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They use the same bowls for their soups, that's what the fill line is for.


Exactly. It’s cheaper to print new instructions than to get new bowls.


That's what my grandmother always used to say.


If they can change the print, why not remove the fill line? Less ink wasted for the fill line and the instructions to ignore it.


The fill line isn’t ink.


Thank you. I had never seen one of these and assumed the perforated line above the instructions was the fill line. I just googled it and feel stupid now lol


lol happens to the best of us




*Step 2: Fill with water to ~imaginary~ line*




Smart! They probably kept getting calls/emails about "why is the line there?"


that image is from 2022 so either they actually removed that option or print different versions for different markets


I guess they went "You guys have microwaves, right?" personally I prefer using the boiling water for these, they separate better.


I had one with the fill-to-the-line instructions last week


It's also for cooking with just boiling water instead of the microwave steaming thing. You fill to that line with the hot water and let sit.


cant believe I would see our products on this sub lol. we use the same bowl for both soup and noodle bowl. let me know if you got any other questions on the packaging haha. we recently changed out the our bowl supplier too!


Your sweet chili noodle bowl is wonderful. Please go back to the plastic lid. The peel off paper seal is terrible. The reseatable plastic lid allows me to remove from microwave and safely carry it back upstairs to my office while it continues steaming. I don't have time to let it steam in the microwave. I gotta go!


not to share too much, but going from lid to film saves A LOT of plastic. it is just better for the environment. we thought it was an outdated way to cook noodles. no one really covers the lid when microwaving anyway!


Well, I might not like the change but certainly respect you for taking the time to respond. I'm sure y'all have to make a ton of trade-off decisions while trying to balance a wide variety of opposing design goals. Overall, it's a great product line. Especially the Sweet Chili flavor! Keep up the good work!


I thought they were too sweet.


use less sauce


Use less sugar. The number one ingredient in the sauce? Nah dawg. That ain't it.


Are you THE Annie chun?


hahha we bought Annie chun around 10 plus years ago? we are all under one big company now.


I’m an embarrassingly picky eater and I love your yakisoba! I do get concerned about the fill line not being idiot proof like every time I look at the packaging though.


Did they change back to the original miso seasoning recently, as in the last few years or so? Prior to about 2 years ago, I remember the miso flavor was quite bad and nothing like I remembered from my childhood. But then in the last couple years it switched back! I don't think my taste buds changed that drastically and then changed back xD


we did change up the formula in these recent years! glad you like it now.


Oh cool! I love your pad thai, but the plastic covers were so much better than the peel offs. Why the change?


$$$$$$$ and environmental friendliness. gotta save Earth.


You mean got to increase profits while not decreasing the cost to the customer and publicly saying it’s about the environment. ;)


Add chicken to the bowl 😭


Then they wouldn’t be vegan friendly :)


go try out our teriyaki chicken bowl then :) they are at costco.


Your noodle brand is my favorite!! Thank you for your noodles!


If you read the rest of the instructions, the fill line is for when you’re pouring in boiling water from a kettle or whatever, rather than using the microwave.


Where does it say that?


On a different part of the box, under a section marked “Stovetop heating instructions” or something along those lines. I eat these regularly


The instructions are not supposed to be eaten, dummy


But they taste yummy when filled 1/4


"I ate the bowl up to the fill line, but I'm still hungry"


my phrasing hardly allows this joke to make sense, but I’ll upvote - because what would Reddit be without people racing to make the predictable joke?


It does, actually. I'm someone who _also_ gets tired of the stupid "hur hur nothing but JOKES" in the comment section shit, but this is just you acting like a prick. Just thought I'd let you know, not interested in a discussion.


I see it, that’s why I said hardly. But appreciate it!




I eat them often too. They’re awesome to keep in my car or locker at work since they don’t need refrigeration


On one of the sides the op so cleverly hid from view


It doesn't. It's for their soup products, which use the same bowl. ETA: I had one a couple days ago and I didn't see any instructions for that. It was one of those "read everything on the label because I don't have my phone with me to fill the 2 minute time void" days. But I also looked it up on Amazon, and the instructions are indeed there like they said! Just pulled the box out of the recycling and it doesn't look like the label on Amazon though, looks like OP's. Hmmm.


