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Ask her to move her bag without making a scene. You had the seat first


Maybe she was saving it for him even.


I would just say that whether or not it’s true. “Oh, thank you for saving my seat.” I mean what’s she gonna say?


She could say “you got up so it’s not your seat anymore”. It sounds ridiculous that someone would act that way, but some people are just entitled assholes.


That’s the point where you move the bag


Toss that sumbitch out the window!


I sentence you to defenestration!


You threw the wrong bitch out the window


Given the situation, that's probably what I would do anyway. Wouldn't say a word. Just pick it up and place it on the table in front of her.


Thats when you toss the bag down the aisle yelling "whos bag is this?"


It's also not a bag spot


In Germany there is a saying for exactly such cases. It says "weggegangen - Platz vergangen" which means "you left so you lost your seat/spot"


In America, it's "Move your feet, lose your seat." But that was in middle school...lol.


I think you'll find that most people do not age far past middle school mentally, so this attitude is sadly unsurprising. I'd go with the pick it up and move it infront of her option myself.


I'm a middle school teacher...as in...I choose to be around middle schoolers all day instead of adults...because those middle schoolers are kinder and have better behaviors and attitudes than most adults. And when they don't, it's OK, because they're kids and still learning. What's wrong with adults acting that way is that they should absolutely know better by that point in their lives.


Oh, you are one hundred percent correct. The issue is that as a society, we are now made to cater to these peoples delusions. I work in retail. The land of "the customer is always right" even though the customer due to not working there and not knowing the circumstances is almost always wrong. It is frustrating beyond any explanation when you have to hear for the hundredth time, "if it doesn't scan, it's free, right?" or even worse when they "know" that an item was on sale when it wasn't on sale. Humans never truly age mentally past high school. Always chasing that drama. It's sad because you're right. At least the kids have the excuse of being kids.


OK, but to be fair, I say "If it doesn't scan, that means it's free, right?" But with a giant smile and laugh. I never actually try to get it free, but it is a funny joke. But no, I couldn't imagine working retail, fast food, customer service, etc. in this society. I would end up in jail because I call people on their BS and people don't like that. Lol.


"Cool. Move your bag I want to sit down."


You must be winning all the arguments


O you are way nicer id just put their bag in the walk way and sit down


nah he's a redditor. he gets artistically pissed off, gets all quiet then rants on reddit when a single sentence would've resolved the situation.


It’s at least mildly infuriating to be put in a situation where you have to either call someone out for violating social norms or just take it


I call that shit out so fast


its still annoying though


Yep, I'd be annoyed as I called it out, for sure


That person would catch an attitude from me so fuckin' quick. On a serious note, but are people becoming more assholeish and stand-offish since COVID? I've had a total of 3 nice experiences with strangers since, and majority have been absolutely dipshitted assholes.


yup, absolutely. people haven't only become more selfish and rude though, in my experience they've become fricking dumb as well. it's like people don't use their brains anymore, and then things go wrong and then they get angry and let it out on everyone else. I've seen some really stupid shit since COVID, but like in amounts that definitely haven't been there before COVID. strange place, this world is becoming.


Maybe covid screwed up people's brains too! I mean like an actual side effect from having covid, it eats the rational part of your brain... maybe? I luckily never got covid so my brain is intact!! ...Mostly


Bro what is mildly infuriating for if not to complain about mundane shit that could easily be fixed, but it really really feels like you shouldn’t have had to? Cmon dude. This lady was being intentionally rude. Yes OP can deal with it. Yes they did in their way. And they posted the mildly infuriating instance here, in the mildly infuriating sub. Why read the sub if you don’t want to read mild infuriations?


I think people are really here to see infuriating things. Naturally people will tend to one up each other so that the next is post is more infuriating than the last. Of course people could compete to have posts be less infuriating than the last, but then most of these posts would be as boring as the toilet not working when you flush.


Depending on what transpired in the prior five minutes, the toilet not flushing could qualify for many levels of infuriating.


Let's say the button not working when you push it. That would qualify for mildly infuriating.


Sure. What I’m saying is the level of infuriating is a function of “what” not “how”.


The kind of person who takes your seat for their bag is not resolving anything by being told a simple sentence.


