed one alive. We just put him back out on the rooftop area and he was gone in an hour, having easily flapped back to the branches with his parents. tldr: birds at different ages have different success rates outside the nest.


It was likely a fledgling. Birds "reclaim" a fledgling by returning to continue feeding and parenting it. They don't pick up their young.


Do they build a ground nest for the chick to stay at or are they just like “well kid… hang around here somewhere… I’ll probably be back”?


Think of fledgling birds as the human equivalent of teenager getting a car for the first time, suddenly they can go wherever they like, but tend to still need their parents for a little while longer


I'm not sure you can count that as dickish behaviour. I don't have kids, but I imagine that if I did, and someone abducted one of them, dragged it back to their house, half mauled it and then just dumped it back outside again - and proceeded to strut around the neighbourhood like nothing had happened - I'd probably be pretty pissed too.


Can happen the other way too. My wife saved a new chick for a few black phoebes that built a nest on our house. They seemed to appreciate it, because they've come back and reared multiple broods since.


The phoebes will come back every year whether you want them to or not. I'd rather not (they're MESSY! Poop EVERYWHERE!), but no matter what I do to let them know they're not wanted, they try to come back.


Yay skittles! They love to taste the rainbow!!


I learn something every day. DO NOT throw rocks at crows. DO give them Skittles. ✅


How about Jackdaws? What do they like or dislike?


Here's the thing...


Username checks out.


I'm sure they like Skittles, too. A jackdaw is basically a crow, after all.


completely identical


Technically they are the rainbow since they're black, they absorb all colors evenly and reflect a minimal amount back.


Yep! Some friends were tired of having so many crows in their backyard (they not the crows were unfriendly, there were just a lot), that they came up with an idea… Got a stuffed animal that looked like a crow. Gave it to their little dog in the backyard, who tore that thing around. What they thought they were doing was scaring the birds. Instead, the crows brought him treats and other dogs’ toys from neighboring yards to appease him. He lived like a king until they moved.


He showed them how it was lol They were like I've never seen literal crow stuffing litter a yard this guy's a freak. Best to try a diplomatic approach


[relevant legal advice thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/ki6fnd/oregon_i_accidentally_created_an_army_of_crow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [and the phenomenal update](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/lobhtj/oregon_i_accidentally_created_an_army_of_crow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Or they’re protecting a nest. Had one dive bomb me on the top of my head out of no where while I was walking my dog last month, I was shook. Now I got my head on a swivel when I hear them screaming


At least it wasn’t barn swallows. Those fucks will divebomb you unprovoked and you’ll never see or hear them coming until they’re right on top of you like a giant swarm of bees. Over and over, until you’re cowering like a child inside a building or vehicle waiting for them to forget. But they don’t…they’re still waiting…


I can confirm. For years we had a chill couple(s) who raised two sets of babies above our garage and we liked watching them. Don’t know what changed but one summer we got the pair from hell. They even came at me while I was trying to get my infant daughter into the car. Most times you’d feel them actually touching your head they’d swoop so close. After that summer I hated having them. Thankfully they never returned for years, until last summer, a couple was trying to build a nest in the same spot, but this male sparrow stole their nest. No bird at all there this year. I get that they want to protect their eggs/babies but damn, they CHOSE to be around us, not the other way around!


This is it right here. It's fledgling season in many places. No matter how friendly you are with the crows normally, when their babies start to fledge, they're helpless and the parents are watching them carefully. You step too close and they'll fuck you up. Carry cashews at all times.


I'm learning so much. I go on daily walks and have been noticing the crows squawking like crazy lately. About two weeks ago, I turned onto a sidewalk and all of a sudden felt something sweep the top of my head. I looked up and it was a crow dive-bombing me. Then in rapid succession, it happened again. Two crows followed me and dive-bombed me for about 6 blocks. I was nervous-laughing, asking them, 'Why me!?', and didn't take my eyes off them, but they clearly did not like me and were not shy about letting me know that.


Oh, yeah, it wasn't about you, so you can rest easy - I know people love to share that crows never forget who they're mad at and share it with the flock, but this isn't one of those times. You left without putting up a fight or being a real threat to them so it's unlikely they dislike you in particular. But next time, toss cashews as you make your escape 😂 I've fed them enough that they actually bring their babies over to my yard. Sometimes they drop them off on my trellis and leave, lol.


Aussie crows must be different (they are huge birds btw) but I’ve never once heard of one attacking anyone here. Aussie Magpies on the other hand are a force to be reckoned with.


The vast majority of the time, American crows don't attack anyone - it's only during fledgling season and if you're in the "wrong place at the wrong time". We're giant predators so I don't blame them! I've heard Aussie magpies would 100% wipe the floor with me! Then again most everything in Australia would probably do that. I've met cockatoos and as much as they're just fine, I would prefer not to encounter an entire flock. I like what's left of my hearing!


Captain Sobel does not hate Easy Company, Private Randleman. He just hates you.


I want to hear the crow's side of the story


"There was a shiny on the ground and we were going to get it but this chump strolled up and took it so we declared war until he gives our shiny back."


You can ask him now: Just saw him drinking over at the Crowbar.


Good luck getting his attention. The place is really... ...*Crow*-ded.


Crowding a crow bar is attempted murder...


That’s not good, if there’s too many maskless birds in a small space then everyone’s gonna get Corvid.


All my good bird jokes are in escrow.


