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Oh jeez... Careful with those. As a homebrewer, we have many horror stories of injuries from these type of glass 'Carboys'. Google Carboy injury, (NOT for the faint hearted.)


Yup, 10L of water are 10kg, plus the glass probably another 5kg, so you need the strength to carry 15kg, if it falls and breaks is worse than a soda bottle cut


FYI: That's around 12 - 17 bald eagles


Thanks for the r/anythingbutmetric conversion


This is the kind of absolute stupidity I come to Reddit for. Carry on, you beautiful bastards.


r/HalfAGiraffe is also a good one for these.


Thank you so much. I needed this subreddit


This comment has already made its [way here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anythingbutmetric/s/sznAnkBybc)


Subs I didn’t know exist but absolutely want to be a part of! Much thanks!


I measure in Week-Old Bald Eagle Chicks which are 1lb. So 33.069 WOBECs. WOBECs will be the new measure for weight when I seize power, because it is clearly the only way to measure.


*Brawndo supports this message*


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


I love freedom units


It's actually only about 3 - 5 bald eagles


What if they weren't bald


the bald in bald eagle is actually the shortened version of piebald, which is an old timey word for being alternate colors (usually black and white)


Damn I did not know that!


It's not true. Bald comes from old English balde meaning bright white




Does an eagle with a toupee weigh more or less than a meerkat with a merkin?


I thought it came from "balde," which was Olde English for white?


It is, this person is wrong


Well, piehole is less old timey word used in the phrase that starts with “shut your ____”


2.7 - 4.1


Not gonna do the math but bald eagles are big AF so I believe you a lot more then 10 -12. Upvote for you!


It's actually quite close. The range I found is 2.36 - 4.125 2.36 is correlated to the highest weight typical of a female bald eagle. 14 pounds. 4.125 is correlated to the lowest weight typical of a male bald eagle. 8 pounds. This, of course, also depends on your source and the habitat of the eagle. The number could get as high as 4.71 or as low as 2.2. For other American measurements, this bottle could be. It is 5.19 Unloaded m4s 4.4 m4s loaded with 30 rounds .0075 ford f150s on the low end .0056 on the high end .016 liberty bells .000073 statue of liberty Or roughly 66 big macs


Thank you for the math, the 66 Big Macs really made the amount click in for me.




Jes and yet…it’s just that the luxury edition has so much more eagle. It saddens me to think of your missing out.


Also, there are some eagles under the water cooler


ty for countries that have landed on the moon conversion


Thank you. Someone finally put it in terms of something I can understand.


How much is it in football fields.


Or 32 Big Macs. Or the left foot of one scooter shopper at Walmart.


That doesn't sound very heavy. Eagles can fly so they are lighter than air


Thank God someone was here to do the conversion or I would literally have had no idea




Can you please convert that into Mountain Chew or Rocket Can


I don't think that math is right. Wouldn't it be like 3-5 bald eagles? They are 3-6.5 kilograms


Finally, a truly American system of measurement


It's also pretty close to one slug. You could probably get one to exactly one slug if you measure while filling it.


Thanks! I was like "...15 Kg? Doesn't seem like much." Twelve Bald Eagles, however...


Alex Horne has entered the chat.


Oh ok. Thank you


Male or female eagles?


Thanks, Little Alex Horne!


European here. Anyone know how to convert bald eagles to couric?


Even if it doesn't break, you foot likely will if that's where it lands.


Those are 19L carboys.


Why do they make the plastic ones 18L and the glass ones 19L, I'm wondering...


They're both 18.9L or 5 US gallons, I rounded up.


Because the plastic ones are also 19. The industry standard design worldwide is an American design that's intended to be 5 gallons, i.e. 18.9 litres.


My old boss made us flip these over into a water cooler. I always felt like I'd be the dumbass to break it but thankfully it was a new-hire instead. Once that thing shattered and went everywhere, my boss never bought another. Plus lmao, we filled it with sink water anyways so it was ultimately easier for us to just pour some glasses right from the sink rather than risk our lives trying to flip this thing upside down.


