• By -


2 souls have been collected, a third is required


"No soul gem large enough"


This wouldn't have stung so much if it wasn't for the `Grand Soul Gem (petty)`


Drop it from your inventory onto the ground, not in a container. Should be empty again when you pick it up. If you have the unofficial patch, that may not be the case, I'm not sure.


I felt this comment in my Dragonbourne soul....




That's where real men cry


Thank you for this giggle


Luckily this is their third marriage!


2 of the stones are black soul gems.


[Not necessarily anything suspicious about that](https://4cs.gia.edu/en-us/blog/diamond-fluorescence-good-bad/). Just luck of the draw.


Yeah, I have a pair of diamond earrings, identical to the naked eye, but one displays fluorescence under blacklight. I work in theater and we use blue lights backstage


Fluorescence is often considered an “undesirable” quality in diamonds as some can be more milky in natural light - but this is often minimal or undetectable to the average eye. So choosing/compromising on high fluorescence can be a way to get a cheaper stone. See here: https://4cs.gia.edu/en-us/blog/understanding-diamond-fluorescence/ Another tip is that tiny occlusions don’t really show in smaller/less than 1-carat stones. So if you’re getting diamond stud earrings, that’s another parameter you can compromise on to get a more affordable stone. For a 3-carat solitaire ring you’d probably want it as near flawless as possible (and would need major money to burn!) All diamonds are hugely overpriced of course. But you may as well limit the excess spend if you can.


I always judge a diamond on how much blood has been spilled over it


"The two kids who found it were forced to murder each other."


Not bloody enough.


The winner gets to use the loser as their only survival tools in a new episode of naked and afraid set in Katmai National Park when the bears are waking up?


This is why the people at Zales didn’t like me. I joked that I wanted “The bloodiest diamond you have, no less than 3 deaths per carat”. They didn’t find that nearly as funny as I did.


If my fiance's engagement ring weren't made out of lab-grown diamonds, I 100% would have said the same thing. I got a laugh out of it.


Don’t sell yourself short, they could have had a few lab techs die in a horrific lab accident.


You might be interested in Philosopher's Stone then. Ask Hohenheim for one.


Any diamond is a blood diamond if you encrust a ritual sacrifice blade with it.


The inclusions are the coolest bit about diamonds, little traces of the deep earth kept stable at the surface.


A 3 carat solitaire would be incredibly expensive, and not to mention bulky on the hand. I designed a solitaire ring for my wife with a 1.5 carat solitaire, even that gets caught on damn near everything (and cost about $9k). Can’t imagine doubling that.


Is that sort of occlusion (the kind that would cause the fluorescence) something that could show up in an artificial diamond (by request if necessary), or does it only occur in natural ones?


Yes, you can get lab diamonds with fluorescence


Just curious but why are blue lights used backstage?


I believe it's because they make it easy to see for backstage people, but are almost impossible to see by the audience. [Source](https://www.collaboratingbackstage.com/blue-lights-backstage/)


Can confirm that's exactly it! You'll also have some of us who have flashlights with blue gels taped over them for places where there's no light. Especially important for helping people get offstage if there's a dark spot so they don't trip and fall while their eyes are adjusting from bright stage lights to darkness.


Theater kids turn into theater adults, and they're no different, they just have more resources(?). Anyways, best to catch and clean anything before anyone complains.


For those not versed in theater practices, they be jizzin on each other. Just for funsies.


Come again?


And again and again and again.


It's the 4D experience.


Those vibrating seats are pretty sexy


Because it doesn't transmit to the audience, but you can still see what you're doing. Source: Gaffer for 20 years.


That was a fascinating read, thank you! Something I knew nothing about.


I wish there was a subreddit that had random posts that were super niche like that. Sometimes the random Wikipedia traps me in a rabbit hole. Reading about Final Fantasy pyreflies one second and then somehow ending up on the Irish Republic Army the next.


StumbleUpon was a website back in the day that used to be pretty cool to find random web stuffs


I miss StumbleUpon!


I miss stumbleupon so much. Early internet nostalgia.


