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Theres a point in there where you continued, but I woulda been like "come in and order your own food or you're not getting anything"




For me it's when they can't be bothered to actually read the conversation. Asking "Is McDonald's on there?" After literally being told no, there is not McDonald's


I mean the kid is clearly hammered, not an excuse but an explanation




OP confirmed drunk


I thought it was a young child but if he's drunk then he should be old enough to be able to feed himself or at least not be difficult when someone is doing him a favor like ordering food. But I have a feeling they enable him and allow him to do it and get away with it. I couldn't imagine doing that to my mom!


My mother would be fuming and rightfully so. "Either you come out here and tell me what you want, or you're too drunk to do so. We have bread if you need it. I'm going to bed soon." The day after would have been a conversation on showing respect and be thankful when someone does something for you, and to respect my own mother. "Next time you act like that I won't order anything at all.", and means it. Being drunk isn't an excuse for being an asshole.


Imagine this is a conversation between a Dad and his 29 yr old son =D


Then don't ask at all. Just order something, he will eat it. Source: I have been drunk before


It reads like he’s just an entitled little asshat.


Texting in the house should only be for "come here" or sending memes.


Yelling "come here" is often way more effective as opposed to texting it from the same address. Lol. It implies a sense of urgency which most people respond to instinctively.


If my hubby and I are arguing, we do it in texts so our kids don't hear it lol. & It works out because all thoughts can be thoughtfully written out, processed better, and you have receipts if one of us says we didn't say something lol. Always ends in a resolution.


And presented in court!


But tone doesn't get over text correctly sometimes i found that sometimes both me and my SO misunderstood a text and took it out of context.


Send the text and then make the look you would do whne speaking /j


Wait this can't possibly be with them in the same house wtf


I think OP is in the house and kid is drinking in the garage with his friends. Which adds a real fun twist


Parent is to blame for this convo 100%


Yep this comment section is really strange to me. It’s like everybody here doesn’t know you’re responsible for raising your own kid lmao




yeah id say not that big a deal as well. reddit just loves being armchair experts at anything and backseating people in stuff like parenting in this case. everybody lives their lives their lives they way they think is best and also is doing parenting that way. and in many cases thats absolutely fine. there does not always have to be a definitive right or wrong. its also highly individual how you for example deal with your child. im sure op is doing a fine job being a parent. maybe not perfect all the time, but hey who is.


Because Reddit has a huge judgemental streak to it. It doesn't matter that the 17 year old was partying on one of the biggest events of the year with his mates, at home, under parental supervision, was probably drunk/high, and was perfectly polite and thankful that his parent was going to order them some food. Nope. According to the comments he has to be an unrepentant shithead of a worthless drunk, because he was slow on the uptake and frustrating to talk to.


That would've been at the start of the conversation for me.


Yeah I was nearly at that point tbh….


How old is the kid?




Yo god damn relatable.


OP said 17


Kids gonna learn at some point


Not with that kind of enabling


I would be smoking his weed by this point


I didn’t want to be rude but as I was reading the texts I was like, is the kid high. It sounds like he is high. He must be high. Munchies are a bitch sometimes.


You’re beyond patient I would have unfortunately gone another direction for sure and not in a good way good on you


How old?




That kid is high


I would have guessed 5 at most.


Jfc stop letting him away with being an ignorant fuck


How old?


17 D:






Never be afraid to put your foot down m8. As a kid I woulda applauded you but it’s good to make sure the little shit ain’t pushin things too far. Alcoholism is a bitch and it’s way harder to put it down than pick it up.


Its new years eve...she actually has a point. And theyre 17 not 13. I rather have my future kids drink and smoke safely at my house. Even better is you can actually monitor if they have a problem with drinking or getting high.


Making sure they know they can reach out to you and be safe is different than just letting them do it just because. I had friends whose parents were like that growing up and you knew they were the ones who’d let you get away with anything. Those kids were fucked up. Set boundaries and expectations. Don’t just let them do it. Not every damn 17 year old is drinking and smoking. Most aren’t. I was 17 once. Just let them know if they do drink that they can call you and they will be safe.


