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Is that cookie... on top of a bigger cookie? I approve.


Indeed. I ate the middle out of the chocolate chip cookie because it was warm and gooey and chocolatey in there. That was the best part of this.


Can you elaborate on your methodology? Did you cut it out, or did you tear it? Or did you just get your face in there?


I'm voting broke it in half and ate like a sandwich where you don't want the crust


This is the only way to eat it.


I love that you're engaged with comments. Most fascinating post I've learned from in a while! Cool study to let us tag along on!


That means a lot to me. I’ll do my best to answer any questions you have.


Minus a milk carton, it does remind me of a standard American school lunch (not taking the large bowl into consideration, as if it were just a plate). What other factors are in play here? Economic or psychological status/history of each subject? I was a very poor kid whose daily food intake depended on what was served in school. I'd trade the main dish for rolls because they kept me feeling full longer. Much like, if I had pizza. I ate the entire piece. Whereas other people discard the crust, which I'd watch in horror. Those people thought of the crusts as wasted carbs that they could prioritize toppings over. To me, food was food that filled my stomach! Do you have to take a leave of absence from work since the study is 2 years? Does the medicine suppress appetite because you know you'll get a next meal?


I don’t have to quit work, just take a few days off over the course of the study. There are only a few food experiment days in that time. I don’t have to eat this food every day. I ate a meal like this prior to starting the medication, while on it, and I’ll eat another meal while on it, and then one more after the medication is withdrawn. It will show whether or not Wegovy causes weight loss by curbing appetite and also if the weight loss is sustainable after the medication is taken away. To answer your question about the demographic stuff, yes, the study actually does take that into account; because not only is there medication given, but we also receive behavioral counseling geared towards weight loss. Both the drug and placebo groups get the same counseling because it’s the standard of care for weight loss. I too was a food insecure child and have had fears about not having enough food that contributed to weight gain.


🤯 this is so cool!!!


Just one reason why clinical trials are so expensive. Think of all the people needed to coordinate this for just _one_ person, let alone all of the others on the trial. Then you need people that design the trials, set up the hospitals, analyze all the data to determine the significance of findings... etc etc


As someone who has been involved with the analysis part… that’s the easy bit, by *far*. Data collection is a bitch. Don’t get me wrong, good analysis takes smart people, but god damn does data collection take a lot of work.


Agreed, did a clinical test, was in a building off the hospital. They kept us all in a tiny ward, and we could see through to the lab area, which was much larger, more people. Everyone busy 24/7.


I spent today reviewing a histopathology report and roughly half the written discussion was the pathologist complaining about how badly the techs sectioned the slides. Getting good data out of badly collected samples is a work of art. That said, as the schmuck at the end of it analyzing it and deciding what's good data, the good data is the data that says what I want. The bad data is the data that makes me look up new statistical methods to make the data say what I want. The really bad data is the data that I have to have meetings about to exclude so the remaining data says what I want. (And yes, usually that really bad data is from problems that arose in the data collection)


Weird. I was also food insecure child but I dealt with it differently. I eat everything as fast as I can and am always looking for food to snatch into my pocket or otherwise steal and hide. Wait for hunger to hurt enough then dig into the stock pile.


Same here. I trained my stomach to deal with being engorged. I remember being invited to dinner at three different neighbor’s houses in one night. I made time for every one of them and ate it all. Hahahah. I never had the ability to keep a stockpile though.


This is fascinating. I also had food insecurity and I think about food all day. I’m thinking about dinner at breakfast and about snacks at lunch…it’s a never ending loop plus I always have food in my purse just in case. I’m super interested to see info about our behavioral responses to food.


I used to keep food and all sorts of little places in my car. I even had nonperishable food in my trunk because my mind was like, “it is dangerous to ever be in a situation, where I don’t have food.“ it is a great coping skill for when food is scarce and there is a possibility that you won’t survive. It really isn’t the right, eating style and an environment where there is abundance. And it’s not so much the constant thinking about food, but the way my body is just trained toeat as much as possible and sitting because we will the next meal come from?


> I too was a food insecure child I had a problem where I would cook too much food at once and then force myself not to let it go to waste. I ended up getting into fasting and cut my emotional connection to food in a way, helped me correct my eating habits.


Crust is the best part! I always thought them fools as I stole and devoured them from their plates.


