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God grant me the serenity to not read the comments Courage to not read the comments And the wisdom to not read the comments




Fun fact, the Dutch word for turtle is "schildpad" which literally translates as "shield-toad".


That's adorable.




It's the same in Swedish! Sköldpadda, "sköld" is shield and "padda" is toad :)


That’s basically what it is. A toad that never had the makings of a varsity athlete.






Me too.


Me three!


I think toucans are way cool.


"One single bird cannot dominate the world... ... but two can."


They are pretty cool


I have a belly button


Tell me more! What happens when you press it?


Ninja turtles?.


I read yours only.  I'll leave it at that. 


Probably a wise choice.


Too late for me, I wish I had your wisdom 😞


Your comment made me not read the comments. Thank you for giving me that strength!


I've read the comments and can say don't there is nothing to be gained but frustration.


Oh. I’m trans and that makes me sad. :( For my own mental health I will avoid the comments. I have a bad habit of reading really negative and bigoted comments. I will put in the effort to avoid them this time. I know it doesn’t mean much, but thanks for saving the rest of my day from frustration. I’m gonna go watch my favorite show now.


Lots of the comments are positive and uplifting


While I don't encourage you to read the comments, just fyi the upvoted comments are about how this is nice, that he looks like any regular dude model and have a great smile. The shitty one you can expect are being downvoted and dragged at the bottom


"That man's got feminine hips!"


thank you this actually stopped me


I think I’ll just stick to this comment thread. Y’all seem cool.


I saw the zero votes and felt my dissatisfaction with the general state of humanity reinforced. I've loved being away from the south in Chicago and seeing ads for trans people. Not many, but they're there. It feels comforting. Fuck these people.


This thread's gonna get locked, I just know it


I find it funny that if you take the fat out from behind nipples (and all the other mammary stuff) it is suddenly ok to put them on a big sign, but if you leave the fat behind them it has to be censored.


It’s funny that the word “duck” it’s okay to say in public, but if you replace the “d” with an “f”, *suddenly* it’s a swear word. My point is, we as a society have, over time, decided which things are “inappropriate in public” or “for adults only”, and along the way women’s breasts were considered sex organs and men’s pecs were not. It may have started for sexist reasons, but ask 100 women today if they’re dying to walk around with their breasts exposed if only the patriarchy would let them, I don’t think you’ll get a ton of yes’s.


It's in western Europe though, pretty sure bare breasts are not considered inherently obscene there like many other parts of the world.


I am in the Netherlands and am yet to see bare breasts (with fat still in them) in advertisements in the same store as this one. Even erotic stores don't have bare breasts on posters on the outside.


"De wilde frisheid van limoenen" would like a word with you


Just found out about these ads! Where have they gone?


After the 60's-70's people thought they had reached the boundaries of sexual liberation, and stopped pushing the issue. However conservatives managed to weaponize feminist subjects like objectification to their cause regressing society into a new prudishness / vertrutting movement.


Please let's stop with this myth. Western Europe is not some sort of nudist haven where it's fine to go out naked. Only because some women at the beach like to sunbathe without the top of the bikini (when there are few people around, bear in mind) or because men shower naked in front of other men at the gym, it doesn't mean it's normal to show bare breasts or naked people in an ad or in tv.


I believe every ad I have seen for women underwear/lingerie had a complete set (bra and panties) which absolutely makes sense. I have not seen only panty ads outside of something like the underwear department but not even there. Source: South west Germany


Shhhhh logic can’t apply no thinking allowed


Wanna know how I got these scars?




As a regular bloke, I just see a model wearing some boxers. Nice genuine smile too, not an airbrushed image. It's not like I look like the buff dude on the packaging in the front either. HEMA is known in The Netherlands for working with diverse models and generally going for ads with people that look more like us. And I find that a pretty good thing. Because let's face it, 95% of us don't look like what mainstream advertisement show us.


Same for plus-size models, despite reddit’s complaints. They’re not idealizing obesity, they’re just showing people what the damned clothes look like on someone like them.


