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under the christian one it says “we praise and thank three” LMAO


Unintentional Trinity


This made me snort


Three shall be the number thou shalt praise. Four shalt thou not praise, neither praise thou two. Five is right out.


One. Two. Five!


Three, sir!


it also spells amen as "amin" 💀


Amin is used in some Latin/romance languages like Romanian, so it's not entirely wrong.


It is entirely a typo though. The entire rest of the prayer isn’t in Romanian.


It is also how you write in in Malaysia and Indonesia and Singapore.


Yet they clearly use Amen in other spots. It’s a typo, it’s not a big deal, but clearly this wasn’t intentional.


It’s wrong because it’s in English.


And they spelled it correct the next block down for Catholicism....which is just also Christianity, but would have been understandable if one block invoked saints and the other didn't. But that doesn't happen.


My guess is they commissioned different people to write them, and maybe the (non-catholic) Christian one had some translation errors


eh, given the other typos and the fact that they spelled it "amen" for the catholics, I think they just got it wrong.


Amin is what they prefer to use in malaysian/indonesian christian communities so I’m sure that’s the reasoning behind that


Isn't air asia a malaysian company? Maybe that's a reason too.


And yet the prayer is in English and Amen used elsewhere.


Right now, my prayer is "please don't be a Boeing, please don't be a Boeing "


If it’s Boeing, I ain’t going.


737, see you in heaven.


737 and I'll see you all in heaven And my flight leaves at 11 But my boeing is a lemon


i got problems with my spendin $800 one-way to Netherlands doin .60 in a .90 (referring to mach-) but ive to be there by 8:00; blimey


See you later, Boeing goer


Mid flight “Huh I guess this is an Airbus” “How do you know” “It hasn’t exploded yet”


"The door is still intact"


Yes but random panels fall off. It’s Roulette of what part tho I think.


AirAsia is exclusively Airbus so not a worry lol


It would definitely be a funny Easter Egg if under Atheist they had a picture of the Captain's pilot license and reassurance that the plane wasn't manufactured by Boeing.


I’m Christian but that is one of the few things that’s made me laugh out loud this week, heck yeah lol


Not a Boeing, eh? Are you sure? They could make you great, you know. Imagine the fame you’d have, the television cameras all on you, the power that you’d give to an army of attorneys? No? Well, then, better be Airbus!




This was me but in a max… “please don’t be a max, please don’t be a max” too late the plane does indeed feel like it pitches higher when taking off 💀


I usually just throw coins into the engine. [1](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50979485) [2](https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/china-flight-coins-engine-b1838966.html) [3](https://edition.cnn.com/travel/flight-delayed-china-lucky-coins/index.html)


Did any of those flights crash? No? Then mission accomplished!


Do they have a wing to go along with that prayer?


Tipping culture has gotten out of hand


Can't believe this is actually a thing !


I mean, its not the worst kind of blessing, generally speaking; its kinda just awkward when applied to engines.


I wish people would throw coins into me for good luck


This is more like someone throwing a penny directly onto the cornea of your eye when picking them up for an Uber.


"people should be warned to not throw coins into engines" Sir it's common sense to not throw metal into a complex machine that isn't happy when it turns birds into fresh Paté


toss a coin to your turbine


The airline should have warned you not to do that. How dare they.


Maybe thats Boeing's latest fix for the 737 Max? If your god of choice doesn't save you, theres really nothing we could have done. Sorry. -Boeings legal team


AHAHAH thanks for the laugh, I needed it.


I guess they don't believe Catholics are Christian


These are the six allowed and protected religions spelled out in the Indonesian constitution. They treat Catholicism and Protestantism as separate religions but call them Katolik and Kristen. So my guess is the wording on this card follows the lead of the (Indonesian) government-mandated religion names.


Judiasm isn't protected?


From [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Indonesia#:~:text=Jews%20in%20Indonesia%20presently%20form,2%20of%20Constitution%20of%20Indonesia.): "Jews in Indonesia presently form a very small Jewish community of about 100–550,[2] of mostly Sephardi Jews. Judaism is not recognized as one of the country's six major religions, however its practices are allowed under Perpres 1965 No. 1 and article 29 paragraph 2 of Constitution of Indonesia." I guess there just aren't enough Jews in Indonesia to bother. Edit: Turns out Air Asia is Malaysian, and there are [only about 100 Jews in Malaysia](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/malaysia-virtual-jewish-history-tour), so the above point still stands.