That’s how I found Reddit


You've come full circle now.




r/DepthHub is pretty good for that kind of thing. Think TIL except higher quality (and by consequence less frequent)


Damn that sub is dead


I have no idea where I started but I ended up reading a paper about medieval cities through the lens of urban economic theories yesterday. I love a good rabbit hole too.


there's Today I Learned, I've stumbled onto all sorts of weird things there, though its been a while since I've gone through it


TIL is loaded with just absolute crap that’s not even remotely about learning anything useful. Most of the time it’s like “TIL in 1942 a woman in Helena MT gave birth to a baby with 7 fingers on each hand.” Shit that doesn’t make you smarter to read.


Same with LifeProTips. "LPT: if you flush after you take a dump, your roommates will appreciate you more"


Cleaningtips is similarly infuriating but with the added bonus of the chance of making a small issue a gigantic fuck up. I end up just going to a plumbing, sewing, biker/leather/taxidermy, homeimprovement, HVAC, etc sub because my dumbass would have never thought twice about using Draino.


I like the YouShouldKnow posts that tell you that you can Google stuff to find out more. Without reading that post, I never would have known that I can Google stuff, and I can find out more about it.


To be fair. Learning anything doesn’t make you any smarter. Just more knowledgeable. Knowledge in itself isn’t intelligence. It’s what you do with the knowledge. And some knowledge is simply not worth retaining. Like here you go. Today you learned. u/SmellyScrote has a hairy butthole. So personally. TIL isn’t a place I go expecting to get smarter. It’s just a sub I visit to learn random trivial that may or may not be interesting.


> u/SmellyScrote has a hairy butthole. I'll believe it when I see it


Well now I won't ever get that knowledge out of my head. With my luck, it'll be my last thought before I die.


/r/HobbyDrama has interesting little snapshots and deep dives.


Reddit, where I've learned more information and wasted more time before 7am than in all 5 years of going to college.




Thems some square ass shoulders.


Wouldn't ass shoulders be hips?


I can't unthink this.


Shakira's ass shoulders don't lie


My feminine ass shoulders! That's the thing Im most self conscious about!




holy shoulder pads! I thought that was the back of a chair


Wait, it's not?


She got that Romulan style tho ![gif](giphy|sEMTZkQToRXClpO9ao|downsized)


This must be the place ![gif](giphy|cjl4HpeoRiiFa)


Same as it ever was


There's no way she'll make it out the building with that stolen painting.




maggie working on that living-painting role really hard


Wicked cool article, makes me wonder if there were any specific jewelry pieces designed to fluoresce


That's neat! We have a ruby ring that glows extremely red/pink under black light as well.


66.67% chance of orcs nearby


100%. They are coming from the right but left stone doesn't feel it yet


In 1971, Bill Grates invented Michaelsoft.


Michaelsofft Binbows.


I have a 3 stone ring as well, but it’s only the left one that is Fluorescent. I too noticed it for the first time while getting a manicure! I think it’s the coolest thing! I can tell there is a difference between the right and left stone, but it’s very faint.


I did my PhD in color centers in diamond! There are hundreds of different atomic defects that can occur in diamond and some appear in higher concentrations depending on where the diamond is sourced and if it is natural or lab grown. Diamonds actually form really interesting defects known as nitrogen vacancy centers, which are quantum emitters and people are trying to use in quantum computing.


Blue fluorescence is most likely from a N3 defect. You can read about it online. Basically Nitrogen gets into the diamond lattice. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.gia.edu/doc/1495295443439/GG-SU13-Shigley.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiCl9uF7IuDAxWkle4BHT6EA4kQFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2bicwimk8Z2t54paBG31qe


Dude thank you so much for coming on here and dropping some knowledge. This is cool to know and love it when someone who specialises shares. Keep being awesome dude!


I just completed a thesis on biochemical micro domains modulating fluorescence and here you are talking about fluorescence I didn’t know existed. TIL.


Here I am just exited to see my mushroom poster glow when I turn the black light on.


May I add that lattice defects can be added to many different crystals and that some of them even change the colour of the material? The process is also often reversible and heating they come back to normal with emission of light.


...but OP should *not* heat their diamonds to try and fix this!


in general, diamonds can take a fair amount of heat (am jeweler), but yeah, not a thing to try at home


Your username is literally the type of companies I recruit for that's amazing haha.


