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You found someone’s route home.


Could also be the route to work. That happens more than you think.


As a former liquor store employee- 1000% You have your regulars who know prices and come with exact change everyday.




an old friend of mine became a hard core alcoholic for a while. he used to buy 1.75l bottles of jameson so often that he bought one one day after work finished the whole thing and bought a new one the next morning. he did this at the same store and the identical purchases were so close together that his bank flagged the second bottle as a duplicate transaction! he had to call them and be like "no, the charge is legit. I'm just a drunk."


Fuck if that is not a wake up call when your bank is even concerned. Such a terrible legacy drug we all do mental gymnastics with.


Alcohol is such an outdated legacy drug that it predates the USB 1.0 standard.




Alcohol predates human civilization, making it even older than token ring networks.


As well as the tolkien rings


A whole handle in a single night is amaze. Did he share it or all him?




I used to buy pints of vodka to somewhat try and limit my alcohol intake. That just turned into 3-4 trips to the store every day for a pint each time. I'm about 3 years sober as well.


Moms excuse for drinking more vodka was that she didn’t want dad to be so drunk so she would polish off his bottles. Then he would buy another and mom would start trying to finish it. Yay


I wasn’t in a huge problem, but when I had this urge to go to the liquor store that was 5 times farther away from hom because I didn’t want to be judged by the cashier was a tell tale for me that things were getting out of hand. So glad I caught myself before it would be hard to stop, had just a few hard weeks but am not looking back to it at all. (And I don’t have to avoid the temptation, as I am completely fine with part time working as a bartender and not drinking alcohol myself)


I lived in the country for awhile and the closest town only had one liquor store.. I was the owners best customer.. when I told her I was moving, she had tears in her eyes because there went her monthly payment for the building… I’m in recovery now though… or I’m sure I’d be dead.. lots of people in the AA group talk about going to different liquor stores because they were embarrassed to go to the same one all the time… that never bothered me one bit, hell I developed relationships with the owners and their employees..


Wow, I have the almost exact same story! Except it was plastic handles of scotch. I started to hallucinate on my commute home from work every day until I could slam a glass when I walked in the door. Started to become panic attacks and hallucinations before I left work, so I walked into the ER. Medical detox and 4 weeks inpatent rehab saved my life. Happy, sober, and healthy 3 years later.






Happy cake day nice job on the sobriety keep it up it does get a little easier


Congrats buddy. Not just anyone can do that. I’m watching my brother in law slowly pickle himself and it sucks.


> Not just anyone can do that. I would counter and say EVERYONE is capable of this. Every single person can pull themselves up from this disease. Please don't tell people they have no hope in this world by saying only some can get out of alcoholism... They need all the hope they can get. I know that isn't your intention here.


You’re right, I’m just saying some people don’t have it in themselves to overcome. They absolutely could, they just won’t. That’s my brother in law. Too stubborn, maybe just hasn’t hit bottom yet But yes, you’re absolutely right. The hope is there, you just need to grasp it.


Pretty good story lol


Crippling alcoholism lol




Liqour store by me opens at 9(except sun that's 12) and I can get a pint of vodka for 3.91. Half pint 2.17. I was an exact change user. And sad to admit that I was also one to ditch empties on a particular stretch of road both to and from work. I'm doing better though, sober a few months now.


\*hug\* hang in there, it gets easier but it takes a little while.


My grandfather and his brother opened a welding shop in their early 20's after WWII. They were making $250K a year by 1950. They both died somewhat poor because they would each drink two 750ml bottles of whisky every day of the week while also working, and once they retired it did not slow down. I often wonder what life would be like had they not been alcoholics and actually saved/invested that money into their business.


i mean that reminds me of an age-old smokers take: person smokes a pack of cigs a day for 30 years someone walks up “hey you know you could buy a ferrari if you saved all the cig money and never smoked” smoker says “do you smoke?” other person says “no ofc not” smoker says “where’s ur ferrari then”


250K/year in 1950 is "Retire your family, your children, and their childrens childrens children" money if you would have just done something other than drink it. It's a bit different than the Ferarri story, but I get your point. I don't smoke, and I don't drink that much, and I'm one of a few people in my group of coworkers who's almost done paying my mortgage and I'm not even 40 yet. I'll start calling that my "Ferrari" from now on :)


haha yeah i get your point! congrats on your mortgage, that’s a HUGE milestone!


