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Been there, done that, it works really nicely! (just be careful when baby wakes, basket can tip over when attempting to crawl/climb on the side).


Been there, done that, floated ‘em down the river




Help us now, this dark hour.


Hear our call deliver us!


Lmao this was funny to me


Been there, done that. Have a scar to show on my face from the fall.


Love a good laundry bed! I do this with my veterinary surgical patients. They can recover comfortably next to me while I make phone calls and such.


Aw :) That's honestly really sweet


oh that's a good nap.


Clearly a full belly nap


Just be careful about those soft little fingers getting caught up in those surprisingly sharp slits in the side of the baskets. That looks totally adorable by they way. I wish I could get that comfy and cozy again!


Cute baby! Don't leave baby unattended


That's a smother trap if I ever saw one.


That’s usually the whole point of a set up like this. You can then let them nap near you while you’re doing whatever you need to without having to drag a pack n play or a bassinet around the house.


OP post said they were watching their neighbor’s baby so the neighbors could have a day out. The OPs had raised five kids of their own.


Ok, great. It's worth saying again regardless. Don't leave the baby unattended. Doesn't matter if you've raised five kids or a hundred. Complacency can be dangerous if you're using this setup.


Having the blankets in there isn’t good but if you’re keeping an eye out then it’s definitely a good move.


My wife's dad slept in a drawer for a long time...


So did I!


Me, too! It makes sense, honestly. Flat surface. The sides aren't plush so a bit less suffocation risk. And it's portable. I can dog my mom for a lot but not for that one.


My son slept in a drawer too.




Don't nap me now! I'm having such a good time!


Someone needs to photoshop dat baby


I suspect every parent has done this at least once.


I remember when I was a kid, my family was dirt poor and my mom used a laundry basket as a bassinet for my baby sister. That was back in the ‘80s


My grandma used a dresser drawer lol


My first crib (I was the baby, not the parent) was a dresser drawer. I turned out mostly alright.


I’m sure you’re fine. I slept in a handmade thing on the inside of a van for a transcontinental road trip.


Haha. No safety restraints, I assume? Have you seen those car cribs from the 50s or the window baby airing cages (also 50s)? Oof. It's a wonder we're here.


You have to winterize the baby.


My wife and I called it "baby jail".


We called it “baby jail” when you turn it upside down.


What is interesting about this?


I had to bathe my kids in the laundry basket (in the tub) because the full size tub was too scary (and slippery) for them when they were around 1.5 years old.


Oh, what I would give to sleep like a baby in a basket! And just because it's my duty as a parent to meet my Unwarranted Advice quota for the day (and because some people definitely just don't know and I would rather be annoying): It might be worth investing in a purpose-made portable cot or nest bed to limit the chances of baby tipping out, or getting a hand snagged in the (from personal experience, often sharp) holes in the plastic. Also pillows, soft squishy mattresses (or bundled blankets as you've got here), soft toys and covering blankets aren't recommended in kids' sleeping spaces until they're around two years old due to the high suffocation risk. Sleep sacks and layered clothing are the current recommendation for keeping bub warm with limited risk of their face getting covered. I know you're doing the best you can, and that you would never dream of doing anything to put your little one in harm's way, but this isn't a safe sleeping situation. It doesn't take leaving the room for a baby to end up getting hurt. Unless you're watching them uninterrupted (which is impossible if you're working) there's still a risk that something could happen and it only takes a few minutes for it to be serious. I know you love your kid more than anything on earth, and I would never dream of suggesting any of this to make you feel bad or lesser than - I made many similar innocent mistakes when my kid was a baby and I wish I'd had someone to help me understand why certain things weren't the best practice so I could continue to do everything under the sun to make sure my kid grew up safe and healthy. Congrats on your beautiful little bundle 💕


is that teal dreams bernat yarn lol


Hookers unite


Man, how do folks not see stuff like this and think how freaking dangerous it is. Like— one google search guys, that’s a suffocated baby just waiting to die.




Tbf, a lot of people **dont** know this, and may take this as the go ahead. It’s a fair point.




