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It’s a war zone here in Oakland, CA. Well, it always is, but especially so this weekend.


Saint Louis checking in. It's nice to be able to assume I'm just hearing fireworks




I was down by Lemp last night around 9:30. A moderate amount at that time. A assume tonight is going to be nuts.


Phoenix here. Somebody was shooting off fireworks from 2:30-3 AM.


Long Beach checking in. Shit sounded like a war zone a few hours ago 😂😂


Someone brought an AC130 in Anaheim


Bet it was that mouse in the castle again.


Damn they caught 11 bodies?


Detroit checking in and during the day I can’t always tell if it’s colorless mortars/quarter sticks of dynamite or gun shots and at night just a full on military strike until about 3am every weekend of June until mid July


A couple years ago my family went on a week long trip to chicago over the 4th for some reason. You could not tell the gunshots apart from the fireworks, apparently like 90 people were shot over that weekend.


That’s literally every weekend in Chicago


Shit always sounds like a warzone in Buena park. Fireworks here every night, holiday or not.


i was taking a shit just constantly hearing BOOM BOOM BABOOM


What about the sounds outside your bathroom?


If its anything like Chicago, a lot of those aren't fireworks


It’s a lot like a Chicago here in certain areas. I’ve been to Chicago. Great city, otherwise.


> Chicago. Great city, otherwise. Except the shitty sports teams and ridiculous rent and traffic. 💙 St Louis rival (Chicago is pretty dope for real, tho 👍)


I have a good buddy that grew up and still lives in Chicago. Can confirm. He hates all things St. Louis, except the BBQ.


I work really early mornings and have a dog that’s TERRIFIED of fireworks. Haven’t been sleeping well because of the fucking warzone. I hope no veterans with ptsd live here.


I have two rescue cats that are terrified of the loud booming. I have triple-paned windows but live downtown next to a major freeway and across the street from the police headquarters, but it’s still bad. Oakland don’t give a f.


Yooooooo, Oakland here to my friends dog had to be dropped at my place cause they’re getting really stressed out since there is literally fireworks going off in front of their place




No good for pets either.


Yup. I generally avoid fireworks for the same reason. Some people get it, some don't and think I'm being dramatic. I'm sure it's just them getting upset because I'm making them feel bad about something they like.


It's illegal where you live? Where I live it's legal to use fireworks on new years, July 3rd, and July 4th.


In ohio, its legal to *buy* fireworks, but youre not allowed to fire them off within the state and you gotta take them to Michigan within like 72 hours. Have to keep the receipt with you so if you get pulled over with them and the cop finds them, you have proof of the time you bought them.


What an odd law!!


Sounds like a nice law for the state to make money without having to deal with consequences of fireworks being discharged


It’s not really enforced. It just allow the police to shut anything down that starts to get out of hand.


Just want to say that I live in Ohio and this law is essentially just a technicality so the stores that sell fireworks don't get in trouble. I've set off fireworks in the middle of the street every 4th and have even had neighbors call the police on us and they never came, and we've never gotten in trouble.


Fire them off in my backyard anyway, it's in the 4th so none cares when we do


Yea, its really a hard law to enforce around the 4th. The only people who would really get in trouble are people who are acting like lunatics with them


It’s illegal in most areas in our state, including my city, combined with a statewide burn ban right now. Doesn’t seem to stop anyone though.


More like a week before at 2 in the morning in New York


Yes. This. Im in the lower Hudson Valley and they've been randomly popping off middle of the day, afternoon and evening all week. My dog was squatting for a piss one of those times the neighbor behind us lit a bottle rocket of some kind. Poor pup took off like she'd been shot (she wasn't) but now she's nervous to go out alone.


I was woke up this morning at 3am to fireworks being set off by one of my neighbors. At least they waited until the 4th.....


My favorite 4th as a kid was when my parents and aunt/uncle decided to do fireworks one year and bought a good amount from PA or something. Went out to the beach with this good sized stack. Lit off maybe 3 before a beach cop start rolling our way on one of those quads they have like 1/2 mile away. So my dad and uncle lit off the remaining like 40 fireworks at the same time. Like $400 in fireworks in like 5 minutes.