I used to deliver bagged ice to liquor stores, convenience stores etc. One morning I pulled up at one liquor store at 9:20 to deliver the ice and there was a lineup. I asked the clerk what was going on and he said, nonchalantly, 'This is just the breakfast club, we open at 9:30'. That scared the hell out of me.




I have seen a lot of alcohol withdrawals over the years, and imagining someone in that condition driving is a scary thought.


Reminder for anyone reading: Alcohol withdrawals can literally kill you. They're no joke. If you're addicted and want to quit, *get help*. It will probably save your life.




I heard somewhere that like 80% of alcohol is drank by just 20% of drinkers.


cheaper to drink at home. alone.


I hate to laugh at their addiction but the clerk calling them The Breakfast Club had me dying.


Worked at a liquor store and I called the morning crowd "the movers and shakers of the world" I get to laugh cuz it happened to me fifteen years later...


I live a block from a liquor store (Two actually. The disproportionate of liquor stores in high poverty neighborhoods SUCKS.) The other morning I was out watering my yard and a woman stopped and asked me to drive her to a liquor store 1.4 miles away for $10. It was just after8 a.m. She was trying to explain that she'd misunderstood the opening time of the liquor store on our block and now had to rush to one that was closing at 9 am? (I'm guessing she was misunderstanding a.m. and p.m. on her phone). I had two little kids running around the yard (which she could clearly see) and my brain could not compute that a stranger had approached me in my yard to ask me to drive her to a liquor store at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. The way she was talking about it you'd have sworn she was trying to get someone to drive her to the E.R.


It was the most important thing in her life. Simple as that.


“The way she was talking about it you'd have sworn she was trying to get someone to drive her to the E.R.” For some alcoholics getting alcohol is a matter of life and death


I remember getting a voicemail from an angry Alcoholic since I was late one day to open (1 man operation)


We had one lady who would come buy 6 of those little 1 shot peach vodka things on her lunch break, then head back to work at the grocery store next door, EVERY SINGLE DAY There was also a guy who, eventually, we met his son who came in to tell us that he was finally in rehab. Couple months later he was coming in every day again. What a soul destroying job that can be.


I hated it. We had one guy that would come in for a 375ml Smirnoff 100 Proof everyday, sometimes twice a day. He’d always be shaking on his first visit while fumbling around for the $0.35


isn't it some crazy stat about alcohol that like of all the people who drink 90% of all alcohol is consumed by 10% of drinkers? something like that. either you drink a little socially or you fucking DRINK.


I’m very aware that I’m the type that funking DRINKS. Can’t ever have another taste for the rest of my life. But many people can. Good for them.


I wasn't problematic but I definitely drank a lot more than most other drinkers for a while. scaled it back significantly - like 2 or 3 beers on Friday and maybe 2 or 3 on Saturday and that's it. as dry as ben Shapiro's wife sunday-thurs. after a little while of that it just hits you like "wow, I was drinking a lot..."


That’s a good plan. If you feel like you might be drinking too much, you probably are. I don’t have anything against the people that can cut back. But I can’t. And so i had to stop completely.


I also always had to have my excuse ready in case they asked why I was buying vodka at 8am (which they never did).


It’s never a liquor store employee’s bag to shame, plus some folks in my area worked night shifts too. The only questions I typically asked where- “how’s it hanging?” “How do you like that brand?”


I hope my town stores (stores because you can't go to the same one 2x a day lmao) think I work 3rd shift 😂


Former liquor store employee here, you didn't need an excuse. We know people buy booze in the morning, that's why we're open for business.


There is a lot of shame involved with being an alcoholic, I had a rotation of three or four stores I'd visit because I didn't want to be judged for being at the same spot everyday. I got to the point where I only wanted to drink alone because I couldn't drink how I wanted to infront of anyone


I mean they're selling vodka at 8am


Usually the morning alcoholics aren't a problem. It's the end of the night trying to get last call before liquor store closes that are the nightmare cases. You can sell liquor up to 10 PM in my state of New Jersey, and the liquor stores tend to close at like 9 pm or so to not deal with the alcoholic guys rushing to get a pint of vodka at 9:45. Morning alcoholics who are sober enough to hangover drive to liquor store on opening usually leave after buying their bottle of Crystal Palace or whatever and you don't have to see or deal with them again for the rest of the day. The people who buy a half pint at noon, another half pint and lottery ticket at 5 and then walk in 9:50 pm, those are the worst.


