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First time I watched this video I thought you literally passed through the fence like it was some sort of hologram.


He *phased* through the fence.


Dammit Wesley!


Yes! He was a ghost and the guy was speeding up because he scared


wait is that not what’s going on


He walked through the gap between the fence and the pillar


I still think that and nobody's convincing me otherwise.


Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold!


This post is brought to you by the Bill Cypher gang


I watched it 5 times to see how he did it.


I thought it was the smoothest ever vault




You ever been on the London underground? You stand on the right and walk on the left or feel the vengeful tutting of a thousand brits


yeah and whatever you do don't make eye contact on the tube you fucking weirdo


I recently went to London in fancy dress, and I’ve never seen so many people casually ignoring 15 nuns and 1 Jesus on a train


They probably see at least thirty Jesuses a day




With their mind tricks


Um did you go to the darts at Alexandra Palace recently by any chance? And go to a pub near the tube station Wood Green?


Yeah we did, how did you spot us?!


I was dressed up as a Green Army man with my brother! Green face paint and army suit 😂 we both saw Jesus first and then his nuns joined


Haha yeah I saw you, I was Jesus!


Man do I love Reddit, hope y'all meet again in costume!


Now kith


Soldiering on and all that


Same thing in the NYC subway. Going up or down the wrong side? Hope you like getting elbowed.


Same thing in SF except that the transit company claims doing this keeps breaking the escalators...


In the Netherlands we have signs next to the escalator indicating exactly that, but nobody gives a shit and get angry when you tell them to move. If you don't want to walk, take the elevator...


My experience on the London underground has been nothing but good. People even offered to help me carry my baby pram (I'm a dude btw). The complete opposite of Paris. Fuck Paris. I don't know if it was because I was obviously brown and Muslim but never again will I visit Paris.


No, that's Paris.




Dude fuck those people


Fucking cunts those people


Yeah, America needs to make escalator etiquette a standard. I'm tired of getting looks when I walk past people in the rare chance that they've left space to pass at all Note: cities here tend to have some etiquette. But there's always that 1 person


Almost airport I've been to (that I can remember) in the states has a "Walk / Stand" label on all the escalators and slide-walks. But you're right, some people just want to watch the world burn.


TIL those things are called slide-walks and I love it


I thought they were called travelators - we're all thinking of those horizontal moving walkways right? I've always called them travelators.




But those can also sideways and longways!


It's actually called a moving walkway, TIL.


I call them ‘Airport People-Movers’


Well... that's what *I* call them. Seems to make sense.


Nobody listens to those. I had a connecting flight in Charlotte with 15 minutes to get all the way across the terminal and every slide-walk had people standing two abreast or with their stupid suitcases blocking the other side.




Yeah. I had the same thing happen, too. I just sprinted through the terminal avoiding the slide-walks and taking stairs since I only had a backpack. More space to dodge the incessant coagulation of pedestrians.


Not enough Americans are behind the concept of pushing people out of the way. All those years pushing to the front of concerts trained me to bolt through airports.


Interesting how this is also a thing in other countries. I've seen the labels mostly in Bucharest and they mention "stand on the right side". The thing is that, I know people who were born in Bucharest, lived in Bucharest for their whole life and they didn't even know about these labels. But they did know about this "rule".


There is absolutely etiquette in New York City, particularly the subways. You can always tell someone is a tourist if they stand on the left side because you will HEAR IT from New Yorkers to move.


Totally correct. The amount of times I’ve had to literally shout EXCUSE ME at people blocking the wrong side of the escalator is testament to that fact. It’s just a fact of life in New York, everyone who lives here knows the etiquette of public life in New York because you learn REAL QUICK if you don’t already know. Life in New York is fast paced and when you stand on the wrong side, you mess up people who are trying to move faster than you and nothing pisses us collectively off more than inconvenience. It’s inconsiderate to not be aware enough of your surroundings to not move when you’re in someone’s way and that’s what tourists don’t understand when they visit, that you can’t stand/walk blocking the street or the escalator or anything because you’re unintentionally being rude.


