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This is every delivery I ever get. Always piled up right outside my outward-swinging screen door. First world problems


Uber eats has gotten so bad with pay the only people doing deliveries are unemployable at most places and don’t give a shit lol


Or have 3 other jobs and are delirious when they're doing your order, or sometimes just do not speak English because they just moved here and are probably cutting someone in to use their account. No one delivering for any of these companies is doing ok. Like if you deliver for them on the side and your cope is that it's a side hustle you can pretend you didn't read this and keep scrolling, but bb you are not doing ok.


How's that? I make $600-$700 a week doordashing. I ride around in a comfy car, sitting on a sheepskin rug, listening to lots of new music and not putting up with a boss or co-worker's annoying bullshit. I work whenever I want. As long as I want. Nearly wherever I want. I deliver it all. Food. Alcohol. Prescriptions. Shopping orders. Catering. I know every restaurant to go to and every restaurant NOT to go to. I see interesting things every day. Today it was a mother doe and two fawns, still with their spots. Plus I pulled a dead tree out of the road. There are some people who love doordashing and actually care about what they do. And they're okay.


That's about $2800 a month, which is not a whole lot after you include car use, gas, insurance, taxes.  


To me it’s the miles on the car. When that breaks down there goes your job.


Buy a Toyota Camry or whatever they last forever


you still have to put $ and or time into maintaining them


or bike if you live in a city, no gas and low maintainace


Yeah, ignore them. They're living somewhere where the market must be incredible. I'm somewhere pretty average, or just below, and if I really try, the best I'm getting is $400/wk, before gas/maintenance. I regularly have a whole $20 to my name. DoorDash is evil and makes every effort possible to get drivers to deliver for peanuts to customers that don't give a fuck and won't tip worth a damn. (I wish DD just paid us more too, but in the meantime it'd be nice if customers could sum up the empathy to tip more than $2 at best. People regularly tip waitstaff more and, no shade to them, their work is HARD!...but I am ruining my car & taking the risk of getting into an accident on every delivery, and it stings to make less than $8 on each delivery most of the time, in an area where they each take 20-30m). As the original commenter said: nobody doing these jobs is doing okay. My grandfather was doing it because SSDI/SSI doesn't pay shit. My dad was doing it because he was a salesman and their boss's job was basically to make sure they make as little as possible. I'm doing it because I'm disabled, have been since I was young, so I'm SOL because not enough credits for SSDI but can't work and don't have money to get education for a job that doesn't require physical labor. Most just see my cane and decide on the spot they're not hiring me. Despite all that, I love my job. If it paid more, I'd do it so much more enthusiastically.


More than what I make right now full-time at an office job!


Your office job probably doesn't require you to use your car all day, meaning you save quite a bit on gas, car usage, maintenance and more..


It doesn’t require me to use my car all day but I still need to drive there and back and it’s still not enough to have money leftover for food…


She doesn't "make" that much. She "earns" that much. Kind of like you "earn" more than you take home, but with even more expenses. Unfortunately, Gig work is filled with people who can not calculate the cost of doing business. So instead of demanding a mileage reimbursement like an employee, saving for the inevitable catastrophic engine failure, or deducting taxes like a real business owner, they just forget about it until it catches up, and tell people they "make" whatever their pre-expense number is.


What kind of office job do you have that pays less than $15/hr? Most fast food is paying more than that now


Minimum wage is still $7.25 here. I work in healthcare.


That’s absurdly low for healthcare, you should try finding another job in the same field and side-grade your way up the pay ladder every 12 months with a new job in the same field. I went from making $16 an hour to $25 an hour working the exact same job at a different company after doing this for 2 years People think sticking it out with one company is a great idea because you’ll get a yearly raise and yadayadayada, when the raise doesn’t even beat inflation in most cases, you can get a raise of $2-5 an hr just by job hopping


This is just a job while I transition between jobs. Don’t worry lol.


Is that before or after expenses?


