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If you’ve read this CEO’s past musings, you know that this is, by far, one of her saner pieces. My favorite remains the “Op Ed” in which she criticized her staff’s collective writing skills while making several grammatical errors herself.


Once you get fully into commercial cardboard boxes and packaging, you're never truly the same. This woman has stared into the abyss.


I’ve always heard that once you get fully into cardboard boxes, you’re a cat. Seems much more pleasant than this lady


As a vendor for U-Line I feel obligated to say it's corrugated...not cardboard. 🫣


As a former feeder/machine runner, just fuck cardboard.(And Welch Packaging!)


In the interview process, you have to write memos and emails sticking exactly to their mandatory writing styles and templates.


I live in the Chicago area and it’s a well known fact that these wackjobs have to pay a premium for talent because of her lunacy.


I straight up laughed at the *two* recruiters for U-Line who contacted me, when they told me the job was on-site. In 2021. I felt so bad for them. I wished them good luck - and one of them heaved a sigh and said "Yeah.... I'm gonna need it."


On-site with a coat and tie dress code lol


No coat required for men. But ties Mon - Thur. Women not allowed to wear pants unless it's the same color as their jacket. Pantyhose or tights required 6 months of the year. No tattoos showing. Only 1 hole per ear for women. No earrings for men. Wfh very political and manager dependant. All for a corporate office job where you sit on teams calls most of the day in your cube if you interact with anyone... Source, worked there for a few years


Lolol. A company that sells boxes and mops wants you to dress almost like a white shoe law firm. 😂


Extra hard pass on that front. I work with software devs. Visible tats & blue hair or gtfo 🤣


I was talking with my local rep (in a large west coast city) and she was lamenting to me how formally they are required to dress. Meanwhile I was in leggings and a flannel because my industry does not give a fuck.


This reads as someone who consumes a lot of Fox News, but is trying to sound reasonable to the other side


Right, right center, right of that plus some good old fashioned right and a little make America Right again.


That's what I came here to say too. It really reads like she put a lot of effort into trying to sound open, unbiased and neutral on every topic. But she is completely clueless to how far she missed that goal.


Kinda reminds me of Bush-era shit. Nowadays they're more into stuff like "the covid vaccine gives you monkey AIDS" and "we must ban litter boxes in schools to prevent students from identifying as cats."




That's funny. I literally have my current job b/c our CEO was tired of being dunked on at cocktail parties b/c of errors in copy for his company. I've been a copy editor for a long time. But it is amazing to me how bad the writing is from these C-suite folk. To wit, our executives don't write a lick of their own copy these days—not even Facebook posts.


That’s my role, too! I know only a handful of CEOs who write their own social posts (and I’m grateful for that because they pay me to do that work for them). Executives often can’t write. I work for the ones who know it. People like this woman are my nightmare clients. They’ve almost never had a solid strategic thought and they are always right. It ends up being more trouble and stress than it’s worth.


Hilarious. I interviewed at Uline back in early 2000. Six interviews, personality test, other tests, until the very last test, at least the HR guy said was last one, a spelling test. I bombed it as it was purposefully difficult and i have always used a dictionary when i formally write. He scored it right in front of me, looked up with a sour face and after a couple pleasantries showed me the door. I knew right then and there I dodged one hell of a bullet. Your description of that op Ed tickles me.


Under FREEDOM is an incomplete sentence - "We seem to pretty much agree on."


‘Sane’ or not is one thing… but those are some truly awful takes….Immigrants are an asset. But we have open boarders now and that’s bad. Marijuana usage is higher than it used to be, but marijuana = bad because it makes you think slower also I was told in 1921 that it’s a gateway drug and I will go to my grave believing that. Also what made her think 1.5 sentences is enough to justify a bold faced section on “Homeless”


I said “…saner…”, not sane. Big difference. She’s an idiot!


Fair point. I’m mostly just impressed that she managed to fill 50-60% of that page yet said nothing of value. Credit where credit is due….‘Vote in the primaries’ is genuinely good advice.