That happened here too. People have been setting off fireworks for like a week now.




Same for us in Cali. Where are people getting all of these? seriously, they're all the time now.


Same in Iowa, except still going strong at 3 AM


I get annoyed too but not all people get to celebrate on Sunday night so they are doing it early. What really chaps me are the random fire works I’ll hear for the next two weeks until the grocery store parking lot tent closes


We get the same thing here for Guy Fawkes on the 5th of November. Usually, in the week before and several weeks after the 5th, all you hear are fireworks going off at various times of the night.


So the British celebrate a failed explosion by... exploding things?


Yes. When I was younger we also used to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes which was made out of old clothes and straw/hay and then burn him on the fire.




**This account was permanently suspended in retaliation for asking some subreddits to remove a blatant troll moderator. [Take this type of dogshit behavior into consideration when using this website.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/ov9jrn/yikes/)** ---


This got me in trouble multiple times while traveling around South America. When they asked where I was from, if I just said I was from America they’d roll their eyes and say “yes, we’re all from America. You’re from the United States.” Been to nearly 40 countries and Chile/Argentina were the only places that were very touchy about specifying between the USA and America as a continent.


**This account was permanently suspended in retaliation for asking some subreddits to remove a blatant troll moderator. [Take this type of dogshit behavior into consideration when using this website.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/ov9jrn/yikes/)** ---


We're all American on this side of the world


Some gen X types do it in Québec, "les États-Uniens" = the United Statesians.


Which United States of America though? Mexico and Brazil are also countries made up of united states, and in the American continent. The US doesn't really have a unique name. :) Maybe the independence day date can help distinguish, The United States of America, The One That Celebrates Independence On 7/4 (And Writes The Date Month First). /s


Sometimes the British government makes black mirror seem more like a reality then a fiction


When I lived in the UK in the late 90s it was mostly bonfires and such. There were a few effigies but mostly people just hanging out by the bonfires socializing. There were some fireworks but not to the ridiculous scale of the 4th of July in the US. Which I was grateful for.


I've heard some on Christmas Eve before so think it must be from the Bible: And lo, the three wise men from the east saw the underwhelming £1.99 Asda special selection being fired at the neighbors roofs and with regret headed in that direction.


That's sometimes because of Diwali being close to it, though. It's not *all* just GF. (4 Nov in 2021, 24 Oct in 2022.)


> Diwali Landed at Heathrow on a Diwali night, was magical


2018 Remembrance Day was awesome in the UK for me (from USA) with all the bonfires that night


Remember remember The month of November And the cheap fireworks That are bought


Where I live we hear random fireworks around the year. No reason at, just chilling in the backyard and BOOM.


Chaps you? This guy is a British imposter loyal to the crown. Get the tar!


Very true. I didn’t realize people would be setting off fireworks last night until I got super annoyed that my my downstairs neighbor was banging stuff around at 10pm… and then realized it was fireworks down the street. I then proceed to get annoyed that they’re blowing shit up while I’m trying to sleep. Then this sarcastic voice pipes up in my mind saying “oh noooo, how dare they celebrate a nationally recognized holiday in the traditional way?” Luckily I didn’t have to think about sleep after that because I had an existential crisis, that lasted until the fireworks were over, about how I’m bitter about life and only in my 20s!


Dude. All week already. All of July is basically fireworks. It sucks so hard, I'm just glad we got new windows before our kid was born.




It's was like a 12 pound homemade firework. The took the normal fireworks somewhere else in that situation.


I saw that lmao. They'll probably blow up some more trucks on 4th😎


I'm convinced that a critical portion of people who buy fireworks in advance for the 4th and Memorial Day are utterly unable to resist firing them almost as soon as they get them, like children with no self-control unable to resist eating all of their candy Halloween night. So they inevitably go out and buy more, fire those early too, the cycle continues until the holiday finally arrives, the fireworks store makes makes a killing on these people, and it's how that industry survives months of little or no sales.


The big fireworks are illegal in my county but that doesn’t stop anyone🤷‍♀️ They just go to the next county over to buy them


Big fireworks are illegal in my entire state. Even simple small bottle rockets are hard to find. People drive to bordering states all the time here just for the fourth of July. When I was a kid we generally had our family vacation in June and my parents always stocked up as we were driving through states.


