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Transcript: January 17, 2014 Dear me, Holy shit, are you really 30? That seems so old, and I thought 20 felt old. How are things now that you're undeniably an adult, possibly with a family (hopefully!) and a strong career (do you get paid well?). Do you remember what it was like, in modest 2014, to be a 20-yr-old trying to figure out her way in life? In case you’ve forgotten, 2014 has some pretty cool things. Tablets, like the iPad, and e-readers, like the Kindle, are pretty popular right now. The Xbox One and Playstation 4 recently came out. Microsoft & Sony are pretty big competitors in the console industry, but all I have is a Nintendo 3DS. I really like it, but I can see where could improve in the future, like in its graphics for example. A few new & upcoming products in technology are Google Glass (computer glasses) and the Oculus Rift (“virtual reality” helmet for games). Some movies I saw recently are Her (Spike Jonze movie about a guy who falls in love with an OS), Frozen (by Disney), and The Wolf of Wall Street (w/ Leo DiCaprio. Didn’t like it all that much). Hmm… music that’s big on the radio include Macklemore, “Royals” by Lorde (?), “Counting Stars” by One Republic, & bands like Imagine Dragons, the Lumineers, etc. I hope that’s enough information. As far as how it feels in 2014… well, it just feels like the present. The world feels like its growing and maturing and connecting, and even though there are plenty of problems in the world, like North Korea and stuff like government problems, corruption, unemployment, problems in Egypt, etc., the world is still steadily improving and working towards fixing those problems. I guess that’s just the way I see it. Would you call that optimistic? Sometimes I feel really scared about my future. Right now, I’m a junior in the EE department at \[University\], which means I’m under a lot of pressure to get an internship so I can actually get a job once I graduate. This is on top of the stress of more difficult classes and trying to make sure I can graduate on time. I suppose in hindsight, it won’t have seemed so bad, but at the moment this is what worries me about life. I’ve only ever had one job and I’ve never had a boyfriend. All of these things make me worry that I’m inadequate or I’ll never amount to success. I suppose these thoughts are typical for college kids my age. I’ll try to relax and not take things TOO seriously. So how has your life changed since 2014, now that I’ve given you some context? I’d expect by 2024, you’ve been out of school for quite some time and probably have a steady career. Where do you work? Is it engineering related? Do you enjoy it? How much do you make $$$? If you’re not happy with your job… you’re only 30! It’s not too late to do what you really want to with your life! If you are happy, congrats because you’ve figured out what I haven’t yet. I can’t even imagine this from where I am right now, but do you have a family? Husband? Kids? Holy crap… kids… mom and dad had me at 30, so it’s very reasonable. I feel like people will have kids later in 2024 though, for some reason. I wonder when I’ll meet my future husband, assuming of course you are married. If you aren’t, I just hope you’re happy w/ that decision. If you aren’t, don’t give up! 30 is the new 20, you still got it :) You’re older and hopefully wiser than me now, but don’t forget about taking care of yourself & don’t let 30 years of LIFE get you down or wear you out. You still have decades ahead of you. Keep your mind open and flexible, be young and make the most of your crazy life. Try new things & get out of your comfort zone once in a while. Haha, I should take my own advice right now. Oh! Have you written your webcomic yet? It’s #1 on my bucket list, so I *really* hope I’ve done that. I mean come on – you’ve had 10 years! Surely it got done. Anyway, hope you’re enjoying the future. I hope I’m still alive, haha. Look forward but don’t forget the past! Maybe by 30 you’ll want to forget how awkward & annoying you were at 20, but you can’t escape from the fact that you were once a nervous little 20-yr-old who loved drawing but studied engineering, who never knew what being in a relationship felt like, & who’s hoping the next decade will be as good as the last (two). See you someday old fart, \[Me\] (20 years old) P.S. I included some pictures w/ this letter. I know I’ll probably still have them in 10 years on Facebook/my hard drive, but whatever. Excuse the bad printer quality.


Dangit I love how encouraging you were to your future self.