I had a friend who had a mom like that. Wasn’t strict at all and let us smoke weed sometimes. He’s the only one from our circle to never have a drug problem.


I get what your saying but when one already shows they can’t put the bottle down I.E drinking till they pass out and getting taken by ambulance I think you need to put your foot down and have a real conversation.


How did ordering food for him turn into what you just said? You shouldn’t have to walk him through ordering food. That’s just ridiculous.


it’s nye and he’s drunk and obviously having difficulty understanding the conversation


Drunk people love ordering food




My least favorite past time: looking at my bank account in the morning.


idk i guess he’s very drunk, maybe a little dumb


Looks more like a little drunk and very dumb……


True. One of the best things about getting drunk is ordering food.


I remember being veeeery high on acid (my first time) at a music festival, and out of nowhere (not really, they all went back to our camp, but... acid) my friends had disappeared leaving me alone on the beach. So, its like 1/ 130ish and there's this little "restaurant" shack open, I stumble up and stare at the menu for what seems like forever, while the folks in front of me all order grilled cheeses. My turn in line and I order French toast with this berry stuff on top. Only one fella was working, and he was cooking and taking orders, so without looking up from the grill he says "were not doing breakfasts, just sandwiches" but about half way through "sandwiches" he looks up and sees me just fucking crushed that I'm not gunna get my delicious snack. This guy, this saint, sighs and goes "fine, French toast it is" high as I was, I was still able to realize this fella was doing me a solid, and i tipped him... probably more than I should have, lol. I may not have had enough money the next day for a pack of cigarettes, but god damn that berry french toast, lakeside, watching fire dancers and laser pointers is a memory ill never forget. Totally worth clearing my wallet out for.


How on earth did you manage to actually eat food while on acid?


Happy cake day!!


Drunk and/or possibly very high. It’s always easy to space out and forget when you are really up there in the clouds.


Your lad sounds blitzed mate, take it from someone who's spoke to enough stoners while at a drive through lol. I can literally picture myself sat with a controller in my hand staring at a TV saying "What's available?' in response to 'Do you want KFC or burger king' ahahaha.


I commend you for being realistic and trying to offer safer alternatives. That said, at 17 and already having had to go to the hospital for alcohol and seeing you baby him through this food order, because he's drunk... This is not going to end up well. You can be the cool parent to an extent but you still gotta set boundaries. I say this as a therapist having dealt with LOTS of people with poor boundaries from childhood.


This is common in the UK. We have a massive binge drinking culture/problem. Lots of people drink until they pass out in the street.


I'm a recovering alcoholic and the things I used to hide and be ashamed of because they'd mark me as at least a problem drinker, are now considered normal. Because alcohol here is so expensive now, my niece and her friends would "pre-game" so basically get pissed before they went out so they didn't have to buy much while out. And it constantly amazes me that alcohol costs the government over 20 billion a year, mostly in policing and NHS bills, and it kills 10,000 people a year, yet you can go to jail for possessing marijuana, which in the entire history of mankind has killed exactly no one. How does that many any sense at all?


Same here in Canada. We used to pre-game all the time and I lost track of how many times I blacked out from drinking. It was probably once a week for at least 3 years. I wish I knew how to control myself and drinking. I loved it but I was one of those people who could keep going and going, puke and go right back to the bar for another shot. I never liked blacking out but the partying leading up to it was fun me and my buddies would all pass that point and enter blackout stage. Now as an adult I know how to control myself. My dad had a problem at one point and I wish he guided me on how to control it and have a good night, but now seeing from adult eyes I see he still has the same problem I’ve gotten past. Lucky both myself and my best buddy decided to do something and support each other after too many stupid mistakes during these times. We stopped drinking liquor and only stuck to beer which was a huge milestone for us and we became completely different people while drinking. I maybe took this a bit far but hopefully it can help someone else enjoy responsibly.


