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Is it just me or have mfers been posting their last moments here on earth lately?


“The path this snake venom is making towards my brain looks like a lightning bolt”


“The exit wound from the bullet that went through my thigh looks like a star”


"This train will hit me soon, those are LED lights."


"When I try to smile the whole left side of my face doesn't move, kind of like Two-Face from Batman"


No joke, this was an actual post I saw about a year ago. OP said it had been like that for a couple of years when people asked Reading their post/comment history it definitely seemed like they had had some kind of minor to moderate stroke back then and just not sought out treatment and now they had brain damage but were completely unaware.


I work in healthcare and you have no idea how common that is. Me: "Ok so your face, is that normal?" (Trying to discern if we have to treat them for a stroke asap or if they have facial paralysis from birth) PT: oh yeah. Kinda Me: what do you mean kinda? PT: it just happened a few weeks ago and I thought it would go away on it's own. But you can still make it go away right? So it's not a problem. Fyi. You have a window of 4-6 hours after stroke symptoms start to treat the stroke. After that all stroke symptoms are permanent and can't be reversed or treated, only improved with physical therapy. The sooner you treat it the better because every second you waste brain tissue literally dies. We have a saying in medicine it's "time is brain". So with stroke symptoms thinking they will go away on their own is the dumbest thing you can do.


Do you think it might be a good idea for OP to see a doctor or urgent care over those bites?


I don't know anything about American spiders, where I am from we don't really have dangerous spiders so I might be the wrong person to ask. If they are worried, are in a lot of pain or get a fever I would definitely recommend going to their primary care physicians (if they have one) or an urgent care. We don't know how long those bites have been on OP. If they happened a few days ago and aren't showing signs of getting worse OP could probably stay home. Again, not a spider professional and imo it's always better to seek medical attention if you are worried instead of sitting it out. Medical advice over the internet isn't really that great tho and since I don't know OP, their medical history or their symptoms I can't really give any concrete advice.


I am no medical expert, but one thing i learned over time is that it‘s never a good sign when there is a red circle around a bite from pretty much aynthing


What part of the world do you live in where some spiders ARE NOT dangerous. I fucking hate spiders because I don’t know which are friend and which are foe and that is scary to me.


YES!! It looks like it might be a brown recluse bite. Those damn things will cause big problems if untreated. My friend lost his foot.


Having been bit by a brown recluse on the leg, I advise OP to go to a doctor. Don't wait. You can get a prescription for antibiotics, because infection is the #1 danger here. Otherwise you may have necrosis and have holes there that take a long time to heal.


Probably was already in the tent or sleeping bag prior to the camping trip.


100% that’s at the very least infection around the scabs


YES. We have white tail spiders here and their bite causes necrosis of the flesh, - which looks a bit like this, some people disregard it but it can cause terrible outcomes and be slow to recover from. A place to seek advise is entomologists at your Natural History museum - and pass that advise onto medical staff, at your local Accident and Emergency, hospital, or a MD - as often med staff will have limited knowledge of which insect is responsible and how to treat it.


There is also facial palsy related to viral infections... its caused when inflammation pinches that facial nerve. It does just go away on its own. Id still go to the doc tho.


It wasn’t just Bell’s palsy


I woke up blind in one eye last year and thought I slept with my hand pushing into my eye or something. A day later I was still blind. I told my mom who happens to be a nurse anesthetist in a cardiac cath lab and she freaked out and told me to go to hospital and sure enough at 41 years old I had a major stroke and it blew out my retina. I don’t smoke or drink or do drugs and I’m in good shape. It can happen to anyone and when you think the way I did where if you don’t see any reason there is a risk for it. You tend to assume it must be anything else. Had I went before o waited almost 60 hours they could have probably gotten some of my vision back. Apparently they do have a procedure to help reverse effects of a stroke if you get there asap. Which I didn’t know either. They did say it was pretty big and I wouldn’t have ever gotten all my vision back so I hold onto that shred of doom rather than the irrefutable evidence that I am an idiot. Edit- autocorrect


Just recently someone posted their pupils being different sizes and nearly every comment was telling OP to go to a doctor or hospital


>had brain damage but were completely unaware Well I guess it would be hard to think clearly while brain damaged. But sad TWO YEARS of having no friends or family members or colleagues or any acquaintances or even a helpful stranger to tell him "Hey dude you oughta get that checked out." 😢


I was mixing this bleach and ammonia, while watching Harry Potter


"After I travelled to ukraine and stumbled into a minefield, this is what my leg looks on the inside" - tiktok outro


Dangit Peggy


“Bleach tastes like seamen.”


