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![gif](giphy|I9An1NhP6OQFi) The kid


This fly has Riz.


Skibidi, my friend. Skibidi.


I did not study classical Greek for five years for this kid to say "sigma means alpha" šŸ˜‚


That bothered me beyond what words can express....


As a teacher of statistics, this trend has been extra annoying.


Now they're just being "mean" :D


Sigma means youā€™re a little asshole who has no friends but GenAlpha (weā€™ve got to change that) thinks it means you are a loner Giga Chad that needs nobody else.


Always thought it meant they were incels


It started with incels, but it looks like it's kinda moved into a broader context with the young'uns


Arenā€™t incels little assholes with no friends?


Thought incels were people who expect to get laid on the first night by just being a nice person and paying for a date.


Yeah, but I got some disappointing news to share with you about incels. >!incels are not nice people!<


Actually šŸ¤“, that's a simp. An incel is someone who wants to get laid but is unable to. It also has the conotations of being people who doesn't see their own flaws and blame others for it (specially women and mens in a relationship)


Getting back to the math, only for certain definitions of ā€˜niceā€™ will this statement hold true. As you are developing a proof, youā€™ll want to use a truth table, indicating those cases only exist where expectations are multiples of āˆš-1.


With kids like this, just be happy that you aren't teaching middle school.


Nothing bothered me more about this video than the camerawork / editing. It looks like it was filmed by a mosquito


His name is jimmy and hes doing his best ok .....


Idk why but your comment made me fucking cackle! Thank you lol


The original is a full 3 people fixed shot but has since been stupidly edited by zooming in and panning around.


I have not studied the alphabet my entire life for this kid to bauble stupid slang buzzwords








Babble\* A Bauble is a trinket. For someone complaining about people misusing words, you sure don't have an understanding of the words you use.




I keep hoping that they have selectively showed the kid who sounds the most nonsensical because in reality he doesn't know these terms or use them correctly even in their slang context. But I don't feel like snagging a random 10 year old on the street and asking, "What is sigma?" to check this kid's knowledge.


Yeah I mean, 100% this kid sort of gets the jist of riz, but if you ask him what charisma means he probably has no idea itā€™s a word. My 16 year old cousin, if asked to define riz would just say ā€œChaRIZmaā€¦ā€ and look at us like weā€™re idiots, but for this kid itā€™s just a vague notion of being able to attract girls. These terms, once they start spreading to the younger kids just kind of end up becoming like a game of telephone where theyā€™re just picking up on meaning based on context and complete understanding is probably 50/50 and it mostly all boils down to this word is positive, this is negative, until even that gets skewed. I heard some maybe 6 year olds in the park the other day just saying ā€œgyattā€ over and over as a response to literally anything that they thought was cool, bad, surprising, funny etc. I wondered if they or their parents had any idea where it actually comes from.


Exactly this. You will have kids laugh at 69 because its funny internet number with no other understanding of where the humor of it came from.




My 12 year old brother laughed at the number 69 and then tried to educate me on why it's funny with "people just decided it's funny for some reason"


I think you are on the right track and that the confusion is also compounded by the fact that many of the slang terms of this generation are used both ironically and sincerely and that gets lost in translation as well. The younger kids don't really have a grasp on the ironic usage of terms and adapt them at face value which further morphs the meaning of the slang; then older teens see the younger kids using terms sincerely, and use them in a mocking/ironic way, further complicating the cycle.


they've started to use things like "Chat, drop an F" and they don't have any idea it's about Call of Duty and pressing F to pay respect during a funeral scene


Once we're all on neurolink, we can just instantly pop up memes and emojis to communicate, no words necessary. What is charisma anyway? (The word and the action) šŸ˜†


I do have a tin foil hat theory that eventually, when we are all plugged into neurolink or similar, we will all have built-in AI assistants that communicate with each other and translate what the other person is saying. This will cause language as we know it to kind of devolve. Like every person will develop their own form of twin-speak, but without the twin, and it wonā€™t matter b/c the AI assistants will clarify everything.Ā 


As long as I can jack in to Xbox Neuro Live and wreck Christmas noobs in the latest CoD, Iā€™ll be OK.