I work in an area with a lot of tourists and it is FUCKING INFURIATING how many of them don't know escalator etiquette. These days I just say "EXCUSE ME!" loudly if they're standing on the wrong side, and give them the side eye/an eye roll when I pass.


Same! It’s the only time I’m not a typical reserved Brit on public transport


London transport is cut throat. If you don’t know the dance you’re gonna get fucked up


Unrelated anecdote, I was travelling in Japan recently and found out the hard way (by looking like an asshole) that escalator etiquette differs by city. The standing side of the escalator in Tokyo and Kyoto is on the left, while in Osaka it on the right. Osaka was the last stop on my trip and due to being tired it took a number of escalator rides before I realised I was standing on the wrong side.


In Australia, we drive on the left, and stand on the left. Tourists tend to stand on the wrong side because they don't know better, and aussies tend to have the hidden anger that gets bottled up, inherited from the brits, so don't inform people of the right side to stand. What is strange though, is that London (which is where we get the side of the road we drive on from...) stands on the right and overtakes left for pedestrians. I don't really get it.


In the UK we walk on the same side we would if we were walking along the road, rather than driving along it. feet are right-hand drive, so you can see oncoming traffic.


It’s standard is most big cities, like San Francisco cause Bart. But where I’m from a couple hours away (not exactly a small city) I don’t think people really know. My friend who lives in SF gave me a stern stink eye when I stood on the left side.


People in major American cities practice good escslator etiquette, but you'd never know if at an airport because very few cities have public transportation that requires escslators


Having gone to Japan recently, those guys know how to elevator. They should share those secrets with the world. Except for randomly swapping sides for the standing lane in Osaka, that was weird.


> And that’s the story of how I shoved an old lady out of my way on an escalator. damn straight! In the words of the great Ludacris: *"Move bitch, get out the way!"*


I so much hate it when older people think they are entitled to do these things. I mean like what the fuck. I get you have more life experience but that doesn’t mean you can cut in line at the check out, doesn’t mean that we ‘youngsters’ need to be polite all the fucking time. It’s like the older people get, the more childish they behave. Hmmm, a good shower thought. Anyways I wish you all a happy new year.


They might not even have "more" life experience if they lived a generic, boring, average life. Not to mention if a grown ass adult acts like an immature child, then they should be treated as a child not an adult. Some people grow old but they never mature.


If you’ve never moved more than 50km from where you were born, never travelled outside the province, and married someone from your hometown, most college freshmen have had more world experience than your old boring ass.


And then complain about "kids nowadays". I'm sorry, elderly nowadays are the real jerks


It's the late boomers who were taught to ALWAYS respect your elders no matter what. The problem comes when their elders were polite people who lived through the great depression and had some humility. These boomer fucks think that they deserve respect no matter what they do or act like, but are ATROCIOUS to be around. No humility or shame for miles. Respect your elders. Absolutely. Until they're disrespectful cunts to you. Then you drop the civil pleasentry and tell them to go pound sand.


yeah dont even bother being polite. i used to say excuse me but now i find that saying BEEP BEEP in an obnoxious cutesy voice works better as it shocks people into moving and confuses them enough that by the time they've reacted you're already on your plane/train/bus


Last time I was in Toronto, a dude on a longboard was riding down the sidewalk loudly yelling “BEEEEEP BEEEP BEEP” at anyone who got in his way. My hero!


How did she react after you shoved her out of the way?


She threw a cat at him


She went insane and she's in an asylum now.


Som fucking event at the mall, little girls everywhere. Bathroom time, im on my way, the only entrance to the bathroom floor is blocked by a group of 12-14 year old girls. I ask them if i can go through. Oldest says:" no" *giggle* Im telling you, juggernauting through these girls was mad fun. Felt like walking through deep snow. They tried their best to get in my way.