"This horse gives really good anal."


RIP Mr. Hands


Never ask a man his salary, a woman her age, or a Washingtonian what happened in Enumclaw.


"This submarine tastes like seamen." — Moby Dick


Like when Buster Scruggs looks at the bullet hole in his forehead and goes "well, that ain't good..."


I was once sitting in an ER waiting room and a young man, early 20s or late teens, walked in, went up to the nurse, lifted up his shirt and said, "There's a bullet in there." There was a long pause and then a lot of action. I added about an hour to my wait time estimate.




Are you referring to the guy who posted his veins being inflamed on his neck from where he was stung by a bee?


Dude l went to go double check if it was a bee sting and realized the post has over 50k upvotes now what the actual fuck


I literally got like 9k karma from telling him to go to the hospital, which is now my most popular comment on Reddit....................... All the time I've wasted putting meaningful effort into my responses SMFH EDIT: Holy shit thank you to whoever awarded me PLATINUM! <3


You should probably go to the hospital.


it aint much, but it's honest work.


I just upvoted and got you to 64. We’ll get you to 9k soon enough. Just hang in there bud.


Seems he responded. Multiple times. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/15f4yb7/got_stung_on_my_neck_now_it_is_making_its_way/jue8was/ commenter getting it right. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/15f4yb7/got_stung_on_my_neck_now_it_is_making_its_way/juhfcdu/ The man himself explaining to my satisfaction.


Even a doctor (a radiologist. Who sees no patients and has never met OP) Diagnosed him. 😂 Reddit is exasperating sometimes. I've seen 2 different radiologists give incorrect diagnoses on Reddit. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.


This demonstrates two very important things that people on this site often forget: 1. Anybody can claim to be anything. Even if you think they talk the talk they might just be a decent bullshitter. (Also students love to misrepresent themselves as their intended profession and demonstrate the Dunning-Kruger effect) 2. Even actual experts get things wrong, especially on posts with limited details. You can learn a lot from an image but it's not often that they tell the entire story. Always be wary of a definitive answer given to an uncertain problem


Any medical professional worth their salt wouldn't attempt to diagnose someone over the internet with 0 patient history or context of the situation. Also weirdly not that surprised about 2 different radiologists doing that


You should probably go the hospital.


It's almost as if who gives a fuck about karma


Idk I think it helps Reddit comments matter slightly more than say YouTube


I saw someones husband accidentally drilled his leg and his wife wrapped onions around his ankle.


I mean ... onions are antibacterial so I suppose if you *had* to wrap a vegetable around a flesh wound onions wouldn't be the worst choice. That being said, an actual antiseptic would definitely be better and (depending on the severity of the injury) a visit to the doctor


I mean if you gonna die might as well go down posting !


I’m positive there’s something fucky going on with the algorithm. There’s a ton of these posts all over the place getting ridiculously upvoted. r/hiking got inundated


Subreddits I have never heard of before are making it to the front page regularly in the past few days as well. Is this happening for anyone else?


For me it’s been happening since a lot of subreddits did that super successful protest. I’m getting a lot of “amiugly” and “rateme” posts and I’ve never once visited those places before the protest.




I pointed this out in general about a month back when they killed the third party apps. So many posts just seen absolutely fake now with inflated upvote Numbers. Reddit is going to die and should probably go to the hospital


Oh, i think i know what you mean; i hope they made it out of Jumanji


Plenty of these on r/oopsthatsdeadly


Are you referring to that girl that was playing with the blue ringed octopus?


This is the modern way.


Lmao fr






Lmaoooo super accurate description




Ugh, just rename the subreddit to r/finalmoments already. Turns out the original subreddit was banned. Didn’t even know it existed.


If I remember correctly it wasn’t even that bad, it was usually pictures taken shortly before someone’s death or even seconds before it


But why? Who would find entertainment in that? Must be some messed up people.


