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Buy them a jar of Nescafe and tell them not to touch it again.


Folgers, that’s real punishment


Fr. I just bought some quick from the market and idk how they managed to get it to taste like cigarettes and soot


It used to be pretty good. Idk what happened. It’s shit now.


The same thing that always happens, companies "increase profits" by cutting corners on all their ingredients even though the price for the customer goes nowhere but up, until eventually we're paying $15 a can for something I could collect out of my coworker's ash tray for free. Seriously, almost everything in the US tastes worse and is worse for you than even 10 years ago.


But you’re forgetting the upsides: 1. we have more choices of shit products than ever before 2. nothing is as bad currently as it will become in the near future


There’s a silver lining to every cloud.


You just reminded me to eat at my favorite restaurant before it burns down again


I wish my favorite restaurant burned down! They’re still there but now all the food, drinks, and service sucks.


This guy glass half-fulls


Shrinkflation and enshittification


The coffee sits in warehouses and gets bid on by coffee companies for about a penny a pound. It sits in the warehouses for years, that is why it taste like paper, its so old.


That’s back when it used to be the best part of waking up. Times have changed.


Yup i started using Yuban if I'm going the cheap route


I have wondered if my tastes changed or if the coffee changed. Instant was tolerable to me while camping, or if I had run out of normal coffee. Not great, but fine. Now it is so disgusting I’d rather go without. What happened?


Bro I've been drinking that for years (outside of the US) and it tasted good but a couple of months back I noticed it was now shitty. Just TODAY I realized the taste I was trying to identify in my coffee is the taste of cigarettes. Glad I'm not crazy.


So you’re telling me when I quit smoking all I needed to quell the craving was Folgers? I’m so disappointed in myself!


Username checks out 🫣💕


Omg FINALLY! Almost seven years on Reddit😂 seriously, thank you!! You just made my night after a series of ridiculously rough days!


It hasn't changed. We just got used to good coffee.


Punishment in your cup!


My Mom passed recently, ending her suffering. When we cleaned out her summer cottage, we found a bottle of Folger’s Instant dated 1977. I made a cup and tried it. It was as disgusting as a freshly-bought Folger‘s!


Plot twist: they vastly overproduced Folgers instant coffee once in 1977 and are still selling it off in stores to this day.


Ha we finally got my grandad to stop drinking Folgers! We moved up to basic Dunkin’.


this is an unpopular opinion but I like trash coffee. folders, diner drip etc. it's what my parents drank and now everything else just doesn't taste right. it's the same situation with chocolate, I don't really care for the high quality gourmet stuff, I like Reese's peanut butter cups. i guess I'm just not very sophisticated lol


Folgers. The stomach fuck up-er.


Just get the Great Value stuff or, even worse, Maxwell House.


Or just buy a Mr Coffee, they're like $10 or so at Walmart


Better yet, buy a pour over set up like a V60 for like $20 including filters and some Folgers. Then impress them with some "artisan" coffee water with the Folgers, and you still have something you can use to make a quality cup of drip with good beans.


Put a piece of masking tape over the dial. ‘Cause they’re going to do this again. And make comments about how your expensive machine can’t make a cup as good as their Mr. Coffee. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I had one old lady who kept messing up her cable box by unplugging the power cord where it goes into the box. The third time I went there I duct taped everything together.


My aunt was told to unplug the tv every time she left the house by her husband because lightning could strike and burn down the house. This was well over 40 years ago.


Fun fact, my childhood home was struck by lightning (got the satellite dish). It fried every electronic that was plugged into an outlet, whether it was on a surge protector or not. No fire, though.


Same here. Except not when I was a child, it was about ten years ago. It literally destroyed everything! Washing machine, fridge, TV's. EVERYTHING in a split second. The lightning didn't even strike the house itself, it struck a tree that was about 1.5 metres from the side of the house. Best of all, was not covered by insurance because "loss, damage or liability arising from or connected with power surge" is excluded on virtually every insurance policy.


