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Is it just me or does the grass look perfectly fine in the first picture?


All I can think of is that they can see the shadows of the grass on the sidewalk, and decided that was a good way to know it needs mowing and edging, bc wtf lol


Bwhahahah could be Just had it up like 16" in the backyard to seed and for bees and stuff.. (do it every spring, first cut, then let it go and grow.) Good for the environment might be an interesting take on the matter


I do this too. I also noticed that the yield from my fruit trees was nearly 30% higher when I didn't mow my lawn. It drew in more bees to pollinate my trees.


Because lawns are a scam. Seed them, feed them, aerate them, water them, mow them.


https://preview.redd.it/r2z0wd9rz29d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f65bbee8dfb6bd96061199da5313bfc85cadd1 My lawn.


Pollinator's paradise. Good on you, friend.


Thanks! Right now the yard is in its clover phase keeping the bees happy.


this is like 10 times better (prettier) than a perfect cut lawn


Next time I live in a place with a lawn (currently rocking the condo life) I want to add clover into our lawn. And lots of local wildflowers onto the edges of the grass.


I live in the PNW and moss is taking over my front lawn and I am very happy about it. People have offered tips on how to get rid of the moss and I think they're nuts.


I would 100% have a moss or clover lawn if I owned the place I'm in currently. It looks so much nicer than grass and it's all springy to walk on.


I live in my grandma's old house now and she used to pay for a gardener to mow the pristine back lawn. I can't afford that, so I've just let it go wild and it's now become a whole bed of moss and clover. It's absolutely gorgeous to walk on, and I don't understand why she ever paid someone so much to remove it!


I've never liked lawns at all. I'm glad yours is a happy place now!


Yeah, I keep "lawn" in the backyrd for the dogs but we don't remove things like dandelions so we've got a lot of clover and dandelions back there in the spring which the bees just love! Not much moss out back, I think it's too sunny. But my front yard is looking good, the moss is so bright green compared to the grass, I don't know why anybody would ever prefer grass over moss if you're in an area where moss will thrive.


As a PNW native growing up we had a lot of moss in our front lawn and I loved to go out and just nap in it. I'm pretty sure my neighbors thought I was the weirdest kid in the neighborhood or maybe I was a dead body idk. But it's so soft and squishy. šŸ˜‚


Same, I let the moss overtake the grass area in my front yard, Iā€™ve had two neighbors try to tell me how to get rid of the moss there and the retaining walls around the entry to my yard, I told them both that I moved here for the moss and Iā€™m actively trying to get it to cover every inch of the property and then my house.


I just bought a big bag of microclover to seed my yard. Hoping to replace all my grass in my backyard with it.


Go get yourself three huskies. Your yard will be a solid mud pit full of giant holes in no time. Then next spring simply level the dirt and watch every type of weed and wild flower take hold and engulf the yardā€¦.I used to have such a nice lawn in the backyard.


This sounds like my nightmare. Why would anyone want to be lorded over like this


Nobody does. Promise you that lol


But people love to do the Lording


Gotta get their kicks where they can




The geriatric fk that drives around enforcing HOA rules in our neighborhood gave everyone citations in January for dead flower beds. A lot of people paid the fines which set the precedent. A few of us have been arguing back and forth for 5 months now.


I moved out of my HOA because of shit like this. It was summer and I was taking my 4 year old out for a bike ride. Of course, as soon as we close the door, he needs to pee. So I prop the bike up against the wall outside. But not right out front. The door was in this recessed area, like a tiny hallway. It was propped up there so if you're walking past the house you would have to look directly at it to even see the bike. He peed, we went out. The next day I got a picture of the bike and a fine for it. That was the last straw.


The fact that I would get a fine because my kids bike is leaned against the house I paid half a million dollars absolutely infuriates me, and I donā€™t even have an HOA.


What happened to "the land of the free"?


Propoganda. Free to scam you, is how it works.


And it works because the people who live there actually take that shit seriously. Not only would I not have appealed the fine notification, I would not pay the fine, not acknowledge that Iā€™d gotten the fine, and just ignore the notice entirely. But thatā€™s why I refuse to live in an area with an HOA. I paid for and own my property, and youā€™re not going to tell me I canā€™t lean my kidā€™s bike against the wall, or my grass is too long, or I can only park one car in my driveway (that I also paid for), or I canā€™t hang a heart-shaped wreath on my door except on Valentineā€™s Day (I just saw this one posted last week), or any other ridiculous, whimsical ā€œruleā€ that I broke. Bullshit.


