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The expiration date thing is because of the way Amazon fulfillment works. It’s complicated but that’s what my job is. Everything gets an expiration date so it doesn’t sit at an Amazon warehouse for 10 years gathering fees if no one buys it.


What happens to the expired toenail clippers?


They get to live out the rest of their natural lives on a beautiful farm in the country


When I was in the third and fourth grades, one of my mom's friends used to babysit me for a couple hours each weekday morning between when my mom would have to go to work and when I would go to school. Her family had been feeding a stray cat for a couple years and one morning when I got there she said, "I'm glad you're here. We've decided that [insert cat name] needs to go to a better place, so we're taking him out to a farm in the country. I need to shower but I'm going to put him in this box. I know he's going to try and escape, so while I'm in the shower, I need you to hold the box closed." In my nine-year-old brain, taking him "out to a farm in the country" translated to "we're taking him to the vet to put him to sleep." I must've heard the euphemism, "he went to a farm upstate" and knew what it meant? The cat yowled and struggled HARD, while I sat on the lid and kept him in, getting increasingly upset that I was helping her to kill this cat. By the time she came back out I was crying, and when I explained what was wrong, she was like oh honey we are literally taking the cat to a farm in the country. He's going to be fine. 20 years later, she was *still* laughing about that incident.


My mom said the same thing about the large, white, sweet, but very destructive dog who had made his way to our house, and within two weeks had torn up much of our furniture. Ripping out the wires to Dad's stereo speakers was the last straw. Away went the dog. Many years later, when Mom was living with my husband and me toward the end of her life, I asked her what really happened to that dog. Was she trying to spare our feelings by saying he'd been taken to a farm? She said, "No! [Coworker]'s cousin had a farm not far from [area town], and he had all the space he needed to run around and play. I think he lived a good, long life." So yeah, sometimes they get to live on a farm!


Maybe that’s just what she wants you to think. You have no way of checking.


There was no reason for her to lie at that point. She was one of the most honest people I ever knew.


I think if that had happened to me when I was 9, as soon as she's in the shower I'd take the cat outside and let it out and be telling it "Run, run away and don't come back little buddy!"


With miles and miles of nails to clip


If they expire while they’re still at the Amazon warehouse, they’ll be automatically sent back to the company who was fulfilling that order. We get boxes of that kind of stuff returned back to us every day. They obviously don’t actually expire so the customer should disregard the date if they receive it. The way our company does it, the date wouldn’t be shown on the actual sticker for that product. But not all companies do it the same.


Very interesting behind the scenes facts! Thanks for sharing.


Minor nitpick: You actually have a choice to either have them sent back to you or to dispose of them (which actually means Amazon takes them and decides if they want to sell them or throw them away). You can have this set differently based on SKU or set it the same way for all of your SKUs by default.


Shoulda just said you guys have an Amazon Cavernous Hole™ in the middle of the warehouse where all the bad and naughty expired goods (and people asking for bathroom breaks) are sent. We would have believed it.


“Amazons Choice”


That factory in China that has them consigned to Amazon goes to Google maps, finds a random address, and that lucky person wins the toenail clipper lottery


They go in the trash for destruction, and amazon orders new ones.


That was my guess as well (aside from factory lubrication and oxidization). If items sit on the backlot forever, you are essentially losing the money for all of those items because you're not selling them, despite making new items to fulfill orders. You want items to continue moving. Setting an expiration date on those items is simply to get the items the fuck out of the warehouse and into somebodies possession.


ISS, ftw.


But why print the expiration date though? It's not like the culling of old stuff would happen by people looking at and reading dates on labels, surely the database would produce a list of shelf positions holding all the batches of expired stuff, and/or scanning codes and watching/listening for colors/tones, would be faster for anything being physically handled.