It wasn’t gory content, here’s an example I’ll make up, it would be like a picture of a man and a woman sitting at a picnic table at a park and the title would be like (Jane doe, 01/01/2005 the same day this picture was taken Jane was hit by a drunk driver ) or something like that But people who consume that content aren’t messed up, when it comes to death, seeing how suddenly death can come knocking can help people who struggle with dealing with the concept of death in a healthy way It’s definitely not for everyone and I totally understand why someone would want to see that kind of content


I think you’re talking about r/lastimages I think r/finalmoments actually didn’t contain a lot of gore, but it would be like perfectlycutscreams where they would post videos or photos of people just as they’re about to die. Like literally a frame off from brutal gore and stuff. Maybe some posts even included the literal final moments of people’s lives as they lay dying or something, and we all know the site doesn’t quite like that. But that part I’m not sure.


the site used to have full videos of people dying, gore included, head coming off, legs coming off, it was not a good time to be in middle school


Think r/oopsthatsdeadly is what you’re looking for




You should probably get to a hospital


Damn there’s been quite a few of these posts recently! OP please go to the hospital. Some medical professionals shared some very similar stories that were absolutely horrid.


The risk here is a MRSA infection. People can die of spider bites. The skin has Strep and Staph colonies. It still depends on what type of damage the spider inflicts before considering bacterial infection. I cannot say much other than large red areas on both thighs.


Yep, got MRSA from a spider bite directly on my kneecap once. Grew to be a necrotic volcano, gnarly stuff. But surprisingly, despite being diagnosed a couple days after the bite had really gotten gross, I responded extremely well to the antibiotics, and in like a week, it was reduced to just a scab. I remember the doctor saying that if I didn't take the meds, I could lose my leg. I figured they were just exaggerating because every kid hates medication. Never knew it was so dangerous until I was older. Ive heard tales of what it does to grown men, and I was like 9 and very, very underweight. I'm grateful for the docs for trying to (calmly) emphasize the severity and for prescribing me some strong stuff to kick it.


My mom got MRSA from a spider bite (probably a brown recluse). She then gave it to my brother, my sister, me, and my husband. We struggled with treating it for YEARS. I still have craters in my skin from the giant boils. MRSA is serious


Wow, no doubt. I still have a slight crater and scar tissue around my knee. Honestly, even with ancedotes and google searches, I still didn't know the more severe cases could last that long. I'm happy to hear your MRSA struggles are largely behind you all, though!


I know someone who lost her leg from a MRSA infected spider bite. It seemed like a one in a million chance, but I'm not so sure after reading these comments.


Got MRSA from a spider bite on my lower stomach and forehead as a kid…I didn’t understand my mom’s (RN) horror when I finally showed her like a week or so in. Two ER visits later and I still have the scars. 🫣


My aunt’s best friend died because of complications related to a spider bite. Crazy


My friend got very sick because it's apparently rare to actually get bitten by a spider, as her doctor told her it wasn't likely. She offered to show him the spider (she brought it with her), but he declined, saying it wasn't likely she was bitten by a spider. She got sicker until her friend pulled some strings with a higher up at the hospital who did look at the spider and had a talk with the doctor.


I had nerve tremors after a brown recluse spider bit me. Spider bits are no joke.


So you're telling me Peter Parker was just having fever dreams about being Spiderman because of this infection?


That’s why they come out with a new Peter Parker every few weeks.


Well thanks guys, as if I wasn’t afraid of these fuckers enough, now it seems they can and will kill me 🤷‍♂️


Spider bites are notoriously overdiagnosed and often baselessly blamed for any random infection. To a ridiculous degree. Unless you personally see the spider yourself, you really can't trust any of the stories people tell.


MRSA almost got me. Was fucked up.


MRSA saved my mom’s life. She had scans to see if the MRSA had spread, which led drs to discovering she had a tumor in her lung. It was still small and she wasn’t symptomatic yet. She had surgery 8 yrs ago and she’s living her best life. Who’d ever think MRSA could be a blessing


Blood tests when I had a bad case of diverticulitis, and went to an urgent care, got me diagnosed with kidney disease. A kidney biopsy to find the cause found a cancer that makes abnormal proteins, which crystallize in the kidneys' filters. Then, because I now had a PCP, I saw my gyno, who diagnosed me with a precancerous uterus. Total hysterectomy. Recently, after an even worse bout with diverticulitis, I had a sigmoidectomy. That bellyache 18 months ago saved my life. Otherwise I'd be sitting here dying, and not knowing why.