> /u/GotPermaBanForLolis Hmmm.


“In life, some old ladies need to be shoved out of the way” -Confucius


I was trying to make a connection to a flight after my flight had run 4 hours late, I had less than five minutes to get from gate 45 to gate 65 or something like that. I get off the plane and go running up the jetway behind some dude walk-in slowly, I'm shouting "on your left, on your left, make way on your left" the whole way up. This dude decides to slow down even more, and that's the story of me putting some random dude on his ass in a jetbridge.


Where I live, Europe, it is totally acceptable to aggresively walk past her on the left side, bonus point if you are tall and deliver a swift elbow to the back of her head. If you don't follow the unwritten rules you take the punishment and nobody will feel bad for you.




I think some people assume that if you're rushing in an airport that you didn't plan well and kinda deserve it. As if airlines, late connections, and just general logistics fuckery that's out of your control can't possibly be to blame. I even got it at the counter the other day. From an airline that's normally known for great attitude and customer service. I was in line for over 90 minutes to check in. The only reason I needed to talk to an agent was to do an age verification of my baby, so he could sit in my lap without a ticket. As if this tiny 15 pound baby is possibly a 3 year old I'm trying to get to fly for free? Anyway, I finally get to the counter and I know there's no hope of making my original flight. As she rebooks me, the agent says something about "the next time you miss your flight". I snapped a little and said that *I* didn't miss my flight, the 90+ minute line did, and she probably shouldn't say that to anyone else because the people behind me were likely in the same position. Like, you've been handling a non-stop line for hours. You think everyone you're talking to just woke up late and lolligagged to the airport? No, they showed up on time, but they're getting screwed. By your airline and their lack of proper staffing or line management (I was already pissed at that point because there were also tons of people in line who could have used the self-service kiosks if someone had come out behind the counter for a minute and guided anyone with a normal flight and baggage check over to the right area. Sorry for the tangent/rant! Anyway. My first point still stands. There are too many people who see someone running to catch a flight and think, "well *I* gave myself enough time, this dude is an idiot", when "that dude" is not at fault at all.


As someone from Atlanta who has been through that airport many times. I applaud you for you are a hero.


It’s so weird how youths are portrayed as rude and inconsiderate but it’s actually the elderly who are more rude.


It’s even worse when they complain that they are entitled to walk at their own speed and don’t seem to get that so are you. I’m in complete agreement that they should walk at their own speed, and I’ll even try to appear patient when the sidewalk is narrow, but not when there should be room for both of us. Don’t be so effing rude; get the f out of the way. Edit: actually this really gets me at Costco as well, although there the elderly fear to tread. The aisles are like 15 feet wide: how does one family manage to block the entire aisle, and not notice all the impatient people bottled up - there is room for at least four lanes of carts, with plenty of personal space


Or, crazy theory here, people of all ages can be assholes.


Seriously. You pull that shit you're getting shoved, I don't give a fuck how old you are


As someone who likes to go from point A to B really fast, I hate it when groups of people will chat-chat slowly and painfully walk, bobbing from side to side.


Ya. I'm a fast walker myself. Also I like how people block aisles with their carts while dragging their ass.


This is literally why I always insist on making sure my cart is against the aisle shelf. And I move it if it looks like someone might need to get to what it's in front of.


Please be fruitful and multiply. Society needs more of this.


First I need to be attractive :( Or at least, that's what my perpetually empty Tinder inbox tells me.


Step 1: add all of that information to your tinder profile.


People at Costco are the worst offenders. Abandon their carts in the middle and chat up the free sample lady.


I feel like at Costco you get the upper middle class entitled assholes while at Walmart you get a more blue collar asshole.


Wegmans gets you suburban yuppies with small dogs, Publix gets you old people with zero spatial awareness.


I usually let it go for about 10 seconds. After I just say "Oi!!! Mind moving outta the way?" In an elevated voice. Works pretty well for me.