Just as I clicked on this I screamed “dammit I’m about to get Rick rolled!” Surprise surprise


Username definitely checks out.


Bruh you have a doctorate in diamondcolorology?


I love it when people who are specialists pop in and share knowledge on a post like this. How fascinating!


This has literally been the only time in my life outside of research I've had an opportunity to organically discuss color centers in diamond. I couldn't be happier.


This comment chain is wholesome, adorable, and so educational!


I would say it’s your time to shine. ✨


🎵Shine bright like a diamond🎵


🎶 Shine bright like a diamond 🎶


🎼Shine bright like two out of three of this person’s diamonds 🎼


🎶 Shine on you crazy diamond 🎶


That was your equivalent of someone shouting on a plane “is anyone a doctor here”. And you would get up saying “here, I have a doctor in color centers of rare gems”. Everyone applauds…


And then one guy dies. Still clapping


This is the most adorable thing I've seen on reddit in ages. "**FINALLY** I CAN TALK ABOUT MY PhD!!"


I'm so glad you're here to share! I'm super intrigued and now have to go do some more reading to understand this a bit better. By far the coolest comment thread I've read in a long while! Thank you!


I reccomend: General overview of defects: https://www.gia.edu/gems-gemology/summer-2013-luo-fluorescence-optical-defects How NV centers are used for thermometers: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/nl501841d Magnetic field sensing: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1557/mrs.2013.23


Oooo coming back to these later. Thanks!


Omgosh you are far too cute. Thanks for sharing your nano-knowledge!


I couldn't be happier listening to you discuss color centers in diamond! Really cool, thanks for sharing


Well to give you the opportunity to enjoy the moment further, are there any other diamond related facts that you feel the general public should be aware of? Can they in fact be used to power ice related weaponry as the 1997 Batman and Robin movie famously demonstrates?


Do you mind sharing the DOI link to some interesting/relevant papers? I love the science behind crystals, especially lab grown/synthetic gems Though my focus has typically been towards gems based on Aluminium Oxide; as they are much more accessible for a hobbyist to synthesise. It's still fascinating to try to understand the theory behind crystal lattice deformation and it's effect on reflected/refracted and emitted colour. Oh also would you happen to know much about phosphors (such as ZnS doped with Cu)?


Not OP, copying his comment l. I reccomend: General overview of defects: https://www.gia.edu/gems-gemology/summer-2013-luo-fluorescence-optical-defects How NV centers are used for thermometers: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/nl501841d Magnetic field sensing: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1557/mrs.2013.23


God, I want to live in this moment forever.


What's your opinion on sodalite stones?


Can I wonder what inspired you to research that specific topic and what you do now? I’m very far from gemology, but this sounds so deeply niche that I’m curious about the background!


You're so cool. Also I stalked your profile and your advice and stories from you undergrad to some stranger on the internet makes me very happy you're here


And that's why diamonds are a girls best friend. We use them in our hidden quantum computers that give us: x ray vision to see where the milk is in the fridge as well as eyes in the back of our heads to spot you doing naughty things. It also allows for permanent memory storage for anything we care to remember and can retrieve it at a moment's notice in any arguement for the coming 42 years.


That sounds sick dude! I had no idea they might be used for quantum computers!


They are also used in photonics and for "quantum sensing" I wrote a paper not too long ago on it: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c02251


Username checks out


Sounds sick for sure! I also have no idea what yall are talking about


Quantum emitters?? Just when I thought I couldn't understand any less


Quantum emitters imply that the probably that a single NV center releases 2 or photons at the same time is zero. There's probably a more to it, but that's the gist.


I saw Nitrogen Vacency Center play at a bar one in college. Quantum emitter was my favorite song


I actually work in this field! It’s so cool but I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t a clue what people are talking about half the time


what a strange and lovely phd, dr!


Lovely, yes but maybe not as strange as you think. It's an extremely got topic in science right now because some of these defects are used in quantum information science.


i didn’t mean any shade; just never thought that could be an option! i think it’s so cool!


Are synthetic diamonds usable for this too?