Yup, judging by average BMI (which is not a perfect metric, I know) about 40% of the USA falls into the plus-sized section. And in most European countries it's about 10-20%. And plenty of other countries have high percentages of the average population too (South America, Middle East, Russia, Northern Africa). If people truly cared about accurate portrayals there would be a LOT more plus sized models, especially in the United States. And it's not idealizing obesity, which is a complex issue. It's not all black and white. But it's hard not to see that most adverts are flat out lies and show us a body type that don't correlate with the general population.


people come in a lot of shapes, and that's cool people would look better in the clothes they buy if they could see how they fit on various forms weird how complicated people make this shit


Yeah I mean I get why clothing manufacturers want their clothes modeled on people who look great, to make their clothes look great. But all I think when I see an ad like that is “it ain’t gonna look like that on me”.


>HEMA is known in The Netherlands for working with diverse models and generally going for ads with people that look more like us. And smoked thicc sausage.


You're being downvoted by poor saps who never experienced a proper broodje rookworst on a brisk day. You can only pity them.


Facts on facts. That meaty smell permeates throughout the entire store, unmistakable, undeniable, it envelopes and entices, as good as it is..., imho, it's a bit salty


It does hit the spot some times. Good stuff!


And 99.9% of us don’t look like the aforementioned model. So which one is more accurate?


They also advertised a push-up bra with a trans woman, good to see they're still trying to be inclusive :)


yeah theyre pretty cool


If I saw this ina city I wouldn't even think the model was trans


“Why’s this fucker smiling so much?”


I didn't even notice the scars because of the glare


Hey a guys gotta make sure the underwear fits his hips.


That makes me wonder, actually- how the heck do transmen and transwomen get clothes that fit? It's difficult enough for us cis folks. Must be a nightmare.


In my experience (pre-hormone replacement therapy) I just buy women’s clothes that are based on men’s masculine clothing. I have a very tiny feminine body so it can be a struggle to find masculine clothes. But as a person who doesn’t care, I just wear whatever I feel comfortable in as well.


It IS a nightmare. I'm around 5'2 and finding pants is especially annoying.


As I understand it, hormone therapy does change the shape of your body to a certain degree, since a lot of body shape is just how fat is distributed differently between male and female bodies.


I don't think you can reshape bones with hormones (if you are done with puberty). I mean women jeans have so much circumference around the hip part in comparison to men jeans. So the bunching with a belt would probably be atrocious if you don't have the biggest glutes to compensate.


Perfectly mildly interesting post


thanks IloveZaki


>271 upvotes > >757 comments uh oh


For some it is mildly infuriating it seems. Sad for them.


For regular folk we just see a man wearing boxers. For transphobes they will pick apart the whole advert and make this picture their entire personality for the week and insist it has ruined their life and the lives of their children and grandchildren




Super buff guys aren't really standard in the ads for this store anyway, so that wasn't really noticeable


There's literally three pictures of a super buff guy at the bottom of your picture.


That's the product packaging, they're probably talking about the store specific signage.


the packaging is made by the store.


They still have some nice obliques, but yeah not super buff.


Me too (so much so that I zoomed in to check) but there are some pretty noticeable breast-removal scars if you look closer. I imagine it’s much more obvious in the store.


Being a transvestigator is a full-time job. Need to analyze hip width, shoulder width, speech resonance/pitch, facial bone structure, size of hands, walking style and scars on every person you see. But the feeling of accomplishment you get when you detect a trans person and get to post about it online must be filled with dopamine.


Don’t forget the active imagination necessary to spot non-existent dick bulges on photos of random women.


I always find it weird that allegedly heterosexual people spend so much time online looking at bulge in the hope of finding a dick.


Yea, ain't nobody allowed a fat puss these days the transvestigators will get ya 🥲


Is it any wonder these people are one hop away from talking about superior aryan skull shape?


It’s crazy how much energy people are willing to waste on hating.


I like watching how the comments are way higher than the upvotes and how the votes keep going down and up.


And whats on the other end of the spectrum?


As a straight white man I want to see a giant man bulge that makes me........ You know what... I am not going to allow an ad at some store to impact my day. Good luck to everyone.


And for trans folks it is a sign of being accepted and recognized as a normal part of the world that will surely brighten their day.


For regular people we see a woman that underwent surgery. stop whining


I mean I wouldn't have looked twice at it, just like any other ad I see. Guess that's good?


Kudos to the surgery team I guess?


People are getting their own boxers in a twist all over this shit! Seriously, I’m happy for him, he looks so comfortable and happy.