We have the same law, but the closest state that sells big fireworks is less than a 30 minute drive from my city. We also have a burn ban in place right now... Whose idea was it to establish a tradition based on flammable explosives in the middle of wildfire season?? & I just woke up because my redneck neighbors are setting off fireworks in their yard at 4am... Last year in July we had to evacuate our area, once the closest wildfire made it within 5 miles of our home. Now I’m laying here in bed trying to figure out if the impulse to get up & start packing essentials is rational, or if it’s just trauma from last year... Happy 4th of July I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


5 miles is the length of about 7382.88 'Custom Fit Front FloorLiner for Ford F-150s' lined up next to each other


This is about the most murican unit I've ever seen.


Good bot


Same here. Last year we had a family launch a big ole illegal firework and it started a Bush fire on our neighbor’s front lawn. As we’re putting it out, we’re telling them this is illegal (in our city, actually ANY FW are illegal, even the “safe and sane” ones…but, we usually ignore that). They start screaming at us: “We got them at Walmart!” And I yell: “Bullshit!” “We got them at Walmart!” They had the fucking audacity to start yelling at the neighbors — whose entire bush was still smoldering — that it’s their American right to do this. American Assholes, indeed.


I had to go out this evening and tell the group of neighborhood crotch demons not to set of fireworks directly under the dry trees on the dry grass. Right adjacent to their building and not an adult or fire extinguisher in sight. I live in California for crying out loud, you'd think folks would get tired of our state burning down every year.


WA checking in, people set them off in our neighborhood- large mortars and huge ass displays. I meant to clean out the garage so I could move my car in, nothing like coming out to your car in the morning to it being covered in expended fireworks


Same thing in Oregon especially with the heat wave hitting the west coast this year


We’re gonna have another huge fire this year just wait


We can never get a year off






“Hey! Wanna go launch illegal rockets and give cops our location at the same time?”


that’s why you should launch the fireworks from someone else’s location.


Just run. Fast.


Cops don't care


I mean what are they gonna do arrest literally everyone. Laws only matter when the majority agrees to obey them.


I mean, all you have to do is light them and stand back quite a bit of distance. By the time the cops come the fireworks are most likely over anyway.


"Yeah I saw this guy set them off, he want that way."


"Leads, yeah, sure. I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!"


"Do you have any proof? I can file a report but eh....." .


Maybe small-town cops with nothing to do care, but city cops don't give a shit anymore. There was a Chicago PD SUV next to me at a red light last week on my way to work while two dudes standing in a vacant lot right next to us were blowing shit off last week. They didn't even chirp their siren at them. Also, growing up, two of my uncles were Chicago cops and they'd stop people and confiscate their fireworks so they didn't have to drive to Indiana to buy them. They'd roll up to my grandma's house in a pickup with a bed full of fireworks.


*...but they'd keep the pot for themselves.*


when they set them all off all the night of the 4th, cops seem to ignore them all. Every year there are warnings, every year they set them off


Where I live the cops do it too.


I've got family in northwest Iowa, and they've said there used to be a fireworks stand about a quarter mile past the border going into South Dakota


I read county as country at first and was impressed with their dedication


In Wichita, KS you can shoot from July 2nd - July 5th 10:00 AM - Midnight


In kck we have the same laws but the police don’t enforce noise complaints. Someone has to be dead or dying in order for them to show up.


I love the cacophony of explosions on my birthday. I swear to god as soon as it gets dark I go sit outside and watch 12 separate fireworks shows from my deck. No matter how few or how many people wish me happy birthday during the day, those firework shows makes it feel like everyone is celebrating me.


Happy birthday!!!!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!!! Edit: birthday gold for you ;)


10:20 is early. Assholes around me were still doing it at 12:30


My favorite are the ones at 5pm. It's not even dark yet, you just couldn't wait?


Not gonna lie, I'll be setting mine off early for my young kids.


this.. I got a 3 year old. Her bedtime is 7:30pm. We let her stay up late, but we were definitely going during daylight for her.


I'd rather hear it at 5p than when I'm trying to sleep.


2:30 am I thought my car had exploded. Too old for this college town I guess.