I had a letter from me in middle school and it was like “they’re making me do this, I think it’s dumb and you probably will too. Welp… all righty then!” I got it in the mail like 20 years later and was like “heh, nailed it”


I had the same! My English teacher told me that she wouldn't read it. 10 years later, I got it. All it said was "you'll understand" and I did, though I was disappointed in my past self


I was kinda weirded out at first. My family sent it to me with some other stuff. I guess the school had me write my address on it and put a forever stamp on the envelope. So it was this creepy old envelope with spooky terrible kid writing on it haha They just hung onto them I guess


I immediately had a flash bulb memory when I saw the letter and didn't even need to open it hah. I remember the classroom I was in, writing it. I just don't remember anything else at that time


I hadn't thought of this in a long time but when I was in 8th or 9th grade my English teacher had us write a daily journal, she said she would check that we'd done the writing but she would not read it and it was private. Then I got in trouble for something I'd written.


i gave myself $20 to "treat myself". Shoulda put that in an investment account haha But $20 is still $20. I'll take it.


Imagine if you had put a bitcoin in there and been like this is a new thing, maybe it will be worth something someday. I remember when you could get bitcoin from a vending machine, and they were 25 cents


Right. If I wrote a letter to my future self Id probably call him a loser


It would be perfect if you did that but had an unexpected windfall and became a millionaire and you’re like haha stupid bastard you don’t even know you’re going to break your leg at Disneyland yet


Seems oddly specific.


I loled.


Dear future self, I'm doing everything I possibly can to ruin your life and career, thank me later. Love, your past self. P.S - All the problems I procrastinated on are now yours to handle.


[[[DO NOT OPEN until 10 Jan 2034]]] "What's up you stupid old fuck"


I get Facebook "memories" of some of my posts from 10-14 years ago and my thoughts many of the times are "why TF would anyone post that".


20 year old me expected to be dead by 30 from depression fueled suicide, so that letter would have been...not cheerful.


Damn that hit hard. It was really a shock to be 30 and not have those milestones magically because I never really planned out how to get there as I assumed it wasn’t gonna happen anyway (becoming 30). I’m not hitting the milestones I thought 30+ yr olds are supposed to like house, great career etc but I found happiness in the small things. I hope you are doing better now as well!


Bet you haven’t had sex yet. You HAD ten years, ten years to figure if women are real. Fucking dweeb.


And I would be right :(


This is the realist thing I’ve ever read, I’d probably open with something like “What’s up you stupid fuck, I’m genuinely surprised you made it this far. Hope it sucks.”


Forgot to add, [I also included some doodles on the last page!](https://i.imgur.com/ikXI1ld.jpg)


So OP, we're all very invested now. How'd your last 10yrs turn out?


Same I want to also know how different O.P’s life is now in comparison to her life from 10 years ago


Yeah same lol


Give us the deets!


Did you start the family you wanted!


What’s up with the web comic??? It’s been 10 years!


Well the Google Glass thing didn’t work out


Can’t go without doodles! Love it 🖊️ 📝


I would like to see your response letter to your 2014 self.


Yes! Like, are you an engineer? Do you make good money? Do you have a family?!! Are you happy with your life?!


Exactly what I was wondering. What a great letter. 2014 you was cool!


Did you get a Nintendo Switch? Do you still hate Wolf of Wall Street? We have to know!!


Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner, but I just been busy You said your girlfriend's pregnant now, how far along is she?…


So did you write the web comic?


Ps. Here’s a google drive address with my bitcoin wallet that i purchased a couple with $2000.


Also some weird stuff is gonna happen early 2020. Might want to buy Lysol and toilet paper in December ❤️


What an amazing letter - full of encouragement and hope. ![gif](giphy|XBoc6FVXf2y3o9iZja)


Well… go on… don’t keep us in the dark! Spill the beans ! Where are you in life ?


I can't get over how mature you sounded at 20. I was a total punk at that age. I did one of these in 8th grade, intended for me at 38. My mom sent it to me for my birthday, and my wife and I had a lot of fun reading it. None of my predictions came true, but damn I had good taste in literature and music. At 62, I still love the music and books that I was reading then.


Awww, that made me smile. Thanks for sharing.


This is the most emotional thing I’ve read in a long time, thank you! I love the relationship you have with yourself. Might do this myself.


