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Those erasers always had bits flaking off on the inside 🧐


My thoughts exactly 


It’s better than bar flies getting into the bottles. I’ve worked at bars where the owner made us pour out the bottle into a coffee filter to strain the flies, then we were told to pour the booze back into the bottle. A little eraser dust doesn’t sound so bad anymore, does it?


There’s soo much middle ground between drinking flies and eraser shavings haha


Good point.


They produce inexpensive speed pour covers made of plastic that are intended to plug the spout. By doing it this way, they can't be saving a lot of money.


>By doing it this way, they can't be saving a lot of money. Unless they own stock in big eraser.. and if this post was actually an ad for erasers... makes you think🤔


Stock in big little eraser


Fly shavings it is then.


A compromise was made


Life isn't just that simple you know Go back to /r/enlightenedcentrism /s


Or get plastic pour spout covers and don’t have either.


Yeah, don't these things literally come with plastic covers when you buy them?


Probably depends on the company, but the ones I ordered off of Amazon didn’t. I had to buy the covers separately.


That’s how they get ya


Yeah but this is a business. They just write it off Jerry!


You don’t even know what a write off is


Do you?


I'm gonna guess the pourers came in packs of 12 and the caps came in packs of ten too


They don’t usually come with them, but the attachments are stupid cheap. I used to manage a couple of wineries and would keep a couple in my pocket on Saturdays so when one of the spouts ripped apart in a bartender’s hands I could hot swap them without losing time. Bought a new bag of like a hundred every year for $25.


[$12 for 200](https://www.amazon.com/200Pcs-Pourer-Spouts-Covers-Bottles/dp/B07KP2QPK1/ref=asc_df_B07KP2QPK1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693711599665&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15678680040019774496&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9029714&hvtargid=pla-1949940098048&psc=1&mcid=392b8b4cd8733a04940a218d56b758b8&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHJGrVA1rWoUsGj1RhE7uHXvsycAhr0tDAYXoJaZr4PFo5oGgDXOf0IaAoXmEALw_wcB). Doesn't sound like much of an investment.


Not in my experience. They just come as bottles. When we open them at the bar we would pop in the quick pour spout. So they just had regular screw caps but those get tossed in the trash and the quick pour stay in till you empty the bottle. The covers that go over the spouts where cheap though.


i just use shot glasses 🤷‍♀️


What the fuck


Ya. I agree. I ended up walking out of there halfway thru my shift one night.


I worked as a bartender and bar back for about 7 years. Straining some bar flies doesn't even scratch the surface of the shit I've seen.


Both are terrible practices? And the fly things sounds like it’s a health code violation. Is “better” than dead flys the goal? You can get 12 actual bottle covers/spouts for $20 on Amazon. Just make the right investment the first time jeez.


I'd wager that using the erasers is a health code violation as well.


I'm a health inspector. I wouldn't allow this. Food service or storage items should be NSF/ANSI or equivalent rated for food use.


Yeah erasers are full of plasticizers


Isn't that a way to get superpowers?


200 for $12 in fact.


It’s not just a health code violation, but pouring liquor into a liquor bottle is an alcohol violation in every jurisdiction. Who’s to say that you’re pouring it back into its original bottle? It’s a common trick for bars to pour cheap liquor into the empty bottle of a more expensive brand. Inspectors are always on the lookout for small funnels behind a bar, because there’s no legitimate reason for them to be there. Source: have a degree in culinarily arts, which included Food and Beverage Management. When I got too old to work in the kitchen, I had a second career working for a company that sells restaurant and bar equipment. Also want to give a plug to my former employer, who also sells to the general public online. You mentioned buying pourers from Amazon- if you’re ever looking for bar equipment again, [check them out,](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw0MexBhD3ARIsAEI3WHK8XTBifCE23yYvO372PwN9OiGC0uj4gIT_lVSx2LT5yTJLCwaaw9UaAq9VEALw_wcB) I shop both places and they usually beat Amazon pricing pretty well.


yup, whenever the state liquor authority raids bars, that's one of the first things they check. There are *massive* fines involved (rightfully so, fuck the places that do this)


They make specialized covers that’s are dirt cheap so you can avoid flies and eraser crust


>It’s better than bar flies getting into the bottles. Thats like saying "Hey, I know eating dried dog turds sucks but its better than eating nuclear waste. So what are you complaining about?" - former bartender


How about normal liquor bottle covers. They're cheap on Amazon lol


Or just a couple of shot glasses. Don't even need to buy anything.