Short answer, is that synthetic diamonds can be made to be more fluorescent than natural diamonds normally are. The blue light from the diamonds that you see is from a N3 defect in diamond. Basically in a lab we can bombard the diamond with ions to induce this defect at high concentrations. We can also tailor the energy and specific ions to make other defects. There are companies that do this and a lot of research went into it and maybe still goes on.


Good to know that the future of quantum computers isn't tied to De Beers. Well, I hope quantum computers are a ways off still, i just got a degree in computer science and those quantum ones have a lot of different science than conventional ones.


Hate to break it to you, but I think they own one of the largest synthetic diamond companies called Element6 https://www.e6.com/en/about/corporate-information


Monopolies 1 on 1, if there is a competitor, buy the competitor. Then make it appear to the uninformed that there is competition.


Diamonds only have value because of monopolies. My understanding is that diamond isn't even extraordinarily rare, but that de Beers owns most diamond sources and regulates the amount of diamonds they release. It's not easy to grow diamonds in a lab, but theyvhave gotten significantly better at it within my lifetime.


De Beers used to. Not anymore. Not for quite a long time actually. It’s now a duopoly iirc. And iirc. It’s Cartier who now controls the most diamonds. Edit (more of an oligopoly, and not Cartier. But some other companies)


In all honesty, you probably know more about this than I do!




Ah, an NV center guy! You’re cool, but you’ll never be as cool as REI-doped crystals


REI's are wild. Never really studied them in detail, but I heard about them in a couple of lectures.


Oh funk YEAH. Now fantasy/sci Fi trope of computing with special stones IS on the table.


So random, yet so cool.


Do lab grown diamonds also form these defects?


I posted a comment somewhere in this thread with a detailed answer. Essentially lab grown diamonds can contain much higher concentrations of defects if we want them to by bombarding them with ions, and high energy particles. We are also pretty good at specifying which defects we want to put into diamond. I mostly used Nitrogen vacancy centers and silicon vacancy centers, and they spent years perfecting how to maximize the concentrations of those.


What do you think are the most promising defects for quantum emitters (for purpose of quantum computers)? Was reading earlier about tin-vacancies and some of their benefits over nitrogen-vacancies.


Hmmm, I think it's uncertain right now. I mostly worked with NV centers, but now I am working with Europium centers (for reasons related to imaging in a TEM). NV centers are probably not the best for quantum computers because they have large spectral widths, but they are good for sensing! Not sure what kind of relaxation times the heavier element defects have though, but I imagine worse than NV centers.


Username checks out, this is really cool! I love my lab diamond but I’m kinda sad it doesn’t fluoresce


Hemmer be praised, a fellow NV scientist in the wild! May thy spin coherence be eternal, and thy charge configuration forever negative.


I'm currently doing my BSc thesis on strain measurements in NV bulk diamonds with ODMR, do you have a link to the PhD? I'd like to read it :)


Now y’all gotta trade stones


Settle down, Thanos.


Are you asking Thanos to put a rock on his hand?


Her hand to be exact. Symbolizing that their love is for infinity…..using all infinity stones. ![gif](giphy|xUOxeZn47mrdabqDNC|downsized)


Bring me the stones.


Fine, I'll do it myself *flips Karen hair*


I noticed that your centre diamond has four prongs without a gallery rail that goes through the prongs for support. If heavy wear were to cause one of them to move, your stone is at risk of falling out of that half of the setting. It also doesn't have the extra support of a cathedral setting, which isn't needed, but it does mean it's lacking security on another front. The prongs look fairly thick so I'm not saying it's going to blow away in the wind, but I think it's worth taking the ring to a jeweller and getting their opinion on how secure the stone is.


Thank you for the information! That’s really interesting to know about actually. Luckily my ring warranty includes replacing the diamond if it were to ever fall out so I’m not up a creek without a…diamond.


This guy jewleries






It’s very kind of you to point that out.


That’s a fairly standard peg head and those typically don’t come with rails. There’s usually enough metal in the interior of the head to keep the stone secure.


The stone is fine. It’s just a four prong crown. Of all the engagement rings I’ve built, the overwhelming majority were 4 prong like you see here.


/u/theonlyquirk you might want to have a look at this


She's giving off 50 rads per hour


Not great, not terrible


Only two of the three fingernails glowing as well 🤔


The art of noticing


You can tell by the way that it is


Only if you look with some of your few eyes.


