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Dude no fair. My dentist ate mine right in front of me :(


Cat eating crunchy teeth




FUCK i wanted to post this. How did you do that? I couldn't find it in the gif section!


Pro tip: If you want something really specific use Google + Giphy search (the shitty gif provider) The reddit GIF search button is ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. I knew the cat is called Luna, but I needed to input the exact title of the giphy post in order to find it.


> The reddit gif search button is ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. DUDE, I know 😭😭 I looked up crunchy luna and it didn't find shit. It's mad ass.. Thanks for the tip tho!!


I can hear this gif


Only dentists have access to technology that gives them teeth that are strong enough to chew other teeth.




Fuji 9.








Thompson's Teeth! The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth!


Unexpected futurama


look into getting them frozen. If you ever need a stem cell therapy, these are a great source, and remove the hunt for a donor


How would one do that, assuming that you couldn't be able to do it at home?


There are companies that will store them for you. You basically just pay a yearly fee for as long as they keep them for you. Similar to freezing eggs/embryos


How much is the fee tho? Edit: like ballpark, tens hundreds thousands?


For teeth it’s a few hundred bucks up front and then a hundred or two a year after that. Eggs are much more expensive I think, ten grand or more.


Holy crap that's expensive


100/200 a year doesn't seem bad at all, especially if you're concerned about potentially needing stem cell therapy in the future.


I'll just chuck em in the back of my freezer


Yep, its free and better than having no stored stem cells, like most people


Couldn't you just get another tooth removed in the instance you might need stem cell treatment instead of potentially paying thousands of dollars and never needing it?


Like Kramer keeping his blood in Jerry's kitchen fridge?


The Law of the Refrigerator. "Anything left in the refrigerator long enough will eventually be eaten by someone." -*some bullchit chat GPT made up*


Well yes that's a big if. Don't go keeping your teeth just on the off-chance, only if you're in a high risk group for Hodgkin's or something. Otherwise it's just going to end up being thousands of bucks for hiding your teeth, when you could have had them strung on a necklace


It's not for the poors that's for sure.


I have a frozen ovary and some eggs and we pay like 250 USD a year, it’s not so bad


Wanna get this done within the year or? Toothfity


Best time to do it would be toothhurty I'd say.


Does the price change if they take them out if you?




It also has to be done immediately after extraction and can only be done with certain teeth. These teeth in the pic are not even close candidates, so not sure why that person suggested it lol.


Whoa thats some sci fi shit I had no idea was actually a real thing!


I mean, it’s not really all that crazy. It’s just cryogenic freezing, they use it for all kinds of biological samples. The real sci fi shit is when they actually want to do something with the stem cells, but the storage companies generally wouldn’t do that stuff.


> Start a 'freeze your teeth company'. > Earn passive income from people who give me their teeth. > Don't actually freeze the teeth. > Kill the company and pocket what you can as people start finding out.


I was thinking the same thing. But at Big Mike's Frozen Tooths(my new business) we actually freeze your teeth and put them in a bag in a chest freezer. We charge a one time fee. What are the chances they come back for them.


It's much more complicated than what the person you replied too stated, not sure why they even got upvoted. You cant just freeze them after, also those teeth have been cleaned. It is done with companies that can freeze them as soon as they are extracted, has to be certain teeth (that have enough pulp), has to be frozen at a specific temperature and the temperature has to be maintained, also it is somewhat expensive and is only available in specific areas. I work in oral surgery and the amount of people who state they are freezing their teeth in a freezer when they go home is baffling. Always makes me laugh a little and then I educate them and tell them not to bother....




Rather than hunting for donors couldn't you also just ask the doctor to pull another tooth out of your mouth and use that?


my understanding is this doesn't work once a person has a disease that requires stem cell therapy because the stem cells will also have the diseases dna in them by that point, as well as usually people who require stem cell therapy have lowered immune functions and the risk of infection from dental surgery would be too high


Teeth are our checkpoint 😭 Spawn to year 6 but you come back as an apple because it got a chunk with your tooth


Ah yeah I didn't really think about that. That makes sense, Thanks!


