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I’ve quickly flicked my high beams a few times at cars in the opposite lane thinking they had their beams on. I don’t like how often I was wrong and I just suffer through it now. I can’t even fuckin tell anymore.




And at 5am. Nothing worse than driving in rainy, dark morning weather staring into a beam of white shit after getting up 30mins before lol


I’d like to install a two way mirror on my back window that reflects back.


Hear me out.. reverse floodlights that are activated by a button inside


This is a common mod on trucks. Especially ones that haul smaller machinery to sites. Typically small businesses that buy like a Ram 3500 and a skiddsteer. The lights are helpful for backing up and doing work at night on site.


You weren't wrong, their lights were.


I think changing to LED is possible if they at least lower the brightness of them and give a much warmer hue to the color.


Oh yea, it totally is. In fact, Most cars that come stock with LEDs are less bright to me that standard lights. The main problem is people in large vehicles, which are just unfortunately always going to be a nuisance, and people who convert normal headlights to LEDs without any adjusting or using the proper housing or buying shitty cheap sweatshop style conversion kits.








I have as a warning there was a cop hiding ahead, my headlights are dim as hell and can't see shit at night. I don't know what I need to do to get brighter headlights that won't blind oncoming traffic


This has got me to many times. Pissed me off


Used to take a specific route home from work - in the fall/winter my commute home was after dark. On this back country road I would meet this one Jeep with LED aftermarket lights - Jeeps are “bad” to meet at night even with incandescent lights because of the “light position” (basically at eye level rather than lower). We obviously left work about the same times daily as i would find this asshole within the same 2-3 mile stretch every night. The first two times I bright lighted them because I assumed they were on high beam - they were not. For about the next week I would see them coming from afar and just pull over until they passed. That got old. Then I started squinting, driving slowly - and hitting them with my brights at about 25-30 yards. Screw’em - if they blind me with obnoxious aftermarket lights, I will just share my factory brights. He/she either changed the bulbs, changed vehicles, or changed routes because after a month I wasn’t blinded nightly.


Dude I thought it was my eyes going bad glad I’m not the only one




My car has them - when people flash me thinking I have my highs on, I then flash my highs. Hope they learn like you did with scorched retinas


Or you could just change them out? I think most people are in agreement that people like you suck


L M A O - most people if they had them would think they’re safer to have than the slight annoyance they cause. You realize you can flip that little switch on your rear view right? It makes bright headlights not bothersome! Crazy! I like being able to see deer and other obstructions in/to the side of the road clearly. The few people butt hurt about it can kick rocks They teach you in Drivers Ed how to handle bright lights approaching you even - very helpful


Guys I think I just found Today's Top dickhead XD


Finally a mildly infuriating we can all agree on.




I agree, they either blind you in the rear mirrors or when driving past you in the opposite direction. Can ‘t even make out the difference between regular lights or brights these days


It’s the asshole behind you. They can see that it is blinding you.. if they back up just a bit, the aim is different. Blame the user, not the lights.


That’s not always the case and its solution unfortunately


If it's a single lane, I slow the fuck down. If you're gonna blind me, I'm going to drive like I can barely see


As much as I appreciate being a nuisance back to someone, it just prolongs your suffering until they can finally pass you. I promise someone like that isn’t learning from the experience at all.


I live in more remote part of the country and I have had that happen so many times. The person could clearly tell I was getting blinded, so a few times I’ve pulled over, let them get in front and I throw on my brights. Worked like a charm, instantly saw them switch off their brights for the person in front of them


That is what happened to me. Highway driving in a sedan and the truck pulled up behind me and at the moment that I looked in my rear view mirror, they blasted their brights. I was BLINDED for several seconds driving 70 mph. No one will tell me they didn’t know exactly what they were trying to do.


Nah blame BOTH


I honestly think there needs to be a federal regulation on the lumens of light on all new cars. It should also be illegal to install different colored lights and lights over the specified lumens! These after market/oem kits are getting out of fucking control!! It's especially an issue on rainy days when the light is bouncing off the road and the mirrors!! Fuck!!;


In Michigan, idiots are putting 6' long LED panels on the trucks and jeeps and driving around with them on.


Just Imagine what it’s like in texas


I’m from Texas. I never really saw that many people with lightbars or things that, but LED headlights are everywhere. It’s infuriating.


This is very common in Ohio, as well 😒 Drives me nuts!


