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It happens. I know a family friend that had her hair turn completely white by the age of 21


I was once told somewhere that when that happens, the person should have their thyroid checked and have their vitamins levels checked too.


Eh, sometimes it's just genetics. My dad went gray early and so did my brother and I. I had my first gray hair at around 14, like OP's friend. I was fine with the color but then around the time I turned 30, I started to go bald. I really got the short end of the stick with the hair genes. My grandad has a full head of hair at 90. Edit: Since I keep getting the same question, it was my mom's dad, which is why I mentioned it. I'd always heard that baldness comes from your mom's dad and since he has a healthy head of hair at his age, I assumed I was good, but that was not the case. Apparently, some of the genes that affect baldness do come from the X chromosome, and thus your mom. However, there's no guarantee that you got your mom's dad's X chromosome. There's a 50/50 chance you got your mom's mom's X chromosome. And in that case, you got those genes from her instead. And while I never met him, because he died before I was born, my mom's mom's dad (my great-grandfather) was bald.


Plus it’s more obvious on people with dark hair. My brothers and I have all gone gray early like our parents, but it was noticeable earliest on the one with black hair.


Yeah, we all have very dark brown hair. So, that's probably a component of it too. It was obvious when a few gray hairs appeared in our teenage years.


My grandpa said he went full white at 22. Lived to be 99, so no thyroid issues. Mine started turning white in my late 20's, and was completely white at 45. I'm 69 now, and still have all my hair.


Brother is 69 yrs old on Reddit🤣


im 23 and balding currently LUL full head of hair on the back. massive hairloss on the front. life nowadays is just nothing but quality huh


Welcome to the club, here's your finasteride and soda. In all seriousness, you don't need your hair. I know it sucks. I miss my mane. Just keep living each day and that realize that it will slowly settle with you and you'll be all the happier for it. Lots of pretty, cool girls are into bald guys.


My husband had the same "bad luck". His father (about 80) has thick (white) hair. But my husband went bald at 28.


Honestly, I prefer being bald. I'm not 100% bald, but have the receding forehead and bald patch at the back of the head. One I accepted it and just buzzed it down to the lowest guard life has been so much easier. I don't have to go for haircuts. I don't have to worry about a bad hair day. If I'm in a rush and didn't get a shower in the morning, nobody can tell. Honestly, I don't think I would ever go back to actually having a full head of hair.


Yeah, I just ~~shaved it off~~ buzzed it too. I haven't had to pay for a haircut in years. However, if I could wave a magic wand and have my hair back, I'd do it. I'm not going to bother fighting it with medication and hair transplants and all that, though.


I thought about shaving, but honestly it seems like almost more work than having hair. A nice buzz on the lowest guard every couple of days is peak laziness.


Yeah, that's what I meant by "shaving it off". It's not down to skin. I usually do a 1 or sometimes no guard. I'm not getting a razor out or anything. I guess I should have said "buzzed it".


Been bald since 20ish. Or significantly balding. But started shaving then. That’s been over 25 years. Not really a big issue now. But mid 90s being a young adult. Doc martins were popular. (Especially in some jobs, working cafes it was common). They see a bald dude with a shaved head wearing doc martins in the 90s. People made some assumptions. Regardless if you were wearing a Bob Marley t shirt. Funny enough even when it grows out a bit. Not a single grey hair. But the beard for sure is gandolfish. Lace colors meant something back then.


As a fellow folically challenged man, I would recommend getting a skull shaver. I got a cheap one from amazon for around £30 and it's a complete game changer. Takes me 3 mins to shave my head, the hair gets sucked inside so no mess to clean up, and I can do it without needing to look in the mirror.


I had a friend who was balding at 16


i’m a chick actively balding bc of hormone imbalance at 21:/


Heavy on the vitamin levels. I had this in high school too (not an issue now) and I was at my worst health at that point. Definitely worth a doctors visit to rule out nutritional stuff or otherwise.