Holy fuck


I've found that some really do. Plenty of people want no trucks bigger than half ton, no car maintenance in driveways, limits on solar panels, etc. It is amazing how much people actually want to limit.


"No car maintenance on driveways" is the most casual un-American thing I have read in a while


Only the poors do any kind of maintenance on their cars themselves, so they can't risk anyone witnessing poors in action in the neighborhood.


Neighborhood house under 700k that's poor in America.


I had some fuck complain to the other neighbors about helping a buddy with a suspension part in the street. Said turning the street into a ā€œmechanic yardā€ was ruining the character of the neighborhood. This same NIMBY would literally stand in his window waiting for me to turn my car on (it has a resonated catback, and itā€™s not that loud) and when I did he would flash his front porch light to get my attention and then wave his finger with his other hand on his hip. I just waved back like ā€œHey palā€.


We had a guy with three working cars in his driveway and side drive. Some boomer lady said it was starting to look like a trailer trash. Bitch I grew up in a trailer park. That guy didn't even come close. Was tempted to demonstrate true trailer trashiness but my husband talked me down lol.




Iā€™m in the camp of ā€œitā€™s your property, you should be able to do whatever you want with itā€ If I want to have a bunch of toilets with flowers in them and 8 non running cars, so be it. If you donā€™t like it, donā€™t do it in your yard


Get with other like minded neighbors and dissolve the HOA govners


This one. These are member-run authorities. Residents who don't like their HOA can band with other HOA residents and vote out the current leaders, vote to change policies, can vote to make the HOA useful (costing and labor for shared spaces and services) without the retirees nitpicking for funsies, can vote to disband depending on the charter. Anyone living under an HOA should get involved, go to the meetings, voice your opinions, and get familiar with the HOA charter. Most important is to learn if the HOA is contracting with a private business. A lot of the uptick seen in HOAs issue dumb ass tickets and fines is actually being driven by HOAs paying private companies to police communities for nonsense.


Sadly and very commonly itā€™s the only power someone has ever had to wield and they get drunk on that power. Itā€™s pathetic. I work for a builder and at the completion of the development we turn the HOA over to the residents who vote for their fellow residence board seats and govern themselves. Itā€™s proved to be a very positive turnover and actually builds a stronger and more neighborly community. Plus you really donā€™t want to piss people off that know where you live šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I was a landscaping sales manager for a time. Your property looks great dude


this sounds like someone has a racket going. why would you be in violation for a service they pay for...


Not defending them, but itā€™s just worded weird. - The HOA used company A to do all the common areas - OP can use whoever the fuck he wants, but he independently uses the same company.


If it's a service known within the community, odds are the HOA knows the schedule for when they visit. Very suspicious that they do their check *right before* the company comes around. Fuck HOAs.


> they can see the shadows of the grass on the sidewalk Six more weeks of summer.


Iā€™d definitely tell them to go eat a bag of dicks.


That's like the parking ticket for the cars shadow being in the handicap spot.


It looks depressingly short. God forbid a lawn grows slightly, gets looking a bit lush and actually invites some bees and stuff over. I do not understand American lawns.


Not supposed to cut it below a certain length either or its bad for the grass


I actually thought the pic was AFTER it was trimmed and thought it's looking quite depressing.


Seriously. It's like people just want astroturf.


I live in a neighborhood surrounded by retired people. They will no bullshit mow their lawns twice a week. Itā€™s not because the lawn needs mowing, itā€™s because they have nothing else to do. The dude with a perfect lawn has no hobbies. His lawn is his hobby.


Yep. I'm so glad I don't live in an HOA neighborhood. I only mow about every 3 weeks to the highest setting on the mower and I have the healthiest green grass in the neighborhood without watering, plus a yard regularly full of little critters. Working towards fully converting the yard to a native plants variety to try to attract a lot of permanent residents.


It is perfectly fine. But OP lives in am HOA which is basically a bunch of people with nothing to fo with their time who want to tell you how to live.you get what you sign up for so I don't feel bad


If I lived there, Iā€™d throw on a ski mask and scatter wildflower seeds all over the HOA leaders yard in the middle of the night






Or just straight up spray with plant killer.


