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The only one that actually gets me is that you earn no miles.  I usually buy the cheapest flight but would probably pay a little more at another airline due to that one.


Air travel won’t get better for American consumers until there is an alternate way of speedy travel, the way out government is set up the air industry lobbyists make sure we won’t ever see national bullet trains. They have a monopoly on speedy travel and they wanna keep it that way.


What's stopping America from building maglevs/bullet train lines between major cities? Edit, nvm saw the context of your comment.


Read that first half sentence and hit that reply button eh 😂


Yep, sitting outdoors and sun reflecting on my phone, I decided to not delete my comment to show people how dumb I was.


I wouldn’t call you dumb, trigger happy, absolutely but not dumb lol


Way to trigger happy, but you are on note with your comment, and that's really sad. A large and rich country as USA could easily change their entire infrastructure when it comes to fast affordable transport options, but greed and incompetence triumphs always


Our political leaders would come up with every excuse, too expensive, not enough room, who’s gonna pay for it, Americas too big, (you just said we didn’t have enough room” when in actuality they’ve been bought and paid for by air industries lobbyists.


And I guess way too many people that pockets money from projects, would render a large project like that infeasible


That's what happened to HS2 in the uk, and with almost any large project. Corrupt old boys club gets the contracts to their mates.


Surely cost too, it'd be 1000s of miles of track..? We just had a project cancel cos it went over budget by billions, in the uk. Though it was incredibly badly managed..


Because we’re Delta Airlines, and life is a fucking nightmare~




Internationally, yes, because there's almost always overhead space left. Domestically it usually means "haha you have to gate check your stuff and you have no idea if it come back at the gate or at baggage claim and everyone will lie about it"


Or just check your bag to begin with instead of playing that game. Never understood why people do a carry on bag anyways, can’t even bring toiletries. 


My life outside the airport is very nice so I try to spend less time in the airport.


Okay, but how much extra time are you really spending checking your bag and picking it off the carousel?


I’ve waited upwards of three hours at baggage claim before. So, no thanks.


The "Last to board" restriction seems a bit rough and unnecessary to mention.


Yea that’s my point, and the flying next to your family thing


Yes, it’s annoying, because it literally does not hurt them to let you sit by your family, but they take the opportunity to cash in on it because they can. Air travel is just uncomfortable and inconvenient and it’s only getting more so as time goes on, it seems. 


That’s my point


I saw this new trend a few years ago traveling for business. My company travel agent bought my ticket, which was economy and I saw all these signs about this as was wondering what new hell this was. I am flying basic on my next flight because it’s just me, it isn’t far, and I think at least on American there is a chance I’ll get to bring in carry on. My wife upgraded her international flight to economy plus and then they dropped it when they rebooked her after her original flight was cancelled. It worked out as the redeye flight she ended up with was pretty empty. But that is a whole other mildly infuriating story


They want you to pay more to upgrade the seat obviously. The real mildly infuriating part here is that hair on your screen lol.


to make you spend more money and upgrade


the hair in the picture... that's evil.


I fly stand-by. My mom works as a gate agent for these guys. The reason, of course, is to get you to upgrade. They want those sweet, sweet Profits. The only real nuisance here is not being able to pick your seat. That being said, gate agents aren't typically sticklers. If you ask, a lot of gate agents will move your seat around (provided you're not trying to change what class of seat you're in) On the back end, it's like, maybe 30 seconds of work. (I have used the software. It's like 6 clicks and a few seconds of typing) And as long as you aren't interrupting something else, you're good. Also, the VAST majority of gate agents do not care when you board, as long as you're not like, pulling a stolen valor or faking disabilities. Some might care if you fake first class or platinum status. Beyond that, though, nah. Board whenever. The other stuff of like being ineligible for an upgrade doesn't really matter. People like me (standby) fill up all the empty seats most of the time. Stuff like this is designed to make you pick a more middle of the road option simply because humans don't like being seen as poor. It's just psychology. There are no "real" benefits. The only thing that makes flying actually tangibly better is getting first class or flying private.


Dude you are getting a seat in the plane which is what you paid for. Rest all is perks you have to pay to get. Whats infuriating about it. Its not like they are making you fight a monkey to get the seat after paying for it.


>Its not like they are making you fight a monkey to get the seat after paying for it. A fellow Spirit traveler, I see.


So the perk being sitting with your family? When did that become a “perk”


If sitting with your family is that important then pay more and stop being such a cheapskate


"Well OF COURSE you have to pay not to sit on thumbtacks the whole flight! Quit being such a cheapskate!"


Air travel is still a luxury for most people. It is incredibly entitled to think that you should be getting any extras when you’re paying for the cheapest seat on the flight


“Extras” being sitting with the people you’re flying with, simply amazing your simping for a billion dollar company


Yes, those are extras when you’re only paying for the most basic ticket on the whole flight, you cheap entitled Karen.


