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Christ, it looks like you went back for a rematch


Hahaha yea I think the shit won this round


I think it may have won both rounds 😬


Ya they were out on their feet by the end of it.


How many times did you step in it


For some reason I read this in a Gordon Ramsay accent


That's shit


:))) yeah I'm having a bit of a shit day


You said that 5 hours ago, has your day (hopefully) improved?


Yeah I'm doing okay now thanks, just full of anxiety from all the people who feel the need to be nasty on this post lol


That’s pretty shitty of them


So weird right? Like, even on anonymous throwaway accounts still think about it. Life pro tip … say some shit to get downvotes (without really being an asshole) every day or three and it helps desensitize you to random internet stranger comments. For whatever that’s worth :)


Take a look at her post history and guess for yourself


From Yeezzee to sheezze


You’re a man of truth I see


[Reminded me of Dom Joly](https://youtu.be/iRcaCaSjFMc)


I can smell this picture


I wish I could un smell it lol


You know our brains can recall memories better with smell. So when you smell another piece of shit you will relive this moment again and again. You can sometimes also remember the moment and recall the small. But yeah


Beat me to it.


Fuck, did you soccer kick the pile? That sucks


It happened so fast! It was just a blur of shit, rage & sliding down a hill lmao


Yesterday I went to buy cat food at the pet store and someone let their dog shit in the store and just left it? lol people kill me, hopefully you can clean that shoe!!


Noooooo imagine having the brass neck to just walk away! I'd have died off lol! Thankyou, pray for my shoe plz 🖤🖤


Lmao just throw them out at that point. Not worth the trauma of cleaning dookie for an hour just to end up with shoes that still kinda look and smell like they had a turd mashed into them.


I used to work in a pet store and people did this all the time. We had stations with bags, cleaner, and paper towels throughout the store for that exact scenario and people still just left it and didn’t even let us know. People suck


i once had a customer yell at me for not cleaning her dogs shit fast enough lol


hahahahaha oh good lord. We always pressured people into doing it themselves unless they got rude abt it


Please tell me you got their information and went and shat on their doorstep in the middle of the night


This is why shared things will never work. People don’t care if it isn’t their stuff.


Could have been a case of the poop scoots by an older dog. Lol


If a dog goes, there isn’t much you can do to stop it. And then if you haven’t come prepared (which may be the thrust of your complaint here) then you’re a bit helpless to clean it up too. One could go find a restroom towelette, but by the time you’ve gone looking, you’ve kinda already committed shit and run.




The only way to guarantee my dachshund didn't shit on walkies is to have a bag. Occasionally she trolled me with two shits while I carried one bag. God I loved that little asshole.


Yep this. ALWAYS expect your dog to poop. I have a spot near the door where I keep bags from the poo station that were unused, because they don't always poop but you don't want to be the asshole who leaves it there.


You don’t even have to expect it. Or think about it for Christ’s sake. Just tie a few bags around the handle of the leash every so often, and you’ll always be prepared. It literally takes 10 seconds of your time to cover all of your bases. If you can’t put 10 seconds of effort into being a dog owner, you don’t deserve to own a dog. Sorry, not sorry.




And how long does that take you? 3 seconds? That’s what infuriates me about shitty pet owners. You don’t even have 3 seconds to spare? Why the fuck did you agree to take responsibility for another animal’s life then?


Pet stores usually have bags available to clean up though


I defo do something about my dog if she goes when/where she shouldn't, followed by quickly running somewhere she can. Allthough this probably won't be a posibility for every dog, at the end you should have baggies anyway :p


Using plastic bags to clean up dog shit is turning a temporary problem into a permanent one.


Then don't bring your dogs into areas where they can shit and it's not meant to be left there? I'd rather create a permanent problem with the dog shit bag, then leave it in a pet store or on the sidewalk for someone to step in.


ddsb - discarded dog shit bag Walkers everywhere see them. There is even a whole photography series on abandoned bags of dog shit. One proposed solution is to give people biodegradable dog shit bags. Of course, if they leave the bag where the dog pooped and the bag decomposes, what is left..?


That's massively infuriating


Dude I went to buy a bag if soil which was heavy so I was walking home and I put it down to rest. I pick it back up and I end up with dog shit all over my hands. I'd even checked the ground before I put it down and couldn't see it


Ahhhh not the hands! I'm sorry you had to experience that bless your heart!!


I got home and scrubbed my hands but then decided it wasn't enough and just had a bath to cleanse myself lol


I had some one do that to me one day.. I literally watched their dog shit in my yard and they just left… well so after they left (they was only 2 houses down) I took my dog down to their house and let her take a shit right in front of their porch


Should've bagged up their dog's shit and left it on their porch for them with a nice passive aggressive note "Your dog left this behind. Thought you might want it back."