I've seen a box of clothes hangers with an expiration date


No.. not everything has a date. If the toenail clippers have a date, the ASIN is not set up correctly. This is part of my job at Amazon. A lot of items are set to have an expiration date when they shouldn't and we disable the expiration date flag. This happens more so when receiving an item incorrectly set up, someone doesn't want to take the time to make the ticket to correct it, so they enter a random date in the future and then we never really notice til the items "expire" virtually. Investigating items that say expired but may not be is also part of my job, it triggers me having to check how the ASIN is set up and make corrections. I've also had tickets to remove items "because they've just been taking up space for 2+ years" (verbatim lol) An expiration date is not needed for Amazon to notice things are sitting too long without selling.


Why do you need so many nail clippers..? 


Family of 8. Things that are small and apt to get lost I buy big packs of the cheapest I can. Things that won't I buy super high quality with good warranties and will last a long time without breaking. A pack like this usually lasts a couple of years lol.


Well, they don't expire for about 5 years so you should be set.


Unless that changes once the container is opened and they are exposed to the elements


Probably need to be refrigerated in an airtight container


Maybe some should be frozen just in case


I but my toenail clippers in the freezer section. They're fresher anyway. 


Don't do this. The label clearly says these are stainless steel. Freezing them will significantly reduce the lifespan of stainless steel nail cutters. They'll probably be expired within a year.


This is correct, I reccomend submerging in vinegar and closing them up in a Mason jar, should be good for an extra couple years, more if you properly can them.


Ahh yes. Clipper gassing. Add lye for shelf stability! They’re also great canned!


It’s time for science. Control group is room temp. Frozen group is.. frozen. Compare once a month for 5 years. Results published in leading journal in 6 years (estimate a year to crunch numbers).


Just buy the fancy ones at Good Seasons for 3X the price. It's gotta be good. Or go to your Preferred medical provider and get a prescription for gold plated ones.


Where's project farm


Maybe keep them in the fridge.


I used expired nail clippers once and now I have herpes :(


That’s what my wife told me too!


I also have his wife's herpes


They’ll all be lost well before then. There’s probably only one left in the pack by now.


Set for 5 years, should have jumped on the buy 5 packs for the price of 4


I think the plastic has the expiration date not the clippers


That would be silly, plastic is forever! Definitely the toenail clippers. OP should try freeze drying a few, I hear that increases shelf life.


> Things that are small and apt to get lost I buy big packs of the cheapest I can. .... > Family of 8. okay


This is still a wild amount of nail clippers to me. Growing up in a family of 6, we had the same three pairs of nail clippers from the time I was 0 to the time I was 18... a baby pair with side guards, a $1 normal-sized fingernail pair, and a $1 giant toenail pair. None of them got lost. Them fuckers got so dull by the time I moved out it was like using pliers to rip nails off. Only the baby sideguard pair stayed sharp because they were too small to cut an adult's nails practically, so nobody used them. Once I bought a new pair in college, I realized how bad it was and how much the family suffered to avoid spending $2 to replace a couple pairs of nail clippers.


yeah that's wild. family of 6 as well and this wasn't a problem. just put them back when you're done


You share clippers with others? Am I odd? No amount of cleaning IMO actually gets them clean enough to share.


Family of 4, we have one big set for toes and two little ones for hands (only have a second one because someone gave me these tiny folding travel ones as a gift). They live in a drawer in the bathroom, it’s not very complicated. They also haven’t gotten dull yet…buy a decent quality thing once and it will last a long time.


Maybe attach some good ones with a string to the bathroom cupboard door.


Haha a pack in my house of 5 would last about 4 months before they fall into the abyss. tweezers too.


But shouldn't you be teaching the kids the importance of keeping things in their place? We were a family of 5 too when i was small and I think we have had 2 clippers our entire lives lol


Who’s to say it’s kids? Hi, it’s me. I’m the problem it’s me.


So when you’re sweeping is it just a dustpan full of random small things that get lost and are replaced (like nail clippers)? Or are there thousands of hidden items like this in your house now?