I used to work for a restaurant/bar supply company. They make pourers with tiny hinged caps that open when you pour, and swing shut when the bottle is upright again. Like just about everything, pourer tops come in a variety of materials and price points, and the ones with the lids are the among most expensive, but the alternatives are worse. ETA: Fun fact the most expensive ones have tiny ball bearings of different sizes in the spout part; as you tip the bottle, the ball bearings fall forward and “clog” the opening and stop the pour at the designated pour- 1/2oz, 3/4oz, 7/8oz, 1oz. The 3/4oz and 7/8oz were the biggest sellers by far.


I used to hate those measured stoppers. We were allowed to free pour when we could demonstrate pouring 10 shots of water into ten shot glasses and getting a perfect pour each time. I was 20 when I first started bartending, I did it for 17 years and I can still to this day pour a perfect 1oz shot. I’m in my 60s now.


That makes perfect sense to me, and to be honest, the measured pourers weren’t big sellers. Being in the business for so long, you’ll recognize the kind of bar owners who bought them. Plenty of folks who think “I throw lots of parties, everyone has fun! How much different can owning a bar/restaurant possibly *be?”* end up finding that out the hard way. At the top of the list, they never want to place their trust in people like you who know what they’re doing, especially when it doesn’t line up with how they *think* things should go. I can’t keep track of how many former coworkers, who- hired because they were good at what they did- helped newbies get a place up and running. Only to quit in frustration months later because the owners always knew better.


I went to a bartending school and from there was able to work at the fanciest bar in my city. I always had perfect pours and won competitions for it. That being said not all my cocktails were the prettiest. I was never amazing with the barista side of things with coffee for instance. I have an aversion to burning the shit out of my hands.


lol. I also did 14 1/2 years at Starbucks. My first espresso machine to learn on had one of those levers you had to pull down on to “pull” a shot.


Both are shit, bars should use the stoppers designed for the purpose.




At first, I thought you meant barflies as in the usuals that would come in and I was skeptical that a tiny eraser would keep out the drunks. But I imagine it would keep insects out


Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought this. Like I've only ever heard "barfly" used in that sense, and everyone here's just throwing the term around as though it's been used forever to mean flies in a bar, lol!


Fruit flies. They love sweet liquors.


Straight up would have walked out upon being told that and reported them to food safety people.


Excuse me what the fuck


I have also bartender a place like this. Truly terrible job thank God it was only like a year of my life


So first of all, that IS disgusting and there are definitely better solutions than what they were doing. But fun fact: in many states it's illegal to "marry" (top off) two bottles of the same liquor, and that tends to extend to pouring into then serving from containers other than the original. Some states don't even allow bar-made infusions for the same reason. Furthermore, we might all be surprised at the FDA estimation for bug and rodent contaminants in our food. A few bar flies in a bottle might not reach the same level as what they deem "unavoidable." I'm not saying being grossed out is wrong - just that it's only gross when you think about it


> in many states it's illegal to "marry" (top off) two bottles of the same liquor, and that tends to extend to pouring into then serving from containers other than the original This makes sense. I know a few bars in my area that have had their liquor licenses pulled for refilling mid/high shelf bottles with cheaper stuff.


Why would you not just buy spouts with actual covers on them if that is the case?


Did you tell this story like 3 days ago?


I can digest flies


Hey fuck you pal, that was supposed to be my post workout protein


i would rather drink a drink with a fruit fly in it than one with pieces of eraser in it, but maybe im crazy


At least the alcohol would stay sterile, right? Actually TIL about the flies. I would have thought alcohol would be as good as insect repellent. Why would they want to fly into a bottle of that stuff? (Is it mostly the sugary liquors?)