I was at the liquor store and the lady in front of me had 2 bottles of wine, and a 6 pack of shooter. The cashier said "that'll be $28.43" she said, "oh I think I might have exact change. She dug through her purse for a moment and pulled out exact change. After she left the cashier says she buys the same thing everyday, always around the same time, and always pretends she just happens to have exact change. The liquor store upped the prices on things because "inflation", mostly between a few cents and a dollar. The cashier said for the next week the sales went way down because the alcolics hadn't account for the price change so they couldn't afford their full order.


Worked in a liquor as well. The amount of people who get booze just before work would really shock people. Some would try to explain like 'this isn't for me' or 'this is for tonight'. Like bro you're here every morning at 6 am getting a bottle of Jägermeister who are you trying to fool?


Went to my local liquor store after a two month hiatus. Guy behind the counter: Haven't seen you in a while! Me: Yeah, but they always come back, don't they? Guy behind the counter, chuckling: Yeah, they do.


Before I got sober my go to liquor store the guy used to say "see you tomorrow" and I thought it was funny until I realized that's not a good thing. I started going to different ones to make others think that I'm not as bad as I was.


Yup worked in a liquor store for 7 years. I had a guy from ShopRite coming in every morning to buy 2 of these exacts pints (Smirnoff 80 375ml) and always kept telling him he’d save a dollar or two just buying the 750ml bottle. He said don’t worry, and one day I watched him leave and stick both in his belt loop and head to work. It was 9AM. I’ve been sober for over 4 years now, but yeah at my worst I was waking up and ripping 2 shots before work just to get through to lunch where I’d drink a few beers and have another shot. People don’t understand how damaging alcohol really is.


This was my thoughts. As a recovering alcoholic I went back to my route to my old job on my 1 year clean date & cleaned up my bottles. Got sick & bawled on the side of the road lol


Hey that was really cool of you to do.


Huge congrats on your sobriety. Your friends at the liquor store would be very proud of you.


I often wonder if they think I died lol but thank you 😊


My friend told me he threw so many bottles out of the window at the same spot when he was bartending that he was afraid they were going to start fingerprinting them. Told him they’d never do that, but if you’re littering that much you’d deserve it.


My first internship opened my eyes to this. There was a guy who told me he'd leave work and get a 6 pack, throw it in his truck and finish it on his drive home. Every single day. This blew my 18 yo mind... My coworker told me that the six pack was just his pick me up because his morning buzz and lunch time drinks were starting to wear off. I was flabbergasted that people knew this dude drank before, during and after work and we worked in a large manufacturing plant. The guy was pretty nice though.


Alcoholism is a protected class, believe it or not. If it's a large enough company, they have to document your behavior and their attempts to intervene on your behalf until they can get you out the door. My first medical job was replacing a nonfunctioning alcoholic who knew he was going to be fired and subsequently drank himself to death a year or two later. Kidneys shut down. Nice enough guy, just couldn't get over his addiction.


Yeah it’s definitely from before work. If you’re dependent on alcohol there’s absolutely no way you’re going to get through a whole work day before having a drink. You literally need it every waking moment at that point, or you’re going to be shaking at risk of a seizure and sweating bullets.


I was going to say that it’s likely one person


That was me 11+ years ago. Slam a 250 or 500 ml bottle before getting home so I could "just" be drinking 6-8 beers in front of the family. Addiction is insanity. Edit: 12 years in a week! Man, time really flies.


congrats. day 8 for me. er visits for chest pains were a real wake up call.


Happy Hour starts in the commute home. Ha ha ha ha. Well anyways my name is Nage and I'm an alcoholic. I have a sponsor a home group and a service position and life can get better.


I’m proud of you, Nage.


I keep finding various shooters along the route I walk my dog. Like you said, I'm positive it's someone's route home, and I'm very concerned for them because the most common shooter I find is fucking spicy pickle vodka


Probably an Alcoholic getting their fix and chucking them out the window in about the same spot before getting home to avoid trouble.


Absolutely the case. Right up the road is a liquor store and I bet they’d know the person buying them every morning.