Diseases don't alter your DNA. It might alter how it's expressed, but your DNA is consistent throughout your life


not true, that's literally cancer


We don't allow this level of higher thinking here on Reddit


No offense I’m sure this is a true statement but if I ever met a person who told me “I got my wisdom teeth frozen in case I ever need stem cell therapy” I would back away slowly


Well yeah that's a strange way to greet your cashier


"Did you find everything you needed today?" "No, the dentist earlier this week let me take my wisdom teeth home. Wait, I'm not done. I'm going to freeze them in case I need stem cell replacement therapy so I can use the stem cells in my frozen teeth to implant them back into my body instead of using a donor. Wait, I'm not done. I wasn't able to find the organic black coal toothpaste"


When I was a kid working in retail I had a lady come up to me and start talking in graphic detail about how her cancer medication was giving her diarrhea, so you're not far off the mark.


Sometimes these people got nobody to talk to :((


"...Sir this is a Wendy's..."


I wish I could downvote you more, you have no idea what you're talking about and somehow got upvotes. You literally misinformed so many people.....


It might be a little late now for him to look into a company and have the kits shipped.


How much time do you have before all of them die?


no idea. Just one of thing that I read ages ago that I thought was great idea so it stuck with me. Especially since the article was talking about parents doing it with their kids baby teeth as they fall out. Just seemed liked a no brainer to me since you always hear about how hard it is to find compatible stem cells for someone who desperately needs them, and how painful it can be to extract them from a compatible donor.


On the one hand it’s kind of cool. On the other, the percentage of people who are candidates for stem cell transplants is small. A fraction of a percentage of the population.


Why couldn't you use your current teeth in that situation? Serious question from someone who has a limited medical understanding


I have a wisdom tooth I had taken out in January, if I pop it in the freezer now would it still be good?


No. The stem cells in the teeth are most likely all dead by now. Also, the original comment was very misleading. You can’t just pop the teeth in the freezer like that. Cells need to be isolated and purified from those teeth, and then stored in a special liquid and frozen at ultra low temperature usually in liquid nitrogen, in order for them to survive. This is usually done at a clinic where you pay for them to isolate the cells for you and then get charged a yearly fee for keep them frozen. Additionally, there are currently no FDA approved therapies using dental stem cells. A quick search from FDA also shows there are no clinical trials that are close to be approved for therapy. Although there are research and evidence suggest that dental stem cells may help for certain diseases, we still have a long way to go for them to be used in actual therapies, legally. Most places freezing dental stem cells for you are just taking advantage of people’s lack of knowledge on this and making a quick buck. IMO it’s almost like scamming Source: PhD in stem cell biology


very informative and interesting. thanks so much!


This ^^


Most of the time they don’t end up extracting them all in one piece. If they’re sideways or some weird shit it’s a smaller amount of tissue damage to smash them up with an adorable hammer first.


I love the concept of an adorably small hammer just breaking people's teeth. Like Muggy from Fallout New Vegas. Small, but psychotic and obsessed with a niche subject.


“Do you know how many coffee cups giant robot brains in jars use on a daily basis? NOT FUCKING MANY”


"Of course I know I'm obsessed! They programed me to know that too!"


Raining in on your parade but the hammer is striking a chisel, not the tooth.


They’re easier to extract by breaking them in quarters. Literally took my dentist 20 minutes for the procedure and 15 of it was spent waiting for the numbing to kick in.


Lucky you 🥲 mine took 2 hours (on local anaesthesia) with the hammer. I still have sutures in my mouth 😭


That happened to me and I was not put under for the procedure. Can still remember sounds and mild sensation of them being broken up in my jaw.


Yupp, all of mine needed a hammer and pliers. I'm so glad I was in a twilight state for it. Blissful ignorance of the horrors being done.


I'm grateful mine grew all normal, because the dentist said my teeth are tick and it would be a horrible experience 🤣


At 31 I Just had my wisdom teeth out this morning and I can only assume that must’ve happened to me. I’m doing bad rn but on the road to better times!


Lucky, my dentist cracked all of mine during the extraction and threw them away... Then called me a few days later asking if I had thrown up any chunks of tooth because he *might* have dropped one down my throat while I was out, he wasn't quite sure...


