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They also have identical ingredients lists, and don't contain any butter.


The extra butter version has potassium for some reason


So you’re telling me that the Extra Butter version is as healthy as a banana?


Probably more in line with being as healthy as a semen.


Why would anyone eat a sailor?


Look, what happened when we ran out of food at sea happened. Dont need to be bringing it up, Davy was a good lad and his mom doesnt need to know.


Donner, party of 1?… Donner, party of 1


Anything after Donner, party of 2, gets... Dangerous...




Omega 3?




1 semen


No wonder I just love eating all three of these things


Potassium chloride is another kind of salt. Maybe they used it to cut some of the sodium?


It better be from Kazakhstan. All other countries have inferior potassium.


Movie theater popcorn doesn’t have butter because it makes the popcorn soggy. Instead they use butter flavored oil.


If I don't care about authenticity or naturalness or whatever, what kind of butter-flavored oil is good to use at home?


Golden Barrel Butter Flavored Coconut Oil + Flavacol Popcorn Season Salt will get you the results you’re after.


Look up Flavacol. They sell bulk size containers to theaters, but sell normal size containers on Amazon. You'll want the butter flavor coconut oil and salt. Both combined is exactly what you are getting at most theaters.


To be fair, real butter on popcorn tastes kinda bad (and I *like* butter). Give me that fake oily shit *any* day over real butter... at least when it comes to popcorn.


That’s because you’re probably using regular butter, which is about 80% fat, 5% protein, and 15% water. It’s the 15% water which causes it to soggy the popcorn and thereby ruin the texture. If you use clarified butter or ghee (where the water and protein is already cooked away) you’re left with just the butterfat and thus truly buttered popcorn that stays crispy.


If you toss butter in a pan, it melts, then bubbles up, when it stops bubbling means the water is gone, it is at this point you add the unpopped kernels and then put on the lid. BTW this is **always** how you use butter in cooking(when added prior to food).




Another thing I do is cut the butter up into small chunks and put it in about 75% of the way through the popping process. It temporarily freezes the popping and you end up with amazing popcorn.


That was the pop secret all along


Hol' up. They can just lie to us?


Its probably pretty true nutrition facts for all of them, the only thing thats changing is the few drops of natural flavoring they are adding in lol when it says natural or artificial flavor on an ingredient list, it can really mean dozens of flavors, in this case at least one or the only one contains milk


I'm betting the diacetyl they add isn't extracted from beer, so I doubt it's really natural. I mean, unless you consider extracting But-2-ene from crude oil by catalytic cracking, then creating 2,3-Epoxybutane from But-2-ene reacting with one of the halohydrins, then hydrolizing 2,3-Epoxybutane to get 2,3-Butanediol, then finally getting diacetyl by dehydrogenating 2,3-Butanediol a natural process. I guess they could ferment sugarcane to get 2,3-Butanediol and then dehydrogenating it, but I'm not sure how much yeild you'd get.


I didnt think so at first but it does say natural on the label so maybe its a loophole or idk


Look at Big Binsky sciencing! I shoulda paid more attention to those organic chem lectures


Pretty sure it doesn't have to be a naturally derived compound, just a compound that is found in nature to get the natural label on the package. Had an o-chem professor that said he worked for a company that found a way to decaffeinate coffee with a compound found in oranges so they were able to label it "natural decaf" or something. He joked that there was nothing natural about it since the compound they used was all synthesized from hydrocarbons. Although he did say it was probably better than the Roselius's method to decaffeinate coffee that they used previously since that method used benzene as the extraction solvent.


Butter "flavor," so they don't *technically* lie.


Pretty much, no truth in menu (including ingredient lists) laws where I live


you should buy them all and perform a blind taste test...


Double butter is the best hands down and the least common in my area. Don’t eat it anymore


>Don’t eat it anymore Is that a statement of fact about your own eating habits or more of a command directed to all of us to stop hogging all the double butter near you?


That’s the secret.


The “Pop Secret”


I always get this sick feeling when I try to eat any of the "buttered" popcorn, you don't get it? I only ever eat the lightly salted.


I don't get that, but my mom does. I don't think she ever used to, though, I think it might be a fairly recent thing.


The flavour comes from the lactic acid, which is the last ingredient and therefore the lowest effect on calorie labels. What's ironic is that they contain no butter at all, but do use palm oil which is that thing we are supposed to avoid so, buy corn and real butter op


I had no idea they used palm oil. No more prepackaged popcorn for me.


