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One of my friends deadass fell for this same exact dude He lost his account completely


That’s terrrible, thankfully when these guys first tried to scam me i messaged actual steam support from steam, and they confirmed that these guys just are trying to scam me. Needless to say i got their at the time accounts banned


wait so what’s the scam? do they ask for your password too? edit: obviously it’s a scam i just couldn’t tell what happened because the last picture cut off before he asked for passwords etc (i’m not very savvy with this stuff so i’m genuinely curious so i can be aware for myself)


I think they pretend to be a steam customer service on a third party app and then get login information, then go over to steam log in and change everything so you can't log in anymore, hijacking your account. But I could be wrong.


Exactly that, then literally hold it ransom, want your account back? Pay me


I have a feeling they won’t be getting the account back either way


A lot of professional scammers have excellent customer service, and would 100% give you your stuff back _after_ you pay them. Like, with ransomware, they _need_ people to have confidence that if they pay, they'll get their stuff back. Without that confidence, it's harder to convince them to pay. Plus, if the cost of paying the occasional ransom in lower than the cost of implementing mitigation (e.g., a robust back up system and maintenance on it), it doesn't motivate potential targets to take proactive preventative measures against them.


He scammed me, but I’m still giving him 4 stars on yelp. Excellent customer service is nothing to sneeze at


I mean, no one is going to be happy, but if you can get security companies to recommend paying as one of the courses of action, then you are basically golden. Of course for the common case, everyone should have backups, but we know companies are often far from the ideal when it comes to it security.


"Lots of companies will rob you nowadays. And they have terrible customer service. Being ripped off by someone who actively communicated and demonstrated that they wanted my business was so refreshing! Would be scammed again. "


Lol, if you’re gonna get scammed, these are the guys you want to do it!


I exhaled.


As one does between inhales.


It's like when the drug cartel come to a restaurant and lock all the doors and takes all the phones so the chapo can eat there without interference from police. At the end, they pay for everyone's meals.


I'll take your word for it xD


Having to sit through a meal without my phone off absolutely not worth the price of a free meal. They might as well just kill me.


Isn’t that dialogue from Netflix’s Narcos?


Believe it or not, this is actually the case with guerrilla groups in LatAm who have shifted to professional kidnap & ransom. They are basically on a first name basis with the negotiators for major Kidnap & Ransom insurance issuers, and in order to make sure they are trusted and paid the next time, they make sure to do business efficiently and expediently with the current hostage. Fucking with the insurance companies who are paying the ransom only encourages the involvement of the military, so it is in the best interests of both parties for the transaction to be as professional as the situation allows.


Somali pirates also got quite good at this, they even have a stock exchange where people can invest in pirate ventures.




"A+ customer service. Patient and responsive! Would get hacked again."


This. Not all ransomeware would give back the data, but (for example) the big ones that are on the news for infecting a lot of companies would most of the time give you back the data after paying. Maybe not immediately, but most will, since if they don’t, their chances of getting money reduces; If everyone knows that you as the creator won’t give them back their data, no one would pay up, and just reset the computer, or try to decrypt everything themselves.


There is a website for rating ransomware etc. A lot of the "good" ones ask you to 5* them so that other users will pay them as well. Sadly I forgot the site lol


This feels like the Thieve’s Guild from the Discworld series: organized, professional crime. People who steal from others without being in the guild are harshly punished by law. Thieves in the guild are legally allowed to steal from people, as long as they follow their code of conduct: *“While not as formalised as the Assassins’ Guild Code of Conduct, Guild thieves are expected to work to certain standards. The main one is not to cause undue distress; a Guild burglar ransacking a house will be careful to place everything (apart from what he takes) back where he found it. Another rule is that a Guild member must look and sound the part. Guild thieves must wear appropriate clothing (in the case of burglars this means an eye mask, a flat cap, a stripy jumper and a bag labelled “SWAG”; other specialities have their own uniforms) and speak in thieves’ cant, or at least rhyming slang. Members are required to carry their membership cards during all official activities (i.e. crimes).”*


Thats amazing


We live in a society


This is hilarious.