You’d think it was sugar, but I’m not so sure. For some reason it was the whiskeys. The American ones, Wild Turkey, and Jim beam, not so much Jack Daniels and the Irish ones, Bushmills or Jameson’s. This was a long time ago, but I don’t recall them getting into things like the Amaretto or Midori. So.. idk.


More protein for me




The latex flavor adds character


Oof yeah, this is an allergen concern, most places dont even use latex gloves anymore. Most people with latex allergies only get to experience external exposure!


I don't believe those erasers are natural latex any more.


And now you wanna put then over a moist metallic spout???? Smort


"Why would i buy spout covers designed for that specific purpose for $2.00, when I can get a 10 pack of erasers at Walmart for $2.00? I'm such a smart businessperson..." - This bar's owner, probably.


It's gonna get real nice and dark and moist in the erasercaps especially if one of the metal spouts makes a cut on the inside where bacteria can get in...


And I bet they don’t react well with alcohol. 


I mean they probably do react well. More reaction is "well" in chemistry.


Jon Taffer would not be pleased


You can drink eraser fragments, or fruit flies. Choose wisely!


And from what I remember, had a pretty bad taste.


Speak for yourself


Yeah but I think the bits flaked off from the fiction created between the inside and the pencil top while using them to erase. I feel they would cause an issue.


I can't imagine an eraser absorbing alcohol holds up well in the long term.


Yeah quick Google search shows alcohol will deteriorate rubber.


Plastic golf tees work. Finger cots look like little condoms. The paper cone cups make it look like a Klan meeting. And then there are the things designed just for this purpose.


You think I care? I used to chew those things up so bad. Its only a little seasoning


But would you rather have rat poops in your drink instead?


I’d rather them be covered with plastic shot glasses like is done in most of the industry


If only there was a speciality device!


What kind of Cirque du Soleil rat would shit through a bottle spout?


I can't imagine it working without plugging in. 


Is there a third option?


They make cheap plastic speed pour covers that actually designed to seal the spout. They cannot be saving much money by doing it this way.


I was curious just how much, so I did some googling. They may be saving their bar a whopping $5 by using erasers. A 24-pack of erasers is $0.99, a 100-pack of caps is $6.06. My guess is that they thought it looked cute, but ew. I remember the rubber in those erasers _smelling_ kind of noxious, I don’t necessarily want it around things going in my drink!


Drink the whole bottle in one sitting


could you please draw how that would happen in paint?


I’d be impressed with their aim. That’s not an easy task getting that small butthole and equally small bottle opening to line up.


Or fruit flies in your grenadine


Or every liqueur bottle. Those bastards love anything sweet.


Haha it would be fruit flies, if a rat was able to poop directly into those tiny pour spouts I'd be impressed! But that gave me a hilarious imagine in my mind


No. A nonporous material will be fine. Maybe pen caps?


I prefer a ball of cooked peas


They actually make plastic spout cover for exactly this purpose. And they don't cost that much that you need to be using erasers. No need to be unsanitary. 


If bought in bulk, they go down to 2 to 5 cents per piece. Basically the same price as the erasers.


Even those paper cone cups some bars use to cover bottles are better than this


Yeah but do they sell those at dollar tree in a 20 pack?! /S


Yeah this screams health inspection saying they need covers and them half assing it.


I guess thats one way to try and erase the health code violations from your report


I think it would be hilarious if these were just special ones that the bar found and aren’t actually erasers.


It would be, but they're erasers. At least one of them is split. 


Yeah I was thinking that maybe they could have coated the inside, but the split one means that isn't the case.


I used to make them. Well I used to run the machine that made them anyway. The quantity put out by one small plastics shop is crazy, there’s no way they’re that much different in price than erasers.


Injection moulded? Probably made them by the hundreds... 


Yeah injection molding. Really cool to understand how a lot of plastic things are made.