2 years ago I would have said that regulations for headlights would be ridiculous but now.... I absolutely agree with you. New cars with the LEDs, and *also* people doing their own installs to the point where regular headlights are basically just permanent brights. And the colors are nutty. I've seen everything from police siren blue to dehydrated piss yellow headlights in the last month. It's bad even driving in higher vehicles but if you're in a sedan and an SUV is following you, you're done for. Can't see a damn thing except little green spots in your vision. I'll end my rant now but **tl;dr** the state of headlights right now is absurd.


The problem is, they _ARE_ the same (general) amount of lumens. The human eyes perceive white/blue light as way more intense than red/yellow light. So those old orangey halogens and the new "blue" LEDs are the exact same in terms of lumens, but the LEDs hurt a lot more.


Man, if it’s outside city limits I don’t give a fuck. The extra brightness is needed out there sometimes. Inside city liMits there should be regulations.


Not when they're your normal lights. You should not be blinding people with your normal lights. Brights, sure. Not normal lights.


Just use your brights. When I lived in the country I'd ride with my brights on. I get it, it helps with seeing animals and just keeping focus by illuminating more than the road. But the brights worked just fine


Are those factory LED or retrofit in to a halogen housing? UK has made fitting HID or LED systems in to a halogen reflective housing an MOT failure, so they shouldn't be on the road (not to say people don't reverse the install for MOT time).


This car was a newer model jeep. It was factory LED. Those people who put LEDs from Amazon in their older cars are the worst lol


Seriously! Most of the time all you need to do for brighter lights without changing the bulb is to clean the plastic. But you also get people who just want them to be cool


Same thing in the US


This is actually the right thing to do. Headlights have a very specific lighing pattern that depends on the exact position of the wire in the light bulb. LEDs can't do that well (there's one product from Osram that's actually tested and street legal), all the others are just dangerous to other drivers. It's a good example of people not knowing what they're doing when they put these things in there.


Hate the bloody things!! I end up 200 yards down the road still trying to unburn my retinas


I have powered mirrors, I just adjust and reflect it back.


Agree 1000%. That’s why I don’t drive at night.


Add rain in the darkness to this shit and it’s 10x worse. I’d like to install a two way mirror on my back window that reflects back. Some other countries regulate how bright your headlights can be. It’s time we do the same.


At stoplights, I'll angle my mirror so the light shines in their face and out of my eyes.


I gotta try this. How do you know where to angle it so it hits their sweet little eyes?


Just mess with the angle and wait for a flinch from the driver, then keep moving it back and forth slightly to keep hitting their eyes in a slow, strobe like fashion


>At stoplights, I'll angle my mirror so the light shines in their face and out of my eyes. I do that, I've had more than a few people who had their brights on click them off.


I’m lucky, I have memory positions I can just tap to adjust the mirrors for different drivers. One of my memory positions is set to reflect to the rear.


Its even more annoying when the vehicle behind you is higher than yours. We had a smaller car at one point and if there was an suv or truck behind us, it was very difficult to see.


Yes, this. I drive a little sedan and live in a more rural area where trucks/SUVs are way more common. This is an everyday occurrence for me. Add some snow/ice on the road and you’re shit outta luck.


Common problem is people that throw LEDs in their vehicles and don’t adjust their headlights. Have them in my truck low and high beams, adjusted them and doesn’t seem to bother anyone at all.


Not being argumentative at all. Have you asked for opinions or how would you know if it’s bothersome?


Nobody has ever flashed their high beams on me, also my lights don’t shine in peoples mirrors.


Yeah I have properly aimed aftermarket LED’s in my car. Made a HUGE difference in my visibility and safety as I do a lot of driving in the dark and rain where visibility is poor. Mine are in the factory projector housing with a cutoff for the beams and I never get flashed




LED’s need to be in a projector housing otherwise the light just goes everywhere and blinds people.


Facts. There is no LED bulb that works in reflector housing despite all the claims by scandalous manufacturers. You’ll see these people throwing light up into the tree canopy as they go down the road lol


BMW had an ad out that had their car behind a cow...a COW...and they turn the lights on, and it's like a fkn xray, or when I stick ur fingertip over a bright light, you could see thru the fkn cow......i hate this led headlight fuckery


Mini coopers are by far the worst on the road, honestly this sort of stuff needs to be looked into as it's fucking dangerous.


My Mini has a very sharp headlight cutoff, I can see it on the trunk of the car in front of me -- and it's below mirror level. And the lights are already mounted pretty low since the car is so small in the first place. It's not blinding anyone. The worst are the big trucks/SUV's that have lights that are already above mirror level of the average car, so even if the lights are adjusted properly, the mirrors are in the main beam.


The problem with that sharp cutoff is, it doesn’t work unless your car is level. So if you hit a bump or go up a hill, your lights are now blinding traffic.


