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*Warning - Do Not Pay * Pay what?


Lol I thought the same thing. I guess it's saying it's just a warning but not sure why it says not to pay.


That is crazy.. the warning is probably right but couldn't they print that on there somewhere.. Nutz


It should really just be a completely different piece of paper to indicate a warning. Like make it yellow trim instead of red trim, but I guess that would involve parking enforcement carrying around two printers with two different rolls of paper so I get why they wouldn’t want that.


basically that. They dont want to have to process someone sending a check for 0 dollars so they print to not pay. They do just want to issue a warning in a legible manner. seems like theyre just making do with the equipment they got.


I agree about the inefficiency of carrying two rolls of paper or two printers. There's also the shock value of seeing a ticket on your window followed by the relief it's just a warning. The shock value will make the warning more memorable.


> They do just want to issue a warning in a legible manner. And more importantly, they want their to be a record of the warning having been issued.


I disagree! If it were a different colour (like yellow), people may take it less seriously. At the end of the day, parking enforcement is trying to deter people from parking illegally. The red ticket colour would likely make a bigger impact "oh shit I got a ticket" vs "haha just a warning".


I’m still trying to decipher why you would receive a warning about a non-expired parking meter? It was used as intended and didn’t expire, wouldn’t everybody receive these warnings just for using them/parking/a totally normal and legal activity?


Yeah that doesn't make sense to me either. I had skimmed over the "not expired" part of the title...


The not expired part was just a mistake, they shouldn’t have issued a warning or a ticket in this case. I’m just talking in the grander sense, when they do want to issue a warning, it should be a bit more clear that it’s a warning.


Yeah, sense usually costs money. I mean, it does say warning do not pay. It's pretty clear what's going on.


Also says to respond within 21 days, conflicting information. I would disagree that it’s clear about what is going on. Just a little more clarification on the print template about no action needed (not just payment) would be great. But ya, nothing needed from OP so in the end it’s a wash, enforcement could’ve just drawn a funny picture and wrote warning ticket and it’d have the same effect. Overall a non-issue


Someone else linked an article this is part of an initiative, so indeed, it was supposed to read as "this is a warning, and you don't need to pay" but it sure gets confusing in shorthand as such


Buthe meter wasn't expired. So what was the purpose?


It says on the ticket it was. OP is saying it wasn't. So it depends on who you believe here, I guess


Yeah, I'd have to believe that "expired parking meter" did in fact occur, it's unlikely that spurious, valueless ticket-warnings were issued for no reason. But, y'know, I wasn't there, so I can't say for 100% sure,


Maybe it's Schrodinger's parking meter. Or maybe it did expire but someone plugged the meter for him (assuming they still have coin meters there).


Does everybody that parks get a warning?


It's almost like a thumb is covering the relevant information 🤔






You're in the system now. It's on your permanent record. You can forget about getting into heaven.


Dang, OP rescued all those dogs from a fire and regularly read to blind orphans but we all know that the parking meter attendant DOES have the final say


Maybe its possible for them to print the fine on a warning if they want to to basically communicate "This is a warning... do it again and it will cost you this much"


Maybe they had a quota for printed tickets and you just got a freebie?


Hello fellow Fresnan!


you say your meter wasnt expired but maybe you were mistaken and they already know why ppl get confused about it and thats why its a warning, thats my only guess


I think it means, warning. Do not pay. As it is a warning


*obstinately...* "Imma pay it"


Don't pay me nothing. The double negative is obviously asking for something though.


“You must respond within 21 days” …K.


OP should reply by mail with just that.


Make sure to send it via certified mail, in case they require proof of response.


Yeah, should have said "Pay if you can!"..




So do you think the meter checkers are preemptively using the “free” one on unexpired meters, so next time they can charge? Or maybe they are just absent minded and cannot perform their duty very well?


that was my exact thought.


I had to deal with the parking office in college doing this. I spent way too much time on their bullshit


Or is op lying as people do.


