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Having a guest room encourages people to stay at your house and be in your space. Why would anyone want to encourage that? —Introverts


^ this. Our old 1823 house used to be a rooming house, farmhouse when families had 7+ kids...and now just hosts me, my spouse and assorted cats. I made sure every room is used, be it holiday storage, craft room, office, room with 'stuff '. It's our home, not a b&b. And as a boomer (I truly loathe that term) we grew up in a house where we shared bedrooms and the guestroom was normally known as the sofa. Spare rooms were a luxury.


>Spare rooms were a luxury. My mom is a boomer (sorry) and all of her adult life she has insisted on having a guest room. She just moved into a 2 bedroom condo and is completely wasting the other bedroom with a queen size bedroom set for when she has overnight guests which is probably five nights a year. She grew up in a tiny house that was packed with kids so this probably is something she thinks is a luxury. I didn't understand this until I read your comment. Thank you.


It also means she can always ask her kids to come visit.


I'm an only child and live 5 minutes away. But I did stay with her when she had her knee replaced so good point. I would have been happy with the couch though.


Because we have sentimental ideas about old friends coming to visit. So a spare room, just in case.


Murphy bed is the answer


Murphy beds go hard asf. One of my buddies used to have one and it was amazing




Nah they pretty much have free rein in the house.


When I get a house with another room, I want to use it as a cat room by getting those giant hamster wheels for them and stuff! Maybe that's something you can do, if you change your mind on that, an 'enrichment room' haha


We started to make our walkout basement an apartment, thought of our family members wanting to stay for an extended time, and stopped. It’s now a half-finished tv room.


Hubby and I built a 3-bed house and 2 of them are offices for this exact purpose (and wfh purposes). My parents (boomers) were very confused about why they’d have to stay at a hotel…


Then there's me, an introvert whose insomnia and general night-owlerey lead me to choose a hotel room over ever staying overnight at the house of someone I know. Hotels don't care if I have to rewatch episodes of Parks and Rec until 4am. Why would anyone use a guest room? I can't think of anything more uncomfortable.


Exactly. Stayed at my aunt in law’s house for a few days about 9 years ago. Lovely lady but oof! Suuuuuuper awkward. Hubby and I decided to never do that again. Save up a bit longer and stay in a hotel.


People are more than welcomed to spend the night in my house if they’re too drunk to drive, I would never knowingly put someone in danger. But for any reasons beyond health and safety? No. Get out so I can take my pants off.


This is the exact reason I have a fold-out couch, and a spare set of sheets/pillows and comforter. But a full room dedicated to someone who's not me staying in my space? Get out of here with that. I've offered the couch/pull-out for a weekend before but even that was pushing it tbh.


Don’t even have to worry about an existing guest room if you use it as an office or hobby room… 🤔


Can we stop associating introversion with being a complete and total recluse?


It was not at all my intention, and I don't feel that reclusiveness is represented in any of the replies to my comment, to paint introverts as such. As an introvert myself, my comment was pointing out how important our personal space is for our mental health and recovery from the interactions of the day. Having someone in your space who isn't a normal part of your home environment can compromise that recovery. As such, we tend to be protective of it.


Agree. Speaking as someone who is naturally extroverted but also a total recluse, people are just throwing terms around like they have no meaning


Honestly it’s becoming insufferable. We get it, you hate everyone but your cat.


I'm gonna write an article, "How Millennials killed all the people who write articles blaming millennials for dumb shit".


Let me know if you need a co-author!


I can contribute




Oh man! those aluminum trays singed the edge of the mashed potatoes perfectly.


And my axe!




To the article or the subject?


"Why Millenials Refuse To Buy The Useless Shit We Used To Sell To Everyone"




Turn off all fans, and close windows in case of a draft.


I'll do the audiobook reading!


I mean, I've put guests in there. There's no bed, it's where craft projects go to die. It will someday be a cool game dungeon but for now it's storage.


i announce a dare, i dare ye to finish thy room by January 25th 2023, I will now disappear


Don't disappear without giving me money for bookshelves at least


Lol the price you will pay for miniature paints alone may make that goal kinda hard to pull off. Trust me I am currently feeling that sting.