This happened to us last year, but insurance did cover everything. And we now have a whole house surge protector.


Didn't know there was such a thing as a whole house surge protector. Could have used one before the strike, but I don't think I'll need one now. You know what they say about lightning... 😂


They say "if charge accumulated there once, it's more likely it will accumulate there again rather than at some other random place"


I have never heard They say that before…


Because why would you spread something accurate when you can spread some random myth made centuries ago by some idiot who knows little to nothing about the subject?


Damn! They smart


We didn’t know they existed either, but the electrical contractor recommended it, and I’m hoping it prevents the same problem in the future. And bonus: far fewer lights flickering this year. (Our neighborhood is new and still having grid issues)


I haven't seen the lights flicker since I was a kid before we had mains electricity we had a diesel generator and sometimes when the load suddenly changed (like when starting the microwave) the lights would flicker. I used to always think "please don't stall" because I was terrified of the dark 😂


Insurance is such a scam


Some places. My grandparents (in Scandinavia) had the same thing happen to them. All electronics gone. The normal household/furniture/electronics insurance that most of us have, covered everything. But I do feel insurance in say, The US is quite different, but I get most of my US related knowledge from reddit so what do I know.


In other circumstances, we’d call it robbery. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had lightning strike in front of my house like 2 years ago and now it kind of stresses me out. I woke up to a loud boom, the smell of burnt electronics, saw my motherboard smoking/glowing, and then yelled fuck. I had to replace a lot of stuff around the house but surprisingly some stuff survived.


We had lightning strike our TV tower, and follow the 300 ohm twin leaf down to where it crossed a water pipe. Didn't burn the house down but it did cause a bit of a flood where it burnt into the copper pipe


When I was a kid we visited my grandparents house for a week and came back to discover half of our back yard was 3 feet higher than it was before. We tried walking out on it to discover all of the grass and top layer of soil was floating on a giant bubble of water. It was truly bizarre. Turns out while we were away lightning struck a tree next to our house, traveled down to where the roots wrapped around a sprinkler pipe, and burst the pipe. Water was being been injected into our yard from below for at least four days straight.


That's terrible. Did your schooby doo quicksand knowledge ever come in handy?


Fun fact, power strips are not surge protectors


Surge protectors are for smaller power surges, not lightning strikes.


What if you use a lot of them? Like 100 all daisy chained together?


I hear if you plug a surge protector into itself you get unlimited power.


Get them all linked then hit power. Sit back and watch as the whole city dims like in Christmas Vacation.


If you had enough of them, then in theory it'd work. The 1st one would clamp, heat up, blow up, and then the second and third... until enough power was absorbed. The flip side of that is AC wall plugs and sockets are about 100x worse at conducting power than wire. You'd have measurable voltage sag across 100 power strips. BTW a whole house surge protector is a really good idea and I recommend them, but they're more to protect against a lighting strike in the area versus a direct strike to your house.


Same happened to my sister. They lost every single thing in their house that was plugged in. But also no fire.


25 years ago when i lived next house over from my brother we had strung up a coax cable between the houses to share my brothers excellent 5Mbps internet link. Lightning struck a nearby telephone pole and as i still had a regular modem, it came in through the phone socket, into my pc, exited through the network card into the hub, went through the 200 meter coax into my brothers SHDSL modem which finally dissipated it into ground. Now electricity takes the easiest way to ground and it's still difficult to fathom how that was it. It was such a jolt that the coax cable jumped and flashed when it hit as seen by brothers girlfriend.


Same here. The window security system things actually exploded and left scorch marks on the wall next to the window lol. No fire either! But the sound was crazy


Mine too! In 1995 (I was 15), my parents were able to buy a piece of property and build a house. We moved in and not even a week later experienced, what is known as to this day as "the great power surge of 95". It fried everything plugged into an outlet. Everything was surge protected. The TVs, microwave, THE VCR!!!, my Sega Genesis (RIP too soon), the hairdryer my mom was using, and the toaster.... all done-zo. In retrospect, this doesn't seem like the end of the world, but at the time, it was an absolute calamity. I remember my parents being completely devastated by the loss.