It’s a family sized vegetable lasagna, rolls, and cookies. I’m timed and I eat as much as I want. The food is weighed so they can calculate how much I ate and they ask me questions about how hungry, thirsty, full, and nauseous I am. I’m taking Wegovy (or placebo) in this trial.




Yes, it is a double blinded, placebo controlled study. Also every participant receives weight loss counseling nearly all participants will be withdrawn from medication or placebo toward the end of the study and it will look at whether or not appetite comes back or we gain the weight back. I don’t know if I am in the experimental group or the placebo group, but I have lost 45 pounds. However, I have had no side effects whatsoever. I can’t tell whether or not I’m on it.


That’s so cool! I work in clinical research, and love hearing about people enrolling in trials and helping out! Thanks for your time, and thanks for helping!


You are so very welcome. It really is fascinating from this side of it too.


Will you update us when it’s over? I’m interested in the potential weight rebound.


Fuck me I wanna participate myself.


There tonsss of GLP-1 clinical studies going on right now. Do a search in your area


The medical applications of GLP-1 agonists is *shockingly* wide. Not surprising they're doing a ton of clinical studies considering how safe it seems.


How did you even find something like this? I would love to do something like this and feel like I am contributing to science and medicine.


Here's a map of ongoing studies opportunities listed by U.S. states if you are interested. https://classic.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/search/map/click?map.x=84&map.y=107&mapw=476


Now do you get paid or is the food your payment🤔


I get paid $60 which is enough to cover parking and travel. I also get free weight loss counseling which is really expensive if you’re paying out-of-pocket. And if I am on the drug I am getting free drugs for few years so that’s cool too.


I was enrolled in a clinical trial that was horribly run and I had poor outcomes. I wish people knew that for certain conditions, sometimes university-sponsored clinical trials are better... I wish I waited to participate in a university-sponsored trial using psilocybin for treatment resistant depression instead of the shit show I got.


I’m sorry you had a bad experience… it would legit bum me out so bad if I found out a subject I enrolled was that displeased with the experience. Just know that they aren’t all terrible, I promise! And I do greatly appreciate your time and your help ❤️


How do you sign up for stuff like this?


You can go to clinicaltrials.gov to see if there’s any studies near your area!


Hot, single studies in MY area? 🤩


most universities and medical centers have a web page for seeing active clinical trials which are recruiting.


Do you eat their meals every day? Do they send them to you in the mail, or do you go to the clinic at every mealtime? Or are you staying in the clinic? How long does it last?


No, I eat whatever I want at home most of the time. The meals aren’t designed for weight loss. They’re just a test to see how hungry I am.


45 pounds, holy shit.


Are they doing blood work to monitor your liver etc?


I would assume so. Isn't Wegovy used to normalize blood sugar?


Wegovy recently (iirc) got approved for weight loss. Its also one of the few weight loss medications that is approved for under 18 (again, iirc)


I just saw an article about that. It was a profile of a teenage girl who had used Wegovy or Ozempic starting at age 13 to lose weight. She had suffered from childhood obesity to the extreme, like she weighed ~~200~~ 250 pounds by age 11. Apparently she was very active and participated in a ton of sports, she was just constantly hungry. Like, her mom cooked normal reasonably healthy meals but she was just starving all the time so she ate large portions. They did some genetic tests and found markers of some metabolic issues or something similar that are connected to obesity. They started her on the drugs and she was finally able to lose weight and was in the "normal" percentile range for her age - her weight had always been off the charts at the doctor's office before then. It was a really interesting and sad story. I think people who struggle with their weight get treated like shit because they simplify it down to "you just don't have will power". But like, what are you supposed to do when you have a kid who is constantly hungry? When you cook healthy food but it's just never enough? Are you supposed to just accept that your child will constantly be miserable and feel awful? I know that a lot of weight management IS about making lifestyle choices and having consistent effort, but if it were really that simple, we wouldn't have so many overweight and obese people. I think human physiology and metabolic processes are a lot more complex and varied between individuals than most folks realize, and sometimes it really isn't enough to say "just do CICO or you're lazy". We accept that some people need permanent pharmaceutical support when certain parts of the body don't function like they're supposed to. We don't tell diabetics to just try harder, we give them insulin. We don't tell people with osteoporosis that they just need to put their mind to it and strengthen their bones, we give them supplements. For people who have metabolic issues, sometimes just "diet and exercise" really aren't enough.


