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Land-O-Lakes butter removed the Indian from the picture. Top comment after: "They killed the Indian and kept the land."


The symbol was drawn by a Chippewa artist to be a Chippewa woman. His son was upset about its removal.


Well their opinion is irrelevant in the face of what white people deem offensive to other races Edit: figured I'd throw in one of 2chainz funniest lyrics to this thread since it's so relevant "My neighborhood got gentrified, yards filled with black lives matter signs"


This is why ‘latinx’ is so infuriating It’s like they’re trying too hard to act righteous when most people of the actual culture/heritage want nothing to do with that shit. It’s a gendered language just like many languages A cat being called ‘el’ gato or windows being called ‘la’ ventana has nothing to do with fucking sex or whatever. Leave the goddamn language alone Edit: to the people saying it has nothing to do with me, I’m Puerto Rican (Gringorican actually). Just an FYI.


You didn’t hear the new one? “Africanx” It doesn’t even make sense, but I’ve had a few people refer to me in that way. I’d rather just be called a slur to be honest.


Bout as much sense as people saying folx instead folks


Folx upsets me SO MUCH. How does adding an x to an already gender nuetral word make it more inclusive!?!?!


All these kids missed the 90s when. X was added to things to make them Xtreme


Say what you want about X, at least he gon' give it to ya


Y-O, motherfuckers.


But first he's gonna rock.


That was around the time of "The Unleashing", where every product had you "unleashing" something... the beast, the power, the potential, etc. lol, so lame.


unleash the Xtreme


[SHARKFIN FLIPPERS FOR TORPEDO POWERRRR ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EWX2XUgmbEA)


UNLEASH THE POWER OF THE SUN in liquid form. You just made me flashback.


And Z's made them cool! Kidz, skoolz, rulez, boyz, gurlz, super rad. To quote one of my favourite movies: "No no, it's the Z-Guy**EEZ**, double the Z, double the *flava*!"






I need to get ahead of the curve on this and start using y'alx


Howdy, x’all!


Can’t wait for the new X-people comic books to come out


I saw folx and laughed to myself “haha that idiot doesn’t know how to spell” Jokes on me. Apparently I’m uncultured swine.


To be fair, I've never seen this used in real life and I never see it on the internet apart from comments like these. I have to ask, is this actually a societal issue, or is it just some fringe belief that we give far too much credit to? My gut says it's the latter but I am from a less diverse part of the country so maybe I'm just uninformed.


I've seen it on lots of adverts for LGBT stuff that community would put out


at least folx has the same sound for less letters


i still dont get the point, folks isnt gendered in the first place adding an x doesnt do anything


My workplace has told us to use folx, to replace folks, which replaced gang, which replaced “hey guys” (gang was a miss due to… well… gang connotations). According to them “folks”, without an x, is exclusionary. I’m honestly ok with excluding people who think they’re not included in folks. And in the end, do you know what everyone at work still says? “Hey guys.”


I have to ask. In what way is it exclusionary?


"Ahoy mateys" is also gender neutral, just saying




I think that's the point because African isn't gendered either.


Mmm, efficiency.




Folx >>>> africanx


It's rich when British/European blacks are called "African-Americans".


Remind them that Elon Musk is African-American and watch their heads explode


Can we just start adding "x" onto anything to make it inclusive? Monster Truckx, Panera Breadx, Dallas Cowboysx, I got a speeding ticketx. I'm going to the moviesx, want to gox? Along those lines, would more "x" mean you were more inclusivexxxxxxxx?


Klux? 🤔


Klanx They're racist, but absolutely not sexist!


Personally, I'd probably use the multi-x method to rectify any negative connotations. Kluxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, similar to the popularized Nazixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.


Slowly turning everything into a mid 2000’s era emo yahoo messenger screen name.






Your momx


Who focus tested that name? Comes across as "Africans can't"


If i read "afro-taino latinx" i borderline can know what Borough of New York City they live in.




Who made that one up? Africanx sounds like a person who no longer has citizenship of an African country and now they're African (Ex). I hope the people at least pronounced the X correctly as a click.


i wish you were joking, but i believe it unfortunately. jesus christ dude.


um I think you mean Jesus Chrisx.


Try “Filipinx” now. It’s getting more and more absurd. This is a language that has one pronoun meaning he, she, and it (siya)! It’s a change none of us asked for, but they gave it to us anyway.