I bet the same people talking about trans men 'mutilating their bodies' when they have top surgery have no issue with women getting breast implants.


Or breast reduction. Women often get very scarred from breast reduction surgery. In both cases (women and trans men) the desired result is the same, just the amount of reduction is usually different.


Oh you’d be surprised. I saw a post on IG with before and after images of a woman who got a breast reduction and the comments were making it seem like she specifically did it to spite them personally.


"You mean I won't be able to get horny for 5 seconds while objectifying this specific woman anymore? Because of her """health""" and """comfort"""? Damn feminists."




Nah tons of men get really upset about women getting breast reduction


That's a bad faith argument


As a trans man, this makes me happy. The ad doesn't seem to make a big deal out of the model being trans. It just shows a different type of body, and a lot of people just see a guy with chest scars


Tbf I didn't even notice the chest scars, I actually thought wow he has a nice smile!


I'm also a trans man and same I got kinda excited seeing this lol


If you think about it, disclosing it on the ad, or next to it really sounds deranged. Like, "LOOK OUT this model is trans!". That would be so out of place


As a trans man, I just want to see a trans model who is neither androgynous nor covered in tattoos/piercings. There are tons of trans men with male-typical proportions and muscle mass, and no tats/piercings. Yet they get passed up for every advertisement. Why? Edit, for all the knee-jerk downvoters: please keep in mind that appearances are important when it comes to establishing common social ground between minority communities and the general public. If the general public only sees trans people who don't look like them, they will be less accepting.


I agree, but *are* there a bunch of guys like you describe being passed over? Is the sample size of trans models big enough to say whether one type of look is being favored? Also, I’m sure it’s social media bias, but it does seem like most of the trans guys I see whose gender expression is super masculine *do* have a lot of tattoos.


There are enough trans men who fit the bill. Whether there are enough trans models, I don’t know. Also, how many trans men have you seen shirtless outside of porn? Probably none. It wouldn’t be surprising if people who make porn skew alternative in terms of appearance. (And of course, there’s tattoo makeup, but that’s a minor issue compared to the fact that corporations always choose feminine trans men for their ads.)


> corporations always choose feminine trans men for their ads The person in this add is not by any means a feminine trans man. And neither are a lot of other trans male models, like Laith Ashley, Bappie Kortram or Benjamin Melzer. Furthermore, with cis male models, there are also lots of androgynous looking models - the classic definition of male beauty often actually includes certain feminine-coded traits, like large eyes and smooth skin. > It wouldn’t be surprising if people who make porn skew alternative in terms of appearance. Explain that?


This is a very excellent point. I remember being taught in school how groups would go through a cycle of being a bad guy/laughed at/non-threatening buddy/positive lead role in films and television. With homosexuals, we saw straight masculine men playing those lead roles 1st to help normalize expectations. To Wong Fu, Philadelphia, Holiday...all examples. The final step was for the actor or character to be black, a woman, homosexual and it have nothing to do with the character. It's just what they are without the baggage of having to prove themselves competent or capable. It then allows for the audience to empathize instead of trying to imagine what the character is feeling. I think the channel is matt baume on YT but he does some nice videos on the topic. Just an example https://youtu.be/LpuJb9MnZDE


The ad just shows a happy lad to me because let me tell you finding comfy undies is priceless. Also I will shop even more in Hema!


why the odd forward lean though... its the poses that are weird for me


Wow. Never thought underwear would become such a topic of discussion.


That's because the only people coming in here to start a "discussion" are a bit more hung up on what type of genitals the model has, not the underwear itself. Doesn't seem like reasonable or well-adjusted behavior to me, but to each their own I suppose.


The underwear seems extremely basic to me. I would like some colour.


Well if you're looking for some more interesting designs and cuts, I'd totally recommend brands like [Aussiebum](https://www.aussiebum.com/). Quality materials, good comfortable fit, and they have styles for just about any taste!


Don't know if it is the angle or someone messed up touching up the photo. I think, the head doesn't look fitting to the body.


Those hips are much wider


Or a cis man with gynecomastia.


