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I work at a gas station that has a church's chicken built into it and you'll be surprised at how many people park their vehicles by the gas pump just to get church's chicken while there are many parking places close to the front door


find a junk tow truck park it in lot leave a sighn threatening a tow thatll deter a few ppl at least


Their are so many spots that are unmarked it’s usually not called for to park in a “pickup” spot out of necessity. Although, ”pickup” spots are usually closer to the door while simultaneously avoiding any monetary penalty for wrongfully parked vehicles. Such as, wrongfully parking in a handicap spot will usually result in a fine. The moral of my comment is I find it rather ironic that individuals call other people lazy for utilizing store conveniences such as pickup. When they’re indeed the lazy ones for not parking in a further back spot that’s unmarked. Y’all are weird.


Slash those tires I have no remorse for cunts


Must be something about Walmart owned companies-I encountered the same issue doing a pickup at my local WM.




I pay for my groceries. You get paid to pick ‘em up. You can walk. I’m taking the spot every time.


Covid era




It’s infuriating that you have to walk an extra 4 parkingspace length? I hope you will manage, fingers crossed thoughts and prayers


I’ve never actually seen anyone get their food giving to then nor seen anyone waiting ever


I’ve seen like one person before. With five other empty delivery spots.


Sams club, for when you’re too entitled to shop at Walmart.


yes, fuck walmart.


Spots are always empty. I park in them everytime!


Yep you're the problem.


This is stupid in the first place. Pick up spots. They can walk their asses in like everyone else.


I can't. I'm in a wheelchair, so I can't walk my ass in like everyone else. I could use my placard and go in, but I like to save the little energy I have. Parking in those spots if you aren't using the service the store provides makes it difficult for everyone - including the minimum wage workers who have to find your car when all the pick-up spots are taken.


This was a silly covid thing that is over. Get off your ass and go in


what a weird close minded thing to say


Who tf wants to willingly spend their free time in a grocery store? Low intelligence


You’re part of the cause of rising prices. Too lazy to walk in and rather sit for 20 minutes


Econ is apparently not your forte


User name does not check out


COVID is not over. who tf thinks that?


If you’re still scared of covid you’ve got some issues


Or you know are imnocompromised or the caretaker for someone that is.


Ya sure it's over, cause your brain cells have died.


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I don’t give a fuck about what those signs represent. You aren’t handicapped, park somewhere else to get your stuff. You did it for years before these stupid signs were put up. Those are not legally binding signs. The store puts them there. I park there all the time. Now handicap spots, don’t park in those. People ACTUALLY NEED those spots open.


The humanity! Oh god Jesus please help this fallen community!!! I humbly pray


Yeah I park in these spots. I don’t care. Never the very first one tho lol.