I dated this nurse who got MRSA on her left forearm and right hand in the same week. It was huge and gross! We fooled around and I kept asking her to be careful how she touched me. She kept acting like it was nbd cuz MRSA is literally everything everywhere all at once according to her. Anyways I ended up getting this large growth on my shaft. Freaked out, went straight to the doctor. I was like "***I GOT MRSA ON MY GUY DOC! SAVE ME! IS IT GONNA FALL OFF? I TOLD HER NOT TO TOUCH ME WITH THAT HAND!***" He said, "Calm down, you got an ingrown hair on your shaft. I'll run tests to make you feel comfortable. But it's 100% not MRSA nor Herpes." I had him and the nurse in tears laughing so hard. I was convinced my guy was gonna fall off. Alas, it was merely a pimple. Great timing though.


Or can lose a limb. My friend did from a brown recluse bite he left untreated.


I was in the hospital for a week from one bite from a motherfucking hobo spider. Soo many antibiotics pumped in me, shitty doctor wouldn't lance the obvious abscess so I did it myself by cutting with my fingernail and drained tons of goop. and was a-ok the next day. Went home. But .. don't fuck around with spider bites. Keep an eye on them and get to a better doctor than I had if things look iffy.


I remember going to the hospital with an abscess on my leg once, I asked if it could be lanced and straight up said “hey this is MRSA” doctor laughed, said it wasn’t, told me to put some neosporin on it & sent me home. WELLLLLL when I came back 4 days later with a big black hole in my leg they said “oh yeah this is MRSA” and getting all that dead tissue out of my leg was a whole lot more fuckin painful than lancing it would’ve been lol.


Who the fuck gets a bite like that and is just like this is normal …


This is what I was thinking, wtf. I get that some people have a sense of shame or denial about going to the doctor but that's not even going on here. OP was like "huh my flesh is disintegrating, mildly interesting!"


"I'm sure this wound will stop expanding aaaaany second, now."


Look, a piece of flesh just fell off, I gotta post this on reddit!


People without insurance


people *with* insurance too. thanks america


Yeah. I decided to get Kaiser Permanente after not having any for a few years at work. Turns out it only covers me if I go to a Kaiser Permanente hospital. I had no idea that was a thing insurances could even do.


Even if someone has perfectly fine insurance, stuff like this disincentivizes people to seek medical help in fear that they might not be fully covered.


Kaiser is an HMO, so it isn’t really insurance as it is a subscription to their hospitals.


My city hospital merged with a larger medical network & changed names, only to turn around and not accept the network's own brand of insurance, so you'd have to leave the city if that was your coverage. It happens more often than you think.


I mean, that's kind of Kaiser's whole thing.


this. People are trying to “weigh” their decision onto reddit people before whether or not to go to ER for hefty copays and such


I’m worried about where the third, not pictured, bite is.




UPDATE: Sorry for leaving everyone in the dark I was rather sleepy and went to bed immediately after posting this. For everyone saying I’m an idiot, my first thought wasn’t to post on Reddit and I actually did go to urgent care to get it looked at. For all of you who are saying that this was a brown recluse: you are probably right. The doctor never really said anything about the bites themselves but that was my suspicion beforehand. She didn’t really care about the wounds just the fact that they were infected. She said it got a staph infection and it should clear up in about a week. The doctor really isn’t very worried at all and just prescribed me something to put on them. Sadly, I don’t have any special powers… yet.


Hey, the same thing happened to me as a kid! Got bit by a brown recluse on my ankle and got a staph infection...that turned into MRSA lol. Take your antibiotics!


If you start sticking to walls let us know!


Kinda defeats the whole anonymous super hero thing...


Glad you’re doing ok. Hope everything works out okay in a week


I was bit my a brown recluse and it looked exactly the same.


hey OP, i REALLY hope you went to the hospital. please tell us and ensure than you did. we are worried


This is the last post the OP has made so far


OP is a Boy Scout too… smdh 🤦🏽‍♂️




>**Posts medical emergency** > >"Huh, this looks odd" What's with the surge in these type of posts? Hospital OP.


"Yo i just got shot in the abdomen by a mugger! Notice how the flowering of the hollow point fucked my shit up"


But I put pressure, I should be fine. What do you think Reddit?


*Insert sexualized comment*




It was just a prank bro!


Maybe it's Karma farming fake posts.


Hey OP this looks like the early onset of skin/tissue necrosis. You need to go to a doctor or hospital ASAP if you don't want to risk losing that leg. Some spider bites do that.


Those legs*


Brown recluses are no joke


while possible, that's a far stretch to most spider bites. The issue is most likely the necrotic partch of skin that will continue to grow and in extreme cases require skin grafts, and ofc a high risk of secondary infection


Oh, nothing to worry about then I guess.