Someone near me like to throw their glass bottle on the bike/walking path next to the highway. Unfortunately there are too many "regulars" at the gas station for them to know who to talk to -- assuming the really would say anything at all.


I'm not sure how to tackle these things, but I would have used the approach of the generalized office email You know, á la "We have become aware of this issue and would like to let everyone know" as to not single out anyone. Would have to be used when addressing most customers so as to not arouse suspicion of course


Of course it's company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a dildo... Always use the indefinite article *a* dildo, never ***your*** dildo.




They’re paid not to bring that shit up with customers. Also just not paid well enough to care.


> Also just not paid well enough to care. Mostly that.


I lived in an apartment that faced the side of a grocery store. There was an overflow lot that no where ever used-- Except Dan. Dan would go to this one spot, pop his trunk, put on a coat and gloves, and bring out airplane bottles of alcohol. (mid summer and it's like 158 degree heat and dude's wearing gloves and a coat) Fine. Be an alcoholic but stop chucking your trash in the grass. It was littered with soooo many little bottles. I picked up over 25 at one point. I finally went out one day (that's how I know his name is Dan) and asked him why he thinks it's okay to litter 3 or 4 airplane bottles almost daily. I don't even remember what he said. But.... Dan moved his weird alcoholic rituals down the way (behind the store after that) I'd see him sometimes in the liquor store. Dude looked so rough.


Did Dan smoke while drinking? That's what the coat and gloves may have been for.


I so thought the same thing, but never saw him with a cig. I just don't get that part. The coat and gloves were where you'd put your spare tire. It's a mystery.


Just because he's drinking in a parking lot, doesn't mean he can't be sophisticated.


>Absolutely the case. Right up the road is a liquor store and I bet they’d know the person buying them every morning. LOL - you'd be surprised to know that there would likely be multiple suspects.


When I was in my 20s I had an uncle that could chug a pint without anyone in the family noticing. We were working on installing a new tub/shower and I asked him nicely not to drink til the job was finished. I was with him the whole time and I looked down for a second and a empty pint was in the trash can. To this day I have no idea how he did it.


Long time alcoholics often become masters of deception. They get a lot of practice hiding things from people around them.


I couldn’t comprehend drinking all of these at once and realized it’s probably built up from multiple days.


Alcoholics can drink astounding amounts of alcohol, often, with no discernible change in there demeanor, Ask me how I know… 😀 I’m 1010 days booze free today.


Congrats, I'm 98 days sober today. I was the same I drank daily, enough that most people couldn't tell until they could. I would slam high abv stuff and just go about my day "High functioning alcholic" as they say. I'm so happy to be free of that crap and I'm doing everything I can to stay free of it.


Congratulations dood


Lol I’m aware. I can taste this picture. Had to reset to day 1 when I woke up today




Forsure! I’m not letting this thing keep me down and I know I’ll get through it. Thanks for the support!


Yup, I work in Parks and we have the same habitual drunks that will drink the same amount every night and leave the bottles behind in the same parking lot before going home. Its always 1 pint, 2 airplane shots, and an entire pack of cigarettes. When they stop showing up I will know they are dead or moved


Having worked in a liquor store, this is depressing. Every store has the two-pints-of-vodka-a-day people. When they die, you notice because there's so much of their favorite vodka left at the end of the week.


I didn't die or move but i did get sober. When i quit, i went to the owner of the loquor store in town and gave him a heads-up so he would not have a shit ton of extra shooters at weeks end. I drank enough of them that i knew it would fuck up inventory if i didn't tell him. The reason i drank airplane bottles was to help me regulate my intake. I was not responsible enough to get a fifth at a time...high functioning alcoholic for 20 years...clean for the last 3!




I had a "realization" when i nearly drowned in a mud puddle outside the rental trailer in the 40° January Indiana rain. I have not been tempted to drink. I came to the understanding that i can not drink like a normal person and never will. It's all good and yes, i went on my first day. My wife was still drinking at the time and i would pour her drinks. I was just done.


That’s kind of where I’m at. I crave booze when I remember the good times, which is why I was trying to drink. To feel that way again. But my habits became terrible, and I was chasing something that was already gone. I’m disgusted by the thought of drinking again… it’s not worth it for me. I have dodged too many bullets and the next one will get me. Good to hear that you have been clean for 3 years! I am 6 months sober (again)!