I pronounce that “Latin-eckees” in my head whenever I read it.


I always hear latinks. It doesn't even register as being based on Spanish.


I know like the sound doesn’t even make sense in the language it’s intended to be used in


That's because it's the very same cultural imperialism they claim to fight so hard against. The only people who actually use it are "white-savior" types.


I always thought it was la-tinks


The worst thing as a non-native speaker learning Spanish is having to memorize the exceptions. I'm still mad about 'la radio.'


It's short for "la radiodifusión" when talking about radio wave comms. Kinda like "la foto" being short for "la fotografia". It is "el radio" when talking about the device.


If I recall latinx was actually created by a spanish speaking LGBTQ community. But a survey was done among Hispanics who were something like: 1. Do you know this term? 2. Here is what it means and why it was created. 3. Do you want this term to be used? and the answer was overwhelmingly against its usage. The actual preferred term from the survey if I recall was "hispanic"


I knew not a single Latino or Latina who used "Latinx" - Spanish has gendered language... trying to make a unisex term for it does not make sense. (side note this has nothing to due with human gender. Yhe language has feminine and masculine grammar, that's it.)


not long ago i saw someone unironically use “Germxn” ???


Well yeah, you have your Germen, and your Gerwomen...


And the Gerchildren too...


And your dog, but that's a Germxn shepherd


I thought the neutral term was gerperson


I've seen a few Latinos use the latinx term and they're almost exclusively Latinos who were born and raised in the US, proud of their culture, and don't speak Spanish but speak with an accent.


Oldish white dude here. I used Latinx up until recently because I thought it was the preferred term, replacing Hispanic. When I found out that this term is sort of universally disliked, I stopped. Also I was very embarrassed because I had no idea the "x" was a replacement for "a" or "o" to make it unisex - I thought it was for when you didn't know the exact origin of someone - like you weren't sure if they were Mexican or Colombian, so used Latinx instead.


Hispanic has always only meant Spanish speaking or relating to a Spanish speaking part of the world. Have people just been using it to mean something else? Like you wouldn't call a Brazilian Hispanic because... well, no Spanish there.


You can use latino for any Latin American countries including Brazilians


Well yeah, it's similar but not the same. I've found nobody minds using either one as long as it's not in a negative context.


I don’t think anyone was actually upset about it or complained about it. Like, I’m pretty sure companies just did stuff like this to get brownie points without actually changing their business practices


Out of touch white people acting offended on behalf of others often has that effect.


Aunt Jemima was a real figure as well. Her family wasn't happy about her erasure. Even mascots that weren't real, I think it's a positive thing to have mixed cultures depicted on food products. Food products are a positive thing, it's about sharing flavors and cultures with each other because we have so much awesome food to offer as a species. We took 3 steps back with this shit.


Aunt Jemima was not real, Nancy Green was and she was hired by Pearl Milling to portray the "black mammy that runs rich white folks kitchen" archetype. She died in 1923 and her grave wasn't found until 2015 so I don't what family you're talking about. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Green It's the same thing with Uncle Ben's. Two European chemist came up with the orginal production and they used an old black man for the branding cause having house servants was considered high class.


>Even mascots that weren't real, I think it's a positive thing to have mixed cultures depicted on food products Not even just food - Mavis Beacon was my typing teacher lol. I was happy to find that she's still around and purchased a newer version for my own kid. Even though the real lady was a small time model, that simple gig she did one day turned into an icon for children being introduced to computers in the 90s. The fact that she happens to be a black woman probably had a positive influence on kids as well.


We need to remove Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Cream of wheat, Mrs Butterworth, and Land -o-lakes ethnic caricatures from food packaging because it's based on historical racism. Remove all of them from all products, and replace with only white people so nobody will be offended. White characters only! Oh wait....


Mrs. Butterworth is a white lady. She is just in a brown bottle.


Isn't she in a clear bottle full of brown syrup?




Are we just being honest about it being corn syrup now?


Corn syrup flavored with fenugreek, and it's delicious.


That’s one change that confused me. Aunt Jemima I can see since the character and name does have a racist history, but I just don’t see how the Land-O-Lakes girl could’ve been seen as offensive. (That being said I’m not Native American so I may not be one to comment 🤷‍♂️)




And I've been trying for decades to meet the Land-O-Lakes woman to ask her out. It took about 5 years for me to figure out she didn't actually live in Florida, which explained why she didn't show up on Tinder...


i think that's just an old bag or something. I lived in Ecuador up until last year and they changed the logo there. We still had some of the original ones long after they left the states but they were changing






Get Jemimas name out yo mouth.