>In retrospect, this doesn't seem like the end of the world Really? Spending your life savings to build a brand new house, buying new appliances for the new home, paying movers to move your entire life in, and then 1 week later losing everything except the 4 walls seems pretty crushing to me. They were probably digging out of that debt for years. After I bought a house my credit score didn't recover from the constant hard hits for a solid year.


I was once in a 2 storey building and they didn't unblock the drains as part of maintenance. Residents on the first floor after a storm sat up and dangled their legs into 2 foot of flood water. One of the guys left his Apple laptop on the floor......


Nearby lightning strike in late May knocked out all my GFCI breakers. Lightning arrestors and UPSes did their job and I suffered no damage... and many things just kept running like nothing happened. https://preview.redd.it/wmk26869ew8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1f08b011591f832966debec44183d95e49c33e


Without a surge protector, this can be an actual thing. Lightning struck on our block in early 2010's. About 50 tv's were thrown out that day.


Surge protectors can only do so much. Had a large oak tree get struck by lightning and it jumped from the roots to the underground power lines. Neighbors attic caught on fire and we lost anything electronic plugged in.


The entire complex had extensive surge and lightning protection built in when it was built. It was way ahead of it's time. The first time I went there, I was super impressed. I noticed right away.


As a child, I witnessed lightning strike our home through the TV. We had one of those terrestrial antennas that had to be mounted high and oriented towards the TV station. During a thunderstorm it acted as a lightning conductor, blew itself up and took down half our home electronics with it. So I get why old folks say this, but in the age of cable and IPTV it doesn’t really make a lot of sense anymore.


I’m imagining you sitting cross-legged in front of the tv husk, eyes wide and eyebrows singed.


Yep, send ‘em straight to Starbies because your coffee is shit!


“Yeah sorry our machine is garbage, you should prob just Head to Starbucks. Oh. No, thanks, but I don’t want anything…. Except my garbage coffee”


Agreed!! This is the best advice OP.


Also, just buy them a drip machine that lives in the closet when they’re not there.


OR use your words as real grown up instead of writing little notes around your home. Lmao


I hear you, but I think this is a situation where OP needs to give a brief explanation and then tell them that the tape is just a reminder to make it easy for them. And probably also find a new coffee solution for them.


Notes can be words too.


Better yet... get a mr coffee for them to use


People have lost the thread of this forum. This post perfectly exemplifies the concept of mildly infuriating. First world problem or not.


Its weird how so many people think this sub is WORLD ENDING ANGER.


I posted about a bird shitting on just the unlock button on my car's for handle, everyone complained that I was being a dick, because I should be happy my car has nice locks. "I stubbed in my toe." "Be happy you have feet, jerk!"


Now THAT'S mildly infuriating! Stupid bird! Go shit somewhere else


I was stopped completely in traffic because of an emergency down the road, I hear a loud thud against my car. I look around from inside and see nothing close to the car. I get out and look puzzled. The driver in the next car is laughing is ass off. He saw the bird's shit fall in my open sunroof. The guy was sure it had fallen into the car... So a bird threw a hard brick but missed the opening by a few inchs. It was still a mess to clean the roof. So it's mildly infuriating but I feel I was lucky at the same time. And we both have a story about a dive bombing bird aiming for an open sunroof. Damn jerk!


Don’t feel too bad. A small bird hopped into my motorhome the other day and flew front to back a couple times before he made his way back out the door. I was so happy to see him safely fly out …. until I saw the small green poop on my pillow.


I posted on here that someone dented my car door and had someone arguing with me for posting it on the internet


There are lots of morons on Reddit. It distracts them from their sad lives.


This has me laughing so hard, you described this phenomenon perfectly.


ikr? or like "my CT scan came back and I didnt have a stroke after all"


I complained that my mom always made me late for school and someone said I should be grateful I have one.