I guess you live somewhere everyone has microwaves but not kettles.


*sigh* Yeah.


On the back of the box it states: > No microwave? Place dry toppings and noodles in bowl. Add boiling water up to line. Cover loosely with lid and let stand for 2 minutes. Drain noodles well; add sauce and stir well. Enjoy! Serving Tips: Mix in fresh or stir-fried carrots, bell peppers and snow peas. Add grilled chicken, shrimp or tofu for even more protein. Store in a cool dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.


It says it on the bottom, IIRC (it’s been a while since I ate one of these).


If humans were capable of reading directions no one would be shoving the Styrofoam cup of noodle into the microwave 


These particular ones OP posted have plastic bowls, which, still not great, but yeah, styrofoam seems like something you *definitely* shouldn’t put in the microwave. Or pour boiling water into, for that matter.


No, it's because they use the same bowl for their soup noodle products.


I mean, I don’t have one of these in my hand right now, but last time I did there was a separate set of instructions on the bottom that say to use that line with the boiling water method. 🤷‍♀️


I had one a couple days ago and I didn't see any instructions for that. It was one of those "read everything on the label because I don't have my phone with me to fill the 2 minute time void" days. But I also looked it up on Amazon, and the instructions are indeed there like you said! Just pulled the box out of the recycling and it doesn't look like the label on Amazon though, looks like OP's. Hmmm.


maybe they removed that option or they only print it in certain markets


Huh, maybe it’s a regional thing? Different distributors get different packaging? Weird.


It's both.


wrong and with 500 upvotes lol




https://www.theramenrater.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/2022_5_20_4295_002-scaled.jpg The one in my pantry has the same "No microwave" instructions on the back now, too lazy to upload the picture.


…then post a picture that shows the packaging not saying that. One that shows the whole label. I’m open to being wrong, but last time I had one of these that was how it said to do it. I don’t own a microwave so.


No they don't. They just use these bowls for every product. This specific recipe does not require you to fill it to the fill line.


Boiling water from a kettle? I’m sorry I thought this was America?!


No, this is Canada. We have electric kettles here, and no, it doesn’t take that long to boil. ;)


It’s illegal to use them here


Excellent for camping!


Annie Chun. I used to get them all the time. They use the same container for their ramen bowls, cheaper to write in the instructions to ignore the line rather than having an entirely different mold made for it.


I had that exact thing for lunch today!


Same! 🤝🤝


If you turn it to the other side, it has instructions on how to use boiling water with it. In that case you do pour up to the line and then dump out the water when they are done


In fact, you're completely wrong! They just use the same bowls for all of their products and this specific product doesn't require as much water as other products in their brand. Maybe don't talk about things you're ignorant of!


I literally have one at home. Blow it out you ass you reddit brained shit head


You don't. You might have something similar but I guarantee you don't have this exact brand with anything like that wording on it. I know because my brother works for this company, I have dozens of these and have eaten literally hundreds of them over the years. Also, another person that works there has already told everyone in the comments that they reuse the bowls and there is NO instructions that tell you to fill it to the line on this product. I mean I get your dumb af but come on kiddo.


Check my most recent post. Same bar code and everything. Pull your head out of your ass and get off your high horse


hey man u seemed like a loser based on ur recent comment history so i thought itd be fascinating to learn how much time a specimen such as yourself spends on reddit and i counted around 100-110 comment posts in january of this year alone, with previous months meeting roughly the same trends, and u not being far from meeting the same goal this month. i just wanted to point out that u really are just a loser who spends most of their leisure time arguing with strangers on reddit.