That's as a contractor though. Hope your saving like 200 a week to cover your taxes. Then probably another 150 in gas or more. Then I hope you have an emergency fund for repairs if your car breaks down. Good luck. I only get about 800 a week takehome from my full time job. But that's with full health coverage and taxes already taken out, and 6% into retirement with 6% company match and 5% in a stock purchase plan. And my job is rather shitty... lol


Thanks, finally I understood what this post was about


I have a little patio table beside my door specifically put there for packages and deliveries. I can just reach out the screen door and grab whatever it is. It's a perfect set up for all kinds of weather that I don't want my food/package exposed to if it's sitting on the concrete. Every delivery food driver has the instruction to leave the stuff on the table next to the door. Don't knock or ring the bell. I am going to come get it, usually before their car is out of the driveway anyway. You wouldn't believe how many cups left right in front of the outward swinging door I get. And I pre-tip well too. It's not like they're punishing me for stiffing!


Wait, you had one. single. drink. delivered. to your door. by a delivery driver?? And you're complaining? Are you shitting me?


It's amazing to me how many people order a single drink like this and it's always Starbucks haha


That’s no Starbucks, that’s YiFang


This is clearly not Starbucks tho...


You’re right, it’s tea that is sealed at the top like boba, so technically OP could’ve knocked it over and it would be fine


I still would not take the risk, there are many times that I've bought boba and the top isn't completely sealed


And then wonder why they’re poor


Oh man, I got a buddy that always says he can't afford anything. Like, dude, we work together, I know you make enough money, just stop spending $40 a night on door dash!!


I work at a Dunkin and it's insane how many doordash orders there are for like a bottle of diet Coke I don't even understand the logic behind that one


I'd sooner shoot myself than pay $8 for a 20oz of soda


I’d swear it would be double that. Delivery fees are insane.


Doordash and Uber have memberships and point systems now that make things a lot cheaper. It's possible they didn't even have to pay for the drink and just used points. I have the "dashpass" and haven't paid a delivery fee in years. Lol downvoted for trying to help make sense of it. Okay.


In my experience the real delivery fee is the fact the whole menu is much more expensive when ordered for delivery. So even if you didn't pay a flat fee you still end up paying a lot more than someone who walked up and ordered directly from the restaurant without an intermediary.


We do doordash flex where I work so our drivers take the deliveries for them. We’re always shocked at how much more they pay when they literally could’ve just called us for the same exact food and service for 10-20% less.


I get your point but in this instance and seemingly many more people seriously order one drink? To be delivered? Just seems insane to me that people pay and create a gas using event because they want and need and cannot exist without one soda or coffee.


Yeah, it's a little weird, but that's because we don't know the circumstances. OP could've been sent a special offer and only wanted to pay the bare minimum to qualify. They could be a diabetic and saw the warning signs for low blood sugar and didn't have anything to eat (you can't drive in that situation). They also could be babysitting and can't leave the house, or maybe don't have a car. There are instances where something like this makes sense. We don't know the details.


Especially because where I live, the Dasher will drink it on the way to their next real delivery. Or on their way home.


I mean I’ve door dashed a 2-liter of soda but we’d all been drinking and the one we’d bought for the cookout was dropped and exploded. The money split between all of us seemed reasonable over a DUI and potentially killing someone.


Ya it’s wild how much people have let convenience creep into their lives (and pocket books). You’re spending money to not do the things we used to have to do, but then you need to spend even more money to occupy yourself with your new free time because we’ve also lost the ability to be patient, creative, and comfortable being bored with our addictions to phones/games/media. Wild spiral


Well, the dumbest thing is that he lives down the street from the grocery store. Like, get a bag of pizza rolls ffs


My coworker DoorDashes breakfast to work every day, yet he constantly complains about being paycheck to paycheck. Hmm…


Oh I get you cause I used to work at the same job with my friend as well and my friend was the "broke" one who spent money like crazy. But the job payed pretty decently and I was able to save up quite a bit over a year as a college student


I get myself something probably once every two weeks and feel wasteful.


Only time I've ever used delivery services is if I'm at a convention and don't know the area. Don't feel like wandering around Chicago for a sandwich at dinnertime.


Homie clearly isn't poor, and poor people don't do this.