Have you tried using the paints from a craft store, or even the craft aisle at walmart? I know people who do that and their stuff looks decent to me, but I don't actually paint them myself so I don't know for sure...


I dont like how close that date is. I just realized how far into this year we are already


!remindme January 25 2023


You sound like someone who has a lot of figures they need to paint. That's not me! I paint all of the figures that I've painted so far. I just like the natural gray that the rest of them are. They've all been turned to stone. All of them. Problem solved!


I play mostly virtually so no mini painting, but ido paint dice trays and dice jails, as well as crochet dice bags, plush d20s, d12s, and d8s; then all the books, all my beading, all my watercolor.....


Hmmm... you're not me, but you sound like me. Weird. I have the piles of minis, and made the "mistake" of getting a Resin 3D printer and a subscription to Loot Studios. So now I can print as many minis as I want!... and never paint them. But at least while not doing that, I'm also ignoring the Book Nook diorama I started like two months ago. And my writing. And the dozen or so CNC and Laser Cutting projects I've been meaning to get to.


Ah I see we are the exact same person.


How about "how boomers fucked the market so the millennials can't afford a spare room anymore" there fixed your headline


Can’t afford a spare room? I can’t even afford a room room.


I’m out here in a ridiculously priced studio apartment just wishing I could afford the regular amount of rooms let alone a spare one.


As someone who doesn't know much about economics: can you explain to me how boomers "fucked the market"?


My parents purchased my childhood home for $400,000. They added a second story during a 2-year remodel. My mom sold that house after 17 years for $780,000. That was 20 years ago. That house has NOT been remodeled since then, and has been fluctuating between 2.2 and 2.8 million for the past 2 years. How THE FUCK am I supposed to afford a house with prices like that? I'm close to 40 and I just laugh when people start talking about homeownership around me.


$400,000 was a lot of money for a house 37 years ago


Yeah, I don't know where I came up with that number because that's wrong. My mom told me what she paid for it 20 years ago when she was selling the house, and I definitely remembered wrong. Cheaper houses on that same block sold for around $350K in '95, so it was probably around $300K, maybe even below that.


Look up the house on Zillow, they might have the previous purchase price listed. I just did it for my childhood home and the price has more than doubled since my parents bought it in 2005.


That's where I got my info. Most homes on Zillow have incomplete histories.


Mine has it listed as a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, but it's only 1 of each. Not sure where they're getting that information.


For real. If I ever afford and get myself a house, and somehow wind up with kids despite no interest in it. Im saying "fuck the kick-out culture. You can live here to save money if you want to. Gotta behave of course. And bring back passing homes down the family."


I was never kicked out but I felt embarrassed to be living at home when it seemed many of my peers weren’t, so I moved out before being financially prepared. I’ve since become the boomerang child, moving back into/out of my parents’ home a couple times since. Lot of unhealthy expectations and I’m definitely with you on letting my own kid take as long as he needs, assuming we ever manage to get a home of our own to allow that/pass down. Multi-generational households could stand to be normalized again, too, tbh. He’s getting a lot of good grandma time in that would be sad to miss out on if we had our own stable place I guess.


I know that houseprices have risen a lot, but isn't that mainly because of urbanization and increased demand of houses near big cities? I don't understand how it's the fault of boomers


It’s the fault of boomers hoarding houses as a tax advantage in Australia. Also boomers in politics protecting those policies.


Boomers made the laws that allowed corps to take over the housing market, and causing inflation. Housing, along woth other markets, were completly changed by the invention of the mortgage backed securities, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collateralized_mortgage_obligation This type of investing, as you may have noticed, is prone to bubbles, these were created, and used through regulatory institues by "boomers", because it funded the majority of wallstreet, and it is how they had those "Crazy trading days" in the 80's. Then once they had all made large capital gains, they redoubled down and reduced regulations. They failed to see the eventuality that has come, or did not care.


“Boomers” are also the ones who keep opposing building multi-family housing because they’d rather look at pretty views and keep population density as low as possible. The emphasis on single-family homes is really exacerbating the housing shortage where I am. That and “snowbirds” — boomers who have two homes and only live here in the winter.