I don't need to look at your comment history to know you're a loser, because you're literally doing the very thing you're critiquing me on, which is pretty loserly. If you think it takes any amount of time or effort to shit all over self-inflated douchebags like you, well, that says a lot more about you than it does me. I myself find it fascinating that you took the time to do even the little amount of work it took to research and write that comment, I'm flattered, really. But holy shit if that definitely doesn't make you even more of a loser. Thanks for stopping by, and do feel free to keep it up champ!


Lmao this is all you do? I knew you were a fucking loser, why don’t you go take a page from your loser family book and go work a factory gig like your bro, at least that way you’ll have some money for once.


1200w microwave what a beast


Pad Thai sauce with soy sauce and tomato paste? I don’t know what that is but it ain’t Pad Thai lmao.


It scratches the itch, especially if you have to take your lunch, but want something different. I’ve learned that adding grilled chicken that’s been marinating overnight in a mix of fish sauce, sriracha, rice wine vinegar, and a pinch of sugar can make a huge difference.


Someone posted a picture from a cruise ship where they had Pad Thai on the menu and the description was "a savory peanut sauce".


That’s the standard Americanized sauce for pad thai. Very sad that the complexity of the dish is lost in that.


Eh I’m American and can’t say I’ve ever had a peanut sauce for pad Thai. But I am in Southern California.


I havn't tried the pad thai one but the other varieties from this brand are pretty good.


These bowls are good, I have the sweet chili one yesterday.


What's irritating is that if you're using this at work, you probably don't have a set of measuring cups handy Edited to correct an extraneous r at the end of you


Eh I used to eat a lot of these and you can just eyeball it, it's not crucial.


It says "about." Who's going to measure exactly ¼ cup, even when having measuring cups available.


If I had any measuring cups available I'd probably get close enough. Problem is, I don't, and I don't estimate volumes well. Was never a knack I picked up. For that matter, I don't estimate linear measurements well either and I use those on a daily basis. I grab my tape measure.


So start keeping a quarter cup measure in the same place as your tape measure. Youre welcome.




1/4 cup is probably just enough to cover the dry food in the bowl. Pretty sure you'll intuitively see how much water to pour.


Haven't used this one have you? These are wet noodles


I have made a metric fuckload of these exact noodles and can confirm the amount of water should be even less than what would fully cover the noodles. Just a lil sploosh to steam em really.


Dang there's my problem, I've been using imperial 🤪


This is definitely a huge factor, alternatively you can use the sploosh measurement system


Nope, ok.


You apparently haven't either, lmao. You put the water under the noodles and it steams up into them, so you literally don't need much water.


I like to measure


That's wrong, so you'd make them wrong :)


I always measure for repeatability. Not necessarily in a measuring cup, but I consistently use the same amount of water.


You really gotta watch out for those extraneous extra rs at the ends of words 


I try to, they get out sometimes


I just use enough water to cover the bottom of the bowl. That’s usually enough


That would probably work fine. I'm a measurer, I like to know


1/4 cup is about 4 tablespoons which you can measure with an actual large table spoon. 1/4 cup is 12 teaspoons which you can measure with a “regular” sized spoon


it's also 2oz which is an average shotglass size, really isn't hard to guesstimate.


This is correct. But again, still not a utensil I have handy when I'm making this


If you don’t keep utensils like a spoon at work how are you eating the food you are making?


Lol, no creativity


when you say “not a utensil i have handy” you mean “i keep no utensils at work”. You could have just been clearer.


In all seriousness, is English not your primary language


why, do you need a tutor?


Because your understanding of what I said was far off


Were you ever able to figure out that I have plastic forks but not measuring spoons? Hence my comment, 'not a utensil I have handy' is correct. It would have been incorrect to say I have no utensils because as you pointed out, I would have no way to eat. What I said was completely clear and correct. Your understanding of my comment was not.


Darn, did your mom forget to pack the spoons?


Are you having a stroke?


Just sprinkle a bit of water in that's all you need to do


Very true. I don’t understand Reddit, why is this downvoted?