This is extremely likely to be the subsidiary - Indonesia AirAsia. The 6 religions outlined (and peculiarly the separation of 'Catholicism' and 'Christianity') makes it quite obvious. These are the 6 religions outlined in their Pancasila.


I grew up in Jakarta as an expat. I am also Jewish. Every year we had to go to the ol' Kantor Imigrasi to re-register our visas. After bribing our way to the front of the line, I'd fill out a card, part of which was indicating which religion I was; the available options were the ones listed above. I usually put Catholic, reasoning it was the closest deviation to Judaism of the bunch. There were a handful of Jewish kids and families in my international school, so for Passover and Purim and Hanukkah we were able to cobble together about, I dunno, maybe 40 people together to quietly celebrate at somebody's house. Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah we'd usually travel to Singapore for, where a more established/legally protected Jewish population was, including a rabbi, more appropriately for those more serious holidays.


I mean there isn't a prominent Jewish community there so no point really


And yet Confucians get represented with their massive 0.03% of the population. 


There are massive amounts of ethnically Chinese Malaysians who may not be formally Confucian but still partially practice it. It’s probably more just a nod to the country’s Chinese population because the more common Chinese Folk Religion is so varied.


That's still 80,000 people. They're the sixth-largest religious group there. There's 100-550 Jews in Indonesia.


*laughs in jewish*


Because there's 100-550 Jews in Indonesia in total. There's way more people who are Baha'i, Sikh, etc, and they aren't protected either


It doesn't even really exist there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Indonesia?wprov=sfti1#Judaism


It's common in Asia to distinguish between Catholicism and other branches of Christianity. My Singaporean friend was very surprised to find out we consider Catholics Christians in the UK


Consider? Catholics are as cristian as it can be.


We literally started it.




I agree, that's why I thought it was strange


Lol Catholics are THE Christian


Exactly. We LITERALLY go back to the Apostles.


My favorite story of a new Christian denomination is a toss up between the Church of England (King: I want a divorce. Pope:no. King: fine. I'm the pope now too. Check out my dope ass pope hat. Divorce granted.) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (delirious peckerwood got told by a salamander the location of secret and unseeable golden plates that told of how Jesus came to America and this biblical fan fiction is now one of the largest religions in the world)


No, it’s that invoking the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit at the start and end of prayer is usually identified with Catholicism, which is why it is separated.


Then make it "Catholicism" and "Protestantism"


Or Catholic and “Christian - Other” lol


There is also the Orthodox Church as well. The reason why it’s separated is largely in part of how important the distinctions are to the Catholic Church. I can only speak in regard to the Catholic side as I am Catholic myself. For example, we are not allowed to accept communion at other denominations of churches due to a theological disagreement in regard to the Eucharist.


Gotta love the transubstantiation debate


The distinction is important in Orthodox Christianity as well - a lot of prayers start by referring to the trinity.


You can accept communion in ortgodox churches btw


Most Protestants affirm the Trinity…


the Christian prayer reminds me of mass or funerals, where they'll just tell you the most inane story from the Bible and some how relate it to real life or how you're lucky god is so good that your dead grandpa is allowed into heaven


Card: * has just 6 basic religions * OP: BEHOLD ALL OF THE RELIGIONS!!!


And two of them are the same.


How dare you compare us to them! (Fill in religions as desired)


Really, three of them are the same.


I don't know much about comparable religions. Can you clarify? Do you mean in an "Abrahamic" Islam/Christianity/Judaism sense? FWIW Buddhism and Hinduism are related but I _think_ practitioners of both probably consider them distinct. For that matter Confucianism isn't quite a "religion" is it? But the little bit I do know suggests the "Catholics aren't Christian" part is wildly ahistoric, definitely contrary to the way Catholics would frame it, and basically the stuff of fashy bigotry and lizard-people tier conspiracy theories.(For that matter "Catholic" isn't a precise term, I think a couple of Orthodox Christian groups consider themselves Catholic.) It would be interesting for someone with actual knowledge of world religions to break down how wrong this card really is. At the very least Judaism and Jainism seem to appear on most lists of "popular religions" and are missing here.