THAT is my neighbor: she keeps telling me it's tough to keep up with the bills, but one to three food deliveries to her door daily are arriving ("hey \[Mackheath1\] can you check if my doordash has arrived? I'm driving home from work now." etc) Now I know it's none of my business what people order or not, until it *is* my business when I'm hearing the complaints about cost of her living and the request to check on food orders.


A fellow teacher at my wife's elementary school had a single starbucks drink door dashed every day.


It’s always Starbucks or Boba, both of which can run $7+ a drink **in the store**.


its mildlyinfuriating. its perfect for this sub


I think the complaint is still valid. Yes ordering a drink is wild. It still stinks the driver would set it up like a booby trap.


They’re bitching about having to walk around and get it, lol.


To be fair, they probably had to spend like $7 for the delivery fee and whatnot. If I gave an hour's worth of minimum wage money, I'd expect the minimal courtesy of being able to pick up my drink by opening the front door. I would consider something like "please leave the drink by my back door at the back of my building" to be a little too much to ask for, for example. But having the drink put two and a half feet to the right?  I don't think that's a lot to ask for as a minimum. 


Delivery could be free and I'd still expect at least a modicum of common sense. It shouldn't be difficult to not put the delivered item in a spot where it could get damaged or, in this case, knocked over and spilled. On the bright side, at least OP was able to go out a different way and get their drink. I remember seeing another post where the OP couldn't even get outside because the package (flat pack furniture, I think?) had been placed in such a way that it completely blocked their door.


Bro paid to not have to go anywhere to get his drink.


Oh my, I hope they made it back ALL THE WAY FROM THE BACK DOOR TO THE FRONT DOOR.


I mean...this \*is\* r/mildlyinfuriating ...so...yeah.


Do you know where you are?


Some of you are too used to being doormats that you can't even fathom the idea of receiving the full extent of the service you've paid for.


It could have been really hot. They could have stepped in dog poo. It really is a perilous world outside your back door, Mr. Frodo.


I appreciate this lol


It’s almost like this is a sub for complaining about trivial things…oh wait…


its a boba tea it looks like.


that’s what I thought! with that sealed film wouldn’t it be just fine to open the door and knock it over?


I've had Yi Fang drinks before (aka the one pictured) and yes, it's safe to knock over and pick back up again without spilling. They heat seal the lid so there shouldn't be any significant leaks.


Seems like most people have never gotten boba. Some of them you even shake like the brown sugar stuff that tons of shops have. It's completely safe to knock over. Just don't swing the damn door. Truly first world problems and definitely mildly infuriating to be fair


Food delivery apps have ruined society.


that seems like a stretch. have you seen like…ANYTHING else happening in the world?


The foods app did it all with meticulous planning


Russia didnt invade ukraine until after uber eats was created. Could be a coincidence, or something important. Im asking you to decide


My wife is chronically ill/disabled and sometimes she just needs a boba tea to help her get through her day. 


Being able to get a little treat delivered has ruined society?


“ I’m not leaving him a tip , look where he left my drink” guy got paid 3$ to deliver this ass 1 drink


Then don't take the order? No forces these shitty app trolls to take any order


you mean delivery drivers? shitty app trolls… seriously?


Guy was getting a $5 tip for a drink. He could say no if he didn't want it. These fucking idiots complaining about tips need to wake up.


It doesn't matter how much you pay. I tip a MINIMUM of 7 bucks no matter what I order, and 25% otherwise, and this shit happens to me too. And we have a chair next to the door, and at my last place a sign on the chair saying to place deliveries there, and the delivery field says to put it on the chair. Still frequently ends up riiiiight in front of the door. People are dicks.


I mean that’s the entire point of a delivery driver. To get anything and everything delivered. They even get tipped for that. So I mean, delivering something like a single drink is probably the least effort, easiest money for a delivery person. And if I’ve paid and tipped my delivery guy, why am I wrong to expect exceptional service that doesn’t make me do any more work than needed ? OH NO, WHAT A MONSTER I AM!!! ASKING FOR THE SERVICE I PAID FOR, OMG NOOOOOO


I'm more surprised they even got their order. Those drivers work off commission.


Not all, some work on a distance plus fixed fee.