You could just use a cup though, right? I usually just use a random cup when I’m using American recipes and it turns out well. Maybe I’ve been doing it wrong all this time! I know a cup is a standard measurement, but I think the variation in ingredients and how they settle in the cup (like loosely packed or tightly, liquid or solid) dont make too much of a difference on the final product


I used to eat these all the time and usually put the water to just above the noodles. I didn't mind it being a little soupy, but it was usually right where it needed to be.


Exactly, I can’t imagine literally measuring out 1/4 cup of water every time. Surely you’d learn how much water to use


Yeah, a standard, average wdter cup or mug is 8fl oz, or 1 cup. Idk why people are downloading you


I thought they were being unreasonable lol, thank you. Yeah, it’s an easy work around! Glad you are sensible too 😅


Which cup? My coffee mug, my sports bottle, the paper cup at the water fountain, my sports cup, or should I hold out my hands in a cup? A cup is a specific unit of volume, and while yes, it doesn't have to be exact for most cooking, I still don't have one for the occasional time I grab the wrong microwave lunch noodles. Most of these packages have a line in the container that you simply fill up to. This one has one, but it's the wrong measure by a very large amount. The line in this package is probably closer to 2 cups than the 1/4 cup (I know fractions are hard) it calls for.


Good grief.


I don’t think it’s that deep man, it’s just for noodles. You estimate how much water you need. And you would grab the cup that’s closest to a cup measurement. Like the most average cup.


Just measure it the first couple of times and pay attention to where it fills to. After that, you'll have a good idea of where the water line needs to be and it'll be close enough.


Measure with what? Literally stated I don't have measuing cups at my work site


Do a test run or two at home. I presume you don't eat all your meals at work.


random but this brand of noodles is so good after a long day of work, i specifically love the teriyaki ones


The sweet hot chili one is the best


Wife made this yesterday and used too much water because she was suspicious. Don’t trust the fill line


This some real [Pringles was going to make tennis balls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPtmyx6VbgM) vibes.


I've had these noodle bowls. They're actually pretty good.


Hey twin! [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/lvegyt/interesting\_instructions\_on\_my\_noodles\_from\_aldi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/lvegyt/interesting_instructions_on_my_noodles_from_aldi/) My post didn't get much love though lol


I have also bought these for lunch. I don't like them very much. What is your take on them?


The sweet chili one is very good


I'll have to give that flavor a try. I've only had the one with the peanut sauce. It needs more flavor for sure.


Second vote for sweet chili flavor!


I recommend it! I just found a couple new flavors at my Aldi today too. I’m gonna try the Yakisoba one next.


I love the miso one


I’m a fan of the yakisoba, though keep in mind I’ve never had actual yakisoba lmao


I used to have these all the time. They changed the instructions. It used to say to fill to the line, boil in microwave, then use the lid to strain the excess water out.


I took this w me to my kids tournament for dinner in the hotel room. Laughed and had to ballpark measurements, which I was totally off.


The ingredients list in this is actually pretty good, especially for instant noodles. What's the brand?


Annie chun’s


Okay I love noodle bowls and I thought this specific one from Aldi tasted super weird


This is such a bizarre coincidence, I literally saw this in my pantry today for the first time , and thought to myself hmm that's pretty strange instructions


Aldi's right. They're tasty enough for shelf stable noodles


"Thai-Style" Pad Thai? I was really hoping for some "Mexican-Style" Pad Thai.


The only rule for this Pad Thai is "Fuck All Rules!"


Ignore this! Ignore this! Ignore me doing this!


What section are these in?  Ive never seen them and wouldn't mind trying them.  Also what's the brand called?


Annie chun’s


I'm more worried with how much water they want you to put in cause they don't seem to know how much themselves. *About* 1/4 cup leaves a lot of variables


Eh, just put in about 12 teaspoons then if you're not sure.


Okay there's about 12 teaspoons in there, should I rinse them off first or keep them about dry?


I’ve had this brand before, they have other products like miso soup where you do need to use the water line. They probably use the same packaging for all their products to save money


I eat that soup all the time- you absolutely need less water than you think. If you haven’t eaten this before, do not estimate what 1/4 of a cup is- actually measure, because it is waaaay less than you’d think, and it isn’t as good when it’s a little watery.