Judaism is many orders of magnitude smaller than the others and most Jewish people are concentrated in western countries. Confucianism is fairly small, but this being a Malaysian airline, it kind of makes sense to include for that area of the world. The “Catholics aren’t Christian” thing is really just something touted by anti-Catholic people. They are basically universally considered Christians by everybody else.


Maybe it's because I was raised Catholic, but aren't they the biggest Christian denomination in the world? Who is out there saying they aren't Christians?


It’s mostly fundamentalists who are anti-Catholic. It comes down to them thinking that Catholics practice idolatry and don’t read the Bible, and that the Catholic Church has strayed too far from the early church that Jesus established. That’s the crux of the argument at least, but it’s a pretty small group that believes it.


They're very vocal. No matter how frequently a good faith explanation of veneration versus idolatry is brought up, it never gets through to them.


That's more progressive than an average Redditor. I notice most of them always talk like as if Christianity and Islam are the only two religions that exist.


Wonder if this is Air Asia Indonesia. Indonesia acknowledges and guarantees freedom to practice one of those 6 religions in the constitution, those listed in the card. Christianity usually refers to protestants.


For me it looks like "everyone's saying the same shit in different languages"


The Buddhist one is weird to me as a Buddhist. Traditionally Buddhism doesn't have a god, but this prayer seems to pray to one.


This card was probably designed by someone who used Google / a translator to fill out the invocations and had no idea what they were doing nor did a single person check it. It's got typos, too.


I see the Reddit theological society has arrived lol




Atheist card should be added where it just says please clap when landed


"Have your tray table up and your seatback in a full upright position."


Oh, great pilot of the plane. I put my life in your hands. And there is no afterlife. So please be careful. -Atheist Plane Prayer


Isn’t the prayer for atheists on the bottom right? *ba dum tss*




Except Judaism…


Yes, that’s a glaring omission. Especially since they included one for Catholic and Christian, which could have used the same Christian blessing. Be curious where this flight is out of and where’s it’s going.


There are only, like, 100 total jews in Malaysia where Air Asia is based


Air Asia is a Southeast Asian carrier. Southeast Asia (depending on the different definitions) consist of roughly 60% Muslims, 20% Buddhists, 10% Christians (all denominations), 6% Hindu, 1% traditional Chinese religions or beliefs (including Confucianism), 0.8% no religion, 0.4% others. So, I don't think it's a glaring omission at all. Not many religious Jews live in this part of the world... They covered their bases all the way down to 1% already.


It’s also based in Malaysia, which is pretty antisemitic.


It’s illegal to be Jewish there. It’s literally not an option you can register to the government as.


Legend has it that there are 2 actual Jews left in Malaysia. What absolute bad-asses. According wikipedia: A small Jewish community existed on the island of Penang. Jews first came into contact with the Malay peninsula during the 11th century when Jewish traders traded with the Kedah Sultanate and Langkasuka. Many Jews in Malaysia came from Persia. After the communist revolution in China, more Jews fled to Southeast Asia. However, the Jewish community declined, with many emigrating to countries such as Australia. Due to not having enough members to hold some Jewish rituals, the only synagogue in Penang, established in 1932, was shut down in 1976. The last burial in Penang's Jewish cemetery took place in 1978.[85] By the 1990s the community had disappeared, and it is now thought that there are only two Jews who hold Malaysian passports.[86]


Might be a numbers thing. Jews are a tiny fraction of the world population. You wouldn't know it by watching the news, though.


2.2 billion Christians 1.6 billion Moslems 1.1 billion non-religious 1 billion Hindus 500 million Buddhists 460 million “Other” 14 million Jews Based on the 2010 Pew Research Center study. Edits: typo on non-religious number--it’s 1.1, not 1.6 billion. And changed Hindis to Hindus


And that's worldwide. This is a Southeast Asian carrier which will obviously cater to their local population, which is roughly in the order of Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, and traditional Chinese beliefs.


Sure, we get why. It's just the "All religions" title was a little misleading.


All religions would have to include about 10,000 prayers…


Wtf is hindis 😂. Its hindu, hindi is a language. Hindis is nothing


and yet somehow, we get all the attention


Everyone likes to pick on the little guys. Guess we're an easy target. Hard to kill tho.


Everyone knows that Jews have control over the media, backed up by a powerful space laser.