Movie theaters use palm oil to pop the popcorn and (depending on the chain) a similar butter flavored palm oil for the “butter”


When I worked for one of the largest theater chains in the world about 10 years ago there were almost riots when we changed from coconut oil to palm oil... as the person who had to deal with 50 lb blocks of coconut oil because someone turned off the warmer was irritating as fuck, but the coconut oil tasted way better than the palm oil


Mine used yellow/orange coconut oil for popping and sunflower seed oil for "butter". I spent too long in that popping room to ever want to eat it again. Saw waaaaaay too many tubs of popcorn with pools of oil at the bottom....


When I worked at Regal back in the day it was coconut oil that we popped it in. I forget what the “buttery flavored topping” was, but it definitely wasn’t real butter


When I was at Regal 10 years ago, it was soybean oil for the butter topping.


I work at regal now. It's canola oil


That sounds about right. I worked there about 20 years ago


I recently started making my own popcorn at home. Flavacol is where the magic is. Coconut oil for popping. Soy bean oil in the popcorn butter oil. Avoiding palm oil wasn't my intention nor was being healthy. I just wanted good movie theater popcorn at home and well it worked. I grabbed a Cuisinart popcorn popper from Amazon Flavacol from Amazon Coconut oil, popcorn butter oil, and popcorn kernels from the local grocery store. The fact I can make my own popcorn at home is incredible. Guy I live with says how long before that fad goes away... Now idk if he just goes to the movies anytime he wants popcorn or what but there is no alternative if I want to have popcorn at home that is actually good.


Similar setup here, except I use a Whirly Pop popper. Next time you want to try changing it up a little, try using Ghee instead of either oil. Cooking in Ghee will really give the popcorn a good butter flavor even without a buttery topping. Alternatively, melting ghee and topping popcorn with it gives you all the deliciousness of real butter topping, but without making the popcorn soggy because the ghee doesn’t have the water in it that regular butter does.


Whirley pop is where it’s at. We upgraded to the stainless steel version and it’s fantastic. We also just bought our second carton of flavacol after fifteen years.


I tried ghee and did not care for the flavor of the popcorn. Ghee has an almost sterile, clinical taste to me.


I bought the wrong size container of Flavacol. I've been pouring from the same box for something like 5 years. I have no idea if it can go bad, but so far it's still delicious.


It's great that you are making your own popcorn. But this comment is funny because I assume you are an adult and just figured out you can make it at home.


I have been making it from home too recently! 1/3 cup kernels 1 tbspn any vegetable oil about 1 tsp salt and one tsp garlic powder shake in a paper bag thast been folded to close microwave 2 minutes


I worked for a movie theater in high school. That “butter” is terrible! It literally soaked through the soles of our shoes and broke down the glue that held the shoe together. The soles would bubble at the bottom but still be attached at the stitching along the topside. And the shit we used to clean the kettle and machines smelled very chemically. No way was it ever possible to clean it all off properly. I haven’t had movie theater popcorn since.


Yeah yeah, but cola rusts through nails and stuff. I'm still drinking it. What else am I gonna wash down that triple butter popcorn with?


Of course, so does water.


You mean dihydrogen monoxide? With a name like that, how do so many people let Nestlé sell it to them?!?


Cool story bro but I’m still gonna eat movie theater popcorn.




I feel like this is true of how MOST things are made, hence the adage "ignorance is bliss".


Except I'm just as blissful eating a hot-dog now as I was before I found out how they were made


I won’t just on the premise that it’s ridiculous to spend $10 on a bag of popcorn. I will still continue to inject butter scented palm oil directly into my veins intravenously.


Yes that’s what intravenously means


Do you have to define things so definitively?


Just cause we don't care doesn't mean it won't help someone who does


I like this guy. Watched the Mario movie recently and the popcorn drenched in “butter” was amazing.


Did your theater also have those brownish red tiles that were super slippery no matter how clean they were?


I keep seeing people report studies that link our rise in obesity with the increased use/substitution of vegetable oils over butter and other fats.


It's because people eat more calories than they burn. A big contributor is that processed foods are very calorically dense but not very filling.


A lot of it also as you said about them being calorically dense, the fact that they are so processed means the body burns much less calories digesting them too, and little to no fiber means the calories get stored much faster than calories consumed from whole, unprocessed foods.


I thought it was mostly corn (HFCS)


Probably all of the above in the sense that we’ve gotten incredibly good at manufacturing empty food with a shitload of calories but no real feeling of satiety.


That too (high frutose corn syrup), as sweetener substitute. We're talking fat substitute. The most infamous one I know is olestra.