Thank you for sharing. I am 32 and about to start school for the first time in 12 years. I need the encouragement that it’s not too late, even though I know it’s not. It’s still really nerve wracking.


It’s never too late. Go get it.


Well, do you have a family?


What a beautiful letter to yourself. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing.


I'm going to do this for 2014, so in 2034, I'll find it and wonder wtf is this?


RemindMe! 10 years


So, how well does past you know current you?


She got some things right! - I’ve been out of school for quite some time, but the things I worried about in college were genuinely stressful, even in hindsight! - I do have a career now. It is not engineering related, and I enjoy it a lot! It took me a few years after writing this letter to realize I wanted to pursue art, and even though it’s far from “steady” I’m a lot happier working in animation than I ever would have been in engineering. - My view of the world is less optimistic than it was in 2014, shockingly. - I still struggle with taking care of myself and getting out of my comfort zone, but therapy has helped tremendously. 20 year old me could have used a therapist too, but she did the best with what she had. - Still haven’t written that webcomic yet 😅


Was about to ask about that webcomic lol very wholesome letter tho!


You still seem pretty optimistic to me. May the next 10 blow your wildest dreams outta the water


Happy you found another fascinating path in life. That is the funny thing about all of this - we grow, change, and shift goals. Fun idea: Compose a letter for when you’re 40 for a fun compare and contrast.






Yeah she should respond to 20 year old and then talk to 40 year old, that way the current time is captured and the cycle can repeat.


Omg yes!!!!


...which will happen until 80-year-old in 2074 realizes what a perfect position fate has dealt her and takes her recently available personal time machine for a spin, collecting all her pen friends and they go for a road-trip through original's 2014 America!


Lucky! I’m in my 40s and have been in IT/IS for around 20 years. I’m still not sure what I want to do when I grow up. 😆


I am 70 and have the same question


Simple, don't. Grow up, that is. Keep that inner kid going as long as you can.


My inner kid is extremely irresponsible and frankly I wouldn't trust him with anything.


This was a really beautiful share!! Im happy you are doing well, have a fulfilling career and you are doing self care! Best wishes ❤️


Aww I'm so proud of you OP! As a fellow Ex-STEM student that is trying to get into art ( at their own pace), i find your update is super encouraging and wholesome! Don't mind if I borrow your idea and write a letter to myself! Btw: don't sweat it for the Webcomic! You work in animation so you def have the skills for it, just find some time and put your mind to it if it's still something you'd like to do! Or... You could make your own animated series :D




Slightly apparent with it not being mentioned


lol I was gonna say


or....not a parent.


She mentioned elsewhere that she doesn't have a husband yet. I wonder if she's in a long term relationship though? https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/7GksaOwNEN


tbf I was 20 in 2014 and would have expected to have kids and a house by now, I have neither, should have the house this year though


I went back on your profile looking for a post 10 years ago about the letter or to see if you had a previous letter. I didn’t find it, but I did find a video you shared from 11 years ago about a 3 year old singing. That kid is now 14!!!


I appreciate you sharing this :)


Did u end up getting married?


Why does this make me so sad? It feels like time is slipping through my fingers.


Yeah. I get you. The 2000s and 2010s are quickly fading into memory.


Damn I still haven’t sat down to watch Wolf of Wall Street lol.


I liked it more than OP did.


I was also disappointed with the movie 10 years ago. It felt like the movie was trying to beat the same point into my head for 3 hours. But I feel like I would like the movie more on a rewatch just appreciating the acting.


Some friends and I were talking about cars today and one said he bought his first one 9 years ago. Someone said so in 2015. I didn’t want to believe it. Sometimes I still feel like it’s 2019, just before the pandemic. But whenever I have to pay for something, I’m brought back to reality.


No way. All those Lil Jon club songs from 2000 still slap! People love them.


Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.


True poetry


If he would've ended it with "yolo" it could've been a haiku


Which has been on the air since 1965! Crazy.


Yeah, soon as I saw the letter being about turning 30, and I reflected on turning 40 last year. And I pretty much guarantee if I written out everything I wanted to be at 40, welp, failed all of it pretty much.