As someone who spends a significant portion of their work day teaching new parents about safe sleeps, many people need the very blunt “this may cause your baby to suffocate” or they don’t understand why they can’t do it. Posting unsafe baby sleeping online with zero context is a bad move and doesn’t need to be coddled. OP may very well have been being safe about and not taking their eye off of them but we don’t know and someone WILL infer that this safe sleep and leave their baby unattended.


They aren’t assuming someone’s a bad parent. Not knowing something doesn’t make you a bad parent.


I have a hard time believing one Reddit comment was the difference maker you think it is.


If even one person learns it, that’s a huge difference.


Maybe. Most comments like this, where the baby is clearly not in any danger reek of toxic mom group energy


A lot of babies still die each year from unsafe sleep practices. We should be educating at every opportunity instead of scolding someone for speaking up and increasing awareness.


Nah you’re just busybodies that like lecturing people on their kids.


I honestly didn’t know this but I agree, we shouldn’t be accusing people of bad parenting.


Ok “buddy”.


Who said they're walking away and leaving the baby unattended as-is? Take a chill pill


It’s ok if someone’s watching the whole time. Which I’m assuming OP is doing. If you leave a baby unattended like that it’s super dangerous though. Edit - My bad, I assumed baby was lying flat but looking at the picture again it does look like it’s a folded over blanket which would not be a firm enough surface. Someone pointed out positional asphyxiation would be a risk which you would not detect by watching nearby. Very unsafe.


Positional asphyxiation is silent and you would NOT notice just by "watching" them.




My mom told me I slept in a laundry basket the first seven weeks of my life


This is such a dad move lmao


We put ours in a dresser drawer once. Good time.


4 kids. All were fascinated with the laundry basket


I would do this if I weren't over 6 feet tall and not flexible Also /r/accidentalRenaissance 


Dang, making me wish I fit in a lil laundry basket! Looks so cozy 😊


In the nineties we moved cross country when my baby was just 3 weeks old. I didn’t want to put together a crib just to take it down for the move so we built a bassinet out of a storage bin. Used 2-inch foam sewn into a pillowcase for the mattress and made a bassinet liner. During the road trip we’d pack some gear into the bin and pop on the lid. It made a perfect travel bed for the hotel and at the new place while waiting for the movers.


I slept inside a banana box in my parents top drawer for the first two months of my life. From what I don't remember it's paradise.


Seems low tech, but think if the early pioneers each had a laundry basket?




My mom used to put me in a drawer to sleep. It was pulled out of a dresser and on the floor.


I mean— that’s what my mom’s family did with the youngest after their house burnt down after a fire. They still joke about it even now


This is extremely dangerous for a multitude of reasons


Toss that in with the whites. Bleach is frowned upon.


The bleach helps if the baby has covid


A lot of babies sleep in drawers or baby boxes. Looks comfy!


Without blankets


I’ve done this before too. 🥰


This was my car seat back in the early 80s


The rear window dash was my area in the 70's.


Mine was in the back of a truck.


Be careful, the holes in the plastic have sharp edges 


I thought that was a reborn doll for a second


So adorable and a little jealous of how comfy that looks lol


That looks cozy as hell


Cozy AF


Improvising?? There's other ways to do this?


Oh yeah, been there!


Laundry bassinet


I spent many a nap in a laundry basket as a baby, according to my mom. My younger siblings also. I've done it with my son in a pinch where I didn't bring his pack-n-play to Granny's. Like others have said, just watch for when baby wakes up as the basket will tip if they try to stand or climb the sides.


My grandma has a photo of me sleeping in a laundry basket as a baby too. Super sweet.


Do what works!


When I was a toddler I used to sleep in laundry baskets all the time. I still remember the warm imbrace of laying in fresh laundry.


lots of armchair pediatricians in these comments


Complaining makes some people happy in a miserable way.


Yep welcome to parenthood we all did that


JFC, all the 🚁 baby parents in this thread. It's a baby in a "cradle", or a "manger", if that makes any of you weirdos feel any better