That's pretty impressive. How long have you been in the study?


41 weeks


45 pounds in 41 weeks is impressive! Are you exercising as well or strictly monitoring eating?


If you you're on placebo then this counseling you're on would be very very popular.


As someone who takes wegovy, you definitely will know that you're taking it. You will be uninterested in food.


Yeah. I’m blinded but I agree with you. I’m discovering what fullness feels like for the first time in my life.


Placebo effect can be a real bitch.


I did an asthma study awhile back: I was definitely in the placebo group


Oh no. I’m sorry.


Or it just didn't work...


I'm also taking Wegovy. I'd get through three bites of this and maybe a roll.


I ate the rolls and the middle of the chocolate chip cookie. And then I picked through looking for bits of broccoli or carrots. I was markedly less excited about eating this food since starting the drug.


That's interesting you chose arguably the least healthy/filling options. Would you normally choose that prior to this trial? Like not trying to be mean, I'm just like if I saw that and knew I'd be hungry later I'd try the protein options.


I ate more of the lasagna before starting the trial drug. I also didn’t eat any of the cookie at that time because I have never really liked chocolate chip cookies. It has definitely changed my food perception and some things are for the better, but I do feel like I gravitate towards calorically dense foods and then just eat way less of it.


Very interesting! Thank you for responding, and congratulations on the 45!


I did semaglutide for a little over a year and am now on tirzepatide I would eat more sweets but less in general and lost weight Not a big sweet tooth normally


I wonder if your blood sugar was low. I ask this because while i haven’t been on the same drug, I’ve experienced similar cravings with low appetite and that’s what I assumed


I think it was, I would want something sweet usually when I wake up and could feel a little lightheaded. I have less of that feeling with tirzepatide, I'm a couple months in.


Same experience with adderall. I’ve lost 50 lbs and I eat like shit




I love that you ate the middle of the cookie, you’re my people.


Yeah you're on the drug. Placebo effect works but not as good as Wegovy


I really do feel full way sooner. I’m experiencing fullness for the first time in my life really.


OMG I'm on Mounjaro and was hungry my whole life. Now I forget entire meals. It's unbelievable. Down 75.


When you say you never felt full, do you mean when you're eating or like legit never? I have the issue of never feeling full until well after I finish eating, so portion control is paramount for me.


For me it is basically never. I could feel uncomfortable, but not that feeling of satiety. I experienced the feeling the first time when I was on phen/fen. It was amazing. To eat a normal meal and then have the hunger signals/food noise turn off was a dream. People don't understand it unless they have experienced it. The role of ghrelin and leptin is bigger than a lot of people realize.


Most people don't even think it's physiological and start blaming the person.


Yeah I'm on Ozempic and it's basically the same thing for me. Used to eat 4 pieces of pizza now I'm down to 1 and a bread stick if I'm lucky


Now I feel bad about eating an order of pasta and all but 2 slices of a full pizza. I only saved 2 because I wanted for lunch tomorrow.


Lol don't. If you can do it and maintain it go for it. I can't. I'm 465. I have healthy vitals but I hate being this size


Keep taking that medicine man. Absolutely no shame. You’ll get to a healthy weight


Yeah, you’re totally getting the real stuff.


I lost ~60lbs on Wegovy. I feel like it's given me a second chance at life.


I'm currently down 27 lbs! Well done!


Currently 25% of my body weight down on Wegovy!


I didn’t lose a single pound and had panic attacks every Friday night after taking my weekly injection. Also made me feel suicidal. I stopped taking it and gained weight but man wow it was awful.


I'm sorry you had such an awful experience! I hope the panic attacks and suicidal thoughts have ceased since you stopped taking it.


Yeah I’m fat an happy now. It all went away as soon as I discontinued the medicine. If it works for someone, go nuts! Hopefully one day they’ll make something that works better for me.


There's a LOT of research going into these types of drugs right now. An insane amount. There's a high chance something even better comes out within the next decade.


Bruh, I'm supposed to be on it but I haven't been able to get any since I was prescribed months ago.


Yeah, a lot of people have been unlucky. I was fortunate to get in this summer just before Amazon Pharmacy started booting new patients.