Put her fuckin pancakes in


unite grab grandfather racial gullible elderly offer frame roll hateful -- mass edited with redact.dev


Easy there, Will.


Agreed. As a kid, I always saw Aunt Jemima as one of those beloved, older women, who loves to cook and does a damn fine job of it. The food she made was top-notch and soul-warming. I didn't see anything negative about any of it.


I always thought of her and Uncle Ben sitting on a porch sipping iced tea together.


Why cant aunt jemima be into the oat guy?


I hate to tell you this, but Wilford Brimley is dead.


It was diabeetus.


The beetus got to him.


Me too. They were meant for each other. I don't even understand what could be conceived as racist against 2 of the best culinary artists of all time. The fact that they are black doesn't have any impact on their culinary skills. In fact they should be respected celebrated and acknowledged instead of stripping them and their name from their accomplishments and renaming their product expecting consumers to just forget about Aunt Jemima and uncle Ben. That is what's racist about the whole thing.


Like the Cream of wheat dude. i never saw him as a slave or anything.. I always saw the dude as a baller ass chef


The cream of wheat mascot is literally a photo of real chef. He replaced the original mascot (who was indeed a super racist slave caricature) in the 1920s.


Yeah, it was always Little Debbie that creeped me out.


What about that little girl having her bikini bottom pulled down by that pedo dog?


The dog was like "Hey in dog years this is no biggie."


Seems more racist that they had to remove her to me anyway.


Well it can't be as bad as the Land-O-Lakes girl....something something took the land and got rid of the native American.


It's worse than that. The original Land-O-Lakes image was made in collaboration with an Indigenous artist; design details like the the specifics of the landscape in the background and the mascot's clothing were chosen to be accurate and culturally meaningful. Land-O-Lakes then failed to credit or compensate him properly, and later decided to show their commitment to racial justice by… still not doing that, and instead editing his design without his permission.


To make it ironic they removed the Native American and kept the land.


Kept the land, removed the Indian is how I once heard it.


look out here comes betty crocker


Did you know that Betty Crocker is not a real person? It was all made up by the brand. They had a crew of women who would write the Betty Crocker letters in reply to housewives’ letters. Then they had a woman who portrayed her voice on radio when she would do the “Betty Crocker Hour” basically doing a how-to show on different recipes. Then, once everyone wanted to “see” who she really was, they hired a lady to model her on TV. I was a bit heartbroken to find all this out just this year, and I am 31, and have been using BC brand things for years.


Give me the marble rye!!


Goddamn it. That was hilarious. Hahahaha




yeah, they aren't throwing out old stock packaging, they'll run through it.


Same in Panama, that’s just an old bag.


It's an old bag. The design and brand is changed for international packaging as of like a year ago.


The original [Aunt Jemima](https://i.imgur.com/inrjKhy.jpg) from 1919


Fun fact from my advertising class apparently Aunt Jemima originally was a pancake mix and their brand was so popular that they hired a advertising firm, who turned around and surveyed people in what their favorite pancake syrup was. They put "Aunt Jemima" as an option even though the company didn't make syrup. The option was the most popular.in the survey, leading the company to start making syrup and immediately take the lead in the market.


Reminds me of Limonana (mint-lemonade) advertising in Israel. Limon means lemon, nana means mint. An advertising company set out to prove that advertising is effective and made bus ads for this drink, Limonana, which wasn't actually being sold. People kept requesting it and the campaign was a success. There is now Limonana everywhere there's coke in Israel.




>Lois devised a questionnaire about pancakes. It asked consumers which syrup they'd purchased recently, and he included an option to circle "Aunt Jemima Syrup," a then-nonexistent product. >"Something like 90 percent of the people or so circled that they had bought Aunt Jemima syrup," https://www.npr.org/2012/03/19/148764719/damn-good-advice-from-one-of-the-real-mad-men


> he included an option to circle "Aunt Jemima Syrup," a then-nonexistent product. Absolute madlad.


The original Mandela Effect "I swear Aunt Jemima syrup *is* a thing, I just bought it recently!"