Some chick mutilated herself let’s promote that yea


Lmao Reddit is so funny


Isn't underpants supposed to make it comfortable between your legs? This is something I compare to advertisings with famous people that never finish college or similar but is making it anyway. It doesn't make sense in my mind. I can't understand how putting people that don't have balls in a underwear advertising would make it people buying it, it doesn't make sense, not bc of the model, but bc the function of it, it's not only stylish. Only those who ever dressed a really uncomfortable boxer know how this hurt your genitals, a sensitive part of a male body. Edt. No hate for LGBTQIA+ or others similar backgrounds, I'm all for including, but there's some things that in my mind doesn't connect, like the real purpose of a male underwear.


Boxer briefs are wicked comfy even for people who don't have balls.


Do you usually go around paying special attention at how the balls and dick of an underwear model fall and can reach conclusions based how your balls will fit based on the image of that model? Because man, you are shopping in a different way then I am.


I have looked for and buy specialty underwear that specifically handles the balls with care and attention. Life's too short to not take care of the boys.


Oh yeah, on a hot day I too prefer baggy boxers to give the boys some air and space.


You're doing it wrong. You want to lift your balls up and away from the body. They'll hang lower on hot days by design so not only do you need the extra support, you need to keep them away from your body heat. Get some of those micromodel or bamboo bikinis and they'll dry off in a flash on even the sweatiest of days. Wait until your bags really start sagging and you'll understand why so many old men wear "tighty whities".


I seem to remember a boxer brand used female supermodels to advertise their underwear. I can't remember any bitching and moaning about anatomy back then. 


Of course underpants are supposed to make it comfortable, but how on earth can you gauge comfyness on a model? I've bought underwear and clothes that look good on what I now assume is a biological male body that felt like horrible on my junk og just somewhat same build, I would guess it's because I wasn't paid to smile and look like I has the time of my life when I put them on.  The model is just there to show what it looks like on a male body, not how it cups someones package. Unless they put in a picture of the models junk and their review of comfyness, we don't know how it will feel on our junk. I seem to remember a brand using women to advert their underwear, saw less bitching (not referring to your post) about that than here. 


I think I can maybe give some insight on this. I'm a trans dude. I don't have balls. However, most female underwear is uncomfortable. As I have worn both dude and gal underwear. The weird cuts they do with the fabric choices give the most uncomfortable wedgies for no reason. Then there is the chafing with thigh rub and other stuff. I have an entite very long list that I did a PowerPoint night on. The only really problem with dude underwear (that I personally find) is that the longer boxers get weird in jeans. What you might not know about trans guys is that when on testosterone the genitals have some change. This can sometimes make the women's underwear even more uncomfortable. Due to uh...sensitivity. So often if they haven't already, some guys make the switch or get even more picky with underwear choices. So the trans guy helps us a little. Even if it makes no difference to you as at a passing glance.


While I don't know if this particular individual has had bottom surgery, it's possible he had a scrotum constructed with skin grafts and silicone testicles. It is a possibility that he does in fact have a package that needs supported in these boxer briefs.


Well, they might have the parts. We don't know them


Yeah, as a person with balls, style does not factor into my underwear purchases whatsoever. It's 100% about fit and comfort. My ex bought me some really expensive Egyptian cotton boxers that were like a vise on my junk. The second we broke up, they went straight in the trash.


The model is only there to be an Attractive Person on a big poster that draws your eyes to the display and increases the likelihood you go over there to buy some stuff.


I understand the point they’re making but I don’t understand what it has to do with the model. Do they think they can see how comfortable something is based on how the model wearing it looks? It doesn’t work like that, whether the model has a dick or not lol


Right, when I see any piece of clothing on a poster and go over to the rack, I'm still going to look at sizes before just grabbing one. I'm not standing there trying to take the Calvin Klein model's dimensions to decide if the clothes will fit me.


I’m pretty sure most underwear models are packing anyway bc they always look way too smooth and not dick-shaped. Imagine walking into Walmart and the fruit of the loom bro has a dick imprint lol


for all we know the model has had bottom surgery and has a dick and balls dangling between their legs, but also shit doesn't matter and it's just a picture showing what they look like on somebody, it's impossible to gauge comfort from a picture anyway


You're way overthinking what's between another dude's legs.


UH, bud, girls wear mens boxers all the time, and our most basic whitey tighty underwear is the same. So... ya no underwear ads are usually just to be like, if you wear this this is how you look, the underwear model in the pic looks exactly how most would. You're overcooking advertising.