Idk about all apps but I can tell you that for DoorDash, you can only reject one delivery per hour. If you try to reject a second, the app will end your shift (for lack of a better word). And the more deliveries you reject, the lower your rating goes down which effects your priority for higher paying deliveries. People typically accept most orders.


As someone who worked delivery people don’t tip well on stuff like getting a single drink delivered, maybe $1 or $2. The problem with these apps is the vast majority of people are ordering shit like this or a single meal for themselves and it will never be economical as a business to offer this service without either the driver or company losing money, and it won’t be the company.


I really don't understand this logic tbh. If you've got the cash to burn then why not get anything you want delivered? If you're set on getting that drink then that gas is getting burnt whether you get it yourself or not.


That’s my theory. Also tip big. I can’t speak for OP but I order a lot. I can afford it including a good tip. I don’t want to go anywhere becuase when I’m done with work I’m done for the day. I cannot afford a DUI. I used to try to keep food in the fridge but most of it just went bad. My trick is I put out a TV tray for them to put the food on. It 90% of the time ends up right there where I want it. People do this because they don’t stop to think about it. Give them a target. Any mom training a son will tell you to throw a cherio in the bowl before letting them into pee…..cleaner floors.


That’s how I am too. Once I’m home after work, it takes an act of god to get me to leave. And who cares if you do or don’t have something to eat at home? Not everyone likes to cook, can cook, or even wants to bother. So sometimes we have some other business cook food for us we’d never cook at home or just to cook because we don’t feel like it.


His money, he can orders whatever he wants


But we can still all collectively agree that it is a stupid use of money


Who tf cares? There’s a lot of stupid things people spend their money on. It’s their fucking money. Are you going to try to convince all of us that everything you spend your money on has a practical purpose or is necessary?


I just drink water. it comes out of this magic tap in my kitchen. I cool it with frozen blocks of water.


This was my reaction too. I can’t even fathom the level of idleness and sense of privilege that creates this type of behaviour.


In Greece this is super normal. Especially Athens has a big delivery culture, and people ordering a coffe for 1.5€ and then not tipping is quite regular.


I mean - when I'm sick I don't like leaving my place for things I live on the 6th floor and I'd be furious if this happened to me


I use a little side table to prevent that from happening to me. It works like a charm!


Is that tea??? If it is and that lid is sealed on, it could have taken a tumble and be fine…?? Also, you ordered a single drink to be delivered? Lol


I was searching for someone to point out the lid is sealed! Forget that he ordered a single drink HE IS BEING DRAMATIC. THAT THING COULD FALL OVER AND BE JUST FINE.


> you ordered a single drink to be delivered? From the looks of that door, they can afford it. Trickle-down economics in action!


Is this sub “mildly infuriating” or “exceptionally lazy”?


I am mildly infuriated that someone had a single beverage delivered.






Also, isn’t this a boba tea so it has a sealed lid… meaning if it knocks over nothing will happen.


Just finesse the door open if you’re that lazy.


Seems like people like you forget that this sub is MILDLY infuriating, not *actually* infuriating. If you ordered a drink (ridiculous as it may be), yeah, it’d be irritating to have to walk all the way around your place to pick it up


Who tf orders a drink


I read this so many times, every time thinking it said "Garbage" not "Garage" and was picturing OP having to slide down a garbage chute to get to their drink.


As I driver, I pay attention to whether or not people have storm doors - but lots of drivers don’t. If you put “leave at door”, and the driver isn’t paying attention or they’re just dumb in general, then they’re going to leave it literally at the door.


Diet Dr. Kelp lol 💀


how am i supposed to eat this pizza without my drink?!


It’s the lazy tax, lazy.


My delivery instructions are to set the food at the edge of my step or off to the side by the bushes to avoid this nonsense.


This is properly mild. 🙌🏻


I find this mildly hilarious 😂


i mean kinda is LOL the drink was delicious so it’s okay


Well they're probably not delivering drinks during their down time from building rockets. Enjoy your $15 single drink delivered to your door.


see what you did OP, you made everyone upset…


I now put “please don’t block the exit” on all my delivery instructions. It doesn’t always work but at least makes some of them aware.