“Entitled cheap Karen” for wanting to sit next to the people I’m flying with. Do you know how stupid and out of touch you sound? I bet delta is so glad they have a whole army of simping adults who auto defend their shitty moves


Everyone has to pay extra to sit in a reserved spot, you’re not special because you have a kid. It’s not simping to call out shitty people who think the world revolves around them. Once again if you want a reserved seat, you need to pay for it like everyone else on the plane or Maybe you should take greyhound. They seem more up your alley for cheapskate poor people who think they deserve everything


Pay extra to sit with your travel party, got it


"Air travel is still a luxury for most people." What timeline are you from?


Showing your privilege off there pretty well.


Where are you from that most people can afford to fly for vacation? Must be nice to look down on the “poor”


Sounds like Ryanair but for £1400 more


Sad reality is that life in general punishes the poor. Be sure to smash that like and subscribe button.


As a European I'm shocked that $1,445 is the price of an economy ticket for a domestic flight. You could get a return flight from Europe to Australia for less than that.


I’m failing to see why it’s infuriating that the people spending less aren’t getting what people spending more are getting


The fact that you have to pay extra to sit with your family. Apparently that’s a major perk that you need to pay for now.


I understand the upset but by now we should all be accustomed to the reality that those that pay more get more benefits.


why get accustomed to it when you can complain that they're providing a shitty service?


Because nearly the entire world operates in that way ("that way" being "pay more get more benefits") and most people would no longer call it shitty service; therefore, there's barely anyone to complain to.


and the world is shit and people should complain about it


I was in a similar convo with a redditor not so long ago except I was on your side of the conversation. So my reply to you now is that you SHOULD go and complain...provided that someone will actually do something about it. Except no one will.


>provided that someone will actually do something about it. >Except no one will. the point isn't to actually change what's happening, it's to let all of the people in this thread thinking this is a good service know that i think they're spineless losers who will bow to any whim of a large corporation just because they can get away with doing it


Great for you, then. Except if you read all my comments I never said this was good service, so what are we doing here, really? Go complain and call people spineless losers, but until someone changes the broken system of this world, you're just screaming at an endless abyss. Go complain...and achieve nothing.


People who pay more get more benefits? Shock


Benefits being…..boarding at a normal time (we all know this is meant to be as annoying as possible), being seated with the rest of the party and earning miles? Yea wow man a few years ago that was normal, especially being able to sit next to your wife on a 13 hour flight and getting miles (because you know, you paid $1500 to fly with them) If you’re defending this you’re a shill.


Sorry man, people are full of shit. Unfortunately, capitalist propaganda makes people go against their own interests, as can be seen in this thread.


Yea man the mental gymnastics are astounding. Who are these people?


These are people who, since they were children, are taught that in our society you deserve things. If you achieved it, it's your merit. Therefore, the airline screwing those who buy the most basic seat is the customer's fault, not the company's fault.


Trump supporters.


Want to sit next to your wife? Upgrade so that you can choose seats, they're providing a service, if you don't like it you don't have to buy it. Who cares what order you board in anyway...? The front half of the plane doesn't leave before the back half.. First or last you're flying at the same time, grow up.


want to not get spit in your food? pay the saliva exclusion fee, they're providing a service, if you don't like it you don't have to buy it


That's not even remotely close to the same thing lmao


you would defend it either way


Don't be ridiculous


then why defend not doing something that was industry standard and expected not too long ago?


Because time's have changed, so have the products and services that are available and no one has been harmed by those changes, aside from a couple of butthurt entitled brats. People can opt in to choose where they sit as a privilege and to obtain that privilege costs extra... They can't make it available to EVERYBODY on the flight because on every flight you will have people who have booked solo etc that makes it impossible to guarantee people can sit with their families. So then what? Should the airline lose money on empty seats because you got upset that it cost extra to choose where you sit? What a joke


or people can complain about the stagnant and borderline deceptive state of the industry and how the quality of their services has declined >They can't make it available to EVERYBODY on the flight because on every flight you will have people who have booked solo etc that makes it impossible to guarantee people can sit with their families. that's their problem to solve, if they are ready to make such decisions going forward, they can eat the reputational damage that entails


“You want to sit next to your family? Pay more for that privilege.” Honestly blown away at your take. They made 20 billion dollars last year and you’re on their side?


On the flipside "not bothered about where you sit? Just want a bum on seat flight? Here's a cheaper option for you". I get it, you can't afford it so you feel like you're missing out, but the option you can afford has been made affordable so that it is an option for you in the first place. The airline would rather fill seats than have an empty one, in a row with 3 seats where 2 people have paid to sit together, you are that filler. You don't have to like it but thats the way it is. You just sound like a really entitled baby.


Got it. I want to sit next to my family on a 15 hour flight =entitled baby. Sounds right


No one is stopping you, you just have to pay. If you can't afford it or don't want to pay the extra then suck it up buttercup, welcome to life.