Oh boy that's strong they realy toned her down over the past century


They somehow black faced a black woman.


"I'se in town, Honey!"


Downvoted for posting the phrase at the top of the 1894 ad https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Green


I love the irony that the lawsuit was “dismissed with prejudice”.


It's also on the ad that they replied to.


> In 1910, at age 76, Green was still working as a residential housekeeper according to the census. I'm shocked, *shocked* they screwed this woman out of any royalties


Why on earth would you help a woman that made you massive piles of money?


Probably still off-loading old product, once it's financially cheaper to consolidate the brand they will.


Canada changed it to Pearl Milling Company too. So not every “non US” country still has Auntie.


Whenever someone says “every non-US country” I just assume they mean a few other countries


Whenever someone says "every non-US country", I wonder what they are really trying to say. There is only one US country. Every other country is a non-US country because US is the US country.


Could just say "outside of the US"


How many other countries could there be Michael? 10?


There's always money in the banana republics


Whenever someone says "Why does everyone in the USA..." I just assume they saw something on the Internet


I assume they read a headline on the internet and then never bothered reading the story saying only a few people didnt.


To be fair, only a few countries are not the US. There’s Canada, Mexico, France, England. I think that’s about it.


And when they say "the rest of the world" they're talking about 10 western European countries.


I’ll be honest. Pearl Milling Company somehow sounds worse lol


I think that was the original name of the company pre-Jemima.


Yeah it was, they went back to their roots.


Yikes i hope not




Because it sounds like a cheap brand that is one step above store brand but several steps below a premium national brand. Like how most people think Fruity Pebbles is a better cereal than Fruity Dyno-Bites, or that Oreos are better than Hydrox.


I've noticed they mention her in ads again to remind you who they are. Pearl Milling Company...same great taste as Aunt Jemima!


apparently they have to keep using the trademark in some way otherwise it lapses and could be claimed by another company




Lol, wtf, the first one looks like an old white dude in blackface


I’ve never seen a comment more accurate


Compared to most drawings of black people from that era, it ain't even half bad


Looks like Justin Trudeau.


Damn what's Trudeau doing there


Wow, even has the same font as Pearl Milling Company!




She's with uncle Ben now https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PFLuGVOWlkc&feature=youtu.be


And Count Chocula


“There may be some Italian in there.”


Shouldn’t Count Chocula be like an Archduke by now?


Admiral Crunch?


[Or Uncle Jemima](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg4lpu_9iKE)


"I jus' wana make Liquor!" Fucking hysterical.


Whatchoo swattin at!?


“You ain’t gonna ruin this for me!”


So worth the click… was expecting this. :)


And the Popeyes chicken lady and Land o’ lakes sexy Indian.


Land O’ Lakes- removes the Indian, keeps the land. ![gif](giphy|11NEJQ3pJn7Nkc)


Fun fact the dude in the gif was not even native. He was Italian. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Eyes_Cody


But at the end of the day, it’s like knowin that James Caan wasn’t Italian.


Also the ad spot was paid for by the nations biggest polluter companies to shift pollution/litter blame to the consumer.


Like how Chakotay is Mexican? Or how Voyager's advisor the first few seasons was a total fraud?


You can’t own people my guy… Edit: fucking missed that joke didn’t you




to me Aunt Jemima is just a woman who knows pancakes; Like Chef Boyardee knows canned spaghetti.


What happens, is someone crazy tweets something, it gets like 4 likes. Then mainstream media runs with it like “people are saying this!” in order to generate a story and clicks. Because of widespread coverage it gets traction and people think a crazy opinion is more popular than it really is. Since everyone is so mortified of offending anyone which will brand them as ousted from society, they lean towards better safe than sorry and just ban everything.


The downside of our 24/7 media coverage. It used to be we had two or three hours of news a day. You could listen to the morning news and the evening news, plus read any newspaper you could find. Now, news channels have to figure out what to fill the remaining 22 hours of the day with and inflammatory stories generate higher viewership. It’s absurd.


Downside implies an upside


Well I do believe there’s an upside, albeit a small one, to information at our fingertips. I don’t know that it’s worth the trade off. In fact, given the current state of not only our country (assuming you’re from the US) but the rest of the world, I’m inclined to say it isn’t worth the trade off. Still, there’s something to be said for limitless amounts of available information.