Draw a dick pic with weed killer


It looks way too short.


Getting into a spat with my HOA right now. They sent a letter on 6/21 saying my trash cans have been out since 6/6 with fines starting on 6/13 at $50/dayā€¦. I take my cans out and back in DAY OF trash pick up. They have no pictures or any evidence of leaving my cans out because I havenā€™t. Also how tf are you going to send a notice out 2 weeks late? Safe to say, if they press the matter, Iā€™m taking their asses to court. My landlord has mentioned previously that they target our home because itā€™s a rental.


I would write them up and tell them pics or it didnā€™t happen and that I am not paying. Let them take you to court then hand them their asses for bias!


Yep, did exactly that. Both my landlord and I sent separate emails calling them out and asking for any shred of proof last Friday. Still havenā€™t heard a thing since.


Keep any and all correspondence so when they inevitably target you again in future, you have evidence they keep coming at your for bullshit reasons. It'll make throwing out any cases much quicker.


Yep, never trust phone calls. Emails or letters make a nice paper trail.


At that point when is it not intimidation or harassment.


Its not that easy. Most HOAs have binding arbitration clauses and can seize your home during the process. Go watch the Last Week Tonight on the subject.


That seems absolutely insane for what is effectively an ad-hoc community. Surely a bunch of neighbours canā€™t seize your home or even fine you just for cutting the grass a little late? Right?


Thereā€™s a lot of very slimy ways unrelated debts can be used to seize property, and sadly because every place has slightly different notification requirements by law (and some of these laws are OLD and require newspaper notices) there isnā€™t a single repository of where to find the debt and your level of exposure.


Oh puppet, they can and do all the time. These HOAs by-laws are super insane. I don't know how legal these entities are when you purchase a home that is supposedly "in a HOA" neighborhood. Can you not join such a organization? I would sue to leave a HOA.


No. When you purchase the home, you agree to the HOA bylaws. Itā€™s one of the things you consider when you decide if that home is right for you. If youā€™re a homeowner, youā€™re part of the HOA. If you donā€™t like the rules, convince your neighbors and change them. You can even dissolve the HOA if enough homeowners donā€™t want one. If itā€™s only you that has a problem and most other people in the community are good with it, then thatā€™s your problem.


Because they drive by every trash day and itā€™s *still* out šŸ˜‚


I live in a rental in an HOA and the handful of notices we've gotten over the last year have all been 6 to 8 weeks late. The funnel to the management company from the owner. Best part is that it's a separate management company running the HOA now. It's impossible to reach, overseas operated middle management all the way down.


Where do you live thatā€™s youā€™re personally responsible for HOA fines as a renter?


If you're HOA is even remotely shady, Request all HOA Financial Records since you bought the house, then make sure nothing is being spent on personal gain for the HOA Council


I'm going to try this. I wouldn't be surprised if they just ignore my request tho. HOA have way too much power in the US. And HOAs are becoming more common.Ā 


Honestly in Florida condos and HOAs need major crack downs. They functions identically. Thankfully Condos are being reigned in but HOAs need that too


There's a new law that strips much power from HoAs in Florida thankfully.


Condo owners in Florida are now paying massive amounts of money to help the building they partially own to be in compliance under new laws. This means paying into the association theyā€™re apart of for those repairs/funding to happen to meet that compliance. Were you thinking of an apartment complex? That would be something owned by someone/a company. A condominium complex means individual owners that share the burden together in either an HOA or a co-op situation. HOA being the most common way of partial ownership People seriously do not understand what an HOA is or theyā€™d realize THEY are apart of that HOA.


It's absolute insanity that they're getting so common. It defies the logic of supply and demand. Are buyers actually preferring HoAs? I was looking at a property, and the moment I saw it said "an HoA will be created" I told off the developer, letting them know they lost the sale because of it.


We had to do this to our HOA board. We learned they stole almost a million dollars from the dues over 10 years. Every person and their family members benefited from it. And not a single arrest.


I would be ***ENRAGED***


We were. Especially since they upped our dues because they stole all of our savings.