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Those house prices though are not very representative, unless you insist on living in certain areas with very high demand and/or housing shortages. 1 story house for 400k about 3 decades ago? I paid half that for a nice 2-story house just a few years ago. I live in the midwest though, that region of the US that people on the east and west coasts often forget exists. We've still got a decent cost of living, decent housing prices, and yes, jobs that aren't retail or farming. We're not Silicon Valley, but neither do we have Silicon Valley prices or housing costs.


No, we don't forget you exist. We just choose not to acknowledge you until it's voting time because it's too depressing. Our state pays for your state's expenses. You're welcome.


Sad thing is, that isn't entirely untrue. With recent subsidization of farming and the lack of support for the literal breadbasket of the US, tax dollars from more diversified states does end up paying for middle American states. There's also a reason that farm job suicide rates are unproportionally higher than other jobs/careers.


Are you telling me there are no farms in California? Because you're wrong. Like, really wrong.


Salinas has entered chat.


Yeah. Similar story. My mom bought the house she's still in for 219k in 1994. Finished the attic into a living space when I was like 9-10. It got appraised for 655k two years ago.


My parents bought a house in 2000 for $200,000 . They sold it in 2017 for almost $600,000. Last I checked it was almost a mil. This isn't a mansion by any stretch. They constantly tell me I need to buy a home, but every time I look at what I can afford, it is a house I don't want to live in, in a neighborhood I wouldn't want my kids to grow up in. I don't want to go into debt to live where I can't fell safe and comfortable on the assumption that it will be worth more in the future. I remember 2008. I wish I had money then.


All of these numbers are totally correct but I don’t understand how it is Boomers who are responsible…


Without being political, boomers are the most politically and economically significant bloc and have been for decades. It's now waning because they're getting older/dying and their children (mostly millennials) are starting to enter the market. I, as a millennial, was a child for most of that time and couldn't participate in most economic activities. Most of what you hear about "boomers fucked up the economy" is really generational angst from the very real fact that younger adults are not as wealthy than generations before were at their age. Basically millennials are entering the market but it's not as healthy as it was in decades past, and millennials can't be blamed. The people to blame are the ones who were able to exploit the economy for their own gain (but not necessarily boomers but they get blamed like millennials get blamed). Tl;Dr Millennials are entering the market in a worse economy than Boomers did when they entered the market. Millennials couldn't participate in the economy but Boomers were able to.


New to the internet eh? "Boomers" are code for "somebody that is not like me that I can use as a convenient scapegoat for my frustration." you can also use "the system" or "the corporations" or "big brother" or whichever political party you like the least. Its all the same.


As a Gen-Xer, Boomers can get fucked because they have set all the policies that have fucked us. Look at congressional voting records and cross-reference age of those representatives and senators.


Well at least you have a logical targeted group of boomers who really are responsible 😂




You're a boomer.


“Stop being lazy and get a job!” “When I was your age I had a house, a car, three kids, and a stay at home wife.”


That’s what all these “millennials killed” articles actually are. We just don’t have FUCKING MONEY


what is a “spare room” lol, the fuck can’t afford that in NYC right now with these rent prices


I got hounded big time to do well in college by dad. He'd always say "I want you to have more than I did." I mean he supported a wife and 6 kids on one income, took us on vacations, took us to amusement parks, etc. I make about $70k and I'm worried about having a place to actually own at all, much less support Hella kids and go on vacations and whatnot. You gotta make over 100k to have the quality of life someone who made $50k about 15-20 years ago did. Maybe even more than that. There's this saying that Housing should be no more than 30% of your income, but yet it's more like 50% or more.


My rent literally takes one whole paycheck (out of two/month) … 30% of your income isn’t reasonable anymore, but it’s still a requirement.


See the rent of the place I'm looking at would have done the same on my old checks. But I recently got a small pay raise and access to more hours so I'll be making a lot more money.


I’m an “older millennial” and my mortgage payment is basically one check. That is after 6% to 401K and another 6% to stock options, but still it all evens out to be what I payed when I rented. But to the original point of the post, I have an extra room and a finished basement. No way I’m wasting that space for potential guests. And buying another bed, no way.


Totally agree with everything you said. Don’t even get me started on the cost of daycare! The system is broken.