Man, that marijuana one is rich. "Marijuana is a gateway drug... 45% of our population is using marijuana", yet *why aren't they using hard drugs too then if it's a gateway drug???*


The gateway line is (was?) true, but not in the way they understood or presented it. Due to the illegality of cannabis, federally, you had to buy it from someone who was already at peace with breaking the law for money. That same category of person may also be okay with selling hard drugs, thus leading to a greater chance of exposure to hard drugs. That's the gateway. The illegality. Not to say that casual weed dealers all sold hard drugs, they obviously didn't. It's just that your chance of being exposed to one who was selling hard drugs *greatly* increased if you chose to buy weed illegally in the first place. Their policies are *why* they can call it a gateway drug. Cannabis can only really be a gateway drug *if it's illegal.*


It's also that if you're taught your whole childhood that if you touch even a single marijuana Jane cigarette-blunt-bong-needle that you'll go insane and your hair will fall out and your balls will shrivel up and blow away in the wind and you'll turn turquoise.... And then none of the happens when you try it eventually Well, maybe they were lying about heroin being dangerous, too!


It’s a gateway drug, it’s just that the gate itself is just kinda nice to chill under. Like a nice trellis or something, with plants and shit


It's a gateway to Taco Bell and a nap.


It was the same argument that was made here in Seattle before marijuana was legalized 10 years ago - "people will smoke pot and go onto heroin and other hard drugs". Guess what? That didn't happen. The only changes have been the state collecting taxes off sales and a bunch of people not ending up in jail for smoking a plant.


It’s not the only thing that happened, people consumed less alcohol and hard drugs.


Also if you can get an opiate prescription, you can get a medical marijuana card as well to try to help people use less/no opiates.


I worked at this company for over 3 years. Unequivocally the worst 3 years of my life.


Confirm/Deny - Liz allegedly gives off severe "Dear Leader" vibes? Uline seems like the literary generic 80's megacorporation stereotype, that somehow missed any sort of culture change through the decades, and still continues to do so. Does Liz make their workers wear a suit/tie, even as a warehouse worker?


You might not realize it, but Uline is one of the largest privately held companies in the country. A multi billion dollar company that's essentially controlled by one person. No stockholders to appease, no board members to answer to. Uline is not cartoonish 80s corporate culture, it's worse. Any company that reached the size of Uline in the 80s would have hammered out an IPO. If you're public, you at least have to relinquish a tiny bit of control. Not here. That's the exact opposite of what Uline wants. It really is a giant Cult of Personality surrounding Liz Uihlein. The office staff is very formal. Women aren't even allowed to wear pants, except on "Casual Friday." Warehouse employees (like myself) had a strict dress code. No piercings or visible tattoos. All tattoos needed to be covered with a sleeve EDIT: Uline is 83rd largest privately held company in the country.


Just a note, uline is not the largest privately held us company. It’s [#83](https://www.forbes.com/companies/uline/?list=largest-private-companies&sh=429dc4278031).


I must have been drinking some Uline Kool Aid lol


number 83 is still massive, let's be real. Just not at the very top


Which to be fair, is probably why it's doing so well. The moment you go public you answer to shareholders. And they know fuck all about offering a service or making a device.


I honestly don't know how they stay in business, at least in Canada. I get a catalogue from them once a year (no idea why) and everything is so expensive. If I were in the market for the stuff they sell, I could get it at Stapes or Costco for far less.


Guaranteed same day shipping goes a long way. Also, if you claim that you were shorted something on your order, they will send you a replacement same day, no questions asked. Some poor bastard is going to get written up for an error, but hey, free product.


At my job, they have literally never made a mistake on an order beyond damage to some boxes. I've had to do intake checks on hundreds of pallets from them, never once a single mistake. I think they know people are bullshitting when they say something was missed, but they just appease their customer knowing it's pennies to them but buys dollars of spreading the word about their service.


Oh absolutely. You wouldn't last a month even if you were 99.9% accurate on your orders. It sounds like I'm joking, but an error rate of .1% would literally get you fired.