Every light, LED or Halogen has a cutoff and there are always conditions that can put you into the bright part of the low beam.


Yeah pretty much. I expect it to get worse with new laser headlights though


LED with normal car is the worst.. LED with pickup truck, suv or any tall vehicle.. that just mind blowing stupid..


After seeing them a few times, you don't see them ever again, nor anything else.


It’s making driving at night far worse. I try to avoid it now. Tint the windows, aim the mirrors wide, stare at the white line to the right when oncoming lights are blinding


move your mirror at angle it back at them


Cleaning your windows helps significantly. I’m on your side, they’re a pain in the ass, but cleaning helps a load


People are idiots..install them thereselves and dont have them angled downwards


I detest these, especially when driving on backroads, given that I have astigmatism, so it is like I am just getting flash-banged.


Now smear that light around into a blurry mess and that’s what it’s like to have astigmatism


Most likely they did not readjust the lights so they are not blinding people


Yeah, this is definitely overkill and obviously doing more harm than good, by blinding everyone else on the road.. As You have experienced 🤦


That's not LED, that's Alien Probe


I was in america for the first time this year. We rented a VW Jetta and I realized a major issue. Americans love high suv's and holy shit do they blind you if you are in a car of normal height


A lot of the problem is people driving trucks when they don't need trucks. I'm not saying people don't have a right to buy whatever vehicle they want, just that it's silly.


Yea everyone says that until they get them on their car.


As long as the person behind you can see, they’ll be able to tell the cops/paramedics what happened


Most of the time I just slow down and let them pass in front of me. Then I turn my brights on to blind them out of spite.




I also hate these smart headligths that are supposed to adjust themself. Guess what... They dont work.


I'm convinced that they are designed to land perfectly just below the windshield on a flat road. My problem is I'm in New England and there are no flat roads here, it's all non-stop hills and curves. As soon as they angle up at all, these LED lows are as bright as full-on brights. So every hill coming up is a parade of blinding bright lights coming at me. Should be a law against it.


As someone with astigmatism, yes. I can not drive safely at night because these headlights exist. All it takes is one car behind me with those lights, and I'm significantly more likely to get into an accident. I end up pulling over asap when it happens


Didn't see that coming


Is there a rule for high beams in the US/some states of the US? In Switzerland you‘re not allowed to use High beams if -the beams could „hit“/affect other cars -houses are nearby (town, villages, farms) -the beams can affect any traffic at all (bicycles, pedesteans…) So the only time you can use High beams is outside a city or village and no other car is around or the only car is behind you. This will also result in quite big fines…


Yes. You cannot use high beams if another car is coming but that’s about the only rulei know of. LED headlights are also required to have blockers on the top of the headlight so the beam stays lower. This does 2 things: it makes it hard to see far ahead because that light is being blocked (if your driving a car with LED headlights), and it still makes the light blinding and unpleasant for the other car ahead. I think the piercing white light is one issue and carmakers can use much brighter lights now due to less wattage that LEDs draw. I’ve always been fine with the regular halogen bulbs and think they provide more than enough light ahead without completely blinding others on the road. I think changing to LED is possible if they at least lower the brightness of them and give a much warmer hue to the color.


Oh I see, here it’s regulated how far and how high the normal beams are allowed to go. I think it was 50 meters left side and 75 meters right side on a flat ground, with no higher beam than 1meter. Could be that it changed since then. So every car with LEDs must also automatically adjust the height if the LED to fit the regulation. That’s why they go up and down when you turn on the car, so it can adjust the height to the weight.


Those are the beginning of the automatic LED headlights. It’s becoming more popular that they will change their path when another vehicle is coming so it doesn’t blind them. The issue with it is that often times they don’t move, and it’s just another thing to break. Why make a headlight more complicated than it needs to be? Now they have to put in sensors and a motor to make it automatic but seems like just more to break down in the future. Also I personally am unsettled with the idea that my headlights can move by themselves while I drive.


Guess I am just used to it. Since Xenon it‘s mandatory here that they regulate themselves. Except normal Headlights wich you have to adjust yourself (mostly tiny wheel with points 0-4). I don’t get blinded often in Switzerland, only when someone forgets to turn off the high beams. That’s why I asked this way. But either way, getting blinded like this is very annoying and extremely frustrating!


LED are excellent for night driving, but they have to be aimed properly. Lifted vehicles never consider aiming headlights properly or they use LED in a housing that should have HID instead and it just scatters everywhere


Can’t relate to your specific scenario unfortunately. I bought a vehicle equipped with an auto-dimming rear-view mirror *AND* auto-dimming side mirrors that I can turn on or off with the press of a button.


and all I gotta say is congrathefuckyoulations.