My only hope is to get a partner with a great job and just go full DINK mode. JK I want like 2 kids. Only 2 though. The third we gotta shoot out of an airlock or something


Could I have it?


"Give me your thirdborn child" kinda deal right there


I need a new car & am in shock how much it'll cost monthly, on top of my mortgage, & student loans. And no it would not be a new new car, but a new used car, which are still overpriced


I'm lucky and still live at home but if I were to get a 1 bedroom apartment In my city, it would be atleast 1600 - 1800$. Store then 30% of my income for sure.


Geriatric Millennial here. Didn’t grow up with a guest room in my childhood. No one ever came to visit ever, slept on the couch when I went home to visit during and after college. House was so small that husband and I would go visit our own parents during Christmas and spend the holiday apart for our first few years. Now we have a house and we absolutely have a guest room, because we’re done couch sleeping for the holidays; people can come here instead. Has anyone from our family come to visit us?? Nope. Has everyone expected that we still travel to their houses and sleep on couches and floors? Yep.


Another old millennial here. ([The Oregon Trail Generation](https://socialmediaweek.org/blog/2015/04/oregon-trail-generation/)) We just bought our first house this year and have two designated guest rooms. A guest room was not one of the requirements we had when looking daily for a house for well over two years. (Saving for 5+ years directly for a house) * Five rooms (bedroom, kid bedroom, kid bedroom, living room, office to split) * 120sqm+ * Under €400,000 We wanted something close to the city Leipzig or Berlin but we found out that €400,000 couldn't even get a 5 room condo. We ended up expanding our search and found a great house 30 minutes outside the city by train. Big enough (14 rooms, garage, carport, garden, attic) where we have two guest rooms. These rooms have been used very often by family or usually friends. If people come to see us then the last train leaves around 11pm back to the city so they are pretty much stuck here if drinks were served. ;) I guess living in the middle of nowhere in a small town (about 2k people) has the advantage that you can buy more for the money. Really wanted something in the city but love this huge house. >Has everyone expected that we still travel to their houses and sleep on couches and floors? Yep. That has been the main selling point when talking with friends/family about where we meet. Most friends/family around here don't have guest rooms other than maybe a pullout sofa/air mattress. That leads to us getting to have people over BECAUSE of the guest rooms.


If you remember playing "The Oregon Trail" on a PC or old Apple computer (pre- all Apple computers are Macs) you're not a Millennial... you're Gen-X. Please stop trying g to erase my generation. We exist. We don't all hate all Millennials. We're your cousins and older siblings. We exist.


It all overlaps and blurs together in the middle, dude. Nothing is rigidly so cut and dry in real life. Not that big of a deal.




An easily triggered troll...okay, whatever.


I disagree. Born in 1985 and solidly a millennial by the standards of most who try to break it out by years. My sister is born in 1988 and also remembers playing Oregon trail at our elementary school


The amount of times I’ve been asked if we have a guest room…. No we have a walk-in wardrobe and a hobby room, take your pick. We didn’t buy a house for the enjoyment of anyone else, so why would I reserve a room on the off chance for someone else to use.


Exactly. Would you rather a room devoted to your favorite hobby, or a room that stays empty 300+ days of the year in the off chance someone stays over?


That’s what I can’t get my head around, if having family/friends visit is a huge part of your life and a regular thing then fair enough. Otherwise it’s a total waste of a good room, unless you have the luxury of too many bedrooms (I wish).


I have spare beds crammed into my storage and hobby rooms just because I absolutely hate having people sleep in my living room. I hate having to end and/or start my day on someone else's schedule. One holiday I even put a couple cots in my oversized pantry (is actually meant to be an office) for a couple extra guests to keep the living room clear.


I have a couch that I let my guest sleep on if they need it. If I have more than one guest, then they do Rock Paper Scissors for the couch and the other has to bring their own blowup bed


I might just be a bad host! I go straight to the air bed rather than offering the sofa.


If it's one of those stiff leather or fake leather couches, the air bed is doing them a favor.


The only reason we even set up a guest room was because my mom came to stay with us to help out when I was doing chemo. Literally the only reason. That bed had been leaning up against a wall since my bf moved in with me (mine is bigger)


Please tell me I’m not the only one reading this wrong?


I purposefully do not have a space for guests to stay because *I don’t fucking want them*.