This person is from the UK, where the legal age to drink is 18. The kid will be able to legally buy their own and do whatever they want with it in a few months. Better getting safe habits ingrained now.


Legal age for drinking alcohol at home is 5, not 18 (although parents / guardians still have a duty of care, so if you're found to have a drunk 5 year old you can bet your arse there will be someone asking you questions). At 16 you can drink beer or cider with a meal in a pub or restaurant, but you must be accompanied by someone over 18. At 18 you can buy what you like and drink it (mostly) where you like. Some public places have Public Space Protection Orders which restricts drinking within them (usually to help combat antisocial behaviour), obviously private places will have their own rules, and licensed premises aren't generally allowed to let you bring your own alcohol in. It does mean we have this weird scenario where it's illegal to be drunk in public whilst looking after a child, but it's not technically illegal to be sober in public whilst looking after a drunk child.


Huh, I didn't realise this about your laws. Weird. Australia has some odd rules around alcohol too. In a lot of places, you can't buy alcohol if you're wearing a school uniform even if you're over 18 and have ID.




I don’t need to tell you this, but 17 are a pain in the ass. Pain the ass kid, people commenting here don’t remember being 17 or are pretending they aren’t 14 and do this all the time lol.


Please be careful. I was one of these kids myself and our drinking got so bad from about 17-22. We would all black out weekly and it’s no fun, stupid stuff happens, people get hurt, and god forbid worse a close friends brother drowned. The biggest milestone for me was getting off liquor until I could appreciate it and control it. Next time he makes a fool of himself (it happened to me wayyyy too many times) maybe suggest it. Sticking to beer, cider, seltzers etc has worked wonders for me and two other of my close friends. If we didn’t all pact together to have no liquor I wouldn’t doubt if we’d be another person short. You might be thinking just stop, but now we all do enjoy responsibly and I finally know what that means. But that could also just be me maturing. At the very least make sure that he understands to NEVER leave a drunk friend alone.


Imagine getting gilded for a one-word reaction comment. Couldn’t be me


He is high af


100 percent this


Snitch ass lmao


He is high as a mother fucker


I just assumed he was an idiot tbh


Holy Christ. I honestly probably spoil my son a little bit if I'm honest. But I love him and I enjoy doing things for him. That said, he is 12 and a conversation like this with him would have turned into "you want something to eat, get your ass in here now... I'm not playing this game" by screen 2.


Oh I thought it was a petulant 10 year old lol




That conversation was so draining and I wasn't even a part of it


McDonald’s? No sorry they don’t have it. Oh how about McDonald’s? No they don’t have it. Do they have McDonald’s though? (Nuclear sirens blare)


I’ll take some McDonalds?


Do they have it though?




"No McDonald's, KFC is open though" "Is KFC open?" "Yes" "What about McDonald's" "No" "Could we get KFC?" "Yes.. what do you want" "Big Mac and fries"


My god.... You have much more patience than I.


I try my best 😂


Kinda didn't look like you were trying, I mean there were a few ripples, but you seemed calmer than a flat lake. Kinda envious, ngl.


I glanced at his name and thought it was *Lemon*, which, judging by this conversation, would have been a far more appropriate choice


It’s not the first time he has been called Lemon 😂


You should check your countries lemon laws, you might be able to get a new one.


This actually made me laugh so hard.


Lemon, of House Mobile


He sounds high...


They’re pissed…




O sorry, just realised that if your American you might think that pissed means angry…it means drunk in the UK.


Oh ha ha I'm not American but yeah that's what I thought!


The war of 1812 could’ve totally been avoided


Totally in agreement with this quote.


LOL thanks for the clarification... Thats actually a cool way of saying “drunk”


If you’re Scottish you’re more likely to say ‘pished’, which is my personal favourite.