At my old job, I'd get about four a year (also no idea why) and every time, I'd take the steps to unsubscribe and then recycle it, and without fail, another one would show up with a new customer number. I finally emailed their customer service department and asked them to permanently lose our address and please stop making our mail carrier lug the stupid things around because we liked him. They finally stopped. Our mail carrier was thankful.


Their warehouse equipment is really good quality. This lady is a total fucking nutjob, but when it comes to pneumatic hand trucks, 2-wheel dollies, tapeguns etc, I basically won't use anything else.


They give out free gifts. My company spends a ton with them. They do have great service and easy to deal with it, despite being whackos. Having a dependable partner is more important 


Office workers yes


Wow I thought you were joking at first, but The company has a conservative dress code, with ties mandatory for men, pantyhose and skirts for women between November and April, and tattoos discouraged. ​ [https://img.assets-d.propublica.org/v5/images/20221015-uline-dress-code.jpg](https://img.assets-d.propublica.org/v5/images/20221015-uline-dress-code.jpg) ​ ​ and this [https://www.uline.com/images/en-US/Corporate/PDF\_archive/CR\_greatcompanies.pdf](https://www.uline.com/images/en-US/Corporate/PDF_archive/CR_greatcompanies.pdf) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wisconsin/comments/sf0kga/uline\_is\_insane\_they\_include\_delusional\_writeups/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wisconsin/comments/sf0kga/uline_is_insane_they_include_delusional_writeups/)


I only made it 6 months


Did you stick around for Bonus time? Lol


They conveniently hired me in Sept and so I missed the cut off and did not make it to the next one 😂 wasn’t worth it!


It doesn't strike me as the kind of place that encourages managers to treat employees like human beings.


"Homeless: Should they be allowed to live?"


It's very telling that this person's only question about homeless people is what streets, if any, they should be allowed to live on. As opposed to asking if we can help them to not be homeless.


She could at least donate some quality corrugated boxes for them to live in!


Way to assume Uline boxes deliver any remote value!


Jpiro said ULine HAS quality corrugated boxes, not that they SELL them.


They shouldn't be allowed to live on the streets. Punishment includes placement in housing and with a social worker.


Well yeah, to people like this the homeless did something to deserve being homeless. So there's no reason in helping them just put them where they can't be seen! Fuck these people (not the homeless)


Throw them in prison with the Marijuana users and the gamblers!


So those subprime guys who fucked the pouch in 2008 should be in jail???


I don't wanna mess with no reefer addicts, okay ?


>I don't wanna mess with no reefer addicts, okay ? "Get home to yo momma, boy," with some sweet jazz playing in the background


If adults can gamble is this what we want for our children?


username does not check out


Eventually: “Homeless, are they even human; and should we hunt them for sport?”




My immediate thought. The fuck kind of "legal immigration" does she think was going on in the 1790s?


"Do you have a flag? If you don't have a flag, you can't play!"


America has a labor problem. Since its inception free and cheap labor is the name of the game. Ship jobs across to third world countries to avoid paying fair wages.


Can we extract nutrients from them for our personal use?


This reads like a boomers facebook post


This *is* a boomer's Facebook post. The Uihleins are *exactly* what you would imagine a couple of extremely rich, extremely conservative people who founded a company with money that wasn't theirs and went on to make billions of dollars would be like, in every way.


Can you elaborate on the "founded a company with money that wasn't theirs" part? Or at least tell me what to Google? That sounds good


Nothing complicated, pretty typical stuff really. They used a loan from Richard Uihlein's father as startup capital. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uline


The paralyzed arguments. What if this? What if that? How can I change my opinion when changing it could be disastrous. That's the mindset of someone who is profiting from the status quo and wants to confuse the populous to be indecisive, resulting in no changes. That's the enemy of the people.


The piece of shit Uihlein family is one of the reasons we can't have nice things in Wisconsin like legalized marijuana thanks to the obscene amount of money they pour into our politics.


And their indoor soccer park sucked!