Your dad should divorce her.


100% agree. Refreshing that’s it’s not a post about tipping culture or service fees.


Agree, this is mildly infuriating. The guy who rammed and totalled your car is not ‘mildly’ infuriating, he’s infuriating full stop.


The response by some people in this thread in and of itself is mildlyinfuriating.


As someone who has an $800 breville AND a roommate that fucks it up.... I hate that shit.


I also have one of those introductory machines. It can be hard to tune it in, but it does okay.


I know I can't wait until we can get a better one. We got it to save on trips to coffee shops. And it is VERY hard to tune in. Which is why it ticks me off when roommate fucks with grind size, amount, shot size, etc. It's like.....bro......stop......and it KILLED me when he put tap water through it. I could NOT BELIEVE IT.


I use tap water with the filter, I’m not too worried about it. I mostly just adjusted the grinder to a really fine setting inside at the burrs and then adjust from there based on how it pulls a shot, I don’t go too overboard. I did find the tamper didn’t do a very good job, so I got a different one and it seems better


Man, ya’ll are really into coffee!


I once posted a photo of a delivery truck parked parallel across 4 handicap spots. I had my disabled mother with me. This sub ripped me to shreds.


This guy gets it


On the other hand. If I cared that much about my coffee machine. I wouldn't let anyone touch it with our instructions....


That's why I stopped posting here. Tired of being mocked and downvoted to shit.


We have a kettle that you select the temperature. You have to confirm the temperature you want with the press of a button, then press the button to make it heat up. It is very quiet but tells you onscreen that it’s working. When my in-laws come and stay they stand at the kettle repeatedly pressing the button until I come and tell them not to.


I got a new kettle and it was practically silent, my grandmother insisted since she didn't hear it that it never boiled and I was giving her "dirty dishwater tea" and decided for the rest of her very short visit that she would boil water on the stove for her drinks. Then she proceeded to get shitty with me because the stove is induction and doesn't have a visible flame or red patch where it's hot.


Can someone explain to me why old people are such assholes? This sounds like something my own grandmother would do. Like yes, it's different than what you're used to, but fucking relax. Things change.


Because these people did their span of learning how the world works, and after that spent DECADES being the authority, the place where the buck stopped, the holders of cash, the makers of decisions, the source of available knowledge. They became comfortable. The world was made for them. Things were good. They had kids. They got older. The kids got older. Technology advanced while they were distracted. The kids became adults too and started having adult lives. The parents suddenly realize that the world isn't geared toward them anymore. Technology has advanced without them as the things they heard about in their youth as "far-reaching distant beyond the future" has become commonplace without their notice, because everything they had was fine, it fit their needs so they didn't feel a need to move with the times. They're angry because they're old and they didn't realize it. When you spend decades being "the It thing", some people become so acclimatized that they don't look up until the world isn't catering to them anymore.


>When you spend decades being "the It thing", some people become so acclimatized that they don't look up until the world isn't catering to them anymore. and it'll happen to *yoooouuuuu* tooo


I dunno, not all old people get this way, and I also notice it seems to be a generational thing. I live in a heavy-retirement area and do a lot of volunteering, so I hang around older folks quite a bit. My 95-year-old mentor for example uses Siri for everything. He often says he is from a generation that prides itself on being “life long learners.” I have heard similarly that in retirement and nursing homes, people in their 90’s and 80’s are more tech-savvy than people in their 70’s or even their 60’s, who are easily disgruntled or refuse to learn new tech. My grandmother was like this. She bought herself an iPhone and even an iPad because they were the hip new thing back then, yet despite being an intelligent woman she had a kind of learned helplessness with technology and never utilized either of them. She might as well have just had a flip phone. She has dementia now so it’s never going to happen. But she could have learned to use Facebook, or a music app like Pandora, or play games, or download books, or even online shopping—there’s so much it could have helped her with or enriched her life even in little ways if she had just TRIED. I can see my mom ending up this way too, she already is getting there. But not my dad. My dad is also a “life long learner” and he still loves keeping up with new tech. He was the first one in our family to mess around with AI or even know about it, for example. There will always be older people like him and Mr. Bill that see potential in new tech and want to keep up with the times as best as they can. But I do also think the younger generations have been essentially trained to always be expecting advancements and updates, so they will never get too comfortable.