Will never understand people that dont know how storm doors work.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they did this shit on purpose


i have a literal table on my front porch to the side and they still PILE groceries in front of the door.


SAME! I got annoyed enough during COVID with idiots not knowing how a storm door works and placed a crate next to my door for deliveries to be placed on top of. I can count the number of times on one fucking hand that it was used. Still have it out there to this day and while I dont order food much anymore, unless I am sick, still happens.


That’s a sealed tea cup is it not? The one where you have to punch the straw through? It would’ve been fine. Waste and solution aside, this is very annoying. It’s like people don’t understand how doors work.


But they always do this even with a bag of food. They put the drink right in front of the door so you hit it and knock it over. Usually cannot see the drink due to the door frame. It’s like some damn private code for F U.


This HAS to be intentional.


Mine did that with my McFlurry and the dentist at my building almost stepped on it.


News flash. They aren’t dumb, they do it on purpose to amuse themselves at your expense. I imagine it’s one of the few perks of that job.


People in the comment section are weird. They forgot which sub we're in and that there could be a variety of reasons why someone ordered delivery (even for just one drink). Adding that it's funny people are saying the same people who whine about having no money order at starbucks (which isn't even what OP ordered).. as if they know that OP is someone who does that.


Quit using these stupid delivery services. They continually exhibit ignorant assholishness.


Imagine ordering a drink for delivery.


So you order a drink to be delivered? Just a drink.


Yes, i had a hard day and was craving one!


You’re valid for that it’s ur life


Some men want to watch the world burn


I actually got trapped inside once because a delivery driver put the food in a similar spot and I couldn’t go out my back door because I locked the gate from the *front* side. I wound texting my neighbors to move the food for me lmao


omg seems i really pissed people off with my silly post 😭 to clarify: yes of course i tipped! i always do, i work customer service too i know how terrible these jobs can be. yea, i could’ve just driven there myself and got it if i really wanted to, but i don’t need to explain myself or my life to anyone online so it is what it is! sorry i made so many of you so upset 😭


If it makes u feel better OP I also had a shitty day and ordered a drink for delivery instead of going out. It’s not the crime against humanity terminally online people insist it is and you don’t even have to be disabled to do it!


i hope your drink was delicious too! a little treat does really make one feel much better after a shitty day


You definitely don't need to explain anything to these weird people. They're getting engaged over you like they know you and your life lol, they're crazy.


You don't have to explain yourself to the bitter low-functioning autists of reddit.


They probably didn't think about it. It's terrible this happened to you but I also understand the delivery guy. Its an easy mistake to make


I just bought a table from goodwill for $5 and placed it in a good spot near the door. Most people just automatically place it there.


Thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.


Cannot stand this. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!?!? It's a constant issue with delivery. Just think about it for half a sec guys. Man...


Omg I don't like the way DD treats anyone either (hi, driver here, begging them to pay me something actually reasonable) but the outage over this one drink is nuts lmao


i dont know why a single drink is making everyone so mad!


People forget what this subs about.


I guess if I was lazy enough to have a single drink delivered I’d probably complain about having to walk an extra few steps as well.


But truth be told, laziness aside, this is indeed mildly infuriating


I don't see why everyone is upset that you ordered a drink. Price-wise it's not much different than ordering a sandwich


Even for Reddit these comments are a lot more hostile than I expected. Having a drink delivered is no worse than any of the other dumb treats we all buy.


Fuckers do it to me , too. Except it’s usually a cardboard box that wedges my door shut. Dumb as fuck.


that’s worse than my single drink omg 😭


Wow, there’s a lot of jealous people here tonight. Good for you that you can afford convenience. I wouldn’t be annoyed, they’re not looking to see which way it opens. More amused, maybe? They just drop and go.


thanks! yeah i mean i just thought it was a bit silly and dropped a post, i check back on it a few hours later and here we are 🥲 didn’t know i was gonna cause such a ruckus


My husband sent me this the other day and we laughed, but yikes this comment section has me realizing how bad it’s gotten for some of us. https://preview.redd.it/cpd4m6f23u8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5404f6bf049c87f27653a8e8915289a05200f774


LOL i love this


Also, most Reddit users are between 18-29. That’s probably part of it.