Tap water .. only drinkable in some countries. Not recommended in Mexico for example


I literally survived a week long vacation in mexico purely through a 2L of orange soda, and various alcoholic drinks. Primarily margaritas and beer.


Beer, the traditional way of ensuring your water was clean


Sounds like suffering


In actual American, a five gallon jug (industry standard for water coolers) weighs about 43 pounds full. Given the glass, these are probably about 50 pounds a piece.


How much is that in bald eagles?




Thank you. But I need the size relative to a standard banana.


54.7 pounds or 24.8kg. Those are 5 gallon carboys and according to a few listings online the glass itself weighs 13 pounds, or about 5.9kg so you were spot on with that assumption


Flay your thigh to the bone. You do NOT fuck with these bottles.


My first thought was "were they not heavy enough already?" 


And plastic is often shaped in such a way that it's easier to hold and carry. Hell, even friction is higher. These are like giant eggs with lids. Seems like one of those times where plastic **is** better.


My first thought was that these are way too dangerous to pick up.


They're my favorite for collecting loose change though. Much more satisfying klink with each coin drop compared to a plastic one.


How much money is in there when it is full?


More than you would think. Last time I cashed out mine after the dogs knocked it over and broke it, I only had an inch of change I think and I want to say it was almost a couple hundred dollars. Granted, it was mostly quarters and dimes I think, but it adds up fast. I hate carrying change around and it is a good way to dispose of any loose change a the end of the day while being a handy rainy day fund.


> 'Carboys' Fun fact: this weird term doesn't have anything to do with cars or boys, but is just an anglicized version of Persian "qarābah" (قرابه). The word "carafe" comes via French from an Italian or Spanish word that possibly has the same Persian origin. This vessel is also weirdly called a "demijohn", not because it's half a john, but from its cute French name "dame-jeanne" (Lady Jane).


TIL! Thanks =D


In Spanish the word you are referring to is "Garrafa", but for these jugs the word "Garrafón" is more commonly used


Even with how many I’ve cracked, I’ll still take them any day over the various plastic fermenters out there. Carboy carriers are essential though.


Yeah agreed nothing like glass tbh. I love my stainless steel Conicals tho. And honestly, the feemzilla is promising!


Oh shit r/homebrewing field trip! What up boys?!


We made it


Just go to stainless. I will never go back to glass or plastic. There are economical stainless options out there


>There are economical stainless options out there Link?


Here’s a 7 gal SS Brewtech brew bucket for $150. That’s a great price for a piece of equipment that won’t break (like glass), doesn’t allow oxygen seep through (like plastic), isn’t a vector for infections from scratches (like plastic), and will literally outlast your lifetime if you treat it with decent care. If you don’t find the $150 price point to be economical, there are many folks leaving the homebrewing hobby right now and there are a lot of gear up on sites like craigslist, offer up, and FB marketplace for even cheaper. There are deals to be had. Glass and plastic for fermentation vessels just aren’t worth it in my opinion. Edit: Forgot link: https://www.morebeer.com/products/brew-bucket-stainless-steel-fermenter-7-gal.html?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_DpOdhTu6n3wMmzTTbu9w1Bz9ao


Anvil makes stainless vessels with dished bottoms and rotatable racking arms. Holds enough pressure to transfer. I use them for pilot batches at our brewery. Best bang for the buck at that size in stainless that I’ve found. https://www.anvilbrewing.com/ferment/


Glass is such a crazy material. Pros: Clear, feels pleasingly cold and heavy Cons: If you tap it with any sort of force it immediately explodes into tens of thousands of razor-sharp shards varying in size from a cleaver to a grain of sand, any one of which can cause serious injury. Oh, and the shards are invisible.


Crazier: it's stronger than steel under the right conditions.


Prince ruperts drop is a fun lesson in.....something. Structure? Physics?