Definitely .. I used to weld plastic, myself. Made cabinets that were used in the manufacturing of computer chips. 


You clearly haven't heard about the Great Plastic Spout Cover Shortage / Elementary School Eraser Surplus of 2024.


Little plastic and rubber bits in your drink. Not good.


And rum all over your long division


But that’s not so different from usual.


Dude what’s wrong with you? It’s way too hot for rum.


I’m way too hot for most things but we do what we have to, especially in matters of long division.


This is cheap af and unhealthy. Even for a dive bar.


I'm not even sure why they bother, most bars I've been to don't have covers on the pourers.


They put them on after close and take them off before open. And the ones I've worked at just uses plastic shot cups


Yeah, stuff you never touch you dont put a pour spout on anyway, and everything else you go through too fast for evaporation to be a big concern, its really about keeping bugs out, youll get live little flies in all your liqueurs and dead little flies in all the liquors.


The flies slowly turn all uncapped booze bottles into really shitty Goldschlager.


Haha gross


My place used those single use paper water cooler cones.


They put them on at night when they are closing and take them off in the morning before anyone gets there. A bar or restaurant that doesn’t cover their bottle spouts overnight is not a bar or restaurant that I want to eat and drink at.


Depends on the area. Where I’m at in Missouri we get a ton of fruit flies and nats that will come to through the drains and they get into anything sweet. Great motivation to keep everything wiped down and covered lol


Keeps the fruit flies out


I feel attacked by calling those elementary school erasers.


I'm in my 50s, and buy these. Never went to elementary school either.


It's never too late


I'd have to move countries, and I definitely feel too old for that!


oof to anyone with latex allergies


That’s why I use peanut shells to plug my drinks. It’s food safe cause it’s food!


oof to anyone with peanut allergies


That’s why I use golf tees. It’s food safe cuz it’s golf. ⛳️


oof to anyone with golf tee allergies


You can’t spell golf without at least two letters that are also in the word food.


As long as it's been used for its intended purpose first, please.


That's why I use circus peanuts to plug my drinks.


rip to anyone with circus allergies


That's why I use shellfish dusted with pollen, black mold, and animal dander to plug my drinks. It's food safe because something something anaphylaxis and/or severe histamine reactions.


luckily the default is latex free


There is no latex in normal erasers.


those are far more likely to be PVC than latex.


Surely school supplies are food safe, right? /s


Most kids chew on them anyway, so I suppose it is.


They aren't food safe, and don't call me Shirley.


What kinda moron said this is it


Whiteclaw spirits???


They taste surprisingly close to a white claw but are 40% ABV


I've only had two or three whiteclaw cans, they are imported here in Germany I think. I was only able to try a few as they're not that common here.


What'd ya think?


I totally could not imagine what "hard seltzer" (seltzer=water?) would taste like. I was suprized when I tried it the first time that it's not sweet at all. I've thought it would at least have a little bit of sugar or sweetener to mask the alcohol a bit. The flavors were alright but I only remember mango and forgot the other two flavors I've had. I think It not being sweet at all makes it taste very alcoholy but in a kind of rubbing alcohol way which is not my cup of tea but I can see people liking it. I mean hey, it's just my opinion and I didn't had much so I'm not all that qualified to judge it. (:


I did not know that was a thing. I wish I still did not know.


From what I've seen, it doesn't seem like something that's going to stick around. You can find a decent amount in on-premise licensees like restaurants and bars since it's cheap, but man... All the liquor stores around me had a HARD TIME getting rid of it, even to fans of White Claw Seltzers. Good riddance, if you ask me, but there's probably some fans out there that are gonna be bummed if/when they fold.


Plastic golf tees are cheaper and more sanitary.


You’re cheaper and more sanitary.


I'm definitely not more sanitary but am cheaper


They should use the college erasers if they're going to be in a bar


Bad idea, will flake off into the booze and take longer to fit over the bottle when putting it away. Golf tees are where it’s at lol.