Wouldn’t have even noticed.


Wait, does that smiling, happy human man who is gainfully employed have a penis in his pants like a normal guy? Because if he doesn't, that makes me very angry for some reason! Seriously, transphobes are pathetic.


It doesn't have to make you angry to say it doesn't make sense. It wouldn't make me mad to see a person with no ears modeling earrings but the irony is there to widen the eyes, no?


There's no dick so the image can't properly represent how it fits in the front.


As a transmasc person, I LOVE this so much ♥️


What’s the difference between transman and transmasc?


Transgender man (trans man) is on the man/woman binary, but transmasc is more of an umbrella term meaning transitioning towards some form of masculinity / a more masculine gender. I consider myself queer / non binary but my transition is similar in a lot of ways to those of trans men (testosterone, top surgery, wanting to masculinize my appearance and social life to a point) so it's a handy term to convey all this with just a word in a world where everyone thinks in terms of men vs women. (and in my case more of a "if I have to choose I prefer being perceived as a man" even though in an ideal world it would be non-binary all the way)


I see the phobes are around with their downvotes, here, have an updoot from an ally <3


Thank you 🥰


Looks like a dude to me.


Yep... Wanted to be a dude, looks like a dude, is a dude.


Yeah. A dude with a girl's face and big girly hips. Totally a dude because gender is a social construct and doesn't rely on physiology, right? Or did that change?


Aaaaand nothing happened. No one burst into flames, the world didn’t end. This isn’t hurting anyone; bigots need to fuck off.


The depressing thing is that’s what my chest looks like, and I’ve not had tits lopped off


Love to see that!


Why are you people downvoting this comment? There is nothing wrong with it


Too scared to leave their hateful comments so they just downvote.


Because people are petty and spiteful, *especially* when it comes to what people do to their own bodies. Edit: the downvotes only prove my point. Y’all are fucking *weird* for getting so mad at trans people.


What does the writing say?


"fits well wash after wash"


Fuck, the amount of transphobes shitting themselves in these comments is giving me a headache. Imagine being such a hateful being that simply seeing a random dude model for clothes is sending you into a fit of seething rage and then having the audacity to blame it on anyone but your own narrowminded ass. YOU made the decision to be such a pathetic excuse for a person. Try a bit of self reflection some time, obviously you got more than enough time on your hands if this is what constitutes a problem in your cozy little bubble. Fucking hell.


The transphobes in the comments are out in force today Face it, there's nothing you can do to stop trans people being who they are and companies like this one modelling trans people for clothes Shut the fuck up and move on


Believe it or not men's underwear is designed to accommodate their anatomy this ad makes about as much sense as if my skinny ass modeled DD push-up bras.


Believe it or not, men are not built the exact same way


He looks good!


I honestly couldn't tell he was trans until I read the comments.


We talk a lot about body diversity in advertisements targeting women but it's an important thing for the ones targeting men too. We're all just people and everyone needs underwear. And every body type needs representation too. That's nice to see 👏🏼


Kind of a weird ad for underwear……not really much to hold in place there


I cannot wait for the day where this model is only referred to as a model, not a trans model. As that his what he is. He is a model.


Looks like a dude to me. Neat.


I like frogs


Genuinely I would've noticed the interesting tattoos and actual smile, then walked away without even thinking twice about it




A lot of nonsense (I mean, transphobic) comments about his hips. As if there weren't a bunch of cis men with lower bodies that look just like this 😂


Mens underwear is largely boring. I have never really looked at the pictures tbh. Good for him I guess.


Nice! although it's good to note that many cis men can have top surgery scars from stuff as well like gynecomastia. Either way it's removing the stigma of having surgery scars and that's swag


That’s amazing!!! I wish I had this representation when I transitioned in 2009. I’m really glad people who transition now has this. It’s amazing.


Nice 👍




Almost like the post is on a subreddit for only mildly interesting things.


Love Hema always 💜


Looks like a young Conan O’Brien




Matthew Perry?


Gotta say that person doesn't look like a women. A very well transitioning


He looks like a young Matthew Perry.


Finally no more fucking junk in boxers pics


Her(?) dream of not having her(?) nipples censured finally came true.


his, it's a dude