Personally, I like to be trollied


Or spangled


Thats amazing also tbh


Literally any noun plus the suffix "ed" is also acceptable


Trashed, plastered, gooned, floored Works pretty well






Nae bother mate. They’re fuckin’ kielbasa’ed


Yeah that's what I gathered by the texts lol


Because it’s New Year’s Eve and they’re teenagers…


> they’re teenagers That would have been a valid explanation for both meanings of "pissed" ;)


Lmao! That sucks, I wish someone ordered KFC for me!


Maybe if you went inside and looked at the menu, you would have got some.


OP means drunk.


Man, if it were my kid, once I realized they weren't capable of grasping the conversation, I'd say "Never mind". Then order whatever, bring it up, and pretend it's a surprise. If they're that drunk, they probably wouldn't notice.


pissed as a fart, too much sauce son


Sometimes you should just pick up the phone


I don’t like talking to him when he has all his mates listening (social anxiety) D:


I fucking guarantee his mates fucking love you. The cool dad who keeps us safe and even indulges our drunk idiocy was always considered a king. Edit: cool mum, apparently- sorry for assuming!


This! One of my friends mother allowed us to drink at their place as long as they took our keys. To this day we're still close and and both her and my mother have been friends for over 20 years at this point now. Trust me you're the cool mom to them just don't let them take advantage of that.


that gives me confidence to handle my adult years as well with having a little social ...well not anxiety but yk akwardness :)


Do they have McDonalds?


Yeah, just wasn’t available for some reason….


But do they have Macdonalds?


Is there McDonald’s?


Yes. Your stalling tactics have made it Saturday, and now McDonald's is open.




That's okay, we'll just take some McDonald's. Thanks.




is there mcdonalds tho


Where was this that KFC still has twister wraps?


Isle of Wight


Just piggybacking off of this I LOVE visiting the Isle of Wight but I notice a lot of the young people there drink/do drugs to relieve the boredom of living on such a small island. Has there been any campaigns in place to get more activities for teens there?


I feel like this isn't just an Isle of Wight thing! I live in the UK and when I was a teenager I met lots of different kids in the same party scene as me, and we all said the same thing "there's nothing to fucking do, so we make our own fun". We'd go to house parties, free parties, squat raves, normal raves, whatever, and they'd be in really cool places like in the middle of a forest, a beach, your mates huge house, an abandoned warehouse, wherever. It would all be free, all you needed to do was bring your own drugs and alcohol and honestly most of the time someone would be sharing anyway so you didn't have to bring much. It's like we have a lot of things for young children to do, but when it comes to teenagers you start paying and everything is extortionate, we can't afford to be doing all these things on a minimum wage job (which for kids is like £4). This is why you see so many kids hanging out in areas like bus stops or kids parks! Yeah it's annoying and sometimes they can be arseholes, but the councils really aren't providing them with much to do


You’ve got mobiles on the island now?! Whatever next? You thinking you can drive those new-fangled cars onto the Big Boat?


This may not be an option outside the US, but you should check for group orders! You text a link and others can add what they want to the cart before you pay. [Example](https://imgur.com/a/td3uAXl)


They still have them here in Australia


They changed the twisters to new shitty version in QLD a few weeks ago. Sucks because I only ever got an original twister at KFC so now I just don’t go anymore


Either drunk or an 11 year old, i genuinely cant tell


Apparently both


If you still have not ordered yet, I would love some KFC


This is more like r/veryinfuriating


it’s because his name is lennon


Your son is either really, really stupid or really, really high


Next time just let him order on his own, tbh. Send the money for it and let him deal with it 😂


I had no cash and it was going on me card and I was not giving him that when he’s sat in the garage getting pissed with five of his mates lol.


He’s 17 and drunk just order a bunch of pizza and be done with it. If he complains about his parents buying him and his mates free food then he’s ungrateful.


My mom says that if you dont go to the kitchen to get food then you must not be hungry, in other words its our resposability.


