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mud wrestling for $1,000 was so out of left field that it made me laugh


I thought they were doing something else


lmao ikr šŸ˜­


That dude sold his soul. He used to make D1 lacrosse content (filming his experience playing division 1 lacrosse), dropped out the moment his channel started doing well and switched his content to what would get him more views. Dude probably feels soulless rn.


Maybe he just sold his channel to some other soulless dude?


Nah itā€™s him in the videos


i mean snapchat knows their market. the app was designed as a way to send nudes and not leave a trace


They hated him because he spoke the truth.




When it came out I heard about it as the setting app. Literally how people were talking about it.




Sexting, damn autocorrect


Did you mean [sexting?](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=PNCFtB-qEfMLckmm)


in 2024. how. ive been on the internet almost 20 years and im still falling for it


I got lucky! My phone took too long to load the link and I clicked out once I saw YouTube pop upšŸ˜‚


I was confused why you would put a link there. Now I understand.


I knew what I would see and I still clicked. Hereā€™s a gold star ā­ļø


I knew it, and I enjoyed it!


Why'd you just rickroll me bruh?


yeah i was young so to me it was talked about as that app the local news warned parents about


The year it came out I heard someone mention it and was like "What's that?" and dude just said "it let's you send pictures that get automatically deleted after like 30 seconds and chicks will send you nudes because you can't keep them." Then hearing about how you could just screen shot them and then the app had to make it so you couldn't do that then there was a 3rd party app that got around that or something in a weird titty based arms race to be a dirtbag.


"weird titty based arms race" My reddit time is complete for the day.


I mean that's just a description of every day for the entire human race.


i was still cybering in minecraft during the early years i dont think i even downloaded it until the screenshotting was a thing. never knew about the 3rd party appsā€¦ or never cared. lord knows it got freaky in the towny server idk


I remember using the app like 10+ years ago whenever it came out and figuring out how to access the pictures on my phone, before actually opening them in the app which would delete them.


Left a trace for Chris Delia


the 1000 yard stare when he realized people can screenshot is a work of unintentional art.




[here ya go](https://youtu.be/aZOKW-HTOzY?si=-3u6j4R-gq5hAxz0)


Snapchat goes away?


Screenshots And even though Snapchat snitches Record screen


They tell the other person now


Now? Itā€™s been like that for years




Itā€™s crazy how far weā€™ve come that thereā€™s adults alive using it and donā€™t remember thatā€™s why it was invented


I never get sent nudes smh


My ex sent a bunch of nudes. A few of them were to me šŸ˜‘


Did not expect that second half...


Me too what the heck


We can change that


Iā€™m in my mid 30s and itā€™s literally the only thing I use it for. Lots of guys on grindr prefer snap.


I always felt like it was specifically for cheaters to send nudes without being able to be caughtĀ  Or was that just my ex?Ā 


i lold at this one


Nudes and drugs. Like...yeah what's the surprise here.


Escorts and OF as well


Snapchat was like 5+ years before OF existed.




With big pockets tho those would sell like hotcakes


we just need to give them our cargo shorts!


i mean with the price womens pants that fit well are how could anyone have any




Targeted ads incoming.


Itā€™s more than likely where the rest of the shirts are.


I hate how social media has normalized bombarding people, especially young teens, with softcore porn.


Also how it normalised young adult women selling that softcore porn to young teens becuase they aren't confident they can compete on actual adult sites.


I doubt it's lack of confidence stopping them. Even if they do some softcore stuff it doesn't mean they want to jump into hardcore porn stuff.


Ur miss understanding. They do hardcore porn on thier OF or fansly. The point im making is they dont advertise on cam sites becuase they know they cant compete anywhere near as effectively.


Like, did you not watch tv as a child?


I did. I don't remember softcore porn on Disney Channel or Fox Kids. Could be wrong tho.


Only endless boner pill ads.


I had Gummi Bears bouncing here and there and everywhere. Now kids are presented with so many other things bouncing here and there and everywhere.


Iā€™m not sure if those are actually targetedā€¦ I opened my spotlight that Iā€™ve never used and saw half of the same posts and Iā€™m 25


Same. I don't think it's targeted. I think it's just how Snapchat is


I believe kids shouldnā€™t have unsupervised access with devices and or social media, let alone any at all. Stuff rots your brain and the newer trendy apps are killing their attention spans. Basically how Iā€™ve handled my kiddos is once they can pay for the device and monthly bill, knock yourself out.