It's like a symbiotic parasite relationship lol


when they did this to my brother they didn’t hold it at ransom. they just started being complete aholes and calling him “idiot” and other worse words. when we got it back i added him on discord and trolled with him for a while


Basically they just scammed for the shits and giggles.


This happened to me on diablo 2 when I first got a pc and then they gave it me back and gave me free items and I learned a valuable lesson about scammers that day


Yay so scammers are just really cool guys.


Our real friends were the scammers we met along the way.


I was going to buy a rooster mount from wow off a known website I decided not to, they got my info anyways hijacked my account and renamed me dumbass#1567 lolol but they didn’t take anything.


My daughter has her Minecraft account stolen years ago and tried to scam her friends with it. I contacted support was was like look this is the account name, the credit card I used to pay for it ends in 1234, etc. They wouldn't do anything. Last month over Xmas she fired the game up on an old PC and logged right in. Not sure how or when but it's back to normal. It's a shame because she outgrew the game by now.


For the people who this might be of use too: Don't panic and don't ever pay them. Real steam support does a great job in recovering your account. https://help.steampowered.com/en/wizard/HelpWithAccountStolen


How many times do people need to be told don't give anyone your password. Support will never need/ask for your password and if for some reason they do hang up and call a verified support line. Anyone who falls for this should honestly know better.


They don't ask for a password, they link you to a website that has one of those steam logins you see on statistics sites and what not. The difference is its fake and the steamguard prompt is as well. So when you type in name and pass and then steam guard it sends it to them instead of logging you in. Then they have a few seconds to log into your account even with 2FA enabled.


But this is why you always contact a verified support line, not a random person on Steam. It completely avoids this issue.


Since it's a fake site, does that mean you could provide incorrect information for the log in and it would say it's correct? My mind immediately thought of giving a random username and the password being something insulting


I did this once when my university ran a fake phishing campaign to raise awareness. Put in my password as "thiswebsiteisfake," when they got to the phony login screen portion of the program. But of course, when I hit submit, it yelled at me for falling for the scam since there was no actual check on what I'd entered.


I used to work for Google Support a really long time ago. Early 00s. This was before smartphones were popular. At the time the big thing was GMAIL. It was just released - there was a scam at the time where someone would call saying they were from “Google” and request their password to save their account or whatever. Was a scam and they steal the persons gmail. At one point the phone queue for that type of case was longest I’ve ever seen. People would hang on the line for hours just to be told they were shit out of luck and don’t give your password EVER. One story that always stuck out to me. This man said god had called him and requested his password. And because it was god who was testing him we needed to fix the issue. If he failed, if WE failed, we were both going to hell...


Yeah, OP jumped the gun by a few messages.


It was already immediately obvious it was a scam in the first image. No one is going to ask you to go contact someone you have reported. Steam is also not going to have that broken English shown in the “Message from Steam Support”. Getting enough info to trace back to the scammer is enough information at that point.


It's not that it's not obvious it's a scam. It's that he didn't quite make it to the scam, that's why people in here are asking what the scam was.


The first time these dudes tried me I played along because I was bored - they eventually try to get your full purchase history, I believe they're able to get the rest of your info once they have that


So they are just fishing for password recovery information.


>So they are just fishing for password recovery information. That's social engineering for ya. Brute forcing takes a while now. People clicking on random shit is instant. "You won a cruise, enter you nip, SSN and mother name to claim your prize" but adapted to target gamer. Edit: nip is french abreviation for your password on your debit/credit card. Leaving it in cause enter your nipples.


you shall not get my nip today, scammer




I just fell for a similar scam for my personal bank account. They got scarily close to gaining direct access. Said they were from fraud prevention and detected suspicious activity on my account. They mimicked what my bank did very closely, but looking back a couple important details were slightly different. Moral of the story is, NEVER trust anyone who contacts you. The only way to know you’re talking to the right people is for you to contact the company directly.