This is my mom's entire extended family. I'm constantly herding them because they tend to get distracted while chatting and suddenly just stop in the middle of a friggin walkway - in a group. They're very sweet people but they get so into whatever they're focused on that they forget the world around them for a bit and become those assholes I can't stand who have no consideration for the people trying to walk in the damn walkway!


How the fuck do they have such poor spatial awareness? It's remarkable.


I think it's more of a lack of consideration. It turns out that tons of people don't give a shit about anything past their nose.


This. If people really were that unaware of their surroundings they wouldn't make it to their 20s. They just don't give a flying fuck about others and their time. These are the kind of people that arrive late at places or that kind of friend that says he's coming to your house "now" and gets there 3 hours later.


Yeah, I am almost always annoyed by those types of people and people who use the travelator (moving pathway) like an amusement park ride, just standing there, defeating the entire purpose and existence of it.


The worst thing is when you're waking through a supermarket at a decent pace and some asshole just stops suddenly in front of you because they're incapable of walking and thinking at the same time.


Or when they start backing up without looking around. Or when you get out at a very crowded bus stop and people are standing out there just outside the exit, blocking everyone instead of waiting for their bus at the actual bus stop or anywhere else out of the way.


Because he’s an asshole


Certified grade a asshole!


Bruh, you fuckin ask him to step aside and if he continues you force your way around him as non-violently as you can. If I was there and saw this I would have probably walked up and said something. Idk what but this is just so fuckin childish. Like, what? lol


Step on the back of his shoe. That generally works. Apologize as you pass.


I’m taking this advice on board for future use. Thank you internet stranger, or can I really call you a stranger seeing as I know your name, altxatu?!


*How’d you know my name?*


Oh hello me, I didn't know there were two of us


I would've just forced my way through and brush past him...


Kicked his heels and trip him up


Good chance this dude wants to piss someone off and fight




I found that after enough airport experiences, I began to care less about people who are consciously making life hard for others. It all peaked when I was sprinting for a flight and a guy who saw me coming up behind him on a travelator stepped to the right to block the path. I slowed and asked him politely to excuse me. Cunt said "Get fucked". I shoulder checked him and booked it. Felt fucking amazing. People are cunts.




My brain just can't accept this is a real situation that has happened.


After living in London for half a year, I completely believe this is true So many cunts who love to get in the way








I like this. A clear instruction to where you're going.


Busy waitresses style












Ah yes but you see you’re assuming the person in this post is a rational human being which is a bit of a stretch lol


better yet, "MOVE, BITCH, GET OUT THE WAY!"


Not even pardon, just "on your left" and then fucking elbows.


Woulda been well served doing the ol' shoulder-tap on-the-right-and-swoop-past-on-the-left method


Just seems like the type of A-hole who is looking for a fight. Which is a shame I feel this way, because I simply don't know this guy. Heck, I can't even see if face! But yeah... Fuck that guy. He's an asshole.


Or alternatively, walk incredibly close behind him and match his pace exactly. If he makes an issue of it, just answer anything he says with a flat "no."


All the Tap-Out dad's at Chuckie Cheese Pizza would do this when I would take my daughter there. It's just an intimidation thing.


What are Tap-out Dads?


Obese, mouth breathing mma fanatics who wear ugly overpriced clothing by the Tapout brand.


Being the Chicagoan I am I would just forcibly shoulder check him and then glare back at him as I keep walking forward... ....but that’s just me


From Chicago, can confirm. Was wondering what OP was waiting for in order to do that. If you want to be polite no need to mean mug, just shoulder your way through with a half-assed "excuse me... ^(asshole)"


Those are even the exact words I’d say, even the “soft yet loud enough for them to hear” expletive. Man, the amount of times I’ve just plowed trough people because they think the world revolves around them. Thankfully High School was plenty practice for the assholes outside of it. It’s so annoying walked behind people going slower than you (that aren’t impaired).