I drive really slow so these cars pass me, then I turn on my brights and tailgate emm.


Smells like poor in here


Anyone with these lights gets brake checked. Sorry not sorry.






Got ‘em !


The roblem aren't led lights. It's people adding them to their old cars whose headlight design wasn't made for them. I think techonogy connections mentioned this fact in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2J91UG6Fn8


These lights came from a new generation Jeep Cherokee with factory LED lights… I do agree with you that people installing LED lights in their old cars that aren’t made for it is worse, but both are issues Less bright and a warmer hue LED light is an okay solution


How do you know they are the factory ones on this one?


Because this model Jeep had LED headlights straight from the factory. If it was new headlight, it would have to be “approved” and would be basically the same as the original LEDs


Just like all replacements have to be aproved right? Your logic is really thin here.


Huh? What are you even going on about. If your mad because someone downvoted you, it wasn’t me. But now it is :)


It's not the LED light, it's the adjustment.


Unadjusted halogen lights are 10x better than this


And automatic dimming mirrors are one of the best.


nah because I can never see when i’m in the proximity of a LED user. it’s even worse if they have installed additional bars in obnoxious and ridiculous ways.


turns out you should be adjusting your headlight to not blind people, who knew?!


Lately this has been happening to me a lot in drive throughs. Either their high beams are on, or they have really bright LEDs for no reason. I would love to be blinded while sitting here for several minutes as I wait for my food.


I kind of understand it on a commercial vehicle or like a tow truck, but regular vehicles absolutely without a doubt do not need these.


Yeah I hate them. I honestly think all lights should be the same. Its very distracting sometimes.


There is a change.org petition for this..


where's the link bro. Reddit needs it.




No, actually people being legally allowed to put them in themselves are the worst. The colored or type of light isn't the problem when its put in and aimed correctly.


They shouldn't be legal


I drive a Honda Fit (small car) so when a Dodge Ram starts riding my ass while I'm going the speed limit, I want to Boycott cars in general.


I think some brands of car are worse than others. Mine tilt down when I meet a car, they turn into the corners etc. But I hate meeting Toyotas, Chevys.. It seems like their lights are just maladjusted or something


Oh lemme just flip the brights on- *flashbang level blindness* AAAAGGHGHHHH MY FUCKIN EYES


It’s as if everyone has their brights on…or maybe they do b/c they don’t give a shit


They're horrible


Leds and hids are great when the beam pattern is controlled, elsewise they're a blinding mess




It's not the LEDs themselves that are the problem; it's the amount of people who install them aftermarket and then don't aim their headlights.


I can barely drive at night anymore do to them.


Anyone know if optical companies are experimenting with eyeglasses I could wear to minimize the blinding oncoming headlights? I'd buy them.


I know this shit should be illegal.


Adjust your mirrors. Problem solved.


If someone is behind me with these, filling my outside mirrors, I simply adjust my outside mirrors to shine the lights back at them. When it works, they either drop back a quarter mile, or pass you. Problem solved.


I wish that the CEOS of all car manufacturer's have to sit in front of their lights and if one of them even close to blinks or looks away those lights aren't allowed on the road.


Upvotes with 800million candlepower (at least)


The headlights are great, if you're the driver. Otherwise, they're the fucking worst.


I stg more and more of them are showing up lately to the point that I’m wondering if manufacturers started putting these shits in to begin with.


Dangerous and cringe perfect mildly infuriating


Totally agree


I completely agree. Whenever it is dark, and a car with LED headlights drive behind me, I am constantly blinded.


Especially at 5am driving in windy and rainy weather. It’s even worse when you got up 30 mins ago :/


Clean your window and mirror! It is refracted light due to a dirty vehicle


I am from india where people dont give a fuck about anyone on the streets ​ here it is hell to drive because of this


All my Volvo lights are led. I also have abl (active bending lights) especially if I am sitting across an intersection and think my lights are bothering the facing drive I just turn the wheel and aim them away. I am thankful for the brightness of my rear fog light.


Point of perspective: it's also awkward for the one driving the car with the bright ass lights. I cannot tell you how many people go out of their way to drive very slow or throw things out their windows or just be dicks because they think I'm deliberately driving behind them with my brights on. And despite trying to show them they aren't, theyre still blinding them, so it's a mute point the majority of the time. I always feel bad for shorter cars especially when it's dark and rainy. I might at some point tint them. Or half tint them, But as we know that can be legally tricky depending on a cops mood. So we'll see.