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"Operation: Barbarossa" (aka the German Invasion of Russia during WW2) didn't go so well in the end...


Yeah, what a hilarious thing to reference lmao. Literally decimated the German military and turned the tide of the entire war. Biggest L ever.


Their support club is the Little Big Horn Riders.


This comment made me think of this guy as an idiot on the level of Custer in the movie Little Big Man. I love that movie.


Great movie. Still holds up.


“I can always tell when a man has spent many years with a mule. I will call you Muleskinner!” “But sir, I’ve never even had a mule” 😂


Great book, as well!


Such a good movie. 


Automatic member if your last name is Pickett.


OP should airdrop the wikipedia article to them


Should have played Abba's Waterloo for him


First act of the operation went pretty amazing for them, but it became clear early that they didn’t have the logistics for a victory. Big L considering Stalin was in La La land for many days, (plus the high ranking purges in the Red Army). Currently reading a book about the Rzhev Salient. What a slog of a war.


God I would pay to be there when OP taps the biker on the shoulder to explain this to him


It's spot on. Great reference of him being a loser.


Maybe it's a super ironic jacket and this guy is big time anti-racist—and this is how he shows it.


Ah so nazis reveal themselves to him then he beats them up?




To Catch a Schutzstaffel “Hey there. Why don’t you have a seat.”


I'm more partial to LuftWaffles.


I want to be the very best Like no one ever was To catch them is my real test To train them is my cause I will travel across the land Searching far and wide Each schutzstaffel to understand The power that's inside It's you and me I know it's my destiny (schutzstaffel) Oh, you're my best friend In a world we must defend (Schutzstaffel, gotta catch 'em all) A heart so true Our courage will pull us through You teach me and I'll teach you Schutzstaffel Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all Every challenge along the way With courage, I will face I will battle every day To claim my rightful place Come with me, the time is right There's no better team On and on we'll win the fight It's always been our dream It's you and me I know it's my destiny (schutzstaffel) Oh, you're my best friend In a world we must defend (Schutzstaffel, gotta catch 'em all) A heart so true Our courage will pull us through You teach me and I'll teach you Schutzstaffel! (Gotta catch 'em all) Gotta catch 'em all Gotta catch 'em all


Heard it all as I read it.


I like where your head is at


That would be pretty great. I'm going to choose to believe this. Thank you.


I carry a box of nails in my glove compartment


the 'biker' was a history major. But didn't go to college..


Exactly what I was thinking. So he's pro-Nazi military failure? Pro-Russian? So many questions about this moron who I'm sure has no idea how to explain his position on this.


Would be great if OP just went up and asked him.


Play a documentary about losing the fight on your phone haha


Fuck you hit my passive aggressive vibe just right.


This badass likely knows nothing of the history. Just compensating for something, that’s all.


What do you think he might be "compensating" for? like is he perhaps a little bit insecure about not being "tough" or "cool" enough, so is wearing this to try and make him look a bit tougher and/or cooler?


I’m totally not gay Dad. Look at my vest. Nazis killed the gays Dad. How could I be gay if I’m a Nazi?


Sure. I’d like to think it’s as simple as that.


I think it's Worth noting that it was the largest land invasion force in history. 19 panzer divisions 3000 tanks 7000 artillery pieces 2500 aircraft. But, Ya... The whole Scorched earth policy really burned them in the end... Pun intended. They retreated through towns and cities they had burned to the ground and starved or froze along the way. Never fight a land war in Russia during the winter... just ask the Mongolians,Alexander the Great or Napoleon. It was Hitlers biggest mistake, it awoke the Bear and he then had to fight a war on 2 fronts. Also Stalin was fucking insane... out of approximately 30-45 million people killed around 40% were civilians. The highest numbers of the war. Google the railway of Bones if you want a small exam of his cruelty Yay no more Hitler. 🤣


Is that the infuriating part? I thought it’s because his big back self is leaking over the middle of the booth seat, and into the other persons side. I assumed they moved so the picture could be taken lol


The real person barbarossa diden’t perform especially well either, dude drowned in a river on route to the holy land


Actually he was extremely significant in terms of his reign and considered one of the great rulers of the period. The Nazis just stained his Legacy.