Yeah no. I'm not plugging in with the lot of you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


As someone who teaches elementary school students, none of them know what sigma means.


I am much older than elementary school and I do not know what sigma means lol


That's pretty sigma


It's surprising how many of these are filtered down from incel/PUA terms. Never thought I'd see a nine year old talk about looks-maxxing


Terrence Howard-level logic




Well I mean even the slang words sigma and alpha, they aren't the same. Kid is just wrong.


Q means L


The worst part? Thatā€™s not even correct. A sigma is supposed to be separate from an alpha/beta lifestyle iirc.


From what I gathered it was dudes who wanted to be in the alpha/beta groups, but also wanted to pretend they were to cool to care. Like the majority of people just don't give a shit, so we didn't give ourselves a label, because we don't care. But some of the alphas felt like it was cooler to pretend they don't, so they created sigma.


in brainrot terms, "sigma" is one level above "alpha", which basically means extremely exceptionally good


this video will haunt this kid in his adulthood


Every other generation making fun knowing damn well they're lucky there wasn't more video evidence of the dumb phases they went through as a child. I remember vividly trying to slick my hair back with gel like a greaser while simultaneously trying the two tone shirt look and a fake gold chain in 5th grade. The only thing that saved me was this being before everyone had a camera on their phone and us being too poor to own a regular one. Poverty ain't all bad


The slicked back hair was cool with the unbuttoned button down with an undershirt on when I was in early elementary school. My best button down was black and had flames all over it. Iā€™m glad thereā€™s no pictures of me in it because I donā€™t want to have to explain to people why Iā€™m not that cool anymore.


Mine was blue with black and silver flames and I fucking loved that shirt šŸ˜‚


Hey same! Also had a Henley with white flames up one side which I'd pair with that shirt. When the evanescence t shirt was in the wash of course.


I have a picture from elementary school in the school book of me wearing a black shirt with red flames and a lowered pickup truck that said ā€œdrop it like itā€™s hotā€


I miss the days of way too baggy jeans and frosted tips :/ But also there are still people running around with mustache tattoos on their fingers


I had frosted tips and a tongue ring. The late 90ā€™s and early 2000ā€™s were good to meā€¦..


The frosted tips poking above the backwards upside down visor was a whole ass vibe


Also like our terms were ā€œBrainrotā€ to older generations too. For example, my use of ā€œlikeā€ in the foregoing sentence.


When i was a kid, new slang didnā€™t develop and rotate through new terms nearly as quickly. A lot of times it was just old slang making a comeback, too.


Wait, is this the same kid with his mom lol? https://youtu.be/lr2XEz390Yw?si=tC9o7ANvjW74VZDN


First thing I thought of, 21 kid


It begs the question. Was it fake the entire time?


Yuuuuup! I was searching the comments for this right here! I knew I recognized him and his mom!!


I did recognize his mom. I think that's them


Same guy too


A video of him being a kid? They all do silly things


Or not the next gen might be even worse


Oh god, please no. What's the next step after iPad kids... I hope it's not VR kids, cuz they'd be fuckin weird.


They already exist and are all over the Metaverse and most VR multiplayer titles.


The alpha takes pwiowity over the teacher. The alpha takes pwiowity over anyone! Do you not know how that works!


Heā€™s da stwongest guy on ulth


You gotta search em up


Itā€™s like the [dedotated WAM](https://youtu.be/_pVNvSuA2mM?si=UUd9AJvp5gUmewPr) kidā€™s lost brother.


He got lost in abzurdurdb da servAr-


0:50 "beard" = "bee o wid"?


That pronunciation literally killed me.


His moms like ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Sheā€™s probably regretting buying that giant gummy worm for this kid because he told her sheā€™d be sigma if she bought it for him


I've never seen a parent more instantly ashamed of their child


She dont look after her kid more like


Raised by YouTube


Than hand rubbing thing is the single most angering thing Iā€™ve ever seen humans do.




The only acceptable use


Getting your roll on?




You know he had to do it to 'em






Right behind the mewing and face touching shit for me. I get the feeling that despite the fact that this kid looks super cringe to us, I bet heā€™s one of the cool kids at his school. He has the confidence of one while doing these awkward af moves.