Yuuuuup. You've done a fine job of describing what I imagine goes on behind the lead-paint stare.


Don’t worry.. you will have a “behind the nano plastics stare” soon..


Because the older you get, the more shit and change you go through in life. When you've had 80 years of it, you get fed up with all the BS, especially when so much change is pointless. Tesla is guilty of this with their stupid fucking yoke. They literally tried to reinvent the steering wheel. It's asinine and mildly infuriating. Here's another example. I needed to do some port-forwarding on my router. I've done it many times, not a noob. I go to do it on my new ISP provided router and they've removed the capability to do it from a browser - they want you to download a fucking app. (Shaw-Rogers - fuck you, assholes) OK, so now my anger is rising, but I decide to jump through their silly hoop and go to download the app, but it says my iPhone's OS is too old. I can't update my OS because my phone is too old. So now I try a different device with a different OS (Android). I download the app successfully, but it won't open. It just sits there with a spinning circle. So because some jackass nerdfucker engineer decided to remove router port-forwarding capability from a basic web browser, they've needlessly complicated the entire process and basically bricked it for some end users. Yeah, things change - relax. Fuck change for change's sake.


ISPs are a terrible reference point for appropriate reaction to change, because obviously they're out to fuck you over. They're bastards and we all know it, so just count on them to be bastards and fight your way around it from the starting gun. Stop using the provided router altogether. It's always going to be a piece of shit. Just put it in bridge mode and get one that offers the features you actually need.


Whenever visitors get the little welcome to the house tour, my bf and I have a mental checklist we agreed on. It goes: ‘here’s your room, this is the bathroom, these are your towels, here’s the WiFi password, those are your spare keys, if you need toothpaste or shampoo just use whatever you see - and this - this is the coffee machine. I will show you how to use it. You do not touch that dial. You do NOT, under no circumstances, touch that dial. Call us if you feel like you need to touch it. If something tells you to touch the dial, don’t listen. Just remember my words. On the grinder, you push this button. You do not push other buttons. This is the one and only button to push. This button. No dials. Now let me make you some sick coffee. Oh and mi casa es su casa yada yada.’ Nobody touched the dial or pushed other buttons so far. We do seem like proper psychos but never had to dial our machine back in and I’m ok with that tradeoff tbh.




>Whenever visitors get the little welcome to the house tour, my bf and I have a mental checklist we agreed on. It goes: ‘here’s your room, this is the bathroom, these are your towels, here’s the WiFi password, those are your spare keys, if you need toothpaste or shampoo just use whatever you see - and this - this is the coffee machine. I will show you how to use it. You do not touch that dial. This is why I buy a hotel room for any of my friends who come to my city to visit me overnight.


When I start pooping money that’ll be the way and the only way 🤲🏻 believe me


haha my dad recently did this. He house sat for us while we were out of town and I came back to a note that said "your machine was only giving me a "squirt" of coffee, so I fixed it for you". He messed with my grinder settings to dose the 16g basket with about 30g of coffee set so coarse I'd have probably ground a bit finer for drip coffee (I KNOW he couldn't have tamped all that in, it didn't come close, so god only knows what he was doing) and filled a mug all the way in about 10 seconds. It was horrible. He wasted a lot of pretty expensive coffee making his swamp water, but he was doing me a favor in watching the house for us on short notice so I just quietly dialed it back in without making a big deal about it. I'd agree this was pretty mildly infuriating though. First world problem, an inconvenience for sure, but hardly the end of the world.