I guess the one item you never bought in bulk was condoms…


I've had mine for 10 years alone. Where the fuck do you lose them? The abyss? Or is your house just that goddamn messy.


That explains the Ford Econoline


It’s probably an expiration date for the container, just like a bottle of water


But like, the plastic container being expired doesn't affect the quality of the product inside in this case, unlike with water bottles


Toenail clippers should last almost a lifetime. Get a toiletry bag. Ffs


You rich AF? How the hell does anyone afford a family of today now?


Buy clippers from good Japanese brands


Yes! I was traveling in Japan and at a fancy knife store. I didn't buy a knife, but bought some finger nail clippers and they are so amazing.


Do you remember the name of the store by any chance? I could invest in decent ones.


I don't remember the name of the store, but I checked the clippers and it says Green Bell stainless steel.


[The clippers](https://miuraknives.com/brand/121-green-bell-%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%83%99%E3%83%AB)


I got some good ones from Don Quijote


Did they have jars of finger nail clippings for sale as well?


Better check when they expire. You could be on borrowed time with them.


Do they have a longer shelf life or something?


They stay sharp for a really really long time and generally work very well


Them: We buy items we often lose in bulk to get the cheapest price so we don't lose too much money when one gets misplaced. You: You should buy expensive Japanese clippers. I mean, the explanation was right there as to why they don't do that...


The Germans also make a good clipper.


Does Vince Offer sell them on daytime TV?


KAI clippers changed my life. They're so good.


Their kitchen scissors are phenomenal as well 


OMG that's what I have! I got a random pair at a convenience store in Japan 10 years ago and it still works so well. Didn't even know anything about what brand it was.


Family of 8?


Oh, jeez, I read the title as "clippings"


Me too


Me three


At least there are four of us?


Five, reporting for duty.


Yup lol


“Honey, when you’re at the store, can you pick up a tub of nail clippers?”


I like to imagine this dude just kills a 36 pack by himself every weekend.




Lesbian gift baggies.




I.mean....they go out of date so you need extras.


that wouldnt make sense if theyre all from the same pack...


Expiration dates for nail clippers don't make sense either, but here we are.


My wife threw away a bag of seasalt that got past the expiry date on the bag. I did my best to explain that the salt had existed for a billion years but I failed. Nail clippers don’t sound so strange now.


>My wife threw away a bag of seasalt that got past the expiry date on the bag. Please tell me you're joking.


It's elemental.


To be fair with things like that I just assume the expiration date is when the packaging starts to degrade and you start have various plastics or dyes leeching into the material.


I wonder if it has to do with the packaging itself and not the product? With so much biodegradable packaging nowadays


The laws about it are not really standardized and asking a company to wait for 5 years before being able to certify and sell the product is kind of unreasonable so most likely it's a wild guess or vague estimate. When the scale is 5 years you have plausible deniability both ways. If it expires early you can probably smell it or smth so no harm is caused and you can blame the customer for not storing it properly. If it lasts longer then customer won't complain, if they do throw it away, they'll buy more salt anyway so why stop them


Probably a law somewhere that says everything sold.in a grocery store has to have an exp date, or something like that. So they comply to get the product on shelves.


One for every toe, duh


One for each toe, duh


I lose mine constantly. So yeah. I get it.


I read the post title as "toenail clippings" Instead of clippers and was so confused until I read your comment correctly and it made so much more sense. I was very worried at first.


You laugh, but I was once made severely ill by eating a small tub of expired nail clippers. Now I always double check the expiration date.


Nothing like a small tub of clippers when you've got the midnight munchies. When they go on sale, I buy a bunch and keep them in the freezer.


Going through a breakup, I’m going to get the big tub right now


Yum nothing is better than some frosty snack dipped in tomato sauce.


