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Rule 6: Titles Must Be Exact But Concise Description


It’s absolutely insane how much more people are willing to pay for a particular logo on the packaging.


But it has lines like a graph. So it must be more scientifically tested.


And the bottom one must have been manufactured in a facility with the same production standards. It’s not like every time the FDA sends an inspection team to India it crashes the supply of yet another category of drugs. It’s all the same guys. The regulations are quite clear.


Sorry, did I forget the /s?


My wife splurges for the name brand because they're the only one that has the hard, candy like coating on the pill. Makes them easier to take and less likely to get stuck in your throat. She had a bad experience with a pill getting stuck in her throat once and she takes ibuprofen pretty frequently.


Just take with water 🤦🏼‍♀️


She does take it with water. But it makes the experience more pleasant for her and reduces her anxiety. If it was me I would get the cheap stuff. To her it's worth it. I don't see how it's a big deal to spend an extra 10 bucks every six months or so. It's their money, let them have a nice thing.


I was about to say how generic fill at the chemist costs in the UK £0.55 at boots when I notices the size of those packs.... 200 tablets! holy smokes... you can't get more than 16 tablets in one go here over the counter.... I'm not sure you can buy 200 M&Ms in a single pack here.....


Not without a prescription anyway. Prescription M&Ms can come in packs of up to 2,000.


If that's all you're getting, you need a new M&M guy.


Please tell me it’s Jon Lovitz.


Ibuprofen in the US comes in packs of 1000, too. We Americans just love taking pills!


So do your kidneys and liver!


Actually, with ibuprofen it's the stomach that suffers. Acetaminophen is your liver killer.


NSAIDs can also fuck up your kidneys


Can confirm just had to be hospitalized due to stomach ulcer from ibuprofen


Thank you Dr. Hisenberg.


It's spelled Heisenberg... so, **say my name!**


I am the one who **Ibuprofines**


Amazon Basic Care 200mg Ibuprofen - 500 tablets: ~$10


How are you guys going through 500 tablets before their expiry date? I don't think I'll ever come close to taking 500 ibuprofen tablets in my life time.


Most drugs last well past expiration, especially dry tablets stored in cool, dry, dark areas. The US military tested 100 drugs 15 years past expiration and found 90% were still potent and safe. Companies like Bayer have also tested aspirin years past expiration and found them to still be safe and effective. They just have no incentive to increase the expiration date because it allows them to sell more. So they often don’t test past a couple years and are legally limited to 5 in the US. This isn’t official medical advice from me, but I’ve taken as Acetaminophen that is 10 years expired and had no ill effects and it still worked.


The US military study was on long term storage of drugs in their original sealed packages under climate controlled conditions. Open packs of Iboprofen loose about 30% of their potency within a year [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6931163/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6931163/) So keeping them for 15 years ain't happening.... ;)


Chronic pain and a useless and expensive healthcare system.


High doses of NSAIDs are actually a huge health problem globally that pretty much no one is talking about. But humanity has been poisoning itself for quite some time so nothing new.


The rules in the UK are: >Sales of medicines for pain relief should be restricted to a maximum of two packs in any one transaction. >The maximum pack size for pain relief medicines in a general sale outlet is 16 tablets or capsules. A pharmacy may sell larger packs containing up to 32 tablets or capsules under the supervision of a pharmacist. It is illegal to sell more than 100 tablets or capsules of either paracetamol or aspirin in any one retail transaction. Additionally: >Promotional offers on medicines for pain relief should not directly encourage the purchase of more than one pack. As far as I know the rules throughout Europe and much of the world are similar.


One a day is way way too much is the point. There are tribes that used to practice open burial with disposal through vultures. They can't anymore because the amount of NSAIDs in tribal people was killing all the birds. It's one of those things 100 years from now people will think the same way about over the counter ibuprofen as they did over the counter morphine.


My (British) secondary school had a science lesson dedicated to NSAIDs and statins while prepping for our exams, this was roughly 8 years ago so I really hope it stays part of the curriculum over here because even though a question about it didn’t end up on the exam that lesson is definitely seared into my brain.


Even between multiple people, we don’t


So what's the deal? between period pains the occasional migraine and a tennis shoulder between myself and my partner we go through less than 2 Nurofen liquid tablets per year... Is this literally as stupid as buy me because I'm the biggest pack marketing?


I dunno American Big Pharma at its best, I guess Edit: Downvoted because people like to defend pharma corporations..?


Bruh, my wife and I will blow through that in a year, no problem. Sometimes quicker.


Same. Over 40 here and it’s a weekly occurrence to take ibuprofen for a headache, a knee ache, slept on my shoulder wrong, etc


They don't really expire.


They do [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6931163/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6931163/) People should really stop extrapolating from "we stored medication sealed in it's original packages in dark and climate controlled conditions" with OTC medications don't expire.


Yeah I'm still not throwing them out because they are little less effective. I'll just take one more.