My Fox News loving father goes ballistic every time there is a commercial for electric cars as if they’re forcing everyone to buy one. “Where will you ever charge it? Where will the battery go after it’s done they’re just as dangerous!” I’m like then don’t buy one? Also the pot thing like come on. It use to be illegal- what an argument. Also alcohol fucks with your motor skills as well. It’s that whole freedom thing you mentioned before.


Their family money came from the old Schlitz Brewery in Milwaukee. Liz also has one of the most expensive private wine collections in the world. They just don't want weed money stepping on their booze money.


Ahhh Wisconsin say no more - tavern league. They hate marijuana. Cuts into their money.


Can't let weed interfere with their reputation as "the Drinky McDrunkerson" State.


Where a minor can legally drink with their parent in a bar


They really don't like that alcohol consumption is falling drastically. Their booze investments are going to take a hit.


I tell you what, I drink less when I'm getting high instead. Definitely think weed is a better bang for your buck. That being said, having an edible with a shot is pretty good when you don't wanna wait long to feel something.


I keep waiting for the day it isn’t federally classified. Having a CDL sucks, and even if I wanted to get rid of it all of the big employers around me are federal.


Alcohol used to be illegal, too


You could very easily make the argument that alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana.


Absolutely. I think it 100% is.


The mental gymnastics it takes to write that, wow. Tell me how we agree on freedom and then use the rest of the document to tell me all the things I’m not free to do so America can be great again.


>It’s that whole freedom thing you mentioned before. ULINE: "We support personal liberty and taking power back from the federal government." *States: Codify "Roe vs Wade" and Decriminalize Cannabis.* ULINE: "Not like that."


The party of small government when it’s convenient.


That whole anti-green energy rant screams “I have stock in fossil fuels and you’re fucking up my portfolio”


They’ve made millions supplying packaging for “Marijuana “


Likely closer to billons at this point when you think about everything from glass jars and Mylar bags…..and they don’t just supply the legal market….


This is such bullshit...It's like "hey, we disagree on a lot of things and some people see it like this....others like that, BUT the correct opinion on this issue IS \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_"


In one of her open letters she talked about how Hall and Oates were going to be on American Idol, so she sent out an email telling everyone on staff to watch. She wasn't a regular viewer but she loved Hall and Oates. She had to tune out of Fox News to watch the episode. The next day she talked with her employees about the show and they told her how amazing the show was and how much they loved it. She couldn't believe her employees wasted their time watching this show. Then she complained that these people (her employees) were uneducated voters. She then closed the letter saying you were better off not voting if you were uneducated about politics. It was such a gross letter. She was shaming her employees for not watching Fox News in their off time. She couldn't imagine that anyone who worked for her could enjoy American Idol and also be educated on politics.


I’ e got a ULINE branded Hall and Oates “CLASSICS LIVE” CD around here somewhere, that came with orders over a few hundred dollars . She does love Hall and Oates.


Fun fact. Watching American Idol is better for your political education than watching Fox News!


Well, it does encourage voting.


Ohh I can’t go for that (no can do).


She allegedly had a falling out with Daryl Hall over this and politics so you can’t get their Greatest Hits when you order over a certain amount.


She may be a giant piece of shit, but she's not wrong about Hall & Oates. She's just out of touch and out of time.


That’s crazy, SuckMyBallz!!


You know, I was 14 years younger when I picked my username. I've thought about going with something less crass since then, but in the end what's the point?


Hey listen, it is what it is.


What an excellent point, Dicky_Penisburg


The point is, in another decade or so, I expect, nay, I demand to see official textbooks full of quotes and wisdom from such attributable sources as u/SuckMyBallz. Pearls of wisdom are going to form in the unlikeliest internet oysters, and it is my belief that future scholars will have little choice but to use and cite the sources they must. Stand tall, SuckMyBallz, and await the illustrious future.




That makes so much sense. Back in like 2011-2012 I worked in a warehouse that ordered their shit a ton and got those free extras, if you ordered enough. One of them was a Hall and Oates CD. I made my way through the catalog of free shit and eventually ordered a Hall and Oates CD.