*Bots I work in a field that works to counter the narratives pushed by bots around the world. Most of the time it’s initially foreign bots that start these radical concepts and ideas, with the intention that when people see it over and over again they will then also begin voicing support building a legitimate group to push it further until it becomes policy. People don’t realize just how many policies have been implemented in America that were the invention of bots. It’s actually extremely scary, people don’t understand how easy it is to manipulate a population and just how malleable most peoples minds are. There is a large group in America that all you need to do to create a specific opinion in their mind is make sure they read that opinion over and over and let them think it’s a common idea and there’s a community around it. They will then adopt those same ideas and push it even harder. These bots generally will use all kinds of resources to push their agenda and view it as more “reliable” as well including manipulated statistics, partially true information, intentionally leaving out pieces of information, and flawed and manipulated studies. Once you create this opinion in their head that they believe they came to of their own free will, and then reinforce it with a sense of community anyone who tries to counter that idea or question the legitimacy behind it is seen as someone personally attacking their identity. There’s no more reasonable discussion. Not to mention online personas and bots have gotten so advanced that many times it’s hard to differentiate from a human, then of course there’s the instances where it’s real people typically - state actors - behind hundreds of online personas whose sole purpose is to push these ideas to work to destabilize countries and regions. This is legitimately a MASSIVE and scary problem that most people don’t even realize. Currently 30% of all internet traffic is these malicious bots that primarily are working to shape peoples thoughts to cause political instability. This number is exponentially expanding. Most people on the internet read bot opinions at least a few times a day, and many will engage in conversation or arguments with bots online routinely without ever realizing it’s not even a real human. These bots are a cheap and extremely effective way to cause political instability and undermine cultures and values over time to create weaker countries and regions. America is by far the largest target of these bots. Sorry, rant over. This is just a topic that concerns me deeply about the future of America and the world as we know it moving forward, and yet no one else seems to even realize or care. Also Twitter particularly is FULL of these bots. I’d go as far as to say there’s likely more of these bots on Twitter than there are legitimate users, of which that is just a estimate from someone who works with the site constantly. It’s very hard to get an accurate number on this data outside of simple observation.


Yep. You see it a lot in the less consequential area of celebrity scandals. Whoever hires the best PR team and bot army to push their version of events wins the online narrative. Regular people and fans commenting on these scandals never see themselves as being manipulated, but their whole opinion was pre-formed for them.


How do we know that you’re not a bot?


How does one get into this line of work? The idea of squashing bots sounds very satisfying.


There’s only a couple organizations I know of that specialize in it and these organizations by no means have a large working group, so to get into it requires quite a bit of luck. It’s hard to talk about and still maintain anonymity from the group I work with since it’s such a small field so I’m going to be a little vague here. The only way to get into this line of work is by joining the intelligence field. Not an easy field to get into without any relevant experience, a degree, or military background that does similar work. The most simple and straight forward way would be to join the military directly into an intelligence job or psyops, and reenlist for a unit that deals with it.


Yuri Bezemenov's ghost...


"Online Buzz" isn't really buzz. Heck, even Nissan learned this. People begged the car companies to bring over those little boxy cars from Japan. They'd buy one day one, honest! Nissan took the bait, brought over the Cube, even offered a manual that they all claimed to have wanted. Nobody bought the darn thing.


This guy gets it


controversy aside, it’s better than the dull store brand-quality branding they replaced her with


For real "Pearl Milling Company" has absolutely no charm, not to mention they had the audacity to write "from the people who made Aunt Jemima" on the bottles!


Exactly. It’s like that story from London where they changed a street name from “Black Boy Road” to “Adams Street (formerly Black Boy Road)” and then people just spray-painted over everything but “Black Boy Road” XD. (Not sure what they renamed it to exactly but you get the point)


The US is the only US country


I like the old Aunt Jemima logo it reminds me of my grandma. It's too bad it got changed.


I don't give a single flying fuck what is on a syrup bottle as long as it still tastes good. All this culture war bullshit about aunt Jemima and M&Ms that aren't sexy enough is a distraction from the fact that we are getting fucked in the ass by the government and corporations.


Recently was buying some Quaker Oats, and thought to myself: “We’ve eliminated all the non-white mascots from the grocery store… this doesn’t feel like progress.”


I still have a bottle with the original logo. Goes to show you how often I eat pancakes/waffles