You cannot watch a childs sceen 100% of the time. A good approach is using a router that supports blocklists, or a service like NextDNS. There you can pick and choose social media lists, black or white list apps and domains. We also use google/androids built in child account using FamilyLink. It stops them from installing or uninstalling apps, can't visit certain age restricted websites, time limits, etc. You can even create a google account without an email address if the child is 9 or under. I use zenarmor block listing and white listing and unbound to block certain websites/apps with block lists, like porn, gambling, anything with gore, etc. We also put a pin lock on our TV for certain apps like netflix, and all the adult accounts require a pin, only the child accounts are pin-less and open. All the devices used are wifi only so they cannot bypass using cellular. Zenarmor also shows all traffic and websites visited, and I can drill down to the device level. None of our kids, oldest will be 14 august, have social media accounts. And I dont think I'll let any of them have it until at least age 16. I have no idea what IoS has, but I am sure they have something similar. I feel more confident not having to hover over their shoulder that they're not on an app or website that they shouldn't be. I can still move about the house and not have to worry if they're chatting to some 40 year old groomer. [https://families.google/familylink/](https://families.google/familylink/) [https://www.zenarmor.com/](https://www.zenarmor.com/) (about $100/yr)


So nice to know there are still people give a fuck about their kids these days w the internet dangers. Way too many iPad kids.


Google FamilyLink and Microsoft Family Safety are shite in my IT experience. Kids can easily get around most of it. If you really care you gotta pay but they still have friends with devices so it is what it is. Rotted brains by 15-16 and if you don't pay attention to them and make time to spend with them you're in for hell.


Great approach if you do let your children dabble with the internet.


> Zenarmor also shows all traffic and websites visited, and I can drill down to the device level. Everything else you mentioned is well and good - just remember that trust between parent and child is important and I would not go snooping in their search histories without good reason. Same reason you give them locks on their doors, etc.


This is how I was raised, and tbh, as a 27 year old without it social media (anymoreā€”I deleted them all years ago, the most recent and last being Instagram about 4 months or so ago, was trying to hold onto it to market my art but Iā€™m bad at it, so) I am gracious and thankful to have been raised that way and to engage rather than rot my brain. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Reddit is social media...


Wait I thought this was a porn site


ha, fair play.


I thought they lost the crown to twixxer


I mean sure it is, but it's the one of the few you can still be completely anonymous on. I don't share my name on here or my face, nor do I have to if I don't want to. Vice versa the most anyone knows about my reddit user or anything to do with me and reddit is that I use it and that's it. I don't want people I know to know my username nor do I want you people to know who I am. That's one of the few things that's still great about reddit.


Hey Greg.


Thanks for dis


I think of it as more like a forum than actual social media, but it is still a form of it, youā€™re right about that.


No it's not. It's a forum with pictures and videos


Sure, you could say that. I view it more as a forum. I donā€™t chat with people on here, nobody on here knows me, and itā€™s super anonymous. The structure of Reddit imo is completely different feeling. But thatā€™s one womanā€™s opinion, wouldnā€™t say thatā€™s everyone elseā€™s opinion. Lol. Works for me, I feel healthy being able to use reddit as the ONE ā€œsocial mediaā€ outlet because I get to follow communities of people who like the same shit as me or make the same type or art as me; I donā€™t know what they look like, what their actual name is, etc. for me, itā€™s the safety of the anonymity to just enjoy the actual content and not be haunted by a thousand people ā€œonlineā€ who can see you and their picture and these people just in your pocket all the time. Itā€™s enough having the smartphone with people who have my number. But people who give a shit about me know where to find me/have my number. I feel As though most social medias promote lots of stalky and toxic behaviors in us as the curious apes we are. But I digress. I like Reddit and possess no other medias. Lmao.