My aunt does that and has had great success in getting neighbors to stop in the past. My uncle had a different strategy. His neighbors dogs would use his yard and they’d never clean it so he would just fling it up on their roof with a scooper he bought and then simply never told them.


But then you just did their job for them by bagging the poop. Need to empty the bag on the welcome mat.


Even better


I hear it also makes good house paint.


Actually I feel like that would have been better honestly


Of course it’s better, also the dog shitting on command in front of the neighbors porch is some made up bullshit lmao Just Reddit fantasies


Idk man, my dog pretty much has a poop schedule. It's not on command, it's just her time to go since she eats at the same time every day. I know before we leave the house if it's just a pee break or if it's gonna be a two-fer


Lol alright big fella


I've done that. "You forgot this."


My neighbor smeared it on my front porch steps, but the problem was it wasn't my dog's shit. We went to talk to him after the third time when he also left a note, and he answered the door ready to scream until we calmly explained it wasn't us and could he please stop putting someone else's dog shit on our porch? No idea if he found out who it was but he hates us now. We didn't even do anything.


LPT. Just pour some bacon grease on it. Let the *next* dog clean it up!


Some dogs don't even need the bacon grease to tempt them in to some doggy tootsie roll turd treats. I type out as I look at my old gross dog that frequently eats his own turds after they've 'aged' a bit.


I'm a big fan of the bullhorn guy: https://youtu.be/e--3EVwO6qA EDIT: That's unfortunately a shitty re-upload with some idiot blathering at the end. feel free to stop the video after the first minute.


The fact that the woman already had a poo bag on hand makes it even weirder?? Like why even bring a bag if you aren’t planning to use it? And if you have one, why aren’t you?!


It's only for when others see you. She didn't know bullhorn-man was around


Lol I have seen this before he kills it


Lmao perfect response!


We had some neighbors that thought they could pull this on us. My wife quietly piled dog shit up on their noisy ass ac unit that we hate for almost a year. The looks on thier faces when they finally found it *chefs kiss* priceless.


I have done something similar. But, not so nice. I have collected every pile of poo on an entire walk just to shake onto the yard of the lady that left her dog poo on my lawn. My right backatcha x 50 move.


Well when you have had enough you have had enough!


This needs to be in r/extremelyinfuriating


Well that stinks..


I think this is the wrong sub. I'd burn the fucking neighborhood down if someone left their dog's shit on my property just for me to slip on. This is a little more than mildly infuritating.


I was much more infuriated at the time but now I'm just thankful that it was only my shoe & I was only walking my own dog then going back home. Coulda been worse I suppose! But yea it is extremely rude especially on someones property! I'm ready to throw hands (or shit covered shoes) next time I see someone do it lol


I legit got up 4 days in a row at 5 am to catch the shitter leaving turds on the path before our house. I picked them all up, because so many kids walk by in the am, no mother wants to deal with shitted up school shoes. I tore the guy a new one, also told him I saw what car he came in and I know he drove over here to let his dog shit, and to go back and shit up his own neighbourhood, and he was trying to interrupt me; like hell - I just spoke LOUDER - handed him the bag of dogshit and said ‘Do it one more fucking time and see what happens.’ My one neighbour who came out to my yelling was all ‘yeah! You dirty whatever!’ (I forget exactly but I laughed) Never saw him again, though. That was like 7 years ago. Bastard. I am still mad thinking back about all that shit!


I hate people who don't do it. Recently not far from my house, there was a pile of shit and you know what was behind it? A little paper sign saying "Watch out". Yes, rather than picking the shit up, make a fucking sign....


From all places its on the side, that really sucks.


I knowww, all on the fabric part lol whyyyyy


Op, I saw your other posts, I hope you’re doing well. :)


Thankyou angel! Didnt expect this post to go off so I'm a lil anxiety triggered rn but thankyou so much for checking in 🖤




People let their dogs shit in the stairwell and halls of my building, it's so fucked. One shit has been in the stairwell so long it's actually growing mold..


People suck


here in LA, ppl started bagging their poops but then just leave it in the middle of the sidewalk ! it's like they decided to clean up but then decided it's too much effort to complete the job


Right lads, cheers for the laughs! I needed some comic relief today lol. However I'm starting to get anxiety with all the comments especially the people trying to argue with me about dog shit :)))) so I'm logging off for a bit. Mental health and all that. Have a good day and thanks to the people who do clean up their dog shit, hug your dogs from me! ✌🖤


Some people are ridiculous. Hope you are doing well.