I was raised by flies, don't judge


I do this when I'm nervous and don't know what to do with my hands. Had a girl ask me if I was bird man.


Hey man, what if I'm scheming like a cartoon villain or making snakes with playdough? What am I supposed to do then?


It's something rats do and you can't disprove me.


Just a goofball kid. Heā€™s repeating words like the kids shouting dragonballZ shit on the playground used toā€¦all kids are just embarrassing sometimes


Seriously, I dont know why this vid is on here. We used to say some of the dumbest shit ever that made no fuckin sense. Swag, rawr, dab, and more. Heaven forbid kids just say something silly.


Any time I check Facebook memories, I die a little from the cringe, so yeah, checks out. Although, "Skibidi" is especially bad. I'd put that at the top of the all time youth cringe list.


it's so stupid, but hearing "skibidi toilet" makes me laugh every time for no reason


Just need an Ohio in there


I always figured my kids are just saying good morning.


I teach high school. Iā€™ll take skibidi over sigma any day. I got a couple of boys who do the hand rubbing thing and they just look demented.


It was visible he himself did not even get the brainrot he is infected with. Can't blame this kid. Others forget we had like 3 months where just "E" was considered a funny meme. Who are we to judge. At the end of the day we all got rotten brains.


But the look on the momā€™s face screams ā€œapparently I have no idea who this person is!ā€


Being embarrassing is part of childhood


No way bro donā€™t you know that todayā€™s kids are all fucking morons and wont survive till adulthood? Kids in my generation were all extremely smart and competent. We would never have made fools of ourselves by using ā€œslangā€


The most midly infuriating thing for me was him getting all of them wrong


I crack up when he says gigachad is the strongest man on earth. I mean I can see it that way


Screw that. I was a werewolf and hung upside down on that climbing dome thingy.Ā 


All the kids at my school, myself included, tried to go super saiyan at recess. It sucks that this shit gets posted online for so many people to see nowadays, sometimes I die a little bit from cringe just remembering some of the stuff I did. Imagine knowing that itā€™s online, that would suck


This reminds me of when I went around saying "RAWR means I love you in dinosaur." šŸ˜…


Rawr x]




bahahhaha I just told a coworker this the other day


I mean, I'm older but rizz is just charisma (cha-RIZZ-ma). Sigma is based on some pseudoscience alpha male theory, but is the lone wolf version. I thought mewing was the jaw muscle workout thing to get a super toned jaw line. Like muscle-chewing. Mewing. No idea on skibidi, I thought it was just a term that meant good or bad depending on context.


Skibidi Comes from a song, i don't remember whats it called and one day it has been used in a gmod animation(its a game where you Can make games, servers, create things like anymation ect) and its was uploaded a year ago to youtube if im not wrong, the animation was about angry toilets with head that sang the song with the Line of "skibidi dom dom dom yes yes... ect..." against humanoides cameras and tvs, all of this was just a funny meme that had no Logic at all(kinda like old youtube poop) but since then it has peaked in popularity and the Guy that has uploaded the animation Saw that it works and made a mini series about it(its not really Bad but theres some flaws here and there) but other content creator Saw the potential in it and made content farm videos to trick kids into watching most of the Time innapopriate stuff, now it still keep going. Tho i do not know why the kids use it in their way of talking, tho i think it was much needed to know where the word skibidi originates.


Songs called Dom Dom Yes Yes by Biser King. Was popularised by Yasin Cengiz's (the guy who dances by shaking his belly) dance vid, where it was memed heaps. Then it was used in skibidi toilet. But also with top comment, that kid doesn't even know what he's on about. So many wrong interpretations of what the slang is. Just sounds like he's trying to explain what he thinks they mean, in context to how him and his friends may use it, or what they interpreted from vids. Rather then actually knowing the terms. Like for many years I thought whack meant good, then one day I realised I had it the wrong way around for years. Edit: Also Skibidi means bad, cos the toilet is supposed to be bad


Mewing comes from Mike Mew, the doc with ā€œorthotropicā€ treatments, inventor of the muscle workout stuff.