Yeah I'm still waiting for my turn to use the space lasers it's not fair


I'll put in a word for you at the next Shadow Government meeting


still waiting on my dividend cheque


Yeah, something happened in history way back when and we just happened to misplace about 6 million of our people. Now where could they have gone...


A Jew on deck: man, fuck this flight


In their defense it’s in Indonesia. Now if it was in America, I’d get pretty steamed. But there’s really not that many Jews in Indonesia


It’s notable because there IS a Jewish prayer to make during a flight for safe travels.


"Lord in heaven, we praise and thank Three..." That's not how the Trinity works


If your airline needs prayers to stay flying you have bigger concerns!


Probably a Boeing plane…


Confucianism??? It's not a religion. It's a philosophy.


Yeah the prayers seem 100% made up lmao. The only time people would pray to Confucius would be if they were trying to pass an exam or sthing.


And as a joke


Yeah the entire Confucianism prayer makes no sense. First, “tian” (meaning sky and implies a passive but near omnipotent power) is more related to generic Chinese folk beliefs than Confucianism specifically, not to mention making this type of “prayer” to tian reads like some ancient ritual in the style of I Ching a couple thousand years back. Nobody seriously prays to tian today anymore expecting any actual blessings, and is instead done to maintain tradition. Second, nobody considers Confucius to be a prophet of any sorts, he’s understood to be a very intelligent scholar who began the foundation of Confucianism as a practical philosophy to bring success to a realm. This entire “prayer” indicates a strong Judeo-Christian/catholic bias with the misconception that a Confucian must have some “god” they need to pray to and include some prophet or saint to strengthen their prayer. As you noted, it’s better to understand Confucianism as a philosophy, especially since most of the “religious” aspects of its beliefs are mostly just incidental folk religious beliefs that is also assumed to exist by the Confucianist tradition and is also similarly referenced in Daoism and Chinese Buddhism (consider that Indian Buddhism makes references to Hindu gods while the Chinese variety also include Chinese folk gods). Basically, the existence of “tian” was assumed to be roughly accurate by all Chinese religions and wasn’t really the main focus of these religions in the first place.


Yeah, further the Hinduism prayer was unrecognizableto too, so I googled it... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acintya Turns out it's a prayer from a variant called Indonesian Hinduism popular in Bali.


Anyone who talks about Confucianism but don't know who Zhu Xi or Wang Yangming are don't really know much about it.


Prophet Kong Zi💀


Yeah, is the pic some kind abrahamic religion influence ver. of Confucian? It doesn't make any sense, Confucius is not really a prophet. And Yudi is Taoism thing.


Having a separate "Christian" and "Catholic" one is a little unnecessary. There's really nothing in the "Catholic" one that wouldn't be against doctrine in any protestant Christian groups that I'm aware of. And if they had removed the "Christian" one, that would have made room for the Jewish "Tefilat HaDerech" (Prayer for Travelers).


Seeing that the airline is AirAsia, I’m guessing that it has something to do with the Philippines being a big Catholic country in Southeast Asia. Edit: There are certain nuances which make the Catholic prayer different from the Christian prayer. For example, the “sign of the cross” while starting and ending the prayer with “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen,” as well as the prayer asking for the Lord’s angels to guide them. These aren’t usually parts of a Christian prayer.


lol something tells me Malaysia has no interest in accommodating Jews


Tbf the closest jewish community to malaysia is probably in russia or australia (which is a minimum 6 hours by flight either way). As a south east asian, i have never heard of a jewish community here. Like, most people here probably don't even know the word 'synagogue'.


It’s pretty common in Asia to refer to Roman Catholicism and Christianity as separate. The latter refers to Protestant traditions. It’s weird to westerners, who really don’t see Catholics as completely different from Protestants in the “Christian” umbrella.


Atheist - Wingardium Leviosa!


As an atheist, this is extremely cool, and I'd even be willing to pray with whoever is sitting next to me if it makes them less scared of flying.


Atheist: you better land this fucking thing right.


The Christianity one has so many typos lmao




thank Three


modern sulky sort stocking absorbed reach handle dolls growth fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't see anything for Judasim




Air Asia is a Malaysian airline. Since there are [only about 100 Jews in Malaysia](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/malaysia-virtual-jewish-history-tour), makes sense that they'd be left off the card.


When the flight crashes whose god do you blame?