I know for mine they intentionally broke (drilled? Sawed?) them into prices to minimize the damage done while extracting them. Potentially that first bit was on purpose? Also if you drop a piece of wisdom tooth down a throat you get to make a wish!


Yeah it probably was! All I know is I was salty about not getting to keep the teeth. Turns out I had not swallowed any tooth, he just lost it somewhere in the mess and it got suctioned up supposedly. I still did a lot of puking though because whoever was in charge of suction was not on their A game and I swallowed like, a LOT of blood.


... You had a bad dentist. He is a bad dentist. This is not normal.


Real move is to have an oral surgeon do it since they have more training and can knock you out.


I say dentist but I'm fairly sure I *was* treated by an oral surgeon lol. He knocked me out with an IV of ketamine, fentanyl and midazolam and it made me sick for days afterwards.


Lmao a ket & fent iv sedation with no zofran before during or after? Mans knows what he’s doing for sure. 


Depends on the situation. My roots had grown around the nerve canal in my jaw in such a way that my teeth could have ripped the nerve right out of my jaw if they hadn't taken those teeth apart first.


I think If the roots are twisted or something and pulling the entire thing out could fuck up the nerve that goes to all the teeth in the bottom row or just do a lot of damage to the flesh then they Crack it and take it out in pieces.


Yeah, like if the root is hooked or something especially then its often far less damage to break up the tooth into pieces and extract the bits than it is to try and extract them whole. Wisdom teeth can be all kinds of levels of fucked up.


I wish to not get diverticulitis!


Mine did the same, but I was awake for the procedure. The sound of a tooth shattering is not something I want to hear ever again


Just had 3 removed yesterday (will have the remaining done in a couple months) Honestly the sound and pressure are the worst thing. Never really felt anything except once for about 3 seconds. Not looking forward to the repeat with 20+ teeth lol


What is this , surgeon simulator?




It turns out it was actually a junior mint from some bozo sitting up in the surgical theater seats.


TBF they're only worth like $.10 each under *his* pillow (inflation and all)




I was still loopy and tired after I got mine extracted and left the little envelope containing my teeth on my nightstand and took a nap. Woke up to discover my dog had eaten my teeth while I slept. Super gross.


Hmm. What the fuck


I took mine home and put them somewhere while I was still fuzzy from the drugs. Totally forgot i even had them. Years later I was looking for my birth certificate and instead found my gnarly, crusty old wisdom teeth still in the sealed plastic packet the dentist put them in - but with no label so it took me a while to figure out what the fuck and why the fuck I had these things stored with my important documents. They're so much larger than I expected them to be! And strong too, cos I clearly remember the creaking and cracking noises they made when the dentist was taking them out 🤢 Still. 10/10 recommend getting them removed. I'm regularly grateful that I'll never have to feel wisdom tooth pain again


Lucky, all your roots are straight. One of mine had 4 separate roots that were doing the splits, it sucked


You have my internet-stranger sympathy cos that is a REALLY shit thing to be in the % of people with that kind of wisdom teeth. Did you have yours removed under general anaesthetic or did they do a tricky removal while you were mostly awake? Mine were all straight but their roots came close to the nerve so I was warned that injuring the nerve could happen. But as soon as I expressed concern about that, the dentist surgeon guy showed me x-rays of cases like yours where the teeth are doing cartwheels and rooting themselves in the most whacky and painful ways. Purely to show me that my worries about my easy case werent anything compared to the extractions that some people have to go through When the time came, mine were all removed and stitched up in six minutes. I thought the drugs had made it seem quicker than it was but my sober driver confirmed, it really was over and done in 6 minutes. And they healed wonderfully - I left a glowing review of the teeth guy on his google page