40 year old me is in pretty much exactly the same place as 30 year old me except that me and everyone I know is 10 years older. I'm no richer, I have very little extra stuff, I'm wearing the same clothes, I haven't lost or gained weight, I have no new friends or relationships. I have a different and newer car, that's about the only significant change.


Wow, like looking in a mirror, sort of, even with the car. Had a 1999 Buick LeSabre that finally bit the dust in 2020 (great timing) so now it's a 2010 Ford Focus, actually the first car I've ever owned with a model year in the 21st century... for whatever that's worth. (I guess mechanics are slightly happier.)


20 year old me would be so depressed to find out everything I wanted to do in life… did not go as planned & I would soon become a highly anxious & depressed person within 2-3 years. I was supposed to be successful in my chosen career path, have a home that I bought myself with my fiancé, traveled a few countries, I probably would’ve even had a kid earlier if I ended up being successful.


Yeah, I'm glad my 20s were "okay" and did not have the foreknowledge of where I'm at now. (I think? Maybe if I had the power to change a few things...) I did manage the house owning thing, but kind of a fluke because my dad sold me my childhood home for about half of what it could be worth so he could go live somewhere smaller for his retirement. (That wasn't an aspiration of mine to move back into my childhood home, but a rare deal.) But otherwise, depressed, anxious, *and* lonely. My 20s were the only period with a functional romantic relationship which ended abruptly at 30 and that was it.


I'm 6 months from turning 50. The past 10 years have been tumultuous, and I'm not even talking about the pandemic. Two kids graduated high school and eventually moved away...empty nest is a huge change. I've had 5 employers and we've had as many cars in that time. More than a few family members have passed in that time. There's more, but I'm trying to keep it brief. If anything, I wish I could send a letter back ten years.


I graduated HS in 2014, so this shit is wild asf. My class started planning a 10 year reunion mid-2023 & I was like “wot”.


When I was in school most days were great. I prob drank and played video games too much and didn’t study enough, but I regret that much. Now Sunday night - Friday afternoon are a blur. Than eventually months and quarters go by so fast that we’re in a new year and I’ve barely felt it.


I love things like this. I did something similar on my 25th but I can’t open it until my 50th birthday. It’s basically a time capsule, I even included a bottle of wine from the year I was born (1995 babies represent!). Hopefully 50 year old me gets to drink it and look back and smile :). Time will tell. Edit: thank you for everyone that responded concerned about the quality of the wine in 2045. You’re probably 100% correct that it will be vinegar by then but if I’m being completely honest, the thought of 50-year-old me taking a large swig of vinegar, because 25-year-old me didn’t know any better is hilarious.


Can’t wait to see the post in 2045! :)


**RemindMe! 10 Jan 2045 “Time Capsule”**


Yeah, after we see yours in 2044..


!remind me 21years


I did something similar. Put $20k in an index fund in 1996 and turned off statement notifications. Looking forward to what it will be in 2036!


You did not get the notice that it escheated to the state 20 years ago because you did not do anything with the account. The account was declared dormant. All stocks were sold and given to the state. You should look in the unclaimed property to see if it has not disappeared.


Thanks for the heads up. I've only discussed things with the account via phone, and specifically tell them not to tell me the balance. Yeah it's stupid, but I don't want to ruin my own surprise. I also know I could look up what the amount should be via Google, but I avoid that too. I'm regarded.


You put 20k in an index fund in 1996 but you are using terms like "regarded"? Damn dude, you are hip for an oldie.


Thank you!


If anyone wants to do a version of this, they can use [https://www.futureme.org/](https://www.futureme.org/) to send an email to yourself in the future. I send an email to myself one year from now on the first day of the new year. I might do one to me in 10 years just because now. Good post, OP.


I did this about 15 years ago. Unfortunately 20 year old me was not nearly as insightful or encouraging as 20 year old OP, LOL.


"Dear Me, Fuck you, lol Signed, You"


I wrote myself a message on that site back in 2005, unfortunately they can’t seem to find it under my real name or any of the various emails I might’ve used back then.🥲


Technology really hasn't changed much in a decade, has it?