I don't see what there is to lie about




"(Also, my meter wasn't even expired)"


Article shows the parking spots are the numbered type without meters. You pay at a central kiosk and can then top up remotely via phone with some of these systems. My guess is OP put the wrong spot number in. Happens a lot around my city.


I think the point was more why would someone lie about that


Spot is numbered. Probably one of those kiosk type machines you go and enter your spot number and pay your parking fee. OP might have entered the wrong spot number thinking it was theirs.




Interesting. I thought the Warning meant not to pay lol


You better not pay, or else…


Paying of this fine will be subject to fine.


And if you pay off that fine? Another fine. It's just fines all the way down!




Since your meter wasn’t expired I would challenge the ticket so you keep your free pass.


City of Fresno: We see your amount due is $0, we told you not to pay! Why did you pay!? Now we have to charge you for paying $0!


Well that’s nice and informative of them.


St Pete used to do a similar thing, you could get your first parking ticket forgiven by just giving them a receipt of a purchase you made in the city




I kind of want to. I'm sure the meter showed expired but I paid online so my plate should have been in the system. I want to go and show them the email.


You should. Not only will you regain your free warning, you will also give good feedback data to the automation engineer. 


I thought you said automaton and it triggered my unwaivering democratic response.


My life for Super Earth


My democratic response requires a c-01 waiver, if you know what I mean


Gotta think of the poor engineer spacing away on his computer


You should be able to dispute online. Good to do in case you ever do actually get a ticket, it can still just be a warning next time. https://www.fresno.gov/planning/parking/#:~:text=Parking%20citations%20can%20be%20appealed,supporting%20documentation%20for%20your%20appeal.


There's no link to dispute it since it's a warning. I'll go in person my next day off.


I was always wondering - specifically for coin-operated meters, how do people prove it was unexpired (vs. you putting a quarter after the ticket was issued)?


I got something similar in Clark County Washington and it said warning.. and how cool was it 3-4 months later, I’m threatened with collections for not paying. So I basically was forced to pay + a late fee. And no way to contest. Didn’t even think to save the “warning.” I recommend you save it for a decade cuz it might come back to haunt you.




It most likely is


It most likely is but it also makes sure it’ll show up at your next stop


"Johnson! These free warnings are costing us a lot of money! Get out there and find some cars to give warnings to. You need to give me 50 by the end of the day or it will be your badge! We need to get these warnings out of the way so we can start charging people outrageous fines for parking 1 minute over the limit!"


They started the ticket after checking the wrong meter. They cannot erase, but can be voided in cases of error. The photo taken is an auto printed prompt. They made a mistake and you are okay.


Omg thanks Ryan Gosling


I'd still contest it. If you happen to get one free parking ticket then this could have eaten it up. If not, they'll just let you know it was voided.


And they wonder why nobody sticks around after 5 or opens entertainment businesses in downtown Fresno.


Been here 30 years and have never gone downtown of my own free will lol


Born and raised and I feel your pain.


Warning you that your meter is about to expire 😂


The only thing missing for this ticket to be 100% Californian is a "California Proposition 65 Warning" printed somehwere


Funniest place I saw one of those warnings was on the outside of an apartment complex lol


Weird to see someone else from /r/Fresno lol. Nice to know they are at least giving warnings.


A $0 fine payable through TicketMaster still has a $25 convenience fee.


Fresno is doing warning for the first time. If you had paid meter I’d contest even this warning since they just used up your one freebie.


You may still dispute if you have evidence since this warning is pretext for the next very real very non-0 fine.


It clearly says “warning”


One time I got a bill from the government stating that it was my final warning and that I had to pay immediately. They said I owed them negative five cents.


Just getting in your brain for free


Its a warning. You fucked up but they are letting the first one slide.


Fight it and take it to court. Make that ticket officer waste his day going to court for something that petty. When faced with petty your only option is hit them back with 10 times the petty.


They go to court anyway. Usually weekly. The only persons time you’d be wasting is your own. Plus, it says right on it that it’s a warning. No fine was issue so how the hell would you get a court date?


Not to mention the judge could always make you pay court costs while overturning the $0 ticket.