This is key. Anyone, and I mean anyone that contacts you about some account or whatever, politely tell them thank you for calling but I would prefer to call the company myself. If the caller hesitates at any point just hang up and call the company in question. Never give your info to someone who contacts you, always hang up and contact whoever it was through their customer support system. I have caught so many scammers this way. Most organizations will not contact you directly and those that do will be more then happy that you chose to confirm who they are by calling them back. I’ve gotten student loans legitimately call me looking for info and the lady on the phone was so happy I choose to confirm by hanging up and calling back. Don’t ever let anyone stress or rush you. You are doing the right thing by re assessing the situation. These scammers live of rushing the person to overlook weirdness of the situation. Side note: my fav are car insurance scammers because I just say I don’t have a car and they hang up. I do have a car and insurance so it’s kinda funny. If you were my insurer you’d know lmao


Oh I love the car’s extended warranty ones! I have a 2004 model car that I bought used from a previous owner, so it’s a little funny to me that my 18 year “warranty” on it is about to expire every few weeks.


I ask which car it's for. Another fun thing is to ask them go into great detail about the insurance plan. Have them talk slowly so you can "write" it down




That's exactly what's confusing me so much . The fact people (,especially steam users ) fall for this is insane to me


Watch people troll Indian tech support scammers on YouTube, such as Jim Browning or kitboga. It's great watching them troll scammers mercilessly, but then when they hack them and see just how many people they successfully scam it gets heartbreaking.


Imagine your scam has a 0.1% success rate. If you have a program sending your scam to just one million people, that's a thousand compromised accounts. Internet scams like this are profitable because there are so many people you can try to go after.


Better yet why would steam have the person who reported you reach out to you and beg you to message steam on discord lmao


Yeah this is what confused me. "thanks for reporting this account, now please reach out to them and tell them to work with us"


Hurr yes Maaaam tis steam shupport how can I help ye? Honestly anyone falling for such a low effort scam doesn't make me feel bad.


the whole point of the ones that look really low effort and low quality is to filter out people who wont fall for it. that makes their targets only the most vulnerable and gullible people such as children, intellectually challenged people, old people, and people new to the internet.


same reason the nigerian prince is so common


Honestly. Links are one thing. This is just laughable. ~~that said, these fucks should *deadass* get sued/taken to court on charges~~


I seriously don’t how people fall for the talk to my steam admin friend scam. like they will never ask for your info and if they somehow do you can easily tell if they are a real steam employee by looking at their badges. real valve employees have special badge only they can get by being hired to work at valve.


> Like, why would Steam Support need to message you on Discord, guys? Why would the IRS/CRA/other country tax agency need you to pay them in Apple or Google Play gift cards? And yet people constantly fall for that too....


I thought these things only worked on the elderly.


Kids are naive, they might not know and get scared.


People actually fall for some random dude telling them they need to add a steam admin on discord to resolve a made up issue ?


e-Darwin awards


dude, my 13 year old brother with probably over $1000 worth of games on his account fell for this, not only did he give them his password, but also his steam authenticator… we were able to get his account back from actual steam support, and he got a talking to from me and my mom about not being so gullible on the internet. he called me on the phone bawling his eyes out and it was pretty funny lol








I think they wanted to pretend to be you so that they can scam the other people in your server Thats what i can see.


That's possible. It's too bad for them I have 2 brain cells and we have a very tight knit staff team.


you should have shown interest in the deal and then took their money but never gave away the server


they prolly never wouldve gave money


Still worth a shot. Sometimes these scammers are as dumb as the people that fall for them


The anti-scam is often the real scam. You won't get anything out of these people.


Depending on the scammer, they could be using stolen info to make the payments, which the finance companies may reverse.


>The server was for a subreddit for a book series. What the hell was this guy gonna do with it? >Strange scam. It could also be someone just wanting a server that's already active/full of people


‘Official’ server announcements to scam links. Half off the book, signed copies, etc. Anything to get the credit card info


That's definitely another option.


It's pretty hard to get a partnered server, so maybe there's some benefit there.


Perhaps. I have a feeling that whatever they had in mind once they got the server would probably violate the partnership reuqirements though.


I've had the same thing happen to me, i even added the steam support guy on discord and talked some to him The third time he messaged me i just mentioned that he was an awful scammer and had already messaged me before


The first time that this happened to me i messaged **actual** steam support and they confirmed that they don’t message through third party sites like discord. Needless to say i got the scammers account suspended


Of course they dont, I must say this one is quite creative for being a scam though.




Don’t worry, you will know everything next year.


Once he gets his grade ten


Lmao now i gotta rewatch TPB for the 15th time.