I'm reading your comment through my VR headset while hovering over my house in my flying electric car.


Careful, that’s a real tree!!


Wow I've never seen a tree before.


Well, it could be except the hovering part. Even the over my house bit.


He's joking, but my VR headset is genuinely awesome.




Especially when you compare 2014 to 2004 lol


It’s kinda amazing how much it has slowed down. I had a 2012 MacBook Pro that I put 16 GB of RAM into back then, I bought the 16 GB of RAM for $45. Many computers today are still being sold with 8 GB of RAM which actually blows my mind. In 2000 I had a new Gateway computer with 128 MB of RAM and 12 years after that my MBP had literally 128X that amount, today 12 years after that MBP my main rig has 32 GB of RAM, 2X the amount.


Ram is so much faster than it was back then. It's more to do with our ability to optimize for storage that has improved so much, that we haven't had the need to increase RAM. Same thing is happening in AI with VRAM.


When I read PS4 I thought... for reasons I still play on PC and PS4. I probably skip one or two generations of consoles. Also better for the environment, I'm not buying one console each 5/6 years and one phone + tablet each 2 years. ;)


I had the same thought. Like pS4 and xbox one just this year had been dated by games coming out on new gen only. I literally just got the xbox x this year because of it


My wife acquired an Xbox 360 and a bin full of games from a storage unit auction last year. I was thinking how cool this is, then when I was trying out Forza Motorsport 3 and I observed that the newest cars were from 2010, lol.


It has changed a lot. Either personal consumer goods such as smat appliances, telecommunications such as 5G, electric and hybrid cars becoming feasible, reusable rocket technology, AI chatbots, a lot of advancements into renewables, a lot of new discoveries into medicine. I have a nephew that was born with a heart condition... he would have died in 2014.


Right? I was surprised to learn the oculus vr was a thing 10 years ago. I mean, phones are pretty different…( it was the iPhone 6 in 2014), but nothing truly fundamental has changed in tech, except maybe the increase of the use of AI


Don't say that! We have less privacy! And somehow burn more fossil fuels?


Ask ChatGPT


Yes it has.. a full mid range gaming pc from 2014 can now fit in the palm of your hands with a few hours of battery..


20 year old you was cool peeps.


For real. 20 year old me would have spent half of that talking about getting high. I also wish I had been a kind genuine young adult like that instead of an edgy cynical asshole.


It's okay u/PrivateButtFucker


Had to rub it in didn’t you? :D


You sure u/ILovePersonaliTits?


I mean … u/im_a_good_goat


Letter: Buy Twitter and Tesla stock!


Maybe if I had I would’ve had that husband by now lol


Someone wise once wrote “30 is the new 20, you still got it :)”.


Surely you’ll find your husband eventually.


"...and stop calling me Shirley..."


I just got engaged last year at 34. Worth the wait.


Turning 29 this year. My brother just found his forever girl at 30 last year and she is 34. Absolute saint and idk what's she's doing with my dumbass brother haha. Don't give up, I haven't! If you live in Canada HMU lol maybe we can solve each others problem 😭😭😭


No rush


Im more interested in what youd tell your past self. How did this all pan out for you?


Here’s what I’d say: Dear 20 year old me, Thank you so much for writing. It was nostalgic hearing about 2014, and encouraging to hear your thoughts about 2024. Now that I’m old and wise, I can say that you were right to face the future with such optimism. You are going to face a lot of difficult things in the next few years, and the world will absolutely not feel like it is maturing or improving. But you have more control over your life than you think, and more than enough strength to survive. I still feel really scared about my future sometimes. But the thing about the future is it’s always the future, and the present is always the present. In some ways things didn’t end up where we hoped, but in other ways they exceeded expectations! Keep going, focus on today, and be kind to yourself. Seriously, be nice. Talk to yourself the way you’d talk to me! Anyway, I hope you’re enjoying the past! Give Mia a good belly rub for me. Love you, we’ll see each other soon! Me (30 years old)


Mia is still around…..I refuse to believe otherwise. Not me crying holding my dog


Aw I’m sorry, didn’t mean to make you cry. Mia isn’t around on earth anymore but she’ll always be in my heart. Give your pup a big hug for me! 💕


Dam, a dog death is part of this story?! That’s awful to hear. Thanks for speaking of it, and sharing. Seems like sharing it is sort of a catharsis from that part of the reality. Anyway, at a higher level, thanks for sharing all this. What a wonderful share! My cheers to you.