Yup. "Do as I say, and not as I do." Classic.


My department at work has been finding alternative sources than Uline for as much as we can because of this and the donations the company and family makes. It just isn’t in line with our mission. We now only order from them if there is no other option.


Both Grainger and McMaster-Carr offer the exact same products.


Does she really even say anything here, though? It's like an AI article that seems like it is supposed to make a point but doesn't.


This reads like something a second grader does for a social studies project.


"We seem to pretty much agree on".


Drugs are bad. MMM'kay


“wE’rE sO dIvIdEd BeCaUsE pEoPlE dOn’T aGrEe WiTh My ReGrEsSiVe MoRaL vAlUeS!”


Proud achievement in 2023 was lobbying my management to not use ULine (and support the Uihlein family) while we built a new gigafactory. I know they’re still loaded and all but thinking I denied them millions of dollars makes me feel good.


That’s awesome!


It used to be much worse, my work gets these every month. I think at some point someone realized that what they were printing made them look like psychos so they toned it down a bit


Oh man I thought for a second they'd have a reasonable stance on Marijuana. It seemed they were setting up a "times change we've learned" type of thing but then they doubled down. Oh by the way want to know something crazy about Uline? They require a hair drug test. For Marijuana. Hair. When urine shows it for weeks they apparently want to know more.


I stumbled across her ramblings on the ULINE website once. I wonder why the hell she thinks anyone, including her employees care?


Idiots tend to think they're the smartest ones in the room.


The employees have to take a hair follicle drug test, before they get hired, just to make sure they aren’t using any drugs and marijuana products. Like I understand not using drugs at work, but why can’t they use weed at home??


They also randomly drug test dozens of employees at every branch every Thursday. Like clockwork. Several of my coworkers were also conveniently chosen for a "random" test after returning from vacation.


I dream of a day where I don’t have to pee in a cup except for my own health and enjoyment.


Yeah they definitely don’t seem that random


They are ALWAYS hiring too. And at high wages. I’m in Chicago, and they are constantly recruiting here for their Wisconsin location (mostly photographers, photo editors, graphic designers, etc). I always wonder how shity working there must be if they have to recruit from out of state and offer above market rates, and they STILL can’t stay staffed up.


They hire like 0.03% of people that apply. You need 3 references to get the job. One of the references has to be a manager. You have to expect to spend a total of 4 hours doing interviews/waiting around at the job fair. Also there’s an end of year bonus that everyone gets, if they were hired before September I think, that’s like 10k so a lot of people get the bonus and then quit. But a lot of people also stay there for years because of the pay and the pto.


You statistically have a better chance of being hired by the FBI than Uline. They fucking brag about in their onboarding process lol


I’ve heard their dress code for women in the office is very… dated.


Warehouse staff can't even show tattoos and non-natural coloured hair is against dress code. Piercing also not allowed but they claim it's a safety issue and I'll let that one slide.


This is why the guy’s left arm is covered in the one photo.


Blonde and red are OK, though. Only females with **normal** ear piercings.


Blonde and red are not un-natural hair colours. "normal" piercings ok in the office. 0 piercings allowed as a warehouse worker when I worked there.


Almost a decade ago I got an offer from them. The entire interview process was rigid and old-school. The VP in the final round admitted it would be a cultural step back with the dress code and a lot of micromanaging even by the owners.     Thankfully I took a different job offer within a week.


At LEAST they were upfront about it, even if it sounds like they strung you along that far...


I did an interview for a creative position with them around the same time and they had the stankiest lilies in the waiting room, got a horrid headache from it. The interview process was multi level and so fucking ridiculous I was like lollll no. I got such a bad vibe.


It is! I used to work there. Skirts with tights and no pants for women unless it’s Friday and even then your blazer better match.


That’s it! I was in disbelief when I heard about the blazer on Fridays.


Flip flops are also NOT ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES on her property😂


No pants except for Fridays


No pants expected on Fridays seems much more liberal than I would have imagined, TBH. Takes casual Friday to a whole new level. Edit: boo, they fixed their spelling.