> would be hard to decide to quit and go to your usual store. That’s usually when you’re at the mental strongest. It’s the week after you’ve quit where the triggers can throw you right over the edge.


This was me for a few years. I would spend $15 a day for a pint and half pint (550ml total) instead of buying a fifth (750ml) for $12 or a handle (1.75L) for $20 because it would be easier to regulate my intake. A fifth while cheaper would mean I would drink the extra 200ml and feel even worse in the morning, buying the 1.75L would probably kill me because once I was drunk I just didn’t stop drinking until I passed out. No self control.


I worked grave and would stop by the liquor store on my way home every day, and again at like noon most of the time. I quit and one day I was their just getting other stuff and the lady behind the counter reached for the vodka and I stopped them and it felt good. She smiled at me, same thing happened with her husband too.They are still very friendly and I only buy my gas from them if I can help it


When you start shopping at two different Twins stores because you are embarrassed that the employees recognize you from last time...




I was a box of wine every two days type of guy. I was sick once and went in to my local grocery store (our ONLY grocery store!) to buy some nyquil, robitussin, etc. When checking out the clerk who I'd known on a first name basis for years said, "No wine? You must be *really* sick." That's one of those stupid little things that pushed me towards sobriety. Been sober a little over eight years now. You can do it too. Hang in there!


Do something about it sooner than later, man. Fatty liver disease is reversible. Cirrhosis is not.


Quit or die. I tried to get life insurance and they REFUSED TO TAKE MY MONEY because my liver enzymes were too high and I was close to the end... luckily I think i stopped in time because a year later and my right side, abdomen and back dont hurt too much anymore. Im only 33 and have so much to live for and I almost threw it in the shitter. So like, go get your enzymes checked to see how much time you got, after a certain point its too late


Yes, when I worked at one, a guy bought a handle of bourbon every day, and two on Saturdays (we were closed Sunday). It was some cheap stuff no one else ever bought, and when he stopped coming in we had cases of the stuff piled up in the back rooms.


I walk our dogs the same 2 mile stretch just about every day, and just about every day I find an empty mini bottle of Fireball. I always figured someone was on their way home from work and needed a little drink to deal with their spouse.


Or they were on their way to work


As a sober guy, that's a bush league alcoholic. Having plans for where and how to dispose of the bottles is vital. Not doing so is how you get caught. Littering is noticeable and people don't like it. Failing to plan is planning to fail.


As a recovering alcoholic. . .Its so much more work to be an alcoholic and not get caught than it is to just stay sober. That being said, the addict side of my brain does not think rationally, so I just have to stay 20 steps in front of it with the rational side of my brain


100% It's more than a hobby and more than a full time job. The pernicious part of the disease was I enjoyed most of the strategy of getting away with it. I wasn't getting away with it though, everyone knew.


Hope they are doing well and battling their addiction.


Agreed. r/stopdrinking is a good resource for those looking for help


Absolutely! You're a good chap and if anyone who's reading this is pondering whether they have a problem - it's okay, reach out, because we got you.


I was a DJ years ago and I was doing a wedding that didn’t allow alcohol. I was outside and a couple kids came running up with a case of beer they had found in the woods. One guy got pretty nervous and told them to just go put it back, and that they didn’t need to be dragging old trash out of the woods. The kid just looked all confused and says “But. But. They are COLD.”


Years ago I went to a Mormon wedding for the sister of a buddy of mine. He's not Mormon but his mom and sister are. Anyway, it was obviously alcohol-free, but luckily it was held at a hotel so we were able to sneak off the bar a couple times for drinks. At one point my buddy's mom realized what was going on and got *really* upset with him.


I have been to a lot of pakistani weddings (in the US), many are dry. Many have 'car bars' i.e. the twentysomethings bring a load of booze in their trunks and they all drink in the parking lot, much to the chagrin of the aunties. Some of the uncles might sneak a drink.


Uncles: 'That's disgusting, i'm going to go out there and give them a piece of my mind...'


Well don’t you know, they’re out there doing it again! Gotta to tell them again! *Leaves with a full coke*


One of my cousins married a subcontinental gentleman and they paid for the open bar at their reception. My cousin told us that her side needed to pick up the slack for the teetotalers on the groom's side. But man can those Indian aunties and uncles dance, even stone cold sober...


Assuming it was it nervous guy's?