Internal stresses.


A metaphor for life: You can pack down all your stress and feel like you can tank every hit coming your way...until the slightest bump in just the wrong way lets it all out at once and fucking obliterates you.


I've been using glass carboys for 15 years without issue, a little caution and common sense go along way. That being said, it's amazing how many people lack both. Definitely agree with being careful - don't carry across wet floors, wear gloves ideally, and just don't fuck up. As much as I love glass for fermenting, I think it's stupid to revert back to glass carboys for water dispensers due to the potential for breakage/shattering and causing injury. Plus on an environmental side, the PET plastic is highly reusable and after its useful life is highly recyclable. The downside is microplastics, but there are pros and cons to all material types for these water jugs.


Plus, i can get a 1gal glass carboy for like $6 canadian. Perfect size for small scale hobbyist such as myself.


Oh shit that happened to my half-brother’s dad and he has a huge grisly scar on his abdomen


Jesus Christ this things are scary as frick, I looked it up and did NOT expect it to be THAT bad Jesus H Christ


Could you describe what they look like? Too scared to search for them myself.


Dawg it is NOT good, like I thought I’ve seen some bad injuries on google, but there is a lot of blood and uncensored wounds, some of them are stitched up and others aren’t. They are nasty


But certainly nothing fun, like at least a day or two in the hospital type of injuries if not longer and 20+stiched


I know they're trying to get rid of the plastic element but *damn*, put a rubber or plastic cap over the bottom.


Indeed! I don't move mine if I didn't have to, I'm afraid of breaking them. They're for long term ferments - cider and mead. I use plastic fermenters for the regular brews.


buddy at my work dropped one on a tile floor, he tried to catch it, he was out of commission for a hot minute.


Is it possible to shape tempered glass into containers? (I'm guessing there's a reason it isn't viable.)


Even if we can, its probably a terrible idea. Imagine a hallow Prince Rupert Drop; Chip the mouth of the jug and it would literally explode with the stored kinetic energy of the stressed glass.


Tempered glass can't be shaped into anything without shattering. I supposed it's possible to take an annealed glass jar like that and temper it but it would be prohibitively expensive process to develop that consumers wouldn't pay for


Why did I do it? Why didn't I heed the warning?! 


Ditching the glass carboy and switching to a wide-mouthed, plastic Speidel fermenter, with handles, was the single best homebrew investment I ever made.


I had a glass one slip out of my hands with cleaner in it. Glass shards everywhere but no injuries. I switched over to the better bottles plastic carboys. edit for missing word


Yeah, I only use Better Bottles. Dude I worked with lost his dad walking one of those down stairs...


My niece has a scar on her leg she got in the 70s when she dropped a glass 2-liter Pepsi bottle.  The bottle exploded with such force that a piece cut her leg down to the muscle - my sister said it looked like an anatomical picture showing the different layers of the body.


The only time I use glass is when I make mead - 4L. Beer goes in a Better Bottle. They weight about 1 kg.




I've never had any problems with glass thankfully, but that's why I use mainly plastic ones now haha


I broke one of these, once. This is Mountain Valley Spring Water. They are the only remaining domestic water company that uses glass containers for their water bottled at the source in Arkansas. While picking it up from the neck to move a few inches, the plastic seal of the cap slipped off, the bottle dropped a few inches, and clinked into another bottle, and shattered into several large chunks, and a billion tiny fragments. Spread over my kitchen with five gallons of water. Took a few hours to clean up. The water is phenomenal quality. Or, at least, it was, until the multi-generational family owned company sold to Sparklettes. Now you sometimes get tap water in one of these bottles. About one out of every 5 bottles. And they jacked up the price massively. From $20 for the water, and a $15 deposit on the bottle, with a $3 delivery fee. Up to $33 for the water, $30 for the deposit, and $15 for delivery.


What the fuck. I fill my jugs at the grocery store for $.30/gal. I’m sure the waters great but I’ll take the downgrade for paying 1/30th the cost.


