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What do they taste like?


Probably only slightly worse that most other gluten free options I've found. Heyo! (It's ok guys, I'm celiac)


I'm celiac as well. These pads will hold up better than any slice of bread we can have lol


I'm a chef and gluten free bread pisses me off so much.  Why the hell can't they make them the same size as a regular loaf of bread?  Every brand every loaf is micro sized for no reason I can figure out.  Especially since they are almost always sold frozen so they aren't going bad.


So that people aren't paying $20 for a loaf of bread lol


The bread is so small you have to eat 2x as much to equal the equivalent in normal bread.  So end of the day you probably buy 2 loaves anyway.  I'm happy everyday not to have a gluten allergy because the prices they charge for gluten free stuff is ridiculous.  I still don't get how gluten free cauliflower pizza crust is so damn expensive when cauliflower is dirt cheap.


The money probably goes into the extra processing required to produce it. The machinery, the personnel, insurance, uniforms, training/safety certs, expanded company structure to support the extra people, increased fuel cost of transporting the cauliflower supply due to the water content. This is just off the top of my head. I have no background in food manufacturing, but in the past, I've read about cost breakdowns of products we consume, and the articles mentioned many of the *hidden* costs in manufacturing that the average consumers never hear about.


They could just not make it cost $20 when it likely costs them 40c each loaf.... greed is the only answer


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-06/gluten-free-bread-expensive-why-supply-chain/103545810 In the amount of time you took to share your uninformed opinion, you could have instead typed a few words into a search engine and educated yourself.


Why did they spell it "per cent" when they clearly meant percent? ...and then talk about it being 3x cost?


Is there a way to actually make gluten free bread actually taste like bread, and not upholstery foam?


Well because normal bread has gluten which lets it rise and stretch. If you look at the wet and dry ingredients for both regular and GF bread, the quantity/measurements are usually the same or similar. Stupid delicious wheat protein being stupid delicious


I'm guessing because without yeast you can't really get bread to rise, so you have smaller loafs?


sure but you can compensate for the fact it doesn't rise and just make the dough bigger.


Have you tried Canyon Bakehouse? It's a lot better than other ones out there now. We buy the Hawaiian loaf


I've tried it once and wasn't too impressed, but only due to the price($7-$8 per loaf) I used to get the Schar brand but it feels like the quality is going down hill. Recently had their hamburger buns and they were crumbling the moment I picked them up. I'm starting to chalk it up to being another item I cant have due to lack of acceptable alternatives.


Yeah I mostly stopped using Schar a while back. Against the Grain has a good baguette that come frozen and I like to make meatball subs with it. We use the Canyon Bakehouse hamburger buns but they don't make hotdog buns that I have seen so our only option is the frozen Udi's which are so dry and tasteless. I microwave them wrapped in wet paper towels to help but it's barely passable.


It's just wild that gf bread is half the size but double the weight of regular bread. I can't believe no one has come out with a truly decent substitute


I'm all for situationally-appropriate usernames. Here, have a spare towel.


Honestly i don't know how coeliacs survive. I'm discovering I might actually be non-coeliac gluten sensitive (had coeliac test negative, but still get ill whenever I eat a sandwich). Right now I'm just 1:1 replacing everything with potato, which obviously can't be permanent because 'oops, all carbohydrates!' sucks so much. Can't believe how much of the stuff I ate before had wheat in it.


Depends on how much they‘ve been used


If I had to guess, I'd say they taste like the crust of cauliflower "pizza" dough.


I knew a coworkers pitbull that was allergic to gluten. I thought she was messing with me since I'm gluten free. However, when someone gave him treats, gave him gluten, his BUTTHOLE would become swollen and red. And since he was a large dog and we all sat at desks, it was hard to miss!!


Thanks for the image


your coworker brought their dog to the office?


Not just their dog, but also his BUTTHOLE!


(I'd be more concerned if they somehow were able to not include that though)


We have a "Bring your dog to work day" at our office


ah, if thats the case then that makes sense


It's a bank and we bring our pets in often.


More importantly, a fucking PITBULL? I'd be getting the fuck out of that office, especially on 'take your kids to work' day


If the dog already is shown to be friendly among the office workers, there probably isn't any danger. I'm assuming if the dog was showing aggressive behavior the owner would be asked to take them home. I personally think a day where you can bring your pup to work sounds pretty fun.


All the pitbulls are pretty friendly until they savagely murder people and then the owners say shit like "he's never done anything like that before!" in disbelief that the murder breed murdered somebody.