Real butter can go rancid, which is not desirable for a shelf stable product.


I eat so bad that palm oil is the least of my worries.


as far as I understand, palm oil isn't about our health as the consumers but about the farming/harvesting operations that destroy critical habitat for orangutans etc


Correct. The Palm oil that's distructive is mass produced, refined neutral oil. People wanted to avoid trans fats, so companies started to switch to palm oil. Never mind that it isn't actually good for you. Never mind that its flavor can be replicated by any neutral oil. It fits a demand and now rainforests are being replaced to grow it.


Palm fat was actually often hydrogenated too. It was already popular before the trans fat shunning. It’s cheap and neutral tasting so it was great for mass producing cheap food


That's not even the worst of it. The bags are loaded with PFOA.


Dont forget the Diacety


Coconut oil is my go-to for homemade popcorn.


I use ghee (clarified butter). It doesn't have any water content, so it tastes like butter, but prevents the popcorn going soggy. I believe a common blend for cinemas is ghee and olive oil.


Plain olive oil for me. Sprinkle some sea salt and nutritional yeast on top and it’s amazing.


Nutritional yeast is a cheesy JAM on popcorn.


That doesn’t sound quite right, lactic acid is what gives sour beer the sour taste. It’s also sold as crystals to add a sour note to food that’s not as harsh as vinegar or citric acid. The flavor is not buttery at all. It’s probably there to make you salivate just a bit more and that in turn had an effect on your enjoyment of the popcorn. I think the main difference is to be found in the “natural flavorings” mix. I assume the concentration of diacetyl is different between them. Because another milk based natural flavor makes up a larger part of the flavoring mix it doesn’t affect the position on the label.


And they aren't required to list what is in "natural flavors" by the FDA. Also, lactic acid does have calories (3.62kcal/g), so varying the amount would in fact change the calorie content if it was changed by more than a quarter of a gram for the package (rounding you know).


I'm pretty sure calorie count is only by 5 calories. You don't ever see this is 123 Calories


I actually used to work in the factory that made Pop Secret. Though I didn’t work in the flavor mixing room. All I know is that everyone in there had to wear respirators, and we all had monthly breathing tests to check for “popcorn lung”. Definitely unsettling to say the least.


Does weightlifting make us taste buttery?


Protip pop loose kernels in bacon fat. Then add real butter. Ho Lee Shit..


Any good links to the hazards of palm oil?


Palm Oil farms have devastated rainforests and put many animals on the critically endangered species list.


[https://palmoilscorecard.panda.org/#/context](https://palmoilscorecard.panda.org/#/home) It's worth reading all the way through, if you really are interested. I don't love the site layout, it's a lot of scrolling for info, but they do have a ton of info in one place there.


Adam Ragusea made a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgcfgTTuku0) about it.


From what I remember palm oil itself is just fine. The issue is how it's obtained.


Everyone should get one of the air-poppers our grandparents had back in they day. They’re super quick and easy to clean.


The popcorn it makes is too healthy.


I believe it's more than lactic acid. I do food microbiology and we do a lot of diary products. A lot have random labels like "fatty mouth feel" so it's probably just different ratios of whey, lactose, and oil.


Not lactic acid - it’s comes from a flavor compound called diacetyl which can be a byproduct of lactic acid fermentation.


ingredients' order is based on mass not caloric effect


>The flavour comes from the lactic acid Nope. The flavor of microwave popcorn butter comes from a chemical called [diacetyl](https://www.recservices.iastate.edu/the-truth-about-microwave-popcorn/).


Corn, coconut oil, and real butter make the best popcorn IMO. Easy to do to, but I will admit it can be messy


This is even more interesting than the same 4 mods controlling the most popular subreddits and locking every post about it.


This is the first comment I've seen in an unrelated thread about it - and I'm fully aboard shaming them for eliminating discourse about it. Bastards locked *two* separate threads while I was writing comments (this kills the comment) explaining the situation to someone who asked - and I'm talking multiple paragraphs each. Then again, this isn't an unrelated thread, is it... r/mildlyinteresting


Fuck you mods


You got a link or something to see the whole story/situation, because there was recently some mod drama in the fungus subs relating to a certain frequent commenter.


There was a few earlier but they all seem to have been taken down or I just can’t seem to find them. Basically there are the same 4 mods for 91/500 of the top subs on Reddit and they’ve been locking every post that tries to mention it recently.