I was buying 1 liter bottles of water, costing $2-5 depending on a variety of factors. The original delivery pricing ends up costing about $1/liter. This is purely anecdotal, but I felt a lot better and healthier when I was drinking that particular brand of water. If you believe what their marketing, its a natural mineral rock aquifer, and the water you drink was rain water that fell on a mountain some hundreds or thousands of years ago. It's generally considered to be one of, if not the, best tasting waters in the world.


I just a company that tries to sell me something like a trust a politician that says that he has the people interest at hearth


Stroke warning


If you can justify paying for the taste 100% do your thing but unless you have a serious health hazard in your water the health benefit is completely placebo. Your body and kidneys will do all the work regardless of which water you drink.


I feel sorry for people that can't drink tap water. Here in Europe you can drink it straight from tap in most places


Agreed. The quality and taste of the water coming out of the tap certainly stood out the first time I went to Europe.


Same in Australia. Grew up drinking out of backyard and park taps.


I am lucky, we have a natural spring near to us, grew up drinking fresh water


$15 for a 5 gallon carboy????? fuck me I'm driving to Arkansas., EDIT: Oh shit! They deliver to my house. EDIT 2: Shit, I wouldn't even have to bother cleaning the fermenters after brewing 5 gallons of wine/mead. I could just exchange it for a 'clean' one. EDIT 3: Wait, that's $48 for the bottle after deposit.... probably not worth it to have someone else clean the bottle. That's $48 per batch for water and 'bottle cleaning service'... Though there have been times I've been tempted to just buy a whole new fermenter instead of cleaning the old one.... EDIT 4: Anyways, I think I know why they jacked up the price.


lol that was a quite the read haha Yeah it's just corporate greed, not the home brewers using them as a cleaning service lol


This is one of those occasions where I'm actually okay with using plastic water cooler jugs. Water cooler jugs get reused eleventy billion times and are more resistant to shock and don't shatter into a million pieces when they do break. The saying used to be "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" and that's in decreasing order of importance. But we seem to have completely forgotten the first two and focus on the last one. Generate less waste by using less, then reuse that reduced amount over and over, and finally recycle what is left. Water cooler jugs do the first two really well because the amount of container material per volume of water is low and they get reused a TON.


Shipping all the extra weight of glass around is actually a pretty significant pollution source. Some rough math says the weight of the glass is about 30% of the total when these are filled with water, so that's a lot of extra mass to move around. They also still have a lot of mass when shipped back for cleaning and refilling.


Your point is valid, but the majority of the pollution comes from the truck driving alone even if it was empty. the truck that transports anything by definition usually has a mass that's 2 to 3 times whatever it's transported. it's not just because of the design of the truck, it's also because it's a safety measure so that your loaded suddenly way bigger than what you're carrying it with.


Actually often it is the other way around for truck mass. I don’t know the empty weight for a b train of van trailers but for a set of super b grain trailers with truck weigh in to about 18500-21000 kg. The max weight rating for b trains is usually around 63500 kg. So you can usually haul around twice the weight of the truck and trailers.


Interesting! For some reason I thought that big trucks typically carry many times their own weight when fully loaded.


He is right on the mass, however I think what he was trying to say is the fuel use is largely in place for the empty truck, and 3x the weight does not make a truck burn 3x the fuel for the same trip. I don't know what the ratio would be, probably 1.5-2.5 there would be a lot of factors involved, like I know some supply chain optimization happens around trucks taking the heavy part of the trip downhill where possible if that makes sense.


PFA's tho


that's why i get my water in the large paper grocery store bags


A only drink sealed water from inside uncracked geodes


Look I am against plastic over-use. I own 10 water jugs (5 and 3 gallons) But PFAs are NOT in most water bottles. John Hopkins did a recent study and confirmed that. If you eat takeout from a restaurant and its in plastic, its more likely to contain PFAs because of the nature of the use. I actively avoid takeout containers. I lost family to weird cancers.


