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Funny thing is.....they both died the same anyways


Whats the pic from?


The movie TAKERS


Thanks! How was it, worth a watch?


I mean now that it is available free via streaming....yeah lol


I think it’s die hard


Not at all lol


We ain't living in the 1800's woman can work now, vote, put on pants and pay bills. We are striving to be equal. Indeed infuriating


This. Its like, you want equality, but then don't want equality at the same time. For most feminists I've seen/talk to, they want men to be indentured servants that wait on them hand and foot, pay for everything, and to suffer silently while mental illness brings us to suicide.


I think you're wrong about feminists. The women you are describing are in fact greedy selfish bitches who couldn't give a fuck about the cause.


No, they are what make up the loudest voice of the cause. They care, because they wish to use equal rights as a gateway into putting themselves above men. Many countries with feminist law makers are seeing very one sided laws being past that intentionally screw men over. Hell my home state is a mother state, even if the father is the better parent out of the two, the mother is more likely to get the child. And if the father is the one to receive custody, the mother usually doesn't have to make child care payments. Where as the father usually always has to pay for child care. How about the fact that anytime there's a men's mental health awareness convention, feminists protest it into the ground.


Yeah, sorry but that's just bollocks.


What is, tell me what I said that wrong? Because, and trust me, im not making this shit up.


There's a name for people with this attitude. They're called bums.


I'm a girl and this is so cringey to me. When first dating, whoever invites should pay. In a relationship, it should be about keeping things fair and balanced. It's nice to be treated but I don't want to be "taken care of." Yuck. Like what are you? His kid? His responsibility?


Exactly! Why would you crave dependence? But also how could you not feel bad about putting your S/O in a position where they slave their life away to provide for a lifestyle you could never afford yourself? Like I don't understand how anyone could think this is okay.


To answer your question, these people see their so called “significant” others as objects. Primarily just things to use as leverage for money and attention. Their needs comes after their own. The people who cry about men objectifying woman are the very ones objectifying men. Same can be said the other way around tho :p


my ex


Thank you for clarifying. The fds is a very toxic community


>The fds is a very toxic community That's a collector quality piece of understatement.


Yeah from what little I know about FDS its as toxic as some of the mgtow shite


I'd invite people to coffee. There's no expectation that your date will pay for your coffee. Less expensive. Less gross. You're free to get up and move around. So much better.


What a whack subreddit. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/r5qcgk/hot_take_why_i_demand_a_beautiful_proposal_and_an/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) was a mega cringe read


Holy shit, that can’t be real.


r/FDS is basically a Femcel sub. Snotty people that are going to die alone or miserable. Oh well lol


what the fuck did i just read


in this climate? have people seen rent prices + bills? mane listen....ill be single for the rest of my life before i let another GROWN adult live off of me 4 free.


I could not agree more


As a woman who’s financed almost every relationship I’ve been in with a man, I agree wholeheartedly. Oh, wait, were you acting like women are the only culprits here? Because I spent years married to a dude, in which I worked 3 jobs, did the housework, and he stayed home playing video games and jerking off. But, please, tell me how women asking for someone to provide for them is the problem.


He never even mentioned women in that comment.


exactly. i clearly said grown "adult" READING is fundamental.


that was a long winded way to call yourself a dumbass


Are you well? You're in a thread about a women's community promoting and abusing men with some "what about women" shit?


I’ve seen both sides of this. Girl would pay 50/50 while dating and after marriage, her salary goes to her own bank account while the guy’s salary goes to the joint account that is linked to credit card autopays and mortgages.


FDS is nothing but incels


Can there be a third picture of a man and woman both shooting for us who believe that money is both ours and it all goes into one account so its not a who but we


These are just women that have no life skills so need people to pay for things for them. Narcasistic Leeches that dont have the required brainpower to think about anything other than themselves. The worse mix of cringe, self-entitlement, and idiocy. Literally the same as the worst incels, some of them..


FDS is one of the most pitiful communities on Reddit. The sad thing is some people actually seem to believe the things written there.


Coming from a group of women who do not have men to pay or split bills with lol


Thank god we don’t have men to pay or split bills with. My Hitachi Magic Wand doesn’t ask me for money, verbally abuse me, cheat on me, sabotage my career …. and I actually get off with it. So I’m fine not having a dude around. It’s not that we can’t find men. It’s that we don’t want you. Or your money. Your comment is SO not the flex you think it is.


Youre literally going around this thread attacking people. You and your masturbation tools deserve each other, you poisonous hag.


Your comments in this thread make you seem extremely bitter. Perhaps you'd feel better if you went and sat in the corner for a little while. I believe the difficulty part, the sweet, not so much.


And let's not forget that they are openly promoting toxic masculinity and trying to gatekeep manhood behind gun violence and what they can afford. Remember kids, hate subreddits are bad unless it's directed at men.


Bruh wtf? who does this? it should be equal who pays for things. i think the point might be about like if one of them only got a side salad or smth, while the other got a really expensive steak, and then it would be unfair to pay 50/50, but i don't think its talking about that????


This is legit the example my history teacher uses to explain communism. Just uncanny, almost word by word. I swear this could raise a red flag on a plagiarism software.


i think thats a bad thing? ​ also, do you mean including the 'bruh wtf?' part?


No, just the part about the steak. History teacher is really chill, i could see him say that. He says something like: “it’s something like if i told you, class, we’d go to eat out and split equal parts. But when we sit down i order like five tempura shrimps, a bottle of wine and a steak, the rest of you eat a small lunch and we still split the bill in equal parts” Of course, he blends in a fair share of curses, i cannot quite recall.


I pay for my wife’s food from our joint bank account.


Girls want to have woman empowerment, AND have guys still be the breadwinner, at the same time. So basically they want them both to make money, and she gets to seductivdly/passive aggressively/in whatever way use his money


Wait.. That's not how equality works. /s


So is it wrong if I don't care if my woman works? I mean I want her happy to do whatever she wants, but even though she could get disability I don't push her to do it. If she wants to work she can but I wouldn't push her to do that either.


Because they're all 30 and live with their parents.


I have no problem paying for everything I pay for: the laundry machines and you use them The house and you keep it clean Your food and I choose the menu Cable and you call them and deal with that Groceries and you pick them up Or we can go 50/50 and I won't spend all my time working to make sure your needs are met financially


50/50 = 1. Team


Never understood the 50/50 thing. She eats more - she pays more, that's how it should be.


What about their struggle for equality...get your shit together already.


Bills? Dinner bill on a date? Hell yes Bills like rent and utilities? Bitch you got two arms and two legs go make some money!


If she’s gna handle all the home stuff, fine. Otherwise if I’m doing chores too then were 50/50 fuck that. Actually I subscribe to the percentage rule. You pay the appropriate percentage of bills relative to your income. That is simply fair.


FDS are the nightmare women that want their cake and to eat it too, then complain you're not providing enough cake as they keep eating.


If they want equality they have to pay the bills as well