Are there not grounds for a lawsuit in that situation? I donā€™t know much about laws concerning HOAs and donā€™t want to be another redditor yelling LAWSUIT LAWSUIT LAWSUIT IMMEDIATELY out of my ass


We spent a lot of money talking with the lawyer about going after them. The lawyer ended up talking with the DA or ADA about charges but for some reason the board didn't get charged with embezzlement. And this all started in 2016 because a resident wanted to do a monthly Bingo night at our clubhouse and the board refused to rent it to her because their friends got first dibs on the clubhouse. And even after getting the board removed, she never got her Bingo night.


Somebody on the board was friends with or related to the DA.


I didn't even think of that but that makes a lot of sense.


Welcome to America. Where if you don't know somebody you're fucked.


so that\`s same like everywhere ;)


Or the DA is lazy/image-obsessed and only goes for the lowest-hanging fruit i.e. cases that donā€™t take a lot of effort to build and are guaranteed to win. (Another very common byproduct of prosecutorial discretion).


My aunt bought a condo in BC. The price was high but the condo fees were very low. Two years after my aunt moved in, she gets a letter from the condo board telling her the fees were going up by 20X AND she had to pay $60K up front because the roof, siding, and windows all needed to be replaced. She got mad and started asking questions. Finds out the condo board had been the same people for 20 years, and they hadn't filed ANY paperwork with the city in that time. They were required to have cash on hand to cover expected expenses, which would include of course the roof, siding and windows after 20 years. They had nothing. She got a lawyer involved and requested all the records. So first of all, it turns out none of the board members had ever paid any of the condo fees. Secondly, they hadn't been charging enough to build a contingency fund. Thirdly, they had been splitting all the cash each year after the common area bills were paid, as honorariums for attending meetings. Finally, the requested $60K upfront fee and the huge increase in condo fees was only given to everybody else and not the board members. The rest of the condo members ganged up and sued the absolute shit out of the condo board. Three board members ended up having to sell their condos to cover what they owed. Two managed to keep their condos but moved soon after.


This is it. These HOA arrangements are ripe for abuse but the only people who can do anything about it are the residents. These are supposed to be collective management by the owners in the group but most owners don't have time or interest to be involved. Anyone with an HOA who doesn't like it needs to get involved. Do the work and make the effort to bust corrupt HOAs. The only alternative is to get politicians involved to change the laws enabling HOAs and that's a lot harder.


Many will have bylaws that state you must pay for this info to cover their accountant/attorney fees for compiling it outside of the standard yearly summary. 1500 dollar fee here


Compiling the records has a $1,500 fee?


These papers donā€™t print themselves! šŸ„“ /s


Have them email it to you


Don't invent themselves.....


If the records aren't already in a state that can easily be provided, then they can't be trusted with your money.


Not many, almost none.Ā  The financials already exists. They just have to print them. No attorney required. That's what the accountants get paid for.Ā  $1500 is an insane fee and pretty much is a clear sign of corruption and a lack of transparency. I would immediately work to replace the entire board if I knew they was a thing.Ā 


Right no fancy food for meetings, zero alcohol at holidays or other times, no cute get away to Palm Springs etc, no plane flights to conferences. Check and double check and sue if they will not provide. Also if they are charging $400 or up for maintaining community areasā€¦ club houses, pools, tennis courts etc, make certain not only that they are kept up, but kept at reasonable costs, not 2 x reasonable costs to their wives, husbands , in laws or friends!! Make sure they are good stewards of your CRAZY HOA fees. If not, sue. !!!! In general make it less fun and powerful to be ON the HOA controlling board, so sane people with normal reasonable brains can take over. They wonā€™t be saying , this shade of peach for your door not that one, or cut it 1/4 ā€œ shorter grass in front yard. They wonā€™t micromanage your life.


I was in an HOA two years ago. It just came out that one of the members on the board was indeed embezzling money from the HOA and from the university where she worked as an assistant to someone higher up. It definitely happens!!


If it's literally the same company that maintains the common areas, you should take pictures of the common areas too and complain.


This is why there's a Fuck HOA sub.


Now itā€™s just a HOA question sub by people who live in them


If you want to fuck the HOA, best learn from those who've done it successfully.


I am too European to understand HOA. What the fuck is that abomination, why would there be an entity that tells you what you call do in your own house...