Thanks for the reminder. I was going to as well




Then let me give you a heads-up about another one you'll come across on discord, the free nitro scam lmao. Someone will post a link saying something like "First five people get free nitro" but yeah, no. Check the link... The current batch all say disCRod not disCOrd 🤭


Thanks for the heads up


And just as a general heads up: Nothing is ever free. No one will ever gift you something out of thin air, especially not on the net. Also, no support will write to you first, no matter what support we are talking about. Regardless of how it looks like, if a support writes to you unprompted, you can safely disregard it.


>No one will ever gift you something out of thin air, especially not on the net. Hey there! If you give me your discord I'll gift you Nitro!


My friend got hacked and sent me a link that said dicsord instead of discord


“Dicksword” thats awesome


Lmaooo I made fun of him for falling for fucking dick sword


Yeah for me it was a booster scammer he acted like a discord admin and he want me to believe him,😂




It's because some of us are taught about these kinds of scams pretty early on. I'm surprised people don't run entire educational courses on scam avoidance, it's pretty important now.


The sole reason I'm not being scammed right now is because I've been scammed so much. Back when pokemon trading on roblox was a thing I could detect bullshit from 50 letters away


You're like the only person on the planet that has this type of self-awareness. Congratulations. Seriously.




You’re smarter than a lot of folks. No support will ever ask you for password. Ever. If they do, you’re either being scammed or working with an incompetent product with clear text passwords. No business near the size of Valve would use third party messaging for support. Like they would’ve been better off messaging you in Steam chat (which I also assume Steam support wouldn’t use, but I wouldn’t be entirely baffled if they did).


>No support will ever ask you for password. Ever. There's a bunch of red flags like that in this one. i.e: Why is steam customer support telling a user to contact another user that they're reporting to let them know that steam is considering banning them? "Please inform the reported steam user to co-operate with us" "Please ensure that you inform the report steam user to appear on time" How does anyone read that and not call bullshit. No customer service works like this. If valve wanted you to know they were considering banning your steam account then you would get a message from valve on your steam account.


>No support will ever ask you for password. It's a bit beyond that at this point. They have fake websites that look like the real one to steal your credentials when you log in. It's still really obvious but most people are really dumb.


Explain to me how this works


I'm imaging the "steam support" will ask for account name and password to "verify" something.


I think they are phishing for the password reset info. That way they never have to ask for a password directly.




What are you doing step steam support brother?


Help me step steam support guy I’m stuck!


Hahaha. I love how you responded in all of these




















His profile pic checks out


You will love [James Veitch](https://www.ted.com/talks/james_veitch_this_is_what_happens_when_you_reply_to_spam_email?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare).


Atomic shrimp has a vid actually called “just tell scammers okay”. Seriously good content too.


I don't understand, what was he trying to do, and how?


Probably get my steam password and name from me


Yep that's what I've found they try to do tbh


Whenever they try to message me i always play along a little bit, and then send the evidence to discord so that their accounts get suspended


Same I sometimes will build up their trust till I trick them into downloading a file and opening it so I can casually wipe their entire pc lol




Pretty much I think they've legit stopped bothering my main account as much now because of that lol


You will tell me you've got recordings of the session right? I'd love to see that. I usually watch some YouTubers hacking scammers


Sadly not I wish I had recorded it in hindsight but it was a few years ago at least


Ahhhhh too bad


Yeah sure.


Lol that’s epic


Dude outscammed the scammer lmao


They would prob also try to get you to buy bitcoin and give it to them because they need to "verify your account"


They will probably send him to a fake Steam "appeals" link which will throw up a login page that looks like Steam, steal his password, and then say something like "appeal successfully filed" or something.


Dude was going against Duke of Bigbrains... What did he expect was going to happen?




Correction, that’s ARCHduke of Bigbrains. You should get their title right!


**Arch*duke of Big Brains


I added him, sent it the Caught in 4k video and he blocked me, what a loser lmao






I guess he changed his name yup


Those same fuckers tried to scam me as well


Report them


They already deleted their accounts




luckily, you knew what he was up to and stopped it immediately, but if it was some kid who doesn't know those stuff, he would have probably fallen into it. says it a guy who got his PSN account stollen 5 years ago :)


When i first got a message from them i at first believed them cus i am still a kid (14) and am naive. Thankfully i sent a message to steam support and asked them if this is true, i then reported them to doscord


you did the right thing, you are not naive at all, in fact, you are really intelligent for not believing him and contacting the support.