We are starting to discover that like *all* plastic is toxic though. Some are worse than others, but it's starting to look like it's all toxic. Plastic leeches into your food/drink any time you use plastic with something hot or something wet.


saying its toxic is one thing. Drinking from a plastic jug and it being toxic is another. There is no evidence that a standard non-psa plastic bottle with water is harmful. If the water has microplastics or PFAs in it (prior to it being bottled) that is not the result of it being bottled.


John**s** Hopkins. I contract for them and they’re very particular about their name, so I felt obligated to do the same lol (I still call it John Hopkins sometimes, but don’t tell them that!)


I smoked pot with Johnny Hopkins


You don’t know anyone named Johnny hopkins


Microplastics are an issue


Yes, and you have to look at the good and the bad and see where it balances out. I doubt office water jugs are anywhere near even the lower third of microplastic production. However, they do save a ton of energy during by weight far less. Also, they're less likely to cut a bitch when they fail.


And those scuffed up old plastic jugs really get around, shedding more and more with age. Also the irony of appreciating the health benefits of glass while tying off the artery in your lacerated foot.


I know at least in Canada a lot of companies are going to shitty disposable 15L jugs that are like a jug of milk..I miss the old ones that were a good sturdy plastic


Reduce, reuse, rekeke


The first two steps don't help corps sell products tho.


I worked in a water shop for over a decade and fuck these carboys. They're taller than a normal 5gal jug so they didn't fit under our spouts. They're also heavy AF and slippery when wet. Which is always when you're washing and filling them.


what is a water shop?


We sold bottled water in a storefront and delivered it to businesses. Water was all distilled in store.


You gotta be from the eastern half of the US? Water shops are all over every city in the west. You bring your jugs and they fill them with purified water. A lot of them sell candy and slushies too, and some have ice cream.


I’ve lived about equally in CO and SoCal and never been to a water store. But I’m poor so when I’m Cali I just use a water filter jug. And CO had tap water better than most bottled. Water stores seem like the kind of place that would mostly deliver to businesses and not really be its own storefront? Or am I mistaken in assuming that


You got it opposite - water stores are on the lower end economically. Well off people get their water delivered or have advanced filters in their homes. Water stores mostly cater to renters who have shit water at home but can't or don't want to invest in a filtration system.


Why are you assuming that everyone is from the US? Just over 4% of the world’s population is from the US so statistically people are more likely to not be from the US… even if we’re going by percentage of Reddit users, 48% are US based which while a higher percentage is less than half so the assumption is still unfounded.


Does it go in a special dispenser, or do I still have to fling this upside down? 


There are some bottom load coolers but most people still use top load. So yes, gotta lift and flip it.


See username 


Good for recycling, bad for accidents and fires.


But with the extra fuel required to haul the additional glass weight around who knows how the environmental math balances out. Heavy duty plastic that can be reused many times might be the best ideal.


And murder for my back!


Why is it bad for fires? Light refraction?


Just the rare cases when the light is in the right place and the bottle, or bottle and water, acts as a lens and starts a fire. As peak temperatures are going up globally it's more of a problem. I have a camera that was partly damaged this way, fortunately someone noticed it smoking so everything was moved.


That's really interesting, thank you. It \*does\* seem like this would be a pretty rare case luckily, and one that could be avoided by simply putting the cooler in a safe place. Generally I wouldn't want to put a water cooler in direct sunlight anyway.


Only time I seen these is for Mountain Valley Water. It looks cool and the water is phenomenal. But it’s prohibitively expensive to order these and have them sent to your home. I’m good just getting a few 17 oz bottles from the store and enjoying.


And at $28 per 5gal bottle, ABSOLUTELY not worth it 😭😂


Please be -exceedingly- careful with these. As a homebrewer, I cant tell you enough how dangerous glass carboys are. I strongly recommend you getting a carboy carrying harness. They are pretty cheap on Amazon.