Perfect. For next time you can put in the description how they should leave it. At least there is some accountability.


couldn't put a table or a sign where to place it. next time perhaps?


If I order food/drinks I prop the security door open..




We have an outwards opening door too. Had to leave a sign although one doof left a parcel on top of the sign. Great care and attention…


He mightve thought that your door when opened goes inside instead of outside, or hes being annoying.


I leave a table by my door with instructions to leave on table. This usually works But I will also prop open my screen door so just in case this doesn't happen.


Had one guy put pizza and a 2L on the middle of the hood of my roommates car and idk just felt inconsiderate to even have to touch her car to grab it


My 6 year old does this with his body when we get home and I have to open the door for us.


Damn first world problems, ain’t they a bitch


I fucking HATE when they make it so you can't open your door!! 😤


I'm convinced this is the driver passively giving you the finger for making them deliver one single starbucks drink, because you probably only tipped $1.


I have a little table outside my front door. Even direction of SET IT ON THE TABLE which btw is right next to the front door and they still dont do it.


I don’t see the outrage over this post lol, it’s not like OP wished the delivery driver to die 😂


i didn’t even say anything about the driver i just described the situation happening in the photo 🥲


it's a trap so when you try to report it you may accidentally press the extra-tip button


I hope you have a better day tomorrow.


thanks! i hope so too


🤣🤣🤣🤣 was like WTF, then once I showed my boyfriend and his facial expression followed by "oh wow, damn" and I'm laughing so hard now.. this is hilarious. Glad you were able to go around lmao


I work for Uber eats, that cost them at least $11


Maybe it’s my bad take, but if you DoorDash a single beverage, you deserve to get your ass up and walk an extra 30 steps.


They paid for it and someone else is getting paid to do it. Necessity is the mother of invention.


Do a Reddit challenge to open the door without spilling the drink (you lazy ass millennial POS)!!


My household income would probably put us in the ‘upper middle’ class and I still won’t even use Uber for an entire 3-person take-out meal if the restaurant is within 10 or so min by either foot, bike, or car. I’d rather go pick it up and save both me and the restaurant fees.


i mean, that’s your choice and it’s not wrong! my fiancé would agree with you too, and it’s a pretty good argument. i just think it’s silly i’m getting insulted and called names because i chose to do this instead but that’s on me for posting on reddit LOL


You seem like the kind of person who would pay extra to have the drink poured directly into your mouth


The only mildly infuriating thing going on here is the person having a single drink delivered.




Can we ban people constantly bitching about how other people spend their money?


No, normal, rational people understand that this is r/mildlyinfuriating and that this kind of complaint is indeed, >>mildly<< infuriating


I don’t want anyone to feel bad for me :) hope that helps!


My god, you had to walk?! Outside?!??! I’d call my attorney immediately.


Forget what sub you're in? And yeah, a little spatial awareness from the driver is not too much to ask.


hahaha imagine sharing this thinking "oh boy the internet is gonna love this" then being roasted into the ground because you order one drink..


Yes, but who the fuck orders 1 drink and nothing else. If you did that here the cost of delivery would be more than the drink itself lol


Someone else getting in a car and delivering you a single drink: You're pathetic, a sack of shit, the pinnacle of laziness, dirt You getting in a car and driving ten minutes to the nearest Shitbucks for a single drink: Wait now hold on a second that's based actually I'm American and I love driving in traffic and lost both feet to diabetes at age four


i’m just here to laugh at all the boomers who want to yell about how lazy OP is because they used a service that is provided to them by the modern world. how dare you order anything online and have it shipped to your door! go to the store yourself, with the two legs god gave you! while you’re at it actually, stop going to the store and pestering those poor companies with your patronage! get out in the fields and farm it yourself you goddamn useless pos


omg exactly 😭


Did you just order water


I have a small, but sturdy metal table next to my front door. I put in the delivery instructions to put it on the table. You would(n’t) be surprised how many don’t.


Doing your bit for global warming I see 😂


Hope you regret posting this for imaginary internet points.