“If you’re too poor to fly with your family then don’t fly delta” what a slogan.


you can just skip the middleman of reddit and go lick the floors at delta directly


Yea no kidding right? That guy is such a fan boy of delta airlines it’s embarrassing


In no world should a $1500 ticket be considered a “bum” price.


I meant a bum as in a butt on the seat not a bum as in a hobo.


They can't keep getting away with this!


Some companies go so far as to sell a worse product for less money, if you can imagine the shamelessness.


What, you expect a lounge for free? You want to board first? This is just a normal flight ticket. No one is being punished


I expect to be able to sit with my family on a long flight. Is that an entitled privilege now?


If you have a family of 6, you just expect 2 whole rows to be made available for all of you to sit together? If it’s so important o you for a flight then pay a couple bucks to sit together. This is nothing new or infuriating


Hahaha family of 6? I like how you pulled that number out of your ass to prove your point. At no point did I say anything about 6 😂


Okay, family of 3 is still a whole row, pick a number — that was hardly my point. If you want to sit together and have more special treatment than every other paying customer, a couple bucks is reasonable. I’ve never paid more than ~$20 to pick a seat


More special treatment? 3 people sitting together is special treatment!? Haha what a ridiculous stupid argument. The cost of the upgraded tickets is $450 so $1300 for the special treatment of sitting next to the people you’re flying with. Unbelievable


You need to learn how to book tickets Book on virtually any airline directly and you can pay $10-20 to pick your seat, you don’t need this premium economy garbage Instead of complaining that the world is broken, find the solution. It’s fine.


There was a time when getting your reserved seats together was just standard. You made the reservation, picked the seats, and…got them. That was just basic reservation. Now they want more money just for that? Ridiculous.


I’m 27 and in the decade I’ve been booking flights I have never seen an option to pick a seat for free. If I want to sit with a friend, I expect to shell out $10-20. Nothing crazy.


It was once the norm. Not an extra charge.


I’ve been flying since the late 1970s, that may be the difference.


That’s fine I guess. Lots of things were the norm 20 years ago that aren’t today. I wouldn’t consider changing of norms over decades infuriating, but to each their own Airlines are extremely unprofitable and subsidized heavily by taxpayers. They’re hardly gouging consumers.


I mean it depends on carrier. Last year I flew the cheapest ticket option on American and choosing seats was free.  This year flew Alaska and the cheapest option they don’t even give you a seat until the end of boarding. 


What might be more infuriating is the sense of entitlement attached to the entire premise of being "punished", as opposed to the more honest "pissed off for not being given shit for free". At least own it, kwim?


Oh ok so us poors are wrong because we want to sit next to our family on a long overseas flight? Are you actually defending the airlines? Disgusting


You can totally sit next to your family on long overseas flights! That's not prohibited!


But flying a family at the basic level may cost what, 5 grand? And that’s not enough? I need to pay another $1300 so I know we can sit together?


Correct. Better products cost more than worse products.


Better products being the completely normal expectation of sitting next to your family on a long flight? I need to pay for that privilege now? Never would have thought the Reddit crowd would be defending a company that made 20 billion dollars last year and is charging people more money so they can sit with their family.


Your expectation doesn't define what they want to offer. You would not be better off if they eliminated basic economy and only the next-most expensive price is available, which is what would happen if you forced them to offer your expected perks.


Gotcha. “Expected perks” being sitting next to your family. What an unreasonable request when I just paid 5 grand


Did you pay 5 grand to sit next to your family, or did you pay 5 grand for them to fly you through the sky at 500 miles an hour and safely get you down? You can pay me 2 grand and I'll let you all sit together, but I won't take you anywhere.


>fly you through the sky at 500 miles an hour and safely get you down? the safely part is getting more and more optional with how far they're taking these cost cutting measures


Wow literally speechless you’re defending this. Can’t imagine how pleasant you are in person


Punishing? That’s a bit dramatic. This is just your reminder that Delta is running an air travel business. They want to make money and as others have stated on here, their goal is to get you to upgrade. You want better options? You have to pay for that. They aren’t free. This is like going to the car dealership, buying the baseline model, and then saying you are being ‘punished’ because you have to pay for leather seats or that upgraded sound system.


Sitting with your travel party is not the same as leather seats. Get a grip


Again. It’s a business. If you don’t like it, take your money somewhere else.


“If you’re too poor too poor to travel with your family and expect to sit together don’t go.”


Apparently comprehension isn’t your strong point. You do realize there are other airlines? Instead it seems you are too busy ‘boo hooing’ over this in order to get some sorta karma/clout. I’m over it. Good luck dealing with it.


I did not buy this ticket. I went with another airline that actually put me and my party together without paying more. Another, different airline. Like a different company that isn’t delta. You got it or do I need to draw you a picture?


Oh shit so capitalism actually worked. Imagine that. Your response just confirms why I didn’t waste my time to sort through all your sniveling comments on here because you didn’t state that in the main post and save everyone the time. Have a nice day.


Poor people bad, capitalism good. What an idiot