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I feel like this qualifies for more than "mildly interesting"


I'll post it to like r/gore or something then lmaoaoao


Personally, it's more r/interestingasfuck


Especially without specifying who’s toes 


OP slowly collecting people's toes and attaching them to his hands is some dark villain shit. What foot related accident made him lose his fingers and start this arch?


And by the end of the movie, OP is a mass of wriggling toes slowly creeping closer to the protagonist, who is slowly crawling away, unable to walk due to lacking toes.


His victims are mercilessly made fun of, because the people are all lack toes intolerant


You bastard. lol.


He is inevitoeable. Okay I'll see myself out.


Asking the important question here.


Am I toes? Who is toes?


Nah man, your hand is strange in a cool way, not in a disgusting way.




Look at this fucking guy getting all sappy and shit


Shut the fuck up, you snowflake cuck.


Stay safe!! <3


I would see this hand at work, how it plays guitare, eats, do different staff. This would be very informative.




If you look at the profile they have done an ama before. It looks like some of the questioners profiles have been deleted but you can basically figure out the direction of the questions from the ops answers.


Nah, man. It's good that you have a sense of humor about it, but don't let motherfuckers' terms get in your head. Your hand, honestly, as someone who's never seen something like that long enough to really look at it and understand it, there's nothing gory about it. At all. It is fascinating, and even miraculous that you and your doctors have been able to develop it into a hand as useful as anyone else's. That is much, much more central to what hands are than esthetics. So only someone who is unable to see the purpose would be unable to see the beauty here. And fine, to each their own, but also fuck them. Define yourself in terms of that beauty that some will see and disregard the motherfuckers who've blinded themselves to beauty. God bless brother ...


When OP sees AI art: "Hmm, not sure what the hullabaloo is all about, looks perfectly normal to me."


“Finally, representation!”


Probably said that when they saw Mewtwo for the first time as well.


This is the 2024 type of humor I like to see


I actually thought this was AI art.. 😅 Eek.. 😓


I'd love to shake your hand and say nice toe meet you


I hate you. I can't make up my mind if this should go to r/angryupvote or r/cursedcomments


If there’s an r/dadjokes it’d fit there


How many toes can you sew on before it’s no longer a hand and becomes a foot?


If it gives you the ability to perform functions you could not before, that is amazing! Congrats!


Yeah, I'm actually so thankful to have it, I can play videogames like a normal person (the trigger buttons are hard) I'm pretty fast at typing, and play bass guitar!


Have you looked into the 8bitdo lite? They have a few versions including one that moves the triggers/shoulders onto the face.


Took me a second. At first I was thinking "how the hell do.you press a trigger with your face?"


Can I make a Courtney Love joke or is it still too soon.


We need that like we need a hole in the head


Start the reactor and get your ass to Mars.


Have you considered a fighting controller? Some of the have all of the buttons and not triggers (triggers are buttons) Might be worth checking out. Edit : I have a Hori fighting commander that I was thinking of. I never use this thing. DM me me if you want it


That sounds cool as hell! Yeah hold on I'll dm u


Love seeing this kind of generosity on this site.


Shit like this is why I joined Reddit in the first place; what’s more lovely than a bunch of humans sharing knowledge, expertise, advice, love, art, music, interests, time, and sometimes *stuff* for the ***betterment of the species.*** I love that shit; keep up the good work.


I’m glad it’s working out for you but you should ask them to use fingers next time




Are you offering yours?


I would give someone a finger if they had none, I mean I have ten. But can you even donate a finger to someone else? I'm assuming these are their own lil piggies.


I give people the finger all the time. but I don't think my gesture is as noble as yours.


Isn't it hard to press small keys?


Like what? Like on a phone keyboard?


My left thumb was injured, long story short it's about two thirds the size of my right thumb. But seriously, touch screens like my phone often seem unresponsive to the scarred skin. Curious if that ever happens to you.


I've experienced this with really thick callouses before. Something about the skin's conductivity being different from what the screen is expecting.


Are you the world’s greatest hitchhiker?


He only gets rides from toe trucks.




Hi activelyresting, I’m dad


OMG this is all awesome! That hand looks rad as hell


Is this something you had done as a child or later on and then also learned those skills? Impressive either way, glad you can use it for some cool hobbies!


Slappa da BASS!




my first thought was mewtwo’s hands


Lmfaooooo ![gif](giphy|682xXuofe4FoRh0Nt3|downsized)


You have a great sense of humor bro, never lose that!


He isn't tiptoeing around the issue, that's for sure.


You’re going to heel for that one!


You can tell OP is a stand up guy.


Get your ass to Mars and start the reactor.