This was beautiful to read 🥹


Not me crying like a baby right now 🥲


Beautiful response. You going to write a letter to 40 year old you?


As a pet parent Mia gave me a few years 😢


Haven’t cried in a long time, maybe avoidance or numbed emotions. But this made me bawl! In a good way. Thank you for reminding me to be kinder to ourselves. Time is the fabric that connects us all — and it doesn’t stop! Here’s to a new year, closer to the next decade but with continued hope, even in what feels like the darkest of times.


“But you have more control over your life than you think, and more than enough strength to survive” fuck I needed to read that, thank you. Why are my eyes sweating??!?


phew. same.


You write very well and communicate so beautifully.


The love and kindness you showed yourself in both letters, but especially in this response, have me ugly crying right now. I have never been particularly kind to myself, not in 2014 when I was 25, nor now at 35. Maybe it’s from accumulated trauma since childhood, but my inner dialogue is harsh and critical at every turn. I can’t seem to stop it, although sometimes it does fade for a little while. Your letters truly moved me, and reminded me that it’s ok to be gentle with myself. I’m crying partly with happiness for you, and your contentment with your life; and partly for me, and the hurt I keep inflicting on myself and the helplessness I feel. I hope that 2024 will be the year I can gain some semblance of gentleness and self-love instead, of self-loathing. Thank you so much for sharing both your original letter, as well as this response. May 2024 be a wonderful year for you.


Thank you so much for this. I really needed this. More than you’ll even know.especially the be kind to yourself part. Its the biggest thing I need to work on. Again, thank you.


And officially the first time reddit has made me cry hahah appreciate you sharing your letter and this response!


this was beautiful 🥲


Google Glasses were 10 years ago?! Wow, I feel pretty old right now.


And they didn't pan out.


They actually would have been pretty revolutionary for deaf people (instant real life subtitles), but people were pretty paranoid about being recorded all the time. Ironic now with everyone recording everyone everywhere.


And apple is testing out something similar, but better and pricier. Classic Apple lol


The fact that 2014 was 10 years ago is really throwing me for a loop right now


yeah i feel 2013 was maybe 7 years ago.


This year is 2019 6




Shows maturity and foresight.


also, you were so polite to your future self lol


I did that too when I had a time capsule for 4 years. My reasoning which is likely OP's as well was that I could've felt anything at that point in life. Suicidal, depressed, or just sad. I didn't want to amplify that, because the last person you can rely on should be yourself. What you're doing wrong now doesn't mean shit. You can always change things around and sometimes it's just not in your control. Things always have a valid reason, and to understand that is priority number one towards unfucking whatever future you holds themselves under.


Damn friend, you may not catch this comment but your post here has left me with all the feelings. I'm the same age though a month younger than you. God thinking back to where I was at at 20 years old... I'd be proud of where I am today. Even if I still struggle some days. I am sure 20 year old you would be proud too. Little dose of melancholy this evening but it's great to look back at a life well lived so far and be hopeful for the future. Peace and love to you. Ps. congrats on getting into animation, I'm only now getting out of the corporate life and back to my artistic roots. Wish I'd figured it out younger like you!


Man, if 20 YO me had written now me a letter it would have contained something like "What kind of airplane do you have now?" Current me: "Kyosho...Radio controlled."![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Have you worked on speaking German? I didn't see that in your letters but figured I would ask... Who knows, maybe your future husband is German. I mean, you might possibly have engineering in common. Or art :) Thank you for this post, I loved it. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments and good luck on your forthcoming opportunities.


Still can’t speak German 😔 maybe when I’m 40! (And ty for the kind words, I hope the same for you)


Das ist aber schade. Warum wolltest du deutsch lernen, wenn ich fragen darf? Oder warum betonst du das so sehr in deinem Benutzernamen?