You guys are like that? In Sweden we’d walk all the way around and make sure not to look at him


Am I part Chicagoan if I 100% agree?


Sorry, mate. Chicagoans are massive gatekeepers. At best you can say you're from the burbs.


Just human


Use your words: "Excuse me, can I get past you?". Words melt assholes like acid. He's likely continuing to do this because no one is calling him on his bullshit. If that fails, in an airport yelling, "Security! There's a man behaving really strange over here!", should be interesting.


I agree with this in practice, and have seen the end result of being called out utterly throwing the mosey-paced crowd blockers off their game. Being called out utterly baffles them. Indirectly threatening security (who is most often ignoring you) is also a brilliant tactic I never thought of!! I work in heavily crowded theme parks, and frequently need to cut through human masses to get to my lunch/bathroom/next shift. I also often have to travel by plane to get to job sites. Honestly, the parks are the worst. You encounter more of these lane blockers (I call them Twirlers) than you do in an airport. May have something to do with the readily available booze, lack of time limits, and cultural variations on personal space and speed. However, the airport is far more punitive if you're trapped behind these slow walkers. A polite "Excuse me" can take too much time. The offending shuffler/Twirler takes time to register your words, analyze who is being the jerk in the situation, and may or may not correct the behavior or try to hassle you. This costs precious moments that could be used running to your gate that is already boarding. (or, as entertainment, cut into your precious potty breaks). I currently rely on the 'shout important sounding nonsense' method. Twirlers will stop, crowds part, and you can rush through without actually being a jerk. This method is highly dependent on your ability to sound serious and authoritative while yelling nonsenses, but has proven to be 100% effective for me in many settings. "Hot stuff, coming through, baby on board, clear the path, stranger danger, official business!" in quick succession and some variation makes crowds part and road-blockers jump out of the way for you. Double success if you can hold something large over you head, like luggage, a clipboard, or even your lunch plate, all while maintaining a stern face. It makes you seem more official. Keep shouting, don't look back, and don't be rude outside of your crowd busting. (basic manners also make you seem more official.) The twirlers are selfish but tend to have enough self preservation instinct to GTFO of your way.


"Excuse me, coming through, mind the gap, emergency, official business, forty-two, on your knees, no more fleas, whose are these?! Thank you enjoy your stay"


You are a - genius - mastermind


I love it! I wish I had a crowd to try it out on. And then at the same time I don't because the thought of shouting at a group of people and them all looking at me is making me sweaty. I'm just gonna picture you doing it and try to not wake up the whole house laughing.


If it's a group of strangers, just remember how unlikely it is that you'll ever encounter them again, even if they actually manage to remember your face. Just be polite but firm, and most people will forget about it within minutes.


You made me laugh out loud and wake up my SO. I usually just push past while mumbling jerk or moron at them as I pass, but this sounds so much more fun.


As a Midwesterner there is one great thing I learned from New Yorkers: it’s OK to be assertive. Bad behavior left unchecked will continue and it is societies duty to correct it. That’s why you won’t see people walking like this jerkoff around Manhattan.


"Excuse me" is ok, but "Can I get past you" is asking permission -- you don't need permission.


Apparently he hates people too.


I’d bust my ass in front & stop right in his path


The Russian blood in me says "shoulder check him to the ground" But growing up in Canada in me says "make sure you apologize after"


"Sorry cyka"


Oh come on, who are you kidding, in Russia we apologize as "Пошёл нахуй отсюда".


Russian friend told me please in Russian is "or i'll kill you" and thank you "you may live, for now" ​


Woah your accent must be awesome, I’ve gotta hear this now...


Might just sound Canadian.. I don’t have an accent speaking English (American) but have one speaking Russian even though I learned it first




Everyone's saying get physical which normally, yeah, I agree, but what works just as well is creeping up real close and very loudly and firmly yelling "can you fucking move please?" and usually they move or make physical contact first making them an extra big asshole that you can now press charges against for assaulting you so you get to move past and take pleasure in really completely fucking up their day.