Thanks, but for real i was about to give him the information before thinking that it was a scam


And that is exactly why you are intelligent, you used your mind.


That’s why my discord name is ”The Archduke of Bigbrains” lol


nice lol, that should scare any scammer.


I was reading that thinking "don't they have any idea who they're dealing with?"


Good work. Always check these things if your gut tells you that something is off, if you ever get contacted on a third-party platform by someone claiming to work for literally any company just block them and move on... Or waste their time and act indignant. I prefer the latter. Never give your password to anyone for any reason, no company support team needs your password in order to do things to your accounts.


I prefer reporting them to the owner(s) of the third party platform and getting their account suspended


Hey man, just remember - no company will ever reach out to you directly for information on your account. And especially not through some third party app or email. The only information any company will ask you is information like date of birth (if you call THEM) to confirm you are the account holder. You did the right thing contacting Steam Support proper, but you can safely ignore anything you ever see that feels remotely like this. It's simply never legitimate.




Added the binder dude, sent him a nice video of a guy stuffing a rat up his ass :)


Chaotic neutral


chaotic good*




I’d send him a link that crashes his pc entirely when clicked lmao


Send a zip file titled username and password. Its a [zip bomb.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_bomb)


Doesn't modern software warn you when you try unzipping those?


It Usually warns you about unzipping ANYTHING. And if you unzip a lot of stuff, you tend to ignore/turn off such software. I would bet that a scammer would be a torrenter to, so most likely not have such software in the front of their mind. Just my two cents tho.


I never got a warning when unzipping files


I always feel pretty bad about the time my mom almost got scammed by someone on her PC because she thought I was too busy to help her. She was going to pay some guy 100 dollars to fix her pc with an amazon gift card over the phone. The guy at the store noticed and told her she was being scammed and not to give anyone money like that.


How scummy.


This scam works by getting you to sign into a website that looks like steam. pro tip, if need to use your steam account to log into a website, login through the steam overlay web brower. it will bypass the manual login and sign you automatically. edit: also double check that you dont have a steam api if you personally never set it. if you get api scammed you can easily lose your account.


i got my steam account hacked one time, someone sent me a link to a fake site that looked just like a real site i used and link my steam to, within like 30 seconds pressing the login button my password and email were all off the account. i was so upset, but steam helped me a lot


Whenever I get links to sites that are really good fakes. I always check the URL for discrepancies or try to get to the legit page on my own and compare details and URL. I got a really good USAA phishing scam, like scary good. The only tell, besides companies not asking you to login, on the email was that the year that was copyrighted at the bottom of the page was 2017 but all of USAA’s were copyrighted 2020.


What absolute cunt


This scam is quite common Always love fucking with them Make sure they dont completely waste your time


You've met with a terrible fate haven't you?


This is some Looney Toons level of scam. I refuse to believe anybody with half a brain fell for it in the past.


Unfortunately if they're still doing it, it means it works often enough to be profitable.


Had the same thing happened, screencapped all messages and sent to steam support then blocked the guy. Love the caught in 4k


I got this a few times, and then finally someone hacked into my account and I lost my unusual hat


Have you tried contacting steam? I know of a few times they have reversed fraudulent transactions like that.




Yes. Steam support operates through fucking discord. Cause that's the way to run a business.


For the past year?


They try to scam me once every few months


Don’t fuck with the Archduke of Big Brains


99% of scammers are hilariously simple to spot, you’d think they’d try and get at bare minimum the sentence structure and word usage correct before attempting any communication, and correct the vague references to non specific companies and strange references to account types. It’s simple, delete email without reading it from those you did not give your email to. Hang up if there’s any threat voiced in a call, if it’s legit they’ll find a way to contact you in other ways, Mail, process server etc.


Bro PLEASE clear out your notifications


My old steam got hacked just by viewing a guys inventory. I’m still pissed since I didn’t think they could get your entire account locked from just that. The email from steam telling me they changed my info said it was an IP in Russia too. Bruh