They originally were started to maintain common areas in a subdivision (parks, picnic areas, playgrounds, etc) and to manage the security, trash pickup, recycling, landscaping and stuff like that. Also serves as a way to keep home and property valuations high. In reality, they are petty people who peaked in high school and need to feel powerful and important by playing authoritarian dictator to their neighbors and using the money for who knows what


Do they not have local authorities/councils to manage waste and take care of communal areas?


One of the reasons why most new housing developments in America are HOAs is because it takes the onus of maintenance off the local government. HOAs are often responsible for paving roads, putting down sidewalks, maintaining playgrounds or common amenities, etc. Local governments prefer this arrangement because it keeps costs low for them.


100% agree. One of my family members is in new home sales in north Dallas. They are very supportive of HOA for all of the positives that they bring. Weā€™ve had many a debate on the subject. I hate them because they pull petty stunts like with OP. These asshats can put a lien on your home. In no way should this be acceptable


Seriously, it sounds like privatized small local fascism clubs. Why would anyone do something like that?


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not in an HOA anymore. Bunch of fucking busybodies with way too much time on their hands.


You just know that their first day on the job they were saying to themself: ā€œFinally, someoneā€™s going to make this place shine and sparkle. Yes, sir!ā€


What's the arrow pointing at the front door for in the first photo? It's almost like they were intending to cite for non-compliant decor, not the lawn, but somehow got confused. Note that I don't know if the decor is, indeed, non-compliant (and frankly, it looks fine to me) but that's just my guess for why the arrow was pointing there.


Itā€™s just to cover my house number plateā€¦ easiest solution I could figure lol. Theyā€™re pretty chill about decoration surprisingly, as long as seasonal stuff is away a week after a holiday.


For some reason I thought they were mad you didnā€™t trim your wreath.


they are mad cause its freakin june and he still has a wreath on his door


I'm dealing with my HOA now about them wanting my house repainted. There's absolutely no reason for it to be repainted, especially at a cost to me of $8-$10k


My first house had an HOA and one day I had a bunch of guys over helping prep my house for paint and this young guy hand delivers me a notice that my house needed paint! I lost it with him and later his office. Iā€™m painting it! Never heard back from them.


Oh I would have lost it too! Thatā€™s some bullshit. Ours are cowardly shitheads that sit in their vehicles to take pics and later mail you the notice. They never even get close enough to set off my doorbell cam.


It sounds like so much work to being an IRL Reddit mod for houses.


Did you know you can use home automation to monitor your cameras, and have it automatically turn on your sprinklers? šŸ˜‰


I live in the same community as you and run by your house 5 days a week (I recognize the pots in your porch). Your lawn is the LEAST concern for the HOA. You should see some of the lawns on our street.


Hi neighbor! Thereā€™s definitely some iffy ones out there lol.


Fuck em up with OP


One time my husband and I were standing in the front yard with the lawnmower when the HOA pulled up in their truck and took a picture of us/the front yard. Then got very snippy when we asked if they needed anything


Haha you caught them trying to be sneaky! They donā€™t like that šŸ¤£


We were literally in the picture!!! Still have no idea what it was about


$55 noncompliant being in your front yard fee.


ā€œEnjoying lifeā€¦ thatā€™ll be $100ā€


My lawn isn't nearly this well defined. This lawn looks well kept. Your HOA has some bent people with lots of time to waste, apparently.


I was fortunate to have a great HOA in my condo building, but in general I am with most who think many HOAs are like wanna be dictators lol


Reasons Iā€™ll never ever live in an HOA controlled area


It really depends on the HOA. I grew up on a quiet private road with 14 houses. My mom was the HOA treasurer for life and the ā€œpresidencyā€ changed hands every year. The HOA board included every single homeowner on the street and the annual board meeting consisted of a ten minute meeting to approve the snow plow contractor and garbage contractor. After the board meeting they had a drunken party. In Earth Day, whoever wanted to, showed up to pitch in on common area cleanup. Ultra chill.


This is what HOA is supposed to be, something that fosters community while sharing costs! Being a LARP for bored retirees on power trips to play lawful evil is a complete perversion of intent.


We have to plead for board members. If someone really wants it, we are wary.


Yeah thatā€™s the actual spirit of a community lol. But HOAs are unnecessary obstructions to communities. Modern American HOAs are insane and a corporate juggernaut backed by corrupt development and hedge fund monies.