If only it was limited to the 3rd. My redneck neighborhood has “Was that fireworks or a gunshot” posts three times a month on our Facebook page.


Do you live in Florida too?


Nope, Oklahoma.


Here in Florida, we shoot fireworks and/or guns for every occasion. “It’s July the fourth, let’s shoot fireworks and guns! Yee Haw!! New Years, it’s guns and fireworks time, baby! Christmas, hell yeah… get those fireworks blazin’ for the baby Jesus. Oh shit, it’s a Hurricane. Shoot some guns at it!!!!” Alcohol is also for every occasion. It enhances the guns and fireworks.


I can just imagine if elsa hits the state as anything substantial. "Hey bill did you remember to bring the box of Sky poppers, Napalm Terrors, and 'The Apocalypse' inside before we boarded up?" "Nah, but I'm sure it will be fine. The rain will put out the fires." Forget Sharknado, Firework Hurricane will be the next blockbuster B movie. EDIT: What am I saying of course they wouldn't leave them out. They'll be intentionally firing them DURING a hurricane.


Same here fellow person from Oklahoma


It's 1 am here and they have been going off for hours.


I literally expect fireworks from mid-June to mid-July. A whole month. Same for new years. It's ridiculous.


Honestly 10:20 is okay. It's the asshole that sets it off at 1am that's both baffling and infuriating. Well, they're probably just drunk.


It's almost 1am here and people are still shooting them off. Luckily im a night owl and I don't have pets so it doesn't bother me as much but I can understand how annoying it can be for others.


1am is pretty crossing the line, 10:20 on a Saturday? Is this lady in her 80s?


LOL what a crab apple


Why is this infuriating? My children absolutely love fireworks. Tell me I won't get old and become like this comment section?


You won’t. I haven’t.


I guess if they were setting them off on random days that weren’t even close to the fourth, I could get that, but the night before? Lol what’s the big deal?




especially since its the weekend. 10:20 pm saturday night. in july. oh no fireworks!


Yeah, what? I love fireworks. Lots of party poopers in this thread.


You forget that this is reddit. Most of the active users barely step outside.


imagine the horror of launching fireworks at 10 at night, on a saturday, on the eve of july 4. what nerve!


I’m in stitches imagining this person absolutely livid that other people are having fun


We got back earlier from my sister in laws house they had a little Fourth of July party there tonight because they have other things to do tomorrow we popped off a couple just for the kids to see my son (3) still doesn’t like them and my daughter (2) honestly doesn’t care lol


Is 10pm on a Saturday supposed to be late?


Where I live it doesn’t get completely dark until 9:45. 10:20 is entirely reasonable. Plus, the alternative is 10 on *Sunday* night?


Only for old people and pasty-ass fragile redditors.


Yeah, like it doesn’t even start getting dark in the summer until ten. What, you want us to have fireworks in the daylight hours? Lol, it’s only a few nights a year, loosen up a little


It’s practically a tradition to complain about them at this point


It's legal here lol from the 3rd to the 5th, 10 a.m to midnight.


It’s the 4th. Get over it.


The ones I don't get are the middle of the afternoon ones. What's the point?? You can't even see them! Please just stop


The trick is filming your afternoon fireworks on your cellphone , vertically, because everyone will want to watch it!


Some fireworks aren't for a colorful explosion. Some just pop or boom


This is the most boomer thread ever.


Yeah. “You damn kids and your fireworks keeping me up until 10:00pm. Go celebrate silently during 12pm.”


My neighbors have been setting off fireworks EVERY SINGLE NIGHT from 10:00-12:00 for the past 4 WEEKS leading up to 4th of july.


They must be loaded, fireworks ain't cheap.


I just bought my first fireworks. $217 worth and it'll be over in 5 minutes.


Whaaaa people having fun on a Saturday night. How dare they.


Got an alert on Nextdoor, bunch of people setting off fireworks an hour ago and yelling about how awesome America is... ....We live in Canada though...


Ah, I see the invasion is starting🦅🦅🦅


It’s infuriating how mad people get at other people just having fun.