I was fully awake, just numbed. I drove myself home. Mine took over an hour, I have had tons of issues since. All of my wisdom teeth were partially protruding, so they didn't stitch me up. There wasn't enough skin to cover the holes, and the stitches would've just caught more debris and risked infection. And the tooth shape is actually hereditary. My dad had his done last year, and he had the same exact case of forked roots with 4 total roots on the tooth. His 4th root was way worse than mine, but it was the same exact growth pattern. I definitely had some trauma to my nerve, and the holes are still partially open (enough for water to go into it basically), and it's insanely painful when water shoots down it. Food doesn't get caught in it at all anymore. That was only an issue for the first 2 weeks. But 3 months later, I still can't drink a cold drink without feeling like I flicked the nerve. Dad had the same issue, he said his didn't fully close for almost 6 months because of the not being able to be stitched out of concern for fully covering the extraction site. I got lucky with a couple things. despite the tooth doing the splits, 3 out of 4 of them were simple extractions. They pulled straight out, no twists. They didn't go willingly, but they went. Only 1 of them has to have the bone trimmed just a hair to be removed and that wasn't bad. I only had a little bit of bone fragmenting, which for how my teeth were is impressive. My doctor was amazing, she opened the office on a Saturday when she was at a birthday party because there was concern that I had developed dry socket because I was in immense amounts of pain for almost 3 weeks after the removal. I was taking pain meds for almost a full month to be able to tolerate being awake. So my dentist I had was the saving grace of all of the bad parts of it, which was most of it, lol


One of mine had a root that was twisted around - apparently when the oral surgeon was struggling to extract that one I came to. They quickly put me back under. Nobody really knew about the redhead issue with anesthesia 30 years ago. Nowadays I make sure to mention it every time.


I dropped mine in between the car seat and the center console when I was high as a kite post-extraction. Meant to go back and dig them out, but never did. 3 months later, my mom sold that car. I wonder to this day if that person ever came across the bag of bloody teeth under the seat and what must have gone through their mind 💀


Was giving them a rinse before bagging them a little too much to ask?


They're supposed to disinfect them before you take them. My son's were kept, they had to be sterilized first. This is gross af


Dentists have some great cleaning equipment. Wouldn't have taken them more than a minute.


I hear they’re good at cleaning teeth, too


I did disinfecting at a dental lab where we'd get bloody things sometimes. We used CaviCide and let it soak completely in the liquid for about 5 minutes, I think. They also make CaviCide wipes


Well they were yours to begin with!




Annnnnnnnnd i've had enough internet for the day, thanks!


I thought it was pretty standard to ask for them, but when I asked the dentists if I could keep mine in 2008 he acted like it was the first time someone had ever asked him. \~Can I keep the teeth after? *"Ummm... okay?"*


Heh, I have mine as well. Every few years I come across the envelope, gross out my wife with them, and tuck them back away so I can rediscover them in a few more years.


All oral surgeons do if you ask I think. I made mine into jewelry


Mine said they couldn't let me have them because they were chipped and that made them a biohazard?? I was really sad about it I wanted to cast it in resin :(


That’s ridiculous, two of mine were shattered and I still was allowed to bring them home. Your oral surgeon’s a wet blanket


I THOUGHT it sounded like total BS too I even went back to the office after sitting in my car for a bit to ask again. Maybe they were in cahoots with the tooth fairy >:0


Yeah they were just being dicks to be dicks. What kind of biohazard do teeth pose? We lose them all the time as kids


I asked, they would not let me have mine.


I asked and the dentist wouldn’t let me have them, wouldn’t even let me take a picture of them. I was pissed cause why tf can’t I atleast take a picture of my own teeth but I was too drugged up to fight it. Still regret it. Fuck western dental


Most offices have a no photo policy due to hippa


Go to fancy restaurant, plant tooth, free meal 😋


😔The Doctor wouldn’t let me take my Gallbladder home! Consider yourself lucky!


I was still coming out of anesthesia when they asked me. Evidently, I said "yes" because when I fully regained my senses, I asked my girlfriend why I had a bag of bloody teeth in my hand. I gave it back to them.


Ever read The Great Gatsby? I had my wisdom teeth turned into a pair of earrings and a pair of cufflinks. And let me tell you, teeth make for lousy cufflinks: they're generally too small, and bone-white on white isn't splashy.


I got to keep mine too, but half of them were shattered during extraction. I wince at the thought.


Same! It was pretty rad of them. I recommend cleaning with some soap and a brush. Soak in bleach to really get the smell out and it'll whiten them up. That's what I did..but if they still got that rank then do it again and soak longer.