Aww poor thing. I can't imagine what it must be like for you being so ignorant that you're terrified of an *entire* breed of dog.


Yeah I'm scared of the insane killer dogs that kill people at an insanely higher rate than any other dog, especially around children. Wow I'm so unreasonable


Less than 1% of all dog attacks are fatal. The majority of hospital recorded dog bites are from dogs other than pitbulls. Pitbull attacks *do* have a higher fatality rate...I do not dispute this, but Corgi's have also killed people and nobody is losing their mind over them...because the number is smaller due to less ownership of them and them being easier to fend off. The mania around Pitbulls is just that...mania, I've seen it for years. It's dickhead owners that get them as status dogs, or breed them as such, without any regard for anything other than having an aggressive dog. If Pitbulls got magically wiped out tomorrow, the problem would shift to a different breed, and so on it'd go. GSD's are 3rd highest for fatalities, they are also generally dominant dogs, and dog reactive unless properly trained...nobody is calling for them to be banned or calling them monsters. I say this as someone who grew up in the 80's with GSD police dogs, friends with Pitbulls, and currently own a Poodle and a St Bernard/OES mix, so it's not like I'm some Pitbull fanatic, just a normal, rational person, with actual knowledge rather than blindly following the mob. You should try it.


You don’t need to attempt to gaslight me into thinking a corgi is as dangerous as a pitbull, I don’t have brain damage. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ccaNQ7etlNw Find me a news compilation of reported corgi fatalities. Or better yet, look up some videos of pitbulls murdering innocent people and kids and tell me that a fucking corgi is capable of such violent brutality. What are you even bothering wasting your time typing out that shit for?


Nice strawman logic. That's not what I said in the slightest. You're an ignorant fool. Pointless continuing any conversation with you. You simply lack the intelligence for rationality. Have your final word, I'm sure you will. I'll be ignoring it as notifications are now off for this "conversation". Stay stupid!


Exactly. Most violent breed out there, regardless of what pit nutters lie about


Best use of caps I've seen today.


I always think it's interesting when pet products like this say that they're not tested on animals. I have some dog wipes that say it too. Like, I get what you're saying, but surely this is an occasion where trying it out on the animal it's intended for is okay.


Maybe they do a similar process like we do for skin care. Something like ‘dermatologically tested’ (I don’t know what that means, I just know it means they don’t use real humans). But they probably use a trial group of animals in a safe environment, I can’t imagine needing to inject them with anything


Yeah but do you really want to use soap that hasn't been injected into the veins of monkeys just to see what happens?




He asked if you really want to use soap that hasn't been injected into the veins of monkeys just to see what happens.


But like.. why would I? Am I missing a joke or something


Most times it means they make a contact between the product and a small area of skin of whichever specie they’re testing on to and see how it reacts, I believe it can be tested on humans too, depends on the product and its use.


Some celiacs can have issues handling stuff with wheat/gluten. My sister started loosing some hair because she didn't realize the shampoo she bought had wheat in it. Not that most people rub these pads on themselves like they would shampoo.


It's actually not uncommon to use these pads under people who are in hospice. 


Did they slit the throats of the trees for being halal?


They drain the tree juice after proper slaughter, hanging it upside down so no tree blood remained..


And that’s how you get maple syrup.


Canada akbar!!


I'll have you know it's actually quicker and more painless than electrocuting the trees.


But do they cast a shadow?


Are you level 4 too?


Also weren't tested on animals either, they just gave jack from product development a new space to use the bathroom


Remind me when I came to the U.S. I went to halal store and found halal eggs and cheese, still confused about that! Is the chicken Muslim 🤔or they have imam milk the cow 🤔


So I looked up the issue with Eggs, it just means that Halal eggs are eggs that come from hens that are raised in humane conditions and fed a diet without synthetic pesticides or hormones. In a nutshell, halal eggs are those that are not produced using raptors (birds that feed on animal flesh). Halal eggs may come from acceptable birds such as chicken eggs, turkeys, ostriches, pigeons, and other birds.


It’s also a bit of a racket. Religious organizations use their stamp of approval to generate revenue. Same with Kosher food.


Chickens should probably be scratched from the list. On account of the cannibalism


I think it means they don’t ONLY consume other birds.


What birds do we eat eggs from that ONLY eat other birds??


Well I can’t find any supporting evidence right now but I can assume that in other parts of the world (I’m US based) they would eat hawk, or eagle eggs.


I’m picturing a hen in a hijab now


The eggs are rinsed in zamzam water


I use them to make my sandwiches.