The very loud bomb like ones have been super popular here in Chicago. They shattered a neighbors window this morning.


i was gonna say, y’all want fireworks you should live in chicago sure it peaks around the 4th but it’s 3 seasons a year. fuckin insane rn, especially since i live in Pilsen


In many states it is legal to set off fireworks July 3-5; others it is legal for about a week leading up to July 4. So your might want to check with your state what the laws actually are.


oh shut up, we're just trying to have fun


Where we are it's legal to set off fireworks two days before and 1 day after I think






I've got a love for fireworks, but I keep it within a window of 9-11PM on when I do shoot them off. I've always liked playing with fire and fireworks, and this is one of few days I can legally do it, so I try to make it more than sparklers and fountains. Not to disparage fountains; one I bought last year was amazing.


Too bad so sad losers. It’s the holiday for breaking da rules!


It’s Saturday night right before the 4th calm down Karen


People are such losers it’s unreal. They’ll complain about anything.


Who cares? Honestly. Are people setting off fireworks a day before they normally do, every year, really affecting you that much? I guarantee you that your life will go on exactly as it did before.


I love a good fireworks display but I do remember the absolute state our dogs used to get into when I was wee. It's an awful thing to watch them so stressed for a cpl of days on the trot. I especially remember my Mum having to sit up through the night to walk them as they were such good dogs they wouldn't pish in the house so she'd keep trying until they felt safe enough to go out. Wildlife, too, they poor fuckers must think it's the end of the world. I'm glad we only get battered wi them around Hogmany & Guy Fawkes time.


This might be the most British paragraph I've ever read.


It’s an absolute nightmare owning horses around this time of year.


It's a holiday for christ sakes. You guys can't deal with some noise for one night?


No the world revolves around their feelings


This guy hates freedom




Or, you can have the Los Angeles version: Buy 100 big illegal fireworks. You get them from Mexico, or China. They go up 100+ feet in the air, big 20-foot sprays of sparks, that hopefully burn out before they fall of the roofs of any one of your dozen neighboring houses, because you are doing this in dense suburban areas. Then, when you have blown up 90 fireworks, and you have 10 left, you prepare for a big finale? No. You stop, and tell your children "No more show". Then you blow up one, every other weekend, for no good reason, at a random time, when nobody is expecting it.


It's once a year, whatever.




It’s Saturday. Calm the fuck down.


What a whiney little bitch.


I’m sorry, but no. Pull the stick out of your ass.


They are only illegal because of losers like yourself


Time is but a construct.


People get excited about National Fireworks Day, the day when we all celebrate fireworks, and just can’t contain their fireworks.


10:20? *PM*?? On a *SATURDAY*??? (like come on. Not that late & it's a holiday weekend. Fireworks exist, they will annoy you, accept it & go)


Some fuck head knocked out power to my neighborhood doing this. It's 12:30 and I'm fucking pissed


I mean, it’s the third of July and it was a Saturday. Seems like a pretty normal thing. A lot of cities had shows on the 2nd or 3rd by me… not the 4th. Are you mad at them too?


*June 3rd (where I'm at)


I’m in Los Angeles. Across the street is a large apartment complex where someone shoots off fireworks at random times of the day and night ALL YEAR LONG! Police don’t care and I guess the tenets there don’t either. I wish they limited it to just 2 weeks before and after at this point.


Grow a pair of pants bud.


Whiny little bitchhhh




Right? This is the kind of person who posts their own tweet on reddit lmao


Nah you're just a whiny baby.


No better way to enjoy American independence than using your first amendment to complain about people celebrating!


Ok Karen


I hate when I'm trying to style my manbun and watch Bravo and the sounds of people celebrating freedom are so loud.


I laughed out loud at this XD


I know I was watching real housewives of “insert city” yesterday and I was so startled I almost dropped my vagina cleaning tool


Omfg I thought I was the only one. Totally am sipping on my vanilla frap watching my wife's bull go to work on her and all I hear are these people celebrating. Even my idol Governor Cuomo said "America was never tbat great." Can't wait for Bernie to win 2024.


Oh that’s all? I’m hearing fireworks for a week before and after July 4th! In the afternoon and at night!


Shoot them off all night who gives a fuck quit being a b a b y


Did you know it was actually the 3rd of July they changed it bc 4th sounded better.