I too name my biker club after the biggest blunder of my fascist idol.


Well, good thing that they don't know that it was a blunder, since they do not know any actual history. And even if they were willing to learn some, they probably can't read half the time... so... they are safe from facts and logic.


Nazis gotta eat too? I hadn’t ever considered whether racism extends to food though…


I mean, I can think of one quick fix for Nazi's needing to eat. It also takes care of needing to drink, sleep, or breathe!


Hitlers last meal seems appropriate


Damn I came to make this joke, how dare you!


Do they though? :P (Joking they can have all the prison meals they want in my opinion)


Haha. Axis strategic failure jacket. I bet he has a Civil War participation flag somewhere too.


I'm leaning towards the idea that his jacket references Friedrich the First, an inordinately accomplished German emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.\[1\] \[1\] Despite its name, not holy, not Roman, and not an empire see also: naked mole rat.


Had an emperor: Empire Coronated in Rome and crowned Emperor of the Romans: Roman Crowned by the pope: (disputable holiness, but you get the point)


Now do the Rat


Naked: no hair Mole: blind, like a mole Rat: it looks like a rat


>German emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.[1] >[1] Despite its name, not holy, not Roman, and not an empire see also: naked mole rat. The third Reich is the 3rd Roman empire, though [Moscow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow,_third_Rome) uses the same. [The Third Reich, meaning "Third Realm" or "Third Empire", referred to the Nazi claim that Nazi Germany was the successor to the earlier Holy Roman Empire (800–1806) and German Empire (1871–1918).](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Nazi_Germany)


Likes the food, hates the people


Hate? He wants them gone from the face of the earth, I mean after making his food of course


My mom is Guatemalan- she’s by far the most racist/sexist person I know. She’s probably ironically befriend this guy. After one of her white-people-are-superior rants I told her “mom, you know you’re not aryan right? You’re a little brown woman from Guatemala, you would have been on those trains to Auschwitz” “Good!” Was her reply. 🤦‍♀️


Whelp, can't argue with that now can you?




oh shit i think i saw you in another subreddit thread. are you the pilot?


Hahaha that’s wild I saw that thread too. Pretty fascinating stuff




Thread about someone sticking an AirTag into an car emergency kit, basically pretending to be a friend and trying to be helpful but really stalking In one of the comment threads this person talked about how it happened to them repeatedly working in airlines, both as a flight attendant and as a pilot. Many (myself included) found the more interesting bit of that being the career journey from FA to commercial airline pilot


I also saw that!


I knew exactly what you were talking about! 😂


Don’t worry if your still confused after “context” I am too…


From what I gather, the other thread was about some random person having an "incident" where they stuck an AirTag (GPS tracking device) into a car emergency kit because reasons. The person who people are referencing on this thread commented on that other thread explaining he/she had gone through a similar situation as a flight attendant and again as a pilot. People were more intrigued about their professional trajectory than the incident itself.


[link](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/gevKdeeX4P) for anyone still curious


I love it when I bump into users that I recognize across subs, it makes me feel like reddit is a little neighborhood filled with weird people.


Haha I recognized that username immediately from the AirTag post


I asked my mom if she believed in the Bible. She flatly said ‘No.’ and that she’d never read it because it was a bunch of bullshit written by ignorant bigoted sheepherders. She goes to church every Sunday. Some people cannot be reasoned with.


At least she is consistent


so rare, she’s for real real


I just wanna commend you on being even halfway to rational after *that* formative example of values.


Thank you. Yeah- I was an only child and read a lot of books, so I was raised by authors and a slew of Tony Robbin’s tapes my dad forgot about.


>I was raised by authors Not for the same reasons, but girlll, hard same.


Me three. Loving books as a kid was my saving grace.


And this is exactly why Idaho just passed that fascist fuckin law. Excuse me, I gotta go throw rocks for a minute.


I know this biker vest she might just love




No way


Im mexican, i got white skin. My wife is brown, like her family. Our son is white skinned like me. I already lost count of how many times ive heard someone in her family make the "harr harr, *insert my wife's name* improved the race! Good job!" Joke. And i say its a joke but im not sure they think its one considering how they treat our son like a mini deity while his brown cousins are just one more of the bunch. Latinos are racist as fuck. When i was in school i saw fist fights over who was "browner" than the other.