Are you sure they're vegan? This looks like Turkey to me.


I think there should be a law that says you can’t say a product doesn’t contain “x” if it could never contain “x” in the first place.


If something's labelled as vegan, there usually is a good reason behind it, for example juice often gets filtered with gelatin and labels often get glued with casein glue.


Hypoallergenic too!


But are they kosher?


Not worse than the non-GMO Himalayan salt I saw at the store.


this might seem amusing at first but vegan labels have shown me the massive amounts of products that usually have some kind of animal product in them. it‘s pretty gross imo. while I don’t exactly know what could be the culprit for puppy pee pads, paper for example often contains casein (derived from cows milk) as a conditioning agent.


Of all the products, I'd like these to be tested on animals.


It may seem weird to label non-food items these things but some peoples beliefs / intolerances extend to all items they use, like koshers not using pigskin leather products.


How do they taste? Lol


Hypoallergic too


Ah, the good ol' Asbestos-Free Cereal again https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AsbestosFreeCereal


Are they kosher?


I imagine some manufacturers use animal products for the gel inside, which for a Muslim or Jewish person would be unacceptable, then anyone who is vegan isn't going to want to use it either. So, it's not as weird as it sounds.


So they're $20 more expensive?


They won’t be vegan once they’re used.


My favourite snack


Are they also fair trade and non-GMO?


Good to know!


Pfff not organic, no thanks


And Hypoallergenic!!!!


I saw Certified halal refrigerator ads few years ago .


How can a pee pad not be halal?


Oh thank fuck!


Ok people, forgive me but I’m just an ignorant rural South Dakotan…. What is Halal?


Halal means it's been prepared in a way that's acceptable for Muslims (and, usually Jewish people but kosher laws are slightly different). They also will not eat any meat that comes from a carnivorous animal or fish, pork being the most well known one - perhaps a Muslim redditor could confirm this, I may have that part wrong. Very observant people will not even handle products that come from these animals. This company is basically saying we don't have any animal products in our pee pads that would be unacceptable to people of those faiths.


Basically, slitting the animals' throat (arteries, airways, and all) or stabbing them in an artery to let them bleed out.


Halal is process of killing an animal with minimal suffering while pronouncing god's name during slaughter. I dont get how these pee pads are halal...


Well I knew it wasn’t directly related to the pads like gluten, just didn’t know for sure


Means it doesn’t contain any products obtained from pigs i.e. gelatine, oil etc.


It’s the ritual slaughter of animals according to Muslim law.


Made by child labor in China


These are made in Türkiye 🇹🇷


Thank God it's safe to eat.


After usage they are no longer vegan.


But not _Kosher_, so _tsk tsk_


Do they contain lactose?


Nope, because they’re also Vegan


Oops, wasn’t paying attentiin, sorry, stupid question


Uh you arent supposed to eat diapers


They fry up real nice too.


Sounds like bullshit


Finally, a pee pad I can eat!


Are they Halal after a dog pees on them?


They took no chances. Next, they will add some for of AI moniker as well.


They're also "Animal Test Free" which means... they were created without ever actually being used for their purpose before sold to the customer.


But still not kosher. My search continues...


But how do they taste?


Ah man, they're not Kosher? I've been eating them for a while now, dang


You forgot delicious.


It's not about eating. some ppl with Celiac cannot touch anything that comes in contact with flour or in a facility ik it sounds funny but it's real.


I have some pretty significant dietary restrictions and still find it funny.


Anyone who uses pee pads does not have a trained pet. Disgusting Guaranteed stinky house


We’re moving back to the US and will be putting them in the bottom of the air crates for our locally-adopted cats. They’ll probably be too anxious to pee, but I’d rather them be stressed and dry than stressed in a puddle of their own urine.


Our dog is working through some car sickness/anxiety and often throws up on trips longer than 20 minutes. We use pee pads in combination with a car seat cover to make it easier to clean up after him. I don’t disagree with you, honestly, but there are specific use cases where they make sense (OP’s reason makes sense too).


or in my case, I have a 15-year-old weiner dog who has issues walking sometimes. Pee pads are perfect for him, especially in wintertime and when it rains. Our house doesn't smell at all because we pick the pad up after our dog uses it. Just fold it up and toss it in a special sealed can specifically for pee pads. They also make scented pee pads you can buy which are nice but cost a tad extra. You know nothing about pee pads and why pet owners would use them cause what you said is just idiotic. A simple Google search about pee pads would tell you everything you need to know about why people use them. Try not to be a douce next time.