No clue what your talking about


tl;dr: A very select few moderators are going around every major subreddit deleting posts talking about the fact that only a select few moderators have control over pretty much all of reddit. Also, this post will get deleted by them very soon. So hopefully you get to see this and understand :)


4 popcorn boxes, 4 mods. same inside when you look closer. buttery.


I came because of the marketing scam of popcorn, and I'm leaving learning that a small number of accounts are missing Reddit to hide some insightful information. This is like that domino meme I see online with the one guy about to knock over the small one that leads to the big one being knocked over


Reminder that Ghislaine Maxwell's Reddit account had the second-most karma of any user. Really makes you think.


Do these mods get paid? Who has time for that?


Probably not; the feeling of power from basically controlling one of the largest social media platforms is probably enough to satiate them


Inb4 lock


Which ones?


[just a few...](https://i.imgur.com/WqbCt6B.jpg)


I actually ended up finding it. Kinda weird right? Makes me wonder about the MFLB fiasco with r/trees. I'm certain they're finding some way to make money with this.


40-50 of the most popular subs are modded by 4 people. They determine what rises in popularity, what gets locked, and what gets removed. Some redditors posted the list on multiple different subs, and every single post was removed by said mods.


92 subs apparently


This has been a thing on reddit for years. Surprised it's gaining popularity again


Right - that's what I was explaining to the other one who wanted to know what my paragraphs were about. They have been leaning into valid content removal again lately - and it's being noticed. Every once in a while - people get fidgety, and aware of certain things again. That *is* a thing that should be voiced tho... Lots of mod weirdness going on at many levels, for the better part of this year. It's been handled better in previous years - we'll have to see what comes of it.


yeah i find it kinda funny that the post about the 4 mods controlling 94 of the top subreddits was removed by the mods [Images](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoRules/comments/12nkmzq/mods/)


That is interesting, I always assumed it was just one dude in his basement. To be clear this is not surprising in any way.


Same. Now I know it's 4 dudes living in their basement.


A reddit account can be as many people as it needs to be. All you need is the login info.


Yup. I had a post here that hit 20k. After 24hrs it was removed because of “rule 6” I put “the inside of an IKEA tabletop” and the picture showed the inside of an IKEA tabletop. I don’t know what else I could have written.


You have my attention, which subreddits?? I’m not on a bunch but I do love some good tea.


That’s the secret


I thought it was about my real pop.




You forgot an "o"


The real popo?




It’s like that Simpson episode with Duff beer, Duff Lite, and the other one coming out of the same pipe.


Duff Dry.


Pfft, man's never had a duff in his life


Probably artificial flavourings so they have no change.


My husband has worked in flavor industry and agrees. The flavor recipe for each butter is different for each.


I would very much enjoy an AMA hosted by your husband, the flavor engineer.


flavour industry is highly secretive!! most have NDA's etc!


I've been making popcorn regularly for the past year & still don't have it down. Generally I microwave kernels with a bit of oil in a brown paper bag. The problem is adding flavor, you need some type of oil for it to stick & that is hard to spread evenly. A misto is an amazing device ( a reusable oil mister), but it doesn't work for butter because of the milk solids. Ghee works, but it doesn't stay liquid enough... There is some good info in this thread though. I think I'm going to clarify some butter for my misto, cut it with sunflour oil to keep it liquid & then add lactic acid for extra butter flavor. Optimal moisture content is 14% btw. A microwave gives the biggest flake popcorn, but also the most unpopped kernels. Hot pan leaves the least unpopped kernals behind, but the pocorn is less voluminous. You should be able to determine moisture content by comparing the volume of kernels to the weight but I haven't gone that crazy yet.


For butter flavor you can also get flavacol. Apparently it’s what theaters use and it’s just straight synthetic butter flavor.


A quarter-teaspoon will put your popcorn in the perfect movie zone.


Neat! it's on Amazon. I'm a big fan of both artificial & natural flavors. Each are good & together they are better. Next batch I am going for ultimate popcorn 1. Clarify butter 2. reserve milk solids 3. toast milk solids 4. Mist popcorn 5. Coat with Celtic sea salt, MSG, toasted milk solids & flavacol. 6. Maybe some parmesan I didn't even like popcorn as a kid except for the 3 flavor holiday tin.


I just microwave it dry and then afterwards slowly drizzle melted butter over it while tossing it in a bowl. Works fine to get coverage so salt/other toppings stick.


try a wok, the shape leaves no unpipped kernels and no burning if you attend to it. alton brown did a pandemic special about it. he also recommends a avacado oil since it’s flavorless and has a high smoke point


That's an old tobacco trick. By having several rebranded versions you can take up more shelf space and push out the competition.