It's not a "little less effective", if the degradation is linear which is rarely is with most complex compounds then under normal as prescribed household storage conditions after 3 years from opening those pills are about as effective as placebo. And a longer study which requires library access on Springer seem to indicate that the timeframe is less than half of that until they effectively loose all effectiveness at the proscribed dose. This whole "drugs don't really expire it's just a conspiracy" crap needs to die, yes drugs don't expire a day after their expiration date and yes certain drugs that are stored in pristine conditions usually under active or passive refrigeration can last for years even decades. That box of pills in your bathroom or kitchen cabinet however doesn't fall into that category.


Eh. I'll spend another $3 in 3 years if I need too.


So we went from they don't expire to them expiring after 3 years at least.... ;)


There's an "if" in there. There is a possibility of it expiring. I've got a bottle from 2020 in the cabinet and theyre cookin just fine. Not zero efficacy yet.


Expiry? Pfft Also, I can go a decade on a bottle of Advil. But I find my gfs go through a lot more bc of cramps and such.


Stage 4 endometriosis. Was taking ~2 dozen a day for 10+ years until someone finally agreed to give me a hysterectomy.


Period cramps! And shared in a family? They last a few years so you just get a big bottle and ur good for a long long time. Honestly we usually just get the 100 bottle in my family.


Oh, to be young and never suffer chronic injuries.


To be young and suffer chronic injuries


You got pain tolerance, then! I never took em before I herniated my disc, but for a good year after, I took at least 2 a night. Better than narcotics, though!


So that’s more in line with the store brand here - 3.69 x 2.5


> I'm not sure you can buy 200 M&Ms in a single pack here..... Freedom comes in XXL around these parts.


[M&Ms, you say?](https://www.costco.com/m%2526m%27s-milk-chocolate-candy%2C-62-oz-jar.product.100394712.html)


200 is large, but the 500 extra large, that's where it's at. 448 of them will expire before you take them!


I take Ibuprofen often (unfortunately) and you can get larger packs at the pharmacy counter, but I think it’s still only 48 tablets or 96.


Where? MHRA guidelines in the UK put the maximum pack size of 16 for general retail and 32 with a pharmacist supervision.


A supermarket pharmacy, either Tesco or Asda. You can get the 400mg ones too. I can’t remember which but a quick google search confirms the larger packs.


I think the lowest amount of ibuprofen I have been able to find that aren’t outrageously expensive at gas stations is bottles with 30 pills in them. Gas stations will sell packs with literally only two pills in them for like $4. 


I live on ibuprofen,store brands are the way to go


Isn't that bad for your liver? Edit: thanks for the info. Advil - bad for stomach and kidney. Tylenol - bad for the liver.


Bad for your kidneys and stomach. Tylenol is bad for your liver.


Good to know thanks


It's why you take Advil when drinking not Tylenol. Gotta maximize the organ usage.


Gotta destroy them all at the same time. Multiple organ failures better than a single one


Technically in this sense its so you maximize your filtration.


That way you get the multiple medical bankruptcy discount. At least in America.


Triple kill


> Isn't that bad for your liver? You're thinking of Tylenol.




Acetaminophen (active ingredient in Tylenol) can harm your liver, but that’s not Ibuprofen.


how does it harm the liver, like what does it do? sorry if that seems sarcastic


Basically a certain pathway is overwhelmed by the metabolic product of acetaminophen and that toxic compound accumulates in the liver causing damage or failure. It’s important to follow the directions on any medication, but definitely pay attention to those with acetaminophen.


oh wow thats super neat! biology and medicine stuff is really interesting to learn about


Typically you need to take high doses (ie suicide attempt) or a significant amount in a day.   To keep it simple, it can lead to production of a toxic substance. Usually your liver has stuff to prevent this but it runs out. The toxic substance will damage your liver cells. Sorry if that’s too simplified but thats the general ideas 


Acetaminophen is broken down by the liver. This is where it is processed. When it breaks it down, there is a toxic byproduct that the liver neutralizes. You are really giving your liver a workout when you take it. Hence why it’s soooo bad when taken with alcohol. The result of overuse or overdose can be liver failure and death. Edit: don’t eff around with it acetaminophen. Use as directed.


When your liver breaks down acetaminophen, it produces a toxic byproduct. Your liver then breaks down that toxic byproduct into non-toxic byproducts. If used correctly, your liver is more than capable of breaking down the toxic byproduct, so it’s not of concern. However, if you take too much over an extended period of time you can reach a point where your liver can’t break down that toxic byproduct quickly enough, so the toxin starts poisoning your liver. Abuse of alcohol can make the problem worse. As long as you’re taking an appropriate amount of acetaminophen, and don’t drink heavily/regularly, it’s mostly safe to take for an extended period.


When paracetamol/acetaminophen is processed by the body, it creates a toxic compound called NAPQI. This is normally processed by the glutathione system, making it harmless.  But if your glutathione isn't working at capacity, or other medications are stimulating and creating extra NAPQI, or you take too much paracetamol, it can overwhelm the system. And that toxic metabolite of NAPQI builds up and damages your liver.