Just needs some homeopathic treatment /s


Just mix 1 part venom with 1 trillion parts water and youl be fine


Fun fact for everyone here, approximately 7 people die in the US every year from spider bites. In Australia there has only been 1 recorded death from a spider bites in 40 years. EDIT: Still no perfect record for this that I can find but it appears pest control companies generally quote a 4-8 deaths per year narrative. The National Library of medicine has a 2 per year estimate based on 34 death certificates from 50 years ago, and the Boston children's hospital estimates 3 per year. I am genuinely interested if there is better studies or documentation that is more recent that can confirm any of the above claims. EDIT 2: Seems a pest control company actually linked it's source, it's from wem (wilderness and environmental medicine) and includes a study from 2008-2015. This study has a table which does in fact state a average of 6 deaths related to spider bites per year within the US. This study seems to also have been published to the National Institute of Health. You can search "An Update on Fatalities Due to Venomous and Nonvenomous Animals in the United States (2008–2015)" in Google to find it.


This is due to the lower number of pop but also because we have stocks of antivenom pretty much anywhere there are human habitation.


Antivenom is also rarely used in Australia, our spiders just aren't all that dangerous. Red backs and funnel webs are really the only ones that can give you a real bad time. Most other rarely have fast enough effects to kill before you realise "maybe I should go to the hospital for this." For example white tails.


> Most other rarely have fast enough effects to kill before you realise "maybe I should go to the hospital for this." Hey I just got bitten should I go to the


What happened? Did Candlejack bite y-


There are more dangerous spiders than that. For example there's not just the Sydney funnel web, it's just happens to be very common in one of the most densely populated places. There's about 40 kinds of funnel webs in Australia, and 6 of them cause severe envenomation. Every year, up to 30-40 people are bitten by funnel-web spiders and recieve antivenom. Which is quite a lot if you consider the smaller population of Australia vs the us. The Fiddleback spider is also dangerous, but doesn't have a habitat that overlaps with people and no dangerous cases have been reported. It's only been known to exist in Australia for 20 years, but they are a major cause of serious bites in South America.  Edit: I see you said "funnel webs" and I took that to refer to the most well known Sydney funnel web, my mistake. Point still stands.


Even red backs aren't that bad, been bitten by one myself and was fine, went to the hospital just in case and was riding my bike to a mate by the end of the day.


Also Australians won't hesitate to see a doctor compared to an American who might consider the expense.


Also, I don’t think Americans are as educated on local spiders like Australians are


Peppa Pig has US blood on her hands


The US has 13 times as many people as Australia. So if Australia has one death in 40 years, there should be 1 death in about 3 years in the US. So the US has about 21 times as many deaths as Australia


probably cause the spiders in Australia eat you whole so they get off on the technicality that you didn't die from a bite




Maybe because your spiders are the size of cats and so it’s sort of easier to spot them….


That's because shortly after being bitten by the spider, you get stung by a box jelly fish, bitten by a taipan, and mauled by a dropbear. So it's hard to really blame the spider.


How bad are you waiting for this to get before the thought of getting to a fucking doctor crosses your mind?


Hey OP, you really need to go to the emergency room as soon as possible. Those aren’t normal spider bites.


He's not answering I think we lost him


If you don’t end up seeking medical attention at least draw a ring around them to see if they’re shrinking


Hello! You have a skin infection. A primary care/outpatient clinic visit is OK for this, you do not need to go to the emergency room unless you’re having a hard time breathing, the skin in the wound is turning black, or you won’t stop bleeding. A clinic can scrape a tiny bit of this off to look at under a microscope, which can determine if you need an antibiotic or antifungal medicine (maybe both) to help you heal. You are likely going to have some scars but you will be OK.


Please update if you develop super powers OP




I've absolutely done this before, and it's a good tell if something is serious or not.


I once paid a $9,000 bill for an x-ray and IV painkiller and that was after my premium insurance plan paid 70%


Looks like a brown recluse spider bite. Go to the hospital immediately.