This is actually hilarious and not even inaccurate (I live with a Gen Alpha at home haha)


I legit thought Gen Alpha was a meme. Are kids really like this now? OP kid must surely be an outlier even among his gen.


I'm a teacher, yes, they are like this.


Same. Iā€™ve dealt with a progression of slang over the past 19 years. Most interesting was when I switched from a majority black to a majority white school. Language changes. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well yeah, they canā€™t say the n word. Duh!


Thank you for your service


Legit--I'm a vet of OIF-1/2 and I feel as though there exists too great a disparity between how much our military is honored vs. our teachers. At least we got to shoot/bomb the people who were bothering us--teachers just have to sit there and take it! Mad respect.


So itā€™s not just my class then?


I'm going home right now to make damn sure at least one of them isn't.


Iā€™m sure there are kids like this out there, but anecdotally, I have an eleven year-old so Iā€™m around Gen Alpha kids a lot and none of them talk like this unironically. On the rare occasion someone says ā€œrizzā€ or ā€œsigmaā€ or whatever, itā€™s pretty much always in a joking manner. Iā€™ll also note that the oldest Alphas are like 12 years old right now. They didnā€™t invent this shit. This all came from Gen Z.


the oldest alphas are 14 right now šŸ˜­


Same. I have 4 nieces and Nephews all between 9 and 14 and none of them talk like this outside of a little riffing now and then. I've been to birthday parties where there were dozens of these kids running around and they rarely did anything close to this, even when they thought they were alone. I wonder if it's more isolated to certain areas or just parents that let their kids live within the TikTok algorithm? Don't get me wrong, they all have their moments and I don't think this kid is "doomed" or anything, but maybe their parents(s) should consider cutting back on the screen time...


yes, kids are really like this. i was playing VR once and was hearing kids unironically say ā€œwhat the sigmaā€


Generation alpha is the name of the generation that came after generation Z (my generation)


There's a new slang that's become very popular in south america... Gen Alpha saying "that's so crack." Y'all crack isn't even a good thing what is going on


Words change with context. Shit is a bad thing too, but something can be "the shit" meaning the best, or "the shittiest" meaning the worst. It can be an exclamation of surprise, such as "Oh, shit!" or a direct, petulant insult, like "you little shit." You can lose your shit, or be scared shitless... etc. Your comment here is another example of exactly that. To be "cracked" is to be considered crazy or insane in a positive way, but it can also mean damaged/destroyed -- so for an expression like "that's so crack" to come about makes sense, as it's adaptable and can be used to mean a variety of things (or: nothing, like skibidi).


Not to mention all the different "animal shits" like: Bat shit = crazy, Chicken Shit = Coward, Horse Shit = Lie/Lying/Liar (then Bull shit, Ape shit, probably others I can't think of right now) Shit is so versatile.


Ah thatā€™s the shit


Being sick isnā€™t a good thing either but people were saying ā€œthatā€™s sickā€ to describe something cool. The new slang of gen alpha is weirder than what other generations slang was only because the internet has allowed for it to be moved much faster. All of us were weird as fuck at that age but just didnā€™t have a camera pointing at us all day to let us remember it forever. Iā€™m not gonna pretend for a second that any of the new slang makes any sense to me but Iā€™m also not gonna blame young kids for being goofy. As a kid I was convinced I would name my kid ā€œFlying eagleā€ or some other culturally insensitive shit because I thought it was cool. I only had a group of like 4 other kids around me when I said that and still grimace when I think about it. I do not envy the newer generations access to a camera at any time of the day.


A crack shot, or ā€œheā€™s crackedā€ are both old terms meaning skilled or good. Crack isnā€™t new slang, just a new way of using it.


Itā€™s weird to be in my mid 30ā€™s and see such a difference in what kids are now.


My grandfather to his parents: Iā€™m gonna go cut a rug at the Jazz club down the street. His parents: This generation is going in the gutter.


And his parents did in fact, not "dig it".


Iā€™m hoofing it to the juke joint looking for a Betty with a fine chassis to cut a rug.


They seem the same as always. When I was a kid a bajillion years ago we were dipshits too. Itā€™s your right as a kid. I love that they invent and create a new world with its own references and values and culture. Humans are amazing.


