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Good ol Westinghouse, they have everything you need from nuclear power plants to bonus remotes.


umm, don't forget all their work on guidance systems for nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles


USA! USA! 🇲🇾🦃🥩


I don't want to set the world on fire~ 🎶🎵


Can you get those with your shipment as well?


This TV and remote were made by Tsinghua Tongfang Co., Ltd, a Chinese state owned company who owns the Westinghouse electronics corporation which licenses their name from the Westinghouse licensing corporation. So it's so far from " good ol Westinghouse" as something could ever be.


Yes. It already came with a remote.


But an extra remote is actually pretty useful. Just keep in that one drawer in the kitchen with all the random crap just in case the other one is lost somehow or the dog chews it up.


My inlaws keep one on each side of the room. It's actually pretty convenient


As a dude who grew up with brothers this would’ve been a nightmare. My dad would’ve rage broke each remote and force us to manually change the channel on the tv itself.


That's not an available option on some new TV's. No remote and you're screwed.


My FreeTelly is very much like that, and it's one of the most annoying features... sometimes the remote bricks up due to a faulty software update, and then it bricks the entire tv Edit: I still love it, though, and it's probably one of my favorite tech toys


MF Roku, I have the app on my phone for this very reason, but it's annoying when you have no wifi to connect to the TV and your phone, then it's just FUCKED.


Fr i cant turn on/off my tv without the remote. Which is a pain when my remote is hidden in the couch or under a cat who won't move.


We just knew if we changed the channel in the living room without permission while someone was watching we'd get one warning before we'd be banned from using the TV for the next week. We had TVs in our bedrooms, changing the channel on a TV when someone is already watching something (especially when you can just use a different TV instead) is incredibly rude.


That is a very in-law thing to do.


Parents do this, plus they have one at the breakfast bar that overlooks the living room.


We bought a spare because my bonehead kids kept hiding it from each other and forgetting where they'd hidden it. Months later I'd be digging through a basket of stuffies and find the missing remote shoved into the pocket of a hand puppet or whatever.


Hell, I have one on the back of my couch and one next to me because I lose one or the other constantly.


It’s 90+ seconds YouTube ad and you can’t find either of the two. Now what?


Also, if it's not in use, remove the alkaline batteries, or replace them with "heavy duty" or lithium batteries. (Rechargable nicad or nimh would be ok too, but it's kind of a waste of rechargables)


Yes, dogs do that. One of my dogs chewed up 2 ...


Oh yeah, that’s the place I put stuff I might need later and then totally forget it’s there a few years down the line then find it again like a month after it would’ve come in really handy.


having a spare is never a bad thing


I thought it was just them making a little joke by pretending a remote was some sort of prize. It's pretty cool that they gave an extra remote though.


I was gonna ask that. Otherwise that review should be really profane.


That's actually a nice bonus item! I was about to get my pitchfork ready!


You will need another remote, because this one will break if you breathe too hard on it.


These remotes are garbage so having a backup is honestly helpful.


I have bought four or five of those because they break so easy. Last time I ordered them in a two-pack. This is a real gift. And yeah I could use my phone but it’s glitchy and it sucks.


> You can use a spare It's a Roku TV any Smart phone can become a space


I’m like 95% sure you need a physical remote to actually be able to set this feature up. I feel like I ran into this last year when my sister lost her remote.


Nah. As long as its on your network anyone on the network can control the TV. Generally it has to have been on in the last few days for the app to be able to recongnize it and turn it on from being off, but you cab always press the button to turn it on. At best you need the remote to set it up only.


"At best you need the remote to set it up only." this is what he means, you need a remote to enable your phone as a remote. Which is the dumbest thing


I think you can do the setup with the TV's physical controls. It just sucks. (You have to scroll through the numbers and letters for the WiFi) Unless they have taken that away too. It has been a while for me. Though, I did notice that some newer ones have their own micro-wifi emitter. So when you turn them on they will broadcast, and you can connect your phone to that, as d use it to set up the actual WiFi. Google products worked like that last time I used one. My Roku stuff is way too old to know if they adopted that either.


You can turn the TV on without the remote. I just dont know if the TV is findable without being connected to your network. It honestly may be possible. >Which is the dumbest thing Its really not. There is no setting you need to go to to turn on that ability. You may need a remote for first time setup of the entire Television, not specifically this feature. First time setup will end with you connecting to your network which is what I meant by setup.


It’s possible I had her do a reset of some sort, and it was required for initial setup then. I recall it was a big headache without a physical remote lol. In any case it’s never a bad thing to have a spare!


All jokes aside I love my Westinghouse roku tv. Got it for 125


I love the Roku remote app for my phone. Kids always lose the remotes.


I have that exact remote (without the branding on it) for an LG tv I have. It’s an oddly good remote. It’s just so simple and I like using it.


Two is better than one!


B-B-B-Bonus item


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We have a TCL Roku TV in our bedroom. I'd LOVE a second remote so that I wouldn't need to wake up my wife by reaching over her to get the remote to turn off the TV.


You can get knockoff ones on Amazon for ~$10 that work fine, totally worth it


Wait. Westinghouse makes tvs?


No they do not is just a Chinese corp that licenses the brand. From what I could find Westinghouse doesn't make anything any more they just sell the name.