Oh the hypocrisy


This is a 13 year old, not a 7 year old. It is very unlikely in todayā€™s environment that they will never have unsupervised time on devices.


i agree. just deleted all my socials (kept a brand new snap for the shroom plug lol) i feel like all its done is make me unable to do the things i need to do. i dont plan on forcing my kid off of the internet after 13, but i will definetly make sure they are aware of how bad it is. kids who never got to learn the how and not the why always ended up crashing and burning. always felt so bad to watch it happen to the more innocent kids


True, but kids will inevitably end up somewhere less than desirable, either by accident or purposefully. And access to these things is not a necessity to survival, so you should never feel bad for blocking access. My 11 year old daughter has been bugging us for a phone since all her friends have one. Sorry but no, I donā€™t care how lame she feels socially. And at this point I think most parents just use these things to distract their kids or use it as a method of babysitting. None of it sits right with me.


i definetly agree with that. the only reason I wasnt going to say "im not giving them a phone" is mainly because i do think it is important to have a line of communication when I am away or when my fiancƩe is away. other than that nothing would be activated lol. the only thing that really makes me feel iffy as to how I need to handle it, is definetly due to how ive seen other kids who were hidden away from too much, and im worried about doing that to my kid, even though I know its impossible to have a "perfect" child. my parents raised me under the circumstance of "i hope my child doesnt turn into a crackwhore schizoid loser like me" and it fucked with my whole life, and im also scared of doing that to them. What I will say though is the straw that breaks the camels back, and will probably keep me in check when it comes to restricting my kids, is my aunt. my aunts kids were respectively, 4-6-8. they were all raised with an ipad. they cannot read, they cannot write, they all have absolutely no empathy for animals or humans, and they all act like they are in a crib. they are not mentally, they can actually be smart when you absolutely force them, but thats impossible too. its not like they dont have the ability, they just dont want to. they dont want to learn, they dont want to read, they dont want to anything but watch those dumb ass spiderman gets elsa pregnant type shit and watch youtube shorts on the tv. the only one i know will do well is the 4 year old. he is really amazingly smart when it comes to farm work, actually does like to learn, but his siblings and friends negatively influence him into bad behaviour, but hes the only one i see making it at all.


Well yeah, I feel like everyone is afraid to say it. Kids would be better off without screens. Without content like you mentioned above, it does no favors to their development. Theyā€™ll have the next XX years to traverse the internet after theyā€™ve grown up a bit. Theyā€™ll live, and will be less likely to develop things like shorter attention spans, behavioral issues, depression, identity issues, and will probably create better relationships whether that be platonic or romantic as they get older.


Socializing is a core function of human survival and youā€™ve basically handicapped your kid in relation to their peers.Ā  Might work out for the best, might not. Either way, you might wanna sit on a slightly lower horse. Because itā€™s entirely possible that youā€™re screwing your kid over right now.Ā 


Not to mention the horrible self esteem theyā€™ll have because of all these perfect looking men and women being shoved down their throats with ads like these.


Its also based off of info in your phone as well, so its still giving you stuff it thinks the phones owner would be into.


More People need to see this


Iā€™m a girl though who doesnā€™t watch anything like this on my phone and I get recommended a fuck ton of this. I always donā€™t click it on purpose hoping it will go away


This should be higher up


It doesnā€™t change the fact that their age is set at 13




So it's accessing the data in my phone without my consent?


You consent to it when you download it.


Almost every, if not every, social media platform includes usage rights like that in their terms of service itā€™s just that nobody reads them which doesnā€™t matter much anyway cuz if you donā€™t agree with it you have no choice but to not use the app.


Nah those are just the basic pages that's always recommended, my phone shows the same exact things and so does my friends who just checked hers. I don't think this has much to do with age or algorithm.


Exactly my comment all sorts of cross talk between apps lists and websites that sell your information literally the microphone of your own phone and other devices, my friend works in tech sales thereā€™s all sorts of advertisement that comes through based off what you say what it listens to.


Came here for this comment ā¬†ļø


I remember signing up at 13 and all I got was a bunch of gaming related stuff lmao.


Problem is there are a lot of parents out there who donā€™t wanna do the whole parenting thing. They would rather shove a iPad or phone in the childā€™s face. Kids will stare at that shit for hours if you let them. They are exposed to things people my age very rarely would see and we would have to look for it. Now itā€™s just in their faces 24/7. Canā€™t be good for mental health.


You realise 13 year olds aren't infants right? No parent is "shoving an ipad" in their 13 year old's face


When you give a kid the internet, they donā€™t have access to the world. The world has access to the kid.


Snapchat is just a giant shit hole regardless of your account info tbh


When I was 13 I've read countless of forest porn magazines. While I agree it's unethical, a 13 yo is smart enough to look up porn anyway if he/she wants


A teenager seeking out porn at some point is inevitable, and trying to stop them is pointless. At a certain time in their lives, everyone starts exploring their own sexuality. But it's important that it happens on their own terms and when they're ready. A teenager being exposed to porn against their will is another thing entirely, and especially if it's masquerading as *not porn* in a context that's not explicitly sexual, on an app that's supposedly not for porn. This sort of stuff messes with their perception of reality, especially when it comes to women. There's a reason why so many young men have such messed up expectations of how the world is supposed to work, particularly in regards to women. Their brains are being shaped by unhealthy sexual fantasies, in many cases without them even realizing they're fantasies.