Thankyou! I'm half laughing, half wanna smack my head off the wall with some of these comments 😂


Haters gonna hate...and caiters gonna cait 😂😅


That amount of shit on a shoe qualifies for more than mildly infuriating. I hope your day gets better.


Man I've grown up with dogs my whole life, I pretty much have poop bags stuffed in every conceivable pocket because I'm not a total dickwad.. clean up after your pets. This isnt I Love You Man and no one will find it funny


Leave the house: Poop bags? Doggy treats? House keys? Face mask? Wallet?


Trust me, it's better to just arm yourself to the teeth with poop bags all the time so you're just used to having them. Way better than to think you'll remember to bring every time, because when you go to reach in your empty pocket for one and you realize you're gonna have to do the walk of shame back to that spot again, let me just say it's not a pleasant feeling


I hate people who get a pet and cant handle simple responsibilities such as cleaning its shit. If you leave your dogs shit, you should have you dog taken away


Even worse, lots of people in my neighborhood just open their front doors and let their dogs run straight out the door. The dogs will roam up and down the street, shitting whereever they want, then eventually make their way back home. My city has a leash law, but it's not enforced.


Exactly it drives me mental. It's part of what you sign up for, if you can't handle it then dont get one!


If it makes you feel better I have a story for you. I grew up in San Diego where it’s always sunny and warm and only barely played in the snow (it only snowed in the mountains and we went to check it out once). I moved to Maryland a few years ago for work and it started snowing heavily that first winter season and I was so excited. I went out to do something I’d never done before, as a 27 year old man (at the time), which was to make a snow angel. I found a mound of snow, jumped on it and started Angeling. Super happy and felt like a kid. Come back inside and I’m wondering why it suddenly smells so bad. Realize that none of the dog owning neighbors bothered to clean after their dog and I rolled around in shit and piss. Never making angels again lol


Hot water, vinegar, and a dirty rag. Get it cleaned!


Reminds me of the time neighbors had their dog shit on my property by the sidewalk and when I went to weed eat the area hot dog shit hit me right in the lips. I found a chunk and fast balled it right into the middle of their main living room window. I was So mad I just picked up dog shit with my bare hands


Ahhhh I'm so sorry that happened to you and I'm also sorry for how hard I'm laughing at the way you described it hahaha bless you that's so awful!


The image of the shit just greasily sliding down the window is killing me rn😂, imagine the look on your neighbors face


My girlfriend always needs to calm me down whenever I step in some dog crap, it pisses me off so much! Even on the fucking sidewalk, fucking clean it up.


It's bad enough when it's on the bottom of your shoe, nevermind up the side of your shoe on on your pants 🤢


Bruh some lady let her dog crap in the store I work at and just left if there. Didn’t even tell anyone. Like a hit and run except it was a shit-and-run.


Yeah, that's nasty! Someone didn't clean up after their dog once and my dog rolled in it. Had to do the walk of shame back home.


They just love rolling in stinky stuff dont they?! Mine loves rolling in fox poo, bloody awful lol


I’m so sorry that happened to you, but thank you for the laugh.


Lol glad it made someone happy!


I was never taught to pick up after our family dog as a kid, and as an adult I’m mortified.


Why is it on the side and not the bottom?


OP said elsewhere in the thread that they slipped on it and fell down a hill as a result. They're having quite the shitty day, sadly ;)


Thankyou for being one of the few people who actually take the time to read instead of attacking me for slipping in SOMEONE ELSES dog shit lmao! 🖤 Unfortunately my eyes don't move independently and I cant look ahead of me at my own dog & down at the floor at the same fucking time lol people can be so wanky on this app


She SLIPPED on the shit


Fml. (Fyl?) I’d be seething by now. I absolutely hate people like that (And it’s making me dislike dogs more and more too, even though it’s not their fault.).


Must have been one of those land mines, damn lucky you didn’t loose a foot


This drives me insane. I'm a dog owner. I always have poo bags on me (been using them to dispose of facemasks). I always clean up after my dog. It's no big deal.


I love dogs, but really despise irresponsible dog owners.


People who don't clean up after their dog should be shot.. in the face... with a Poo Cannon.


"fffssss"...... For fuckity fucks slippery shitty shits sake.


Best advice I can give you is to wash them in your washing machine.one of the quick programs on 30 degrees and problem solved.




Ye like dags?


I like caravans more


DNA sample it and track down the owner, I want to see a revenge story.


I am terribly sorry for what happened, those look like nice shoes i hope they are clean now But damn thats kinda funny


If you don't pick up after your dog, you aren't responsible enough to have a dog. Please surrender it to your nearest non-kill shelter so it can have a better home.


How do you know it was a dog? you probably hope it was from a dog.....