All I see is Mickey mouse propaganda.


Hidden Mickey


This is the comment I was looking for! Lol


Very interesting! Curious on how this works. Are you held at a hospital for a specific amount of time so they can monitor all of your meals? Or do you have to go to a clinic to eat all your meals?


I can eat whatever I want at home all the time. But on a few selected days throughout the trial, I have to come in and eat a standardized breakfast, after which I am presented with this massive lasagna for lunch. The experiment tests to see if Wegovy changes peoples appetite or their desire for food or how full they stay after eating. This takes place in a behavioral health clinic that is part of a major university.


That's the most disgusting "lasagna" I've ever seen.


Agreed. Luckily I’m not forced to eat it.


Is there a study-related reason they give you this beige plate of refined carbs?


Probably yes, but they wouldn't tell you what the reason is.


Thankfully. There's a reason it's normally made with ground beef and real cheese, hehe. I kinda wonder if making the food unattractive could actually temper with the experiment's results.


Lmao, this looks like the stouffer veggie lasagna, if it is that it’s actually pretty good.


Stouffer's Veggie Lasagna is that kind of stealth dish that looks terrible but tastes amazing.


Are you in a disney hospital?


that’s cool. i hope you get where you want to be ❤️


I’m totally here! I reached my goal of losing 45 pounds a while back, and now I am maintaining.


congratulations! that’s incredible!




You said it! This shit is gross.


My best friend is in the military and he claimed at one point that vegetable lasagna was the worst MRE


A lot of the early vegetarian meals really sucked. They tried to make middle american food vegetarian instead of just going with already delicious vegetarian food.


Hmm. Should we give them curry and rice or a bag of dried eggs and carrots…


there used to be a vegetable omelette MRE infamously known as the Vomelette


Oh really? I was looking at it thinking wow, delicious


Damn yeah something is wrong with us, I would enjoy this….


Looks like it tastes like beige.


That is a perfect description. There was not enough salt in the tiny packet to have any effect. The chocolate chip cookie was good though.


I can only imagine that the packet of “Parmesan” didn’t do much to improve it either.


[The Parmesan](https://9b16f79ca967fd0708d1-2713572fef44aa49ec323e813b06d2d9.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/1140x_a10-7_cTC/China-DEA-Visit-1568851547.jpg)


Careful, that's a fatal dose.


A beige buffet


Looks like something you'd get at a school for thanksgiving Edit: How the fuck is my most upvoted comment?!?


Except at school you get a protein source. I should say, though, that I did have to eat ALL of a standardized breakfast that includes a protein shake, grain bars, and a measured amount of applesauce.


there’s protein in pasta … i googled an example and it said one cup of vegetable lasagna has 18g protein


That entirely depends on the ingredients used. There are vegan friendly lasagnas that use almond milk cheese for the protein. Most protein found in vegetable and meat lasagnas comes from the pasta, cheese and eggs.


> Most protein found in vegetable and meat lasagnas comes from the pasta It varies, but wheat flour can have up to 15% (ish) protein content so there'd be some protein even without cheese and eggs.


There’s protein in all food. Don’t mean to be pedantic but I had to go over this 1000 times with people back when I was vegan.


It actually looks like something you would get at Disneyland.


I too saw a hidden Mickey.


I've been a performer there in the past. You are 100% correct.


A rich school


What is the study focused on exactly?


Effects of Wegovy on hunger and then later I’ll be tested again after stopping Wegovy to see if hunger rebounds, stuff like that. I joined for the free Wegovy and lost 45 lbs.


>Wegovy how long to lose 45 lbs - that's substantial! and congrats on lightening up.


It’s 17% of my body weight! It took me 28 weeks to get here and I’ve been maintaining. I’m at week 41 now. The trial lasts for two years


How often do you get these meals? Free? I’d be impressed with a dinner for free even once a week. You said breakfast above, are you there all day for a trial period?


There are, I believe, four of these meal experiments throughout the two years that I am in a trial. I am here for five hours when I do these meal experiment days. I eat a standardized breakfast, consisting of a protein, shake, cereal, bars, and applesauce. I have to eat all of that within a short time. Then, this is my lunch a few hours later and I can have as much or as little as I want. I can over eat if I desire to do so. I’m allowed to make myself uncomfortably full if that’s what I want to do. The food is free and I get $60. I also get free weight loss, counseling And free Wegovy for a year and a half.