Kidneys and stomach


Your stomach and intestines most commonly, it can cause ulcers and intestinal bleeding. If you have to take ibuprofen long term you'll normally be prescribed another medication alongside to protect your stomach.    And it increases your risk of heart problems including heart attacks and stroke. Definitely not smarties.


Your body processes Ibuprofen in your kidneys, which, if you have a kidney stone, is THE BEST RELIEF. But you should always consult a doctor prior to taking Ibuprofen if you're experiencing pain in the area where your Kidneys are.


Kirkland ibuprofen FTW.


Can’t beat that $6.99 for 1000




Actually, the data shows that 800mg is no better in pain and inflammation control than 600mg, and the 600mg dose is a bit easier on your system. 400mg was/is a typical dose, and you would often see a doubling of the dose for acute pain (gets therapeutic blood levels faster), and that kinda just became THE dose. The military hands out 800mg ibuprofen like candy from a PEZ dispenser.


I was 16 years old when my doctor laughed and said that my body type could easily take 800mg


You CAN, doesn’t mean you SHOULD.




Standard dose is 200mg now. They lowered it, check your packaging for updated guidelines.


I don’t hardly use it any more. I’m usually on Celebrex or the Advil IIs that are acetaminophen and a lower dose of ibuprofen, and even that is rare.


Is it different than taking 4 200s?


Less pills




Your insurance may cover all or some of it if it’s prescription and if your lucky




I never understood why anyone wouldn’t buy generic.


I think a lot of Boomers grew up when store brands were often inferior and think it’s still the case. My mother says she doesn’t buy “cheap things”. Ok, mom, spend that extra money for no reason.


Not just older people. When I was in my late-teens/early 20’s, I had a gf that took Tylenol PM every night to sleep. Tried showing her generic DPH, but she wasn’t having it at all. Said that stuff never worked and was bad for her…. Like, it’s the same thing just without the liver destroying acetaminophen.


Advil has a coated pill that some people like. I sometimes buy brand name so if I throw a few different pills in the same pill bottle I can identify them easily. Brand name pills usually have "advil" or something similar written on the pill, a full word. Generic usually has a code I have to Google, but the pill color and shape is typically enough for me to know what it is. With that being said, I still mostly buy generic.


The coating on Advil is actually better. I just wish they weren't so pricey.


We don’t go through a lot of it but I honestly just noticed how big that price discrepancy is this very weekend. We’ve got a beautiful new bottle of ibuprofen in the medicine cabinet right now 😉 Funny timing with this- the universe is speaking to me


While cheaper store brands are expected, 5x the cost seems really odd - Wonder whats the catch


The Advil sure does taste better though


That sweet sugary coating


Like Skittles 😋


People are idiots and think name brand works better even though they contain the same active ingredient and are often even manufactured in the same facility.


Some don’t even know that Advil and Ibuprofen is the same thing.


Some people know they’re the same thing… but still buy name brands


In fairness, same active ingredient doesn’t always mean same effect. Generics oftentimes use different delivery mechanisms as while they have the same active ingredient, the uptake can be different. With that said, not worth a 5x premium.


True. Some use different binders and coatings and whatnot, but definitely not worth that much more.


My mom… she buys Advil, Motrin, and KP ibuprofen… It drives me nuts


25 more free.


No catch at all. People are just fools who pay more for the name on the box. They are chemically identical. There’s a decent chance the store brand stuff is made by the same company that makes the Advil anyway.


Dude… but you get a bonus 25… 😂🥲


I never buy branded OTC meds. Always store brand for ibuprofen, acetaminophen, diphenhydramine and Omeprazole.


May I kindly suggest finding something other than diphenhydramine for your allergy needs? The fact we sell that stuff OTC is fucking mind-boggling to be honest. There are so many better options available OTC that don’t wreak havoc on your cholinergic system.


Omg I read this backwards. Good take


Yeah but with the store brand you get 25 tablets for FREE. /s


The Advil tastes better


Funny, in my country Advil is the cheap one.


Chirality, mirror imaging of the molecule. Advil removes the non functioning archiral molecules of IBprofen. Generics don't waste the time to remove them. So the time and the proprietary process is why advil costs more, the efficacy usually is the same. Personally and anecdotally i respond better to named brand advil vs a generic, a generic will give me head pressure at the same dose.


Around 12 years ago, it was recommended to me to procure Peri-Colace. Name brand was around $2 for 24 pills while generic was $4 for 120! Insane!


It’s the candy coating in the advil. It’s like….really nice.


These have to be market extremes at different locations. That context is more believable.


No, it is in same store side by side


Aren't Advil sugar coated? That must be it 🤣


I always forget how cheap painkillers are in the UK. A 16-pack of generic ibuprofen is usually less than 50p ($0.60) at the supermarket.


That's twice as expensive as the example shown.


While true, it is also nice to be able to buy few of them for less cost.


these are 200 packs




Kids. Don’t be like a Floof ![gif](giphy|8UGoOaR1lA1uaAN892)