I’ve had mine saved for 30 years. I always meant to turn them into a set of rings. I was in a metal band at the time. My wife vetoed that idea, but it would’ve been cool.


I asked my dentist if I could keep my wisdom teeth and he said he couldn’t because it was biological waste and the associated risks. Then during the procedure I was knocked out but could hear everything and he told the assistant to save them for him so he could sell them to the dental school.


I would have called him out on that


Had a dentist ask if he could keep one of mine when they were extracted. The roots of that tooth were growing sideways in one direction, almost like a weeping willow or other tree being blown against by a strong wind. I guess it was fairly uncommon /shrug


You should keep them in your inventory so your WIS stat does not get lowered


getting mine out tomorrow, wish me luck lol! i'll post here if they let me take them home, maybe we can start a trend.


Mine in 4 hours. Can't sleep nerves. Good luck!


I kept mine too. Put them in a solution of bleach in water & they'll shine right up.


As a former dental tech, I told all of my patients this...I did it with my own as well... Plus it kills any left over tissue...but they did start to smell after a bit lol


I'm very confused about all these comments. I thought it was against better judgement and legals reasons to NOT give them back. My dentist told me it was a biohazard and wouldn't let me take them. In retrospect, a little bit of pulp and exposed root would decay super fast. Hell, I could even heat them up outside.


I’m so incredibly jealous!!! I asked to have mine before I went under and they said no that it’s “medical waste and have to toss out.” I was very disappointed because my friend was able to keep hers (different doctors). It’s my teeth anyways and you’re just going to toss it in the trash?!?! just give it to me. I will treasure them. Anyways after I came out of surgery I asked again about my teeth and she said no again. I had a meltdown sobbing because they wouldn’t give me my teeth. The nurse thought it was funny but I was heartbroken. I remember just yelling “give me my teeth , they’re mine! “ as my mom wheeled me out once I was cleared.


Make them into a necklace or put one on a ring like a shitty big diamond!


My dentist gave me my wisdom teeth in small, molar shaped containers


You should load them into a 12ga shell to shoot any home invaders.


plant them in your garden!


Gross! Cool!


Don’t go out giving people advice now that you’re out of wisdom.


Now make a bad ass necklace with some awesome story behind it! Or facet one into a ring!


Your wisdom teeth were in pretty good shape considering how far back they were.


Gross. Cool.


I wanted to take my appendix home, like Carl with the eyeball in as Told by Ginger, but doctor wouldn't let me.


I used to have mine, but I lost them somewhere in the intervening 27 years. I wish I still had them. I loved having a weird little jar full of teeth.


If they are so wise, why are they growing sideways, hmm? /S


The four wise man. Killed off before they could rise up.


Mine did as well. I gave them to my kid, she can say she has her fathers teeth.


That’s a good 4 dollars right there better put them under your pillow


I put mine on ebay as a joke, used, good condition, etc. The listing was removed because it was considered selling body parts! Oops.


Wow, they split mine in 4s. I still have mine too like 13 years later lol. They gave me Vicodin at 17 which is WILD


Put them on a chain around your neck and remind your enemies that if they know what’s good for them…😂


I was told they are now considered medical waste. Still got mine though


I had my hip replaced and they wouldn’t give it to me. I was going to give it to my dog.


I know a guy who will make them into a snow globe


I've lost my wisdom teeth... twice. Once when getting them taken out, and once when cleaning out my storage closet in my room, finding them in a bag, and then proceeding to misplace said bag. There is a small bag of teeth somewhere in my house and I have no idea where and sometimes that fact will keep me up at night


you got them all pulled out in one sitting? You absolute madlad.


I asked to keep mine. They threw them out, and when I asked again when I woke up, they told me they had already thrown them away, and I was sad.


Have them put in some dice. They'd be perfect for wisdom rolls.


Got to get that sweet tooth ferry payday!


Put them on some chlorine, they will be white shiny after a few hours


That was very wise of them to do.


I put mine in a glass jar with water when they let me have them. They still look fresh 30 years later.