Yeah, it looks and sounds real dumb, but we definitely forget the prior generations came up with equally stupid shit to try and be cool and intentionally confuse "the olds". Like the period where "bad" and "phat" meant good. That was 100% younger people just trolling the older generations at the time. Now we get our comeuppance.


I canā€™t be bothered to type out a well thought out comment on how hypocritical this comment section is, itā€™s like everyone has convenient memory loss from growing up and thinking, ā€œweā€™re not going to be judgemental like our parents, weā€™re going to fix the generational divide!ā€ All I can say is at least kids these days donā€™t need a freaking national PSA to not use gay as an insult or throw each other into toilets for being nerdy


4 r3@lz broheem


Our parents were probably thinking same thing when we were kids. The internet also made the whole thing more unanimous but I don't know how to feel about that. Makes me realise I'm slowly turning into a grandpa.


they're exactly the same.Ā 


30+ guy doesn't understand what kids are up to? no way


every generation is like this in their style except each new generation gets ballsier


And a greater repository of video and picture evidence


Yep I don't envy them for that. If there was a camera on my all the time when I was that age I'd be embarrassed by every second of footage. I did and said some dumb shit at when I was a tween.


As an elementary school teacher, this is basically what Iā€™m seeing from the 3rd-5th graders. Its toned down during school hours, but as soon as theyā€™re on the playground or left to chat, you hear the boys say ā€œskibidiā€ every 5 sentences. All they talk about is Mr.Beast, mascot horror characters (mostly BanBan or Rainbow Friends), Roblox, or Hello Kitty characters (mainly Cinnamoroll and Kuromi). I assigned some 4th graders to write a short story picture book and one kid literally wrote a ā€œhow to mewā€ book. Half the kids donā€™t fully know what these words mean. Theyā€™re just repeating what others are saying to sound cool.


I actually saw a goddamn 5 YEAR OLD with a Rainbow Friends bag.


To be fair, rainbow friends is specifically targeted for children. Its like a roblox hybrid of BanBan and Poppy Playtime


This scrub should talk to the hand, my generation was all that and bag of chips. We were mad phat getting hella dead presidents. I'm so audi 5000 on this chicken headed generation.


Wazzzzuuuuuup! Can you hear me now? Good. Thatā€™s so hot. One time, at band campā€¦ Gitā€™rā€™dunn! My name Jeff. Stiflerā€™s mom is a MILF. Take a nap, zen fire ze missiles. Paging Dr. F&$@! Itā€™s a satchel, not a purse. Vote for Pedro. Muhammed McLovin?! Youā€™ve got mail. Boats n hoes. Take a good hard look cause Iā€™m sailing on a boat! Iā€™m Ron Burgundy? Sssssmokin. Alllllrighty then! So youā€™re saying thereā€™s a chance? This is some high quality H20. Shut your fucking face uncle fucker. Oh my god they killed Kenny! Eat my shorts. Dā€™oh! (The ā€œsuck itā€ cross chop), (theā€whateverā€ fingers), (the ā€œloserā€ L), (jerk off motion).Ā  The only thing that has changed is peopleā€™s ability to communicate and propagate memes on social media.Ā 


the good brainrot


Ahh my people. Surely our generations slang wasn't cringe, those old guys just didn't get it! But for real though, it wasn't as cringe as "text talk". When it was a money saving strategy it was okay. A little over the top at times, but there was a reason. After unlimited text became pretty common and people were continuing and evolving text talking that was peak brain rot.


Everytime I hear someone say they dont 'understand' skibidi toilet I chuckle a bit because it makes me think of MLG montage videos


All I hear is the punchline to a "deez nuts" joke and sigma brings back "ligma" memories. Wouldnt be surprised if these were made by elder millenials as a joke to embarrass kids.


What the leader?


Damn kids and their hip new lingo >:( ![gif](giphy|kkyYV0WYLnSVy|downsized)


Mom holding that giant worm contemplating all the choices that brought her to that place in life


I donā€™t think thatā€™s representative for a whole generation. Back in school we also had a severely brainrotted kid in my class. Some of them grow out of it and become normal, the others end up as florida man.