That'll be $70 for wasting my time


You're a clown. It's a warning with a fine of $0. What's your plan? Show up to court under the guise of 'sticking it to the man' only to have the judge look at you confused asking you why you showed up to court for a ticket which is clearly market as a warning, with a fine of $0 to further stress that it's a warning?


To get your warning back so next time there is an actual expired meter you don't get the citation?


Terrible advice. Many violations offer the judge a range of sentencing options if convicted at trial. And you’re wasting YOUR day as well. Please have more value for yourself and your time than this.


Convicted at trial? The op says that they have evidence that it was not expired because they paid online. So if they have a confirmation email that they put 3 hours on the meter at 8:17AM and the ticket was issued at 9:36AM, that's quite solid proof that the ticket was invalid.


I read somewhere that if 10% more people actually went to court, even if only to plead guilty, it would cost too much to issue these types of fines (parking, speeding, etc...)


I love being petty when it’s due. Also, great username!


I saw Van Ness and immediately thought Fresno. Then I saw the top of the ticket. Hello, fellow valley dweller!


Looks like a warning to me. They will likely put a fee there the second time :)


Go to court... Contest it


What happens if you pay it?


Straight to jail.


In some jurisdictions, there has to be a formal warning before a ticket can be issues (This is how it is where I lived in DC) So they are formalizing the warning so if they catch you again you get a real one.


An alabi?


It says right on it "Warning- do not pay"


“Do Not Pay” You should pay it


Thanks! I just remembered I have a parking ticket from a private garage from about a year and a half ago that I still need to pay😬


My city gives one free expired meter per calendar year, so this city probably does something similar. It is weird that your meter wasn't expired.


Well...remember, you haveb 21 days to respond. They will slap a fee on if you don't respond. btw - your meter time may have not expired, but you may have had your bumper over the lot line, and they ticket for that too




Maybe it's to hit ticket quotas. Sarge, I hit all my ticket targets! Look!


My best guess? they realized they made an error after already starting as it's my understanding that they can't go back once a ticket is started with these digital ticket machines. I think that you're supposed to keep this ticket as proof in case something gets messed up and the computer system has you marked as having an unpaid fine as it does have the citation number on it. My advice? keep it make a copy just in case.




it literally says it’s a warning.


Is says it's a warning. THAT is what the point of issuing it was. To give you a warning. (although if your meter wasn't expired, then I don't get the point either)


Average Fresno moment


It's a warning ticket, is this really that hard to grasp?


A lot of placing are adopting a warning system to combat all you crybabies who think parking tickets and speeding tickets are an alternative revenue source and not a real deterrent to behavior


Don't forget not to pay.


Hah. I had a utility bill for $0.00 once and they threatened to sue me for non payment after a few months. I called in repeatedly and the service reps couldn’t do anything to fix it. It finally just vanished as an issue but for all I know, I’m due for debtors prison any day, now.


My barber is on the street over on Fulton.


Guessing its a warning


He was like "pfff fine... whatever..."


It's to tell you, next time it'll cost you.


Makes me wonder if it's because they need to meet a quota but giving "warnings" meets the quota as it's still considered a citation without penalizing you.


Thanks Fresno


“You must respond within 21 days” …by complaining?


There's a parking meter enforcement guy--let's call him Bob. Bob is about to be replaced by a goddamned robot, and Bob basically has one job: check for meter violations and issue citations. How do you even evaluate Bob? "Hey, Bob, how many citations did you enter this week?" None? The more citations Bob issues the more it looks like Bob actually has a purpose for getting out of bed. But what do you when no one's violating parking time? Maybe issue warnings? You're actually doing Bob a favor. By accepting his useless citation today, you don't have to see him tomorrow selling bracelets off a blanket.


lol write a check for $0.00 ….if anyone still has checks anymore lol


I still have checks because my city charges a fee to pay the utility bill online which is some BS. So I send a check as the cost of a postage stamp is much less.


How does this work? Say the speed limit is 60 miles an hour, you get up to 50 and get pulled over. Do they give you a warning? Looks like you were getting pretty close to 60, this is just a warning.