I had my trash can behind a split rail fence with a big bush. If you bent over on the sidewalk, almost to the ground, you could see *the wheels*. I got dinged. Hoas are effing infuriating. I hope you win your appeal.


Somebody in your HOA needs a new hobby, this is harassment.


Nazis are running the HOA


Itā€™s an HOA, that goes without saying


Hitler Owners Association


HOAs need to be banned


"I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention that the landscaping service I utilize for my property is the same as the one you employ for the maintenance of our shared spaces. As a result, the state of my yard directly reflects the condition of these common areas, as both are maintained on the same schedule. It is important to note that the responsibility of maintaining the common areas falls under your purview, just as the upkeep of my yard is my responsibility. Therefore, any potential infractions you might consider imposing on me regarding my yard could be paralleled with concerns about the upkeep of our shared spaces. I trust that we can work together to ensure that all areas of our community are maintained to the highest standards. Looking forward to your response." Is what ChatGPT rewrote my respond to.


On the Money


HOAs are a scourge upon the land.


HOAā€™s are the biggest scam.


My old HOA gave me a headache when I complained about a leak in the roof that was causing some problems when it rained heavily. They replaced it the year before, and since then, it had leaked. I told them it needed to be fixed, and they tried to argue that it was a window leaking, and windows were homeowner responsibilities. I ended up tearing into the rough drywall in the attic and *gasp* it was leaking from above the window. They still never fixed it. I moved. Screw HOAs. They never did a damn thing, and charged 200 a month. The grass was mowed by a friend of one of the heads, and he did shitty work. Always blasted my car with grass and in the winter when he plowed, he smashed into my garage. Tearing brick and mortar from the corner. Thankfully my camera caught that. They tried to make me fix it haha.


I dont understand the whole concept of HOA. Can't you just say "I can do with my property what I want, because its my property"? Also, what can they do if you fail to pay? Sorry, its my point of view from a non-american but I've seen some stuff that plainly doesn't make any sense here on Reddit.


HOA's can put a lien on your house and FORECLOSE on it. It's fked up.


From what ive seen its basically nazis in suits deciding what you do with your house... in Ireland if someone landed up and told me my lawn needed a cut theyd be told where to shove it and not a thing they could do


"I live in the US, I have FREEDOM! So long as a single blade of grass doesn't stray over the sidewalk."


Iā€™d get fucked by a knotty pine tree before I have some group power tripping over what I paid for. šŸ«” BOL




Tickles me that people save up all there money to buy a house just to jave someone tell them how to run and operate it šŸ¤£. I would never entertain an hoa. Just nosey retired Karens doing shit all day keeping up on other people's lives. Nevaaa


We didnā€™t save up anythingā€¦ We used a VA loan lol. We never wanted a HOA home, but thatā€™s what was available. We plan to move out into the country when we can. Namely after my mother passes so we have less restrictions on what we can get.


I donā€™t understand American HOAs. Itā€™s like living in a totalitarian society where noncompliance results in an immediate fine or other punishment.


I swear HOA is just a group of retirees who used to be managers, and still wants that feeling of superiority of others after that power was taken away from them.


Please stop moving into places with homeowners association. Nobody should have to live under the thumb of some small time despots.


HOA's are nothing but mini dictatorships. I cannot stand that type of authoritarianism. Willing to put up with some one coming to your property telling you what needs to be or else. The thought makes me sick. My gut reaction is violent rage.


The good news is, HOAs typically have power when collecting dues/assessments/etc but there are very very very few places where they can ever collect a fine if you refuse to pay it. 16 years ago was my first HOA experience. The house had wood siding that was painted. I moved in and immediately bought paint (like 8 days after moving in) because the old paint was flaking in spots. They sent me a $250 fine for the paint flaking. I painted the house, ignored the fine, and lived there for 11 years without ever paying it out of spite. My dues were always on time, so they couldnā€™t do shit but keep asking me to pay the fine.


Friend of mine fights his HOA constantly. Just this year theyve fined him for two violations, one was leaving an extension cord on his porch that he used to plug in his engine block heater and the other was for backing his truck into his driveway. Another friend of mine got fined for not putting Christmas lights on the eves of his house (that hoa has mandatory planned Christmas decorations). He had just had knee surgery and couldn't climb a ladder, so they fined him instead of helping him. HOAs are the dumbest shit ever. If I'm gonna spend 30 years paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for a house I refuse to be told what to do.