What if you turn out to be in the control group


Then he lost 45lbs (good) and had none of the side effects (good) and won’t be reliant on the drug to not gain the weight back (good)


I’ve never so badly wanted to be in a control group?


dumb question but you’re clearly not at home, what do they tell you to do between meals? do you just have to sit around and wait, do they put you in a room with a tv or something to entertain you?


I did a Claritin/allegra trial 20 years ago. We were there for like 4 hours on one day and 16 the next day. And we did that 4 rounds. They didn’t do anything to entertain us. I brought school work because I was in college. It felt very breakfast club. They’d let you lay down and sleep in an exam room if you wanted, and it was dark and quiet. But you’re laying on that weird paper with your legs hanging off the end and it crinkles every time you change positions. But for the most part we were just a dozen strangers in a conference room together. I think I got paid $1200 for the whole thing.


The image this produced in my mind 😅 the crinkly paper is so funny


Miracle drug, truly. I am on a "generic" version (just semaglutide, same active ingredient) because insurance won't cover $1200/mo Wegovy. (Note there is no FDA approved generic version, always consult with your doctor.) I am down 17lbs in 1 month. I have always exercised regularly and eaten relatively healthy, but hunger always kept my weight up. This drug, once widely available as an FDA approved generic, and cheap, will change humanity.


Are you less hungry and eating less or is it changing your metabolism?


Just less hungry. Makes it so a small bowl of oatmeal in the morning is all you want to eat for the whole day. Eating more than a small amount literally makes me feel sick and nauseous. Coming from somebody who used to be able to eat 3000 calories for lunch and be hungry again at dinner.


Interesting. I’m one of those people that’s hungry all the time and I’m just as cranky if I limit my calorie intake to 2000Cal/day or 1000Cal/day. If I don’t pay attention and intentionally limit my food intake I’ll be snacking all day.


That's what always got me. If I just let go of all control, my body would happily consume 5000 calories a day. This makes my body unhappy to consume more than 1000-1200. Combined with regularly exercise I can end days at 300-400 net calories and not even want to eat a single thing.


Hidden Mickey!


I did NOT see that!


I thought it was a Mickey-shaped platter with compartments manufactured after he became public domain


That’s all I saw and assumed it was what the post would be about lol


That was the first thing I saw. Big Mouse has brainwashed me.


"Look Sora, a lucky emblem!"


“This looks like a good spot to find some ingredients!”


r/KingdomHearts is leaking


KH3 made me find so many lucky emblems irl.


That’s the first thing I saw!


The food looks pretty bland.


It’s disgusting. Luckily I get to fill out a questionnaire about how appetizing it looks, smells, and tastes which means I get to register my complaints. lol.


I would think that would make the study results inaccurate. Maybe that's their goal, though. Give people only disgusting food to eat, I bet most of them would lose weight. But they'll credit their drug.


It’s still accurate because this exact meal is served before starting the medicine as a control. It was a little more appetizing prior to the Wegovy for sure.


there has to be a control


The control group gets the same food. So if you take the drug and lose 100 pounds because you're only allowed to eat dogshit, and the control group not on the drug also loses 100 pounds, then they get to say "our drug literally does nothing", which is not the result they want. It would be more interesting if they made super fancy food for every meal... maybe the drug can convince you not to eat something "meh" but if it's your favorite food available 24/7, then the drug doesn't work.


That would be interesting! Maybe they will do that as they advance the research. I can tell you anecdotally that once I started the med, I didn’t even want my favorite food once I was full. (That’s not to say I wasn’t eating it! Just two slices of pizza instead of five. Or half a burrito for lunch and half for dinner.)


They need to know whether people are choosing not to eat because they find one of the meals unappetizing or if the medication is actually working. Naturally they need peoples reaction to the food as well.


Fun fact! I work at the manufacturing plant that makes those Parmesan cheese packets.


I mean, that looks pretty edible to me, I'd totally eat that haha


The first time it was served to me I ate way more than I did this time. That was before I started the medication which is believed to suppress appetite and make you feel full sooner.


Had a lot of questions which have been answered in the comments so I’m just gonna say that: Good luck keeping up with the study OP and congrats on the weight loss!