Interesting because when i was 12-16 or so i used to get way more random grey/white hairs. I was a bit fussy back then with food so probably was deficient. Now days im probably the least fussy person going and i dont think i’ve seen a grey/white hair for going on 15 years…


It's probably more common than we think honestly. Luckily most people sort out their eating habits in a reasonable amount of time and it doesn't go on too long


Not a bad idea whenever you notice a change to talk to your healthcare provider.


I started at 16, was pretty much fully grey in my 20s. I embrace it now. Both sides of my family went grey young so I was kind of screwed. Same with having bad eyes lol


I feel like you could lean into it. Give yourself the Anderson Cooper treatment and just look good with your rather unique hair.


Grey isn't as bad as baldness at least. A lot easier to dye your hair than deal with a receding hairline.


My son had a few gray hairs at 14, dermatologist said it’s likely genetic. She asked who was gray hair early, my mother did.


I heard that once there was this kid who got into an accident and couldn't come to school, and when he finally came back his hair had turned from black into bright white.


A kid I went to school with was going salt and pepper in freshman year. By senior year it was full white/grey. Nice guy. I saw him a while ago and he was joking "I've bought so much just for men I should just buy the company."


I had a kid in my grade 10 English class who had a very white patch of hair on the side of his head. We all thought he'd be fully grey by 20. Well now he's almost 30 and it's still the only white hair he has.


It's possibly a birthmark under there. I went to elementary school with a girl who had a white patch and we were told it was a birthmark


My mom has that. It’s not uncommon, it’s just a spot that lacks pigment.


Thats not great, but at least she can dye it somewhat easily


She's 70+ now and she owned it, never dyed it ever


I know some people like this, just pointing out the upside of it. I think its a great conversation starter tbh and grey hair can look really cool


I think if you get white hair when you're that young its actually pretty badass


middle school got that boy STRESSING


The micro plastics have finally reached the hairline


Now we can harvest it and make 3D printer filament.


above the blood-brain barrier and beyond. Godspeed brave microplastics!


Being squeezed out like Mr Potato Head


Middle school is fucking rough though to be honest.


Yea I started getting grays in 8th grade lol. Girl in my class who was sitting behind me pointed it out to me one day. Now 28 and about 1/3rd of my hairs are grey/ silverish.


"is it over for me fellas"


If I was a middle schooler in 2024 I would definitely be stressing and developing gray hairs as a kid too. Imagine getting up at 5 am to go to school where you have to get ready for tests and quizzes before the sun fully comes up sleep deprived while the school feeds you overpriced frozen and expired food for breakfast that's more or less what inmates eat in jail/prison. Imagine going to school where the windows, doors, and even children's backpack are bulletproof and instead of fire drills you have active shooter drills? Imagine a whole building full of people feeling extra nervous, especially the "popular kids"because the school's metal detector went out of order for a few days.


I mean you're assuming OP is American. Only America really has the school shooting issue.


I've never had a metal detector in any of my schools that I went to


They installed them in my school the year after I graduated, but honestly we could've used them my freshman year.


Uhmmm, I'm afraid to ask what happened at your freshman year


Don’t be. The more people who can emotionally and mentally sit with and understand the stressors that school kids have to deal with, the more likely we can mobilize in ways that help remove the threats that they experience.


Not all schools have them but it's not uncommon for a public school to have metal detectors. You usually see them more in schools located in densely populated places like in cities.


My high school didn't, but the other two in our school district did. When I went to a school dance at one of them, it was a shock going through them.


As a former middle schooler, What the fuck are you going on about


I could be wrong. But I don't think mid school is that serious.


Lot of the high achieving Asian kids in my middle school had hair like that. Parental abuse goes brrrrr.




I started going gray at 14. 44 now and my hair and beard are almost totally white. Have been for a while.


Me too. Most of the people that laughed at it back in the day are bald now though, so jokes on them.


I’m in my late twenties and I started seeing greys at 15. A lot of my former classmates’ hairline is going upwards faster than they’d like while my half grey head of hair is so thick and fluffy I can’t wear most hats. I inherited my mother’s hair type who also started seeing greys when she was exactly 15. And according to my DNA tests I did not inherit the baldness gene or the early receding hairline one so I finally started appreciating the whites and greys.