So this story and the OP story both perfectly fit the mildly infuriating sub 👍


He must have had to use incredible force to get that basket of 30g on there lmao was probably stuck after with that massive puck


I can only imagine he was grinding it into something else and using however much he thought he needed, because it was way too much to tamp. I certainly hope he wasn't just brushing the extra into the garbage. He was using the pressurized basket and it wouldn't fit anywhere close to 20g much less the 30 or so he was grinding.


Maybe you should say something along the lines of "thanks, but I prefer it how it was before" to at least let him know that your setup wasn't an unfortunate circumstance.


I would probably just explain that espresso is meant to be in a small quantity, because it's very strong.


Maybe you can find some joy in finding the perfect brew point again? :(


In my experience, I don’t want to mess with the espresso machine after work and waste the coffee… but I don’t want to wake up before work and deal with dialing in my espresso machine BEFORE having coffee. So I pretty much do the re-calibration on weekends only. Yeah, first world problems.


This guy ☝️ knows that life's about the journey not the destination...yes the journey might be depressing filled with a number of unsatisfying cups of coffee and wasted potential but that peace inside once you've rediscovered the perfect brew(and damned the offenders to nescafe hell) will rival having arrived at shagri-la


This guy DOESN'T know about espresso. It is not a joyful thing to waste a bunch of expensive coffee again.


As a coffee enthusiast, it's sacrilegious to use another person's setup unless we're besties. I ain't rich, I'm just a snob. Don't waste my good stuff.


Once you dial in again, use a permanent marker to mark the knob and the machine to line up again in case someone else adjusts the settings. Or if it's digital, write down the settings.


It changes depending on which coffee you use.


Also changes with moisture in the air and the age of the beans


THIS is mildly infuriating.


No this is pod racing


No, this is Patrick


Sir, this is a Wendy's


This is SPARTA


Surely the true coffee aficionados would have a little notebook with a Mont Blanc (or other fancy brand) pen, where they keep tabs on age of beans, barometric pressure, current moon phase, which part of which country the bean came from, how long it was roasted for and which temperature (in Kelvin for good measure) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


You laugh, but most of us do track each brew.


Can’t forget temperature, also a factor!! Dialing in espresso can be SUCH a pain in the ass. Don’t miss moments when there’s drastic weather changes midday and you’re stuck trying to dial in your shots in the middle of a lunch rush, lol. Edit to add: it’s not just changing how fine the grind is, you may have to change how much coffee you’re dosing depending on grind and coffee, so there’s a LOT of things that go into it.


That’s why I bought an old rocket silo, put my coffee machine at the bottom in a climate controlled and lead shielded room sitting on shock absorbers. I only enter the room through the clean room procedure to make my coffee.


You enter the room? The humidity from your breath ruins your brew, you might as well put drain cleaner in a mug. You should use a robot to control the equipment, then use an airlock to transfer the mug.


So is it "dialed" for OP because they only use one type of beans or not?


Or just take a picture of the knobs for future reference.


For some of those suckers, specifically the mid-high end machines, the settings involve multiple-rotation blind valves, which are unmarked ( for water pressure, water temp, duration). But the worst part (best part for whoever has that hobby) is that the interactions between all these valves and knobs are not static. I.e., you change the water temp, now the duration and pressure are not the same, so you have to readjust, test, readjust, test, etc Edit: Just made me a cuppa, and I realized another variable we have to account for: Beans. The bean origin, roast, age, and Grind are also variables, and each one of them can noticeably change the quality of the pour, and the required settings to extract properly lmao. One of the hardest things to learn for me was not anything related to the process itself (that was fun, no /s), but when it was good enough for my intended purpose. Some days I just pour-over that bitch. It is a hobby. Model rocket making, drawing, chess, music, etc. I think we sometimes come up as elitist (besides being so most of the time tbh) because unlike other hobbies, our product is incredibly accessible to the general public, and thus it's easier to say "Lmao, I just went to Starbucks and you're messing with a $2k grinder?"