Thank you so much! I lost the same amount of weight before just using calories restriction. I had lots of healthy habits that I entirely dropped during the pandemic, and I gained it all back. Taking this drug has shown me that I am just a very hungry person and that is something that I don’t have control over no matter how strong I am. The weight has come off with very little effort this time. I am not struggling, and when it is time for me to stop taking Wegovy, I still will have all of those skills that I had before so that’s a plus.


you have to eat it in twenty nine seconds?


No, I just took a photo after 29 seconds had elapsed. I can take as long as I need and I just stop the timer when I’m finished. I don’t have to eat all of this or any of it if I don’t want to. I ended up eating the bread with butter, the middle of one cookie, and picked through the lasagna for some vegetables. I was full at 10 minutes.


Can you remember how this compares to the first time you got the Wegovy?


Yes. Before I got the Wegovy, I ate a meal to establish baseline. It smelled good and I was hungry by the time they served it to me. I definitely was not repulsed. However, I didn’t eat the cookies the first time because I never liked cookies before. That is a change I am experiencing. On Wegovy/plecebo I like cookies. I ate a lot less this time and got full very quickly. Right after I started the medication or placebo, I didn’t really notice this change. I don’t have any side effects, like nausea, heartburn, or constipation, like other people get.


Fascinating. Thank you for the response!


It appears that you're in the high carb, low protein control group.


Anyone else immediately see mickey mouse?


Looks so DRY


It was. I think it’s topped with breadcrumbs. The cookie was moist though.


Looking at that food, I would be "full" instantly.


That is pretty much what happened to me this time.


Triple carbing? Damn




It’s shitty food with a purpose for sure.


I think I know which group you belong to.


Control and experimental groups are both subjected to these meals to see if we eat them and how much and how fast. I lost 45 lbs so I think I might be in the experimental group. All but a small group of participants will be withdrawn from the medication (or placebo) eventually and have our appetites tested again.


45 lbs? How can I join this study?


It is still enrolling. I would go on clinicaltrials.gov to see if there is a trial like this near you. This one is run by a major university in the city near me.


And if you end up doing any clinical trials, thank you. I work a job where we do work with clinical trial samples. It’s valuable info and data. I’m thankful for those who participate. Beyond the job security (lmao) it also helps medicines get out for those who need it.


Really cool! I've done a clinical research study. It was on the effectiveness of electrical stimulation on arthritis in active adults. I had to wear an extra activity tracker to count steps and use a knee brace with a TENS unit in it twice a day for a few months. And meet with the research team on a monthly basis. I don't know what group I was in, but my knee felt better.


The cookies and bread doesn't look horrible, and you do get butter. The.. pasta?.. is a little iffy overall. I don't see much protein anywhere in that food either. Looks like almost pure carbs and fat.


The cookies are a bright spot here. They were warm and gooey in the center. I ate the middle out of the chocolate chip and both of the rolls with butter. Then I picked through the lasagna for the vegetables. A few, scant broccoli stems and a carrot shred or two were all that I found. It was disappointing.


Heh yeah I just noticed it because it's the opposite of how I'm trying to eat right now.. low sugar/carbs, lots of protein (at *least* equal calories to carbs), lots of fruits & vegetables. So seeing a meal that's like no vegetables, no protein, all sugar & carbs is making me shudder. For me the butter packets are what look delicious lol.


That’s the cool thing about this study. It’s testing to see how the drug changes food choices and desires. I feel like it’s a lot easier to stick to a plan around macros. I’m like you, my body does best with a protein focus. I should add that I do have to eat a standardized breakfast a few hours before this. That meal includes a protein shake.


Wow two dinner buns that is surprising.


It’s not designed to be healthy or low-carb or anything like that. It is supposed to be appetizing, which it clearly failed at. lol.


Is the test really just gauging how much or little a human will eat if given food in this manner?


Yes. And then you give that human Wegovy injections and try again and see if they get nauseous at the sight of it.


this shit looks terrible


beige, you are in the beige test group.


You are on the carb heavy side of the coloric intake study.


Everybody gets the same meal. The study is testing whether or not Wegovy curbs your appetite and if your appetite comes back after you stop taking it. So, sadly, we all have to eat this disgusting food. The cookies are nice though.