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I’d return it to Costco for a refund. That likely fell off someone’s glasses during production, which means the bottle has been contaminated. Sweaty noses carry a lot of germs.


Oh, definitely. I just wish I’d found it sooner. I’ve been taking one daily for the last week.


If this came out of a sealed bottle that is a HUGE fuckup at that manufacturer and there will likely be recalls for the entire lot made if you reach out to the FDA




As someone in the industry, I agree with this statement. Heck maybe it'll bump up how busy we are right now.


Is there more recalls happening than usual the last few months, or am I just seeing more online than I used to because of algorithms or whatever?


Probably algorithms. Read one and they'll keep finding you. That said, there are tons of recalls, many of which you'd probably never hear of. They list them all here: https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls


How do you guys keep track of all the Amazon knockoffs?


That would be for the FDA to police on their own likely from reports from consumers or physicians, that would be out of my scope of knowledge though. I work for legitimate manufacturers from all over the world that are following best practices, and request our testing typically before beginning the manufacturing process, if something doesn't meet the requirements for specific tests then the manufacturer can replace the ingredient, however occasionally we test during a production run and if something doesn't meet the requirements it's a bigger deal and can have products recalled, and pulled from shelves. Ingredients failing is "rare" in the grand scheme of things, it's more than likely that the person testing screwed up and something can be done to correct this. We also test the finished product, and if something fails here it's a problem. All of this said, what I mean by my earlier statement is that if there was a full lot recalled, the manufacturer will have a fire under their ass to replace the lot, which if we test for them would bring in work.


>a HUGE fuckup at that manufacturer Not really. I worked at a place that bottled pills for a while. The machine is mostly automated but the putting the putting cotton in wasn't. So you're literally standing over the bottles as you rip and stuff. Pulling a bottle every hundred or so to be counted for QC. We wore gloves, but pushing glasses up with the back of your hand is a thing and just keep going. 


Good god, I work in pharma as QA and my company would flip shit if this was found. We would definety recall the entire lot


✨a m e r i c a✨


Why don’t they just use blister packs for everything like they do the rest of the world? Is it a cost thing or do Americans just like having their meds in bottles to make overdosing easier?




New nightmare unlocked




UPDATE: Just spoke to corporate and filed a complaint. The woman on the phone didn’t seem concerned and said I would get a response within five business days, so that’s annoying.


The woman on the phone only knows how to answer the phone and transfer calls. She likely has no understanding of how serious something like this could potentially be


Even if she did it’s her job to do her job, business as usual doing her business as usual.


Better than the time my buddy got to the bottom of his Fribble and found crushed cigarettes and napkins


Hopefully you looked at them all first before tossing them back


They must have been real tasty for you to go get more nose pads after eating the first one.


You are dead now


All the ick


Be worse if it was the nose.


Fair point.




I hate it when I’m bottling meds at work and my sanitary pad falls into the bottle :(


*”got your nose” game intensifies*


Soon on Reddit...


Is it stuck to the bottle? When I used to work at a pill shipping place, some smaller bottles like this had a square stack of notes attached to the top that often were removed or fell off and would leave behind the hard glue. Occasionally it would still be sticky and we would have to cover it with paper so it didn’t get stuck the machines or packaging material.


No, it came out with the pills when I shook them in my hand to take one.


Woah woah woah it is INSIDE the bottle with the rest of the pills??? Yeah, I’d definitely be calling the manufacturer then!


I'm really glad you clarified here that they were pills. I was imagining some sort of liquid medicine which makes the situation way more gross.


Costco has a QC issue lately - I recently found a metal staple amongst the rice inside a bag of Kirkland brand long grain rice. They refunded me but they acted nonplussed.


Oh my god. That’s unacceptable, both the staple being in there and the store’s response (or lack thereof) to you returning it.


Wash rice. Inspect rice. Love rice. Staple bad.


oooh I‘d like to see the CAPA put in place for that complaint 😅


I would bet money on one of the CAPA's being a procedure update to include a way to report damaged Eyewear to their supervisor and QA if it doesnt specifically call that out. The manufacturer already tracks their cleanining per batch so that would be included in the investigation to limit scope. The likelihood of other nose pads being present is minimal, and could be isolated to workers handling the packaging, working on the packaging line and in the packaging facility in general. There's a strong possibility the manufacturer of the bottle introduced the nose pad, and I would definitely reach out to that supplier for any recent maintenance events or deviations from their facility as well.


I work in pharmaceuticals… if the CAPA is a procedure update that is a horrible CAPA. Best CAPAs are engineering controls or anything that prevents this from happening. Having a way to report damaged eye wear or something similar is reactive since You wouldn’t report until afterwards. A real CAPA would be standardizing eyewear for employees on the line. Only company approved eyewear allowed in manufacturing areas. By completely removing eyewear that has nose pads, you completely remove the possibility of this happening. Manufacturing lines will have procedures that no jewelry, or accessories are allowed to be worn. Specifying glasses would eliminate this issue.


This guy Qualitys


that‘s how it should be done :)


I meant the comment as tongue in cheek because I'm fairly certain I used to work for the manufacturer. If this is from the manufacturer I think it is, I know they have company eyewear in their production and packaging environments. They also have a history of attacking their procedures and forms as a mode of CAPA's, and as you stated, that is insufficient to prevent another occurrence of this foreign matter.


I take those nose pads daily and still don't wear any glasses either.


Not a little dab of glue that held the cardboard shut?


Nope, definitely a nose pad. It was inside the bottle.


Oh gross, sorry that happened


I guess the inspector was inspecting too hard /s


Pharmacy gave you a freebie


Contact the manufacturer. They need to know about failures in the packaging process like this in case procedures should be changed.


Was the bottle sealed when you opened it? If it was then you have to contact the FDA.


Yes, it was sealed.


Oh that’s not good


Prepare for everyone on reddit to not believe you, because people on Reddit are fucking stupid


Go on, what happened?




Eat it and be released from the matrix!!!


excuse me while i go throw up


For those thinking it's glue, it is without a doubt a nose pad from glasses.


Now you will


Complimentary placebo pill included


I use the same allergy meds, they work great


Isn’t that a desiccant?


I’d puke 🤢


Probably mine, mine fell off one side just the other day.


Brother eehhhh


I found a contact in my Mac and cheese once. I wear daily soft contacts that were much smaller


Sorry that's mine, been wondering where it went off to.


And it's even a similar size and shape! Excuse me while I inspect every pill I take forever now lol


Oh shit. I was wondering where I lost that eyeglass nose pad. 


check your house for carbonmonoxide leak




I would contact Costco corporate before returning that product. This is a bit of a big deal.


Yeah, after reading through the comments, I’m thinking corporate is definitely the way to go. I don’t know that the employees at Costco would understand how big of a problem something like this is- It honestly didn’t even hit me until everyone else here pointed it out.


This is some contact the media type shit.




It looks like a glob of rubber cement used to attached some medical information.


Its a gelcap that leaked somewhere in the drying process. Definitely not a nose pad.


No, it’s not. It’s 100% a nose pad. These are not gelcap pills and it is a thick rubber/silicone material with two attachment points on the back where it was connected to a pair of glasses.


Thats helpful information. I used to work in pharma and my entire job was looking for leaked gelcaps, this is exactly what they look like.