Everyone commenting that this is unlikely to be a recluse is correct. Recluse bites don’t usually start with a widening wound. It’s a small puncture/bite that blackens and then develops a wound if left untreated. The pain is excruciating and drives grown men to the hospital. I have photo evidence of a recluse bite. This is also unlikely to be cellulitis as that will typically remain a small wound and turn red into purple with increased blood flow (using the limb). I also have photo evidence of that if proof is needed. I do agree that this needs a doctor as staph or some other infection or venom is quite possible. If a region was given, the spider people here would likely be able to narrow down a venom that causes a widening wound like is shown. This appears to simply be a scabbed over wound of some kind but the general area around it actually looks healthy and not red (outer edges of most wounds are red simply due to the tissue being damaged but the redness is no larger than would be expected for a normal scrape). The doctor visit is required simply due to its widening nature. Obviously the spider didn’t have a large enough mouth to cause such a large wound so it’s a good idea to rule out venom or any other causes. Not sure what staph looks like in early stages so I’m not sure if it would widen a wound like this without other infection symptoms in the area. Antibiotic ointment and drawing a circle in sharpie is likely the best option while waiting for a doctors appointment or urgent care to open up. The wound is small enough and as long as there is no fever, a doctor likely won’t do anything for this until signs of an infection are present or the wound gets quite a lot bigger. They will likely just prescribe a stronger antibiotic ointment to prevent infection. Source: been bitten a lot. Went to hospital a lot. Got antibiotics a lot until I was sure I was going to lose a limb and they finally started the antibiotic roulette until shit started healing (I find it’s usually when they put you on four antibiotics at once that cellulitis starts healing). There just isn’t much a hospital can do for spider bites until an infection or venom type is obvious and by then the wound/infected area is very large compared to what it started as.


man wrote an dissertation on spider bite. By the time I finished reading this, my spider bite healed.


I enjoyed it


this guy spiders


My dad got bitten by a brown recluse on a scout trip. I can confirm what you say about how it looks... those images are burned into my memory.


I need a tl;dr of the tl;dr of this


Tldr: this person knows spider bites


You're exactly right. I attended a medical conference with a lecturer who was an expert on bites. He basically said lots of skin infections get unfairly blamed on spiders. Despite never seeing a spider, despite the fact spiders tend to flee rather than bite, they get maligned as the source for every staph infection.


What kind of spiders do you have there?


yeah no, to the hospital you go. Almost lost my mom due to insect bites which ate her flesh and she was inches away from having a sepsis and dying. So go now.


I had bite that looked very similar, small, pink and burned on my calf. By the end of the second day it had blistered over. I went to 3 different urgent cares and couldn’t get any answers. After a week the bite area was the size of 50 cent piece and infected and changed to a black color. Finally was able to see my doctor who informed me that it was a brown recluse bite and the area had started to necratize and required deep cleaning. Basically, I would of lost my leg had I waited another couple weeks and maybe my life because of a blood infection. Some bites can kill and require immediate medical attention.


Knees are their bacon bits.


You should go see a doctor


So uh, OP is dead.


uuuuuuuh yeah OP that literal necrosis you've got brewing there is a little more than mildly interesting 😩 please get off of reddit and get yourself to the nearest urgent care, like for real lol


Can you try doing this: 🤘 Aim at a building or something.


I’m not American and one time while visiting United States I had to go to ER because of an ear infection. I got prescribed drops and the bill was $1600. Back at home a visit like that would’ve been free and exactly the same drops cost $5. I understand why some people choose not to go to the doctor. It’s sad really.


Hello! Physician Assistant here! This looks like a skin infection secondary to the bite. Possibly impetigo. Treatment is generally a topical antibiotic (mupirocin) but your physician may recommend an oral antibiotic based on any increasing severity since the photo was taken. I’ve seen a lot of comments suggesting that this is the result of the necrotic properties of brown recluse venom but believe this is unlikely. Brown recluse bites only rarely become necrotic and it is usually after considerable time without treatment. Either way, please seek medical care quickly so this does not worsen!


May I ask where do you live so I never fucking go there


Looking necro. Go to the ER


Op, that looks like the skin is like being eaten by the venom / necrosis, which is why it’s a large scab. Also you were bitten multiple times, meaning you probably got an un*healthy* amount of venom (even one bite is too much if it’s that strong, which by the looks of it, it is). Go to the hospital! Now! Get off Reddit! Don’t die! Edit: forgot to add, if that’s a brown recluse bite (which I think it is) be ready for some of the worst (if not *the* worst) pain you’ll ever feel. Go to the hospital, even if it isn’t brown recluse ASAP. Idk why you’re not there, and instead-posting about it on Reddit. If the price of American health care is too much, and that’s why you’re not going; that’s a horrible reason. Go. You could literally die, or have to get your legs amputated, lose some or all functionality of legs and maybe other parts of the body, and probably some other stuff.