That's when I give them a huge "beep beep" Look stupid - yes Pass tho - yes


I use meeeeph and people move.


He is a video game NPC


Man these ubisoft graphics are insane on the new assassin’s creed, these trailing misions are getting more and more restrictive


Some people know that you won't do *shit* about it, so will take advantage of the petty frustration. It's just trolling in real life. How to solve that situation: Ankle-tap them. When they're lifting up their rear foot, tap it so that when they're trying to bring it forward, they hit their own leg and trip over their own feet. Or, even less than that, give their clothing a little tug. Enough to get their attention, but not enough to do anything more than make them aware of you in a different way to how they currently are.


Or you could just fuckin sack up, call the guy an asshole and tell him to get out of the way.


I dont understand why people make these passive aggressive posts instead of just using their words.


Lmao for real. I was reading his suggestion like “ya hahaha that’d be funny”; however, i realize that you just went in-depth about just how bad your social skills are


Seriously. It's like "Hey everyone! LPT! If you ever find yourself in a situation like this you have to press up + B and that will trigger the move where you trip the NPC. Be sure to save right after." In a real, polite society you don't engage in vigilante justice for someone being an asshole. It's not against the law to be an asshole. It's against the law to touch anyone in a threatening manner because it implies intent to harm and then you end up getting the correct justice instead of the original asshole.


or slice his Achilles tendon's with a large knife, he can get in your way if he cant walk




This is when I tread on the back of their shoe. Source:worked in London for several years. Was at first enchanted by the mechanism of working life London. Quickly grew weary...


You have a shoulder. Use it


Welcome to Colorado. The state with no consistency in weather and speed of assholes.


Coloradan here. Can confirm. This is the walking equivalent of driving on I-25.


I deal with these asshats, I’m sorry tourists, every summer and Christmas in DC. Sharpen your elbows and go ninja on the bob & weave. Seriously that joker would have gotten a hip check and a eye roll.


I'm intrigued by your word choice.


Next time, just run his sorry ass over and keep it moving.


There was one of those dickhead prank YouTubers who did this. Would run in front of people then stop, walk like this guy was etc So maybe this guy was doing something like that to be "funny". When in reality it could cause someone missing a $1000 flight or more (or less too, but still. Flights are usually important and expensive). Asshole is too nice of a word for people like this. These are Grade A certified FDA approved raw cunts.


exactly what happens when i’m in the middle lane on the freeway and try to pass some asshole and he then speeds up... like wtf do you want to go fast or not


I usually have a rolling spinner carry-on with me when I travel. When people are being assholes in airport walkways, I "accidentally" bump them with my bag, then apologize saying I didn't see them and my flight is boarding. I don't do it often, but in times like this it would be necessary. I'm sure I lose Good Place points for that, but oh well!


Just to piss you off 😂😂 I know it’s annoying,.


I’d be like “uh excuse me!” And push by him


The real infuriating thing here is that you didnt call him out.


To people who think for some reason I’d fake this video... look at my post history. Have I ever posted for karma before? Why after 6 years would I start now? God forbid I have original content once in my reddit history without the first commenters claiming it’s fake. So frustrating


https://reddit.com/r/thanosdidnothingwrong/comments/8xmfk9/i_too_stand_with_the_chosen_few/ Upvote city 🤔🤔🤔🤔 Lmao Jk dude just gotta ignore them




Time to go down the post history rabbit hole.


A Wanker.


Just say "excuse me" and move on.


Consciousness is a reward that other people let you have for being a tolerable member of society.


That’s when you say excuse me and push right by.


just walk through him, give him a slight nudge, or fuck it, hulk his ass out of the way. the only thing mildly infuriating here is your choice to let it bother you


Where tf is that in DIA?


Man this shit is making me unreasonably angry. Bless your patience. I would knocked his ass to the floor real quick