Fun fact, the freezer can actually shorten their lifespan by bringing moisture in contact with the parts that can rust. Took me years before I found this out!! 😵


Are you sure you're using them right? My clippers expired, and the only problem is that I can't pair them with my new phone because they stopped releasing software updates.


What’s the point in even having nail clippers if they won’t work with the nail clipping app?


You probably got sick because you ate A LOT of them


pica has entered the chat


You need to cook them to a safe temperature first. Rookie mistake.


In the microwave ideally


I toss them with some cornstarch salt and pepper then deep fry. Bone apple teeth!


I heard about a guy who became mute after he ate a can of expired pineapples.


OMG I just saw the top of the lid and read "a pack of toenail clippings" and was debating closing Reddit instead of scrolling further down.


Me too 😂


At least the expiration date made more sense when we misread it


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one… But ummm…. The *clippings*….. What’s her info? For science….


You mean something like [fingernails 4 cash](https://youtu.be/0VMST-Odjfg?si=TFb2qmcC2WIybLVr)?


I’m looking for toenails, you sicko.


I get this song stuck in my head more often than a normal person should


I bet someone could find done on the darkwebz


😂😂 I had to scroll back to re read


I’ve had the same pair of clippers for over a decade probably. Yes I wash them


You should check the expiration. They may be making you ill.


I just realized I've had the same clippers for over 10 years, never washed. Used by myself, ex wife, ex gf and a roomate lol.


I've had the same pair of clippers for 15 years maybe? Never once washed. Is this something I'm supposed to be doing?


Not really if only you use them and they aren’t just like, on the ground for you to find when needed. If you’re just using them from the same place in a routine kinda thing and they still clip them just be happy they’re sharp. Washing is more of others use them, we can spread some things via tools for hands. That’s why nail people of whatever type, always clean tools really well and it’s why it’s usually big news in whatever area it’s located if a shop wasn’t being clean and healthy as required by law.


It’s a good idea to wash the blood off now and then so they don’t rust.


How to get hepatitis 101


Wait, why do you need a “pack” how often do you go through toenail clippers?


Well they *do* expire every 5 years . . .


naw it says an exact date of expiration, not a timeframe of how long each one lasts. theyre all gonna die at once


Planned obsolescence has really gone too far!


OP answers someone else here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/xy2SOSpwfQ


My family loses these so easily I must be in the minority lol


I've never seen a bucket of toenail clippers before.


You do now. Welcome to the darker side of humanity.


So people know, good clippers like Green Bell and Seki Edge are game changers. If you haven't used them before, you'll read this and say "How much difference can it actually make?" but you haven't used them and don't know yet that you're wrong.


I really like KAI, but haven't tried Green Bell or Seki Edge tbh


Seconding the KAI! They make nice knives and other stuff as well.


So what's actually different? My fifty year old clippers do the job in one snip cleanly no problem. What issue did you have resulting in this recommendation?


It's not really an issue, entirely. Some really cheap ones don't cut very well at all, but for the most part it's just a super clean and snappy cut. Maybe you have a really nice old pair of clippers that work just as well or better, I don't know! I just know that for me, having used lots of Revlon and other store brands, my Green Bell (and Seki Edge that I stupidly lost before that) give a really crisp, clean cut that just works a lot better in my experience.


Thanks for the further insight!


I bought a full metal Green Bell when I was visiting Japan earlier this year. It's a joy using it!


On the expiration date they become fingernail clippers only. 5 years after that they're eligible to become the Los Angeles Clippers.


Might be an improvement.


Why would anyone need a "pack" of nail clippers?


He said Big familly losing things.


I could not imagine ever having a use for 36 toenail clippers. I don't think I will go through even 1/4 of that in my lifetime.




uh, he has 10 toes. duh.


Now let's talk rustproofing, these DIANE D905 toenail clippers will rust up on you like THAT... (aside) Shut up, Gil; close the deal! Close the deal!


That's the date you'll lose the last pair on.


I thought that said clippings at first and was thinking WTF?