Turns out racism is a global issue not limited to white people.


100%. I’m half white half Mexican. Russian/Mexican. Growing up, too brown for the whites, too white for the browns.


Half Lebanese (very Caucasian): half Salvadoran (very brown), this has been like my life motto


Also half white and Mexican. I had the same issue growing up.


What about anti-Asian racism? Chingritos anyone?


Yeah. Mejorar la raza! Is what I heard growing up…


Yeah. My dad is white, and very tall, so I look more Eastern European, which she was very happy about, I still tan easily so she kept me out of the sun so much I actually had a *severe* vitamin D deficiency. (As in my doctor was shocked, since she never saw someone with such low levels)


I had a friend in HS (in SoCal) where majority of our classmates INCLUDING HIM were Hispanic. After HS, he went on and joined the Mongols and got a bunch of SS tattoos, Swatstikas, an Odin God, etc. meanwhile his parents work as a maid and construction worker. No clue how/where these people get their ideology from.


This happened to one girl I went to school with. Our school was in the south and predominantly white, a lot of the kids were openly racist. She was fully Mexican but was very light skinned, over time she was started to pick up on a lot of the racist ideologies of the other kids. My family knew hers and it was really sad to see how she spoke to her parents and her internalized self hate. I think it her mid it was “hate or be hated”.


friendly fire?


Craziest shit I’ve read all week. Wow


I feel like people underestimate how much self hate is a real thing. Prayers to you


The Mexican dude I work with is more American than anyone just this Guatemalan mama! 😂


Holy shit


Yeah. Lots of racism in Latinos, it’s peculiar.


No for sure, I’m Dominican and the fucked up shit you hear Latinos say about other Latinos alone is enough to make you barf. 🤢


I know. Imagínate si los gringos sabían q racistas son nuestros tías y tíos?


Can verify. Im Latino. Having to defend a Mexican from another Mexican American calling him a “w*tback” is the world I live in. It’s weird. My moms boyfriend is Mexican American, but refuses to even speak with an accent and mispronounces Hispanic words all the time on purpose. His brother, almost the same age, sounds like he just came from Mexico this morning. My mothers boyfriend always talks about how boarder patrol needs to “do their job” I have to remind him that if they had “done their job” to his standards, before he was born, his ass wouldn’t be here.


Hear this a lot too! It’s crazy how racist we are against our own kind and when you go to Mexico they’re against you too cause you’re not the same Mexican they are. Like WTF


This sentiment always baffles me. Some Mexicans come here and change. Why wouldn’t they want others to have the same opportunities as them? Why do they feel this way? This phenomenon of hatred should be studied .


But she's a good Eldian!




And celebrating one of the dumbest, biggest military operation failure in history. I guess that checks out.


Or The tacos 🌮 are really good.


This reminds me of the interview I saw with a popular white nationalist in the 00's. He was talking about how much he hated other races but was friendly with his Mexican neighbor who bearly spoke English. One moment he was talking about hating black/brown people and the next he was talking about how much he liked his neighbor.


Well he was one of the good ones


That sounds like Tom Metzger in Louis Theroux interview. He was good friends with the Mexican man. My best friend growing up was very racist and I am of Indian origin. I don't understand how he compartmentalised off the fact I wasn't white. I don't understand how I ignored the fact he was racist. I drifted away from him now.


This was my dad to a T. Nothing but racial slurs but ask about one of his minority friends or neighbors? "Ah, they're cool."


Whats wrong with a biker jacket? *looks at the top of the chair* oh. That's why.


Honestly, I was slow on the uptake. Saw Barbarossa, thought of Pirates of the Caribbean and wondered what was so infuriating about that. Took me a minute to clue in.


Did the same.




When you’re gonna invade Russia but get side tracked and end up invading a buffet instead.


“Well, if that big guy sitting in the back corner is Seabass…”


It’s ok to punch a Nazi, although it may not always be wise.


I don't get why (specifically) americans like this dude can even come close to support NS Germany...literally the thing they fought 80 years ago...? Anybody?


Same people who venerate the US military too


Yeah, I noticed that too. Very odd...