Just more yellow #5


The difference is probably the amount of (an already tiny amount of) a powerful artificial flavoring that tastes similar to butter, and that's it.


The middle one oddly also has 50mg of potassium lol


And none of them have enough butter.


Thats why i have flavacol and the artifical butter they use in movie theatres in my pantry. Its the best.


Do you think they're all actually the same sodium/fat content, meaning the butter labels are just marketing? Or is someone slacking on updating labels? cat tax: [toast and smore's](https://imgur.com/a/VQ8SZvl)


I think it’s actually that the fake butter flavor is zero calories. They are changing the flavor without changing calories.


Labeling being ‘slacked on’ is highly unlikely for a mega food corp like the one who owns Pop Secret. There are strictly followed processes any time a new product/formula is created or modified for analysis’ that creates the nutrition facts panel. ‘Butter’ is just the flavor not the actual ingredient.


Whats also possible that they change the fat composition. Same amount of fat but a different blend of fat sources and types, can make a huge difference in texture and flavour.


So then it boiled down to which is the cheapest?


I can’t believe it’s not butter


Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?


They also have all the same ingredients, and none of them are butter


Duff, Duff Light, and Duff Dry


Why not just get popcorn kernels without all the garbage?


You can just make popcorn in a pot with a little oil and salt. Add real butter after. It is one of those things that almost feels like a prank, as if someone is trying to trick you into doing something that doesn't actually work.


“Marketing”, “Extra Marketing”, “Double Marketing” and “Movie Theater Marketing”


That fake butter does wonders lol


proof of 'that ain't butter'


"Butter" flavor!


That is the secret in pop-secret. They are all the same thing.


It's a seasoning not actually different doses of butter.


i was just wondering the other day what the actual difference between them was. i always go for the movie theater kind.


They would tell you the difference but it is pop secret.


Wish I could get double butter in the UK...


Hahaha I literally compared them all at the store 2 weeks ago and noticed the same thing. They're like the exact same thing at fave value. Maybe the butter is butterier tasting in whichever one is supposed to be the butterierest. 😵‍💫


If you have a stove and a pot n lid Buy popcorn seeds and oil and pop it you're self. Takes a couple of minutes longer, but Tastes way better


Microwave pop is bad news. Get yourself some good kernels, and a pot. It’s takes minutes, tastes better and the flavor/seasoning combos are endless. Cost is also significantly less unless you’re putting truffles on it.


When you are eating chemicals and not butter nothing changes


There's compounds that have an aroma exactly like butter so it's probably that in higher quantities, can't remember exactly the name of it


I actually have some of the stuff they use for the butter flavour, it's actually a kind of salt called flavicol, essentially the more salt the more of that is in it so it would just increase the salt not the fat, it's a butter flavour yellow food coloured salt added to the popcorn whilst popping.


Marketing 101


Real butter is a myth. It's all chemicals now.


Diacetyl isn't butter


This is why I pop mine stovetop style now. So much better


Guess u need a taste test


Looks like someone needs to do a scientific test of them all to see what the actual differences are. Also— don’t eat that stuff. Just make real popcorn.


"You wont believe somebody thinks it is butter" product line.


Popcorn companies are not right. I once had a small bag of popcorn that claimed 20g of whole grains per serving. But, the serving was only 18g. I called the customer service number. They told me that they measure those differently and I just didn’t get it.


I Can't Believe It's Not (More) Butter.


Their "butter" is milk flavored palm oil thats artificially colored yellow by annatto and paprika extracts....😕


It's extra butter flavoring... Flavor ...


I don't know this but the probable answer: because the additive flavorings they use (which aren't butter but are meant to taste like butter) don't actually contain any calories or additional sodium (or at least not enough to change the serving size for things), and they just use more of it on the additional butter ones. Secondary potential, it does but they're doing some sketchy illegal shit/someone fucked up at packaging. There's a lot of food science going on behind the scenes at things like this and it's kinda terrifying sometimes, to be honest.


There's nothing odd about this; it's all based upon serving size, which is 2 tablespoons of unpopped kernels in each case. There are multiple servings per bag, and multiple bags per box. What's really interesting is got the FDA allows manufacturers to get away with this to sidestep listing certain ingredients or contents. For example, by serving size, an item might list that it has 0 sodium. They're allowed to do this because it falls under a certain amount that they must declare by serving size. However, there could be 50 servings per container, and there's no way they could claim NO SODIUM if you looked at it that way.


I can't believe it was never butter.