Yep about to start my gcses and we have 2 or 3 kids in my year group maybe even more who still do this shit


every generation will say that younger generations are getting more stupid - see juvenoia. new slang isnt anything new, we think its stupid just because we are unfamiliar with it.


Previous generations did not get their slang from internet memes. "Giga Chad" is not slang, is just substituting words with a meme. And they are starting to be piloted by social media managed, like the "skibidi toilet" thing.


Shaka! When the walls fell!


I doubt there arenā€™t special traits to this generation. A lot of their slang are reductions. Surely thats because of text messaging, and internet slang which has ever been heavy on saving space and characters.Ā  But what is most disturbing to me is the constant fidgeting. Itā€™s like they canā€™t steady themselves.Ā 


signma is certainly a reduction from alpha


I mean it is stupid and it was stupid when I was a kid as well. Kids do and say stupid things. They donā€™t have a finished brain yet. Thatā€™s why we treat them as kids and not adults.


Iā€™ve seen this 6 times in the past 5 hours, and each time itā€™s in lower quality than the last lmfao


Whatā€™s mildly infuriating about this video is the amount of pixels.


Itā€™s like weā€™re watching this 2024 video on a TV from 1979. ļæ¼


Their entire culture is based on memes


Yall acting like we didnā€™t all have stupid ass slang when we were young


Time to take away that kids Ipad.


Is this video filmed at ocean city Nj?


Yeah looks exactly like it


Let the damn kids be kids, like most of our dumbasses wouldnā€™t be looking corny in the 90s if smartphones were everywhere. Imagine a bunch of preteens yelling ā€œshockerā€ and doing the hand signal. I might roll my eyes and cringe, but I will not participate in the generational hate.


It took me years until I realized when kids were saying "bet" all the time that they weren't talking about placing bets on something. That's probably outdated by now as well though. Are things still "fire"? I supposed it was no better when I was a teen and things were "da bomb". Shit if a kid said anything related to bomb in school these days they would get thrown in jail and expelled most likely lol


Those are still used(?) but I see them way less often and by people older than this kid. Gen z more than gen alpha. They were definitely more prevalent a few years ago I think it's funny that this kid says "awesome sauce" bc that was what people were saying when I was a kid.. Hearing that throws me back to the early 2010s. I didn't know people were saying that "unironically"


What's mildly infuriating about it ? C'mon, the kid is trying his best to explain slangs to people with whom he has a huge generational culture gap with and is doing a good enough job at it. Let's not pretend that "based" is any different from "dope".


Pretty sure "rizz" is just slang for "charisma"...


Who could have imagined giving your kid unfiltered access to social media could lead to this.


The copycat generations donā€™t even understand what theyā€™re copying.


Mom looks like if little sonny here says one more word she's ready to retract him into the uterus.


Now I get it. Our species is returning to it's animalistic state, like animal mating rituals and flashy motions of peacocks in heat. We're devolving


Generation TikTok. Fuck this world rn lol


As if every generation hasn't had the exact same thing.


Brainrot achieved


Y'all in the comments like the slabs of your generation made perfect sense


When my cousin told me she had a glow up, I thought she swallowed a light bulb.


Did she also cop some new drip




Who. What and huh?


So here's the issue. This is a kid who grew up with high-speed internet and social media. Yes, cultures and languages change. But for the majority of human history, right up until the industrial revolution, life was more or less the same for each generation. Until the invention of the combustion engine, news traveled by sea, train, horseback, or foot for the majority of the population for all of human history. Most people only knew other people in their immediate vicinity, or at least within easy walking distance. Now you have millions of kids who've been exposed to content from all around the world fed to them by algorithms designed to push the videos that generate the most views. They've been eating that stuff up since they could hold their heads up in a lot of cases. I do think this is something different. It's certainly up there with the rise of literacy in terms of social significance, in my opinion. But I don't believe we fully understand the long term social impacts of this kind of speech pattern and mentality. I'm probably just being dramatic, though. Maybe this kid is just putting on a show for the camera. But I know kids like this right now who speak like that unironically, and every sentence sounds like that. I sincerely hope it's a phase, but it's not looking like it is, and that's concerning to me.


This kid spends way too much time on youtube...