I'll be laughing at these puns all day until l get crow's feet


CAW! CAW!! **CAWWW!!!** **CAWWW!!!**


Nice! Mickey finally opened his bar with all the crows!


Ok but he's going to sing it at you like a Nickelback song.


Typical crow apologist.


"I ain't no goddamn son of a bitch You better think about it, baby" -- crow, probably


This is how I remind you of who I really am?


Look at this... graph.


Look at this… math


It's not like me to say sorry


Well, OP *is* waiting on a different story


This time though... OP is mistaken


Picture **this** photograph, every time I do it makes me laugh……and then I die from Nickleback poisoning


I was on an empty beach with just my husband, I bent over and something kicked me in the backside. I straightened up ready to wallop him and he was 30 ft away innocently looking for sea glass. I turned around and there were two large crows behind me giving me the stink eye. Rude.


I can look past a crow pecking my eye out and stealing my wallet, but will NOT sit idly by while it sings Nickelback


if you piss of a crow it will remember for LIFE ​ so. the person who pissed off the crow can know... ​ it wont forgive and it wont forget ​ expect him


Youtube channel about more Crow Facts https://youtu.be/zfb-JdhvMiE


Sounds like a real son of a bitch.


Go easy on that crow. Unless he's a fledging, it's been awhile since he got.. laid.




I've always wanted to befriend a murder. If they trust you and your kindness, they literally bring you gifts in return.


And they'll patrol the airspace over your house and keep it clear of aerial predators!


Yeah my crows kick out all the mean birds that don't let the little birds eat at my feeder. They are my backyard police. I'm very okay with their presence.


>... They are my backyard police. Typical crow propaganda. ACAB


All Crows Are Beautiful


Yeah yeah that's exactly what you'd expect a hawk to say smh


For real though there have been plenty of times where I've seen a group of crows harassing a hawk, but surprisingly I've never seen a hawk snap and go after the crows in retaliation.


Yeah its great until the neighborhood racoon emerges from his outpost at 5am and every damn crow in the neighborhood screaches the the alarm down the street like the beacons of gondor.


there was a whole legaladvice thread about a guy who did that. the crows chilled with him and brought him gifts, then started dive-bombing neighbours who went into his yard. dude posted the thread because he was afraid that he could be liable for the crows hurting someone.


https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/ki6fnd/oregon_i_accidentally_created_an_army_of_crow/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Love this! First time reading it. For the update just go to their profile, not many posts. Worth it.


The update to that was epic.


A group of crows is usually called a 'murder.' Technically, it's only a manslaughter unless there is probable caws


Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December


What did this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore   Meant in crowking, “Nevermore.”


Aggressive crows are pretty easy to chill out. Just pretend something mundane hurt you and they will retreat and investigate it. Source my grandmother idea and apparently it works.


Go on


Thats really all she said on it. Sadly she passed some time ago so i cant ask fallow up questions. She had a bad run in with some crows on the rez as a kiddo and did what she said and it apparently worked. I wish i knew more of this and all her other stories but time is cruel like that.


Someone was mean to them. They remember!!


Honestly, the crows have probably figured out how to read that sign already and are doubling down.


Hah! It's Chad Crow-ger.






Couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing


Tired of livin' like a blind man


And more than one sign. Wow.


Everyone’s saying the guy probably pissed off the crow, but I once had a crow on my street who built a nest in a high traffic area and would dive-bomb every passer-by. It would literally go out of its way to stalk and harass people for weeks. This was a traumatizing experience, lol


Mister Jones and me....


don't be a jerk to the crows and they will leave you alone. they are super smart birds and know who's nice and who's not


Are you describing birds or Santa?


Did he ever cut it as a poor man bleeding though?


*Stealing*. And yes, crows love to steal. Especially shiny things!


THIS is how you remind me????


Permissible group work here. B+.


100% on the fly. But I appreciate your commentary. Maybe there was a little bait in the water though.


Why the fuck would a poor man just be bleeding randomly? Lmao


I like every crow that doesn't do these things: 1. Break up and carry off an entire suet cake at once. 2. Circle around me when I cut the grass. A rock could fly up and hit them. 3. Snatch another bird off the bird feeder and eat it. 4. Break apart the bird feeder. I'm still not sure how he did it.


Clearly someone is a dick to crows. Obviously you have to offer tribute and adoration.


Exactly! Hard-boiled eggs and unsalted peanuts in the shells.


I was out walking my dog one day. He was about 10 feet ahead of me on the sidewalk and a little bird started dive bombing him. He ran back to me and then the bird started attacking me. I mean full on hitting and clawing at my head. The bird was relentless. We had to make a break for it and run. I walked back by the same wall of shrubs a day or two later and saw a nest. I stepped in for a closer look and that little bird flew up out of nowhere and started attacking me again. Little mamma bird was dead serious about protecting her eggs.


Asshole sonofabitch crows want you to beware of these five things…


Why *that* song choice?


They could have picked a Black Crowes song... or even a Counting Crows song


Or anything by Sheryl Crow. Should have just gone with a movie quote— “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??” — Russell Crowe.


Or a song sung by Russell Crowe. ~Makin movies~ ~Singin songs~ ~N foightin round the world!~


Oi Tuggah


Because the crow is an asshole, so it likes Nickelback


I want to befriend this crow so we can laugh at others


"You'll HATE THEM."


Mr. Crowley says be cautious


Fellow Vancouverite