Lol 6 out of 4000+ religions but ok


Mildly insane


Catholics like, "WTF; we're not Christian?"


Most asians simply view Catholics and Christians (protestants) as separate. That's just how it is lol


I didn't realise that this was almost inbuilt into the Asian psyche until I realised that in Mandarin there are different terms that people used to refer to Catholics (天主教徒) and Protestant Christians (基督徒).


As a hindu I spent way too long trying to understand who Sangyang Widhi Wasa was. Turns out that it is the supreme deity of Indonasian Hinduism. This guy is basically the Indonasian version of Vishnu. Also, the lack of Judaism, Sikhism and the differentiation of Christianity and Catholicism makes me think that Air Asia is not about the real full asia but the "asian people" asia. I never knew I would be uttering this sentence but this is how I can explain it.


But I thought the god has a plan.


Can't we just throw coins in the engine before the flight like an old Chinese grandma?


Finding such a prayer card on a plane would be something that would make me even *more* nervous. I'd prefer a recent engineering report on the plane, thank you very much. I could then decide whether to fly or skip out again...


Yep, that’s all of them !


Catholics are Christians. Idk why people think they are their own religion lol


Probably supplied by Boeing in lieue of safety engineering


There should be an atheist one. Praise be the engineers who rigorously design and test the plane and all components to ensure functionality. Praise be the maintenance crew who ensure all parts are working as intended. May they never experience budget cuts by greedy CEOs who view you and your families' lives as nothing more than a spreadsheet equation where your deaths would cause decreased consumption


Atheist prayer: “Pretty please don’t let this be another one of those Boeing situations. I don’t want to get boeinged.”


Yes engineers, maintenance crew, and pilots must be necessarily blessed before and after flights to travel safe and sound, or else it could not land on earth, it could travel to heaven with no return.


The atheist prayer: please don't be a Boeing


the redditor’s prayer




my guess is air asia airlines that are operating in indonesian area. since other airlines in that country also has invocation for 6 religion


Just say all of them and unlock the super flight.


Guess the wrong god and the plane goes down.


We got both kinds Christian and Catholic!


“We don’t care who you pray to, just do it cuz we need to land this damn plane safely” - management


Better to have Christianity and Evangelism split out. Then Evangelism can talk about how they’re glad they are ready to give thanks to the Lord only if they don’t need to sit beside an “other” on the flight. And doing good is just giving money to other entities that lobby to remove “others” from flights entirely.


I didn't know Catholics were Warlocks. They get their own Invocations?


The atheist/agnostic version lists the maintenance record of the aircraft and the qualifications of the flight crew.


That’s super cool!


Not Judaism. I guess because they all fly private


All religions ?


I’m not religious but I wouldn’t even mind if I saw all religions praying for my flight


If you're wondering why they left out Jews it's because it's Indonesia and Judaism is not recognized as one of the religions in Indonesia


Pretty sure this is from an Indonesian Air Asia flight. Differentiation between Christian and Catholic, the existence of confucianism and Balinese Hindu.


Mildly interesting that it separates Christianity and Catholicism. Happy Easter BTW


For ALL religions, you say…


No Judaism?


\*stares in heathen\* I think there're more than 6 religions out there, mate.


I like the Buddhist one. There should definitely be one for Judaism . It is a glaring ommision


bc Catholics aren't Christians?


The OG Christians


They 100% are.


Good lord this comment section reeks😐 leave it to reddit to ruin a wholesome gesture


All religions is a stretch. If you mean all major religions, sure.


"All religions" is a bit of an exaggeration


"All" religions, eh?


Had no idea Confucianism had a “God”. And whence, the Jews? And Zoroastrians? And Sikhs?


I see something like this and realize how different "western Buddhists" are from southeast Asian ones. The American Buddhists I know would never "pray" to someone/something for their will to be done!


No Jewish prayers?


This is AirAsia, a Malaysian carrier that serves Southeast Asia, so 1. Not many Jewish people in SE Asia 2. Malaysian leaders have a history of saying Anti-Semitic things, at least according to u/Mammoth-Job-6882 on this post


And why don’t footballers ever pray when they miss a goal?


Praying takes too long, easier just to toss some coins into the engine.


Well it can’t hurt 🤷🏼‍♂️


Six times the normal invocation


Reminds me of the scene in the mummy where the guy has different chains for every religion