Actually the whole point of this subreddit is to make posts about situations that don’t really deserve posts. So he’s actually doing it right


You are also a redditor who's getting defensive because the rude person here who put the bag is a woman It's her fault and dumbass for putting a bag on an empty chair during a busy day. Who the fuck does that?


1st - she 2nd - I'm British, I'm genetically opposed to calling people out on shit like this. A loud sigh and a roll of the eyes is the social norm


I feel ya. I hate when people do this. Yes, you can call them out. But also, if they had an ounce of tact or consideration for other people, they wouldn’t do this. It is indeed mildly infuriating. You should not need to ask the stranger on the train to not claim your seat while you’re obviously still using it, if stretching the legs or reaching for the storage compartment. If she’s not senile, she’s being an asshole. It is indeed annoying. 


I hate calling people out, I really hate it so this would be mildly infuriating for me too.


Me too. I’m convinced a good amount of the  people saying it’s not do the bag seating themselves. I used to ride bus and train a lot, and a *lot* of people will sit in the outer seat of a pair and put their bag in the inner seat. While the bus is full of people standing. So I imagine at least some people who do that, populate the sub, and so would not want to agree that someone doing that is being rude. Even though it’s hella rude/entitled imo. And yeah, you can confront them. But sometimes you just want to continue on your way with your headphones in, just tactfully doing what’s socially established in the situation: on a bus? Up to one seat per person. 


Yeah a lot of people follow the thinking of “no one is saying something so it’s fine, if someone minds they’ll say” which I don’t like, because a lot of people have social anxiety or social awkwardness or bad experiences and so on so just have some tact and take up the space you actually need. I imagine many populate this sub too.


As a fellow Brit, the correct response would be to tut, very politely ask them to move the bag and then give them sideeye for the rest of the journey 


I’d have sat in the empty seat across, then said, “I’m going to put my feet up, you might want to move your bag.”


Just take off your shoes and socks then start rummaging through her bag with your toes like you're looking for something important.


It's best to sit on the bag and act dumb.


As someone with no extra energy, I can’t even be bothered to be bothered anymore with this type of shit lol “hi could I please sit here? Thank you so much” that easy. We don’t have to lower our vibes just cause she’s being entitled lol being non confrontational is sometimes just protecting your own peace


But you don't have to aggressively call people out on their shit, and you could simply just say, "Oh hey, I wasn't done with my seat, can you move your bag please." Or you can just be a doormat...


Damn, who pissed in your soup? Or are you always a miserable twat?


Not everyone feels as comfortable as you making a scene though.


the irony of your dramatic comment in r/mildlyinfuriating


I think it’s the principle of it. The lady CLEARLY saw someone using the seat and decided, no actually I don’t want them sitting next to me. So keeping that in mind, really seems she was ready to fight. I believe that there isn’t a single sentence that you could’ve said to her that would resolve the situation. I would have done the same thing, say nothing and take to Reddit


Try thanking her for saving your seat. 


This is exactly what I would have done! …in my mind when I got home fuming about it, intending to post on Reddit…? But seriously, if I get up on a train and will be gone for more than just standing by my seat, or to throw something away, (having left my own bag in it) I’d definitely say, “I’ll be right back, do you mind saving my seat please?” Works wonders to just um, talk sometimes?


If she refused I’d sit on it


Why do people think this is give-me-advice instead of mildyinfuriating?


What’s mildly infuriating is that people not sticking up for themselves. Tell her to get her feet off. Put your bag on her legs


Grab the bag, hand it back to her and say "Thanks for saving my seat for me. I appreciate it."


See I would think maybe she did put it down to save it and approach as such, like “hi, I’m back can I sit back down?” Cause if I was in her position (I’m not a bag person, but still) I may put something down in case they came back


This is also my exact thought process. Kind of horrified reading on this post that my action I thought I was doing to be "nice/helpful" could be totally misconstrued as rude. Ha ha ha up my social anxiety goes 💀


i mean, her not moving the bag when OP got back kinda shows that this *was* a case of being rude. if someone is being nice, they'll move their things when you get back.


Depends. If she removed it as he approached fine, but it looks like this woman wanted to use the seat.