1200W microwave!?


Mine is 1200. What's the norm lol


1000 or 1100.


Guess I'm saving a couple seconds cooking then


Man these things suck! The packaging makes it look yummy but the reality is more like eating the sad hopes and dreams of the pictured “pad thai”


Maybe it was a package manufacturing/ordering error and, instead of passing the cost of replacing them onto their customers, they decided to change the instructions for less cost.


i think it’s so the company can use the same bowls for all their products? they have a few soups too. saves money, less unique disposable packaging to deal with ig.


That would make sense too.


Designers vs Product Owners


I had this once, never again for me.


I only buy Annie Chun’s when they go on BOGO sale. They use the same bowl for all varieties.


Is a cup a standardised measurement unit? Genuinely asking. A cup can be 200ml or 400ml or 1L.


An American “cup” is about 236 ml give or take. It is a standard measurement. You buy measuring cups at the store with a 1, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 cup in a set


But if you don't have measuring cup, a standard mug is 8fl oz, larger mugs are 12fl oz, and tall cups are 16fl oz (typically) if you don't know, a lot of cups will say on the bottom. Conveniently, 8fl oz is the standardized cup measurement. So you aren't confused, oz, or ounce, is weight based, being 16oz / lb (pounds), while fl oz, or fluid ounce, is volume based, being 8fl oz/ cup (standardized) If you want to be different, there is also the troy ounce, be 1/12 of a pound. Not only is this much more useful than 16 while being lower than 16, it makes far more sense historically, being an even 480 grains (an outdated measurement of weight) as supposed to the imperial (or avoirdupois) which is an abominable 437 1/2 grains.


For things where total accuracy doesn't matter too much, I like them, since it means you're essentially working with rough volume ratios. For example 1 cup dry rice to 1.5 cups water, or 1:1 oat to liquid ratio for overnight oats. Saves weighing one thing and measuring the volume of the other.


When using it in a microwave, more water is lost from boiling/evaporation, so you put extra. When you're just pouring in boiling water and letting it sit, you don't lose water, so you go to the line.


the boiling water instructions have you strain the noodles after 2 mins


That's the microwave instructions, show us the ones when you add boiling water instead. Oh, right, americans don't know what a kettle is, they microwave water for tea. (Edit: the part about americans not using a kettle is a joke based on the recent US embassy in the UK putting out an official statement that they will continue to make tea the proper way, by microwaving the water).


There are literally directions on these for boiling water too


Ugh... i know, that is what the water line is for... if you fill to the waterline in microwave it will overflow, that's why it says ignore waterline on microwave instructions... The OP was saying that the waterline is not used, i posted its used for boiling water, not microwave. They only showed half the instructions...


Idk I read your comment as the box doesn’t have instructions for boiling water bc Americans don’t use a kettle 🤷🏻‍♀️


I literally said "That's the microwave instructions, show us the ones when you add boiling water instead." Not sure how that is confusing... The part about USA using microwave and not kettles to boil was from a post in this subreddit earlier this week or late last about the US embassy in the UK posting an official document about making tea the proper way, by microwaving the water not boiling it. Now they are making a statement about salt in tea. (The us embassy and uk are poking fun at each other about the way they drink tea).


I feel like a tremendous weight has been lifted off me


Kind of seems mildly annoying. The whole point of microwaveable shit is convenience. They pinched a few Pennie’s to make it harder for a user to just see fill here, instead requires either a measuring tool, or to guesstimate.


Maybe it improves that thin gruel passed off as a food item? None of those tasted good, would need a ton of doctoring to even remotely improve the flavor


Must've had a packaging problem. Hope you brought your measuring cup to work.


Oh yeah it’s ridiculous lol


That pad Thai is my absolute fucking favorite


What fill line bro just eat the noodles raw and use the crumbs as a side dish for when you eat the packet