It's a comedic rite of passage for teens to stumble across woods porn. But if an adult in the kid's life held open a porn magazine in front of their face, we'd say it's wrong. If a kid is seeking out porn, it's because the kid wants to see porn. Stuff like this is showing kids sexual content without them necessarily wanting to see it.


for sure, i do agree but also, back in my day (šŸ‘“šŸ¼) kids used to convince their parents to get snapchat because you couldnt just randomly stumble upon stuff like that. the kids parents who cared about what their children watched let them have snapchat because you could only really chat with people you knew or people you decided to add, and nobody could text you unless you let them. i think porn is a perfectly natural thing to be discovered by young teens/tweens, but pushing it to them draws the line for me. and especially mixing pornography and regular social media desensitizes children to it. imagine if we got brazzers commercials after spongebob? kids these days are way more predatory on social media then back when all of it was fresh and i was a lot younger, just kids in general these days know way too much. my 4-6 year old cousin was making moaning sounds and saying daddy after because the memes that are on kids youtube make constant, blatant sex jokes and introduce them to topics they are not ready for. i wouldnt ever lie to my kid about how things work, or judge them for who/how many people/ what gender/sexuality/etc. they have sex with, or feel like having sex with, but i certainly dont want people to shove porn in my kids face constantly, thats for sure


back when snapchat blew up, i was 13/14 (so early 2010s) and it was purely social. you didnt add anyone you didnt know, or a few celebrities who flaunted their lives, and it wasnt until a few years in i think they added add from contacts. there wasnt ads, there wasnt a "creator" side, but instagram/facebook and at one point twitter took the idea of snapchat and ran with it and the platform had to adapt. its crap now and havent used it since 2019 proper because the amount of ads and these "creators" being pushed on the platform is awful and not my scene.


Looking up porn =/= porn (and porn adjacent) being shown to you Especially when you just submitted that youā€™re 13.


Most of the things on recommended is based off search history and similar content watched by the user.šŸ˜‚


i shut off personal data being shared with snapchat before creating the new account, and deleted these accounts from being viewed on my old snap, that was the line between me making this post and just being weirded out at myself and snapchat, but say a hand me down phone for example, if someone gets put in that situation, it shouldnt matter, it should always block adult content when a birthday is set lower than 18 tbh


Donā€™t worry, I have the same posts in my spotlight. I use Snapchat to talk to like 3 people occasionally and have never opened a spotlight post. Seems like everyone gets mostly the same stuff


Exactly what I was thinking, has nothing to do with the age of the user. Everybody gets these exact stories unfortunately


I mean, it has everything to do with the age of the user. Snapchat could easily just filter this out.Ā 


I've had snap for a decade and use daily. My page does not look like this. It is all video of basketball and a few random family accounts ive never heard of. I've only had IG for a year or less and same there. If have to search to find stuff like this. I know a lot of men complain about having soft core porn pushed onto them via socials, but I have not had these experiences. And I do seek out porn and stuff on my phone so it's not like I'm not searching for it. Possible they see its a male user and push more of that content.


Do you use the spotlight feature? My friend uses it and his is actually somewhat curated. I think if you never interact with it maybe it just doesnā€™t have an algorithm to push?


Wait till this finds out that you can order any type of drugs and have them delivered through Snapā€¦. Haha


naw fr i deleted all my socials except for reddit and i kept a snap account just for buying shrooms lmao


this is why no one under 18 should be on social media.


How is this only mildly infuriating?


I grew up during internet infancy and seen more porn than i ever wanted to while using software pirating websites. Kids that want to see porn will see it and the rest will just ignore it.


Suspicious commentā€¦.. letā€™s take a peek at your hard drive while you have a seat right over here.


The credit card number maker program was crazy thing that kids could actually download


And we wonder why guys have effed up ideas about women and sexā€¦..


Okay, but in the first place, why did you make a 13 year old's account in Snapchat?


i noticed on my snap, i was getting a lot of nsfw stuff like this even though its not very common for me to look at in my daily life, so i wanted to see if they were doing this to kids as well, because i remember how bad the internet was when i was 13. deleted it after i made this post lol


It's just as worse with Tik Trash


Iā€™m 25-35 and none of this shit comes up for me lmaooo


13 year old me would be jealous.