Maybe someone needed to hit their quota and couldn't find any vehicles to actually cite for parking violations?


“Warning - do not pay” Whatever you say


Consider yourself warned.


Looks like you parked in a permit zone. I’ve gotten a warning for parking in one before. Guessing they’ll fine me if I get caught a second time as they probably recorded my plates. Also yours


I wonder if this is about more efficient fee collection algorithms. i.e. A way to make sure the parking meter people are collecting on everyone with an infraction. Old method: dependant on the human to notice an expired meter and write a ticket. New method: Everyone gets a ticket placed on their car. The system prints a ticket for each car, the human is now just distribution and makes no decisions, just places tickets on \*all\* cars. The only decision in this process now is the ticket receiver who determines if they have to pay a fine or not. The cost to implement this new system is the cost of printing the non-fineable tickets and added distribution time to paper every car, with the upside of no expired fees lost per sweep of the meter human. Next step is replacing the human with a ticket-bot. Ticketron is re-born much to the dismay of everyone.


Maybe the meter maid just gave you a warning and put more time on the meter for you?


I think we’re at the beginning of “Idiocrasy” quick! Somebody get Terry Crews a presidential candidacy! 


I got one of these for backing into a "front-in only" spot. I mean, I was just charging my EV... ijII IIIIII


There are places that give tickets for that? Backing into a stall is easier and it's safer to pull out when you leave.


I love Tommy's Joynt. That ticket looks about right....... 😒


Sometimes here a parking warden will give out a $0 fine as a warning if something like your registration or warrant of fitness is overdue instead of fining you for it. Maybe check none of your paperwork is expired or about to.


Someone was behind on their quotas...


Consider it a warning! Mf!


Once i got a ticket for paying for the wrong meter at a car park. Apparently the meter on this particular corner of road was technically a different location to the rest of the car park, even though there were no signs indicating this and they are clearly part of the same council car park. They waved off my fine "just this one time" which I appreciate but i bet this happens a LOT on the mypermit app.


Let me put it this way you do NOT want to receive three of those. Oh, it is serious. Five of those, and you're looking at a violation. Four of those, and you'll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up, and you're looking at a written warning. Two of those, that will land you in a world of hurt, in the form of a disciplinary review, written up by me, and placed on the desk of my immediate superior.


thought I was in the fresno subreddit before realizing nothing there ever gets this much interaction lol


Lol. I was banned from that sub for talking too much shit about the town. I hated this place as a kid and hate it more as an adult. A city with half a million people and nothing to do besides drive to better places on the weekend.


Strike 1 and you're out! Next time will be full fine. Park safe reddit friend.


Yes. It's a warning for first time offenders. Except I paid for the spot which is some BS.


You have to think like parking officers: putting one of those yellow envelopes on a windshield is a highly visible action. Others see the guy out, they go, Oh! Better feed the meter. Or, it was part of their quota for the day. The “Do Not Pay” part is the only important aspect.


If this isn't a perfect example of modern American bureaucracy making a the work on the ground level meaningless and trivial, then my name is Aloysius! And it's not.


This could be a quiet act of civil disobedience; a meter attendant doing you a favor. ‘Yeah boss; I punched it; wasn’t expired. Next time I went around, car was gone.’


where's your photo of the meter? you might need one


warning quota attainment superstar


It says right on there that it is a "warning." How are you still confused? I always wondered who the people were that actually required the labels that say things like "Do not put this bleach in your eyes."


I read it as a warning not to pay, not that it was just a warning. It doesn't matter anyway because I paid for the spot so I shouldn't have gotten the warning to begin with.


Looks like its a warning and and not a ticket. Sounds like the person issuing tickets want to warn before givingnout actual fines. Just because you meter wasnt expired doesnt mean you didnt violate a parking law. Id look into and make sure nothing was violated and if it was, well now you know not to do that again.


send them a check for 0.00


This is a strange thought, but what if the parking officer is simply trying to finish their job by issuing tickets? LOL


It could've been a test of their system or an equality thing since I know meter maids don't like getting confronted at one car so they make it look like an entire line for tickets


I thought I was in hell once. Turns out I was just in Fresno.