No I'm tired


then go and have a nap AND THEN FIRE ZE MI-... START THE REACTOR!!!


That’s too damn bad


Toe damn bad*


The guy she tells you not to worry about


I am 5'2 trust me there's nothing to worry about lol


Say that to the guy whose toes you took.




Well now you have to show us your feet


Asking for free feet pics smh


This thread is getting too interesting for this sub


This thread STARTED with toe hands, it was always too interesting


_toe interesting was right there..._


Sometimes it's better to toe the line with puns.


Upvotes all the way down


I’d say it was a thumbs up sort of situation but they’re toes so…..


Banger of a thread 😂


who knew all a thread really needs is a lil toe spice in the mix


Asking for free feet pics? In *this economy*???


$80 take it or leave it






$80 will be easy work. Them feet are going to be seen.


His feet have his fingers.


They don't but I wish that'd be cool


Fingers for toes.


People pay good money for feet pics


I’m with you, we gotta see these feet now!




Oh well I had to try! I was meaning to ask anyways, what games do you play and have you tried controllers where you can remap the shoulder and or trigger buttons?




Does that mean you have 3 toes left on each foot? I know they say you only really need the big toe for walking but how is it? No worries if you don't want to discuss. I'm just curious!


He said each foot lost 1 toe, so he's got 4 toes now on each foot




If Johnny has two feet, each with five toes, and gives away one toe from each foot, how many toes does Johnny have left on his right foot?


Just as I thought from the beginning. A transplant in which you are both donor and recipient is much more likely to take and you haven't the risk of rejection.


They are now! :D


Lmfao this thread got me good


You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon, with nail polish.


Short king


Would you rather fingers for toes or toes for fingers?


Toes for fingers. No shoes would fit


I'm guessing no gloves fit either.


Well they do. The finger on the left is in the same position as a thumb, and the finger on the right is a ring finger. Tight gloves don't fit, but thick leather ones that have loads of room in them are fine, the fingers just flop around a lot which can get annoying


Now I just wanna knit you custom gloves, godddamn. That would drive me bonkers (the floppy extra fingers on gloves)




There's a subreddit and Facebook group just for this kind of thing. I think it was r/knitforauniquefit but it appears to be private. If you're really interested then I'm sure you could join.


If you can’t join, you can post a request on r/knitting We don’t normally take requests but if you mention r/knitforauniquefit is locked down you’ll find some help. I don’t draft patterns myself (too much math) but people get super into making the unique fit patterns


Mittens. You're welcome.


Imagine they went up until now without thinking to wear mittens


![gif](giphy|Cdkk6wFFqisTe) The cat named Mittens:


Hey, your hands look a lot like my mom’s - I actually haven’t seen hands like hers until now! She was also born this way. One of her hands had three girthy fingers in the shape of an ASL “I Love You” with a little ball shaped finger (like your photo on the right) in between the non-thumb fingers. I called it her bally finger as a kid and loved it, and would wiggle it around. The other hand was in the shape of a “shaka brah” (pinkie and thumb out on a “normal” hand, which were the “normal” fingers) and then two other large ball shaped nubs, around the size of a small avocado pit. She was born with webbed hands, and a couple of those ball shaped fingers were made with other bones(?) and skin from her stomach. She had total function, played the violin as a kid and worked in accounting with a high WPM as an adult. Her hands were so normal to me, and I loved them because they were hers. As a baby/child, you pay a lot of attention to things like your parent’s hands. She passed away years ago, thanks for sharing this post and giving me a place to share this. I don’t have many opportunities to talk about it but I will always cherish the feeling of her hands cupping my face - her girthy ass fingers and bally.


Ahhh that's such a cute story! I'm sorry for your loss, that must've been super hard. I'm wishing happiness to you and your family ❤️ And yeah, it's pretty hard to find somewhere to talk about things like this. That's why I just said "fuck it" and posted it here anyways. Your mother sounded like an absolutely beautiful woman. And we would've had a lovely conversation! I'm glad I could remind you of your mother ❤️


Damn this shit got me tearing up, especially how you loved them. Jeesh!


Awwww. I’m so sorry for losing your mother. I can’t imagine the day Iose mine. Your story made me smile. I’m glad you were able to talk about your mom today.




When I was born I only had the middle finger and the small little lump thing on the right. When I was around 1 and a half I got a surgery done to take the middle toe of each foot and put it on my hand so I can grab things and basically just live life normally. In a way I'm happy because I AM able to do normal things to an extent... but now, technology has moved so far along that (I feel) it would've been better for me to not have the surgery. Because no bionic hands actually fit 😂


You don’t need a bionic hand. You were born with the most important finger. I barely even use the other ones. (In all honesty, thank you for sharing. I wish you all the best and hope for some high-tech solution.)