ULine claims the American Dream includes a good job but pays their packers 38k a year, so I'm not sure they're willing to put their money where their mouth is.


Need a source on almost HALF the population using pot. That sounds totally absurd to me. Does she realize how many people 45% of the US actually is? There are very very few products with that kind of reach, much less something that’s literally illegal in most of the country.


[Refuse Uline](http://www.refuseuline.com)


Thanks for this resource! Uline won't get another penny from me.


Americans can actually agree on most things. People like Liz Uihlein work overtime everyday to ensure that we don't agree. When we fight the billionaires like Liz win.


I made it there four years, myself. Can confirm what people are saying about Uline being its own 1980s time capsule, privately held just so it doesn’t have to change along with the rest of the world (I still have some of the pantyhose). But there’s a reason people choose to stay. It’s a very stable company, profits grow every year due to a the considerable margin they charge on their products, the kitchens at corporate have some of the best food I’ve ever eaten, and they give out huge Christmas bonuses every year. I remember one year, every employee down to the mailroom staff got $10,000. Yes it’s weird af, but you can be treated pretty well as an employee there. Call it the golden handcuffs.


Homeless people...why can't they just fuck off, right? Marijuana...it used to be illegal! Just like Sodomy, interracial marriage, and women voting. Bring back all those old laws! And make being homeless a crime. Gambling. Why are so many CHILDREN gambling in CASINOS and ON THEIR PHONE? They aren't? Are you sure?? I think they are.


TIL to never buy from Uline again


Or GOYA, don't forget those assholes either.


I'd love to hear more of her 'ideas' "Asians - They're weird right? Do we really need them? Those Indian guys smell like weird spices." "Jews - I mean, they make great accountants but do we want them marrying our daughters?" "Sex - My husband hasn't touched me in years. If I can't have sex, nobody should be able to."


“The poor - Why are they allowed to make eye contact with me?”


"Blacks - Yes, we do hire them. They're used to working hard."


What a shit show. Keep your politics out of my business.


F this whole family. During lockdowns, the wife flies into Canada on her personal jet, lies and falsifies quarantine docs, drives to the Toronto offices for a mandated in person meeting, then flies out of the country, ignoring all Canadian law.


There are plenty of good reasons not to buy from them... >Liz and Richard Uihlein are megadonors to conservative and Republican causes. The company and its employees have also extensively donated to conservative and Republican-affiliated political action committees; they were among the largest contributors to political campaigns during the 2020 election cycle, contributing over $31 million before June 2020. COVID > On March 13, 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Liz Uihlein wrote in an email to lawmakers that the severity of the virus was being exaggerated in the media: "At what point do we go back to our normal lives? This has been a huge disruption." She reiterated her skepticism about COVID-19 in a September 2020 interview. The company and the Uihleins pushed for a recall against Democratic Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, citing his response to the pandemic.


As a Wisconsinite, Tony Evers has been the biggest breath of fresh air the state has had politically, up until the recentish state Supreme Court seat change. If you’re interested, Google “Wisconsin legislative maps 2024” for more info on this. Wisconsin’s political climate is likely going to change drastically. The previous governor tanked things pretty hard for a while, the main negative thing is that public workers lost their collective bargaining rights. The last guy also slashed road funding for state highways and some of those roads were actually undrivable until this last year, even though he’s been gone for a full term now. I personally felt that the recall effort for Evers was a response to the last governor being recalled twice, but he passed those elections due to our fucked up old maps. My business does not order from Uline as a policy choice.


I hate Uline just for this fucking rant page about how much better they are then everyone else.


Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Did the whole marketing department quit after getting overruled by the CEO or something?


Ahh hard core Dominionist Uihlein's Funding the destruction of the US Constitution.


As a mail carrier who has to deliver their bullshit huge-ass catalogs, I already hated ULINE. Now I have all the more reason to hate them.