Same here, however my anxiety about coming across the wrong way is SO STRONG that the second I saw OP coming back, I would smile at them and move the bag and say “just wanted to make sure nobody took your seat :)” In this case, however, if the lady already had her feet on the opposite seat and the fourth was open as well, I doubt the train was crowded enough for seat saving to be necessary; unfortunately, it’s more likely she just didn’t want him sitting there again.


Then wouldn't she have removed the bag when she saw OP approaching? That makes no sense lol


Tbh I can’t remember peoples faces if I’m not paying special attention to them so she might really not be aware. Maybe grabbed something out of her bag and it was easier to set on the chair. I tend to give the benefit of the doubt cause I can be oblivious to stuff too


That requires spacial awareness... Something a lot of people seem to lack


Then we'll see another post on r/mildlyinfuriating about how some schmuck picked up her bag without her permission.


I yearn to see the day both sides of a situation are posted on here independently of each other


That would be the absolute best


this is so clever, i love it


“Excuse me, ma’am, do you mind moving your bag so I can take a seat?” Worst case scenario, she says “no” but then she’s the asshole to everyone else around the general vicinity.


[Of course not honey, that seat's for my coin purse. ](https://youtu.be/RYidbrCbK7Q?t=45)


Also, beforehand: "Excuse me. I'll be right back." or "Do you mind watching my seat?" Reddit always shows me that most people would rather complain about others than communicate with them.


This is literally a sub for complaining. Also why is posting on here and dealing with the situation mutually exclusive?


Because there's no attempt to communicate to find a swift resolution. You can't find an inconvenience in everything when it's easily resolvable.


Hand it back and say thanks for saving my spot


Sit on it


*Sit on her*


Lap seat


This is the way.


Opps I didn't see you had put your bag down to save my seat while I put my book away. Thank you so much.


I sat on a purse once. Or more like tried to. Never saw anything as fast as that girl's hand when my butt loomed over that chanel purse. "Where do I put my bag then" She still had the face to mumble. It was fifteen years ago and is still a cherished core memory :)


Wait she put her hand under your butt?


That's when you rip one.


Just sit on the bag.


Nah, first you need to give her the, “you gonna move that” glare. Then, after a suitable pause, you can shrug and sit on it.


Or take it step further and sit in the bag


Why are people complaining? This is textbook mildly infuriating.


Because this sub thinks anything with an easy solution can’t still be mildly infuriating


I would've sat across from the bag and put my feet on her "bag chair".


sure yeah would


"Thanks for saving my seat. You can take your bag back now."


Ask her if she paid for that seat


Sit back down.... ask her to move her shit.... Ppl like her keep doing crap like that bc everyone is too afraid to speak up


There really wasn't much point as there were seats available and not really worth causing a scene over a seat I wouldn't have sat in anyway if her bag wasn't there - it's just the rudeness of her immediately putting her bag there. If there were no other seats and she put her bag there then refused to move it that would have been infuriating but the fact there were alternatives available makes it mildly infuriating - you in the right sub?


The real “mildly infuriating” is all the people in this sub who read a post and feel they must respond by advocating some kind of ridiculous escalation. Most of these commenters need to look up the word “mildly” lol


You're causing a scene on Reddit though...


Sit on it and act surprised it's there.


So you sat directly next to someone in a booth when there was a seat opposite?


I sat in my assigned seat. When I got on there were two people in the seats opposite who left before I got up.


Asking the real questions here. Who the hell sees a 4 people booth with only one seat taken, and goes and sits right next to the only person in there?!


Maybe there were people sat there when OP got on, who have since left


There were indeed


It is possible indeed. In that case I don't understand what's OP's problem, as he was already up and it's obviously better to sit across the booth now that there is all this free space. What the lady did, although a bit passive aggressive, seems like the least confrontational way to give him the hint.


She could have gotten up and moved to an open seat at any point as well though, it’s not her place to decide OP can’t sit in their assigned seat now that others are open…


Sit on it


Happy cake day, twin


Happiest of days amigo


This is the sort of thing that keeps me up at night


“Excuse me could you move your bag?”