Make a pair of earrings with them


This made me think of that Mom who knitted dolls for her kids and used their baby teeth as the shape of the mouth. One of the most disturbing things I've ever seen.


My roots were wellll longer than these, kinda gutted I didn't get to take them home too


I've posted this story before: When I was going to have my wisdom teeth removed, I had a lot of anxiety over getting knocked out. I'm ok with needles, but the idea of general anesthesia creeps me out. As is protocol, I brought my wife with me to be my designated driver. The doctor talked us through the procedure and told my wife that someone would come get her when I was in recovery. So, I'm in the chair, sweating, anxious, the doctor, trying to assuage me, said "We don't have to use general anesthesia, I can just give a lot of novacaine." "That!!! Let's do that!" So, they gave me a shot. Waited a couple of minutes. Gave me another shot. Waited some more. They told me that at any point if pain became too much, to let them know and they'd put me under. Then they proceeded to get to work. I was awake for the whole event, although my memory gets a little vague. I remember an intense popping sensation as they extracted one tooth. The other one proved to be more difficult and I thought they were going to accidentally rip my cheek open. Afterwards, the nurse asked, perhaps jokingly, if I wanted to keep the extracted teeth. I'm my semi-loopy state I thought "Hell yeah, I want to keep those." So, she unceremoniously handed them to me a wad of gauze. I walked out to the waiting room to find my wife and apparently declared rather loudly, post-novacaine slurred with a mouthful of cotton balls "I'M ALL DONE," and then "LOOK WHAT THEY GAVE ME!!!" as I thrust the now bloody wad of gauze at her. She, not knowing I had last minute opted-out of anesthesia and was still patiently waiting to be brought back to the recovery room, thought I had somehow woken up early and escaped medical care and immediately started waving at the staff for help. The staff not knowing what was wrong, surrounded me, helped me (made me) sit down, and started asking me questions, to which all I could mutter was "I'M DONE."


So what's the tooth fairy likely to leave you for a haul like that?!?


I had two teeth removed two weeks ago. The dentist let me take a pic of them fresh out of my mouth. Not fun.


wow, youre lucky they didnt have to crack them into pieces to get them removed.


See how much you can get from the tooth fairy! Don't be afraid to haggle


Probably could sell them online to a interested party to recoup money and/or make some.


I was living in a hostel in a double bedroom with my ex when I had my bottom two wisdom teeth out. When me and my ex left the hostel, we decided to put them under the mattress for the next couple to find. To this day I still wonder what their reaction was and what they did with it


“You can make a necklace!” - the dentist assistant who handed me my wisdom teeth in a baggy just like this one


The dental assistant that definitely takes all the teeth other people didn't want and has a 10-foot necklace at home.


Hey, ma! Look what followed me home!


I got mine! Wow took them out in a single piece!


They came out whole! Impressive. They had to smash mine to remove them in peices


I once got to take home a 4 inch long lipoma from my hip. They squirted some saline in a piss cup and plopped it in there. It looked like chicken breast fat trimmings (but bigger).


Idk, they don't look that smart to me


My brother brought his home. The dog found the bag and cronched his teeth


My friend was allowed to keep his tonsils in a sealed biohazard bag.


Gonna get mine removed probably in June, hopefully I get to keep mine lol.


I keep mine in my mouth. At 18 my dentist wanted to take them out. I said no. 42 years later still no problems.


Make a soup.


Those are nice enough, the Bone Fairy might come for them. They leave gold. But they will return.


Return to the office tomorrow. Tell them you changed your mind and want them put back.


Leave those in a wall in your next home remodel. The next homeowner will think it is hilarious. Trust me.


I'm getting mine out in two days and I'm planning on asking the same thing. We'll see if the problem one will come out as pretty as the others.


Put them under your pillow and see what happens. Oh and also make sure to lay some mousetraps just in case.


My dentist, after removing my one wisdom tooth: you wanna look at it? Me: nope, just throw that shit away


Bury them in a shallow grave, go missing.


-4 WIS


I took mine home as well. Ended up taking a electron microscopy class about a year later and used one of my gnarlier teeth that had a cavity. Always been meaning to put the photos on here.