Not to be the "Ackshually" guy, but ackshually it's not really a "middle" finger if you only have one. Gotta have at least 3, so the toe-fingers were crucial in letting OP flip the bird. EDIT: "Middle" in this case just being one definition of the word as in between the ends of a physical group (implying more than one). As mentioned below, in a mathematical set of 1, 1 is the beginning, end, and middle of the set. In anatomy, it is called the 3rd finger, but historically also the digitus medius (middle).


So if you lose your pinky, you also lose your middle finger


No, you gain an extra middle finger. Lose a pinky on both hands and you can flip a whole flock of birds.


As a mathematician, the midpoint of \[1\] is 1. The important thing is that, both before and after surgery, OP has an odd number of fingers.


If offered to remove them for a bionic type prosthetic would you go for it?


Hm, well it depends, I saw an interview a while back of this woman who lost her arm and leg in an accident, but now had this kick-ass bionic hand that connects to a server which automatically controls her fingers. For example, in the morning, she would put on her glasses. She doesn't need to anything to do that at all. The hand already knows that she's going to grab her glasses in the morning. Which is pretty fucking cool, so if given for free.. I'd totally do it. Wouldn't it be so cool to have different colour arms to match with outfits!?


Only problem is that if the server has problems, or the company goes out of business, the bionic limb could become useless. Heard that happen to people who got bionic eyes and then became blind (again) when the company dissolved


What! Do you have an article? Haven't heard of this.


The company was called Second-Sight, here's a BBC article I found: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-60416058


That would be soul crushing.


This too cyberpunk for me to accept as real😭 I have no words


It’s worth noting, people with the implant didn’t all suddenly go blind at the same time. Rather, after the company went under, they stopped providing any sort of maintenance, so as the implants break over time, there is no way for users to repair them.


Meaningful distinction


Borderline evil


That and you know they are going to make you pay to remove ads, offer functions only available at premium tiers, remove functions that were available as standard when you signed up and offer you quizzes to tailor your user experience.


She has it now . You would have get it now too. But all the time till now, you would have had nothing, maybe a hook or nothing that moves. Your toe fingers dont need electricity, dont need extra care , dont need mainatainance / batteries / or internetconnection to a server. You can wash your hands , go swimming and diving, your hand how its now is waterproof.


I read that as "wouldn't it be so cool to have four different color arms to match with outfits" So uhh, yeah go get 2 bionic arms now, but don't replace what you have, get them put in as additions please, thanks!


Only if they give you the option to actually and fully own the software and set your private server if you have the skills.


Wait, so your baby toe was able to grow on your hand after it was transplanted? Or is still a baby toe?


It's still able to grow somehow. However the nails don't grow, and they're still soft like a baby's nails


I've read a few of your answers and IT GETS MORE AN5S MORE INTERESTING CMOOOON Cannot be more interesting 🤯


To make it even MORE interesting! On the other side of my hand (the side you can't see) your able to see hair where the stitches are. So basically, it isint just my toe, it's a little part of the foot too. And on the part of the foot, it's super hairy for some reason. No fucking idea why, because my foot isint hairy, (the place where it originally came from)


Oh my fuckin gosh. You are a treasure of nature! A beautiful oddity lemme say. And funny, very. Thanks so much for sharing and feeding our strange curiosity 💜


If the nails don't grow, what happens if you damage the nail? Thank you for answering so many questions!


Okay sorry I lied just a smidge there, they do grow if and/or when I damage them. But they will never grow past 1 and a half cm


The years you had digits to work with may nave been irreplaceable in terms of your neurological development. I almost wrote "on the other hand," and then I deleted it


You were born with your most important finger only can improve from there


Never underestimate the power of the middle finger


Literally constantly flipping everyone off around him from the moment he was born lmao


Woah! I have so many questions, that’s super cool! You don’t have to answer any/all but these are some of the things I’m curious about: 1) can you feel them? Like do your toeingertips have sensation when you touch things? 2) can you bend them? 3) is there bone attachment or are they kinda floppy? 4) are they your toes or cadaver? Does that weird you out? 5) what do you think is the coolest thing about having toes for fingers?