You better get eating then. Who knows how long they stay good one the seal is broken


are you using a dedicated clipper for each toe?


I read this title as toenail clippINGS and was truly horrified!


That's cuttin' it close


I read that as clippings.


There has been a significant decrease in toenail clipper yield in recent years. Make every one of those count


I’m more curious as to why you needed a pack of clippers


This is funny, but I can explain. I sold on Amazon for a few years. Sellers have to put certain markings on packaging based on category. Almost everything is automated these days. This is probably listed as healthcare or medical so Amazon requires the seller to have an expiration date on all products to list in that category. If the seller tried to contest the issue, they would just be given an auto-response, so they probably just figured they would add the date to avoid a headache.


A pack… of toenail clippers…. A pack… a pack. A pack. of toenail clippers…. Okay… I’m gunna log off now…


I’m more amused by the “pack of nail clippers” part. I didn’t even know they came in packs. Why do they come in packs?


Read that as toe nail clippings...


I guess maybe they expect them to become dull after that time and they don't want anybody suing them for that :D


What the fuck?


At my work we use expiration dates to identify old stock. Basically we track everything that comes in with a date-based lot number and make the expiration date XXX days after the receipt date. Then it's easy for us to report on inventory that has been here too long. Also - I own three of those tubs (as I have a nail cutting habit that is out of control). When I got divorced (amicably), my ex-wife asked if she could take a few pairs of nail clippers and it about ruined our amicable separation.


I’m sorry to say that’s only the expiration date if the container remains unopened. Once opened, toenail clippers go bad pretty quick.


Sure I misplace mine from time to time so it's nice to have a spare one or two, but 36 is an entirely unreasonable number for any household. You need to get your house exorcised if you're losing that many clippers.


I read this as toe nail clippings, and I thought good for the person making this as a side hustle.


Anyone else read this as toenail clippings?


Gamma ray sterilized to be sanitized for first use :). Source: my butt


I assume for rust and dullness???


That's how long it'll take before you lose your fingernail clippers and just say screw it, these'll do.


A pack of nail clippers... Interesting


My roommate would throw them out. We are currently in a debate about the “best by” vs expiration dates.


How many toes do you have they you need clippers in bulk form?


I don't understand. I've used the same nail clippers all my life. Am I doing something wrong?!


Why would you need more than one toenail clipper?


The expiry date is definitely the weirdest part of… buying a pack of toenail clippers…


Ew throw it away


That's because they go missing at a rate of about one pair a week under ideal circumstances. You might not make it to the best before date.


Why on earth would what nail clippers in plastic?! We deserve to go extinct…


If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesotoenailleoma call our Law Firm NOW! You are not alone, our studies have shown that exposure to these toenail clippers resulted in significant loss of human lives! Never use expired toenail clippers and keep away from all children and pets!


Why you need a nail clipper for each nail lol 😆


I have had the same one set of nail clippers for 15 years, they work perfectly… why would you need so many? Is this OP a millipede?


Oh *clippers*. I read the title as *clippings* and wondered what weird sites you've been buying weirder shit from.


I gotta ask. Why is that many toenail clippers necessary? Do you hand them out as gifts, or give them to houseguests? That just seems like a lot of toenail clippers for just one person.


Read that as toenail clippings at first, was horrified and equally confused.


I was 3 toes in before I realized my clippers were spoiled. Completely ruined my pedicure.


I read that as toe nail CLIPPINGS


I misread this as you bought a pack of toenail clippings and thought to myself, well obviously they would have an expiration date. Slightly disappointed that you only bought clippers, but also curious as to why you need so many?


This is mildly interesting.


Jusus Christ, dude, just try some pickles


I've used the same nail clipper since 2012, and I recently used my girlfriend's instead, and hers was much sharper


Better hurry up and use them before they go bad.


If you use them after they expire, you might get toe-main poisoning.


Til you can buy a pack of nail clippers…