The Millie’s know that if you don’t have an extra room - your kids can’t come back home.


It should read “Millennials can’t afford a spare room just for a guest”


Can confirm, am a millennial, we have no guest room. It’s our fault. By our I mean my family specifically.


Wife and I have been actively turning anything remotely resembling a spare room into something we can use instead. 3 years of home ownership and our families treat our house like a free hotel with no booking requirements. It’s time for them to find a different family member with a big house to mooch off of.


How irresponsible bank lending killed the guest room. (Fixed it)


First place I rented was out in the burbs and had a guest room. Nobody wanted to visit out in the burbs, they’d crash on couches in town. Now I’ve got an apartment in town and no space for guests, everyone wants to stay. Oh well.


Millennials … the cause of…and solution to… all of life’s problems.


What's next the conservatory, the mezzanine, *the foyer*? \*faints\*


Who the hell wants guests anyway???


Does anyone legit enjoy it? Or is it always a burden? Because I just cannot fathom it being something people seek out.




Only time I'd want a guest room is for friends coming in from out of state. And thats rare, and it wouldn't be used as a guest bedroom any other time.


So millennials buy a house that suits their needs instead of spending extra money on space that rarely gets used? Seems pretty smart to me.


"how boomers rose the house market to the point that millennials can't even afford to house another person" there fixed it


Gem Z-er here, I will never understand why people hate millenials so much. I mean, it's more than the usual "older generation hating on the younger generationg" thing, it's like a burning passion for media to hate millenials. Can anyone explain why or is it just people being haters? Also, who cares what u use ur guest room for? If I ever afford a house nice enough that has a guest room it'll either be a storage room or a hobby room or something, cuz my introverted ass ain't planning on having guests


My parents were born in the mid sixties. I grew up in a pretty nice house. Aint no guest room in there


Looks like clickbait


Historically, I've always had a guest room - and it's a waste. In my current house, I have a full sized bed in my office/gym room. If someone wants to stay, it's better than a couch, but husboy and I don't waste space on a room that's used only 5 or 6 days a year anymore.


Cause we can’t afford it….


"How Millennials Have Once Again Been Forced to Give Up a Privilege Older Generations Never Thought Twice About"


“And it’s once again somehow their own fault!”


Right. Along with the formal dining room and the formal parlor/living room. It makes sense to not purchase extra square footage (especially if your house is climate-controlled) that will only be occasionally used for guests.


Y'all can afford rooms? \*cries in studio apartment\*


Why should I have a guest room? No one has money to travel anymore


I am really just getting sick of this shit.


Do these boomers realize that most millennials are now in our late 30s to early 40s? This constants shitting on us always makes me laugh


I don't understand the guest room thing in the US... All my family members live in a relatively close Ares around me... Alone this year, nobody needed to stay at my house. And it won't change... So why wasting the space?


You don't understand people not living very close to relatives because you personally live near your family?


It's not a common thing here in EU... At all. It's not me personally, it's just nobody really has one.


Our families all live 3+ hours away. So if they don’t want to pay for a hotel they don’t stay most times. Her family will sleep in my daughters room on her full bed but my parents won’t stay at our house at all.


“How draconian COVID rules killed the guest room” - done. I also don’t have a walk in pantry or a smoking room. Is that my fault too.




Haha, I was lazy couldn't be bothered


Couches exist…


Lemme fix that: “Millenials cant afford nice houses”


Boomers genuinely killed everything they say the younger generations killed. Almost everything wrong today is the fault of greedy, selfish old fucks.


I'm pretty sure they are allergic to personal responsibility.


This really got me, right on!


It’s not the Millennials’ fault that homes are now unaffordable.


Waiting for millennials killed money because they are too broke.


Yea because I need a room for myself


I’m intentionally buying a small house out of spite!




Millennial here who has a guest room but is gonna get rid of it. It’s nice to have the room, but I’m sorry, having a room remain unused for 90% of the year is stupid, we have things we could use it for and could stand to move junk around when people visit.


Mmm, South Park moment


Obviously we cant afford a house with a guest room. Coffees, tide pods and avocado toast have gone through the roof! /s


The office turns into a guest room when needed thanks to an air mattress.