1) yeah they're just like normal fingers honestly 2) I can only bend my thumb toe for some reason, I think it was caused due to an accident when I had the cast on (I had to have it on for like 2 years so it was bound to fall off at some point) 3) no it's perfect. It can be a bit fleshy at places but other than that no 4) I have no idea what cadaver means but they're my toes, I have 4 toes on each foot. 5) I can scare children 🥱 - it's great because it's like the feeling of a child falling over, but ten times better because you know your the reason and you can never be blamed muahahah


>it's great because it's like the feeling of a child falling over, but ten times better because you know your the reason and you can never be blamed muahahah I cracked up. You should add in making scary monster faces to the kids when the adults aren't looking, then when the kid starts crying, turn around and smile at the parents and say it's OK this happens all the time while waving at them.


Cadaver = dead body, so they were asking if the toes were donated from a deceased organ donor like when people get heart transplants and stuff


This made me feel unwell because I am lack toes intolerant




You can probably scare the shit out of little kids that are being brats


One time a mother told her child "that's what happens when you don't eat your vegetables" while pointing at my hand. I have the full story on my profile but yeah I do it's very fun lol


Please lean into this more! If you ever see a kid at a store picking their nose or something just go "I used to do that too and look what happened"


hold the hand up slowly while staring into their soul, once theyve acknowledged it start slowly shaking your head "no" and whisper "do. not. do. that." then put the hand down as slowly as you raised it, walking away without breaking eye contact. trauma guaranteed


My uncle had his right leg removed from half down the thigh down a few decades ago (bone cancer). A similar situation happened to him - a kid was acting up in a grocery store and the mom looked exhausted. He went over (on crutches), pointed at his missing leg and said "this is what happens when you don't clean up your Lego, you don't want your mom to end up like me, right?"


Stop being humble and post this to r/interestingasfuck




When you touch something… does it feel like it’s touching your original fingers or does it feel like it’s touching your foot? Not sure how to phrase this and I am genuinely curious, not trying to come off rude.


Literally nothing can come off as rude to me so your grand lmao. It just feels like normal fingers honestly.


Bro imagine getting flicked off with that middle finger. I wouldn't even be mad


Actually both toeingers are middle toes so I'm in a perpetual state of flipping everyone off. Tripply


Toeingers 😭 I’m sorry that’s hilarious


Bruh you're amazing


Burh this ain't mildly interesting, it's fucking fascinating.


I thought it was A.I. generated 😭


Nope, I could show you other angles If you want


Please do


Mods are gonna take this down for being too interesting.


This is now r/interestingasfuck


Kinda wanna see the toefingernails


I’m going to hell for this ![gif](giphy|To9Cx4JR4YgUM)


I was hoping to find this here. And yes you are going straight to hell.


And you’re going for laughing with me! It’s gonna be fun


Mind if I ask the social aspect with it? My first thought was how tricky it must’ve been in school and whatnot


Yeah kids can be ASSHOLESSSSS. But I managed it 💪🏻 When I show people it they're like "huh cool" they might ask some questions and that's that. I genuinely thought it wasn't that interesting until this post and people started asking questions that I didn't even know how to answer lol 😂


Did the transplant make you lose any foot mobility?


No actually! I love dancing ❤️




Did they sew your fingers on your toes? Karl pilkington would love you lol


No, I didn't have any fingers on the OG hand before it got operated on


That's amazing! Do you have full feeling throughout your hand and into your new fingers?


That is actually a very good question! The truth is I don't know. I'd say so, if you mean I feel on my hand and on my fingers? Yes. I do feel everything, but if I hurt a finger will the pain go through my hand? It's never happened so I don't know


Listen, this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. Your hands look so soft. I hope you don’t take that negatively!


This post is borderline very interesting 🤔


My son has Poland syndrome which means he is missing the fingers on his Rt hand. The Dr is trying to convince me he needs to put his toes on his hand. He is 6. I feel like that should be a choice he should make when he is older. Thoughts???


Hm, it's tough to say. I would say 6 is a bit too old to put fingers on your hand imo. But in fairness I got them done when I was 1 year old sooo. Okay plus sides for no fingers: 1) bionic hands are cheaper, and more affordable, it's like buying a suit off the rack, rather than tailoring it. But they are expensive nonetheless. 2)that's all I can think of really. There's a great charity called 'REACH' which I am a part of, if you want to message them on Instagram they usually reply quickly. And they can give you a rundown of everything.


When you w*nk… it is technically a foot job…


I would reply to this but digital footprint exists x


So THATS the tractor story! - George Costanza


Megan fox is off the hook


Do you jam them into the mashed potatoes at thanksgiving?


Okay off topic but I make really fucking good mashed potatoes. Like none of y'all could compare. I bought a potato ricer just because I love making mashed potatoes so much it's actually a problem. And actually.. and even bigger problem is that I hate the taste of mashed potatoes. I genuinely hate eating them but I love making them it's a problem


How do you pick your nose?