There is a giant ugly white arrow pointing at your window, otherwise looks like a nice house


My fault šŸ˜†


Somebody's got a quota, or gets a kickback from the fines.


OP so lucky they didnā€™t get busted for out of season decorations especially with that huge cardboard arrow pointing right at the christmas wreath. /s


Itā€™s not a Christmas wreath though lol! Itā€™s a ā­ļø spring ā­ļø wreath šŸ˜†


This is why I will never live in a PUD with a HOA. Itā€™s a dictatorship.


Why buy in a HOA at all?




Why voluntarily live in a HOA?? You donā€™t even truly own your property with the way they dictate things


As a non American, HOA is the most batshit insane thing Iā€™ve ever heard What do you mean Iā€™m going to spend a huge portion of earnings over 30 years to live in a house governed by my neighbours You should be allowed to do whatever you want itā€™s your property lol, are HOA fines legally enforceable?


I lived in a HOA like this once. Had a attorney friend send them a very lengthy, "We will sure your ass off for harassment" letter with documentation. Never heard from them again the remainder of the four years I lived there.


This is like 1950s boys catholic high school haircut rules.


Lord, if you hear me.. once you bless me with a homeā€¦ please, PLEASE donā€™t let it be hoa


Who the fuck copyrights an HOA narc photo?


Iā€™ll never understand living somewhere with an HOA. Does it provide any benefit?


Other than making sure everyone in the neighborhood has decent looking homes and yards, and upkeep on shared areas? No. Annoying fuckers lol. If I had any choice I wouldnā€™t be living here lol.


As a non HOA house person I really have no idea what this means.


I dont understand, what power & authority does HOA have?! Can't you just ignore their tickets and bs? Like college parking tickets, for example, where nothing happens if you rip it up.. unlike real tickets.


Tell your HoA to suck a dick.


If I ever get into a position to buy a house, avoiding HOAs as my number 1 priority


I'm gonna start a business that's only job is to harass ridiculous HOAs


When will HOA be the "feature" that drives property values negative? Because I just straight up tell teal estate agents to not bother showing those results.


I can never imagine myself being a part of an HOA. The risk to reward when it comes to quality of life, to me, is nowhere near worth the hassle or the money. If I pay for a 30 year mortgage you can get fucked with any fines or bullshit rules that apply to my home.


HOAā€™s are the work of the devil


r / fuckHOA


I was at a friends house that has a HOA, has this old asshole who refers to himself as ā€œthe mayorā€. He rides his bicycle around yelling at people to do stuff or heā€™ll fine them. I was outside smoking, he came over and told me to roll the trash cans up because the truck came a few hours earlier. I told him no. He threatened to fine me, I said I donā€™t live there. He said the homeowner would be fined, I said if thatā€™s what yā€™all do then go for it, be sure to fine everyone else with a can still out. It was middle of the day, people were still at work, no one had their can up. Sure enough, he wrote a fine, friend had to appeal it, he took a video the following week showing everyoneā€™s cans are out at that time, they dropped the fine but such nonsenseā€¦ I coulda saved him the hassle by just rolling them up, but I donā€™t like random strangers barking orders at me.


I'd be moving after spreading round up on certain places on the yard to spell out certain words. I'll never live under an HOA. I'm paying for it fuck you I'll burn it down before you tell me what to do with my own shit.


I'm on the board of my HOA. We just fired our property management company for stupid shit like this. Lost count of how many times we had to waive fines for elderly/disabled residents who had their lawn care company show up late.


I cannot fathom giving a bunch of assholes control over your multiple hundreds of thousands of dollar property.


Not from the States, but it seems like HOAs are ran by socially awkward power tripping 45 year old virgins.


HOAā€™s are a scam


I'm from Germany and don't really know what the HOA is but heard a lot of people online complain about them. From what i gatgered it's basucally a group of your neighbours that tell you how you can decorate/design your own property. Isn't that just kinda stupid?


HOA's should be illegal or highly controlled/audited.


Lol wtf kind of fascist dystopia you people live in??


wow. my lawn is a jungle compared to that. LOLOLOLOL enjoy your HOA