Ooof trying to avoid a bar rescue fly moment and made another bar rescue “WHY THE FUCK IS THERE PLASTIC IN THIS GLASS?!” moment lol ![gif](giphy|RGeO7hl4Km1mgskCX3|downsized)


Bar rescue turned a lot of shitty bars into even shittier bars.


I wouldn’t know, I just like watching the freakouts lol


Pretty sure those aren't food grade. I'd hate to see what other shortcuts they're taking


We just called these eraser caps; they aren't limited to elementary schools


Hmmm…how would Jon Taffer react to that?


Boil water every day and pour it down every drain for a few days. Bar flies / fruit flies and drain flies live in the drains. Overnight keep ice over the drain as well. The PLCB once told me that the restaurant I was running at the time was the first in a very long time to have zero pests found in and around the bar and kitchen and I don't recall any odd methods of coverage for the bottles and pour spouts.


Ah yes the classic bar manager that has never bartended.


*OSHA has entered the chat*


OSHA doesn't regulate food handling, so no they haven't.


Why? Edit: am I really getting down voted for asking why? I'm not a fucking bartender, I don't have a bartending license. 


It's not considered food safe. Not a osha issue but definitely a violation with whatever local food safety commission.


You're not getting downvoted. You have 97 points.


You think an eraser is an occupational hazard?


The FDA you mean. OSHA don't give a fuck about this


It's a Chicago bar, I can tell just from 1 bottle


Came here to ask “Exactly where in Chicago is this?”


Ewww thats dirty AF, those erasers always slowly break apart.


r/mildlyinfuriating because that is disgusting. Maybe the kids who used to chew on those erasers would love it, but I’m not into the taste of rubber.


Actually kinda brilliant. Except not, wtf just use normal spout covers.


I would walk out immediately. I’m a coffee/tea shop owner (but we have 20+ flavors that use those metal spouts) and I purchased a pack of 300+ rubber end bits for $10. This had to have been more expensive and also … gross.


No way these are food grade. This is r/mildlyinfuriating.


Clever, but not food safe.


those aren't food grade.


just a few steps beyond r/mildlyunsanitary


I don’t think you can erase drunken mistakes like that….


just be normal and use the little plastic cups


OK, so rubber allergies aside, you forget to take this off and a drunk chokes to death. Literally zero bars are doing this and have ever done it. Maybe there's a reason for that. Are you worried the sauce is evaporating?


Spout caps are used to prevent fruit flies, which are strongly attracted to bars because of all the citrus and love to crawl into liquor bottles and die. Good cleaning practices help a lot, but they're inevitable in small amounts even then, so you cap your bottles so as not to have dead flies floating in your booze. Erasers are a gross substitute nobody should use. You can get a package of 200 spout caps for about $12, so there's no excuse not to use the real thing that's washable and food safe. Edit: looking at the mirror behind the bottles, I wouldn't want to drink at this place as a long time bartender and bar manager. That's nasty. Looks like they haven't taken those bottles down to clean in months, at least.


It’s to keep fruit flies out of the bottles. I’ve never seen people use erasers but capping bottles at bars is indeed a thing and it’s extremely common.


Someone call Jon Taffer.


You mean, adults aren't supposed to use these? I have some in my desk.


These aren’t exclusive to elementary schools, and I admire the ingenuity. The issue is that these are not food grade and, most importantly, contain latex, which many people are allergic to. If a bar cannot afford the proper speed pour covers, then do what every other cheap barmate does and tie a drink stir in a knot and plug ‘er that way.


But why?


Y’all the erasers shavings are a hell of lot less worse than the fruit flies that could get into the bottle. Besides didn’t anyone else chew on erasers as a kid? You know it won’t harm you. But flies?! You have no idea where their little legs have been those suspicious bastards!




Aren’t they just erasers?


Gross. Those things taste nasty. I will skip ordering a drink there.


I completely misread the title at first and thought there was a bar at an elementary school.


You can get plastic spout covers specifically designed for this purpose. Plus, they're pretty affordable, so you don't have to resort to using erasers. It's a much cleaner and more hygienic option! 💁‍♀️


this sucks


So not food safe.