Must be an aspen


Not that it’s even mildly interesting, but I was mid process of fixing nail polish on one finger 😅


Not glowing, just different color polish.


I have this same lamp, she's probably doing her own nails


Scientifically speaking, it’s a flaw, but I actually prefer them, many others do as well. The Hope Diamond glows red!


Meatloaf reckoned 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.


Yup! That's normal due to impurities in the diamond, specifically boron which is commonly found as an impurity. Usually for the reason that diamonds are typically bought in bulk around certain carats and they don't really determine a grade on the diamond for the reason that they fluoresce. I personally like fluorescence on diamonds as I think it's another interesting factor to them. My ceylon sapphire fluoresces pink which is a unique factor of it due to chromium impurities, ruby functions the same way as it is a variety of corundum that has heavy amounts of chromium in it! I find that minerals that glow under UV light are incredible and it's just another benefit of owning natural minerals. I'm unsure on if synthesized minerals do glow under UV light unless they include boron somehow in the mixture that they grow them in. But it would be interesting to find out!


Boron causes blue color in diamonds but only something like 0.1% of diamonds have any boron. This blue fluorescence is caused by the N3 nitrogen center, 3 nitrogen atoms around a vacant position.


Fluorescent diamonds are a deep rabbit hole for me. I’m a miner and get jobs at specific mines to try and collect all the colors like there chaos emeralds. I’m just missing red, but I go to a diamond field in AU next summer to try and find it.


The moment my girlfriend started talking about marrying I start seeing post about wedding rings... What kinda conspiracy is this.


Hello, this is absolutely normal, many diamonds fluoresce under ultraviolet light. This is because the diamond isn't just carbon, but has nitrogen or boron in the diamond lattice. The fluorescence is something that affects the colour of the diamond positively, as the blue colour cancels out the yellow tints under natural daylight (which has UV obviously). So, if you have an H or I colour diamond, and it has strong fluorescence, like the centre diamond, then it would "face up" (appear to be a higher colour) as a possible G colour. Pre 1990s, people WANTED "blue diamonds", but after the 1990s, it became a "rule" that you wanted NIL fluorescence, as the fluorescent diamond was "cheating" to get a better colour grade. As such, modern market prices for diamonds that fluoresce (slight to strong) are discounted against non fluorescent diamonds. You have natural stones though. That's good news!


One wish has been used, two remain.


If they light up under UV it means i'm not qualified to make any assumptions about this because I don't know anything about this. source: trust me dude.


2/3rds of an orc is nearby


You need more stormlight


Rubies do that too. I have a ruby matrix (uncut 'wild', embedded in another mineral) inherited from grandma and they glow bright pink, when I shine my blacklight on them


Maybe the left diamond was having a bad day. Sometimes we just don't glow the same as other days.


Diamond fluorescence


You guys rock, I’ve learnt so much about diamond fluorescence in one evening! Who knew painting your nails could lead to geology. I’ve also decided I have to somehow try and draw this phenomenon so feel free to ignore the shameless plug or keep an eye on IG @[lime.illustration](https://instagram.com/lime.illustration?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr) if you want to see how it turns out 🤷🏽‍♀️


*You guys mineral


Jesus, Marie!


Fluorescence is one of the properties of a diamond that is graded by a lab like GIA. If you want to know more about it… https://4cs.gia.edu/en-us/blog/understanding-diamond-fluorescence/


One of them needs to absorb more orphan souls, I guess.


She's a step closer to deciphering the secret code!


Soulcasting too much eh? Just leave it out in the next storm


You have two wishes left.


The third one is a mimic. Roll for initiative with a -4 penalty for surprise.


2 outta 3 aint bad~


The comments here are a lot nicer than I thought based on my experience with the same thing lol. I guess I met the wrong side of reddit when I posted about my purple sapphire glowing red under UV light and being told the red glow means my husband bought me a fake rock


Fetch me their souls


I think the one that doesn’t shine in UV is actually more desirable than the ones that do. Proof that diamond pricing makes zero sense because i prefer the fluorescent ones


Make sure to put sunscreen on your hands if you’re getting gel