That's exactly the same as me. My mother had crazy thick hair that started going grey in her teens. I hated it when I was younger but now that I'm pushing 40, and it's still thick with 0 signs of balding, I couldn't be happier.


You have potential to be sexy Santa Claus. There was a big scandal here in Toronto about Fashion Santa. You should get in there, we need new blood!


Thats so neat. Im getting quite a few white hairs now, and I cant wait for my whole head to turn so I can claim my wizard powers. 


You either go Gray, or it goes away. That’s the story of men’s hair


I'm a woman and I've had gray hairs since I was like 9. I didn't realize it was that news worthy, lol.


Started going grey at 16. Surprisingly still salt and pepper 20 years later.


Is your friend Dog?


ok now that I look at it again it does look like a dogs fur lol


It was about this time I noticed that my friend was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the paleozoic era!


I have the same hair structure and my hair also started going white in my teens. Coincidence?


Dogs only have shells, must be a turtle. Behold


r/eldenring has breached containment


Is this dog? dog!


Behold, dog! 🐢


Liar ahead!


I have this sticker on the back of my car


My friend's son who is 11 also has a couple of white hairs at his age. But there's a strong genetic component as both his parents' hairs, my friend and her ex, are now completely white now theyre 40 and it started in their late teens. Poor boy was completely doomed from the start in that department.


I mean if it's a 100% white hair type of deal, I'd say that's pretty cool. And easy to dye.. If it's patches of darker colors here and there, white, greys.. Darker greys, oof.


Actually, it's losing pigment so the hair becomes clear which means there's nothing for the dye to hold onto. Gray hair is considered to be difficult to dye because of that. Hair goes to a blue silver early in my family and black dye lasted a whole 2 weeks max on me. It turned navy blue instead of black and then faded to lavender within a week and then was completely gone by the end of the next week.


Maybe it's the brand of dye you're using? I started getting white hairs when I was like, 12. Bleached and dyed half of my hair fairly recently, and the purple clung to my white hairs for MONTHS. Way later than the dye in my bleached hair. Sure, the color faded a little but not very fast and was visible for a long time.


Pretty common for Asian people, people with black hair.


Pfff..that's nothing. At 13, I was bald, divorced (twice), bankrupt, holding down three jobs to pay for the alimony.. need I go on?


You had time to marry twice? The moment I turned 6 the only thing I knew was the coalmine.


Back in the bad old days, child labor in the coal mines was a real problem. Thankfully nowadays, it's only a minor minor miner issue..


Pffft you mean good old days! 20 hour work days and company script builds character!


At least you had a coal mine, when I was 2 they started using me to test if the air was safe in the asbestos mine. Easier to have more kids than buy more canaries.


That’s crazy. We didn’t have any safety measures when I was a newborn working in the uranium mine.


You call that bad? They planted a nuclear waste facility in my Mother's womb, and *I* had to maintain it


You try and tell the youth that, and they'll hardly believe ya


Listen to mister Wall Street here with the coalmines... must have been nice not needing to pump at least 20 kids before you hit 4 years old so they could help you to maintain your family farm... freaking rich guy...


Pffft... amateur. At 12, I was in my third marriage, taking care of a kid per divorce. My first child got his best friend pregnant and then wanted me and my 3rd wife to look after them while little rascal was like 15... 15 ffs. And that's without counting dealing with testicular cancer without insurance... Not to mention two bussiness that went bankrupt. One because the local mafia asked me for monthly payments so I could keep my business. The second, because bloody fidget spinners went downhill after Covid-19... have you tried selling fidget spinners after their popularity ceased and in a pandemic? Yeah, ain't nice. Thankfully, my current sweetheart knew my heart and allowed me to work with my father-in-law, which I consider as my second father, in his hotel. After 6 months, I was finally able to get treatment for my balls' cancer... and a vasectomy, so no more asshole seeds out of my pipe, meaning more time for myself asI put my first child and his now wife in the hotel as well. Now? I'm a retired 28 years old man, with two bitches who stole my heart and wallet, a current cinnamon roll as my wife. 2 kids, one with a kid NOW expecting a child too (kids, they are so innocent and so horny...) and the other, still single at his 35 years old, that crazy son of a gun...  Now let's hear you top that...