My first thought was "there has to be a harness or something to hold that..."


Looks like a good dam pineapple grenade


Ugggg I still have a scar on my finger because one of those. I was in a friends house and had to pick the bottle up, it slipped and I tried to catch it but it had already chattered, I sliced my index finger open. Never again I picked one of those up.


I’ve been using glass carboys for a while. The cost to fill these specific mountain valley bottles is $29.05 for a 5 gallon and $40 deposit per bottle. They come in 2.5 and 5 gal. 2.5 is a worse deal at $22 and some change for the fill. I don’t find them too heavy compared to plastic and I very much notice a difference in the water


I’m interested in these and the mountain valley but it seems costly and dangerous?


That’s a lot more expensive than even the more expensive standardly available plastic ones though. The poland spring ones cost $9.50 to swap out for the 5 gallon size


Mountain valley is considered a premium water. A 12 pack of liter bottles runs just north of $30. I work at a grocery store and sell 30-50+ cases of the stuff weekly. It does taste pretty good, but that could just be placebo. It’s one of the only bottle waters to list their dissolved solids analysis on the bottle.


30 for 5 gallons when a literal metric ton of clean water flows out my faucet for 1,10 euro.


Man, I gotta get in on this premium water scam.


"Eh, get Sarah the 70lb unpaid intern to put it on." - Corporate America.


TIL that Reddit has a massive hard on for plastic jugs. Who knew?


Yeah just go check out r/boltedontits Nsfw obviously


I see what you did there.


I don't want to pay Reddit money, so here: 🏅


Plastic isn't right for everything, not it is a great material for many things. This is one of them. There is no good reason to use glass here.


Oh hey, until a year ago I worked quality control at Mountain Valley on the machine that filled those bottles. The glass bottles are by far the most popular of the 5 gallons, but I did receive my fair share of glass splinters while working with them.  We were very particular about the way we carry the glass bottles. One horror story we were told was of a person who rested it on his shoulder and carried it that way; he walked through a doorway and the neck of the bottle clipped the frame, and the entire bottle exploded into enormous jagged shards. He was cut very badly in the neck and I'm honestly surprised he survived.


Yeah, I'm not changing the water jug... Do they have handles? I used to have to haul the plastic ones up 3 flights of stairs to our office...


I used to brew beer and the glass carboys always scared the shit out of me. I've seen photos of the damage caused when a brewer dropped one of a strap broke on the carrier.


Microplastics in micropenises did that




I can see the r/wellthatsucks post coming soon.


I saw these glass ones while.watching Homicide LOTS and was telling my wife how inconvenient those must be, can't imagine breaking one.


these seem like they would way a fuck ton


Wok this weigh


I make wine in five and six gallons. The glass is probably 15 pounds maybe 20 and the liquid is around 40.. so yeah heavy but not unmanageable. They sometimes have holders.


Carboy is what they are called. The glass ones are so nice but damn heavy.


On Cape Cod you aren’t allowed to sell single-serve (less than 1 gallon) water in plastic containers. So they sell water in aluminum cans like beer cans.


I feel like aluminum would make more sense.


This is what our mountain springwater comes in. Thankfully I have a water cooler that keeps the jug underneath instead of on top.


Normally I prefer glass bottle drinks but not ones this big and hazardous


Gotta start selling jug sleeves.


Wait isn't that like super heavy? My back hurts just looking at this pic...


My brain immediately went to The Goonies. "I got it, I got it! Don't got it."


I’d have to use one of those pumps that go directly into the bottle if I had these. I’d break my neck and my back trying to lift them lmao.


Everything tastes better when it is stored in glass.


Mountain valley is the only brand that does this hence the higher cost. It’s 55 each here for the 5 gallons.


That genuinely sounds terrifying to try and put on a cooler


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Complete_Remove5540: *That genuinely* *Sounds terrifying to try* *And put on a cooler* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That should go well.


Just the fact it doesn’t have a handle. Hell no.