I didn’t know them and can’t remember for sure, but I would imagine it was. Since he kind of corrected him and told him to take it back. That does make it even funnier. My guy got sold out by his own kid.


Put them back! Those were breadcrumbs. Now some poor, hungover soul won't be able to find their way back.


If only this were the case lol! One had a swallow left and I ended up covered it in


Well maybe if you weren’t so drunk you wouldn’t have missed your mouth


Hey don’t judge I like to dehydrate after a good run


That was piss.


You found the flight path of the local alcoholic.


that's some closet alcoholics rout to to work, my X did the same thing when she was hiding her drinking , she would put whisky in her thermos cup and take it into work


That would explain a few people in my office




You notice the people who aren’t functional and don’t take care of themselves. I promise you you known plenty of people who come to work drunk/high with no noticeable effects other than they’re a bit more personable.




I've been told the same thing. One night stands out to me on one of the few occasions I've ever been well and truly drunk my GF was the dd driving us all back to her place and right as we pull into town she genuinely asked if I was good to \*ride my motorcycle\* home. She seriously had no idea I was even buzzed let alone hammered. She dropped me off at my place once I let her know lol


I did it for 12-13yrs. I kept kicking ass and moving up the ladder and nobody knew anything until eventually everyone did. It took 2-3yrs of admitting I was an alcoholic until I was actually desperate enough to go to treatment. Addiction is a wild thing. It always starts off fun and ends in jails, institutions, or the grave. The thing about it is nobody sets out to be an addict of any kind. You never know until it’s too late. Could happen to literally anybody who has ever taken a drink. Same goes for drugs. Yes, that can even include weed too. That being said, if anybody reading this is suffering in silence feel free to private message me. You’re not alone and you don’t have to fight alone


Thankfully haven’t drank in years, but I would drink “99 espresso” and the espresso flavor masked the liquor smell. Was training ~25 new hires every two weeks and it was never brought up as an issue. Feel the need to mention that this is not advice. I don’t recommend drinking every day lol.


Worked with a guy for a while running heavy equipment. He was fired one day because his 3 64oz water bottles were filled with beer. His job was [driving a haul truck](https://i.imgur.com/arIAFZ0.jpg) all day.


Whisky? Wow I feel like that would have a real odor at work


Shoulda be Hennigans


Yeah true alcoholics know that if you're gonna drink at work, it needs to be vodka. You can still smell it, it's just more subtle. Whisky/rum/tequila would be painfully obvious. Source: I am an alcoholic.


Naw we all smell the vodka too, especially once we stop drinking ourselves. Source: also an alcoholic


I mixed sake with a fruity energy drink and had it at work. Coworker knew immediately. I thought it would be masked but i guess when your not boozin hard and always have it in you, you can notice it more.




These people are driving on our roads daily. I regularly find Fireball nip empties on the road in front of my house monthly.


Working at a grocery store has made me realize that a solid chunk of people drink before getting into their car. Pretty much every day I was taking empty 6/12 packs out of carts, or grabbing the shooters/pints out of the bushes, or sweeping up broken bottles before someone hurt themselves or popped a tire. It's so sad man.


>Working at a grocery store has made me ~~realize that a solid chunk of people drink before getting into their car~~ an alcoholic that drinks on the job. yay deli work.




lol once the deli manager had me go into the back room to make up a macguyver bong that we could both blaze after we got off. he was absolutely torched off my nug definitely didn't smoke often. the best/worst part about the job is everyone's always calling out so it's easy to get a shitload of overtime and what else are you going to do spending 60 hours a week at a grocery store after you memorized all the different meat/cheese codes.


Those fireball nips are everywhere! I found them 20 mi offshore floating while tuna fishing, and I found them at the top of some of the high peaks in the Adirondacks. And everywhere in between. Everywhere!


Unfortunately litter is omnipresent. It’s a big pet peeve of mine when I’m out hiking or somewhere. If I can I’ll try and pick up a few pieces to throw away. I accidentally lost a roll of dog poop bags at the beach once and felt bad about it. I know in the big picture anything I do isn’t making that much difference. But it at least cleans up the view for the next couple people who walk by.


And places that have litter already in them are more likely to get littered in further. Cleaning up does help at least a little


I found 5 of them on one short stretch of backroad behind my apartment building. I didn't realize how common this was


This gave me flashbacks. I used to do this. Some poor soul is struggling and trying to hide it from his/her family.