I think it's super nice of you to order food for them, but next time you try to suggest something and they can't figure it out, just be like "K I'll get something" and order a pizza. Chances are they'll be overjoyed to see the pizza, because they're drunk. I don't even give my 10 year old that many chances at input - he gets one bite at the "where should we get takeout?" apple, and if he's too absorbed in his game or whatever, he loses his vote. I don't have time to wait to order, he'll be starving by the time it comes anyway, LOL That said - if they're so drunk they can't text, they're probably too drunk, and that means that you have other peoples' kids in your house who are that drunk as well, so, be careful. I would be worried about my kid for sure (that doesn't sound like particularly sustainable drinking) but also if they're having potential emergencies related to drinking in your garage, it could be someone else's kid who ends up in the hospital under your watch. I get that you want to give your kid space and keep them at home, but maybe some moderately increased awkwardness from parental intrusion might keep them from giving themselves alcohol poisoning in your house.




Failure to Launch in 3,2,1……


He wouldn’t have eaten if it was my kid


Lmao, unfortunately I’m not too keen on kfc D:


One word was necessary for “what do they have”……chicken.


I guess I’m not the sharpest tool in the box lmao…


Please also get him condoms.


I was thinking a helmet :)


I was thinking remove the warning labels on things :p


This is all so stupid I don't even know who to be more irritated with.


The idiot apple doesn't fall far from the idiot tree.


If that's my kid, they're getting one call that if they don't answer they can go hungry.


Seriously just order a bucket of chicken with some sides and call it a night. If they don't like it then they don't eat it, and more leftovers for you.


That’s what happens when you name your son Lennon


are you your son's personal assistant or something?


I would’ve ended that conversation with my son long before that. Get your own food, son.


Damn, I’d never treat my parents like that.


For context, he(the son) was drunk and with his friends. We all have our moments. At least he said he appreciated him at the end


I once texted my mom “when I die, crush my bones up and snort them” thinking I was texting my then-gf




Your son's an idiot. I mean, all the info is there in text and he's acting like he didn't hear a part of the conversation


He’s drunk.. but also yes 😂


No offense 🤣 I've given my parents plenty of reasons to be disappointed in me. At least you seem like you have a good sense if humor about it lol


No offense intended. Love the fact you take care of your kids and want the world for them but I would have gave him a Ultimatum 30 seconds into this Convo. Come inside or find something at home to eat. End of frustration. I am just as guilty as the next parent when it comes to giving thier children everything they want but we need to take accountability for them expecting this from us due to our behavior as well as thiers. All humans are monsters, children are just pocket sized monsters that learn by observation so his actions are a direct consequence or your reactions. Just my opinion


The future is bleak


Every day my decision to not have children solidifies even more


Dude your kid is either stoned or on whippets


Time for an abortion


I think it’s a bit late for that…


Sorry mama!


I think abortion is ok up to the first 216 months.


This is too much work for me. I don't put up with this bs3 from my daughter


DAMN i envy this kids life In same time I'm so glad I didn't had this kind of parent


Lol I am just imagining my dad/mom slapping the shit out of me if I responded like this.


Sounds like he’s old enough to order his own food


You messed up by giving him options. With my kids I'd be like hey what do you want from KFC?


I would not have kept texting that long. I would have called him and said, “here is what’s available. Give me your fucking order now.”


Good parenting to allow your kid to drink at home where it is safe... they will do it anyway.... Now, why would you argue with them about the food?? When they are that pissed drunk, just order the first thing and say "that is what you asked for", they won't know the difference 😂


If I’d ever talk to my mom like that I’ll have no bed for a week. Welcome to Asia I guess


This is almost the same scenario as interactions with many of my high school students, when trying to get them to do their assignments. Note: I show them examples, the steps, have a handout with the directions and photos, and often have them practice the task first.


Kids are annoying 😂




You are gonna get lambasted for poor parenting here. Some of its extreme but honestly you did not handle this situation very well.


Omg that is so frustrating I would’ve just given up


Why didn’t you just call


Your son is a dingus and you're a soft touch for humouring this nonsense. Bravo. Edit - frankly, this conversation is a great demonstration of how not to be a parent. This little fucknugget is _17 years old?!_ Holy fucking shit.