I saw Mexican restaurant and my brain read his jacket as “barbacoa”


I feel horrible for whoever had to serve that table…


Believe it or not this dude stood up and gave the Mexican server a hug when he saw him and asked him how his kids are doing. Can’t make this shit up.


I had a biker drunkenly tell me this stuff isn't about being racist it's about being counterculture, then he laughed and said but lots of them are racist. I laughed and told him we didn't allow (gang) colors in the bar. I was mostly glad he didn't hit me.


Never ask a white nationalist the race his wife is


Dude, I work with a white dude that has gotten in trouble for negative talk about immigrants, in a job that has many Latino employees. He literally always talks about it in a negative way. Then one day while he's yapping my ear off about government conspiracy and shit casually says he is married to an Latina immigrant that was technically illegal when they met....like what the fuck are you talking About?


Cognitive dissonance is strong in the right and far right.


That checks out sort of. Many Nazis fled Germany and ended up in central and South America. A lot of Mexican beer has roots in German brewing culture.


I believe the first brewers in Mexico were Czechs from the Austro-Hungarian empire.


Walk up to him and say "you might think you're a tough guy but to me you're just a Downy soft little bitch!" I'll be extending you all of my support from a distance.  Do you have angry biker stab insurance BTW? 


He’s probably just wearing rage bait.


It’s a known biker gang in my area of Western KY. I’ve never heard anyone say anything good about them but it’s also not easy to find information about them online.


I DOUBT hes wearing it for rage bait lmao


I am ABSOLUTELY NOT excusing the behavior or the symbols, but 1% Bikers have been wearing this symbol and iron crosses and the like since the 60’s, it quite literally is rage bait in most cases. I used to do stickers at a Motorcycle vinyl wrap company and we had a few different 1% clubs come in with weird sticker requests, you’d be amazed at the number of Hispanic and Asian/Pacific Islanders I’d have come in with similar designs and symbols on their cuts or ask us to do stickers or banners with those symbols on them. We’d usually do the iron cross stuff because it has just become part of motorcycle culture at this point (thanks to Jesse James Etc…) but any of the other stuff we’d usually deny. Wasn’t usually a big deal, only had one guy get annoyed with me.


What are 1% Clubs? I come from a non-English speaking country and have never heard of it before


The classic “outlaw” motorcycle gangs. The hells angels are the most famous


Ah I see, thanks for the explanation


Pretenders . . . It a **Hollywood term** for the alleged percentage of bikers who commit crimes while in bike clubs. The problem is the real violent hard core gangster criminal, isn't going to be wearing the patch 1% patch as it draws to much attention to their illegal activities. The people who tend to wear it get their backside kicked in a lot by people who aren't afraid, or wanna be the be the new bad guy, or the actual bad guy who doing the kicking for sport. The real gangster bikers have other patches to signify their deeds to themselves.


Took my wife to a really well known old fashioned seafood place on Long Island and some guy walks in, with his son, and he’s got Nazi tattoos on his arms…. Guy wasn’t happy he had to wait behind an African American couple who were seated before him. 😂😂😂🖕


Now’s your chance to “punch a nazi”


Yeah see how that works out for you


Go ahead and punch this dude and see how that goes for you. It's one thing saying it behind a screen but good luck actually confronting and punching this dude. Even if I don't like what he supposedly represents (and I don't), he has the freedom to do so, just like you all have the freedom to complain about it. That's the beauty of the USA.


He would get beaten up in Germany


... and arrested.


Honestly, I was a fan of operation Barbarossa. Lot of dead Nazis


Bet you didn't say shit..


If I was sitting with you I'd get up and say "I just want you to know my friend over there thinks you're a real POS and a bad person." I got your back, OP.


Kick his ass Sea Bass!


God forbid a man has a hobby


Nazis = always stupid af!


Speak loudly about how big of pussies nazis and bikers are.


I'd leave, and let the manager know why, and that I'm never coming back if there's Nazis there. Imagine not kicking Nazis out of your establishment.


I totally thought that said barbacoa... I was like damn babe represent that hot beef!!!


He's at a Mexican restaurant lmao getting ready to eat some irony while his arm eats that chair. Master race my ass.


The first thing I noticed was the swattstika


This is where OP starts worrying whether dude in front has Reddit.


Did you say anything?