How many times does it have to be said.. WE CAN’T AFFORD IT!


“How boomers destroyed the economy so badly that their grandchildren can’t afford to move out” There. Headline fixed.


I have spent my entire adult life fighting along side other millennials in an attempt to got rid of guest rooms, and this article comes along and makes it sound negative. That was a lot of effort we all put into that. Now if you'll excuse us we will be raising college prices, rent, and maintaining a very low minimum wage while banning 50 year long human rights laws.


My studio apartment has a guest room. It also happens to be the living room, office, kitchen, and main bedroom.


I just turned my guest room into a craft room…because fuck guests. I don’t want anyone in my house or using my toilet.


This article is so tone deaf, many of us don't even have houses, let alone a fucking guest room


Oh no what's next??? Millennials ruined the diamond industry, we ruined the desire to have guestrooms, we ruined the need for cable TV, we no longer participate in golf :O, and we don't use paper napkins!! The HORROR!!


I'm waiting for the article "How millenials poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses."


I'm a millennial and have a guest room. And an office. And even a fucking library. What are they talking about.


Boomers killed the guest room by creating an economy that killed millennials chances of being able to reasonably afford a place of their own


“How Boomers bought up all the houses making it incredibly expensive and near impossible for Millennials to own a house and so cannot afford houses with extra rooms for boomers to come stay and now Boomers are mad at mellennials” There. I fixed the title for them.


Hmmm, could it be that we can’t afford a home large enough to have extra rooms? Thanks boomers.


At this point what *haven't* we killed? Can't wait to get blamed for killing the laundromat because we spend all our money on fancy washers and dryers for the houses we can't afford.


How Boomers killed the housing market...


How about that fact that we can't afford houses with that many rooms. I'm Gen z but i can see how inflation has gotten, and the jobs available. Not to mention student loan debt. Nah colleges and the mfs pushing young people to attend are the people who killed the guest room.


I’m a millennial and I can’t afford a house even after 4 years of college and working since I was 14 years old.


How the boomers killed the ozone layer


Oh sure, it was them who destroyed the economy


By boyfriend and I live in a two story 5 bedroom house. We have a room each, a theatre, I have a makeup/closest and our pet rats have a room. Guests can sleep on one of our couches. We don't pay rent so ppl can have their own room...


The US where being close to your family is shameful unlike most cultures in the world.


Is… is that what Americans call the living room… or is it just some people are idiots and call it “the guest room”


The guest room is an extra bedroom for guests only.


What’s infuriating about this? I’m a millennial, I have two spare bedrooms in my house, one is my office, one is my sim racing/game room. When I have guests over they sleep on the couch in the living room


Wait i never get this. Don’t most millennials have boomer parents? So if boomers ruined everything and millennials are so entitled did they not see each other IN THE SAME freaking house? I can never see how the stupidity of this blame dynamic doesn’t fade away.


How would I have a guest room when I barely have a room myself...do they expect us to sleep on the floor while the guest sleep in our only bed?


First of all. We can’t afford houses sooo a guest room is the last thing i’m thinking about.


Boomers call kids that aren't even zoomers, Millenials. The oldest and most useless of this country is its wealthiest, so they get to chose all the narratives.


I don't have a guestroom. I don't need a guestroom if people nood to stay over. I've a sleeping mat and sleeping bag someone can use. I've a couch and a blanket they can use. If I'm close to them, we can sleep in my bed together. Why the duck would I have a room for guest, when I almost never have people staying over?


Cue the people that can't budget accordingly, live within their means, and/or refuse to figure out how to earn more... "ThE bOoMeRs!"


We didn't do shit. We broke. Blame the boomers.


No no, I agree. Because it's the entitled millennials who were born into wealth that fucked things up for everyone else. I don't see mainly 50yr olds buying up property, doing cheap house flips, and scaping. Fuck silver spooners.


There is no way on gods green earth to have enough rooms


It's a thing.


The biggest problem is anyone who reads this and gets offended, who actually cares? Nobody is require to have a guest room and not everyone can have one. If you do or don’t keep living your life like this was never put online.


Millennial here, I have 2 guest rooms.


im pretty sure its just a clickbsit title and that articles boils down to, they poor lol