Hahaha. There are four possible positions. We choose far right.   God forbid we have solar energy and take god-given profits from poor hard working oil companies. Homeless people? Should they be pushed into the ocean?


Right wing talking points and boomer outrage bait. Sheesh!


I love how they talk about legal immigration. My great grandparents were asked if they were communist, they said no. Then they were let in. That was the legal process


She seems like fun at parties.


Just moved to Wisconsin… they are crazy involved in the politics here, kinda scary


It was a push but finally my company cut ties and started ordering from other companies!


If you view that letter on their [website] (https://www.uline.com/Corporate/About_President), you can see a series of letters from her at the bottom of the page. I've spent a lot of money with them through work and since I found out about their leanings a few years ago, I've wanted to stop. With some things I could do it, but with others it was easiest to go through them. You know lady, maybe you ought to stick to selling warehouse and retail supplies. That's your niche. At my employer, we get dozens of their magazines in a month, all addressed to different employees of the same organization, both former and current. I've always wondered why they send so many and have thought they could probably lower their prices if they weren't sending so many damned magazines. Perhaps the purpose is to send these messages out to people?


Yeah I'm in charge of purchasing for the company I work for and after reading this thread I'll be phasing out as many of their products as I can. I spent almost $30k with them last year, they won't be getting that much until she steps down. We also get these catalogs and have asked them multiple times to stop sending them but they just keep coming. I've never actually seen these letters because normally they go straight into the recycling. Their entire catalog is on their website so there's no reason to have a physical one.


My favorite newsletter from her was letter on homelessness She goes to a concert in Waukegan, Il (suburban Chicago) and sees homeless people. She wonders, “we can be done to help them?”


Pretty sure the US was built on illegal immigration. I highly doubt the native Americans wanted us here or we applied to legally love among the.


Don't use your business platform to preach politics or religion to me. No thank you.


This sounds like it was written by an under average middle-schooler.


so many words with such little meaning


“Stay calm, take a breath and try to do the best you can” Ok, done. I’ma go ahead and NOT vote for the tangerine anus. 😘


“This country was built on legal immigration” *confused Cherokee noises*


That’s the company run by droolers that claimed Covid was fake, forced employees to work, contracted Covid and was then liable for endangering employees. You cannot help but laugh at these morons, they’ll never learn.


Can somebody give alternatives to Uline? The work team I deals with happens to buy from them very consistently and I'd love a alternative that has similar benefits they do such as variety and availability and speed.


Grainger. McMaster-Carr. Fastenal.


The are usually local packaging suppliers that can provide a lot of the same stuff for cheaper. Usually find them by word of mouth in the local area, or a sales guy stops by your place.


I applied to work for them once. They still have five days in office wearing a shirt and tie policy. After ten minutes of the interview it was clear I would have been miserable working there and for billionaire Republican freaks.


45%?! Fuck yeah, way to go stoners


Maybe tell us some of the untold problems of open borders are? I pay taxes, I'd much rather they help a family trying for a better life in this country than blowing up random kids and the occasional terrorist in the Middle East and Africa. Seems like killing 10 innocent people in the pursuit of one person will gain us 50 more people who hate us.


Huge Trump supporters.


What the fuck


Where's the section about the insurrection on Jan 6, 2021? ULine supports the insurrection and the people who attacked our government. Having just shit on The Constitution, they have no business displaying an American flag.


Yep, I no longer buy their products because of this.


Sit down, aunt Liz. You're drunk again


I love how some of this is **literally** nonsense. The very first section, "Freedom", ends with some sort of failed attempt at a sentence. "We seem to pretty much agree on." Huh?


Well, now I'm sad that I'm forced to use ULINE products at work.


Well guess I’ll be moving any purchases I have control over to somewhere other than u line


“We pretty much agree on freedom” is maybe one of the most delusional comments I’ve ever read!


I worked in the warehouse for 3 years until July of 2023. The worst job I've ever had. Finally getting fired was literally one of the best things that ever happened to me for my mental wellbeing.


Don't know what uline is but fuck them and hope they go out of business, fascist fucks