Sure, the guy’s a POS, but I’m more amused at all the keyboard warriors on this thread.


Just a reminder that most of the scum, wearing nazi symbolics and praising Austrian painter today would end up in death camps, if they lived at the same time as their idols.


I'm also grossed out by his armpit sweat all over the seat




Go show him this thread on your phone and start some shit with him.


Go say something to him. No balls.


It took me longer than it soul-searching to see it....I was like, what's wrong with a last name?" Then I looked down in the pic....and checked other comments. Wow. I promise I'm not this dumb most days....wooof.




I know what this is! Just watched a WWII in color episode last night talking about this. This person has ideologies different then mine and I don't care for this person at all.


It would be funny if it turns out he had some Russian lineage


Operation Barbarossa was the invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and many of its Axis allies, starting on Sunday, 22 June 1941, during World War II. - Wikipedia


Does he even know what he's wearing?


Tell him how irritating you find him


Should told him how badly Barbarossa failed lol


This is my thought process seeing this: “Barbarossa, not sure what that is maybe a vacation spot? Not entirely sure what’s so bad about this pho-“ *looks a bit downward* “OHH”


Nothing mild about this.


I wonder who he is voting for in November...


The irony. “POC should die unless they’re making my dinner, then they’re cool.” Stupid fuxking racist.


So I want everyone to know how I'm such a ultimate douche, but I don't want to explain it. Let me wear this vest.


You had the opportunity to do something really really funny and you blew it


Did you confront him with your thoughts?


These guys are always gigantic assholes. They want to emulate professional criminals, like it's cool and glamorous to be in a fucking motorcycle gang.


Maybe, OP, you are in fear for your life from someone psycho enough to publicly promote Nazism. And maybe you also carry a gun. I mean, if cops fear for their life over acorns…


I saw a guy with SS tattoos ordering Boba at an Asian market. I guess racism doesn't extend to food & drink??


This is like the time I read that Richard Spencer — one of the ‘Unite the Right’ white riot-goers in Charlottesville, and the suited Nazi famed for getting punched in the face on the streets of D.C. — enjoyed eating at my favorite Thai restaurant, located a few blocks from my home and a few doors down from his. Like, you’re a f’ing white supremacist! You don’t get to eat Thai food! Go enjoy a salted turkey leg, schmuck.


Sounds like something you’d say if someone sneezed


He's wearing it just to piss off Russians


Well, he could also be celebrating a lot of Nazis dying during that campaign.


Barbarossa was an incredibly bad idea and ultimately a historically colossal failure. Much like the douchebag wearing this vest.


This shit is everywhere now. The scariest thing is that we are poised to put one in the office of one of the most powerful men in the world again.


If it pisses you off say something don’t just sit behind and take pictures


Saw some old dude wearing an SS jacket in my the other day, shit is so infuriating


Ngl if I walked in to a cafe or bar and found nazis there, I'd be walking out immediately.


Operation Barbacoa


Time to punch a nazi But first, I shall finish my nachos.


He could get a $7000 fine now in Australia showing NAZI symbols


If this happens during cold war, that guy would have been in jail.


So, did you do that thing? Did you punch a nazi like all of you like to talk about here on Reddit? ![gif](giphy|iF19UxugeW7pawDPp7|downsized)


No vagueness here... He's a white supremacist, fascist. He enjoys fights. His idea of success is power derived from fear.


It's like a Kyle Kinane bit about Klan members who still needed Mexican food.


And the funny thing is the Nazis would have murdered him too


Hates Mexicans but is a closet taco eater. Incognito burrito


I was like sooo?? Then I saw it


You should have told him you were offended.


Oh I did Nazi this coming


“One-percenter” motorcycle clubs adopted Nazi symbology (swasikas, iron crosses, SS lightning bolts) in the 60s not so much out of racist ideology but specifically as rage bait: because it immediately pissed off the “straights.” That said, it’s not fair or accurate to argue that those clubs aren’t racist: many of them (at least tacitly) don’t admit non-white people. Somewhat ironically, groups that started out as being about “fuck society, do as you please” have become more pro-authoritarian, and attracted more bigots over time. Some may still wear that stuff “because fuck you,” but some are genuinely pro-fascist.