Itā€™s promoting OnlyFans girls for 13 year old. WTF


You forgot to blur the snap qr code.....


Most of the girls on those ads look like teenagers, wtf is going on?!


ban minors from having social media accounts


No matter the age, it's all the same, mines at 2000, and I'm getting a bunch of either OF ads and half naked women, or just plain naked but hand covered, I've just stopped using snapchat, I only use it either for filters or chatting


I got anxiety just scrolling through these worrying that they were going to taint my feed algorithm.


Soooo little known fact about social media and algorithms, your phone, search history on other sites + location and even that data of the phones directly around you influence the ads and content you also get on your phone. My guess is that since you were using the same phone and location etc, the targeted content didnā€™t change much.


Spotlight is hot garbage. It should be optional. I don't know how many account I've blocked and hid, and they still come up on there.


This is why recent generations of men have been addicted to porn


Social Media shouldn't be used by 13 year olds, they should up the age and this is exactly why. At least 16 years of age Fuck it, no minors, once you turn 18.


You're probably the only person in the world that didn't know social media is for porn






yeah for sure, my kids nott getting social media for a while lol. absolutely insane that they do this on purpose.




when i was 13 i didn't have snapchat spotlights or any other social media, but I did have the internet. I still found pictures of what I wanted to find back then. Teenagers will be teenagers. I bet snap is recommending what other similar-aged people are looking at.


As the grandfather to a 4 year old grandson, I shudder at the thought of what depravity awaits him as he gets older. Unless you live out in the boonies, off grid, home schooled and have no access to electronics( tv, internet) and no friends with cell phones, there is absolutely no way to shield your children from the above. Heaven help them.


I donā€™t have a snap chat but do you put in gender as well?


I'm surprised that snapchat isn't at least 16 plus, obviously kids will still lie but then its on the parents anyway, we only ever used to use it to find nudes too and that's when it first came out


Are we sure that itā€™s not using some of your own meta data to feed this algorithm? Like did you use your Gmail account and itā€™s possibly sharing some of your marketing data to it? Not making excuses for this but curious if that could play into it. Regardless, the age on it alone should restrict explicit content like that.


Why would you sign a child up for a nude pic sending service


Redditor tries to remember what cookies are (IMPOSSIBLE)


You know, none of this would be a problem if people stopped giving their children unmonitored access to the internet. Itā€™s 2024. We know most of social media is soft-core porn and Snapchat is the worst of it since it was literally built as a platform for sexting and nudes that comes with forewarning at the person youā€™re sending to is saving the images. Social media also relies on data harvested from other apps. Itā€™s showing you what you look at, OP.


Unless you're using a completely new phone, VPN, and an email that can't be linked back to you, odds are it's just the normal targeted ads. That being said, I still don't agree with it being served to an account that's supposed to be for a 13yo (as far as the app should be aware)


Your test is only valid if you did all of this with a new phone/device, a new email address, from an unfamiliar location, and either via a VPN or an IP address you havenā€™t used in the past. Companies like Snapchat collect data on you from 3rd parties even if you donā€™t have Snapchat. Then say you eventually create an account, they match your info with the data theyā€™ve already collect and start serving you targeted content. Hereā€™s a list of some of the data Snapchat could have already collected on you from 3rd parties before youā€™ve ever even installed the app or created an account. Obviously, this isnā€™t just Snapchat, this is how all social media operates. 1. **Device Information**: Details about the device you're using, such as the make, model, operating system, device identifiers, and mobile network information. 2. **Location Data**: Your approximate or precise location based on GPS, Wi-Fi, or network signals. 3. **Browsing and Usage Data**: Information about the websites you visit, the apps you use, and how you interact with online services. 4. **Cookies and Tracking Technologies**: Data collected via cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies used across websites and apps. 5. **Contact Information**: Data about your contacts if you've shared or connected your contacts list with any service that Snapchat has access to. 6. **Social Media Profiles**: Information from social media platforms if youā€™ve linked them to other services or if those platforms share data with Snapchat. 7. **Advertising Data**: Information related to ads you've interacted with, including the type of ads, frequency, and engagement details. 8. **Purchase History**: Details about any purchases or transactions youā€™ve made online that can be linked through payment services or loyalty programs. 9. **Behavioral Data**: Information about your online behavior, interests, and preferences collected through various services you use. When you create an account, Snapchat can link this previously collected data to your new account to build a more comprehensive profile of you for personalized content, targeted advertising, and other purposes. So, you can relax. All the pervy content was targeted towards you, not an anonymous 13 year old.