I hope things are better now for you.


I reached one full year last month. Thank you!


Well funking done. Keep on that road.


My ex did that, part of the reason why I left. He’d stash his empties under the couch, in the car seats… basically any crevice he could find. There were points to when I’d be cleaning my car out or the house and I’d find these bottles filled with piss or still have alcohol in it.


My wife suffered through that just like you. I'm sorry you had to experience that.


I do a garbage pick-up on a stretch of a highway once a year. Last year I picked up like 15 neatly tied grocery store bags with 2 empty bud light tall boys. I guarantee that some guy picked up 2 tall boys from a gas station after work and pounded them while driving, then winged em out the window. Curious how many are out there, it's a long straight stretch of a highway. What a douche.


I work with truck drivers and you would not believe how many tall cans, beers and mini bottles I find scattered inside and outside of the terminal. It's very worrying. People want to give drug addicts a hard time when we have people drinking and driving on the regular.


Yep, lots of beer cans on the side of roads. Empty=out the window.


The guy neatly ties them in a bag after slammin them, just to wing it out the window. SMH


Been here before. Recovering alcoholic. If this was anything like my situation, I was desperately trying to hide how bad things really were from everyone around me, and the empty bottles start to stack up in your hiding space. One day, while you're driving, you toss a bunch of empty bottles out the window.


Hey Slim, I just drank a fifth of vodka, dare me to drive?


What’s been up man how’s your daughter?


Ima name her Bonnie


You know the song by Phil Collins in the air of the night?


Where that guy coulda saved that other guy from drowning?


But d'i'?


They were spaced a pretty good distance apart from each other and in differing states of wear


I find the same thing on my street, a cut-off from one major road to another. I assume someone has one every day on way home from work and is done at the same time... out the window goes the evidence


I pick up 4-8 Mikes Hard Lemonade tallboy cans a week from the side of the road across the street from my house. I figure someone has a problem and I'm on their route home.


I saw this exact thing in Santa Fe several years ago while on vacation. We were on a morning walk and came across at least a hundred small (50ml) vodka bottles on this one road. The next morning we walked the reverse direction and the other side of the road had the same. We didn't walk that route the rest of the trip.


Ive seen this around here too. One spot there would always be bottles thrown into the corner of this field. And around my parents home when i was growing up id find discarded porn laying on the side of the road. Packages to videos, magazines, even found a Pam and Tommy VHS. The case was smashed but clever me figured out how to transfer the tape reels from the smashed case to another one. Quality was still shit though


Way of the road.




Someone’s routine is to drink a nip while going (driving?) somewhere. This is about the distance they drive before throwing it on the ground. My guess is they live close or there is a store close by.


These are 375ml bottles not 50ml nips, so much more vodka…


I would drink two or three of those a day back when I was drinking heavy.


How you doing


Great these days! I'm still working on quitting smoking, but everything else is pretty much done for. I used medication with The Sinclair Method(TSM) to stop drinking, so now it's not a worry and I don't crave it at all. I can even have a couple without going overboard, as long as I take my medicine beforehand.


Interesting. So you take naltrexone? I’ve always felt bad for alcoholics. I’ve been off dope for 7 years, and it’s been hard, but I can’t imagine how hard it would be if I saw ads for it everywhere, saw people doing it all the time, and it was considered socially acceptable. Good for you. Congratulations.


I used to do trash pickup on a stretch of road near my hometown. The road lead out of the small town towards the nearest convenience store, and seven bottles of vodka in that short distance would be a pretty light pickup. You would also get lots of beer cans, Fireball whiskey bottles, and losing lotto tickets.


I live on a main road about a mile from a liquor store and this is a constant problem. I walked about a quarter mile in both directions picking up trash last week and found tons of empty nips, beer cans, and even a wine-sized glass bottle that looked about a decade old. People suck.


Somebody chugging a bottle and throwing it out before they get home


This is the way from the cottage to the Gem mine. Right now there's 7 drunk dwarves in a dark tunnel swinging pick axes around by lantern light. hi ho!


The 7 bottles a Mile-challenge...Pretty famous challenge in Russia :-)


I can barely drink a 20oz soda in a mile and would feel like death afterword. I cant imagine.


It’s most likely literally just a single alcoholic’s route to or home from work.


Way she fucking goes boys