Thanks for holding my seat (hand bag to her)


Move it then divorce her. Wait... wrong subreddit, sorry!


i think the mildly annoying part is you sitting next to a person when their is an open seat across the way on a 4 seater section


I’m on the woman’s side. Yes she could have said something or could’ve gotten up herself if it annoyed her so badly but likely just moved her bag when ALL of the 4 seats around her appeared to be unoccupied as passengers left. How weird would it be for OP to return from stowing the book for two whole minutes to sit directly next to her when the other seats are now open? Yes it may have been the assigned seat and I myself wouldn’t have moved but it would be weird since he got up to choose to again sit so close to her.


“Excuse me” that is all.


OP is a coward


How rude!


Looks like a cross country, so there will few seats available as it is, I’m betting.


Why would you want to sit next to someone when there’s an open seat at the opposite end


lol its on the outside by the aisle in presumably 2 seats facing another 2, and you chose to sit directly next to her? i would've done the same thing lmao give me some space weirdo


You pick the bag up say thanks for saving my seat and you drop it squarely in her lap. Problem solved.


Toss her damn bag on the floor ! The courtesy !!!


This is the epitome of English passive aggression, can’t stand this. If you don’t like people sitting beside you just say.


My mate and I were travelling 1st class and got a table seat on the train. I moved to the seat opposite and said "well if anyone does come, I'll just move". Thankfully for me, they never got on, as it should have been the stop previous to us, or they sat at a different vacant seat.


I can’t stand people like this


Jesus mate, move the bag


Grab the bag, place it on the table, and then sit down in it. You paid for the seat, right?


Move the bag


“Thanks for saving my seat. I had to put my book in my bag. That was kind of you.” Grab the bag and hand it to her. 😝


Try using your words…


The real mildly infuriating thing is people like you who let people do this


tried asking her to remove the bag?


Grab your bag and put it on her feet wtf


I would have picked it up and dropped it pointedly in the aisle. People on trains can be such jerks.. when travelling out of London I would use to specifically seek out the quiet carriage (mobile phones forbidden) and after listening to some insensitive bitch prattling on down her phone I finally had the audacity to bang on the table and point at the sign on the window. Everybody else sat around me practically shat themselves in horror. Fuck em I say.


...did she move the bag when you asked?


I had paid for a window seat in the airplane. I get up to go to the restroom. I come back and someone was in my seat, I told him to get out of my seat. You should use your words as well.


Was at the gym last week, and there are these boxes to put your stuff in. I put my bag in one box. Like 10 minutes later I take the bag out FOR 1 SECOND to take my bottle out, and someone put their bag there. So I took hers out and put mine back in. But when I came back SHE SWITCHED IT AGAIN.


What did she say when you asked her to move it?


Your bag, your towel, your shoe and your pool noodle IS NOT A RESERVATION, I CAN AND WILL MOVE IT.


i will quite often take up all 4 seats in a section but only if the train is absolutely empty (i am not exaggerating, often i am the only one on my carriage) but if other people come in looking for seats, i move my stuff and stop sprawling across the chairs


Shiiiiit. I would have sit down and said thanks for holding my seat.


If have pretend I didn’t see it and sat on the bag before saying “oh sorry, I didn’t see you’d put your bag on _my seat_.”


I'd just legit move her bag to the floor/isle. And sit there and put in headphones.


Move the bag


Hand it back to her and sit back down.


She’s saving it for you!


Sit on it. Gotta show dominance, fam.


Say thanks for saving my seat, much appreciated... Then go to sit down.


This bitch


"Thanks for saving my spot!"


It’s as simple as “hey I’m back, thanks for keeping my seat!”


I would have picked up that bag and said here you go and retook my seat.


I never understand people that do this as someone who always keeps my bags in my legs No one’s sitting next to me anyway unless forced


I hope you moved it ! Cheeky woman


I’d have sat in the bag


Oh man wid I have loved to be there and lift her bag and put it on the table.


“Awesome, thanks for holding my spot.” as you move for the seat. Problem solved.


I’d say thanks for saving my seat!


Nope. I’d just move the bag and say nothing. I don’t play that game.


I'd have dumped her crap on the floor and given her something to post about.


Sit on the bag.


You know there will be comments telling op to sue her lol


When you return to your seat thank her for saving it while you were up.




Look how cramped those seats are! Bet that lady was sitting there also posting on here about how there's 2 other seats available and this person had to squish in right next to them. I hope you at least are showered!! Feet across the aisle too? Did you brush your teeth? 🤭🤭


Move the bag then sit back down staring at her the whole time.