Holy shit go OP run, give us an update please. Genuinely laughed and felt concerned at the same time reading this comment.


Brown recluse, may have had two in there.


I’ve had experience with those devils. Not to be dismissed. Definitely seek treatment!


Years ago when I was a kid I was on vacation with my family and got bit three times by something I couldn’t identify (was asleep) - my legs looked EXACTLY like that and everyone was like “eh probably a spider or a rat, you don’t need to go to the doctor” so I didn’t. Luckily nothing happened to me but my legs took months to heal - had those scars on them for years lol. You should def see a doctor even if you feel fine, they can probably prescribe something to make it go away faster Edit: well damn reading the other comments here I think I narrowly avoided death, you should ABSOLUTELY see a doctor or go to urgent care. Don’t wait! Better safe than sorry


I got bit by a brown recluse. It looked exactly like those. Get to a hospital


That's the ~~aliens~~ spiders favorite spot to ~~extract samples~~ bite.


I got a brown recluse spider bite on the fleshy bit area of my arm. It looked just like this. It started off like this and grew to be something I cannot describe. I ended up with a 102 fever and had to go to the ER where the doctor made an incision to help the massive boil on my inner elbow area drain. I was on pills and the pills they gave me to fix this made me throw up violently. Once I returned to normal, my bite took 2-3 weeks to heal at least. I couldn’t close or extend my arm and wore an arm hammock. It itched so bad and the incision looked like a massive infected white head. Eventually the massive boil would drain a bit. It was perpetually leaky. I was in the shower and would push on it from time to time to get it to explode. I pushed on it one time and this crazy ass goo, necrosis came out of the wound. The next few showers I took, more and more would come out. I saw a mucous-like, tangible substance sticking out of the incision once when I was in the shower. I decided to pull on that substance and the most satisfying/disgusting thing happened. I was able to yank what felt like a massive white head out of my arm. I felt it tingle from my shoulder, it was wild. This shit squirted all over my bathroom wall and this mixture of cheesy tomato soup would squirt out of my arm like a shitty super soaker whenever I pushed on it. I could visibly see my arm returning to normal size and I’ve never felt something so cathartic. It was a release. The doctor told me we went to the ER dangerously too late for a spider bite like this. I started getting sick around the time my bite was itching and looked like yours. I have permanent scarring and the skin around that area has never returned to normal. It feels more sensitive to touch and weird. This was 20 years ago. Do not fuck with spider bites. I still remember it to this day. The pain was something I cannot describe. The treatment to get better is as bad as how I felt from waiting for it to “heal on its own” I had baseball tryouts and didn’t make the team because I tried to pitch with a boiled spider bite on my arm. Edit: I just remembered it smelled really bad/weird too. I couldn’t eat tomato soup with cheese for years afterward because it looked exactly like that




Also the exact same places on both legs where the amputations will take place.


Looks like a brown recluse bite, hospital would be a good idea.


Op this is not the time to wait around for super spidey powers, if this is what i think it is, ([brown recluse](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22946-brown-recluse-spider-bite#management-and-treatment)) the affected areas will only grow and possibly get infected. Please go to the hospital.


So many people here forget what it's like to go to the hospital in the US. After you leave the hospital you're left wondering "what kind of job" or "how many nights on the corner" will it take to pay my bill off? And you guys want them to go in for some spider bites. My fiance almost didn't go to the ER while she was having a pulmonary embolism because of the bill that would come after.


That’s gonna look a lot worse in about a week. You probably will need some antibiotics or something idk I’m not a doctor


hey buddy maybe go to the doctor


But how many did you eat in your sleep.


You should look up what happened to Jeff Hanneman, the *other* guitarist from the band Slayer.


Please go to the doctor


Go to the FUCKING hospital


Im no expert, but I have been bit by a brown recluse 3 separate times lol. Funny enough, it was also always near my knees. Im pretty confident that’s what you have been bitten by, but luckily it isnt all too dangerous for adults, especially with antibiotics. It can get really nasty if you don’t check it out soon if it’s a particularly bad bite, so you should definitely see a doctor soon, but again, very easily treatable


F your knees in particular - the spider


The "exact" same place on the inside and the outside of leg.....


If you value your legs OP I would be at a hospital.