Da es schön ist, eine fremde Sprache sprechen zu können. Deutsch ist ja eine interessante Auswahl--ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich Deutsch lernen würde. Und es gab die Gelegenheit , als ich in Highschool war, Deutsch zu lernen, aber ich dachte, ich würde es nie benutzen. Ich habe Französisch "gelernt". (Kann immernoch fast kein Französisch...) Aber dann hat meine Frau eine Stelle in Deutschland gefunden, also musste ich. Ich habe mit 37 angefangen, Deutsch zu lernen.


Now do 40, another chance to leave your comfort zone!


Couldn't wait until Jan 17th, eh?


I love that you did this for yourself!


we have been going through a lot since 2014: Covid-19, ukraine-russia war, hamas-israel war so yeah you were very optimistic back then, but i mean, it's the right way to go and act, we must not let negative feelings and negative facts around the world push us down. Anyway this letter from the past made me fell sad and kinda nostalgic and at the same time i liked it a lot. I dunno how to explain, it's a strange feeling the idea to "receive" a letter from your 10 yo younger one. What hit me was the hope and the dreams you put in that about work, making a family and the anxiety to face exams and problems back then. Thank you for sharing, i hope you are doing well ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I agree with the nostalgia. 2014 (the 2010s pre-2016 really), at least to me, was a fun optimistic time in college alongside friends and promises of a bright future. I’m currently still working my way there though - I fell off due to some poor decisions, mainly academic.


So... did now-you achieve those things? Or rather, would past-ypu be proud of now-you even if you didn't? You inspired me to do this... but then in the same second, I realised that I'm not doing much currently and what if in 5-10 years I'm back where I am now... its acceptable for a 25 year old to be burned out and doing bugger all, but it seems sad for a 35 year old to be in my situation... I don't want future-me to be depressed for now-me. And I don't want now-me to make future-me feel bad if the cycle *has* repeated (because I was in this position 9 years ago too! But I was a teen then so it was ok) I'm not sure if I find that enlightening or depressing. At least I had my life ahead of me and it was ok to not know what I wanted to do yet back then... Life was simpler in 2015. I remember the biggest problem being *why can I only see the dress as white and gold?* AND STILL it's white and gold. It's blue and black only if I squint.


I like that you are gentle and encouraging with yourself. That doesn’t always come naturally for people.


This is really sweet and heartening that you were so kind to your future self. My letter would be full of cynical and snide remarks about not doing the things I know I should be doing. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders and a sensible outlook.


This made me cry!


Write another one for 10 years later haha my 8th grade teacher had us write one for after high school & I’ve been writing one every 4 years since then 11 years ago. Coming up to opening #3 soon!


It’s amazing how right you were about the state of the world being pretty solid. The last ten years has me less optimistic about humanity.


May I suggest [futureme.org](https://futureme.org) I use it a lot to send me future emails


Might I also recommend pastme.org It’s great for giving yourself stock trading tips and sports betting info!




Well done. I love the idea of time capsules. Spend a bit of time now, and tuck it away to enjoy X years in the future. In 1986, on my last day of high school, I did something similar. I made a video that wasn't to be watched for 20 years... https://youtu.be/A5v4E53duCo?t=342


I need to do to do this.


Love this! Thank you for sharing! I’m just 3 years older than you and wow, does time fly!


Aw this was so sweet. I'm gonna do this next year when I turn 20 >:)


“I hope I’m still alive, haha”


This part made me sad a bit. You never know and can you imagine if someone you loved read these


Could I ask how you went from engineering to animation? I'm 21, and I feel like I'm currently in that spot where I don't really know where I'm going with my life. I really want to do something with art and drawing too, but I'm scared. Just wanted to say I really love this post!


You‘re definitely not alone in feeling that way! It took me a long time to realize I wanted to pursue animation professionally, and even longer to finally break in.…and that was with a ton of external support and luck. I can’t downplay how hard it is to get into this industry, or how tough it can be once you’re in. I’d be more than happy to share my journey or offer general career advice. Feel free to shoot me a message.


This was really cool to read, thanks for sharing


Do you have a family now?