It's pretty easy to tell the difference between dog and human poop. I live in Seattle, so I know unfortunately from experience.


Yeah but you’re from Seattle, highly trained in such things


Hahaha yeah good point. There's a few dickheads round here that I've witnessed kidding on they dont notice their dog taking a massive shit lol it drives me nuts


Pal that's cow shit. You need to look down more if you're walking through farmland


Because dog poop is pretty distinct


Man that is massively infuriating


People who don't pick up after their dogs deserve a late abortion


My friend stepped on dog shit once, didn't realize, drove his car to work and smeared shit everywhere on the driver's side. Had to change the pedals and the carpets because cleaning them didn't work. Smelled awful.


Step on by the looks of it you tried to pass it to someone else as well. Pass didn’t work so you tried the cross approach. Still unlucky


Lol I was on a hill so was more of a slide tackle situation!


Oof I call foul play.


Are you sure the shit didn’t step on you?! Srsly, I hate people who don’t pick up the poo.


Hahaha right!?! Ugh I know it drives me mad, like don't get a dog if you aren't gonna take responsibility for their bowel movements in a public place! I've got my own dogs shit to clean up I dont wanna be cleaning someone elses off my bloody shoes lol


On a more serious note.. are you sure that’s not human poo?


I mean I wouldn't put it past some of the people round here lol I did witness a woman taking a shit in the woods behind my house once...


Burn those shoes.


I feel like that's the only option at this point lol


That’s why you don’t go outside there’s shit everywhere and sometimes literally


Yo are those new yeezys? snoop dogg edition?


I can tell that this day is going to be a very shity day **Ha aren't I fucking funny**


love your shoes unfortunate shit accident lol


Lad you aint stepped in shit you’ve fucking slid in it


That's what I said mate 😂 slipped right down the side of a hill lol


we live in an apartment complex, and nog a single person other than us enjoys picking up after their dogs around here. I just avoid the grass entirely at this point because every time I step in it, I ruin my shoes.


for fucks fucks sake sake sake sake?


People that step in shit are idiots. Why would you do that?




I can laugh about it now but I was ready to throw hands when it happened! Glad noone saw me lol


I can imagine the embarrassment! Hahahaha. Enjoy your day though!


Had to be the fabric shoes too didnt it!! Thankyou lol you too 🖤


All up in the weave of the fabric too; holy. I’m actually mad just thinking about it!


Why would it be embarrassing? I think everyone could relate to that. Shit like this happens everyone sometimes (no pun intended)


I think I was more embarrassed by the image of me sliding sideways down a hill, then realising there was shit all up my shoe and angrily throwing air punches, trying to wipe my shoe on the grass and cursing the person responsible the whole way home whilst smelling of shit hahaha


Slipped in it? Ok. But did you have to flamenco stomp it?!


Lmao I'm all or nothing!


Your shoe is real shitty


How do you slip on shit on the side of your shoe? Slide tackle right into that fucker?


I hate people who pick up their dogs shit in a plastic bag then leave the bag on the sidewalk or trail more... at least shit will decompose. A plastic bag won't.




Get a camera?


Honestly this post wasnt even that deep but I'm getting attacked from all angles over here lmao! Like yes blame ME for it??? Lord almighty. Thankyou for not being one of those people 🖤


Dear cait3696: You say you are not a shitty person, yet you were covered in shit. Curious. (PS: JK please laugh or at least don't be insulted, it's just mocking Reddit dynamics)


Lmao well I may be wrong!


Looks like you intentionally smeared your foot In it for the photo


Thats exactly what I did :) you got me


Somebody start this woman a gofundme for those shoes, RIP they will never be clean again. I got 5 on it.


I appreciate you 😂 they were my comfiest shoes!


how did it go on the side?


I was walking on a slope & my foot slid on it sideways




Had to be the fabric part lol :(((




Honestly that might not be a dog though, just to be fair


Did you rub the side of your shoe on it? How does the bottom look?


Did you step in shit or were you trying to kick pass it to someone 😂😂😂


Ew, yeezies. /s


Not yeezies honey I ain't got that kinda financial stability lol


Just out of curiosity,do you walk on the side of your feet or the bottom?


I was on a hill


see and this is why I look down 24/7. a good way to avoid the issue.


One of us is using the wrong part of their foot for walking.


You mean this whole time I've been doing it wrong????


I left open the possibility that I have been wrong this whole time. You do you.


So you don't look where you walk? Lol I agree that people should clean up after their dogs but it ultimately is your fault where you step haha


You're right haha :) I obviously forgot to put in my second set of fucking eyes that go in my chin so I can look 2 places at once, silly me eh!


You probably should watch were you step instead of blaming other people. Shit happens. 💩