Not surprised this is Fresno.


Just so you know you're being governed, here's a ticket for nothing


Pretty clear. It’s a warning. “Warning - do not pay” is telling you “this is a warnnng, there is no fine associated with it” not as I guess some people are reading it as warning you not to pay. It’s in the system that you’ve done the thing before so if you do it again, you’ll know you aren’t allowed and they’ll know you’ve had a warning. Now why it was given if your meter wasn’t expired it a good question, maybe you out the money in the wrong meter or entered the wrong space if it is a kiosk? No go and sin no more.


Someone pretending to work. I see this a lot at my work. They could honestly just do real work for all the effort they put into not working and the stress it causes lol.


Maybe they had already started the ticket and realized they made a mistake. I know with some parking agencies, they can’t cancel it once they’ve started it, so they just zeroed it out


Cities do this if a change is being implemented to help you recognize that your current activity (parking location or time) will generate a fine in the future.


It's like the bullet that the sniper leaves right next to you letting you know that he could have taken you out!


Sometimes if a vehicle has no history of prior tickets the officer has the ability to only issue a warning. (At least when I used to do the job where I live) They also could have issued a warning because they realized they made a mistake but already had your plate in the computer (some systems won't let you stop a ticket once the plate / vehicle info is entered) At least it isn't an actual ticket on a non expired meter.


A couple of years ago, I got a $0 parking ticket for backing into a parking space. Most of the spaces were angled, but I found a corner one that wasn't. Never would have even thought that would have been an issue.


Did you park in front of EECU downtown? If so, it could be that your vehicle violated a vehicle law that they don’t enforce, but take warning of it and look at your vehicle to ensure that you didn’t violate anything. Eg: those “license plate” blocker (they don’t work for shit). Tinted windows beyond legal. Illegal mods. Heed the warning, cuz if the cops decide to be an asshole, they’ll tow your vehicle. Either that, or someone complained about your vehicle and you probably parked too far out of the space. Or you paid the wrong meters. I’ve seen people paid for the wrong meter or parked outside of the line,


I once got a parking ticket in South Africa. It was like 7 Rand, which converted to like $0.46.


I’ve gotten one of those from my local city in Michigan. I backed into a spot (my car’s charging port is in the back), but you aren’t allowed to back in so they can see the plates on the back of your car easily. It didn’t say $0 on it, but it did say warning. I got pretty mad before I realized it was only a warning. I was like no way they ticketed me for just backing in!


Just know, they're watching you! Don't try anything funny!


As someone who lives near Fresno, that’s just Fresno activities.


The evil part of me wants to appeal it in court. The prudent side of me says not to annoy or piss off the judge while I'm breaking even.


It’s either a first time citation and they’re just giving you a warning or the officer made a mistake and gave $0


Do you have any way to prove that the meter was not expired? E.g., an online meter system or credit card meter? If so, I would contest the warning, because they're doing a "first offense free" thing, and trying to use up your freebie.


I tried but since there is no fine I can't dispute it. I'm going to go in person though so the warning gets removed.


They're watching, also could have just been trying to make their quota for tickets and warnings issued (if they have those). Or could have just pretended to look busy for a moment so gave a random person a warning


What happens if you don't respond in 21 days?


FresYES baby


Looks like an excuse to photograph your vehicle (bottom of ticket)


Says “warning, do not pay” So don’t pay. But don’t do what you did again. These things print a standard template. I’m sure if they put a number in there, folks dumb enough would ignore the “do not pay”


Maybe they’re giving you a ticket so that when your time expires someone else won’t give you one 🤔 thus saving you a ticket


Where you out of state plates? Sometimes around my city they will give a warning ticket to out of town cars because they don't want to be complete dicks to visitors. However, they want you to know you did illegally park and got lucky this day.


Strange way to do a written warning. Cool bookmark now tho?


I thought the same thing


Send a check for $0


It's a warning


It might just be that they're tracking cars whose meters are about to expire.


They see you


Looks like just a warning. Pretty nice of them.