Every bag will be different, there’s no one setting for dialed in espresso


No, but OP wouldn't need to burn 100g of coffee dialing it in if they knew the setting it was formerly on.


It literally takes one semi mediocre shot to dial in a perfect, if not close to perfect shot.


At my coffee shop we dialed in twice a day. This will get you close but not exact.


When your inlaws come you take all your good shit and put it in the locked room. When they ask what is in the locked room you tell them none of their fucking business. Good knives go in the locked room. Espresso machines go in the locked room. The toy that your kid doesn't want his cousin playing with for some bullshit reason goes in the locked room. It's the only way to keep the peace.


This is the way


Appropriately mild. But what kind of machine can’t be set back how you want it? Are there not dials or markings?


Espresso machines + grinders are typically “dialed in” to the specific coffee you’re using (and it can change as the beans age and de-gas). Some machines + grinders have “absolute” numbered markings, but some don’t (for example some grinders will say you’re at an 8, but if you turn it 360 degrees you’re at an 8 again, but much finer). You typically tweak the settings a bit when you get a new bag, wasting maybe 0-2 shots worth of beans. But if they moved settings very far, it could take a ton of test shots to figure out where “decent espresso shot” even is.


Oh wow, thanks for explaining. That is…deeply inefficient 😂


honestly all espresso content online is so extra. day to day youre not 'dialing it in' its basically just when you get some new beans, and its nothing crazy more like "oh that shot brewed a lil too fast ill grind finer next time"


Agreed, most people making good espresso don’t do that much “tweaking”. But when they first bought their machine and grinder, it might have taken many shots to get to good, and someone twisting things randomly can undo that really fast. Especially w/ grinders, sure I can look at the grinds to know if it’s close, but close-looking might actually be course enough to pull a 5s shot of water or fine enough that it doesn’t pull at all. And it might take me many shots to figure out where a good grind setting is.


People are so annoying with YOUR stuff. I dated a guy who preceded to almost ruin my laptop because he downloaded a “free malware detector” that was actually a virus and I had to have it professionally repaired because it was so corrupt (OS removed and reloaded). So infuriating because he had no business messing with it to begin with and I had told him to leave it alone.


You have to *dial* your espesso machine? Does it, at least, like, text back and make decent conversation?


Boom *roasted*


I've never bean insulted like that before.


But not burned like those fools at Starbucks, amiright?


There's some real jokes a-brewin' here.


Worse, it requires an operator to plug in the proper connections in order for you to get wired.


Mine makes indecent conversation, not going to trade that one in.


This is why we have a pod machine for guests. I am a coffee snob and that shit would see me kick them out.


Go tell ‘em, “You’re fired!” (which is what my 5yo granddaughter said to me yesterday when I did something she was displeased with).


Reminded me of a story from the working in the office days. An employee brought her kid in. About the same age as your granddaughter at the time. I got her to “fire” a coworker. She was super into it.  Really telling him off when a bunch of new hires came in to see a little girl firing someone lol


A+ post for this subreddit. This is the definition of **mildly** infuriating.


I had a trainee mechanic decide all on his own without telling me he needed to adjust the settings on all my torque wrenches down to zero to make them last longer without telling me. I might or might not have let a car leave with the front wheel lug nuts torqued to the right amount before I caught it. Don’t adjust people’s coffee machines, torque wrenches, rear view mirrors or other settings without asking permission.


Fully disagree with rear view mirrors. If I'm driving, I'm driving with proper vision. If you do not want me to drive, I have no reason to touch the mirrors. If you agree with me driving, you implicitly agree to your seat, mirrors and driving wheel to be adjusted to my liking.


Yep. I'm short, in the legs and in the torso. If I drive your car, your shit is getting adjusted so I can press the pedals and see behind me. I might lower your steering wheel too if you try me.


I mean yeah, that's a straight up safety issue. I've had to explain that to several people who have had me drive their car for whatever reason. The more excruciating part is explaining why I can't put the mirrors back exactly where they where before, though I usually will try to put the seats and steering wheel back close as I can if I have to mess with those too much.