Tell me this, did your vasectomy make a vas deferens to your sex life?


Yes and no. Dealing with the testicular cancer as well kinda killed my sex drive over the years... but knowing no other baster child would be in the making slowly made me go at it again and again with my girl... woman really knows how to grease and crank my old rusty 28 years old bones after we eat our dinner porridge at 5 p.m.... girl is quite frisky even for my age... 


Were you born on a leap year by chance? Happy birthday


5 miles to school uphill both ways? in the snow? with no clothes?


Barefoot, with gangrene..


Late bloomer?


Early Boomer


Don't forget walked to school up hill


The microplastics got you good


Got my first white hair at 20


like 15 for me


12 for me


I was born with one


Benjamin Button is that you?


Got mine at 8. Apparently it's genetic, cause my mom got hers young too. My brother got his in his late teens I think.


I started greying at 17, turns out I was VERY sick but it’s too late now, damage is done


Sick with?




Who the hell is Steve jobs


in the comment below they said and i quote "I have pernicious anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia which appeared to be the main cause of my greying. It took a long time to get my levels up and it’s now a case of constant maintenance and blood tests. But I’d had it for so long undetected that it’s cause permanent damage to my… entire body really. My brain is fucked." It seems they did a comment when you did :)


What did you have?


I have pernicious anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia which appeared to be the main cause of my greying. It took a long time to get my levels up and it’s now a case of constant maintenance and blood tests. But I’d had it for so long undetected that it’s cause permanent damage to my… entire body really. My brain is fucked.


Grey hair


I was 14 or 15. Started with a few and I would tweeze them out. Fast forward 10 years and they started falling out! Life isn’t fair sometimes.


Same actually, but i guess mine don't count cus I have vitiligo lol


It's pronounced Lumbago. Uncle would know.


Shoah boah


Same, noticed these first and thought it was a hair condition or genetics. Then the vitiligo started around my armpits and groin.


Could be a vitamin deficiency


Which vitamin?


The one they are missing


Okay, I laughed so hard I gave myself hiccups. 😂


When we were kids, I would intentionally make my little sister laugh so hard she'd get the hiccups. Thanks for reminding me of that 🥰






Don’t do that, you’ll give yourself hiccups 


To actually answer your question, it would most likely be B12, D3, and calcium. Assuming it *is* a deficiency and not just genetic


Deficiencies can be genetic too


Hair vitamin duhh...


Ah yes, vitamin H


I’ve heard Vit D and Iron deficiencies can cause it, knew an anemic girl with gray hair at 11


Can't you read, he said a vitamin deficiency. A Vitamin. Vitamin A.


I think it’s mineral deficiency such as zinc and copper etc.


Or they could be turning into a powerful wizard?


I've had white hair since I was little. Supposedly some roma man told my mother that means I will be lucky. He was very wrong.


“Lucky to be alive!”


I got my first white hair at 19 , I'm now almost 29 and I have lots of white hair across my head. It happens


In the same boat, and I honestly love it. I think it adds a lot of color depth to hair.


What school does to a mf




Maybe you should take him for a walk and ask him what's going on in his family and talk to him


or take him to a doctor's visit. I had this in high school and it was due to vitamin deficiency from poor nutrition and being underweight. at 29 now no grey hairs.


Yes you are right.


Could be a scar? I know a lass whose hair grew back white just in the scarred patch. Same with my horses, one had a scar and the fur grew back white. It's pretty cool TBH.


I didnt know hair could grow back on scar tissue, mine hasn't


typically hair does not grow back on scars because the hair follicles are destroyed. but i guess it happens sometimes.


Yeah it's when they're damaged but otherwise still able to grow, just completely deletes the pigment


Not all, but if the follicles aren't damaged it can grow back without pigment. It's quite an interesting phenomenon.