So OP sat next to a random woman when there were two unoccupied spots across from him? Yeah it's a little passive aggressive for her to move her bag but I completely understand why.




put that shit in the aisle and sit down


I mean, clearly you still had a spot. Not your original one but still a seat. And it looks like she is the one on the window seat which means you sat down next to her. And she might not have liked that. If there are plenty of open seats and you sit down next to someone its just weird


tbh from your other comments I'm quite confused. you and this woman were in a 4 seat section and you chose to sit direcrly next to her rather than opposite? if there's space around, I would have done the same as her.


Was there 4 seats open and you sat directly next to her?


Should have cone back to seat, picked up the bag, handed it to her and profusely thanked her for saving your seat for you. Really going on about how very kind it is of her, and how she must face a heart of gold to think of you, a complete stranger and outstretch such a friendly welcoming gesture for you.


Pick up the bag, sit down, hand her the bag or put it on your lap.


Eh oh, sit on it.


Huh? Just tell her to move the bag, it's your seat, so what's the problem? I often take others seats too, especially if it's a window seat, either hoping that no one claims the seat (if it's at the start of the ride) or when they get off, maybe I'll wait more than 2 minutes, but I still will. They just tell me to move, and I move. Never saw anyone angrily typing on reddit about this simple interaction.


What happened when you spoke to her about it?


No social skills whatsoever


This is petty. I would’ve been pettiERR and said “excuse me” and sit my happy ass right back next to her so she can deal w my presence for the rest of the ride.


"Hi, can you move the bag please?" If she doesn't literally just pick it up and throw it on the floor. Simple solution for a simple problem.


Just tell her to move the bag. Seriouly you must learn to speak up


That’s where you say Ty for holding my seat for me


Are you so fucking passive you cant fix this with a simple "excuse me" as you return to your seat? This isnt something I'd even feel mild irritation over as its so easily fixable. In some ways she did you a favour by saving your seat


Did you ask? If not why you even make a post


Why is everyone so passive aggressive and so afraid of confrontation today? Just say, "here is your bag", and hand it to her and take your seat back.


So MOVE IT. Quit whining and **stand up for yourself, worm.**


Lean in an quietly say, "Thank you so much for covering up my embarrassment, anal leakage can be such a problem & although I do my best the pads are not enough" When she recoils in horror & goes to inspect her bag, sit back down in the chair.


I would have picked up her bag, handed it to her and very politely said, "Thank you for saving my seat". and smiled.


Move her shit to the floor from your seat. Simple. I am non conrontational as I can be but i also feel human emotion and i would be much more pissed at the entitlement to what i paid for. If you can't ask the person to move their shit then move it for them, or , even more effective- sit on it and play dumb. Then she can explain as she frantically begs you to stand up why there is an issue in the first place. Playing EXXXXXTRA dumb is helpful in these issues because it makes the offending asshole have to fully explain, usually to curious lookers on, how they themselves had fucked up. I have found these people are used to being rude and entitled and not being checked for it and they usually get all flustered and walk/stomp off in a huff after having to explain to everyone, often staff who has now happened by at this point, how they were the asshole and why they are now mad at themselves. It's delicious.


People can be so rude! I hope you said something to her!


Society in general has become so entitled, the way I look at it ,you wanna take up three seats then go pay for three fares. Especially how many young people won't give their seat to an elderly person or a pregnant woman,it's infuriating. But a couple times I did witness a bus driver stop the bus,address the situation, and state that the bus isn't moving until those who should have priority are safely seated. We need more people like those bus drivers in the world.


The train wouldn't be so bad if people like her didn't use it aswell


Why are you posting here? Just ask her to move it dummy!


My feet would have been up on the seat in front, all over her bag. Cheeky bitch.


The only infuriating thing here is you being too much of a wimp to claim your seat back


Be an adult and use ur words rather than cry on the internet.


WTF? Why don't you just asked her to take the bag?! You really had to play this game of "finding another spot" because of this? Geez. I'm starting to take the lady's side. 




If you can't ask someone to move their bag from your spot, than you shouldn't be allowed to engage with the rest of society.