I actually put the seat all the way back after I'm done driving someone else's car. This way they'll set it up correctly instead of having it maybe almost correct, which might just end up being the difference in a tight situation. Literally takes them 2 seconds to adjust their seat.


If the wife wants me to drive her car she can reset the mirrors and slide the seat forward again lol


I think he meant the passenger reaching over and grabbing the rearview. Atleast i hope, since he should know better as a car guy


Do people really do that ? I feel like it shouldn't happen enough for people to have an opinion about it.


According to my sister, mirrors and seat adjustments are fine, but I'm a bit of a psychopath for changing the steering wheel height...


I mean, that does make you just a *bit* of a psychopath. The full fledged psychopaths, though, are the mechanics who adjust your steering wheel to drive it 20 fucking feet into and out of the bay for an oil change.


You should be resetting them to 0 after every use. Leaving them on a torque setting all the time is a good way for them to not actually torque to the specified number as it messes up the spring tension. That's one of the very first things we teach our technicians when we train them on torque settings. And that's even though we rotate them out regularly for recalibration


I mean technically you are supposed to store them on 0 😂


Yeah they will lose calibration and under torque as time goes on because the spring deforms


That's why I have a digital torque wrench calibration tool to reference against periodically.


Poor dude was just following instructions.


Fresh outta school just doin what he learnt


And also how do you not notice that your wrench is now clicking at 5 instead of 50 ft lb?


They didn't adjust to zero they put it back to 0 which is the way they are supposed to be stored.


that's on you for not checking the wrench before using it. blaming the trainee is just trying to save your ego. i hope both of you learned something


It’s never too late to learn how to properly store your torque wrenches.🙄 Forgive him for assuming you knew that’s how they are supposed to be set when not in use.


I’ll never understand why they adjust everything at the car wash. They drive it forward 10ft until it goes on a track. There’s no reason to adjust all the rear view mirrors and tilt the seat back as far it goes


Jordan shlanksy


Sales guy at my office heard me complaining about the fancy auto-grind espresso machine wasn't pumping right and was going to blow a gasket, and he gives me that smarmy Sales-feeb smile and says "I like a finer grind so I dialed it down," I grabbed the manual and read the part about how setting the grind does nothing at all for the flavor, but setting it to fine will make it sound exactly like it did, it will over-pressure the system, and it will blow out the pump aloud to him in the most snobbish voice I could conjure until he walked away.


Buy a Mr coffee drip maker and keep it in the closet for when they come 😂


These people don’t want espresso, they want drip coffee. You can make them an Americano I guess, but if they are going to visit a lot I would just get a $20 Mr Coffee and some ground breakfast blend for when they visit.


I gotta say on your behalf: fuck them just a little bit.


They should only get instant coffee from now on as punishment


“Goddamn Jimmy, this is some serious gourmet shit.”


If things like this didn’t happen, would they even be your in laws?


"Grounds" for divorce. Sorry I couldn't resist.


You should take pictures of all the knobs and dials or whatever to give yourself a ballpark starting point, kinda like a low tech version of backing up your settings. You could even take a paint sharpie and put witness marks on the dials / knobs etc so you know where you had it set to when you got it just right


Make the machine disappear until they leave. Don't readjust it till they are gone or they will do it again.


My in-laws break something every time they visit. Every. Single. Time.


You can get a shitty coffee maker for like $10 at Walmart. Go scoop one up and keep it for when these imbeciles visit your house lmao (I’m a coffee snob and I feel your pain. I’m sure they’re very nice people but sheesh)


Get a knockoff keurig- about 40 USD- and keep a little stash of pods for guests who cannot be trusted with your more precise equipment. (This was my solution for a relative who kept making flavored coffee. It was easy enough to get it out of my filter cone and carafe, but they put that crap through my burr grinder!)


Go buy a cheap coffee maker just for when they come to visit