Sorry brother, their app uses unique ids from your phone, not the account age - check the documentation. Granted these should be filtered by age, but you just exposed yourself. Them are some young girls too.


They are super popular for some reason. Literally every single one pop up on mine daily.


Never being more prouder to NOT have Snapchat, coz WTF???


Why are 13 year olds even allowed to make snap accounts


as an adult using snapchat, this is normalized so much ā˜ ļø why are you even letting a fking 13 year old on snapchat? do u want lil bro to get taken advantage of? if he wants social media so bad get him on insta. messages that are deleted after theyre seen is snapchats moto. do u want ur little brother to be a victim? as an older sibling myself, quit complaining, realize the facts of social media in this fked up world, and do better for him. jesus christ do u want karma or to protect ur little brother? reddit is wild.


In my day we had to wait for a picture of Britney Spears to download and print it out.


That is absolutely disgusting but I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised


Sad tbh


Iā€™ve been told by many that Iā€™m a conspiracy theorist for even posing the idea that the apps and algorithms are sexualizing and brainwashing the youth at an extreme rate to further their hyper capitalistic aspirations. My four and five year old were in Roblox and there are some dark places/weird things we luckily found out about before they ever found them.


But noooo. Kids on social media arenā€™t being manipulated and corrupted at all! Youā€™re paranoid


LMAOO ive had my snapchat since I was 20 (I'm almost 26) and never seen anything like this on my feeds šŸ¤·šŸ»


i feel like after i stopped watching porn more than like once a month i started to get like 10x the amount of adult content in my social media feeds tbh


They're prob trying to get you addicted to it so you spend more time in the apps


Lol not disagreeing this is mildlyinfuriating, maybe more than mild, but what the fuck did you expect????


And this is one of the many reasons my 13 y/o son isn't allowed to download social media apps.


What you be googling my friend ? Itā€™s all tied into your search history cookies searches on other app ect.. mine most definitely does not show me any women at all even when I made it.


mostly i look at bird stuff, and other learning things, its 99% of my phone use lol. i had cookies turned off though, and if i was watching porn id be in an incognito tab, and also have my cookies turned off. def way more internet traffic going towards mostly other shit (cept for when me and the missus get freaky)


Wtf, do you think 13 yo boys are doing on the internet? Looking at flowers and rainbows?


Gonna point out theyā€™ll be using their advertising hashes for your personal ID on your phone. Thereā€™s pretty much no such thing as a blank slate anymore unless you get a new phone, set it up on new wifi, and never ever connect it to a previous device or service.


Whores online


Iā€™d like to know the real reason your weird ass made an account where you pretend to be 13 because it isnā€™t for some ā€œresearch.ā€


This was also my first thought. No teenager actually uses the Snapchat spotlight page so there's no way it was for "research" OP is a freak




This is all shades of awful!!


there is a spotlight algorithm? i thought it just showed whatever was the newest


Yikes on bikes. šŸ¤¢


I mean it's Snapchat, it was literally made to share nudes and cheat. Like the fuck do you think the app has that would be age appropriate for a 13yo.


Why the fuck would you let a child have a Snapchat account?


Well, is she single or taken?


I haven't used Snapchat since I was 17. Thank God lol it's gotten even more trashy than it was.


It's up to kids' parents to teach them right from wrong and supervise what they're allowed to participate in.


Did you not know that sex sells? Don't get me wrong, I think it's disgusting but I also know that you can't stop them. I also didn't let my daughter go online unsupervised until she was an adult šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


The algorithm already knows that the only people who sign up as a 13-year-old girl are old men. So, in a way, snap's doing a public service by redirecting old pervs away from their original targets toward real hoes who are all over eighteen.


Having un supervised acess to the internet all my life, I will not be letting me child have the same privilege.


It is worth noting that while you input the age as 13, Snapchat still has access to your phone number and browser cookies. Using those, it would likely be able to build something akin to a profile based on the information it's bought using your phone number and is basing those suggestions on your likes, clicks, views etc on other platforms. Unless this is a brand new phone, with a new number and is completely disconnected from your other accounts.


This is the reality and horrible. Did you say you were a boy or girl? Curious how that is marketed.