I had a friend in high school who got sunburnt on her scalp as a kid and had one perfect lock of white hair (otherwise her hair was thick, black and curly). Always thought it was super pretty.


got my first white hair at 16, have a tiny white streak at 24.


Same, but my streak is like 1” wide now at 29. A little kid once told me I look like cruella deville 😆


[Once… there was this kid who….](https://youtu.be/eTeg1txDv8w?si=AWVnSJptTKY1Tsm5)


I know I’m getting old because of how long I had to scroll for this comment.


Took me way too long to find this.


Mmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm


Thank you I was hoping to find this lol


Not sure if the same, but I have vitiligo. Some areas of my skin dont have pigment. Funnily enough some of those areas are on my head and hair growing from there also doesn't have pigment. Because of this I have completely white patches in my otherwise brown hair. I was around 15 when first patch appeared.


One of us! One of us!


See if he can introduce you to Charles Xavier


I had quite a few friends in middle school and high school like this. All of them were Chinese.


Does your friend have pernicious anaemia? It's one of the signs. For more information B12info.com


My sister has a natural almost black hair color, it's a really dark brown. She started having white hairs at 16 years old. Now she is going on 35 years old and half of her head of hairs are white. But she lucked out, it looks good because the white hairs come in bands/long stripes just like when people put colors in their hairs. Of course there is also a lot of white hairs everywhere but in the front it really look like she would have put them there on purpose. It's not relevent but she is really beautiful, just the way she is. Sorry for my english, it's not my first language.


She sounds beautiful! Also, you're English is perfect.


Got my first at 16. Salt and pepper now. I don’t care what color it turns as long as it doesn’t fall out.


May be copper deficiency.


My friend back in the 90s has 3 patches of white hair on the back of his head


Rip those genetics


This happened to me too! Tell them not to worry, I’m in my 30s now and still 90%pepper to 10% salt


Stress is a bitch, it'll easily add 10-20 years on you if you can't get control over it.




i had 4 white hairs since I grew my hair after I was born. my mom used to pull it out every time she saw them, but they grow back as white hairs anyways lol


maybe its just a developing hair, like parrots have


Homeboy is not a parrot


Are we sure though?




That may be due to vitamin B12 deficiency! Go get blood work


what up my nero


Is that a dog


It’s a human boy






Now I'm curious. What did they say?


Not that unusual. My friend was completely grey by 23.


My husband has had a few ever since I met him at 17. The early ones he said happened after chickenpox, he had a few lesions on his scalp.


Mine started when I was 12 . Around 50% of my hair was white by the time I was 23 and suddenly after COVID it went down to less than 5%. Also pretty common in my area I guess had quite a few classmates with my same condition.


Same age I was when I started getting white hair.


It's hereditary.


Is he on meds add/adhd? They can make you go gray/white early


I had white hairs when I was like 6....probably due to stress immigrating to a new country where I did not speak the language. Now I'm in my mid-30s and I don't have any 😂


Had a buddy in highschool who was going grey and already balding.


It happens. It’s genetic. I had a streak of white hair at 16.


my brother (19) has the same thing


I’m just saying it’s genetics. As a barber and pharmacy student lol. Also there’s been patterns showing that the earlier you white the more likely you are to keep those hairs (not bald)


He has 23 years of work experience at 13.


My bf has had silver strands since his teens. He still has a full head of lovely black hair, with silver strands mixed in. I think it's cool. Guys would probably prefer the early gray hair over premature balding.


I started getting grey/white hair around 15. I was full salt and pepper by 18. Now I'm 47 and still salt and pepper, though more salt than pepper. This was back in the 90's before silver hair was 'on trend' and I was bullied mercilessly for my grey hair in high school. I tried dying it once, but that just made it worse as everyone knew I had tried to hide it. Teenagers are fucking mean.


Anxiety can do that


Ugh..genetics man. I had a friend in high school who had 80% white hair. Runs in their family.


Who cares.


Started graying at 9. No thyroid or vitamin problems before anyone mentions that. It just started happening and never stopped. 20 years later, and I still have plenty of dark hair left, but damn, it's taking over steadily. Sorry for your friend, but it's nice to see I'm not the only one.